Super Charge Love Life

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\\. i#D The Natural Way To
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Low Sex Drive & Desire chemicals that enter your body can invade and
damage the cells. These toxins and chemicals
If you are like most of us, sex will be something surround us in our environment daily. They come
that is not consistent in your life. There will often from pollutants in the air we breathe (smog), con-
be many peaks and valleys when it comes to your taminants in the water we drink (chloritre, fluoride,
sex drive and desire. If your health begins to dete- and MTBE'r), and chemicals in our homes and
rioratc, then your energy level begins to decrease. offices (cologne, perfumes, deodorants, household
This can ultimately lead you to experienc e a prob- cleaners, furniture and carpeting materials).
lem of low sex drive and desire. If your body is
not able to function at its peak, it can't perforrn Some chemicals can also behave like hormones
any of its duties well. or interfere with the hormones in our bodies. For
example, soft plastics (called phenals) are directly
Multiple factors can result in a lack of energy. toxic to our bodies because they disrupt our hor-
For example, waste building up in your body, can monal balance by acting like hormones.
potentially cause harm to your system. In order
to heighten and intensify all of your physical ex- Your body has the means of detoxifying itself, but
periences, including sex, you need to detoxify it can only do so at a certain rate. Since the envi-
your body of these harmful wastes. ronment is so full of toxins and chemicals, your
body is unable to detoxify itself fast enough. The
Stress and fatigue can also contribute to a lack toxins and chemicals remain inside of you, go
of the energy you need for a healthy sex life. through your organs, and get reabsorbed into your
When you suffer from illness or disease, your bloodstream. As a result, your body begins to break
body directs its energy away from your sex drive down and becomes unable to function properly.
towards other parts of the body to repair itself. With this breakdown goes your sex drive and
desire. You feel so weighed down, you don't even
Diet also plays an important role in the amount have enough energy for sex.
of energy you have. If you eat foods that lack the
essential nutrients, your body won't be able to In order to solve this problern, you need to enhance
provide you with enough energy. your body's detoxification process. You can do so
by supplementing your diet with Sun Chlorella
Once you begin to address each of these factors, 66A".
Chlorella's cell wall materials are able to
you will soon notice an increase in energy. This bind to the toxins and chemicals and remove them
will result in more energy so you can function from your body. This eases the detoxification bur-
nortnally, and get your love life back on track again. den on your body, and allows your body to start to
function as it should.
Detoxify Yourself
one of the many benefits chlorella has to offer is
When our bodies are fulI of harmful toxins and that it does not strip your body of any valuable

chemicals, it becomes difficult for our bodies to nutrients when it is detoxirying your body. Instead,
perform our norrnal functions. The toxins and it helps to nourish you with its high concentration
of nutrients. So, you can think of taking chlorella and routine activities, including sex. This is
as throwing out the "bad" while putting in the "good." because your body is conserving energy to heal
itself. As a result, other functions get "put on
Reduce The Stress the back burner." One of those functions is your
sex drive. Your body redirects the energy that is
Overworking in high-stress jobs and living a tur- norrnally reserved for this function toward its
bulent and emotional life often drains our body. healing processes.
Stress also drains the body by causing the body's
metabolism to increase or decrease, thus changing Essential nutrients are needed by your body
the body's normal physical functions. This, in to strengthen, nourish, and protect your immune
fufr, affects a person's mental and emotional out- system. It is important for you to eat foods that
look on life. contain these nutrients so your immune system
can function well. Otherwise, your body becomes
Stress results in many unhealthy situations for susceptible to sickness or disease because it
your body. It interferes with digestion by altering doesn't have the necessary materials to repair cells.
the movements of the stomach, so it is unable to
digest food in a norrnal manner. In addition, stress This is why it is so important for you to maintain
interferes with your body's ability to assimilate good health. A simple way to supplement your
nutrients and eliminate wastes. It also tends to diet with the nutrients it needs is to add Sun
ampliff the breakdown of weak organs and systems Chlorella to your regular diet. This tiny,
in the body. green superfood is rich in over 20 vitamins, min-
erals, and other nutrients that help keep your
Fatigue, a by-product of stress, reduces the effec- immune system healthy.
tiveness of digestion, elimination, and assimilation.
It increases the level of nerve acids and metabolic The immune system, more than any other system
wastes in the body, while reducing the level of in the body, is central to your health and well-
neural and glandular functions. Drained and tired being because it affects every other part of the
people don't want romance, love, or Sex. All they body. The healthier your immune system is,
want is the much needed rest that they aren't getting. the better your body will feel overall. If your
immune system is functioning properly, you will
Toxemia is an excess of toxic materials in the blood feel more energ tzed, alert, and responsive to Sex.
and lymphatic system, and is often a result of chronic
stress or fatigue. It may also be caused by poor Help From Diet & Nutrition
diet, misuse of drugs, pollution in the environment,
exposure to chemicals and heavy metals in the Human sexuality depends more on what we eat,
workplace, or even recurring constipation. AS where we live, and how we work than nearly
you can see, simply by eliminating stress from anything else. Dietary and lifestyle burnout often
your life, you can decrease your chances of diges- result in decreased sex drive and desire. Thus, it
tive probleffis, fatigue, and toxemia. is important to make the necessary colrections so
your love life can refurn to normal.
Health & Sex Are Related
Foods rich in nutrients help protect and nourish
If you suffer from illness or disease, your energy your body. That is why it is necessary to recon-

levels tend to decrease dramatically. There is less sider the importance of your diet when trying to
energy available to participate in many recreational increase your sex drive and desire. In order to
take a step toward making your love life better, What We Eat, Digest, And
you must make sure that your body will benefit Absorb
nutritionally from what you are eating.
Our sex lives depend on several glands, organs,
Stripped Of Nutrients tissues, and sufficient energy to perforrn well. The
reproductive system needs steady replenishing of
Most of the foods we eat are processed. In fact the necessary nutrients to function at peak effec-
they are so processed that they lose many of the tiveness. Our sex lives can be in danger if we do
essential nutrients they originally contained. not eat the right foods to produce the sex hormones
Although many foods are "enriched," synthetic our bodies require. Therefore, it is important to
nutrients are used to "enrich" them. Since your note that what we absorb into the bloodstream as
body has a harder time absorbing synthetic nutri- nutrients makes a big difference in how we func-
ents, your body won't get the amounts necessary tion sexually.
to provide energy for itself. Whole foods contain
more value because they aren't stripped of their Various tissues draw on different nutrients as they
nutrients. That is why they are the best sources make their way through the circulatory system.
of nutrients you can provide for yourself. The bones, for example, need calcium, phosphates,
magnesium, and carbonate in order to grow and
The amount of valuable nutrients contained in the function properly.
soil of most of our farmlands has decreased because
of overuse. The combination of the depletion of If your body is unable to digest or assimilate your
nutrients from the soil and the extraction of nutri- food well, even a healthy, balanced diet will become
ents from processed foods forces us to obtain unbalanced by the time nutrients reach the circulatory
additional nutrients from another source. system. This is why we need to take care of our
stomach and other digestive organs. If we don't, we
When we eat white flour, white rice, and refined will be provoking great difficulties for the whole body.
grain products, much of the valuable nutrients are
missing. Without these nutrients, these products Best Foods For Better Sex
no longer build the glands that provide the hor-
mones your body needs to function properly. There are several foods to choose from that can
enhance your sex life by improving the health
Two such hormones that can suffer from this lack of your body. Take note of what foods are part
of nutrients are progesterone and testosterone. of your lifestyle. Your body requires complete,
Progesterone is important for women because it natural, and whole foods, foods that haven't had
causes the endometrium to develop, preparing the any essential nutrients extracted and contain more
uterus to receive and maintain the ovum. Proges- nutrient value.
terone is also responsible for stimulating the
mamm ary glands and balancing excess estrogen. There are several simple ways you can alter your
diet to provide your body with more valuable
Testosterone is important for men because it is nutrients. Instead of chipS, cookies, or candy
their principal sex hormolle. Testosterone is bars, try snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables.
responsible for the development of the male sex Eating brown rice provides more nutrients than
organs and the secondary male characteristics. So, eating white rice (7 5Vo of the nutrients in brown

a low level of these hormones would definitely rice is in the bran itself, not in the rice). Use
cause problems with your sex organs. whole wheat flour instead of refined white flour.
You can also substitute honey for refined sugar. order to have a marvelous love life, you should
promise yourself that you will eat foods as whole,
You should eat foods that have a high protein quality. pure, and nafural as you can find. Every once in a
Foods such as eggs, fish, and Sun Chlorella while, the flame of love just dies simply because
are good sources, because they have enough amino you aren't eating right. Remember, you are what
acids that can be reassembled and used in your you eat, and the sex drive can't run without the
body without leaving many amino acids unused. right fuel.

Foods that contain uns aturated fatty acids are also Many people who think they have sex problems
essential to your body. This is because your body are in fact victims of bad nutrition. Forfunately,
is incapable of producin g fatty acids. Unsaturated food problems can be reversed, thus reversing
fatty acids are essential to your diet because they your sex problems.
make it easier for oxygen to be transported through
the blood to cells, tissues, and organs. They help Vitamins and minerals are equally important in
regulate the amount of blood clotting, and help to maintaining sexual activity and vitality, and should
break down cholesterol. They are also related to come from eating whole foods and well-balanced
the norrnal functioning of the reproductive system. meals. Vitamin R-12 is the most complex vitamin
Foods that are a good source of uns afrxated fatty known. It is necessary for the norrnal metabolism
acids are wheat gerrn, seeds, safflower oil, corn of nerve tissue, helps to synthesize RNA and DNA,
oil, cod-liver oil, and soy oil. and is involved in protein, fat, and carbohydrate
metabolism. Vitamin B-12 works with folic acid
Eliminate or reduce the use of alcohol, cigarettes, to prevent anemia, and helps with the placement
and coffee. Avoid fried foods, fatty foods, and of vitamin A into different body tissues.
sugar. Use herbal teas, water, and juices instead
of regular teas, coffee, and sodas. Also, eat enough A reduction of your sex drive may be due in part
foods that contain chlorophyll in them, because to a deficiency in vitamin B-I2. A lack of this
chlorophyll helps detoxiff your body. Some foods vitamin can be due to an inability to use the vita-
to consider are Sun Chlorella "A", salads, and other min, an increased excretion of the vitamin, or an
leafy green vegetables. Remember, the darker the increased need for the vitamin. The use of laxa-
green, the greater the amount of chlorophyll. tives further depletes vitamin B-12 and other
nutrients in your body.
A variety of foods should be considered when plan-
ning your meals. Different chemical elements are Vegetarians often have low amounts of vitamin B-
required by the body, and they all work together in 12 in their bodies because they do not eat animal
special combinations. You should include different protein, which is a primary source of natural vita-
ftuits, a little bit of meat, many cereal gfains, poultly, min B-12 present in substantial amounts. Thus, it
and various kinds of fish in your diet. This will is most important for vegetarians to supplement
provide your body with most, if not all, of the their diets with other foods that are a good source
essential nutrients. of vitamin B-I2.

Earn Your Good Health If you are deficient in the vitamin B-12, you might
notice early s5rmptoms of irritabihty, mental slowness,
Everyone must understand that good health is and fatigue. After a while, menstrual disturbances,

earned and deserved. It isn't something that is mild to severe mental
paleness, muscle-jerking, and
just given to you; you need to work for it. In problems may be noticed. As you can see, these
symptoms can easily lead to the destruction of a Drugs & Medications May Be
person's sex life.
Hurting You
Good sources of vitamin B- 12 are meats (liver is Your food regimen has much to do with the way
the best source, kidneys, and muscle meats), fish, your sex life will turn out. Everything you take
poultry eggs, cheese, milk, yoguft, chlorella, and into your body affects how you feel. Many people
seaweed. For vegetarians, chlorella is the highest take drugs and medications that are prescribed by
known source of vitamin B-12. their doctors to cure their ailments. However, since
some drugs and medications produce harmful side
Another vitamin that is found in chlorella is vitamin
effects in the long run, they have the potential of
A. Vitamin A is important to your body because it causing harm to your body. They are used to sup-
aids in the growth and repair of your body's tissues.
press the symptoms resulting from illnesses and
It helps your body to maintain skin that is smooth,
diseases. Without getting to the root cause of the
soft, and disease-free. It also helps to protect the
illness or disease and fixing it there, you take the
mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat, and
chance of the problem recurring. With the guidance
lungs reducing your susceptibility to infections.
of a medical professional, it could be healthier for
your body to safely reduce the amount of drugs
In addition to vitamins, chlorella also provides
and medications you take.
many minerals your body needs to function prop-
erly. For example, magnesium plays an important For example, many drugs and medications can
role in your body. This mineral activates enzymes
actually impair your sex life. Blood pressure
necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates
medications and sleeping pills have the ability to
and amino acids inside the cell. It helps your
instantly impair your sexual functions. Marjuana,
body utilize the B complex and vitamins C and E.
cocaine, and heroin cause a lack of interest and
Magnesium also helps promote the absorption and
perhaps even impotence over time. Nicotine,
utrhzation of other minerals such as calcium,
caffeire, and alcohol can lessen or even impair
phosphorus, sodiuffi, and potassium. Most impor-
your sexual function.
tantly, sufficient amounts are needed in order to
convert blood su gar into energy. Alcoholics, for example, almost always become
impotent at some point because alcohol destroys
Zinc is another mineral that is found in chlorella that
testosterone, the male sex hormone. Sfudies also
has a vartety of functions. It is related to the normal
show that nicotine impairs circulation, promotes
absorption and actions of vitamins, especially the
impotency, and may also interfere with the orgasm
B complex. Zinc is also essential to the synthesis
in women. Therefore, eliminating drugs and med-
of nucleic acids that are in charge of the formation
ications that arc unnecessary will make your love
of different proteins in different cells. Another life more exciting and enjoyable.
important function is that it is essential for the
growth and development of the reproductive organs,
and for the norrnal function of the prostate gland.
Take Care Of Your Glands
While the brain initiates sexual feelings, any follow-
If the body isn't as healthy as it should be, you
up sexual activity would be impossible without
will notice a lack of energy. Good nutrition, a
the glands. The glands are what nourish, sustain,
healthy food regimer, proper rest, and regular
and activate the human reproductive system. They

exercise will lay the best foundation for the finest
support our capacity and desire to love and repro-
sex life. Balance and total harmony is the key.
duce sexually. Love and sex would only be words
without our glands to give them life. If the glands Since a body congested with various toxins and
are weak, we must take better care of them to have chemicals rarely feels like having sex, we need
a good sex life. You have to provide the nutrients to be concerned with keeping the insides of our
necessary for the glands to function well by eating bodies clean. Taking a food containing chlorophyll,
a proper diet. You also have to have enough exer- like chlorella, is one of the best forms of insur-
cise and rest. ance because the chlorophyll helps to detoxiff
your body.
Each gland and organ requires a variety of nutri-
ents. You must feed your glands the right foods A detoxified body will have a natural defense
so hormones are made in the right amounts. These system, that is strong enough to prevent your
hormones are then able to provide the chemical body from getting infected with microorganisms.
elements needed by glands to repair and rebuild The best way to get the chlorophyll you need is
themselves. This applies to the sexual system as through an abundance of salads and leafy green
well. It too, has to be kept clean and supplied with vegetables, and a concentrated supply of chloro-
energy so it can repair itself and make hormones. phyll as found in Sun Chlorella "A".
You afe what you eat in every sense of the word.
If your sex life isn't what it should be, a part of
The point is, how and what you eat, digest, and the problem may be an unhealthy lifestyle. Diet
assimilate, can make a big difference in how your alone can never build you up as fast as you can
brain interprets your experience. A healthy person tear yourself down.
is more self-confident, feels more in chatgl, and
is less likely to have sudden temperamental out- However, when a healthy diet is joined with
bursts. Inherent weaknesses in the brain, aggta- regular exercise, enough rest, and a positive
vated by nutrient deficiencies and toxic deposits, attitude, you can experience incredible changes
can lead to some very unpleasant experiences and for the better in your life.
unfortunate decisions.
Protect Your Sex Drive Well
Benefits Of Chlorella Into OId Age
Sun Chlorella is an edible single-celled algae Less stress. There are several things that you
grown under controlled sulroundings in large can do to help protect your sex drive well into
pools of pure mineral water. The result is one old age. Try not to put yourself in stressful
of the strongest and most beneficial nutrient conditions, because stress can wear out the brain
sources known to man. and interfere with the body's functions. It can
even lead to a breakdown of your body's essential
Chlorella has more than 20 different vitamins and systems. Stress also causes fatigue, and can result
minerals and provides an abundance of naturally in a complete lack of interest in sexual activity.
occulring beta carotene (provitamin A). It con-
tains the highest content of chlorophyll (nature's Protect your bod)t It is also important to protect
most powerful cleansing agent) of any known your body from illnesses and diseases, because
plant. The chlorella growth factor (CGF), is very becoming sick can result in a lowering of the
beneficial because it promotes growth and healing available energy your body has for your daily
of your body's tissues. Chlorella is also 50% - functions. Your body will try to conserve energy

60% protein and is one of the highest natural to repair itself by diverting energy away from
sources of DNA and RNA available. your sex drive. However, once your body's
immune system is strong again, the energy will Get The Ztp Back Into Your
be directed back to its intended function. Love Life
A nutritious diet The most important factor is Once you've been able to protect your sex drive,
your diet. Everything you eat effects the way getting the zrp back into your love life should be
you feel and how you functioll. This is why it is a breeze. As always, it is necessary to have a diet
so important to eat a diet that provides all of the that is fuIl of the nutrients your body needs to
nutrients your body needs. A diet poor in nutri- function properly. Without these essential nutri-
tional value may cause the behavioral and social ents, your body will not be able to perform its
aspects of your sex life to deteriorate. "Lifeless" functions as it should, including sex. In a sense,
foods don't give your body the necessary nutrients your sex life would be in danger if you do not eat
to take care of its glands. the right foods to produce the sex hormones your
body needs.
Your glands are responsible for the follow-up
sexual activity after the brain initiates the sexual The foods rich in nutrients need to be digested
feelings. By eating a proper diet and taking care and assimilated well in your body so you have
of your glands, you will be able to notice a more a healthy, balanced diet. If your body is fulI of
enjoyable and fulfilling love life. toxins, most of the nutrients you ingest will not
be assimilated properly. The result is that your
Regular exercise. Also, exercise can help to
body will be drained of energy and unable to
make your sex drive and desire more pleasurable.
function properly. Thus, it is important that you
Exercise helps to keep your weight down, tones
eat nutritious foods that help detoxify your body.
the muscles, keeps the joints working smoothly,
An easy way to start doing these two things is by
and aids in getting blood circulation to the
supplementing your diet with Sun Chlorella "A".
extremities (especially the head and the brain).
It helps improve your digestion because it helps Feel Good About Yourself!
stimulate the process of absorption, metabolism,
and elimination. It strengthens the blood vessels, By taking Sun Chlorella "A", you will begin
the lungs, and the heart, reducing the risk of car- experiencing many amaztng benefits. Your diges-
diovascular disease. tion, assimilation, and elimination of food will im-
prove. Your immune system will also be stronger
Exercise keeps the neryes sensitive, so sex is
and healthier. Furtherrnore, Sun Chlorella '( A))
more enjoyable. It also reduces the effects of
has the ability to help you feel younger, and help
stress, which tends to reduce both the sex drive
you - your nails , hair, and skin - look healthier.
and enjoyment. The bad news about exercise is
that like any good thing, it can be overdone. Improve your weight loss. Weight gain depends
on fat, toxic build-up, allergic reactions, and
The kind of exercise that's best for you will depend
unhealthy microorganisms. Once you decrease
on your age, physical condition, personaliry and
the amount of carbohydrates and processed sugars
motivation. Here afe several suggestions on what
in your regular diet, and once you detoxify your
you can do to exercise your body: try calisthenics
body, you will see a decrease in your weight.
dancing, joggitrg, stretchitg, or yoga. The best
Toxins are stored in your cellulite, which can be
overall exercises, however, are walking and swim-
thought of as a storage dump instead of fat in the
ming. You will benefit the most from an exercise

usual sense.
program that is frequent and consistent.
Detoxification helps your body to eliminate to vitamin A.
wastes properly. It also results in a reduction
of swelling tissues because it prohibits your body Hair loss can also be the result of stress, inade-
from holding excess water and oils. Your body quate amounts of the B vitamins, magnesium,
will then feel more energized and revitalized, sulfur, or zrnc. By eliminating the nutrient defi-
allowing you to be able to exercise more easily ciencies in your body, you will notice more
without getting so tired. beautiful hair.

Start feeling )tounger. As you &Ee, your cell A great complexion If you notice dry, itchy, or
processes slow down. RNA and DNA begin to wrinkled skin, you are most likely deficient in
break down, causing cells to become less effec- several nutrients. For instance, your skin may
tive in their functions. Since Sun Chlorella A)) be dry due to the lack of vitamins A, C, or the
has such a high concentration of RNA and DNA, B complex. An iron deficient diet can lead to
it helps your body repair and rebuild damaged itching skin.
and sick cells. Your cells are more capable of
constructing RNA and DNA for your own body, Wrinkles, which are a result of the cross-linking
providing an increased amount of cellular energy. of proteins in your skin, ean be slowed down or
prevented by takittg antioxidants such as vitamins
Healthier nails. If your body is not getting all A, Bl, C,E, and zrnc. Vitamin A helps your skin
of the essential nutrients, your nails will begin feel smooth and soft. The B complex is essential
to suffer. For example, a diet deficient in protein for the overall health of your skin. Once agarn,
will result in nails that are dry, brittle, and thin. providing your body with the missing nutrients is
Insufficient amounts of protein andlor vitamin A the key to a great complexion.
also leads to a slowe r rate of nail growth. Your
nails can become fragile with horrzontal or verti- The Overall Picture
cal ridges indicating the lack of the B vitamins.
In order for your sex life to be everything you
In addition, you might notice an increase in want it to be, you must provide your body with
frequency of hang-nails due to an inadequate all the nutrients it needs so it can function effi-
intake of vitamin C, folic acid, and protein. Once ciently. Your diet should be full of natural and
you provide your body with the missing nutrients, whole foods, not lifeless and processed foods.
you will begin to notice stronger, healthier nails. By eating properly, you will feel more energrzed,
revitahzed, and rejuvenated. Supplementing
Beautiful hair. A partial lack of any nutrients your diet with Sun Chlorella An will help send

will result in hair problems. First of all, a protein you on your way towards a healthier life and a
deficiency will cause a temporary change in hair more rewarding sex life. Simply remember to
color and texfure. combine a healthy diet with regular exercise, and
don't forget to take your Sun Chlorella
A deficiency in vitamin A, as well as an over-
abundance of vitamin A, will cause your hair to
become dull , dU,lusterless, and can even lead to
hair loss. The recommended dailyallowance for
vitamin A for adults is 4,000-5,000 international

units (IU). A carrot, for example contains approx-
imately I 1,000 IU of carotene, which is converted

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