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Large-Scale Biofloc Tank Culture

of Tilapia in Malawi –
a Technical Success Story
Ray Kourie

Malawi — a Fish assimilation into new

Eating Nation bacterial cell biomass.
Although Malawi BFT simultaneously
is endowed with the provides an abundant
ninth largest lake in source of “bacterial
the world and the third plankton” and a
largest and second rich source of good-
deepest lake in Africa, quality protein
overfishing resulted in and nutrients for
the collapse of the tilapia filter-feeding fish
fishery around 1990- and shrimp — BFT
1991. Tilapia, known is then rather like
locally as chambo, is the killing two birds with
country’s favorite fish one stone. Figure 2
and now costs from US$ provides a schematic
4.00-8.00/kg (R55-110/ FIGURE 1. Imhoff cones are used to measure biofloc volume in BFT tanks at Chambo Fisheries. of the process of
kg) for whole or live fish. Biofloc Technology
This is a result of market scarcity which is unfortunate considering (BFT) to promote nitrogen uptake by heterotrophic bacteria which
the massive demand for the fish and its abundant availability at very then becomes a food source for tilapia and shrimp.
affordable prices (< US$1.50/kg) prior to 1990. Population growth Experience raising tilapia in BFT, where feeding rates per unit
at nearly 3 percent per annum in Malawi since 1990 has put the area are at least 4 to 5 orders of magnitude greater than shrimp BFT
anticipated supply shortfall of fish in the country at around 80,000 t systems, is limited. Knowledge gaps remain about BFT engineering
for 2017 based on sustaining 1990 per capita supply levels. economics, tilapia feeding systems and bioenergetics, cost factors
Tilapias are the preferred fish and the national dish in the and the economics of this new technology relative to conventional
country. A substantial market exists for producers capable of tilapia aquaculture systems. Insightful experience gained at Chambo
providing whole fish more competitively than dressed broiler Fisheries fills many of these knowledge gaps.
chickens, less than a cost of US$2.40/kg (R33.00/kg) in Malawi.
Under favorable economies of scale and scope, tilapia production Chambo Fisheries
using biofloc technology represents an attractive investment Chambo Fisheries is purportedly the world’s largest tilapia
proposition if that selling price can be matched. biofloc technology (BFT) tank farm and the largest such tank farm
in Africa, located on the outskirts of Blantyre, Malawi (Fig. 3). The
Biofloc Technology farm became operational in 2013 based on the mandatory production
Biofloc Technology (BFT) is a relatively new and potentially of Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus and Shiranus
revolutionary technology that is especially productive for tilapia tilapia O. shiranus due to restrictions that forbid the importation and
and shrimp aquaculture. BFT is a sustainable and environmentally- culture of farmed breeds of Nile tilapia O. niloticus in the country.
friendly method of aquaculture that controls water quality and Despite the slow growth of Mozambique and Shiranus tilapias,
harmful pathogens along with providing value-added production compared to the best farmed breeds of Nile tilapia, good flavor
of microbial protein feed for the aquatic farm system. Bioflocs quality without purging, low feed conversion ratios (FCRs), year-
are clustered aggregations of microbial communities such as round production potential (upon completion of a shallow solar
phytoplankton, bacteria, and living and dead particulate organic pond supplemental heating system) and favorable economic factors
matter (Fig. 1). Shrimp and tilapia especially benefit from BFT due has Chambo Fisheries poised for expansion regionally. The system
to their ability to filter-feed on floc in the water column, thereby design was developed by the author of this article in his capacity as
reducing feed costs by improving feed conversion. Chief Technical Officer of SustAqua Fish Farms (Pty) Ltd. (SAFF),
The beauty of BFT is in the mechanisms for ammonia removal a South African concern, who developed the farm blueprints,
from water. Using feeds with a carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio greater production schedules, management systems and executed start-up,
than 15 results in the dominance of heterotrophic bacteria as the monitoring and management training.
major pathway for the removal of toxic nitrogenous compounds via (CONTINUED ON PAGE 26)

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Vertically Integrated Farm Design
Chambo Fisheries operates a vertically integrated farming FIGURE 2.
operation that includes a quarantine facility, broodstock pairing A schematic of
tanks, an artificial incubation room for hatching eggs collected from the process of
female brooders, a dedicated nursery system, purging tanks, a moist biofloc technology
feed milling plant, an ice plant and cold-storage facilities apart from to promote
the Biofloc Technology (BFT) grow-out tanks. Figure 4 details the nitrogen uptake
farmed production cycle of Shiranus tilapia at Chambo Fisheries. via heterotrophic
The farm has eight large round-ended (R-ended) grow-out bacteria that
tanks, each holding 780 m3 of water and capable of producing up becomes a food
to 100 t of tilapia per tank in a year, or up to 130 kg/m3 of effective source for tilapia and
rearing volume per year via a multi-cohort sequential production shrimp.
schedule, although rearing densities average only around 20 kg/
m3. Because of the cool climate near Blantyre at 1130 m above sea
level, all production facilities require placement within greenhouse
enclosures. Supplemental heat is sourced from shallow solar ponds
(SSP) coupled to a hydronic heating system that includes stainless
steel heat exchangers built into the tank floor that are regulated by
thermostatically actuated heat exchange pumps.
The design of the R-ended BFT grow-out tanks by SAFF at
Chambo Fisheries is novel in many respects. The tanks include a
built-in lamella separator for solids capture and removal. Control over
floc concentration in the water column and the retention time of fecal
and organic material is achieved by regulating water flow through
the lamella separator from a full-width floor drain in the main tank.
Water is pulled through the lamella separator through development of
a water head differential at the far end of the central channel by using
a multiple-pod airlift pump that permits flexible control over water FIGURE 3. A battery of eight 766-m3 multi-cohort sequential SAFF-BFT
pumping rate. grow-out tanks at Chambo Fisheries near Blantyre, Malawi.
Every aspect of the BFT R-ended tank design aims to minimize
capital and operating costs, taking full advantage of the superior indicating the high rate of crop turnover relative to system carrying
hydraulic environment created by the integrated R-ended tank capacity.
design, creating a beneficial streaming effect while improving the The use of a multi-sequential, multi-cohort production system
driving concentration gradient for oxygen transfer by carefully in essence doubles output production and halves input power costs
selected and positioned aeration devices. in comparison to batch production, which yields an effective P:C
Forced moderate exercise has been shown to induce muscle ratio of only 2.4. Economic viability is greatly enhanced due to
hypertrophy, improve growth rates and reduce the energetic costs the doubling of production output based on the same investment
of protein accretion. Fish that are fed under continuous moderate in equipment and infrastructure compared to a batch production
exercise exhibit a shift in metabolism to derive energy for swimming system. This unique innovation by SAFF, called the SAFF One-Tank
activity largely from carbohydrates and lipids rather than protein, Husbandry Approach, was first pioneered by the company in the
a survival mechanism to spare protein loss from the muscle. This Middle East on two RAS farms and a third RAS farm in Malawi.
results in fish at harvest with a lower fat content while FCRs are Shiranus tilapia reach an average marketable weight of 218 g
reduced, growth is enhanced, flesh texture firmness is improved, and in 189 days from hatch at a temperature range of 27-29 C. Although
fillet yields are elevated marginally (more plump fish relative to their purging fish to improve flavor quality is practiced, it is unnecessary
body lengths). Horizontal water velocity control in the range 15-30 in well-managed BFT systems because the fish carry no off-flavors or
cm/sec is achieved by adjusting the submergence depth of the paddles flavor taints. Fish are sold whole on ice and no processing takes place
on paddlewheel aerators. on site.

Multi-cohort Production Specialized Feeds Produced On Site

The farm design has been tailored to take advantage of the Feeds — including broodfish diets, starter feeds and specialized
benefits of continuous sequential production where each grow-out C/N ratio feeds — are produced on-site using a low-cost moist-pellet
tank is stocked and harvested every three weeks. This production milling plant that produces sinking pellets of medium to low water
strategy is enabled by using screened compartments (Fig. 5) where stability. The major components of the Chambo Fisheries feed plant
fish are moved in a conveyer fashion every three weeks to a larger include a hammer mill and a combination grinder, mixer and moist
compartment using simple crowding screens. This management feed pelletizer, and a horizontal dryer and grading sieves for starter
technique results in production output yields of 4.6-5.8 t every three feed production on-site.
weeks. This elevates the production to capacity (P:C) ratio to 5.5-6.2, Feeds for fish >5 g are all animal protein-free and are based

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such as copper, iron and manganese as these tend to accumulate and
are recycled through the biofloc. An iterative metal homeostasis model
has been constructed that allows for the optimization of customized
diets for BFT by SAFF given response data derived from actual

Bioenergetics and Feeding Strategy

Feed often makes up 55-65 percent of the final farm-gate
production cost in conventional tilapia culture systems, such as
greenwater ponds, lake-cage culture, and recirculating aquaculture
systems (RAS). Chambo Fisheries has been able to routinely achieve
FCRs that average around 1 feeding a 20.2 percent protein feed (equal
to a C/N ratio of 15.5) raising Mozambique and Shiranus tilapias.
Such huge shortfalls in the supply of protein in formulated feed means
that fish must obtain the balance of their needed protein — ranging
from 55-60 percent of total required protein intake — through filter
FIGURE 4. Farmed production cycle of Shiranus tilapia from a four-tank feeding on biofloc. This is not surprising considering the high carbon
biofloc technology module producing up to 400 t/yr of 218-g fish year-round. conversion efficiency via the “heterotrophic microbial loop” of around
40-60 percent into heterotrophic bacterial cell biomass and the very
short trophic pathway (lower trophic energy losses) of microbial
aquaculture systems. The basic pathway is dissolved C + N → C + N
in microbial biomass → C + N in farmed organisms.
Table 1 illustrates the advantage of biofloc-raised tilapia at
Chambo Fisheries, achieving impressive performance metrics of
36.6 percent Net Protein Retention (NPR) and 20.9 percent Net
Energy Retention (NER) on an edible meat yield basis. Based on
results achieved at Chambo Fisheries, bioenergetic feeding rate
models include the contribution of biofloc harvested by filter feeding
tilapia, ranging from 20 to 25 percent of the Digestible Energy (DE)
requirements of live-weight fish. Bioenergetic feeding rate models have
not been properly applied to biofloc tank culture of tilapia and process
optimization studies by the global research community are needed.
FIGURE 5. A single multi-cohort sequential 766-m3 SAFF-BFT grow-out The work at Chambo Fisheries by SAFF represents first attempts to
tank at Chambo Fisheries. optimize feeding rates, considering the contribution of biofloc grazing
towards meeting a portion of the daily DE requirements of the fish
solely on oilseed meals and maize plus vitamin and mineral pre- reared.
mixes. In addition to premixes, additives include choline chloride, For NPR, biofloc tilapia production is more than 100 percent
vitamin C, monocalcium phosphate, an organic acid, molasses used more efficient than tilapia production in a RAS system and 162 percent
as a nutritive binder and most importantly the use of mycotoxin more efficient than lake cage culture (Table 1). These results suggest
absorbent which is mandatory under BFT conditions in Malawi due that properly managed biofloc tank culture of tilapia is potentially the
to the high prevalence of aflatoxin and other mycotoxins in locally most efficient form of feedlot animal production, outperforming lamb,
sourced maize. broiler chickens, pigs and beef steers as well as feedlot aquaculture
Best results were achieved with a 20.2 percent protein feed systems raising Atlantic salmon in net-pens and tilapia under typical
that provides an input C/N ratio of about 15.5 based on the use of lake cage culture, greenwater pond farming and RAS conditions in
bioenergetic feeding rate models constructed by SAFF where FCRs terms of protein recovery on an edible yield basis (Table 1).
average about 1. Meal intervals were spaced four hours apart and the From an economic perspective, results at Chambo Fisheries
day’s first meal size was the largest at 50 percent of the daily Feed represents a 50 percent feed cost saving when compared to feeding
Allotment (dFA). Tests conducted using feeding trays indicated that fish on conventional 32 percent protein feeds raised in a RAS. The
all feed is consumed at the specified meal intervals, meal percentage merits of BFT include a significant reduction in the final farm-gate
of dFA and feed applied within five minutes. The ability to custom- production cost of raising tilapias to around US$1.30/kg (about R17.70/
formulate feeds on site allows for adjustments to the formulation kg) in Malawi in 2016. A comprehensive economic study based on
with ease. During the start-up of BFT, over the first 45-60 days, feeds data gathered at Chambo Fisheries shows BFT farms to potentially
require additional vitamin C fortification and sometimes the addition produce tilapia at about 60 percent lower cost than large-scale cage
of crushed garlic to improve the immune response in fish until the culture, 34 percent less than RAS and 8.5 percent less than greenwater
biofloc becomes mature. pond farming, assuming all farms are located in or near Lake Malawi.
After three months of continuous operation, it is necessary to
reduce mineral inclusion levels in BFT tanks, particularly metals (CONTINUED ON PAGE 28)

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Water Use Efficiency emissions and solids loadings into sensitive lake ecosystems such as
Another big advantage of BFT is the massively reduced water Lake Malawi.
requirement compared to conventional tilapia aquaculture systems. Four selected tilapia grow-out technologies were compared
Currently Chambo Fisheries uses around 150 L of water to produce (Table 2) on the basis of the following sustainability indicators:
1 kg fish, which compares well against greenwater pond culture that • Feed conversion ratio (kg feed/kg edible weight),
requires 2500-5000 L/kg of fish. The high annual fish yields per unit • Whole carcass protein efficiency (%),
tank surface area and volume and reduced water use in BFT opens • Nitrogen emission (kg/t protein produced),
up great possibilities for applications in greenhouse enclosures on the • Phosphorus emission (kg/t protein produced),
highlands of Africa and on the periphery of major cities, reducing • Land use (t edible product/ha), and
transport logistics to urban markets. The results obtained by Chambo • Consumptive freshwater use (m3/t).
Fisheries clearly highlight the merits of BFT as a competitive and By these measures, the SAFF-BFT system performs best,
sustainable alternative low-cost intensive feedlot technology for followed by the SAFF-RAS. Greenwater pond farming has poor
tilapia aquaculture. input:output nitrogen and phosphorus efficiency ratios, likely
caused by high N losses through volatilization and denitrification
Environmental Sustainability to the atmosphere and P losses to the sediment, despite being a low-
BFT tilapia along with RAS farms, particularly when cost production technology. Clearly, the lake cage culture model
incorporating an aquaponics component, with or without duckweed represents a relatively less sustainable form of intensive tilapia
(Lemna spp.) nutrient recovery lagoons designed to achieve zero aquaculture (Table 2) where no opportunity exists to recover neither
effluent status, represents exemplary Best Management Practice dissolved and fecal-bound nutrients or organic matter that can
(BMP). Direct loading of organic solids and dissolved nitrogen and overload the nearby benthic environment of lake ecosystems.
phosphorus emissions to receiving surface water bodies can be
eliminated in BFT and RAS farms, thereby comparing favorably to The Future of SAFF and Chambo Fisheries
lake-cage culture operations that are characterized by high N and P BFT promises to revolutionize tilapia and shrimp aquaculture

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industries globally. Some leading scientists believe that harnessing SAFF has moved operations from the Middle East and Sub-
the flow of microbes to fish represents the next revolution in food Sahara African countries to focus on South Africa in support of
production. Chambo Fisheries aims to expand operations into various initiatives, including BFT farms that include an aquaponics
warmer regions of Malawi and internationally using the same design component and multitrophic land-based marine RAS farming of
templates with minor improvements (a second generation BFT several high-value finfish species on the East Cape coast and Atlantic
system) to be supplied by SAFF, based on technical successes at the salmon farming on the West Cape coast.
less-than-ideal site on the outskirts of Blantyre, Malawi.

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