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PL hog 3 Sigmar who united the rides of Men, there would have been no Empire without the aid of the Dwarfs. Not only did they fight alongside Sigmar and his ‘chieftains at Blackfire Pass, but the Dwarfs taught Mankind the secrets of metalwork and, later, blackpowder. The Dwarls and Men swore binding oaths two and a half thousand years ago to come to the aid of one another in times of need. Both races have fullilled that oath on many ‘occasions, and the might of the old Dwarf empire was sorely needed during the Storm of Chaos. As well as the fine suit of gromril armour presented by Barak Grimjaw to Valten, the Dwarf High King vowed that no threat would pass into the Empire from the cast. It fell to the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin to fulfil this vow, as the army of Vardek Crom advanced along the Peak Pass. Not content with defending the pass against the Chaos horde, the Dwarf of Karak Kadrin resolved to march against the enemy, and one Dwarf in particular was eager to fight the foe in their own lands, THE SLAYER KING ‘The tale of the Ironfist fumily is long and woeful. M ago Ungrim’s five times great grandsire, King B: suffered a great and terrible loss which drove him to take the oath of the Slayers. Whar caused him to make such sudden and drastic decision is nor recorded in the Book of Gradges of Karak Kadrin, nor in the Records of the Kings, ‘nor even the stronghold’s Book of Days. It is commonly assumed that the cause was the death of his daughter at the claws of the great dragon Skaladrak on her way to marry the Ungrim Ironfist is the Stayer King and can be fielded in a Dwarf army or a Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin. He counts as a Lord choice ‘and in addition takes up ‘one of your Hero cboices as well. He must be fielded exactly as described here and may not be given any additional equipment, ‘He must be the army's General. M_ws_ BS Ungeim 3 4 ew A 534) 5 4 10 Ss 4 Points: 465 Weapons & Equipment: Ungrim is armed with the Axe of Dargo, wears the Dragon Cloak over gromeil armour, and wears the Slayer Grown, son of the High King at Karsz-a-Karak. In any ca became the first Slayer King of Karak Kadrin, e, Baragor ‘Torn between his two conflicting vows, the oath of a Slayer to seek our death and the oath ofa king to watch over and protect his people, Baragor was unable to fulfil either properly: In the end, good Dwarf sense prevailed, and he found a way to honour both his vows after a fashion. He founded the Shrine of Grimnir, the Shrine of Slayers in Karak Kadrin, and with generous donations to the cult he established a haven for from all over the Dwarf acknowledged as the home cattered group of individuals ‘wandering amongst the mountains, Although Baragor could not fulil his own vows while his people needed him, he could help others to do so, and as such he upheld his honour and was considered a wise and reasonable Dwarf by all concerned. Baragor died in a tunnel ‘cave-in deep below Karak Kadrin, his Slayer’s vow still unfulfilled. His son, Dargo, inherited not only the kingdom, but his father's vow as well, and became the second of a line of Slayer Kings. His living descendant is King Ungrim Ironfist, the current Slayer King of Karak Kadrin AGAINST THE BEASTS For five generations the Slayer Kings of Karak Kadrin have laboured under their dual vows. However, the son of Ungrim, Garagrim Ironfist, has devised a means by which these burdens might be lifted. After consulting with the oldest and wisest Dwarfs of the Hold, Garagrim made an UNGRIM IRONFIST Slayer King of Karak Kadrin Dragon Cloak: ‘The Dragon Cloak bears the Master Rune of Spite (4+ Ward save), a Rune of the Furnace (immune to fire attacks) and a Rune of Luck (one re-roll per battle), Axe of Dargo: This is inscribed with the Master Rune of Smiting. Any cncmy wounded by the Axe of Dargo (after saves etc), loses not one wound but D6 wounds. In ion, it bears a Rune of Parrying which means that ‘one model in base contact (chosen by the Dwarf player) loses I Attack in close combat. This has no effect against special attacks, such as a Night Goblin Fanatic, or a ‘Treeman’s Tree Whack. ‘The Slayer Crown: This bears a Rune of Fortitude (+1 Wound) and a Rune of Stone (increasing his Armour save to 3+). SPECIAL RULES Slayer King: As Slayer King, Ungrim is bound by the Slayer Oath, He benefits from the Slayer special rule described on page 7 of Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, Hates Greenskins and is Unbreakable. The other Slayer rules do not apply. SS A RERY = important realisation. If he could fulfil the Slayer vow that would pass to him on the death of his father, then future generations would no longer have the debt upon their honour, With no kingly vows to hold him back, Garagrim ‘embraced the life of the slayer, leaving the courtroom of his father to live amongst the hard stone halls of the Shrine of Grimnie. Garageim has taken the ancient title of War-mourner, old rank that was once used by the High King's champions. Itis the duty of the Warmourner to aet in the King’s stead in battle, accepting the King’s honour as his, own, and vice versa. As far as honour and tradition are ‘concerned, Garagrim’s Slayer vow is the same as his father's Now all that remained was for Garagrim to meet his death, ile against a worthy foe. With the expansion of the Realms of Chaos, all manner of twisted, mutated beasts had come south from the Chaos Wastes and the ‘Troll Country. Vicious fanged spawn, two-headed dragons, mighty Shaggoths and all other manner of monstrous creatures now roamed Kislev Slayers in their thousands gathered at the Shrine to Grimnir, the normally solitary waeriors drawn together by the promise of a truly glorious death against the bestial hordes from the north. As they marched north to meet their destinies, Garagrim marched at their head, chanting praises to Grimnir for this, fateful occasion, GARAGRIM IRONFIST War-mourner of Karak Kadrin Garagrim Ironfist may be taken in any Slayer army of Karak Kadrin and uses up @ Lord choice, He must be fielded exactly as described bere and may not be given any ‘additional equipment. He will be the army general unless jou have also taken Ungrim Ironfist. He may also be used in a regular Dwarf army but may not be the General, MWS BS s T wii a id Gangim = 3«6«3 (4 533 405) 10 Points: 305 Weapons & Equipment: The Axes of Kadcin. Slayer Skills: Beasts (see page 67) Deathblow, Vampireslayer SPECIAL RULES Slayer: Garagrim follows given on page 7 of Warhammer Arn Axes of Kadrin: Chained to Garagrim’s wrists so he will never lose them, these twin axes were given to him by his I of the rules for a Slayer as Dwarfs, If you wish, when Garagrim makes a charge he may attack like a Doomseeker rather than normally (including the effects of the axes’ runes and his Slayer skills). In subsequent rounds he can only attack normally, though he gains one extra attack for carrying the paired axes, as noted in his profile. He makes his normal attacks for the purposes of Deathblow. ‘The War-mourner: As Warmourner, it is Garageim’s uty to tend the Shrine of Grimnir, allowing him to open. up the temple's store of ancient rune axes left as tribute by Slayers making a pilgrimage to Karak Kadrin. Giant Slayers in an army led by Garagrim may be given a single weapon rune worth no more than 25 points. The Rule of Pride still applies to these weapons. Remember that a model with a rune axe loses the normal benefits of a great weapon or additional hand weapon, fey apse

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