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5 " Prefixes: creating new meanings amma HERE A Preposition-based prefixes: different meanings ‘Overs may indicate (a) a8 excess of something, or (b} somthing thar covers or dominates something, ot fe) the eossng of some kind of barre. (a) EXcISS ” That lm was overated io my view [people said it was beter than i cally wal Ie was a bad restaurant, with an overpriced mend. [oo high prices) {b) covin In this peoeam, you can choose to overwrite the existing fle orto sae it as new fle. coveseeplac the old text withthe new text). ‘Out garder is overshadowed by the black of Nats next door. [the flats cast a shadow over our gacden} She always felt overshadowed by her older, move successfl, site, [meeaphorieal use, felt less imporeant than () cAoss He oversteped the mark when he said that. crossed a hareier ine pffensivefunacceptable behaviour] ‘Will you be staying overnight? [from one day 1 the next] Under- may indicate (a} Iss chan che deszed amount, of [b) something below another thing or fe) some kind of negative behavious (a) cess Don't underestimate the sie i wil ake [eink ic will bets than i ely The company is teciousy understaffed. (lacking sa] 4b) stow Tes gute wet underfoot, Didi exin lst night? [onthe grou, beneath your feet The underlying question i avery dificult one. [the deepre question) {) secanve | wish you would nor undermine everything Udo. [atack, wake) He did it ina very underhand way. (secretly and possibly dishonesty) Ups can suggest a change of some kind, often positive. The airline apgraded me co business class. changed my cer to 9 Sect chs] “There has boen an upturn ia the economy sudden change for she better) Cross (from across) usualy indicates a link between two separated things. {Cross-border cooperation has led to a number of seresty of drug smugglers [across the nies of two or more countries} (Crossculutal msunderstandings ott happen, [between people cules) HERE © Less requent prefixes Confoom: ae gers ning this ose It of ocr nt of comuiction “omen commicee condones “coed cotamiat itkrene can give the idea of sonething coming out of something They were ejected from the cestaurant for bad Behaviout. (formal: theow out] The machine emitted aloud noise and then stopped working. (formal: gave out A) often aeons adding something co something or that things ave connected, Sometimes the “ds rplaced by doubling the following consonant The building is adjacent to /adioins the hotel. orm: = next so She gave me an annotated edition of Shakespeare's works, [wth notes added) ro- can often suggest pushing something forward or inereasng Promote proliferate procrastinate procreate 2D Enon vcoblirym Ue (one 22 Exercises Decide which ofthe meanings of ever- and wnder- are most obvious in the words in bold. Use the labels (a, (b) oF (ey a8 in A opposite Circle the correct eter Use a dictionary if necessary 1 I relly think she overstated her case, and lost alot of sympathy. a hc 2 The plane’ undercarriage fled to open and it crashed, abe 3 A detailed lst of awards is given overeat z be 4 Hea a very overbearing pee-onatny. be 5 The project was underfunded oom the outset. abe 6 During the cruise, a child fll overboard and drowned. abe Rewrite these sentences using words from the opposite page. xAMELE Cooperation across the frontier has heen very good. ress-bexder ceoperation has teen very ged. 1 The hotel gave me a luxury room instead ofthe ordinary one booked 2 Would you like o spend the nighe there oF come hack te same ay? 3 The prablem tha les under the surface ea very serous one 4 Misunderstandings between cultures ae, sadly very frequent 5 Tink this hotel charges too much, 6 es slippery walking just here. Be cacful 7 The company experienced a ete in popularity since it changed is mars B 1 fel that what she said was ertcal of my position and weakened ie somewhat. 9 Ie would he a mistake to think Frances was less ineligent than she cally whi Girele YES or NO. How i the prefived word mmm fx CEE) NO fe fof these words may be used with the prefix (d)- a8 in Bb opposite? fen? Use a dictionary i€ necessary 1 locate YES NO i 2 vee YES NO 3 sate YES NO 4 mission YES. NO 5 pertain YES NO 6 minister YES NO 7 dean YES NO Write sentences cillastate the meaning of these words, Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 promote 2 proliferate 3 procrastinace 4 procreation ‘What isthe approximate meaning ofthe prefixes highlighted inthe following words? Use a dictionary i necessary. 1 abdicate abscond abduct 2 ablaze afloat adrift 3 exuaterestdal extraneous extracurricular 4 iavertelated interdepaetmencal Internet 5 intravenous intadeparemental inwance ngabcbuoy in Ure Advances) 23

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