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Dewi Anjani Legend of Lombok Folklore Complete About Dewi Anjani | Un1x Project | At one
time near the land of Alengka (the place of the giants), it was a hermitage called Gunung
Sukendra. The hermitage was inhabited by Resi Gotama and his family. Resi Gotama is a
descendant of Bathara Ismaya, son of Prabu Heriya from Mahespati. Resi Gotama has an older
brother named Prabu Kartawirya who will later bring down Prabu Arjunasasrabahu. For his
services and devotion to the gods, Resi Gotama was awarded a heavenly angel named Dewi
Windradi. From the results of his marriage they were blessed with three children Dewi Anjani,
Guwarsa (Subali) and GuwaResi (Sugriwa).

Year after year, Dewi Windradi, who was always lonely because she was married to an old
brahmana, was finally tempted by the romance arrow of Bhatara Surya (Sun god). It happened
when the goddess often basked in the sun in the morning. A secret relationship is so intertwined
so neatly that it has not been known for years by Resi Gotama, as well as by his three sons who
have reached adulthood. As a result of a small mistake made by Dewi Anjani, the fabric of love
that had lasted for quite a long time, finally revealed and had a very bad effect on the family of
Resi Gotama.

Because of her great love for Dewi Anjani, Dewi Windradi ignored Bhatara Surya's message,
giving her inheritance to Cupaniik Astagina to Anjani. Even though when giving Cupumanik
Astagina to Dewi Windradi, Bhatara Surya had warned not to be seen as a thing of manhood, let
alone someone else, even though it was his own son. If the message is broken, something
unexpected happens.

Cupumanik Astagina is a heritage heirloom which according to the provisions of the gods should
not be dillhat or possessed by humans naturally. This ban is due to Cupumanik Astagina besides
having the extraordinary efficacy of supernatural powers, it also contains the secrets of real
natural life and the realm of preparedness. By opening Cupumanik Astagina, through the bowl
we will be able to see clearly and clearly the picture of heaven that is all innocent, holy and full
of pleasure.
But the encouragement of love for his daughter has forgotten the message of the Lord Surya.
Dewi Windradi gave Anjuman the Cupumanik Astagina, accompanied by a message not to show
the object to either his father or his siblings.

An error was made by Anjani. One day when he would try the supernatural powers of
Cupumanik Astagina, his two brothers, Guwarsa and Guwarsi saw him. There was a commotion
between them, fighting over Cupumanik Astagina. Anjani cries to report to her mother, while
Guwarsa and Guwarsi complain to her father. Even Guwarsa and Guwarsi emotionally accused
his father, Resi Gotama had done an unfair act by raising Anjani's gold. An action that deviates
from the nature of a receipt.

His two sons' accusations made Resi Gotama's heart sad and concerned, because he felt he had
never done anything like that. Immediately he ordered Jembawan, his loyal assistant to summon
Dewi Anjani and Dewi Windradi. Because of his fear and respect for his father, Dewi Anjani
gave her father Cupumanik Astagina. Anjani is frank, that the object is a gift from her mother.

While Dewi Windradi was silent in silence, she did not dare to be frank, from where she got the
objects. Dewi Windradi is like being faced with simalakama fruit. Being frank, will reveal his
dark relationship with Bhatara Surya. Being silent, just means not respecting her husband.

The silent attitude of Dewi Windradi made Resi Gotama angry, and condemned him to become a
stone statue, which he threw into his magic, and fell in the Alengka royal Argasoka garden
accompanied by a curse, later becoming a human being after being struck to the giant's head.

For the sake of justice, Resi Gotama threw Cupumanik Astagina into the air. Whoever found the
object, he was the owner. Because of the urge of lust, Dewi Anjani, Guwa Resi Guwarsa and
Jembawan immediately pursued the objects. But Cupumanik Astagina seemed to have a wing. A
moment has passed behind the hill. Cupu is split into two parts, falling to the ground and
changing into a lake. The Cupu section falls in Ayodya country to Telaga Nirmala, while the lid
falls in the middle of the forest to become Sumala lake.
[The myth that lives in the Dieng community says that the Merdada Lake, which is located 3.5
kilometers from Dieng Village, is considered the incarnation of Cupu Manik Astagina. Near
Telaga Pengilon or Telaga Cermin (supposedly stories, can be used for mirror glass) there is Goa
Semar. Local people believe it to be a former place for the Bodronoyo or Semar. This rock cave
has a length of about five meters and is sacred by the Dieng people].

Anjani, Guwarsi, Guwarsa and Jembawan who thought the cup fell into the lake, just approached
the lake and jumped into it. One disaster happened, Guwarsa, Guwarsi and Jembawan each
turned into an ape man. Seeing that there was a monkey in front of him, Guwarsa attacked the
monkey because he thought the monkey was obstructing his journey.

The fight inevitably occurred between them. The exciting battle of two brothers who have
become apes is balanced. Both of them claw each other, hit each other to beat one another. While
Jembawan who looked from a distance looked surprised to see two monkeys fighting but all his
behavior and pronunciation were exactly the same as his lord Guwarsa and Guwarsi. Gingerly
approached and greeted them. Feeling that his name was called they stopped fighting. Only then
did they realize that the three had changed to become apes. And they hug each other! crying over
what happened to them.

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