Prashna Chart For Missing Jeweller

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Prashna Jyotish Gives Amazing Results For Missing Jeweller In Captivity

It has been observed that Jupiter connection to the Lagnesh, Karyesh, Moon and the 4th house
Important for missing persons is a benefic parameter for return safely.

On the 13th Jan. 2018 Morning hours I got a Message on my Whatapp for a Missing Jeweller From
South India. The Querist wanted to know his whereabouts of the missing Friend. The Jeweller went
missing on the 12th Jan. 2018 at 12.45 Hrs. from Andra Pradesh.

The Chart is Below

At the time of the Querist asking the Query the following were the Parameters

1.The Querist was facing South Direction Governed By Mars the Lagna Lord with Moon placed in
the 12th house aspected by Jupiter and having Exchange with Mars was a Positive Parameter

2. The Nakshatra Number was 21 and Showed immediate Results.

3. The Querist was breathing from Right Nostil was Positove on the day of the Query for good
results for retrun

4. Leaking of Water Sound Lagnesh and Moon in Watery sign andhaving aspect of Jupiter was a
positive parameter. .

5 Planets in watery signs and all aspected by Jupiter in the Query chart from the 8th house
Giving relief and showing return

6. The Querist Drew the Square which indicated Positive results for Return

7. Ashtamangla Number was 348 Indicated that middle number 4 and the number on the right 8
were not bad for Return. Number 4 and 8 Indicated he has been robbed on the way but he would

All the above numbers indicated the missing Jeweller will be back Soon

Prashna Chart Analysis

The Lagna Denotes the missing Person and the Lagna Lord and the Moon in the 12th house hence
the missing person has gone out of his own willingness.

4th house the Happiness of the missing Person and shows he has been robbed on the way but since
aspected by Jupiter is not bad and the People who robbed him may feel pity on him and may
release him.

7th house indicates the path and is aspected by Mars by 8th aspect ,hence the missing person is
facing difficulties on the way.

10th house is away from home and Ketu is placed there shows the involvement of the Police
who has retained him on some vague charges together with the Trader and has been robbed.

Movable Lagna shows situations will change. The person who has gone on journey will go on
journey and hence travel

Malefics are not there in 3,6,11 and Benefics are not in the Kendra and the Trines is the most
malefic Parameter for Return

Prishtodayo sign rising and not aspected by Benefics there would be disappointments during the

Wealth of the Missing Person is seen from the 2nd House and the Lord is in the 8th house and with
Jupiter substaintal amount with the robbers, since the 8th house is the wealth of the Thiefs and
Robbers, hence the missing person has been robbed .

Positive Parameter Lagna Lord and 8th Lord Mars, Moon and 4th house aspected by Jupiter from
the 8th house.

Closest Tajik Aspect of the Lagna Lord and Mercury the 3rd and the 6th Lord the difference if 3
degrees and an Ishraaf yoga , hence there was a communication with the the Missing person for
some trade 3 days back . This is the main Parameter which acquires a special dimension, since an
inimical one since they are in 4/10 axis which led to the Captivity of the Jeweller.

Closest Tajik aspect of the Lagnesh Mars and the Karyesh Venus 7th Lord difference if 2 degrees,
Hence I told the querist that you would get some information for some Ranson on the 12th Jan.
2019 + 2 days on the 14th Jan. 2019 and accordingly he got a Ransom Call for a huge amount. I told
the Querist to refuse the same. Then they also decided to take the Case to Higher Authorities.

Although the return looked difficult but possible due to Jupiter aspecting the 4, and the 12th house
and in atticahri motion, also Moon has no malefic aspect and which is good for Return.

8th house is the House of Obstacles and impediments which has benefics hence the Missing person
can return but with loss of wealth.

The Jeweller was taken aback since what ever was discussed 3 days back before he started his
journey the party went against it and involved him is Gold Smuggling together with the Police. He
was Kept in Captivity and Ransom was demanded . Since the 9th house has afflicted Malefics the
missing Person is in Captivity specially when Saturn the Karka for the same is involved with Mercury
the Trader.
I told the Querist taking a Positive stance

The 7th Lord Venus Karyesh who also has Ithasla with Lagnesh Mars is also having ithasla with
Moon and a Kambool yoga and a positive one since they are in 5/9 axis.

See the Degrees of Moon 5.21

Venus 10.54 Difference is 5.33 days

Hence I told the Querist that the Missing Person will be Back on the 12th Jan. + 5.33 days = 18th
Jan. 2019

Most amazingly The Missing Jeweller Returned back on the 18th Jan. 2019 as Predicted , but was
robbed of his Valuables and the Jewellery he carried for a Trade.

The Native was also Running the Dasha of Jupiter-Ketu in his natal chart and these 2 Planets only
gave the Results for the Captivity and Return as per the Prashna chart since Jupiter proved to ab a
Blessings for him to return safe


Written on 19th Jan. 2019 10-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



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