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Copyright © 2003/4 James Deacon

The 'Power' symbol

[NOTE: some styles of Reiki use a complete 'mirror-image' version of this

symbol, or a version with the top line running from the right to the centre, but with
the spiral as depicted here. Symbol 1 as shown here - drawn from top left to
right, then the vertical line down, and then an antIclockwise spiral inwards to the
centre - is the version used by Takata Sensei and by Usui-Sensei himself.]
Each of the four Reiki symbols has an accompanying Japanese mantra/phraze -
frequently referred to as a jumon ('spell' or 'incantation'). In 'western' lineage
Reiki this jumon is commonly used as the symbol's name.

The jumon accompanying Symbol 1 is: "Choku Rei"

There has been some debate over the precise meaning of the jumon "Choku Rei".

We have to remember that "Choku Rei" is simply a transliteration of the Japanese, and just as in English where (for
example) the words 'rite', 'write' and 'right' all have the same sound, so too in Japanese there are often many words
that sound the same, yet are written in different kanji (ideogramatic characters) and have very different meanings.

In the 'western' lineage of Reiki we have only been aware of the 'romanised' written form of this jumon. There was
no depiction of the phraze in kanji form. (This is unfortunate, as rather than representing the sound of a word, kanji
are directly indicative of the meaning of the word).

When Mieko Mitsui took 'western' lineage Reiki to Japan in 1985 and apparently discovered that 'original' Japanese
Reiki had never actually died out as had previously been thought, many people expected they would finally learn
precisely which kanji were used to write the jumon, and therefore gain some understanding of the proper meaning
of the jumon. But this was not to be the case.

From one prominent source, the Reiki community was to learn that apparently, in Japan, the symbols (rather
conveniently, some might think) were not generally used any more.

[Now, without sliding too far into 'Reiki Conspiracy Theory' mode - it has to be said that if, for whatever reason,
someone were to make spurious claims about connection/involvement with surviving elements of 'original'
Japanese Reiki, then when it came to sustaining plausibility, there would no doubt be numerous minor issues -
such as that of jumon-meanings - which would require circumventing...]

However, from other sources it has since been discovered that both the symbols and their jumon are indeed still
used. However, the jumon - where actually presented in written form - are generally not written in kanji characters
(which would provide a clear indication of their meaning), but rather in katakana (one of two Japanese phonetic
syllabaries used in addition to kanji ideograms)

Unlike kanji which allude to the meaning of the words, Katakana merely record the sounds of the words.

When written in katakana, Choku rei looks like this:

When written in one particular set of kanji :
Chokurei refers to an Imperial Edict, Proclamation or Order ("by command of the Emperor").

Written in a different set of kanji:

............................................ .....
it can be conceptually translated as something like: 'In the presence of the spirits(kami)'.

[This is one reason some people consider the symbol to be of Shinto origin.]
It has, on a number of occasions, been suggested that Symbol 1 represents a coiled snake with it's head raised.

On hearing this, some people have sought to "jump cultures" and attempt to link Symbol 1 to the 'kundalini serpent'
of Indian tradition.

However, according to some theories, associated with honji suijaku

(a doctrine of Shinto-Buddhist syncretism), the real forms of kami are actually snakes...

Takata-Sensei translated Choku Rei as 'put the [spiritual] power here', and there is also a possiblilty (I stress the
word 'possibility') that the symbol is a calligraphic stylisation of the kanji character choku itself:
. . . . . . . . . .................................. .
- which has many meanings, including: direct; in person; at once; & near by...

To date, the only other reference I have come across to the term choku rei is in the writings of Masahisa Goi,
founder of the religious group Byakkõ Shinkõkai. For example, in 'The Future of Mankind', Goi writes:
"In the beginning, Great God took His body, His light, and divided it into various
rays of light. He then functioned 7 rays of light to operate as the power source of
human beings. These 7 rays of origin, which I call Chokurei (direct spirits from God), are the image of God
working in this world of mankind..."

Basic Uses of Symbol 1:

Symbol 1 can be used to increase the power/flow of Reiki, or to assist in focussing Reiki more intensely
at a given location, or to a specific intent.
The symbol can be used as an 'energy cleansing' / 'energy blessing' for food, drink, or possessions; and
may be employed as a seal or amulet of protection.
Some practitioners use Symbol 1 to cleanse a room of negative atmospheres; or to 'seal' a treatment.
And while in 'western' forms of Reiki, the symbol may be used in conjunction with one or more of the
other symbols, (with the intent of increase their potency) in 'Japanese' lineages, it is primarily utilised in
a stand-alone sense.

In some Japanese forms of Reiki, Symbol 1 is seen as representing 'earthly' or physical energy.
Copyright © 2003/4 James Deacon

The 'Emotional Healing' symbol

A PROBABLE source of this symbol is frequently seen in Buddhist temples.

It is the written character 'Kiriku' (pron: K'rik) - one of many shuji or 'seed' characters
used by Mikkyo Buddhists as meditative focii.

'Kiriku' is the Japanese rendition of the name of a particular character from the
'Siddham' form of the Sanscrit script. In Sanscrit, this character is called 'Hrih' .

Beyond its meditative use, the sacred Siddham

script (brought to Japan in the 9thC) is employed by Mikkyo Buddhists exclusively for writing mantras, sutras and
magico-religious Tantric formulas.

Two versions of the character Kiriku

(Sanscrit 'Hrih' )

- 'formal' version on the left and an example of a stylised

version of the same character on the right

Kiriku is the emblem of the buddha Amida

Each of the four Reiki symbols has an accompanying Japanese mantra/phraze - frequently referred to as a jumon
('spell' or 'incantation'). In 'western' lineage Reiki this jumon is commonly used as the symbol's name.

The jumon accompanying Symbol 2 is: "sei he ki" (or "sei heiki")

Just as with the jumon "choku rei", there has been some debate as to the precise meaning of "sei he(i) ki".

In Japan, when actually presented in written form, the jumon for Symbol 2 is generally not written in kanji characters
(which would provide a clear indication of the meaning), but rather in katakana (one of two Japanese phonetic
syllabaries used in addition to kanji ideograms)

Unlike kanji which allude to the meaning of the words, katakana merely record the sounds of the words.

The jumon for Symbol 2 has been written in katakana both as sei he ki:
. . . . . . . . ............................... .

and as sei heiki:

. . . . . . . . ............................. .

As to possible kanji forms of the jumon, (and therefore implied meaning) it would seem that we must rely on some
'educated' speculation...

When written as:

. . . . . . . . ............................... . .
Seiheki refers to disposition; inclination; characteristic; idiosyncrasy.

However, as stated, this jumon has also been given as sei heiki.

Sei heiki is, I feel, quite apt, as, written in the following kanji:
. . . . . . . . . .. ...... .... ............... .
it can refer to emotional calmness or unconcern. (sei here implies: emotion; feelings; passion. heiki = calmness;
composure; unconcern. )

When written as:

. . . . . . . . . .. ...... .... ............... .
Sei implies something Spiritual, Holy or Sacred. Again, heiki = calmness; composure; unconcern - thus implying:
'Spiritual Composure' - the perfect antidote for mental-emotional dis-order.

Basic Uses of Symbol 2:

Symbol 2 is employed in the treating of mental/emotional issues, including anxiety, stress,

nervousness, fear, depression, etc.; and in the treating of addictions.
It can also be used to help with the release of 'wound memories' [or 'emotional body armour']
Some practitioners use the symbol to help improve memory-recall; and it can be employed as s tool for
de-programming inappropriate responses to given events / situations, etc, as well as in the
programming of positive habits and responses...

In some Japanese forms of Reiki, Symbol 2 is seen as representing 'heavenly' or spiritual energy.
Copyright © 2003/4 James Deacon

The 'Distant' symbol

Symbol 3 is technically not a 'symbol' per se, but rather is a stylised combination of five
kanji characters.

Each of the four Reiki symbols has an accompanying Japanese mantra/phraze -

frequently referred to as a jumon ('spell' or 'incantation'). In 'western' lineage Reiki this
jumon is commonly used as the symbol's name.

In the case of Symbol 3, the 'symbol' itself is actually the jumon: "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen",
written in kanji characters.

Over the years there have been several suggestedtranslations of the jumon: "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen" - including
several very misleading ones. For example, it is frequently said that "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen" translates as "no past,
no present, no future".
However, probably one of the clearest translations of "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen" is actually:

"Correct Thought (Mindfulness) is the essence of being"

Just as calligraphers in the West - when writing a phrase in the Roman Alphabet - will frequently embellish their
artwork with flourishes and overlaps, and often combine letters or allow them to run into one-another, this is also the
case with Japanese kanji calligraphy.

There are various calligraphic renditions of Symbol 3 - all looking slightly different depending on the 'brush style' of
the individual 'drawing' it.

In the example shown here, not only are there overlaps, but also certain strokes which form part of the individual
kanji have been omitted.

As kanji are of Chinese origin, each character has two forms of pronunciation or 'reading': the on yomi or Chinese
derived reading, and the kun yomi or native Japanese reading - e.g: the word 'mountain' in its on yomi is: san, but
the native kun yomi reading is: yama. (Both are in common usage in Japan)

There are many thousands of kanji characters - some highly obscure & only very rarely used; however, the five kanji
whose stylised interlinking forms the HSZSN, are to be found amongst the "Jooyoo Kanji" - that is, characters
specified by the Japanese Government as approved for common use. In fact, with the exception of the kanji: 'ze',
they all come under the category of kanji expected to be familiar to all Fourth Grade Students.

The original five kanji are given below with their on yomi and kun yomi, and their basic meanings (however the
emphasis is on the word 'basic' - the meaning of a kanji when in combination with others can be somewhat different
from the meaning of the kanji in isolation.)

Interpretation: kun yomi on yomi kanji

root, source, origin, essence, moto, mato HON
basis, counter for long things,
book, present, main, true, real

someone, person mono SHA

just so, this, right, just, proper kore shi,

correct, justice, certainly, exactly, tada.shii,, masa(.ni), oo, kuni, sei,
righteous ma, tadashi masashi SHÔ (shou)

mindfulness, wish, sense, idea, *** NEN

thought, feeling, desire, attention,

Basic Uses of Symbol 3:

As the designation: the 'distant' symbol suggests, Symbol 3 is used to send Reiki at a distance - be it to
people or other animals, places, events, situations; or even across the 'great illusion' that is time itself.
With the aid of this symbol, Reiki can be 'sent' to interact beneficially with issues or situations long since
past, or alternatively, ones as yet not having manifested themselves.
Some practitioners utilise the symbol when they need to 'connect' (metaphorically speaking) with
The distant symbol may also be used as a means of assisting interaction with, deity, spirits of place, or
ancestral spirits (or as some prefer to phrase it: ancestral energy-patterns)

In some Japanese forms of Reiki, Symbol 3 is seen as representing the transcendent 'oneness' within
the practitioner, and the realisation that there is no separation between the two people sharing the
phenomenon of giving-receiving Reiki.
Copyright © 2003/4 James Deacon

The Reiki 'Master' symbol

Symbol 4 is another example of a 'symbol' that is not a symbol (see Symbol 3 -the
'Distant' symbol).

Each of the four Reiki symbols has an accompanying Japanese mantra/phraze -

frequently referred to as a jumon ('spell' or 'incantation'). In 'western' lineage Reiki this
jumon is commonly used as the symbol's name.
In the case of Symbol 4, the 'symbol' itself is actually the jumon: "dai kô myô ", written in
kanji characters.

The word dai means 'Great' and kô myô, while translating as 'Bright Light', alludes to

Nature' or the Radiance of a numinous being or deity.

Again, there are various calligraphic renditions of Symbol 4 - all looking slightly different depending on the 'brush
style' of the individual 'drawing' it.

As with Symbol 3, the kanji for Symbol 4 are to be found amongst the "Jooyoo Kanji" - characters specified by the
Japanese Government as approved for common use, eg: in textbooks and official documents.

In fact, they all come under the category of kanji expected to be familiar to all Second Grade Students.

Interpretation: kun yomi on yomi kanji

large, big, great oo.kii,oo.ini, ufu, o, ou, ta, takashi, tomo, hajime, tai,
hiro, hiroshi, masa, masaru, moto, wa DAI

ray, light, shine, hikari, aki, akira, koo, teru, hiko, mi, KÔ (Kou )

clear, open, bright, a.kari, aka.rui, aka.rumu, aka.ramu, aki.raka, mei,

radiance a.keru,, a.ku, a.kuru, a.kasu, akira, ake, min,
asu, kira, ke, saya, sayaka, toshi, haru, mi, me MYÔ (Myou)

Basic Uses of Symbol 4:

The primary use of Symbol 4 is, for many practitioners, the passing of Reiki attunements to others.
Symbol 4 may also be employed as a meditative focus (as in deed may any of the other three symbols)
As the 'Master' symbol it is the very encapsulation of the Reiki phenomenon itself.
To practitioners of a great many Reiki styles, Symbol 4 represents the combined energies of the
previous three symbols, though at a more subtle level.
The Reiki Power symbol - Choku Rei

(Choku Rei is pronounced: "Cho-Koo-Ray")

The general meaning of Choku Rei is: "Place the power of the universe here".

The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See
it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki energy.

Draw or visualize the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to more healing
energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power when they are used together.

The symbol can be used any time during a treatment but it is especially effective if it is used in the
beginning of a session to empower the Reiki energy or when used at the end of a session to close
the session and seal off the Reiki energies.

The Reiki Power symbol is, as I have said before, mainly a power switch but you can also assign it
further uses. Remember it is always your intention that governs what happens. If you want to add
new "functions" to the Power symbol then just have a clear statement and intention of what it is you
want the symbol to do and it will do it for you.

Some uses:

 Increase the power of your healing abilities; use it as a light switch. (Draw or visualize Choku
Rei in front of you or draw it in your hands if you want.)
 You can focus the Reiki energies (like a looking glass) on a specific point of the body. (Draw
the symbol directly on the spot being treated.)
 Increase the power of the other symbols. (Draw it before drawing the other symbols.)
 One can use the Power symbol to close a space around the receiver and to stop the energies
received to disappear from the body. (Draw it above the body with the intention of sealing
the healing process.)
 The Power symbol can be used to spiritually clean a room from negative energy, to leave it in
light and make it a holy place. (Draw or visualize the symbols on all the walls, ceiling and
floor with the intent to energize the room.)
 You can clean crystals and other objects from negative energies. (Draw the power symbol
above or on the crystal/object with the intent of cleansing it and restoring it to its original
state. Hold the object in your hands and "give" it Reiki (or send it Reiki from a distance if it is
too big to hold).)
 Protect yourself from negative energies (from people you treat or people you meet). (Draw
or visualize the Reiki Power symbol in front of you with the intent of being totally protected.)
You can read more about this on my page about the "Aurashield".
 Protect yourself, your children, your spouse, your house and other things you value. (Draw
Choku Rei directly on the object/person you want to protect with the intent to protect
him/her/it from harm.) Since Reiki works on all different levels of existence it will naturally
also give protection on all levels of existence.
These are just a few uses. You can use your own intuition and imagination to find other uses for the
Reiki Power symbol – Choku Rei. There are no limits to what you can do. The power is all in your
mind, let your clear intention guide the function of the symbols.

Further information
For some reason many Reiki Masters will neglect to inform their Reiki 1 students that they can start
using the Power symbol. The symbol has been "given" to the student during the Reiki 1 Attunement
so why not teach how to use it?

Traditionally Choku Rei is supposed to be drawn anti clockwise (from left to right). I prefer to draw it
clockwise (shown above) as this seems to work better for me and it also seems more logical. There
is no right or wrong way, it is your intention that decides the function so just do what feels best for

The horizontal line represents the Reiki source. The vertical line symbolizes the energy flow, and the
spiral that touches the middle line seven times represents the seven chakras
The Mental/Emotional symbol – Sei He Ki

(Sei He Ki pronounced as: "Say-Hay-Key")

Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: "God and man become one".

The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the "brain and the body". It helps people to bring to
the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems.

Many people (even doctors) are starting to realize that many of our ailments are based on mental
and emotional unbalances that we probably are not even aware of. The symbol works to focus and
harmonize the subconscious with the physical side.

This symbol can be used to help with emotional and mental healing. It balances the left and right
side of the brain and gives peace and harmony. It is also very effective on relationship problems.
The Sei He Ki symbol can also be used on diverse problems like nervousness, fear, depression,
anger, sadness etc.

Some uses:

 The symbol can be used to help heal misuse of drugs, alcohol, smoking etc.
 Sei He Ki can be used to lose weight.
 The symbol can be used to find things that you have misplaced. (Draw the symbol in front of
you and ask for help in finding xxxx. Let go of trying to find the object. The answer will soon
pop up.)
 Sei He Ki can be used to improve your memory when reading and studying. (Draw the
symbol on each page as you read it with the intent of remembering the important parts.)
 Add the symbol when doing healing (normal or distance) as this can help the healing process.
Many physical problems have mental/emotional roots.

Further information
The Mental/Emotional symbol, Sei He Ki, has to do with Yin and Yang and the balance between the
two sides of the brain.

The left part of the symbol represents Yang and our left side of the brain (logic, structure and linear
thinking etc.) The right side of the symbol represents Yin and our right side of the brain. (fantasy,
feelings, intuition etc.) When you are facing another person and draw the symbol the left side of the
symbol, i.e. the Yang part of the symbol ends up on the receiver's right side of the brain and the Yin
part on the left side thereby helping to balance the two sides.
The Reiki Distance Healing symbol –
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: "Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen")

The symbol has a general meaning of: "No past, no present, no future" or it can have the meaning
of "The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you".

The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and
distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho
Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. The use of the symbol gives access to the "Akashic
Records", the life records of each soul and can therefore be used in karmic healing. Trauma and
other experiences from this life, previous or parallel lives that affect and mirror peoples' behaviors
can be brought to light and released.

In doing distance healing be open! Do not focus your efforts on healing a specific problem like a
headache. Send the Reiki energies without limitation as they will go where they are best needed.
When doing distance healing the energies will work on the receiver's subtile body, the Chakras and
the Aura, and not as much on the physical level (i.e. it can take some time before the energies seep
down to the body and eases for instance pain).

The person you are sending Reiki to is likely to feel it happening. If he/she has an open mind he/she
can usually tell what you have done and when you have done it.

Distance healing does not take nearly as long as a hands-on treatment. You actually only need a few
minutes to send distance healing. You can even set up a Reiki distance healing to automatically
repeat sending energies to a person. If you want to do this I recommend that you put a time limit
on the repeat (as it otherwise might continue forever) and also to renew and empower the distance
healing every other day. Remember it is your intention that guides what happens!

Some uses:

 Send Reiki healing to people far away.

 "Beam" Reiki to people across the room.
 Send Reiki energies to the future to help with a specific task or be there as a support.
 Send Reiki to the past to lift up, to understand and release trauma.

Further information:

Describing how I do distance healing is not really relevant. If you put 10 Reiki Masters in a room
they would probably all do distance healing in a different way. Absentee healing is basically a
process of visualization i.e. imagine or "see" the person you want to send healing to and do it. You
can use a photo if you have one, if not don't worry about it just send. Sometimes I send to people I
don't really know (like a name I have received in an e-mail), I only have their name and city. No
problem, it is the intention of sending Reiki to this unknown person that makes it work. My advice is
to let go of all you doubts, formulate a clear intention, use the Reiki symbols and send the energies!
The form of the Distance symbols is complex and probably this is the symbol with most variations. It
is a Japanese Kanji and represents the human body incorporating the chakras and the five elements.

The Symbols

Notes on the symbols: All the symbols should be seen as being red in color, unless specifically mentioned
otherwise. I’ve found that it is easier seeing the whole symbol rather than drawing them out, and in fact, I
don’t believe it is necessary to draw out the symbols at all. However, I will give directions as to how to draw
them, anyway. To activate the symbol, see the symbol and repeat its name to yourself three times. This does
not have to be out loud.

As mentioned above, the symbols seem to have a common look to them. Essentially they are lines and
circles. The circles are more passive and it is here that the work is done (also where energy is stored), while
the lines show direction of energy movement. The placement and orientation of the circles and lines
determines how each symbol works.

Shambul - Activation

Shambul (pronounced: Shahm-Bool) is the activation symbol, much like the power symbol in standard Reiki. It
is used to activate the other symbols and to add oomph to your working. It is drawn starting with the circle,
starting at the top and drawing it counter-clockwise. Then the line is drawn, starting inside the circle and
moving out. It is useful to see Shambul, large centered over your torso and also over your hands as you are
about to start your working. Or just over your torso. It can be used repeatedly.

This symbol can also be seen as white, if you so desire.

I see this symbol as energy coming down from the main source. The source is the circle and the movement of
energy is the line.

Shai Nal – Increase Power

This symbol is the true core of the Runic Reiki system. It is to be seen as red at all times. This was the first
symbol given to me by Freya. Its purpose is to increase one’s power. It was described as “bringing the iron
within.” It increases one’s potency. This is not fertility, having babies kind of potency, but rather the Superman
catching a falling skyscraper kind. The kind of potency that gets things done, that allows you to accomplish
what you set out to do, that lends weight to your actions.
Shai Nal is drawn starting at the top of the line. Draw the line down and then add the dot next. Strangely this
is the only symbol that I bother to draw out rather than merely see the whole symbol.

I see this symbol as energy coming down (the line) to be concentrated in one spot (the dot). By itself it is not
the most energetic of the symbols, but there is a definite strong feeling associate with it. A calm coalescing
that fills you with power.

This is the main symbol used in Runic Reiki workings and it is this one that must be kept visualized during the

Grija – Purification (color white)

Grija (pronounced: Gree- Yah) was the second symbol I received, and it came from Odin. This one I
instinctively saw as whole instead of drawing out. But if you were to draw it out you would start with the top of
the circle and draw it clockwise. Then draw the line up from the circle starting with the left most one. Grija
should be seen as white.

To use, see Grija over whatever you want purified, large enough so the object is completely inside the circle.
Visualize white light coming from the circle and engulfing the object.

This is a very energetic symbol. I see it as a cauldron with steam rising out of it. Whatever is in the cauldron is
being refined, and the dross burned away. Or you could see it as the bad stuff being boiled away.

Han-So – Transformation
Han-So deals with transformation and is the second most important symbol in the Runic Reiki system. I would
recommend using it during every working. The power to transform one thing into another is very powerful
healing tool. This could be transforming a subconscious habit or hurt into something more positive. Or turning
a physical injury or disease into wellness and wholeness.

I’m sure it could even be used to help with non healing situations such as transforming a bad job into
something more positive. The power of transformation is a very powerful thing. There is a law in physics that
states that energy is neither created nor destroyed merely changed. Thus it is much easier to transform a
situation that to try to create a whole new one.

To draw Han-So, draw the large line first starting at the top. Then draw the circle, starting at the top, in a
counter-clockwise direction. Finish with the small line, starting at the top and drawing down. I see this symbol
as energy entering the circle, being transformed and the new thing then leaving the circle.

Tunai – Sealing

This symbol is used for sealing. It is used as a finishing step for a treatment or working and also after an
attunement. It is a final stamp of completion.
To draw this symbol, draw the circle, starting at the top, in a counter-clockwise direction. Then draw the left
inner line starting at the circle and moving inwards. Repeat this with the bottom line and the right line. Finally
draw the top line, starting at the top and moving toward the center of the circle.

I see this symbol as energy entering the circle and being fixed by the other lines of force.

Reloxon – Distance Symbol (color white or purple)

This symbol (pronounced: Rel-ox-on) acts in the same way as the standard Reiki Distance Symbol. It is a
bridge across space and time. It should be seen a white in color.

To draw Reloxon, start with the top circle, drawing in a counter-clockwise direction starting at the top of the
circle. Then draw the line starting within the first circle. Finally, draw the bottom circle the same way as the

Reloxon would be used during distance healing or attunements to connect you with the person you wanted to
work on. You can also use it to program healing over set periods of time.

This symbol can be used to act as a conduit between a person or object and a source of power. For instance
you could set up a conduit between the sun and a crystal intended for healing, thus insuring a steady and
limitless supply of energy to the crystal so that it would be able to fulfill its programming more easily. For this
purpose, see the symbol as being purple in color and giving it a slightly different name; Reloxoné,
pronounced, Rel-ox-onay. You would see the symbol connecting the object or person in question and the
energy source, with the intention of creating a one-way conduit with energy pouring out of the energy source
into the target.

You can be creative with Reloxoné and use it to establish conduits to the elemental planes, the earth, the
ocean or even other galaxies. It can be used to create a two-way link between people to share thoughts,
emotions and even energy more easily.

Greel-ya – Astral Travel

Greel-ya is used for aid in astral travel. You would use it before an astral travel session to make the
experience stronger. You could charge an object with this symbol and hold that object during your astral

To draw this symbol, start with the top of the triangle and draw it in a counter-clockwise direction. Then draw
the oval starting at the bottom and moving in a counter-clockwise direction. Finally draw the curved line
starting at the left.

I see this symbol as an intersection between the physical world and the astral. You are creating a bridge
between these two worlds so that you may have a stronger connection.

Freyl-Tay – Love

Freyl-Tay is a perfect expression of love, whether this is romantic, platonic, or between family members. It is
similar to Greel-ya in that it shows an intersection, but between people rather than worlds. It can be used to
strengthen or heal relationships, or to help deal with break-ups or the passing of loved ones. Using it in a
working insures that the greatest good is being served.

I see this symbol as two people connecting to create something more powerful than both of them could
achieve separately. Within the intersection, something wonderful blooms and grows.

All the circles are drawn in a counter-clockwise direction, and one should start on the top of the circle. Start
with the central circle, then the smaller inner circle. Then draw the left circle and finish with the right circle.

Haxo – Awakening Consciousness Haxon - Version for Animals

This symbol is similar to a symbol in the Seichim Reiki tradition whose purpose is to awaken the world around
you, to bring consciousness into inanimate objects. I received two versions of this symbol: Haxo which is to
be used for inanimate objects and Haxon which is for use on animals.

I see this symbol as intelligence going forth from the Source and descending into matter, or into animals.

To draw these symbols draw the circle first in a counter-clockwise direction and then draw the lines coming
out of the circle, starting with the left. For Haxon, add the cross lines left to right, starting with the left most

This can be a very useful symbol, especially in charging objects or creating magical objects. This would work
especially well for wards or other objects that provide shielding, as it would be able to work under its own will
and continue to work after the person who created it discontinued thinking about it. Haxon can be used on
Runic Reiki workings as well, allowing them to work on their own without further direction from the practitioner.
The same would work for almost any other magickal operation as well.

Ultimately it wakes up and empowers objects and animals.

Turan - Sealing for Objects

I had noticed that attunements of objects seemed to fade over time. So I asked Odin if there was something
to be done. He gave me a sealing symbol to use on objects.

Grimbol – Attunement Symbol

For Humans & Animals For Inanimate Objects

Grimbol is the Master Symbol of Runic Reiki, and like Haxo, comes in two versions. It is used to pass on
attunements to others. It is also useful for making magickal objects, as shown by the version to use on
inanimate objects.

To draw Grimbol, draw the long line first, moving down. Then the circle in a counter-clockwise direction. Then
draw the left line moving out of the circle, followed by the right line moving out of the circle, and ending with
the bottom line moving out of the circle. For the inanimate object version, add the diagonal line on the left and
then the diagonal line on the right.

I see this symbol as being similar to Han-So. Energy goes into an object or person, represented by the circle,
and awakens and attunes the individual. Energy then travels out, finding new paths and new ways to work.
Reiki Plain and Simple 
A comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho

The Reiki Plain and Simple On-line Book, this site and all its contents are Copyright 1998-
2001 by Vincent Amador. The author of said material allows it to be used For Free Use
only. It is to be shared freely, without cost. You may print copies of this work for personal
use or to be shared with students, provided that it is given in its entirety, and this copyright
message remains intact with the work. This material is not to be republished on other web
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Reiki Master Training Manual

SECTION ONE - Introduction

For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

In traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho there are three levels. These are Level I, Level II and Level III.
In level I, the emphasis is on self healing. You are given an empowerment to help you
remember that you are and always have been reiki. You are taught the five principles (For
today only, anger not worry not. Be grateful and humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be
kind to all.) to assist you in keeping mindfulness and setting the intent. You are taught hand
positions so that you can treat self and others. In the level II, you are taught the reiki symbols,
emotional healing, distance healing and you receive another attunement. In the third degree,
you are taught the reiki master symbol (Dai Ko Mio), what it means, given a third empowerment,
and taught to attune others.

Some see level III as the completion of their reiki training. In reality there is nothing to
complete, nothing to attain, and this gives you nothing you did not already have. It is not an
end but a new beginning. It is a return to simplicity that we had when we learned Reiki I and had
no symbols and just the energy. It is the greatest gift to be able to share Reiki with others and it
is a joyful thing to do and share in attunements.

The symbol of third degree Reiki is the Dai Ko Mio which means the "great shining light". The
goal of level three Reiki is to learn to live always in the light, to *be* the light.

Teacher curriculum for this manual includes the traditional Usui symbols, attunements and the
knowledge to pass them. For those wishing to also study the Usui/Tibetan Symbols and system
visit the Usui/Tibetan Page. The Reiki Master or Level III consists of learning the master
symbol, receiving the attunement, and learning the attunement process. For those wishing to
learn the "Tibetan" symbols Fire Serpent, Dumo, and Raku, visit the Usui/Tibetan Level IIIb
Section of this manual.
Learning and Using the Reiki Master Symbol

The Usui Master Symbol

The Usui Master Symbol has several
meanings. The most common is "The
Great Shining Light". Another translation
might be "Great Being of the Universe
Shine on Me." In Zen practice, I have
seen it stated as "Treasure House of the
great beaming Light," and is symbolic of
one's "Buddha Nature" and of states of
Dai Ko Mio

Usui developed reiki from his experience on Mt. Kurama. He had a satori, a moment of
oneness, an awakening, to his true nature. In that oneness, his previous training came together
for him in a way such that he developed reiki.

The definition of Reiki can be read as "Universal Life Energy". This is the most common
definition used in the Western World today. The Kanji can also be read to mean the Universal
life energy/spirit coming together with us. In this meaning it represents our oneness with all.
This is reiki. In reiki level III, we learn the Dai Ko Mio symbol. We are one with the great
shining light, the universal life energy merged with our own. This does not come about by
attunement, nor by a certificate paper, but through realization. There is nothing to attain, there is
no goal to reach.

The DKM is said to represent the Amida Sanzon, a triune of love, light and harmony. These
three together represented the ultimate source in the same way that the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost do. The DKM is the "Great Shining light". This is the source. Once you know the Dai Ko
Mio, you can use it for any Reiki use, even in place of the other symbols. This is both because
as a triune symbol it contains the others, and because it is the first step in moving from symbol
reliance to just using the energy. Use it everywhere and anytime you might want to use the
others. Use the name of it as a mantra to meditate concentrating on the Ultimate source of all,
the great shining light and let it illumine you. Perhaps then you will realize that you are it.

The Dai Ko Mio is a return to simplicity. The three other symbols together in one. Level one was
the simplicity of Reiki, trusting in the source, and simply doing it. Level II is learning the ways
the source manifests and expands our conception of what the source can do. Level III, with the
Dai Ko Mio brings us back to the simplicity and the oneness. Reiki is in the doing and BEing.
The realization is that there is no past and no future. With open hands, open minds and open
hearts, our total focus and attention on the now. In this awareness, loving kindness and
compassion *is* the expression of our awareness. We heal. The realization is that we are the
great shining light, NOW, in this moment, in every breath, radiating to all. Healing is.

Some might think this a bit esoteric, or philosophical, or mystical. It is actually very simple, but it
cannot be reasoned to, it cannot be sought after, it cannot be found. It simply is. Reiki is. In
awareness there is only now. It is simple, be reiki. On every breath, in awareness, now. You
have all felt it. In attunements, in that moment, you know it, you are it. Be it. On every breath.

SECTION THREE - Living Reiki, Being Reiki

It is almost a universal experience that we feel reiki as spiritual. Many have come to reiki as
part of their "spirituality". Some believe it will give them enlightenment. Many of us define
ourselves as "seekers". We "seek", we chase this elusive whirlwind thinking that some "thing",
some teaching, some messiah, some teacher is going to give us that missing piece that will
finally grant us, or let us "attain" enlightenment.

Many of us seekers are experience junkies, we seek experiences, we seek one spiritual "high"
after another. We talk of our "path", we seek enlightenment. This is a trap, for all these
searches take us away from ourselves, or put the responsibility for the realization of our true
selves in the hands of others, or outside of ourselves. In seeking outside yourself you can
never find. Enlightenment is where you are, where else could it be? You search for what you
already are.

Your focus determines your reality. Where your awareness is, there you will be. Reiki level III is
living reiki, being reiki. We are reiki. If you see reiki as separate, something outside of yourself,
you are seeing illusion. If your awareness is reiki, then you will *be* reiki. Be intimate with this
moment, be reiki, simply be.

You will not find this in concepts, memories, fantasies, images, searching, and projections. You
will not find it in more symbols, more systems, trademarks, businesses, arguments over whose
system is "better", "stronger", "heals faster", or is taught by the "best" teacher. If you are looking
for reiki as a business, spirit guides, more symbols, faster healing, secret symbols, hidden
teachings, energy exchanges, crystals, arguments over who is "right" and whose way is "better",
you will not find them here. These are conditioning, duality, things.

Reiki is one of many, many ways of seeing the truth, and that is healing. This is reiki. This is
why it works. But don't expect reiki to do the work of removing the conditionings that veil
awakening. Attunements do not equal enlightenment. Keep in mind that reiki is in the DOing
and BEing. If what you are doing is not in oneness with reiki, but rather focusing your
conditionings, attachments to outcome, desires and ego then might I suggest you refocus on
simply being with reiki and letting it be as it is.

There are many paths people take. Do not take the path, be the path. You are reiki. In this
moment Realize it, and then express it. Whatever you do, do it as an expression of this. When
you work, when you play, when you sit, and stand, you are awareness, you are reiki, you are
healing. In this your loving, peaceful and true nature will emerge. You heal. Do not do these
for any goal, but simply for the sheer joy of it. Be reiki because you love to be reiki. Be reiki as
an expression of your being, your awareness.

This is reiki in my practice, in my being. It is living reiki, being reiki. It is unlikely that you will
see what is written above taught anywhere else in level III reiki. Others have different
experiences, different practices. If you are a seeker, stop looking, be mindful and *be* where
you are. In the search you look for what you think you know about and because of this you
do not see what *is*, what is right in front of your nose, what you always were. Make everything
you do an expression of reiki, of compassion, of your awareness in every moment, moment to
moment. Do this not because there is anything to gain, anything to seek, anything to know, but
for the love of it, for the sheer joy of it, as an expression of the oneness, awareness, awakening
in your being. Reiki on every breath.

(For those that are interested in this kind of being, I would suggest you visit
There is material regarding meditation, mindfulness, Daily Readings sent via e-mail, private
teachings, and a very kind and helpful discussion list.)

SECTION FOUR THREE - About Attunements

Being able to teach reiki, and do the attunements are a large section of level III as it is taught
here in the west. In this section we will discuss attunements, and then go over the process of
doing them. The instructions are listed in a step by step, cook book manner.

There are many attunement sets that exist. The Usui attunements have been modified by many
people who have intentionally or through the limits of memory added symbols, taken away
parts, added parts and all sorts of other things. The dirty little secret of reiki is that any
attunement will work. There are crown to crown variants, short forms, long forms, traditional
forms, singular master attunements and many many others. All are reiki and all work. All
reawaken in us that which we have forgotten.

I have seen some people into the bells and whistles attunement experience. They burn incense,
have music, special lighting, candles, perform ceremonies to the goddess, catholic rituals,
kaballah…… All of that is nice, and may provide the recipient with grand ceremony, but
remember they are not necessary. My preference is SIMPLICITY. I do not play music. I do not
burn incense. In my opinion, the more simple the better, anything else detracts from the
experience of the attunement and the connection to the Reiki Energy. As in all things, you
decide how you wish to do them.

The only real important parts of the attunement are mindfulness and intent. Keeping
mindfulness means staying focused on simply doing the attunement. It means keeping the
intent clear, free of attachment to outcome, free of expectations, worry, need, separateness. It
is just BEing Reiki, sharing it, and in that oneness the illusion of separateness is no more. It
has been said that the attunement can be done by intent alone, if the intent is clear.

SECTION FIVE - A Reiki Attunement Method

There are many attunement methods. Some changes have come about in people remembering
the process differently. Other changes have come about as people changed or modified the
ritual of the attunement to suit their or their student's needs. I personally have in my possession
over a dozen "Usui" attunements, at least three "traditional" attunements (all different),
Usui/Tibetan attunements, Tibetan/Usui attunements, Short forms, and others.

What follows is an attunement set that I developed. This attunement is an amalgam of the
various attunements that I know. This method seemed to develop naturally for me, and
intuitively seemed to be easy to perform and simple to do. It uses a standard form for all three
levels. This is offered here for your review. As in all things, use the attunement that resonates
best with you. If you are interested in different attunements, or wish to learn other attunements,
my e-book The Reiki Attunement Guide is available for download at Use
the link below to the AngelReiki Bookstore at Understand that this e-book is
merely a supplement to this manual. All the information you need to do Reiki is included in the
free, "Reiki Plain and Simple" e-book you are presently reading.

When learning to do attunements it is important to practice. There are a number of possibilities

for this. One is to have a person to practice on. If you have a friend who has reiki they would
be a good candidate. You can do them to the level they are for practice. You can also do self
attunements. You can use a proxy for these, such as a teddy bear, or you can simply perform
them visualizing yourself receiving them. Take your time and learn the steps. Some find having
the attunement process on notes before them comforting when they do the attunement.

Usui Reiki Attunement

This is an attunement process that I developed. It is in the Usui Tradition. This attunement is
used for all three levels with the modifications for the second and third level in parenthesis. This
attunement is a synthesis of elements from many different attunement sets that I had done and
evolved over a time from my practices. It is easy to do, flows well, and easy to learn and

The first level attunement is repeated 4 times with a minimum of an hour between
attunements. Attunements may be repeated as often as the person likes. They are always
pleasant to receive. Reiki Shares and other gatherings of practitioners are a good place for the
beginning reiki teacher to practice.


Begin by saying the principles. "For today only, anger not, worry not. Be Grateful and Be
Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all. Place the hands in Gassho, bow and
connect to the reiki source. BE reiki. You are the great shining light, BE it, resonate it. Be
mindful and keep your intent on being and sharing reiki with this person.

Some find that drawing the Power Symbol on their palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, intending
them to open to the Reiki Source and Light helps them connect to reiki. Cleanse the room by
drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols in the air in front of you. This not only can cleanse the
room but also helps you focus, and sets the tone for the beginning as a sacred event.

Part One

On the back, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down the back of
the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an
energetic rapport with the student.

Breathe in visualize the Dai Ko Mio. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra blowing the Dai
Ko Mio in gold into the Crown Chakra, and move it through the middle of the student's head,
and into the base of the brain. You can guide it with your hand.

Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat "Dai Ko Mio" three times. Again
visualize the symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base
of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with the Sei Hei Ki, the Hon Sha Ze Sho
Nen, and the Cho Ku Rei.
Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the
Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down
into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of
the power symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. (Repeat this with the Sei
Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for level II, and with the Dai Ko Mio for level III.)

Part Two

Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of the heart. Draw the Power
Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Then picture the
Symbol moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the
power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the
Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols, remembering to repeat the name of
each symbol three times).

Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the Symbol moving
into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same
with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four

Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up
facing the ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the
Power Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then
place your hands on theirs and let the energy flow. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the
hands in level I, the Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in
level II, and all four of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)

Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the
student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and
Crown, and back over the hands.

Part Three

Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation
and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples
might be: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled
with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student.
You can say them out loud if you prefer.

Place your hands together with the index fingers touching and the thumbs together. Both your
hands will be open, palms down, fingers pointing toward the front of the recipient. Let the reiki
flow and flow. Be Reiki. Do this for a minute or so, experiencing the moment with them.

Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and
the left at the base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see
the door being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom".
Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is now forever connected
directly to the Reiki Source. You can say, "you forever connected to the Reiki source."

You can say, "We have both been blessed by this attunement".
Part Four

Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a white mist
surrounding you. Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of reiki. Blow the mist at the
student allowing the final energy of the attunement to bless the student.
Say, "the attunement is complete".

Some suggest that afterwards wash the hands to ensure that the energetic connection with the
student is broken.

SECTION SIX - Performing Distant Attunements

Distant Attunements
Occasionally, there are times when we as Reiki Masters would like to share Reiki with someone
(a friend, family member, loved one) and the limits of distance prevent us from being there with
them. Distant Attunements are one way to bridge this gap and to allow us to be able to share
this great gift with others. Understand fully that Distant Attunements are not part of Usui's,
Hayashi's or Takata's teachings. Distant attunements are a non-traditional technique that is a
logical extension of Distant healing and the distant symbol.

Distant Attunements are also possible and appropriate and just a perfect as their hands-on
counterparts. It is done by using the distant symbol and visualization and intent. The
Master/Teacher visualizes the symbols entering the Crown Chakra of the recipient and move
through the aura. He or she can visualize each of the attunement steps, and see and feel them
taking place. You can use a picture of the person or a teddy bear or other representation to
assist when doing them.

Distant Attunements are easy to perform if you are familiar with a "hands-on" attunement
procedure. There is no special procedure to perform, just some slight modifications to the
regular attunement set you are familiar and comfortable with. The modifications will be
described below.

Some people have difficulty with the concept of distant attunements, and have some issues with
the process. These are discussed in my article on this web site on Distant Attunements.

Distant Attunement Procedures

1. Use your regular attunement set that you are familiar and comfortable with.

2. This practice is best done by either arranging a set time with the person for them to receive,
or to be on the telephone or on-line with them.

3. Have them meditate, pray or other activity to clear the mind and prepare for about 20
minutes prior to the start time of the attunement.

4. You must both state clearly that the intent for the attunement to be done.

5. Begin the attunement as usual. State clearly that you intend to attune the person. Draw the
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the air and state that you intend this to be fully empower the person.
6. Some people use a teddy bear, photo or other proxy to gain an energetic rapport with the
person to be attuned. This can be helpful. You can also just "feel" the sense of them and do it.
These are nice ways to "feel" the connection, but simply intend and will the attunement to be
done, and perform it. Trust the divine source and the reiki attunement will be done.

7. Perform the attunement. Visualize doing it. See the symbols and draw them as usual.

Following these easy steps will fully allow someone via distance to be attuned to reiki.

SECTION SEVEN - Attunement Issues and Concerns

Here are some notes about attunements in no particular order. These are practices that you can
do during attunements that you may be led to do, or issues regarding the process.

1. Do the principles before starting. Say them several times. Have the person say them with
you. They remind us, to "not worry", to do our work with appreciation, to be grateful and
humble. It is a wonderful way to begin.

2. All attunements are unique. They are individual. Sometimes you will have feelings to do
something or another that might not be in the "script". Trust your intuition and do them.

3. It is the energy that you share. The symbols set the intent and mindfulness.

4. Some teach that if you feel blockages or the hands not heating up, you can place the
person's finger tips against your palm and send the energy up to the heart, or blow up from
palm to heart to open the channel.

5. Some like to use the Raku Symbol after attunements to "disconnect" from the other person,
or make sure to "mentally" disconnect from the other person by intent.

6. Remember that Intent is the key for a "perfect attunement". You are just a channel, sharing
the oneness of reiki with the recipient. You cannot mess up! Forgetting a step or action is not
going to matter. The reiki source will make sure that it is right and trust that it will.

7. When you finish giving an attunement, it is likely that you will feel exhilarated. You should not
feel drained. Make sure you separate yourself from all expectations. Do the attunement with the
intent that the person be perfectly attuned to Reiki. Let the Reiki do the work. Do not strain, or
try to put your own energy into the process. Do not use your energy, let the Reiki do the work. It
has been my experience that when people first do attunements, that they tend to be concerned
that they will do it "right" or that it won't work. Some may feel the need to prove it works when
they first attune others. My suggestion to keep your intent clear. It is also my experience that
when people try to make sure it works, they tend to push and thus push their own energy. Stay
in the moment, attention on the attunement. The symbols help you keep mindfulness.

8. The easiest way to perform the attunement is for the student to sit on a chair with their feet on
the floor. Have the students hold their hands with palms together at chest height (namaste or
Gassho position), and tell and show them where you will touch and what you will do with their
9. You can do the Attunements without symbols. Only attempt this if you have sufficient
experience with the energy and with doing attunements. The empowerment that Usui used was
called Reiju and was a symbol-less attunement. The level one attunement of the Alliance that I
was taught is done without symbols. Usui's reiju is done without symbols.

10. Do not use your own energy. We do this when we are attached to outcome. When we
worry if we are doing it "right", when we fret and worry that it won't work, that people will be
disappointed in the result, we are attached to the outcome. People who want to ensure that the
attunement "takes" or "works" are likely to push. This push is not reiki, it is your own energy.
You can deplete yourself doing this. Detaching from outcome means, intending to pass the
attunement, and then keeping right mindfulness while doing it. Stay focused totally on what you
are doing, moment by moment.
Reiki Master Training Manual

SECTION ONE - Introduction

For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

In traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho there are three levels. These are Level I, Level II and Level III.
In level I, the emphasis is on self healing. You are given an empowerment to help you
remember that you are and always have been reiki. You are taught the five principles (For
today only, anger not worry not. Be grateful and humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be
kind to all.) to assist you in keeping mindfulness and setting the intent. You are taught hand
positions so that you can treat self and others. In the level II, you are taught the reiki symbols,
emotional healing, distance healing and you receive another attunement. In the third degree,
you are taught the reiki master symbol (Dai Ko Mio), what it means, given a third empowerment,
and taught to attune others.

Some see level III as the completion of their reiki training. In reality there is nothing to
complete, nothing to attain, and this gives you nothing you did not already have. It is not an
end but a new beginning. It is a return to simplicity that we had when we learned Reiki I and had
no symbols and just the energy. It is the greatest gift to be able to share Reiki with others and it
is a joyful thing to do and share in attunements.

The symbol of third degree Reiki is the Dai Ko Mio which means the "great shining light". The
goal of level three Reiki is to learn to live always in the light, to *be* the light.

Teacher curriculum for this manual includes the traditional Usui symbols, attunements and the
knowledge to pass them. For those wishing to also study the Usui/Tibetan Symbols and system
visit the Usui/Tibetan Page. The Reiki Master or Level III consists of learning the master
symbol, receiving the attunement, and learning the attunement process. For those wishing to
learn the "Tibetan" symbols Fire Serpent, Dumo, and Raku, visit the Usui/Tibetan Level IIIb
Section of this manual.

Learning and Using the Reiki Master Symbol
The Usui Master Symbol
The Usui Master Symbol has several
meanings. The most common is "The
Great Shining Light". Another translation
might be "Great Being of the Universe
Shine on Me." In Zen practice, I have
seen it stated as "Treasure House of the
great beaming Light," and is symbolic of
one's "Buddha Nature" and of states of
Dai Ko Mio

Usui developed reiki from his experience on Mt. Kurama. He had a satori, a moment of
oneness, an awakening, to his true nature. In that oneness, his previous training came together
for him in a way such that he developed reiki.

The definition of Reiki can be read as "Universal Life Energy". This is the most common
definition used in the Western World today. The Kanji can also be read to mean the Universal
life energy/spirit coming together with us. In this meaning it represents our oneness with all.
This is reiki. In reiki level III, we learn the Dai Ko Mio symbol. We are one with the great
shining light, the universal life energy merged with our own. This does not come about by
attunement, nor by a certificate paper, but through realization. There is nothing to attain, there is
no goal to reach.

The DKM is said to represent the Amida Sanzon, a triune of love, light and harmony. These
three together represented the ultimate source in the same way that the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost do. The DKM is the "Great Shining light". This is the source. Once you know the Dai Ko
Mio, you can use it for any Reiki use, even in place of the other symbols. This is both because
as a triune symbol it contains the others, and because it is the first step in moving from symbol
reliance to just using the energy. Use it everywhere and anytime you might want to use the
others. Use the name of it as a mantra to meditate concentrating on the Ultimate source of all,
the great shining light and let it illumine you. Perhaps then you will realize that you are it.

The Dai Ko Mio is a return to simplicity. The three other symbols together in one. Level one was
the simplicity of Reiki, trusting in the source, and simply doing it. Level II is learning the ways
the source manifests and expands our conception of what the source can do. Level III, with the
Dai Ko Mio brings us back to the simplicity and the oneness. Reiki is in the doing and BEing.
The realization is that there is no past and no future. With open hands, open minds and open
hearts, our total focus and attention on the now. In this awareness, loving kindness and
compassion *is* the expression of our awareness. We heal. The realization is that we are the
great shining light, NOW, in this moment, in every breath, radiating to all. Healing is.

Some might think this a bit esoteric, or philosophical, or mystical. It is actually very simple, but it
cannot be reasoned to, it cannot be sought after, it cannot be found. It simply is. Reiki is. In
awareness there is only now. It is simple, be reiki. On every breath, in awareness, now. You
have all felt it. In attunements, in that moment, you know it, you are it. Be it. On every breath.
SECTION THREE - Living Reiki, Being Reiki
It is almost a universal experience that we feel reiki as spiritual. Many have come to reiki as
part of their "spirituality". Some believe it will give them enlightenment. Many of us define
ourselves as "seekers". We "seek", we chase this elusive whirlwind thinking that some "thing",
some teaching, some messiah, some teacher is going to give us that missing piece that will
finally grant us, or let us "attain" enlightenment.

Many of us seekers are experience junkies, we seek experiences, we seek one spiritual "high"
after another. We talk of our "path", we seek enlightenment. This is a trap, for all these
searches take us away from ourselves, or put the responsibility for the realization of our true
selves in the hands of others, or outside of ourselves. In seeking outside yourself you can
never find. Enlightenment is where you are, where else could it be? You search for what you
already are.

Your focus determines your reality. Where your awareness is, there you will be. Reiki level III is
living reiki, being reiki. We are reiki. If you see reiki as separate, something outside of yourself,
you are seeing illusion. If your awareness is reiki, then you will *be* reiki. Be intimate with this
moment, be reiki, simply be.

You will not find this in concepts, memories, fantasies, images, searching, and projections. You
will not find it in more symbols, more systems, trademarks, businesses, arguments over whose
system is "better", "stronger", "heals faster", or is taught by the "best" teacher. If you are looking
for reiki as a business, spirit guides, more symbols, faster healing, secret symbols, hidden
teachings, energy exchanges, crystals, arguments over who is "right" and whose way is "better",
you will not find them here. These are conditioning, duality, things.

Reiki is one of many, many ways of seeing the truth, and that is healing. This is reiki. This is
why it works. But don't expect reiki to do the work of removing the conditionings that veil
awakening. Attunements do not equal enlightenment. Keep in mind that reiki is in the DOing
and BEing. If what you are doing is not in oneness with reiki, but rather focusing your
conditionings, attachments to outcome, desires and ego then might I suggest you refocus on
simply being with reiki and letting it be as it is.

There are many paths people take. Do not take the path, be the path. You are reiki. In this
moment Realize it, and then express it. Whatever you do, do it as an expression of this. When
you work, when you play, when you sit, and stand, you are awareness, you are reiki, you are
healing. In this your loving, peaceful and true nature will emerge. You heal. Do not do these
for any goal, but simply for the sheer joy of it. Be reiki because you love to be reiki. Be reiki as
an expression of your being, your awareness.

This is reiki in my practice, in my being. It is living reiki, being reiki. It is unlikely that you will
see what is written above taught anywhere else in level III reiki. Others have different
experiences, different practices. If you are a seeker, stop looking, be mindful and *be* where
you are. In the search you look for what you think you know about and because of this you
do not see what *is*, what is right in front of your nose, what you always were. Make everything
you do an expression of reiki, of compassion, of your awareness in every moment, moment to
moment. Do this not because there is anything to gain, anything to seek, anything to know, but
for the love of it, for the sheer joy of it, as an expression of the oneness, awareness, awakening
in your being. Reiki on every breath.

(For those that are interested in this kind of being, I would suggest you visit
There is material regarding meditation, mindfulness, Daily Readings sent via e-mail, private
teachings, and a very kind and helpful discussion list.)
SECTION FOUR THREE - About Attunements
Being able to teach reiki, and do the attunements are a large section of level III as it is taught
here in the west. In this section we will discuss attunements, and then go over the process of
doing them. The instructions are listed in a step by step, cook book manner.

There are many attunement sets that exist. The Usui attunements have been modified by many
people who have intentionally or through the limits of memory added symbols, taken away
parts, added parts and all sorts of other things. The dirty little secret of reiki is that any
attunement will work. There are crown to crown variants, short forms, long forms, traditional
forms, singular master attunements and many many others. All are reiki and all work. All
reawaken in us that which we have forgotten.

I have seen some people into the bells and whistles attunement experience. They burn incense,
have music, special lighting, candles, perform ceremonies to the goddess, catholic rituals,
kaballah…… All of that is nice, and may provide the recipient with grand ceremony, but
remember they are not necessary. My preference is SIMPLICITY. I do not play music. I do not
burn incense. In my opinion, the more simple the better, anything else detracts from the
experience of the attunement and the connection to the Reiki Energy. As in all things, you
decide how you wish to do them.

The only real important parts of the attunement are mindfulness and intent. Keeping
mindfulness means staying focused on simply doing the attunement. It means keeping the
intent clear, free of attachment to outcome, free of expectations, worry, need, separateness. It
is just BEing Reiki, sharing it, and in that oneness the illusion of separateness is no more. It
has been said that the attunement can be done by intent alone, if the intent is clear.

SECTION FIVE - A Reiki Attunement Method

There are many attunement methods. Some changes have come about in people remembering
the process differently. Other changes have come about as people changed or modified the
ritual of the attunement to suit their or their student's needs. I personally have in my possession
over a dozen "Usui" attunements, at least three "traditional" attunements (all different),
Usui/Tibetan attunements, Tibetan/Usui attunements, Short forms, and others.

What follows is an attunement set that I developed. This attunement is an amalgam of the
various attunements that I know. This method seemed to develop naturally for me, and
intuitively seemed to be easy to perform and simple to do. It uses a standard form for all three
levels. This is offered here for your review. As in all things, use the attunement that resonates
best with you. If you are interested in different attunements, or wish to learn other attunements,
my e-book The Reiki Attunement Guide is available for download at Use
the link below to the AngelReiki Bookstore at Understand that this e-book is
merely a supplement to this manual. All the information you need to do Reiki is included in the
free, "Reiki Plain and Simple" e-book you are presently reading.

When learning to do attunements it is important to practice. There are a number of possibilities

for this. One is to have a person to practice on. If you have a friend who has reiki they would
be a good candidate. You can do them to the level they are for practice. You can also do self
attunements. You can use a proxy for these, such as a teddy bear, or you can simply perform
them visualizing yourself receiving them. Take your time and learn the steps. Some find having
the attunement process on notes before them comforting when they do the attunement.

Usui Reiki Attunement

This is an attunement process that I developed. It is in the Usui Tradition. This attunement is
used for all three levels with the modifications for the second and third level in parenthesis. This
attunement is a synthesis of elements from many different attunement sets that I had done and
evolved over a time from my practices. It is easy to do, flows well, and easy to learn and

The first level attunement is repeated 4 times with a minimum of an hour between
attunements. Attunements may be repeated as often as the person likes. They are always
pleasant to receive. Reiki Shares and other gatherings of practitioners are a good place for the
beginning reiki teacher to practice.


Begin by saying the principles. "For today only, anger not, worry not. Be Grateful and Be
Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all. Place the hands in Gassho, bow and
connect to the reiki source. BE reiki. You are the great shining light, BE it, resonate it. Be
mindful and keep your intent on being and sharing reiki with this person.

Some find that drawing the Power Symbol on their palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, intending
them to open to the Reiki Source and Light helps them connect to reiki. Cleanse the room by
drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols in the air in front of you. This not only can cleanse the
room but also helps you focus, and sets the tone for the beginning as a sacred event.

Part One

On the back, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down the back of
the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an
energetic rapport with the student.

Breathe in visualize the Dai Ko Mio. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra blowing the Dai
Ko Mio in gold into the Crown Chakra, and move it through the middle of the student's head,
and into the base of the brain. You can guide it with your hand.

Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat "Dai Ko Mio" three times. Again
visualize the symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base
of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with the Sei Hei Ki, the Hon Sha Ze Sho
Nen, and the Cho Ku Rei.

Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the
Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down
into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of
the power symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. (Repeat this with the Sei
Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for level II, and with the Dai Ko Mio for level III.)
Part Two

Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of the heart. Draw the Power
Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Then picture the
Symbol moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the
power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the
Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols, remembering to repeat the name of
each symbol three times).

Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the Symbol moving
into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same
with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four

Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up
facing the ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the
Power Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then
place your hands on theirs and let the energy flow. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the
hands in level I, the Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in
level II, and all four of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)

Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the
student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and
Crown, and back over the hands.

Part Three

Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation
and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples
might be: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled
with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student.
You can say them out loud if you prefer.

Place your hands together with the index fingers touching and the thumbs together. Both your
hands will be open, palms down, fingers pointing toward the front of the recipient. Let the reiki
flow and flow. Be Reiki. Do this for a minute or so, experiencing the moment with them.

Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and
the left at the base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see
the door being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom".
Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is now forever connected
directly to the Reiki Source. You can say, "you forever connected to the Reiki source."

You can say, "We have both been blessed by this attunement".

Part Four

Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a white mist
surrounding you. Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of reiki. Blow the mist at the
student allowing the final energy of the attunement to bless the student.
Say, "the attunement is complete".
Some suggest that afterwards wash the hands to ensure that the energetic connection with the
student is broken.

SECTION SIX - Performing Distant Attunements

Distant Attunements
Occasionally, there are times when we as Reiki Masters would like to share Reiki with someone
(a friend, family member, loved one) and the limits of distance prevent us from being there with
them. Distant Attunements are one way to bridge this gap and to allow us to be able to share
this great gift with others. Understand fully that Distant Attunements are not part of Usui's,
Hayashi's or Takata's teachings. Distant attunements are a non-traditional technique that is a
logical extension of Distant healing and the distant symbol.

Distant Attunements are also possible and appropriate and just a perfect as their hands-on
counterparts. It is done by using the distant symbol and visualization and intent. The
Master/Teacher visualizes the symbols entering the Crown Chakra of the recipient and move
through the aura. He or she can visualize each of the attunement steps, and see and feel them
taking place. You can use a picture of the person or a teddy bear or other representation to
assist when doing them.

Distant Attunements are easy to perform if you are familiar with a "hands-on" attunement
procedure. There is no special procedure to perform, just some slight modifications to the
regular attunement set you are familiar and comfortable with. The modifications will be
described below.

Some people have difficulty with the concept of distant attunements, and have some issues with
the process. These are discussed in my article on this web site on Distant Attunements.

Distant Attunement Procedures

1. Use your regular attunement set that you are familiar and comfortable with.

2. This practice is best done by either arranging a set time with the person for them to receive,
or to be on the telephone or on-line with them.

3. Have them meditate, pray or other activity to clear the mind and prepare for about 20
minutes prior to the start time of the attunement.

4. You must both state clearly that the intent for the attunement to be done.

5. Begin the attunement as usual. State clearly that you intend to attune the person. Draw the
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the air and state that you intend this to be fully empower the person.

6. Some people use a teddy bear, photo or other proxy to gain an energetic rapport with the
person to be attuned. This can be helpful. You can also just "feel" the sense of them and do it.
These are nice ways to "feel" the connection, but simply intend and will the attunement to be
done, and perform it. Trust the divine source and the reiki attunement will be done.

7. Perform the attunement. Visualize doing it. See the symbols and draw them as usual.
Following these easy steps will fully allow someone via distance to be attuned to reiki.

SECTION SEVEN - Attunement Issues and Concerns

Here are some notes about attunements in no particular order. These are practices that you can
do during attunements that you may be led to do, or issues regarding the process.

1. Do the principles before starting. Say them several times. Have the person say them with
you. They remind us, to "not worry", to do our work with appreciation, to be grateful and
humble. It is a wonderful way to begin.

2. All attunements are unique. They are individual. Sometimes you will have feelings to do
something or another that might not be in the "script". Trust your intuition and do them.

3. It is the energy that you share. The symbols set the intent and mindfulness.

4. Some teach that if you feel blockages or the hands not heating up, you can place the
person's finger tips against your palm and send the energy up to the heart, or blow up from
palm to heart to open the channel.

5. Some like to use the Raku Symbol after attunements to "disconnect" from the other person,
or make sure to "mentally" disconnect from the other person by intent.

6. Remember that Intent is the key for a "perfect attunement". You are just a channel, sharing
the oneness of reiki with the recipient. You cannot mess up! Forgetting a step or action is not
going to matter. The reiki source will make sure that it is right and trust that it will.

7. When you finish giving an attunement, it is likely that you will feel exhilarated. You should not
feel drained. Make sure you separate yourself from all expectations. Do the attunement with the
intent that the person be perfectly attuned to Reiki. Let the Reiki do the work. Do not strain, or
try to put your own energy into the process. Do not use your energy, let the Reiki do the work. It
has been my experience that when people first do attunements, that they tend to be concerned
that they will do it "right" or that it won't work. Some may feel the need to prove it works when
they first attune others. My suggestion to keep your intent clear. It is also my experience that
when people try to make sure it works, they tend to push and thus push their own energy. Stay
in the moment, attention on the attunement. The symbols help you keep mindfulness.

8. The easiest way to perform the attunement is for the student to sit on a chair with their feet on
the floor. Have the students hold their hands with palms together at chest height (namaste or
Gassho position), and tell and show them where you will touch and what you will do with their

9. You can do the Attunements without symbols. Only attempt this if you have sufficient
experience with the energy and with doing attunements. The empowerment that Usui used was
called Reiju and was a symbol-less attunement. The level one attunement of the Alliance that I
was taught is done without symbols. Usui's reiju is done without symbols.

10. Do not use your own energy. We do this when we are attached to outcome. When we
worry if we are doing it "right", when we fret and worry that it won't work, that people will be
disappointed in the result, we are attached to the outcome. People who want to ensure that the
attunement "takes" or "works" are likely to push. This push is not reiki, it is your own energy.
You can deplete yourself doing this. Detaching from outcome means, intending to pass the
attunement, and then keeping right mindfulness while doing it. Stay focused totally on what you
are doing, moment by moment.
The Reiki Primer
Way back in Kindergarten or Pre-school when you were first learning to read, your teachers likely gave
you books and lessons that were the beginnings of your learning. These were the basics. These materials
were referred to as "Primer", and they prepared you for later learning. This section is for the absolute
beginner to Reiki as they begin their Reiki Journey, in essence a "Reiki Primer". In this section you will
find a basic understanding of Reiki, what it is, how it works, and what you need to do to get started.

Reiki is an enlightenment system and a healing art. Some focus more on one aspect than the other. That
is, some teach Reiki only as a healing system while others may teach it only as a spiritual system. Either
is Reiki. Reiki is primarily used in the West (i.e., the United States, Europe, Australia) as a healing

The system of Reiki was invented and developed by a man named Mikao Usui (pronounced Me-ka-oh
OOh-su-ee) in the early 1900's. Reiki is often translated to mean "Universal Life Energy", but can also
mean enlightenment or the coming of together of the Universal Spirit of Creation with our own.

Mikao Usui trained a number of teachers of this system. Many of those teachers taught students of their
own. There are many lines of Reiki practiced in Japan from these teachers. Usui founded a school there
that is said to maintain his original teachings. This school is called the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. They
generally are a closed club and do not share information with outsiders.

Reiki as practiced in the west comes from the teachings of Mrs. Hawayo Takata. Mrs. Takata was a
student of Chujiro Hayash, a retired Naval Officer and student of Mikao Usui. Most western Reiki
practices come from the teachings of Mrs. Takata.

At its most basic level, Reiki is a set of five principles for living, a set of hand positions for treating self
and others, and the receiving of an attunement to connect to the reiki energy. An attunement (or
empowerment) is a simple ceremony that helps you to reconnect to the energy that is reiki performed by a
Reiki teacher or "master"..

There are three levels in Reiki. In level one, you learn the reiki principles, the hand positions and then
receive an attunement. In level two, you learn the three reiki symbols, distance healing and receive
another attunement. In level three, you learn the reiki master symbol, the attunement process, how to
teach, and receive the master attunement.

Reiki works by simple laying of hands and intent. It helps brings us back into harmony with the
Universal life energy. This is often healing.

In reiki you do not use your own energy but let this loving Universal life energy flow through you to
others. People who do reiki are often called "reiki channels" or that one "channels" reiki. This word
"channel" has several meaning in the new age communities and in common use might mean "channel" as
in spirits. It needs to be clearly stated here that reiki is not about channeling spirits. The word "channel"
here in relation to reiki simply means that we are in tune with this Universal life energy and let it flow.

Many have added in much material in the west since 1980. Some have added in "reiki guides", crystals,
pendulums, reiki "rays", psychic surgeries, and many other practices that are often taught along with reiki
but are not part of reiki.

The ability to do Reiki cannot be learned in books. To do reiki you need to receive an attunement from a
reiki teacher. This can be done in person, or via distance.
BEing Reiki
Some will notice, in reading this book that there is a clear attempt to try to
delineate what was in the Hayashi and Takata traditions of Usui Shiki
Ryoho from the material that was added on later. Understand that the
emphesis here is not on division, but simple clarity. People will develop
whatever level of complexity that is needed for them; for what they
perceive to be their "truth".

Many come to reiki as part of their "spirituality". We chase this up one

side of the street and down another; we are "seekers". We seek union with
the god that we have conceptually created for ourselves so that it can save
us, we seek experiences, we seek one high after another, we seek our
"path", we seek enlightenement. We pursue this in crystals, and
meditations, gurus, healing systems like Reiki and Karuna and Seichim,
philosophy, theories, "ascended masters", "guides", "channeling". But I
will tell you that this is a trap, for in seeking outside yourself you can
never find. Enlightenment is where you are, where else could it be?
Usui's Reiki was one of many, many ways of seeing the truth, and that is
healing. This is reiki. Reiki can heal, can releive pain, but don't expect
reiki to do the work of removing the conditionings that veil awakening.
Attunements do not equal enlightenment. Removing your suffering is up
to you.

Your reiki will be an expression of you, of your life, your BEing, and it
will reflect the oneness and connectedness with all that you are. The
more ego there is, the less it will reflect this. It has been said that reiki
works best when ego is least. It has been said be a "clean bone" for the
reiki to pass through. Usui shared reiki with us. He left a set of tools to
heal. Do not let those tools, symbols and techniques become a stumbling
block for you. Attachment to these symbols, tools or systems as a concept
or belief system is just as seperate and as limiting as any belief system.
BEing Reiki is transcending these forms to BE the essence that is
healing. When you are reiki you have no need of these things or systems,
it is your BEing.

Do not try to understand how reiki works. Its explanation will elude you
like sand slipping through clutching hands. Just be reiki.

I like using pneumonics. They help others and myself to remember things
easily. One of the cutesy little pneumonics I use is "when ego goes, reiki
flows". A simple phrase for a simple idea. Reiki *is*, and in that moment,
miracles happen, don't stand in the way.

It is often said that reiki is driven by "intent". In being reiki, our intent is
pure. That is, it is untainted by goals, levels of reiki, attachment to
outcome, the need to prove that it works, need for the other to heal. A
wonderful phrase I heard describes it best, "great effort, no goal." In this
our practice is pure, in this we are in the moment, in the now, without
judging, comparing, attaching to outcome or measuring our
"achievement" in healing. Our intent is pure, free of non-attachment to
the process, to the outcome, to technique, or to symbols. Just *be* Reiki,
in that moment. Wei wu wei, doing by not doing. If you attach to reiki as
a concept, it is just as seperate and as limiting as any belief system. In the
end, you see that there is no healer, no healee and nothing to heal.

The reiki principles are instructions to be mindful, to "be". They heal, as

does the energy. There is a lack of control, of ego, in them. There is a lack
of attachment and desire in them. "For today only, anger not, worry not.
Be Grateful and Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all

Some ask what my opinion of the so-called "add-on" techniques is.

There is no right or wrong way, there is only what you do, or do not. You
can really only BE reiki, and in that moment respond to what is in that
moment. The rest of this is ego, conditionings, sleep, concepts and
speculation. Why get so involved with these that you argue? Keep in
mind that reiki is BEing Reiki. If you are focusing on your conditionings,
attachment to outcome, opinions, desires and ego then might I suggest
you refocus on simply being reiki and letting it be as it is, in the moment.
Respond in the moment, moment by moment in using reiki.

Reiki *heals*. Do not get so caught up in all the opinions that you forget

Do not fall into the trap of thinking that more is better. In the search, the
path so many move from one healing system to another. Reiki is taken
and this did not "fix us". Usui/Tibetan Reiki is taken. That didn't fix us
either. Now Karuna Reiki(tm) or Karuna Ki is taken. We still are not
fixed. Now Seichim, SKHM, Rebirthing, Pranic Healing, Polarity
Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, and still no fix. Realize that more is not
better. Each adds another system of belief, conditioning that covers your
eyes and blinds you from the truth. Not my "truth", not "your truth", not
any relative truth. Just the simple truth of *what is*. It is the search itself
that prevents you from seeing it. As long as you seek, you will not find.

In all honesty, will one more symbol, system, technique, hidden teaching
ever give you what you believe you lack? Nothing out side of you ever
can. Where is this seeker?, and what is it that is sought? You have been
seeking for what you think you are looking for, and when you find it, it
was not it. Your path may lead you to think that you are on the way
somewhere, to better sex, or money, being more in control, to be a better
"self", a "better" healer, enlightenment. But all of that is illusion. Using
reiki to try to "manifest" things that you desire is illusion. You are not on
the way anywhere, and there is no where to else to be. All you have is
this moment, the only time you can do or be anything. Be Reiki, Be
compassion, be loving-kindness, on this breath, in this moment.
Try not to think of any of this as "right" or "wrong". Reiki is in the
BEing. There are many, myself included, who have searched and
searched. There are countless people who take reiki as just another thing
on their search. We have taken multitudes of classes in many different
systems moving from thing to thing like a bee from flower to flower. In
this we are the blind following the blind, teaching the blind, leading the
blind. It is said Reiki came together for Usui after a Satori. He saw how
all his many experiences and healing practices fit together and taught a
simple system for others to follow.

There is no one in the west that I have ever met that has become
awakened by learning Reiki, yet there are countless who add all and
sundry to the system. Consider this carefully. Look at what it is you
expect from Reiki. Will learning another symbol give you what you
want? Will learning another system give it to you? What if they promise
"ascension", "galactic healing", meeting your reiki "guides", the secret
lost symbol, the lost teachings, secret channeled material from the
ascended masters? Will you *be* complete then? Will you then have
what you want? Will you finally be happy? What is it you seek? Will any
of these things give to you what you seek? Or are they simply additional
things to keep you asleep, more conditionings, more dead ends, that
others have convinced you that you need to be whole. My friends there is
nothing out side of you that can give you what you want. Reiki is a tool,
a pointer to the way. Use it or not. But do not expect it to do the work for
you, no one can heal you but yourself.

Reiki is in the simple. Reiki is not so much something we do, it is

something we are. In the moment, as the expression of what it, as love,
compassion and kindness we reach out, we touch, we heal. In the moment
when you stretch out your hand to heal where there is no self, no other,
you *are* reiki.

We can cloud our minds with attachments, things, techniques, endless

debates over right and wrong, but we have all been down that road
before. We know exactly where it leads.

And so in closing, I leave you with this. Simply place your hands together
in gassho, and say these words. For today only, anger not, worry not. Be
grateful and humble. Be kind to all. Be mindful and live these. Place your
hands on self or other and let go. Let go of outcome, of worry, of
conditionings, of need, and simply be. The rest takes care of itself.
Reiki Level I - 1st Degree Reiki Practitioner Manual

For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

Section 1 - Introduction to Reiki

Reiki is a secular enlightenment system and healing system. In the west, it is primarily taught as
a healing system. It allows you to heal self and others by laying on hands. It was developed by
Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900's. Reiki is very easy to learn and easy to use, and anyone
can do it. Reiki Healing is a process of being connected to the Reiki Energy through an
attunement or empowerment. Using reiki is simply a matter of awareness of reiki and the
expression of it is BEing Reiki. Healing is done either hands on, or by distance work.

Reiki is pronounced "ray-key". The word "Reiki" is made up of two separate kanji. "Rei", which
means Universal and "Ki" which is spirit, energy or life force. The most common definition of
reiki is therefore "universal life energy". Some say that it is life force energy that animates all
life. This universal life energy is indescribable, in all things, everywhere. In doing and being
reiki our awareness of it in the moment is the expression of reiki in healing, being, in whatever
we are doing in that moment.

The two Kanji taken together can also mean enlightenment. They represent the universal spirit
coming together with our own.

Section 2 - The Heart of Reiki

The Reiki Principles The Secret Method of
Inviting Blessings.
The spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses.
For today only anger not, worry not.
Be Grateful and humble
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all.
In the morning and at night,
with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind,
chant this with your mouth.
The Usui Reiki Method
to change your mind and body for the better
-- Mikao Usui

The Reiki Principles are the heart of Reiki. The only real mastery, is self mastery. Usui taught
that dedication to the principles and living them was essential. The real intent of the principles
was to bring about enlightenment, peaceful living, kindness toward all, calm in your mind, and in
your life. The princples embody compassionate living. They embody the Buddhist principles of
Karuna (compassion toward all beings) and Metta (loving kindness to all). Humility, gratitude,
not-anger, not worry, and kindness. In healing ourself, living the principles, we find true
mastery. Not mastery of Reiki, but mastery of ourselves.

Anger, Worry, Rudeness, and other ego based behaviors and feelings make it hard to connect
and be with this Universal source of love, light and harmony. They also keep one asleep,
unaware of the greater spiritual purpose and awakening.

The Usui Reiki System was an enlightenment system which allowed you to heal yourself and
others. It was designed to connect you to and synchronize you with the Universal Source of
love, light and harmony, until you realized that you are and always were it. The system is a
healing method of transcending. It should be added here, that there are very few who teach
reiki in this manner, and that in the west most teach it only as a healing system, and even more
that teach it as a business.

The principles were to be said morning and at night, with hands held in the Gassho position.
Likewise, they are said before meditation and before Hatsurei ho (an empowerment and
meditation technique). Thinking them throughout the day helps as well. When you integrate
these simple things into your life and being, you may find that they will be there when you begin
to anger, worry, or are unkind to others. In this manner you learn to see the conditionings in
yourself, why you do these things and heal yourself. Many find that if you say them often (i.e.,
For today only anger not, worry not, be grateful and humble, do your work with appreciation, be
kind to all) that you become mindful of being just that.

Do your work with appreciation refers to working steadfastly on yourself. Working with diligence
and effort to see those things that are not healed in you and to release the conditionings that
cause your suffering.

Some may wonder what is meant by "anger not, worry not". This does not mean do not be
angry, or do not worry, but something radically different. The principles are from the Meiji
Emperor, and have been part of buddhist tradition. Anger is an attachment, a demand that we,
others or world conditions not be as they *are*, but as our wants desires and conditionings think
they need or should be. Your focus determines your reality; where your awareness is, there you
are. If your awareness is on anger not, you might begin to see (afterward a happening and your
reaction at first, during a happening while you react later, and eventually before your reaction
occurs) the conditionings you use to create this anger in yourself. At this point you can indeed
anger not because you see the ego and conditionings that create anger in the first place, and
are free to respond to the situation as it *is*, rather than react to what you wanted it to be.

When we anger ourselves over what happens, what another does or does not, we create this
anger for ourselves. Our conditionings (beliefs) do this for us automatically. One name some
give for these conditionings is ego.
Usui, as well as the meiji emperor, taught to say the principles daily, morning and at night and
before treating self and others. The principles encourage mindfulness, that is staying in the
moment, that is paying attention to these conditionings.

Your focus determines your reality. Where awareness is, there you are. Be mindful of the

Section 3 - "What is Reiki?"

Reiki is a healing system and an enlightenment system. In the west, most teach it solely as a
healing system, although many have added in a plethora of new agisms and other material to
it. As a healing system, it is a form of healing that can be used both on yourself and others.
Reiki is BEing this energy and healing.

Some conceptualize this as energy coming from "god". Others see it as one "ray" of the "seven
healing rays". Some think it comes from the "reiki guides". Still others try to define it in terms of
physics. Many theories abound and none are any closer to the mark than any other theory. I
will share with you that My way, is simply being the energy. To try to define reiki is like trying to
grasp a handful of water, the tighter you grip the more that slips through your fingers. It would
seem that attempts to grasp to any one meaning is to shut off experiencing reiki, as it is, in this
moment. Just *be* reiki.

Reiki was described by Usui in his manual, "The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" as being "intuitive".
It seems to go where needed, or flow in responce to the demand or need of the recipient.
Takata taught that reiki goes to causes. It treats symptoms, but it goes to the root cause. I
usually say that reiki is, exactly what needs to be done, in that moment.

It is commonly taught , that the energy enters the practitioner through the crown, and then down
into the hara. The energy then goes out through the palms of the hands into the person
receiving the reiki. Because of this, both the practitioner and recipient receive reiki during a
treatment. Reiki can be used on yourself and on others. Giving or receiving Reiki is generally a
peaceful and joyous experience.

Reiki is balance. It works on all levels, the physical, spiritual, and emotional levels. Reiki
energizes and heals the body. Research studies have shown that it speeds wound healing
time, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and is effective as part of a regime to manage
pain. Anecdotal reports reveal that Reiki has cured serious illnesses. Reiki compliments other
health care and medical treatments. Reiki speeds the healing process and can minimize the
side effects of conventional medical treatments.

Reiki is not a religion. Neither is it a new age practice. It has been used by practitioners of
Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, and Islam, and it is a spiritual practice that
compliments any faith as a hands on healing practice.

In the Usui Reiki Hikkei (The Usui Reiki Handbook that Usui gave to his students) he states
that, "My Reiki Ryoho is an original method based on intuitive power in the universe. By this
power, body gets healthy and enhances happiness of life and peaceful mind".

Section 4 - The History of Reiki

In Reiki the history of the system and how it developed has developed into an "important" part of
the system. Some hold to their version of "the history" as rigidly as some hold to the dogma or
tenets of their religion. Up until very recently (around 1998) the only information that was known
were the teaching stories that Mrs. Takata taught about Mikao Usui's founding the reiki system.
Since 1998, a number of western reiki masters, namely Frank Petter, Dave King, Hiroshi Doi,
Andrew Bowling, and Rick Rivard have made contacts in Japan and learned of reiki that
continued on in Japan apart from the western traditions. The history that they learned from the
Japanese was more thorough and contained more factual information.

The most common reiki story in the western world comes from Hawayo Takata's teachings. This
story is told in most all styles of reiki and by the Reiki Alliance. It should be understood that this
story was Takata Sensei's teaching story. Mrs. Takata was a Japanese American woman. She
was attempting to convey Japanese cultural ideas, practices and beliefs to Americans with a
Christian cultural mindset and background. In addition, this followed a historical period where
Japan had been at war with the United States.

The traditional story, as told by Mrs. Takata, is that Dr. Usui was teaching in a Christian
university called Doshisha University in Kyoto in the mid 1800's. His students began to
ask him if he believed that Jesus' could heal as in the bible. When he replied that he did,
they asked him to perform such healing so they might believe as well. Dr. Usui did not
know how to heal. He began to question church leaders, who also did not know how this
was accomplished. So he set out on a quest to learn of these methods. As the story
goes, he traveled through Japan, China, studied at the University of Chicago Divinity
School and eventually came back to Japan.

According to the story, Usui had failed to find this great healing and so Dr. Usui climbed
Mt. Kurama for a 21 day meditation and fasting ritual. At the end of the 21 days when
Usui was about to leave, he saw a great light approaching him from the distance. He was
fearful, but he stayed. The light struck him in the forehead (third eye) . This knocked him
unconscious, but upon awakening, he saw millions of small glowing bubbles and the
Reiki symbols were shown individually to him. The meaning and application of each
Reiki symbol was then apparent to him.

Dr. Usui was then supposed to have healed his toe on the way down the mountain, as
well as a girl, and then eaten a full meal after a 21 day fast. He began healing beggars in
the slums of Kyoto. He found that those that he had healed would return again for
treatment of the same illnesses. Usui found that many of these people held their
illnesses and disease because they served them as useful. These people preferred to live
with their illness because they were cared for by others, and various other reasons. It
was then that Usui felt that treatment must include not only the physical, but also the
emotional and spiritual. Usui also decided not to do Reiki for free after this, and that
some form of energy exchange must occur.

It is taught that this system was passed on down to his chosen successor, Mr. Chujiro
Hayashi who became the next "Grand Master" of reiki. It is also taught that this mantle
of "Grand Mastership" was passed to Mrs. Takata, which was passed onto her grand
daughter Mrs. Phyllis Furumoto. It should be noted that Takata Sensei did not ever refer
to herself as "Grand Master", this was something that some of Takata Sensei's students
did and was perpetuated into a belief and dogma in the early practices of the Reiki
Alliance circa 1982-1983.

Research and information began trickling out of Japan in the mid to late 1990's. Dave King,
founder of Traditional Japanese Reiki (TJR) met and trained with surviving masters of the
Hayashi lineage and received copies of his manual as well as other materials. Frank Petter,
began teaching a western version of Reiki in Japan and began to learn of other lines that
existed there and began to investigate the history. Hiroshi Doi, was a master under Barbara
Weber Ray in the west (i.e., Radiance Technique School) and began to correspond with several
masters in the west. Petter began writing books on the subject, and both Petter and Doi
Sensei have come to the United States and given seminars on techniques that are in the
Japanese Schools.

These sources have revealed new information regarding Dr. Usui and the discovery of Reiki.
Mikao Usui was born August 15th, 1865 in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture in a village
called Yago. Usui studied Buddhism at the school and temple on Mt. Kurama as a child. It is
also thought that he may have studied a Japanese form of Chi Kung and other oriental healing
systems. Most stories of the History describe Usui as scholarly, and that he was a bright and
hard working student. Usui was a successful businessman. Somewhere around 1914 he went
to meditate at Mt. Kurama, and underwent a 21 day period of meditation and fasting. During this
21 day meditation the Reiki Energy entered his crown chakra. He discovered that he had
received a great gift of healing. He knew that unlike his Chi Kung exercises which could deplete
his own personal energy, this Reiki Energy would heal without draining him.

He then spent seven years in the Kyoto. He opened a school in Tokyo, where he trained
students in his Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho. It is thought that he trained about 2000 students to the
practitioner levels and sixteen to teacher level. He died on March 9, 1926.

Usui himself founded a Reiki Society. Mikao Usui was the first President of the organization
which he called Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. Usui died in 1926. There have been six presidents of
the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai since Usui's death. None of them were Dr. Hayashi. None of them
called themselves "Grand master" or lineage bearer. Usui was succeeded in order by Mr.
Ushida, Mr. Takatome. Mr. Wantanabe, Mr. Wanami, Mrs.Koyama, and the current President Mr.

Additional information was revealed regarding Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was made
a Reiki Master in 1925 and was a student of Usui. Dr. Hayashi was a retired officer from the
Japanese Navy. He opened a Reiki clinic which was more along the lines of a medical model.
Dr. Hayashi made some modifications in the system and most likely developed the 12 standard
hand positions from in use in the west today. These hand positions allowed Reiki to be given by
several practitioners at once. This group healing technique was used in his clinic and it was
believed this maximized the flow of Reiki to the patient, and sped up the treatment time. In
Hayashi's clinic, Students would work in his clinic treating the sick for a period of time in
exchange for learning Reiki I. Those who were talented and dedicated healers were taught Reiki
II, in exchange for a longer period of service and training. The most dedicated were taught Reiki
III. One of Hayashi's Masters was a Japanese American woman, living abroad in Hawaii, Mrs.
Hawayo Takata. Hayashi was a respected master, who was the one who continued working
and running in Usui's clinic following Usui Sensei's passing. It is reported that Mr. Hayashi left
the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai due to a disagreement.

Mrs. Hawayo Takata was born in 1900 on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. Her parents were
Japanese immigrants. She married and had two daughters. Her husband died in 1930.
Approximately 5 years later, she developed severe abdominal pains, lung problems and
subsequent nervous conditions. She returned to Japan to visit family, and to receive medical
treatment. According to Mrs. Takata, she was found to have a tumor and an appendicitis. While
on the operating table, she reported that she heard a voice tell her that the operation was not
necessary. She asked the doctor if there was another way her problems could be healed. The
doctor told her about Dr. Hayashi's reiki clinic, and she decided to go there. She received
treatments at Dr. Hayashi's clinic. Ms. Takata wanted to learn reiki and requested that Dr.
Hayashi teach her. He eventually agreed to teaching her. In 1936, Mrs. Takata received her first
degree in Reiki. At the end of a year of training she received her Reiki II. She went back to
Hawaii and began to practice Reiki. In 1938, while Dr. Hayashi was visiting Hawaii, he initiated
Takata as a Reiki Master. She was the thirteenth master initiated by Dr. Hayashi. Her certificate,
notarized on February 21, 1938 gave her the status of a Reiki Master and authorized her to
teach the system. Mrs. Takata initiated 22 masters. Most of these 22 masters are alive and still
practicing and teaching Reiki today.

At some point the Reiki system taught to Takata from Hayashi changed. Many of the meditative
and spiritual practices (that are now being rediscovered as they are released from Japan) were
missing. It is unclear as to why this was done. It is unknown if she was not taught them by
Hayashi, or if they were dropped because Westerners could not understand them. In any case,
there were not passed along to the vast majority of practitioners in the west. Perhaps this is why
so many people attempted to add spiritual practices from Tibet and other places in an attempt to
"fill in the gaps" that they perceived were missing. Reiki in this Hayashi - Takata Tradition is
most commonly known as "Usui Shiki Ryoho".

After the death of Mrs. Takata, Reiki in America split into two main schools. They were the
Radiance Technique (aka "Real Reiki") founded by Barbara Weber Ray, and the Reiki Alliance
founded by Phyllis Lei Furumoto (Takata's grand daughter) and the remaining Masters of Mrs.
Takata. Mrs. Furumoto began to claim as time went on, that she was now the "Grand master
and Lineage Bearer" of Reiki, and recently that she held the "spiritual lineage". The Alliance and
its members acknowledge Phyllis Furumoto as the current "Grand master" and "lineage bearer"
of Reiki. While Mrs. Furumoto is certainly the current head of the Reiki Alliance, and of the
lineage of Usui-Hayashi-Takata, which brought Reiki into the United States and much of the
world, there clearly exists no Grand master designation that Usui passed onto anyone.

Reiki has evolved substantially since the time of Takata's death in the western world. Reiki has
spread throughout the United States and Europe, and India. Many masters have added or taken
away some techniques and modified the teachings. Some have added Tibetan Techniques, Chi
Kung, Wicca, New Symbols and whole new styles have been created. There are now styles
such as Raku Kei Reiki, Vajra Reiki, Essene Reiki, Karuna Reiki  Seichim Reiki, Tera Mai
Reiki, as well as several non-traditional Usui Variants. The vast majority of practitioners are
Independent Reiki Masters.

So there you now have the history of reiki. Try to remember, as you read this, that none of it
matters one iota. The reiki history, was Usui's journey and realization, of *what is*. His journey
is our journey. He experienced Satori, and from his experience of *what is*, set out this system
as a pointer to the truth. The history is now.

Section 5 - Was Reiki "Rediscovered"

Did Reiki Come from Tibet?
It is commonly taught these days that reiki was "rediscovered" by Usui. This is taught most
commonly in the Usui/Tibetan Schools and found in such books as "Essential Reiki" by author
Diane Stein. Some, noticing some similarities between reiki and the Tibetan practice of
empowerments by a master and Tibetan practices such as Medicine Buddha, began to claim
that Reiki predates Usui's discovery and is in reality from Tibet. Still others developed new
sources for this "tibetan history", and began to "channel" spirits, guides and other beings who
told them reiki was indeed from Tibet (or Egypt, Atlantis, the Mayans, the Lemurians, etc.
depending on which spirit you happen to be channeling).

The earliest statements regarding reiki coming from Tibet that I have been able to find, appear
to come from Arthur Robertson's work in Raku Kei Reiki. Raku Kei Reiki was an invention of
Arthur Robertson. He was a student of Iris Ishikuro who was herself a Master student of Mrs.
Takata. This style was invented in America after Mrs. Takata has passed away in 1980. Raku
Kei incorporates the Hui Yin (i.e., microcosmic orbit), the Breath of the Fire Dragon (Violet
Breath, golden breath technique) and other Tibetan practices.

Usui states in his own words, in the Usui Reiki Hikkei (Usui Reiki Manual given to his students)
that, "My Usui Reiki Ryoho is an original, it's nothing like this in the world. So I would like to
release this method to the public for everyone's benefit and hope for everyone's happiness. My
Reiki Ryoho is an original method based on intuitive power in the universe. By this power, body
gets healthy and enhances happiness of life and peaceful mind." Going on he states that, "I've
never been given this method by anybody nor studied to get psychic power to heal. I
accidentally realized that I have received healing power when I felt the air in mysterious way
during fasting. So I have a hard time explaining exactly even I am the founder. Scholars and
men of intelligence have been studying this phenomenon but modern science cant solve it. But
I believe that day will come naturally."

From his own words, Usui states that his art is original and like nothing else in the world. He
does not mention Tibet, Lemuria, Atlantis, Guides, Jesus, Buddha, chakras, spirit guides or
anything else that is commonly taught along with reiki. He also does not mention that he
"rediscovered" it.

It is also commonly taught that Reiki comes from Tibet, Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayans, the
Ascended Masters, the Galactic Council, the Federation of Light, the Brotherhood of Light and
even the space aliens. Usui's own words from his manual would seem to be in contradiction to
these claims. Others have claimed that Reiki has roots going back well over 2,500 years, as
well as those that speculate that it is the same healing system used by Jesus, Krishna, and the
Buddha. Indeed some even make the claim that Jesus ventured into Tibet and India and
learned Reiki from Tibetan Masters (see Diane Stein's "Essential Reiki"). Still others claim Reiki
is from Egypt, Atlantis, and even from Lemuria over 100,000 years ago. Tibet has several touch
healing systems, none of which are Reiki and it is inappropriate to call them Reiki. There is no
historical evidence that Reiki ever existed in Egypt. There does not appear historically to have
ever been any touch healing systems like Reiki or Seichim in Egypt. Atlantis disappeared and
took her secrets with her. Atlantis and Lemuria, while the subject of great interest, if they
existed, took their secrets with them when they were destroyed. There is no reason to believe
that Reiki existed before Usui.

It is also commonly taught that Usui learned or discovered Reiki by reading the Buddhist
Sutras. It is often stated that since Usui discovered Reiki by reading the Sutras, it must
therefore have been a buddhist art that predated his discovery of it. Since countless millions
have read the Diamond and Lotus (and other) Sutras and not ever seen anything that described
Reiki or discovered Reiki, It should be safe to assume that the sutras, while they may have
been a great inspiration, were not the source of Reiki.

In all likelihood, Reiki was a combination of several different arts and techniques that existed
and were in practiced during Usui's lifetime that he combined after he had a satori
(enlightenment experience or moment of oneness). Morihei Tanaka was alive at the time and in
the same general area teaching his Dai Rei Do and his system used Rei Shi Jitsu or Universal
energy to heal. My information also indicates that this school used Reiju as their empowerment
process. Reiju was the original process to empower students that evolved into attunements in
the western systems of reiki. (It was also rumored that Usui had studied with Tanaka but that
cannot be confirmed.) Another school developed at this time was called Omoto Kyo. This was
developed by Onisaburo Deiguchi. His practices used eating healthy food and diet and energy
healing. Deiguchi's system was further developed by Mokichi Okada who developed Sei Kai
Kyu Sei Kyo better known as Johrei and as the Johrei Fellowship Worldwide. Johrei also uses
Reiju to empower its followers. Finally Ki Ko was the Japanese practice of Chi Kung. Ki Ko
techniques were widely known in Japan and found their way into many systems including Aikido
which was developed around the same time that Reiki was. Techniques such as hatsurei ho
and other practices in the original Usui system were obviously from Ki Ko. It is most likely that
Reiki evolved from these and other practices in Japan that Usui learned and studied.

Section 6 - Other issues in Reiki

There are several areas that are often taught along with reiki but are not Reiki. These are
things such as Reiki "Guides", acquiring psychic powers, chakras, the "21 day cleanse" and the
energy exchange. These will be addressed in this section.

Reiki Guides
"Guides" in Reiki is not a part of reiki but is often taught along with Reiki. Reiki books such as
Diane Stein's "Essential Reiki" and in William Rand's teachings talk and teach the meeting of
your "Reiki Guides". In the teachings of Usui, Hayashi, and Takata there was not training or
teaching to meet "guides". These practices were taken from Shamanism, Spiritism, New Age
and other sources and added into reiki in an attempt to explain how reiki works or the intuition
that many people expeience as a result of the mindfulness and healing that is reiki.

Some authors, such as Diane Stein, invented the idea that the Reiki "guides" do the attunement
and make corrections for mistakes. "Belief" in guides is simply that, another belief. Some find
the idea of guides meaningful, while others find it contradicts other beliefs that their religion
might have.

There are those that believe that your "guides" are merely your intuition manifesting itself in a
safe and acceptible format that you can process, and thus the "guides" are an
anthromorphication of your own intuition. Others believe these are a real phenomena and
channel all sorts of guides. Many people's guides give them information that contradicts what
other's guides have told them. It is confusing to say the least. Whatever your belief regarding
guides, recognize clearly that it is a belief, and that guides are an add-on to reiki and not
necessary to practice reiki or do it effectively.

Psychic Powers
Other books discuss the theme that Reiki and the attunements give you (or cause an increase
in) psychic powers, clairvoyance, and other psychic skills. The Usui Reiki Ryoho System was
not designed to develop psychic powers. In Usui's manual, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Hikkei, he
states clearly that Reiki was not about using or developing psychic powers. Many teachers sell
this idea that receiving a reiki attunement enhances psychic powers. Doing Reiki or receiving
an attunement will not give you psychic powers. The Attunement is a wonderful spiritual
experience and a joyous experience to receive. For some people it may also increase psychic
sensitivity, increase intuitive awareness, and other psychic abilities, and for others it might not.
Either way, these things are not reiki.

Chakras are energy vortexes and are information that is part of many Indo-Tibetan Systems.
Chakras were not taught as part of the Original Reiki System but were added on to the many
Usui/Tibetan and Tibetan Reiki Schools that sprang up in America since the mid 1980's. Some
masters teach Chakras as part of the system along with reiki.

Some schools and/or Independent Non-Traditional Masters teach techniques such as "opening
chakras", "closing chakras", that they spin clockwise and what that means, that they spin anti-
clockwise and what that is supposed to mean. There is not always a general concensus on
what colors the various charkas are supposed to be and different schools and people see them
differently. Some reiki teachers have taken from their new age practices of using pendulums to
determine the "spin" of a chakra, or using it as a yes/no oracle to determine if the chakra is
"blocked". In my own experience, I have not found much concurrance of opinion as to whether
or not it is open or blocked among those that practice such techniques. Chakra work is a
complicated skill. It is taught as part of several healing traditions outside of reiki and takes
many months, if not years, to master even at a noviate level. It is certainly not something that
could be taught in a weekend reiki class. If you do not have specific, extensive, instruction in
manipulating chakras outside of your reiki class then I would suggest to you that you not
engage in techniques such as these. Remember that reiki is simple. Doing reiki is passive, by
doing nothing everything is done. Manipulating chakras is an active act and would seem
inconsistent with doing reiki in this manner.

The 21 Day Cleansing Cycle

This is another area that was not originally in the Reiki system but is often taught along with
reiki. When you receive your Reiki attunements you may experience some cleansing.
Cleansing can be emotional release, your body purifying itself of toxins, illnesses healing, or
letting go of problems. I have known some people to report dark heavy urine or loose stools
following and attunement. It is my understanding that "Cleansing" was not taught as a part of
Usui's original teachings. Some schools teach that the cleansing occurs in a 21 day cleansing
cycle. Other masters teach that there is a "healing crisis" that can occur. Presumably implying
that the attunements are so powerful that they can precipitate a severe emotional release in
some people which can be a "crisis".

Several of the traditions that I learned taught the 21 day cleanse (there are 7 chakras and 3
days of cleansing for each chakra or alternatively relating to Usui's 21 days on Mt. Kurama). In
my own case, I did not have any "healing crisis" and I kept waiting for it to happen. Although I
could do reiki, i began to wonder if perhaps something was "wrong" since I was not cleansing
and so many others reported that they were.

Having done extensive work as a therapist in mental health as well as alcohol areas, I have
noticed some things over the years regarding group process. An observation ( more so than
that it is actually well documented and researched) that researchers who have studied group
process, and alcoholic therapy group process in particular found that the stories that people tell
of their past experiences change from the time they enter the group over time. When they enter
they will discuss their symptoms that brought them to treatment, but will begin incorporating
elements that seem to bring group approval. For example the number of "blackouts" they report
increases, they will incorporate these details into their presentations which become more alike
over time (This was compared in the research studies to pre group individual interviews and
other measures such as observation by peers and family). It is both a process of group
pressure and dynamics, as well as confabulation.

I bring all this up, because it seemed to me that was a part of what I was seeing. That is not to
say that I doubted the veracity of the people telling the stories. Nor is it to say that I doubt they
experienced the symptoms or anything else. What I noticed was that people tended to take
what they experienced and mold it into that 21 day cleanse model. When you are told you will
cleanse, and are supported in group process by others anecdotally telling their stories, you will
tend to process your experience through that filter and "see" what you expect to. This can take
away from the direct experience of just Being Reiki, from your own direct experience of *what it*
and into the realm of other's conditioned beliefs of what you should be.

My observation was that people "cleansed" as they thought or expected that they should. When
I have shared this "insight" with people on some e-lists and BB's, people have generally not
been very receptive to it. Some wrote me and called me cold hearted and insensitive, closed
minded, unfeeling, an elitist stuck on that "traditional stuff", while some others wrote things that I
will not re-print that were less nice.

I have observed this phenomena in people that I have taught. At first I would teach the
"cleansing" model, and people would cleanse. They would even talk about it as if it were a
tangible thing, something to be proud of as if a sign of passage. As i began to learn more of the
history of reiki, I could find lines where this was taught as "conventional wisdom" but could not
find it in early teachings. So I dropped it. The funny thing was, in classes where I taught
straight reiki with no add-ons, and I did not teach the 21 day cleanse, no one seemed to
cleanse. I have always tried to be available to people for follow up and always extended the
offer and invitation for them to contact me in the event that they experienced some healing
"crisis" but that rarely ever happened.

It needs to be stated here that what I have written in no way should be thought of as to diminish
the suffering of another. Nor should it be read as to take away from any difficulties that you may
have had. Nor is it to imply that "it is all in your head". The issue here is not whether the "21
day cleanse" exists or not, or even if "cleansing" exists or not. It is rather that to conceptualize
this subject in this fixed format, fast food, one size fits all way is to diminish the wondrous
unique individual responce that people have to attunements. It forces us to place our
experience and being into a pre-molded form. In doing so, we move from our own being and
experience to wondering how well we fit the mold. You cannot imagine how many questions
and letters I have receive asking if their attunement worked since they did not seem to have a
21 day cleanse. Others have written asking if it is normal that their experience lasted 40 days,
or 100. Still others have written discussing with me that they noticed that on day 14 of their
cleanse they "should be cleansing the throat chakra (or heart, or root, or third eye, etc.)" but
they feel it in the heart or another location, and is that normal and ok? These simple examples
illustrate to the reader here that by teaching these ideas in this manner we force people away
from their direct expereince of BEing Reiki into molding their experience with reiki into what
other's beliefs regarding it are.

Reiki is about change. Most notice after taking reiki that there are changes in their lives, many
unforeseeable. All people experience reactions to the attunements to some degree. This is
healing, aligning, changing.

What we experience following an attunement is nothing to worry or fear. It is unique for each
person. Make sure that you discuss with your teacher any problems you have. It is commonly
taught that the best way to deal with any post attunement symptoms is to drink lots of water.
This helps flush from the system any toxins released and helps keep you grounded.
Additionally doing daily full body self treatments helps considerably.

One final word regarding "cleansing". I again stress that reiki is about change. People come to
reiki because they want to heal. Think regarding this. What is it that you want changed in your
life? What is it you need healed? These things are part of your life and may be areas that you
will heal. Also, if you are experiencing any psychological conditions, there is the possibility that
as you are healing they might seem worse as they begin to be worked through. For example, if
you are depressed or have just experienced a loss. Above all else, if you have any difficulties,
problems, or emotional healing that is troublesome contact your Reiki Teacher.

Energy Exchange
This concept of energy exchanges is one that was dogmatized into the practices of the The
Reiki Alliance as they codified what their understanding of Reiki was in the first years after Mrs.
Takata passed away. The idea or concept of energy exchanges is the idea that if one receives
a gift, such as Reiki, that there must be an equal exchange of energy to "balance" things out, so
the universal balance is maintained. This philosophy was added to Reiki by students of Mrs.

It is said, that Mrs. Takata believed that Westerners would not value Reiki unless they paid
dearly for the Training and so used this to charge the $10,000 price for Reiki Master training.
Later masters added in the idea of "energy exchange" in order to justify this practice of high
charges. This was never part of the original teachings of Usui. Some of the masters trained by
Mrs. Takata made their Master students promise to earn their living only from doing Reiki. While
this had the effect of developing very dedicated healers, it also had the effect of making Masters
very competitive. Additionally, they became very selective in accepting master students as a
result. So as you can see, issues of money, business, and competition entered the picture and
from all this developed the idea of energy exchanges.

Some advance the arguement that everything is energy and money "represents energy". That
is, that money is a form of energy that is used to get other things. It is a form that is valued by
others. (If we wrote this in a formula, would it be: if money is "energy", then money
energy = spiritual energy?)

Some say that not keeping the exchange "creates a vacuum in the universe". Some say that if
they do not charge they "dishonor reiki". Others teach that if an exchange is not done there is a
"karmic imbalance". Others teach that people will not accept the worth of what you offer if you
do not charge. Still others feel that if they don't charge that the message you sent to the
universe is that you are not worthy of receiving anything. My friends, ideas such as "honoring
reiki", feeling worthy, balance, creating a vacuum, maintaining karmic balance, are not about
honor, they are about money, they are about ego. They are ways we are attached to the
outcome of doing reiki, ways that maintain the illusion of seperateness. People heal when they
are ready, paying money will not change this. Honor comes from holding something dear in our
being. It again needs to be stressed, that these words are not to disparage anyone, or be
negative toward charging but rather to clean up some of the arguments of justification that
people use. The Universe *IS*. Reiki *IS*. Balance, as is conceived of here is human
contrivance and ego. What *IS* does not need us to keep a score sheet.

If you are a healer who makes their living healing others, it would be essential to charge and
appropriate to do so. But do not confuse honor with money. They are not the same. Charge if
you wish, don't charge if you wish.

In one of Takata's teaching stories, she tells the story of Usui and the Beggars. The story was
that "Usui began to share this new gift with the beggars on the streets of Tokyo. He found that
they would repeatedly come back for healing and did not appreciate the gift he gave them." It
was then added that as a result that he vowed never to give reiki away again for free.

This story is used as a justification for the "energy exchange" and for the justification for having
people pay dearly for receiving reiki. The teaching story Takata told, of Usui working in the
slums of Tokyo is just that, a teaching story, whose moral was that some people refuse to
change. Historically, Usui worked with people all over Tokyo following a major earthquake, poor
or not. He did not charge for this. It is said that he maintained his own business. There was not
a charge for being a member of his organization, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, but a small
monthly fee to help keep the club going. It exists to this day. The moral of Mrs. Takata's
teaching story has become so far removed from it's original meaning by the energy exchange
position, it is all but forgotten. The moral of the story of the beggars is that some people do not
want to change. It is easier to stay where they are, to take the easy (all be it painless) way then
it is to change. People who are reinforced for being ill will stay ill.

The universe *is*. Reiki *is*. What *is* does not need human ego to play energy Robin Hood to
try to equalize and balance things. If energy exchanges were so important to maintaining
spiritual balances of energy in the universe one might expect other spiritual leaders to have
mentioned them. I have searched the Gita, the Vedas, the Bible, the Koran, the Tao Te Ching,
Buddhism and cannot find exchanges. One might think that if it was of such import that it might
be mentioned. You can find many healings, acts of kindness, compassion. You can see the
radical loving kindness and compassion of Jesus who says, "your faith has healed you", but he
didn't add "now you owe me to balance this out". In these many traditions of these great
teachers, you don't see worthiness, money, balance, exchanges. In reiki, the relationship of
teacher and student is perfectly "balanced", just as it is.

Charge if you need, do not if you do not. It is as simple as that.

Section 7 - Levels of Reiki

In Current Practice in America and Japan, Reiki is taught in levels, and through attunement by a
Reiki master. There are three levels that are generally used, although in the Usui/Tibetan
schools the level of IIIa has been added.

Level I - Reiki Level I (called Sho Den in Japan) is taught to those that wish to learn to use the
Reiki Energy. The class is taught by a Reiki Master trained to pass the attunements and teach
Reiki. There are various attunements for conferring the Reiki energy on a student. Traditional
Usui Healing Systems use four attunements. Depending on the School of Reiki one takes
classes in, a Reiki I class material generally includes the hand positions used when doing Reiki
on self and others, the Reiki principles, and the hisory of reiki. You then receive the
attunements. Reiki I is taught by some to heal on the physical level. Some schools also add
information on the effect of the energy on the organs and indications of illness and how to treat
them. Some schools teach that Reiki I heals on the physical level.

Some non-traditional schools add information on the chakras. They may also add a speculative
history that reiki is from Tibet. Some schools teach the power symbol with level I. Many
nontraditional schools only use one attunement for level one.

Level II - Reiki Level II (called Oku Den in Japan) teaches the three Reiki Symbols and the
student is given another attunement. Some conceptualize Reiki Level II as being a deepening of
the Reiki experience and a greater commitment to Reiki. Reiki Level II is thought to heal on the
Emotional level, while others believe that Reiki always heals on all levels. The Power Symbol,
Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol and the Distant Symbol are taught. Their meanings and
applications are taught. Some schools insist on an oral tradition (that is a western Takata based
adaptation not practiced in Japan). Different schools have different time length requirements
before level II can be taken (usually three months between level I and level II).
Level II generally includes the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and Connection),
Mental/Emotional Healing, Distant Healing, and another attunement.

Non-traditional schools add the techniques scanning and beaming. Some others add spiritual
practices to Reiki including new age practices, ascended masters, crystals, Tibetan and other
practices. The time between levels varies, and in some schools Level one and two are taught
in the same weekend.

Level III (Master Level) - Third Level Reiki (called Shinpi Den in Japan) is the Master Level of
Reiki. Reiki Level III is taught by some to heal on the spiritual level. The Usui Master Symbol is
taught. The Usui Master Symbol completes the other three symbols taught at Level II. Some
traditions require a great commitment on the part of the student, and there is a bond forged
between student and master. Masters are taught how to initiate others into Reiki using the
attunement process. Level III generally includes the Usui Master Symbol (empowerment
symbol) and its meaning and application, The attunement process and practice in its
application, and how to teach others.

Non-Traditional schools add in three additional symbols. These are the Tibetan Master Symbol
(i.e., Dumo), the Fire Serpent Symbol and the Raku Symbol. The attunement processes are
modified as well with various Tibetan breathing techniques and the chi kung microcosmic orbit.
The Usui/Tibetan Schools and other various Independent Practitioners have added a Level IIIa
in between Level II and the Master Level. Level IIIa is often called Advanced Reiki Training
(ART) although these techniques are not "advanced" and technically neither are they reiki.
Some of the techniques that might be included here are: Reiki Meditation using the symbols for
problem solving and for manifesting goals, Reiki and crystals, making a Reiki crystal grid, using
pendulums with reiki, Reiki meditation to meet you "reiki guide", Reiki Healing Attunement, the
Tibetan Antahkarana symbol and a meditation for its use, the Hui Yin position and the Violet
Breath. In this dichotomy, Level IIIb teaches the addition of three "Tibetan" symbols, and how to
perform the attunements. Level IIIa is an extra level added onto reiki in the Usui/Tibetan

Section 8 - How Reiki Works"

This section is the simplest to write of the whole manual. No one knows.

See I told you it was simple.

Anything other than, "no one knows", is purely speculation and belief.

There are those that speculate that it activates the hara line. Others believe it opens the
chakras. Still others believe that it reconnects you to the divine energy. There are many

In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, the manual he gave his students he says, "I've never been
given this method by anybody nor studied to get psychic power to heal. I accidentally realized
that I have received healing power when I felt the air in mysterious way during fasting. So I
have a hard time explaining exactly even I am the founder. Scholars and men of intelligence
have been studying this phenomenon but modern science cant solve it. But I believe that day
will come naturally." Even the founder seemed to be at a loss of how to describe it.
I will share with you, that I suggest that you not waste your time worrying how it works and give
you the following suggestion. Reiki cannot be grasped with the mind, it can only be known in
the doing and being of it. When you "do" reiki, it is not so much in the "doing" as it is a state of
BEing. In doing reiki you are in the moment of oneness that Usui shared. In the movie, "The
Matrix", Morpheus tells Neo, "...sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, there's a
difference in knowing the path and walking the path". Everything you have read to this point in
this manual is "knowing the path". In doing reiki, we are walking the path.

Reiki Level I is the first step in the Reiki Process. The ability to do Reiki is passed onto a
practitioner by receiving an attunement or initiation from a Reiki master. This attunement is all
you need to use Reiki healing energy in your own life and for those around you.

Reiki can be used on Adults, Children, Animals, and Plants. People generally like receiving
Reiki and report that it is a relaxing and stress relieving process. A normal treatment takes about
45 minutes to an hour to do. With children and animals it generally goes much faster (they are
also much less likely to sit still for an hour).

Section 9 - Ethics in Reiki

The Reiki Ethics
Reiki is a unique healing method. It requires that you touch another person. Not just with your
hands but also with energy. You share in the loving energy of the source that God has made
available to all. It is a unique and special gift.

Many people coming for healing are vulnerable. They may be vulnerable emotionally or
physically. It is imperative that you do not violate that trust that they place in you. If a person is
experiencing emotional release, as a result of the treatment it is essential that you maintain their
confidentiality and respect their lives.

What follows are some ethical considerations to help you be aware of some of the issues that
you might face as a result of practicing Reiki. This will be addressed again in Level II when you
learn distance healing with reiki.

1. Ask permission prior to treating anyone. Some people actually do not wish to be healed.
Respect their wishes.

2. Consider all information given to you by people you treat with confidentiality. Any information
that is discussed in the Reiki session should be confidential between the you and the person.

3. Before doing reiki on someone, give people a brief description of what happens during a
session and where you will be touching them. Have them sign a hold harmless agreement also
indicating any areas that should not be touched.

4. Do not ever promise healing. Do not ever diagnose. Explain to people that Reiki sessions do
not guarantee a cure, and are not a substitute for appropriate medical care, and never suggest
that the client change prescribed treatment or medication or interfere with treatment of a
licensed health care provider.
5. Suggest referrals to licensed medical or psychological professionals when appropriate. Do
not attempt to diagnose or do therapy with people if that is not your specialty that you are
authorized or licensed to do.

6. Respect touch and boundary issues for people. Having clients disrobe is never necessary for
a Reiki treatment. Do not touch private areas.

7. When working with children make sure you have the permission of the parent.

Section 10 - Touch Issues

Touch Issues
Reiki I consists of the History of Reiki, Information about Reiki, the Hand Positions, and
Receiving and attunement. One of the major issues, often not discussed, is Touch and the
meaning of Touch. This is an important part of Reiki and of life.

Touch is an essential part of wholeness and love. From studies done on monkeys we know that
without touch babies cannot thrive. We know from other studies that a mother's touch can
relieve pain in children. Touch can be a sign of affection and a non-verbal communication to
another. In Sports games, athletes often touch each other as a sign of support and respect.
Football players from opposing teams often pat each other on the back after a play as a sign of
respect and support for one another.

Reiki is a "hands on" healing art. In practicing healing we touch others, or we touch ourselves.
Let's explore both type of touch.

Self touch is a particularly important issue. Many people are decidedly uncomfortable touching
themselves. There are issues of self worth, body image, and sexuality involved. Some people
feel touching themselves lovingly (not sexually) is narcissistic. It is important when doing Reiki
on yourself to allow yourself to touch your body lovingly. The issues you might have about self
touch will be apparent when you do reiki on others, and so it is important to deal with any
discomfort you might have.

Touching others as a Reiki Healer is a loving act. It is reaching out to someone, to share a gift of
healing. Many people are uncomfortable in touching others. Most of the practice of the hand
positions in Reiki I classes are to allow people to not only learn Reiki and the Hand positions,
but to deal with touch issues.

Some practitioners may occasionally find that the recipient may experience sexual arousal.
This will happen from time to time particularly with a female practitioner and a male recipient.
(Some have speculated that this is a result of the Kundalini rising..something rising in any
case!) Understand that many people touch very little in daily life. Many people only really touch
others in the context of intimate relations. Because of this, they may experience arousal with
the physical act of being touched. As previously stated, this is not all that common, but to know
in advance it might occur is important.

Pay attention to the pressure you use as you place on yourself as it is the best guide to how
much hand pressure to place on others. Be sensitive to others bodies. People who have abuse
experiences may be very sensitive to being touched. Treating people who may have a difficult
problem being touched is not a problem. Just as Reiki will pass though clothes, it will pass
through the space above them. Simply raise your hands above the areas that might be difficult
or that people do not want touched, and do Reiki. It will work just as well. You can alternatively
place your hands to the side of the area and intend that it heal that area.

The subject of nudity and reiki needs to be addressed. There is never any reason to have
anyone disrobe in order to use Reiki. If the energy can be sent distantly to heal (as taught in
Level II) then it should have no problem passing through some simple fabric. I have heard that
one school teaches that attunements have to be performed nude. This practice is never
necessary and places the student in an awkward position that is grossly inappropriate.

Section 11 - The Hand Positions

There are several sets of hand positions. It has been found that Dr. Usui used 5 hand positions
and then used Reiji (sensing) and Byosen (scanning) to know where to place the hands.
Hayashi seems to have had 7 hands positions originally. In his clinic, there was the 12 position
set that several reiki practitioners would use at once on the person receiving. Takata
standardized these into the system of hand positions that is common in the west.

A reiki treatment involves giving reiki using the hands. The hand positions are sets that some of
the early masters of reiki found worked well in treating the majority of the meridian and
important areas of the body. The sets, whether you use Takata's 12, Hayashi's 7, or another set
are a good general all over treatment.

The hand positions were designed for people that have not developed Reiji and Byosen. They
cover the majority of the meridians and treat most of the major and minor organs. As your
intimacy with the Reiki energy develops with practice, Reiji will develop naturally and you will
intuit more where your hands should go. Byosen is taught in many level II Reiki classes.

Remember Reiki is in the DOing and BEing. You will learn far more by Doing reiki than reading
a book. My suggestion is learn and use the hand positions and use them. You will notice over
time that you will develop a sense of when to move your hands and how long to hold them in
any location.

The Reiki hand positions are relatively simple to do and generally correspond to the seven basic
chakras. Each position is held for 3 to 5 minutes, more or less. Trust your intuition. At times you
might feel led to place your hands on a certain area, and in this case trust your intuition and do
that. Reiki sessions are conducted with the client fully clothed. When working around private
areas you may want to hold your hands about 3 to 5 inches above the area instead of directly
on the person.

After your Reiki I attunement it is nice to practice Reiki as much as you can. Self treatments
help to teach you the hand positions and the experience of giving Reiki. The most difficult part
of giving treatments at first will be self-consciousness at doing Reiki on others and being a clear
channel. Many people feel self-conscious doing Reiki on others at first. Touching another person
is an intimate and trusting act. You may wonder what in the world you are doing, if you are doing
it correctly, or worry that they might think you some flake, or even hopeful that the Reiki will
work. In all these cases simply be free of expectations and keep the ego in check. The Reiki
will work, even if you do not believe in it. There is no wrong way to do it. The self-consciousness
in touching others and in the process of doing Reiki will decrease in time as you get more
practice in doing Reiki on others. Nothing breeds self confidence like practice.

The hand positions for self treatment are the same as for treating others. You will learn far more
about reiki by doing treatments to yourself (and others) than you will ever learn in any class or

Self healing is wonderful thing to do. You can give self treatments at any time. You can do them
in meetings, on a bus, in traffic, or in the park. If you are not free to do the traditional hand
positions, place your hands where you can in an unobtrusive manner and let the reiki flow!

Rather that recreate the wheel (until i get my pictures scanned), here are links to Sets of Hand
positions that others have graciously posted on the Web.

Hand positions
Hand positions for treatment
Drawings of Hand Positions
Traditional Japanese Reiki Hand Positions

Usui, Hayashi, and Takata all taught that certain hand position (or series of them) is related to
treating certain illnesses. In actual practice, Usui originally used 5 hand positions and then
used Reiji (intuitive knowing) and Byosen (scanning of the person's energy body or field to
guide hand placement) to know what areas needed treating. This implies that they knew what
needed treating and would place the hands there to guide the energy to where it was needed.
It shows a specific level of skill. In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan you would not be
allowed to study the second teachings until you had developed Reiji.

In starting to do Reiki use the hand positions. These were developed by Usui, Hayashi, and
Takata as a general overall guide for those that had not yet developed Reiji or Byosen. A copy
of Dr. Hayashi's manual is on this site giving a guide to treating many different specific
illnesses. For general treatments my preference is to use the Traditional Japanese Reiki 7

Section 12 - Reiki Treatments

A Reiki healing session takes about an hour. There hand positions placed at various points of
the body. The hands are either gently placed directly on the body or about 3 inches above, and
the energy flows from the Reiki practitioner into the recipient.

A Reiki treatment is generally a very relaxing and stress reducing experience. It can also be an
emotional release for people. Both treatments and the attunements can cause the release of
held emotions. Reiki can release this blocked energy which allows the body's energy to flow

Preparation prior to treating yourself or others is a meaningful way to prepare to do reiki. It is
not technically necessary, but it pleasant to do and helps separate everyday consciousness with
proper mindfulness and a setting of the sacred. What follows are some guidelines that I use
when treating self and others. These are not "required" or necessary to do reiki. Some of these
are in the Hayashi tradition and will add to your expereince, the recipient's experience and
understanding the spiritual mystery that is reiki.

My recommendation is to have glasses of water easily accessible for both Reiki practitioner and
the recipient. People get thirsty when doing reiki. The water helps ground and flush out the
system of anything that was released. Likewise after an attunement, drink plenty of water to
help keep the system balanced and to flush out the released impurities.

Treatment can be done on a table, the floor, a bed, a chair or other arrangements as needed. A
massage table is ideal, but they are expensive, particularly since most people do not see Reiki
as a business but use it on their family and friends. Some considerations to take into account
are your comfort and the recipient's comfort. It can be distracting to be giving reiki standing in
an awkward position that strains the back.

A. Mindfulness Preparation

Do Gassho. Place the hands in prayer position in front of the heart. Wait to feel the connection
with reiki. Allow yourself to be mindful of the energy. Let go of all conscious desire of what the
energy should do, what it needs to do. Let go and let reiki. Reiki works best when ego works
least and so my formulaic cutesy little pneumonic is "when ego goes, reiki flows". This is right
mindfulness. We let go of expectations, desires of what Reiki should do and other controlling
aspects of our ego and instead let reiki work.

Some schools teach that it is important to ground and center themselves in preparation prior to
treatment. To ground is simple, feel the connection to the earth, or visualize roots from your feet
flowing into the earth.

B. Beginning Reiki - Touching the other

Move the hands from Gassho and let the palms be face up, towards the ceiling as if you were
holding precious water in them or a delicate butterfly rested on them. Your hands are the
sacred holding this loving gift. You have connected to reiki, feel the energy in them. Turn them
over gently and lay them on yourself or the person you are treating. The pressure is loving and
gentle. Do not press. If there are reasons not to touch the other person (i.e., sensitivity to touch
due to abuse, burns, wounds, risk of infection) then simply hold the hands above the area to be

C. Treating

Keep the hands on that position for 3 to 5 minutes. This is not a hard and fast rule but a simple
guideline. Some experience that the energy begins to flow after laying the hand down. The
energy will seem to increase for a time, and then ebb. You might feel this as tingles, or heat.
When it ebbs, move to the next position. There are times you feel nothing and in these cases
follow the 3 to 5 minute guideline.

D. Moving between Positions

Pick up the hands. Place them again in Gassho. Again feel the connection for a moment and
then place them on the next position. This practice helps us keep the proper mindfulness. It
also helps keep us centered. Lastly, it helps protect us legally. It is sad to say but we live in a
legally contentious time. Some massage boards wish to regulate reiki because they see it as a
business that falls under their auspices. Even if you do not follow the Gassho between
positions, never slide the hands between positions. This might be misconstrued as "massage".

E. Finishing

When you are done again place hands in gassho. Some schools of Reiki suggest: that you
rinse your hands and arms in cold water to break energetic contact with the person. This is
generally good advice and helps break the energetic connection. When you are done with
treatment, simply intend that the Reiki session is complete and that you are not connected to
the person. Some teachers also suggest that you break the energetic connection to your client,
by "karate chopping" the astral cords that collect at your solar plexus. A practice that was used
in Japan was called Kenyoku or "Dry Bathing". This was part of Usui's Reiki Ryoho that was
developed from Shinto practices to cleanse and purify the body and spirit.

To Do Kenyoku (Dry bathing), do the following steps.

Kenyoku is done either in the aura or energy field several inches above the body, or with the
hand on the body.

To begin, put your fingers from your right hand near the top of the left shoulder. Your hand is
flat, with the fingertips where the collar bone meets the shoulder.

Draw the flat hand down across the chest in a straight line down to the right hip. Exhale as you
go. People who come from martial art schools will recognize this as an open handed down

Repeat this procedure on the right side, reversing the directions (i.e., using your left hand from
the right shoulder to the left hip.)

Repeat the procedure again on the left side.

Now, place the right hand on the edge of the left shoulder at the top of the arm. The fingertips
that are on the edge of the shoulder are pointing outwards.

Bring the right hand down the outside of the arm all the way to the tips of the fingers. The hand
is flat to the arm the entire length of travel. You can keep the left arm straight and at your side,
or hold it up slightly. Again exhale as you go. Martial artists will recognize this as a shirk which
would be to remove the hand of someone that has grabbed your wrist or arm.

Do this again on the right side, with the left hand on the shoulder and bringing it down the right
arm to the fingertips.

Do this again on the left side.

Section 13 - Group Healing

In Dr. Hayashi's clinic in Japan, the practitioners worked in teams. Group sessions involve
several Reiki practitioners working on one client all at the same time. This has the benefit of
allowing many people to be treated more rapidly. It is also a blissful and pleasant experience.
Groups generally consist of 2 to 4 practitioners. (any more than that and it gets crowded!!!). To
organize a group, designate someone the leader. That person does the head positions. Divide
up evenly the remaining positions with the other practitioners. Have people change positions at
the same time as instructed by the leader. This way everyone starts and finishes about the
same time.

Reiki "Shares" are times when a group of Reiki practitioners get together and share Reiki group
healing sessions together.

Section 14 - The Attunement

The reiki system is one that awakens this energy from teacher to student with an initiation. This
initiation is often referred to as an empowerment or an attunement. An attunement is a ritual
action performed by the reiki teacher to awaken in the student this energy.

There is a tremendous amount of speculation regarding how attunements work and why, and
while all interesting theories and beliefs, all fall short of the mark.

I will share with you that you are, and always were this Universal life energy. The attunement
gives you nothing you already were not. This "energy" is in everything, flowing everywhere. To
paraphrase wise Solomon, "it shines on the wicked and the just". It is intangible, amorphous
and everywhere. You breath it in on everybreath, you express it in every thought, and every
movement. The teacher does not give you reiki, nor does the attunement. What it does it bring
back into awareness that which you already had and were. It is like having something so
familiar around you that you forget it is there, and the attunement just brings it back into
consciousness. Once you see it, then you can express it in your being. Then you are reiki.

Attunement styles and systems vary greatly from style to style and even from reiki teacher to
teacher. Some people have elaborate rituals that they believe must be performed exactly.
Others are less structured. Some add from other rituals to the process by burning colored
candles, using incense, playing music, saying prayers, calling "guides", using power animals,
etc. These things do nothing to add to the process but may provide additional meaning for
those that have the beliefs associated with them.

During the attunement there are some things that are common to all the reiki styles. You will
generally be asked to sit in a chair, with the back straight. Most teachers ask for a period of
quiet, contemplation or meditation for a few minutes before doing the process. Most teachers
will place their hands on your head, forehead and on your hands during the attunement. Some
may include tapping movements, and others may use a gentle breath empowerment technique.
The touching is generally light and not over personal areas.
Reiki Level II Manual
For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

SECTION ONE - Introduction

Reiki II is the level where students learn the three symbols (power, distance, and
emotional/mental symbols). With this comes the skill of being to focus healing on mental and
emotional problems, and distant healing those not physically present. These are the major focus
of Level II Reiki. Reiki two is the next exciting step in learning to use Reiki. It is commonly
reported that with Reiki II comes an increase in the power of Reiki. I have seen claims of 100%
increase in the power of the reiki energy and all sorts of other claims. Realistically, people
respond to Reiki II just like they do to Reiki I, and that is Individually. The level II attunements
were designed to increase your channel or your ability to handle and allow the reiki energy to

This level is referred to as Second Degree Reiki, Reiki Level II or just Reiki II. In this level, the
first 3 Reiki symbols and their use are taught and the student receives another attunement. This
Attunement is an initiation into the healing symbols of Reiki that enables a person to use the
Level II symbols. In the Second Degree, participants learn how to use the three symbols for for
mental healing, and to send distant Reiki.

The symbols do not represent separate energies, but a specific method of focusing on a specific
aspect of the Reiki energy. The symbols allow a convenient point of focus. The Hon Sha Ze
Sho Nen is a tool for focusing in distant healing, and the mental/emotional symbol is a practice
of harmony. You are not so much directing the energy as focusing on an aspect of it for the good
of the recipient.

SECTION TWO - Living the Principles

The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings.

The spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses.
For today only do not anger, do not worry.
Be Grateful and
Do your work (spiritual awakening) with appreciation.
Be kind to all living things.
In the morning and at night,
with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind,
chant this with your mouth.
The Usui Reiki Method to change your mind and body for the better
We again begin with the principles, the spiritual basis of the Usui Reiki System. In level I you
were taught the 5 Principles of the Meiji Emperor that Usui adopted into the Reiki system.
These principles were to be said morning and at night to focus you on bringing your life more
into sync with the Universal Source of Light, Love and Harmony that is Reiki.

If you have been doing the principles morning and evening daily you will have noticed that they
have effected you. When said often they have the effect of transforming the mind away from
the ego based fear, anger and worry, into a greater focus on your life mission, awakening,
gratitude, and compassion to all.

Most people begin to see a pattern. At first you will react as you always have based on the ego
and its conditionings. As you practice the principles more they begin to become part of your
consciousness. Then when something adverse happens you might still react but afterwards
remember the principles and establish control. As time passes you will find that as you are
reacting you remember the principles and begin to stop the reaction. Over time you become
aware of the pattern and its purpose and stop the reaction earlier and earlier in the cycle.
Finally you are free of that conditioning and free to respond to the situation in kindness.

This is the basis of the principles and how they work. Say them daily and practice, practice,


A large part of Level II Reiki is Distance Healing. This is a process of using a variety of methods
and the reiki distant symbol to send the energy to someone not in the same location as you.
They may be anywhere in the world.

When you do reiki in-person, you generally always ask the permission of the recipient prior to
doing it. With distant healing it is possible to send reiki to someone without asking. There are
times a person is not able to directly ask for the healing themselves. Sometimes you get
requests to heal someone by a friend or relative of a person (i.e., My friend has cancer, can you
please send them Reiki?). There are different views regarding the sending of this energy
without permsion.

Some masters teach that it is always appropriate to send, as an act of compassion. They feel
that if it is not possible to get permission from the person you can request permission from the
person's "Higher Self". You might be asking yourself, "what does that mean?" People talk of
connecting to other's "higher selves" and that they somehow can know what the other person's
"higher self would want. I cannot answer this question for you regarding this.

Others teach that the freewill of each individual must be respected and to send without asking
deprives them of making the choice to receive and the choice to heal. Their beliefs are that
when sending reiki without permission, you are removing from the other the right to choose to
end their own suffering, from the important lessons that they need to learn to end their suffering.

I will tell you that I have been on both sides of this issue at various points in time. At first I
believed that it was always appropriate to send in compassion without permission. Later, I
believed that you should never send without permission. But, if you are looking for my opinion
regarding this, you won't find it here or anywhere. Reiki is in the BEing and DOing of it. The
nature of the energy is intuitive, does no harm and flows to causes. In reality all the many
arguements and discussions regarding this is conditioned sleep. In that, we are like a group of
blindfolded people swing away at a pinata, hoping we hit it. "Higher Selves", "highest good",
these are all conditioned concepts that we use to try to explain away something. There is no
right way, there is only what I do, or do not. I can really only *BE* reiki, and in that moment
respond to what is in that moment. The rest of this is beliefs, sleep, concepts and speculation.

Be aware of what your own issues are and be mindful of them. When you feel the need to send
Reiki to those who have not granted permission, you may want to ask yourself what it is about
this situation that is striking chords in you. Why the need to send and intervene, rescue,
save..... Many people try to save the world in some attempt to save themselves. Once you
know that you will have learned a valuable lesson in your own conditionings. Perhaps in these
situations no matter what you decide, you might also consider sending to yourself to heal.

It would appear that many make this quite complicated in their attempt to set rules and beliefs
for themself. Is it not enough to simply be reiki and do what you do, now in this moment? All
this talk of ok to send, not ok, lower selves, higher selves, who heals whom, seems to dizzy one
so. I have wandered the paths of intellectualism and mental masturbation and when I have do
so, found myself far far from the moment, from from what is, and in some land where I was
trying to impose my belief ridden personal truth reality on the intimate beautiful reality of *what

When we talk of "higher selves", it necessitates by inference that there be a "lower self". It might
seem that when we believe in this duality of "higher" and "lower" selves that we foster an illusion
of something that can be conceptualized as seperate and distinct from ourselves or the other
person. That which we are, the essence of who we are is right now, is in this immediate
moment, and is not seperate. There is no "higher self" in the other person, seperate from who
they are and what they are right now in this present moment.

Ideas and beliefs of lower and high selves, like all beliefs that we cling to, arise in awareness
and fall away in awareness. Look at who it is that believes in higher selves and see who you
are..... it is not seperate, not higher, not lower, just what you are, in the intimate what is, in
awareness right in this present moment.

My suggestion for those out there, tying themselves up in intellectual knots trying to fathom
lower and higher selves and all that it entails, would be to simply *be* reiki. Be mindful, be
aware, just DO reiki. The right and wrong of any of this, is based on the beliefs we cling to. Just
be open, and do what you do, mindful, and be reiki, free of the concepts, accoutrements,
beliefs, techniques and suddenly none of this will matter at all.

SECTION FOUR - The Reiki Symbols

There is the traditional story told that Usui saw the symbols appear in "a bubble of light". The
symbols used in the Usui healing system are part of Taoist and Buddhist practice. It is believed
that Usui, who had a background in Buddhism, simply adapted common Buddhist and other
cultural/religious symbols for use in his system.

I personally do not believe the symbols are secret, although there are some Masters that do.
People who identify themselves as "Traditional" Reiki Masters will generally not show the level II
symbols to anyone not attuned to that level. This is an issue of contention for some in Reiki.
Takata taught that the symbols were not to be openly shown. It is said that she would take the
paper copies that her students wrote as practice and would burn them after the class. That was
a great reverence for them. The symbols were first released in a book in Australia. They were
next shown in Diane Stein's book, "Essential Reiki". The decision to show them or not, is an
individual decision and there are people of good conscious on both sides of this. To argue
regarding this is generally not productive as you are arguing from positions of belief and
conditioning. What follows in this section is information regarding the symbols, their addition
into Usui's practices, and information regarding how they are seen and used currently in
Japanese Practice.

In the western "Traditional" practices the symbols are "secret" and "sacred". In the western
"Non-Traditional" practices, it is not uncommon for them to be openly displayed. In Japan, the
symbols appear to be somewhat common and have been observed to be written on all sorts of
objects in public view. They are also a part of traditional Buddhist practice and are known by
those of those traditions. It is said that in Usui's group, the "Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai", that the
symbols are known but not used. There would therefore appear to be many different practices
and opinions regarding the symbols, and different lineage's of reiki seem to have evolved their
own ideas regarding this.

Some teach that the symbols have their own power, are tangible manifestations of source and
all sorts of other beliefs. Some teach that seeing the symbols prior to being attuned will make it
impossible to attune you. Some fear that exposing them to the public will degrade them or allow
them to be used for harm or be desecrated. The symbols do not hold any "secret power", and
have no power themselves. They are a convenient connection to the energy. The Symbols are a
tool used to focus the Reiki energy. In order for these symbols to work you must be attuned to
them. What happens during the attunement is that you are given the connection with the energy
through them and they become a mental representation that helps you focus with them. In any
case, Reiki cannot be used for harm. Seeing the symbols before being attuned is irrelevant.
Countless people have seen them and been attuned without problem or incident. The symbols
cannot be used for harm. The symbols have only the power you give to them. If you embody
them with your power and belief, then they will have whatever power you imagine of them.

In American Reiki Practice, the tradition was an oral tradition with the symbols not ever being
shown, and not written down. I have heard stories of masters having students practice writing
the symbols in a level II class and then taking all copies of them and shredding and burning
them. I have heard that showing them will make them loose their "power". I have heard that
seeing them prior to an attunement will make it harder to attune the person later and all sorts of
other beliefs. Symbols are a representation of something, not the thing itself. These may
represent the connection to the Reiki energy, but they are not the source or the energy.

The Reiki symbols were not part of the beginning teachings by Usui but were incorporated into
the reiki system some time before the system was taught to Hayashi Sensei. The symbols were
originally referred to as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3, and Symbol 4, and the names were the
mantras associated with them. The symbols were designed to assist those who had little or no
energy experience so that they could more easily connect and use the system. The symbols
were Reiki "training wheels", and once you had a strong connection to the energy they were no
longer needed.

In the western Usui Shiki Ryoho of the Takata line the symbols are the primary basis of the
system. In some cases they are considered secret and sacred. In recent times, Some
independent masters have allowed the symbols to be viewed publicly.

I believe that there is a great deal of confusion about what symbols are, what they are for and
why they are used. Many people get caught up on the outward form of them, that is the
drawing, which symbol is correct in shape, etc. There is an oft repeated myth that Mrs. Takata
gave the symbols differently to different masters. An interesting myth. However, I think that the
reality is more likely that they remembered them differently. Mrs. Takata required an oral
tradition. Takata took their reproductions that they drew in class and after class burned them.
These were americans learning Japanese Kanji symbols from memory so I think it more likely
that the difference in symbols that have crept into Reiki are more the result of human memory
and limitations than them being taught differently. In any case, the differences in the outward
form do not matter and they will all certainly work. Please do not misunderstand symbols, what
they are, what they are for and why they are used. To concentrate so on the outward form
misleads away from the inward transformation that they are.

At their simplest level they are a stimulus-responce tool. The mere act of drawing or visualizing
them (stimulus) leads to connection with the energy (response).

It is said that Usui adapted them for use for those without the energy sensitivity to work with the
energy directly. But again this should be placed in context. In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai the
students would meet frequently (perhaps weekly). They would say the poetry of the meiji
emperor. They would chant the 5 principles. They would do the hatsurei ho meditation to
strengthen the channel and increase sensitivity. They would then receive an
empowerment/attunement called reiju. They practiced healing. You can see from this description
that one would develop the sensitivity relatively quickly and the repeated empowerments,
hatsurei ho and other practices would lead to great familiarity with the energy. Hayashi changed
this model to one where people learned more quickly. Empowerments became attunements.
You did 4 at the first level, probably to reflect the many Usui did, and you worked in his clinic to
gain experience. The symbols became more important because the community support and
group work and empowerments were not the same.

In the west you don't get that kind of community experience.

It has been said that the symbols are reiki training wheels. That is they are used while needed
and then let go, like all conditionings. But even with that said, the symbols were not chosen
randomly. Usui would apparently have chosen symbols present in his environment that would
have had meaning to himself and those around him. Some of that meaning is culturally laden.

Here is an excerpt from the "Reiki and Spirituality" article on this web site that I believe is worth

"....Usui was a grew up studying Tendai Buddhism. (For more information on Tendai (T'ien T'ai
in Chinese) please visit the Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple e-book. As such, there are certain
ideas about the world that are part of his system. Reiki exemplifies the principle of "wei wu wei",
doing by not doing. By doing nothing, everything is done. Reiki is a simple practice. We place
our hands on someone and by doing nothing (no controlling, no directing, just BEing) everything
is done. The principles teach keeping the now, and awareness. It takes mindfulness to "not
anger" and "not worry". It takes mindfulness to "be grateful", and to "be kind to all living things".

Looking at the symbols he chose to place in the system also are keys to this enlightenment
system. Let us now examine these symbols and the possible implications of them. Unlike the
multitude of also ran systems that have developed in the west since the death of Mrs. Takata,
the Usui system had only 4 symbols, and it is fairly clear that they were added fairly late in the
development of the system. They seemed to be added in as a tool for those who had trouble
connecting to the energy directly.

The first symbol is the "Cho Ku Rei", the so-called "power" symbol, also called the Focus. It
says "place the power here". It is an edict to do so, but something much more is implied. It is
also an edict to "wake up". In the oneness you are and always have been this, interconnected
with all things and one. It is an invitation to awaken, to remember by releasing the things that
blind us to our true nature.

The second symbol is the "Sei Hei Ki", or the so-called "mental-emotional" symbol. It is the one
mind, Buddha Mind. It is the mind of compassion. It is the focus in the now where we are a new
creation every moment. It is the Harmony symbol. In the oneness that is Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki
heals body mind and spirit. It cleanses and heals by helping us to remove the attachments we
have that create our suffering and thus our illness.

The third symbol is the "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen", often called the "distant" symbol but also the
"connection" symbol. It is from a Buddhist Chant that means "Right consciousness is the root of
everything" or "A righteous man may correct all thoughts", or "To act in the Realization of
Absolute Beingness". But what might that mean, "Right consciousness"? This is clearly a
Buddhist idea. Right consciousness is being fully in the moment, fully in the now. It is acting, not
reacting. This is an important distinction. Reacting is based on our ego, our conditionings. Our
conditionings are the cause of our suffering and our illness. It is only by letting go and removing
our conditionings that we are free to be in the moment, to respond, and ultimately to heal.

The last symbol is the "Dai Ko Mio", or the so-called "mastery" symbol. The symbol is the great
shining light. The goal is Reiho is to live in the great shining light. The previous three symbols
are the key, the last is the realization.

Perhaps putting them all together into a sentence might help. We are one with all things, in this
oneness we heal body mind and spirit. In right consciousness we release attachments and
conditionings so we live in the moment of the great shining light.

The symbols are a tool. They are a road map. They are training wheels on a bicycle that are
used while needed and then removed, (like all conditionings) when no longer needed. Do not
mistake the map for the journey, or the destination.

SECTION FIVE - The Power Symbol

Cho Ku Rei
The first symbol is called the Power Symbol or
the ChoKuRei. This symbol is sometimes
nicknamed "the light switch" as it connects us
to the energy, like a light switch being turned
on. It is thought to turn up the energy, and
opens us as channels of the reiki energy.

The ChoKuRei symbol can help start the reiki

flowing, and most practitioners use it at the
beginning of sessions by drawing it on the
palms of their hands. It can help overcome
negative resistance patterns. Using it on an
area can help reduce pain. It is also used in
space clearing.

To cleanse a room, Draw it in the corners of a

room intending it be cleansed. Draw it on
objects in your environment intending they be
cleansed and operate for your highest good.
Draw it on objects and send reiki into them to
empower them with reiki.
The ChoKuRei has as many uses as you can think up! You can use the ChoKuRei at the start of
a healing session to feel the energetic connection to the reiki source. You can use it to focus
power at each hand position and on any problem areas. Draw it over the person at the end of a
healing session to seal in the healing energies. It can be used to clear a room of negative
energies. To do this, draw it in all the corners of the room intending it be filled with light. It may
also be used for protection. For protection, draw it on a piece of paper and place it on or under
things you want filled with reiki. Draw it on food and water before you eat and drink them so
that they are filled with the love that is Reiki. You can also draw it over your head during
meditation and meditate on the symbols themselves. Draw the ChoKuRei on the shower head
prior to taking a shower so that the water is filled with reiki as it cleanses you! Experiment and
above all have fun!

Mental/Emotional Symbol
Sei Hei Ki

The second symbol is called Sei Hei Ki. It is

pronounced "say hay key". This symbol is known
as the mental/emotional symbol, but also as the
harmony symbol. It is used to heal mental and
emotional habits that no longer work for you, and
emotional and mental distress. It is also used to
bring up and heal the emotional issues
underneath physical problems. It helps reinforce
and support positive behavior changes.

It is also used to help release negative

conditioning from past experiences by changing
reacting to responding. Buddhists believe that ego
is conditioning. The Zen sages knew that to be
free of suffering was to end desire. It was only by
removing the conditionings of life (ego), that one
could be free and experience harmony and
oneness. This symbol is for healing and releasing
those feelings, desires and conditionings. It is
also known as the Harmony Symbol.

Healing with the Sei Hei Ki can be as simple as using the symbol while doing a healing using
the regular hand positions. It can also be used as part of an emotional meditation to help
release and heal these conditionings and patterns that underlie problems.


There are many ways to use the Mental/Emotional Symbol for emotional healing. This
meditation works on the issues behind physical problems. It can help bring into conscious
awareness so they can be dealt with and healed. Below is a method that I use as an emotional
healing meditation. Feel free to experiment with this and to tailor it to your specific needs, or the
needs of your reiki clients.

To begin get comfortable, sit in a comfortable chair, and relax. Do some form of systematic
muscular relaxation to increase relaxation. One that I use is:

Allow the relaxation to come into the soles of both of your feet at the same time. Feel your feet relax. Let
the relaxing sensation move up the legs into the ankles, letting the muscles and bones relax. The relaxing
energy moves up the legs into the calves, relaxing them, and then up through the knees into the thighs.
Allow the legs to totally relax, and then let the energy move up into the hips, relaxing the hips. And your
legs and hips are totally relaxed. Now let the relaxing power move up the spine, and a warm feeling of
energy moves up the spine as it relaxes the muscles of the back. The energy moves into the shoulders,
and you allow your shoulders to relax. The energy now moves down the arms, and into the hands, relaxing
your upper arms, fore arms, and hands. Now the energy moves up the neck, relaxing the muscles in the
neck and up the head, into the scalp and the head and scalp are relaxed. The energy moves down over the
forehead, and into the jaw, and you are totally relaxed and now ready to start the emotional program.

(The symbols used are Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei Hei Ki. If you have not yet
memorized them, have a picture of the three of them together.)

Try to bring the emotional issues to be worked on into awareness. If you cannot get a good
handle on the issue, then concentrate on the feelings that you have regarding this matter. Draw
the ChoKuRei in front of you and on your palms, and above the crown. Then do the same with
the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

Draw the Sei Hei Ki in front of you. Again connect with the issue, either the feelings of it or
create a visual picture of it in your mind. Draw the Sei Hei Ki and visualize it over the problem.
Meditate on the symbol, and feel it bring healing into you. Know that it is working for your
highest good bringing healing to your emotions.

Next draw again the ChoKuRei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and again the Sei Hei Ki and connect to
the issue. Concentrate on sending emotional healing to yourself at the point that this problem
occurred, healing within you the past that continues to hold on and create the issue in you. Use
an affirmation. "I am healed and whole", "I release this for my highest good", or anything that
you think of that will help the healing process. Repeat the affirmation three times.

Meditate on the harmony and universal love that the Sei Hei Ki is a representation of. Allow the
symbol to be part of your consciousness and let it flow over you. When done, draw the
ChoKuRei in front of you.

Do this every day for a week and pay close attention for the changes that will occur in your life.

Alternative Emotional Healing Method

This above method is one method that can be used. Another is to do a treatment using all the
hand positions, and draw the Sei Hei Ki symbol at each position, asking that whatever patterns
and conditionings are being held are released. Again be creative and use your intuition and
SECTION SEVEN - Distance Healing

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Absentee, or Distance Healing is another aspect of Reiki II.
There are as many ways to do distance healing as there are
healers. Reiki is unique in healing systems because it does not
use the healers energy, and the symbols are a unique
connection to the source of all.

The Reiki Distance Healing symbol is called the Hon Sha Ze

Sho Nen. This symbol enables us to send healing energies to
others at a distance. This can be used to send Reiki across the
street or to other parts of the world. It can be used when doing
hands on Reiki healing would be inappropriate (with a burn
patient or someone with sexual abuse issues). In these cases
Reiki can be sent distantly from across the room. Such line of
sight uses of the distant symbol are called "Beaming". This
symbol is also a symbol of karmic release. It allows us to send
reiki outside of time and space. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is
made up of five distinct elements. One possible meaning can
be "no past, no present, no future". In distance healing, Reiki
energy can be sent thousands of miles away, or across a room.
With distance healing there is "no past, no present, no future",
there is only the now. There is only the present moment.

Some people have seized on the "no past, no present, no

future" definition as a justification that you can send Reiki into
the past or future and change its outcome. I believe this is a
mistaken understanding of the meaning of this symbol.
Sometimes it is useful to look at something in its cultural and
linguistic context to understand what it meant to those that developed it. Reading history
backwards using present western ideas or a western cultural mindset creates
misunderstandings and confusion. Likewise looking at this using our western new age beliefs
also create confusion.

An example that might illustrate how we take for granted how our cultural conditionings and
mindset influences our thinking might be found in looking at how we use words to represent
actions and ideas that might not translate easily to others in another culture. As Americans we
can communicate some concepts easily to other Americans with no explanation. When i say I
am going to make a "Xerox", people understand that I mean to make a copy, when I say i need
a kleenex, people understand that i need a tissue. Kleenex and Xerox are companies whose
names are synonymous with the items that they represent generically. When I talk of the
"American Dream", it is a cultural idea that refers to having a good job, getting ahead, having a
house, a car, luxury items, etc. It is something that has a cultural basis that may not easily
translate to those whose mindset and language have developed in another place and time.

In the same way, HSZSN must be understood in the context, culture and language that it came
from. Many people have seized on the "no "past, no present, no future" translation that has
become so prevalent. "No past, no present, no future", is a useful definition to explain that the
energy can move and be sent anywhere to heal others at a distance. It is a less useful
definition to discuss ideas regarding changing the past, sending to the past and future. Let us
part from this definition for a moment and look where this symbol came from.

I have had several discussions regarding the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen with people who were native
Chinese and Japanese speakers. I decided on exploring this avenue after reading Gabriel
Shiver's web site where he did exactly that. Like Gabriel, I was told that it would be difficult to
explain to someone who was not a Buddhist. What followed was a discussion of Buddhist
thought that I was familiar with but not necessarily understood. The meaning is not "no past, no
present, no future", but something more like "Right consciousness is the root of everything", or
"A righteous man may correct all thoughts". The two thematic elements the same here are
Right consciousness and root thoughts or correcting them.

Usui growing up was a Tendai Buddhist. Tendai teaches meditation, mindfulness, repentance,
the Lotus Sutra, and Mikkyo (esoteric Buddhism) . Living in the moment with attention and
awareness is essential. Usui was said to have attained a Satori or enlightenment on Mt.
Kurama and afterward discovered that he could heal. If you are unfamiliar with Tendai, or some
of its underlying ideas and what they followers work towards, try visiting Reiki Ryoho Plain and
Simple and visit the various links on the left side of the page.

In buddhism, Right Consciousness or Right thinking are embodied in the eight fold path. I could
not possibly do justice to trying to explain that in this short discussion and it would be a
disservice to do so, however, a Book like "Buddhism Plain and Simple" by Steven Hagen would
be an excellent place to start. The whole purpose of all this is to be so focused on the now, the
actual experience that we are in our immediate experience moment by moment. In this we see
the root of thought coming and going and have become so aware of our conditionings and
discarded them that we experience right consciousness and see the actual experience of
reality. Usui's system was a secular enlightenment system that allowed you to heal self and

To a zen buddhist, the past does not exist. It has happened. It cannot be undone. A zen
buddhist would see your clinging to the past and holding onto it tightly as your mind grasping a
conditioning, and that attachment would bind you to dukkha or suffering. When you hold onto
these conditionings and not stay in the present, you deprive yourself of fully experiencing this
present moment. When you hold onto the past you recreate it, not as it was, but as you
presently need it to be based onto all the conditionings that you have. If you anger yourself at
something that happened in the past you do not relive anger but recreate it for yourself in the
present. In the same way, we can create the future, indeed a multitude of them with imagination
and longing and desire. We can invest energy into that future and even feel emotional
responses to that future. We invest our ego, our desires and wants into this possible future and
in so doing we condition ourselves and our reactions and limit our ability to be in this "now" and
be spontaneous and genuine. We also prevent ourselves from responding in the moment when
we arrive in that future. So when we are sending to the "past" and "future" we are sending to
ourselves in the Now, healing that which we carry with us. By holding onto the past or future,
we not only do not heal, but perpetuate our suffering in the present. By holding onto the past or
future, we do not heal and we create more suffering for ourselves by not fully being in the
present. When we read HSZSN, "A righteous man may correct all thoughts", it can be seen that
it is by healing these that we do not anger, do not worry, and thus truly heal.

SECTION EIGHT - Distant Treatments

These methods are useful for sending distant Reiki treatments. Over time, you will discover that
you need to use the distant symbol less, and that the structured methods are also less needed.
This is as it should be. As you develop increasing familiarity with the energy you will naturally
find that the symbols, like all tools, can be put aside when no longer needed. However, it
should be cautioned not to be hasty in initiating this. Take your time and let the connection to
the energy strengthen and grow. These are some possible methods for sending distant reiki.
There are a multitude of them, as many as there are practitioners. Use one of these or invent
your own.

Regardless of what technique you use to send distant healing, it is important to be mindful of
what you are doing and stay in the moment. Do not attach yourself to the outcome but simply
send and let reiki do what it will.

A. The Photo Technique

The simplest technique for sending Reiki to someone at a distance is to use a photo of them.
This technique was taught to Takata by Hayashi. Draw the three symbols with your finger on
the picture and say the names of each symbol three times as you draw them. Intend that the
person be filled with Reiki. Then place the photo between your hands, and then send the Reiki.
You can also do a self treatment using the photo under your hands as you treat yourself
intending that the person receive the treatment.

B. The Proxy Methods

Knee Method - Pillow Method - Teddy Bear Method

Proxy methods are using one thing to represent another. People use these methods to help
gain an energetic rapport with the person. Many people have difficulty believing that reiki can
transcend time and space and the proxy gives their minds something to grasp to get past the
limitations of the mind. Anything can be used as a proxy. Technically the photo technique
above is a proxy method that uses the photo to represent the person.

The basis of the proxy method is that we intend that the object represents the person. If you are
using a pillow, you would intend that the top part represent the crown, the middle the waist, and
the bottom the feet. A teddy bear is easy, the head represents the head, etc. In the knee
method, use the right knee and thigh to represent the back, and the left knee and thigh to
represent the front of the person treated. The knee corresponds to the head, the base of the
thigh would be the feet.

Which ever method you use, begin by drawing the three symbols on the object used to
represent the person. Then treat the proxy intending that you are treating the person.

Some masters use the wording and say, "By the 'Law of Correspondence', my right knee
represents the head positions". It would seem to me that the vocalizations "by the law of
correspondence" are drawn from Wiccan practices, or from Western Hermetic Magick. In Reiki,
no formalized ritual is necessary, nor the adherence to Wiccan or other Magickal practices.
Intent is the Key to utilizing the intelligent energy of Reiki. Simply intend it to heal the person
and send it, Reiki will do the rest.

C. Finger Method

The Finger method is another method of using a representation of the person to send distant
reiki. It is useful if you only have one hand free or in a place where you want to send distant reiki
but do not want to attract attention to yourself. Basically, this procedure uses one of the fingers
of one hand to represent a person or situation that you want to send distant healing to. Wrap
your fingers of one hand around the finger that you are using as your representation. Intend that
you are sending distant reiki to that person or situation. You can state it out loud as well if you
like. As you do Reiki on your finger, you are doing Reiki on the person.

D. Visualization Technique

Another method is to imagine that you are there with the person receiving the healing, and do
the healing as if you were there. The trick is being able to keep the visual image in your mind
while you do the healing. It requires strong visual skills and intent.

E. Beaming Technique

There are two different beaming techniques. They are beaming distantly and in person
beaming to someone in your location (i.e., you can see them).

To do distant beaming, draw all three symbols in the air. State the name of the person you wish
to heal, and any other details about them that you need to feel connected. Intend that the
person will receive Reiki as you send. Hold one or both hands at chest height, palms facing
outward from you. ( If you use only one hand, place the other comfortably in your lap.) Then
simply send the Reiki. You will feel it pour through your hands. As you send they will be
receiving reiki healing.

In-person beaming is distant reiki but done when you are with the person. It is something you
can do when you want to send reiki to someone in the line of sight. This is useful for people with
touch issues, or for people who it would be inappropriate to touch like burn victims or those with
infectious diseases. To do beaming, extend the palms toward the person and use the
symbol/word for distant healing. The difference between this and distant healing is you can see
the person. (It can be noted that all Johrei Channels use beaming to send Johrei.) You can also
beam from the body, projecting out from every cell. You can also beam from the eyes, or
anywhere else you care to.

F. Doing Reiki on a List of Recipients

In this method, you are doing Reiki on an entire list of people, with the intent that each are
receiving a complete Reiki treatment. This is a useful technique when you have a bunch of
people that want distant reiki, but you do not have time to do distant healing for each. Create a
list of those that want distant healing from you. On the list you can include such things as their
names, ages, locations, and what needs to be treated. Make sure you have their permission.
Once you have the list, you empower the paper with the intent that it be filled with a Reiki
treatment for each. then you would Then you simply reiki the list. Place your hands on the
paper, and either just send reiki, or visualize the people receiving a treatment. Generally, doing
the distant healing about 15 to 20 minutes is a good amount of time.


Scanning is a technique that is useful to know. It is now clear that Usui taught a scanning
technique. Scanning is placing your hands into the energy field of another to try to feel for
differences in their energy field. You are basically feeling for anything different. Have the person
to be scanned lay down, and start at the crown. Move the hands about 2 and 6 inches above
the body. Move your hands from crown to feet and back up. It may take a few passes. Feel if it
seems hot, cold, spinning, fast, slow, chaotic, etc. This is a technique that requires a great deal
of practice to become proficient at. Additionally, remember not to ever diagnose anything. This is
useful in finding places that may need extra attention during a healing session. (However it must
be added here that since Reiki does the healing and acts for the persons highest good, that we
may not be able to influence the healing in this manner with reiki in any case.)

SECTION TEN - Group Distance Healing

Group Healing is a number of Reiki (or other healers) working together to heal another person.
This can be done in person or via distance. There are many methods for doing this.

In the first method, reiki practitioners sit in a circle. Each person faces the back of the person in
front of them. Have everyone draw the symbols and connect to the reiki energy. The name, age
and other information about the person to be treated is stated and then everyone sends reiki to
the person in front of them, the last person sends the energy of all the practitioners to the
person being treated.

In the second method, the practitioners sit in a circle facing the each other. Have everyone draw
the symbols and connect to the reiki energy. The name, age and other information about the
person to be treated is stated and then everyone sends reiki to the the person who is
visualized/imagined to be in the center of the circle.
Reiki Master Training Manual

SECTION ONE - Introduction

For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

In traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho there are three levels. These are Level I, Level II and Level III.
In level I, the emphasis is on self healing. You are given an empowerment to help you
remember that you are and always have been reiki. You are taught the five principles (For
today only, anger not worry not. Be grateful and humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be
kind to all.) to assist you in keeping mindfulness and setting the intent. You are taught hand
positions so that you can treat self and others. In the level II, you are taught the reiki symbols,
emotional healing, distance healing and you receive another attunement. In the third degree,
you are taught the reiki master symbol (Dai Ko Mio), what it means, given a third empowerment,
and taught to attune others.

Some see level III as the completion of their reiki training. In reality there is nothing to
complete, nothing to attain, and this gives you nothing you did not already have. It is not an
end but a new beginning. It is a return to simplicity that we had when we learned Reiki I and had
no symbols and just the energy. It is the greatest gift to be able to share Reiki with others and it
is a joyful thing to do and share in attunements.

The symbol of third degree Reiki is the Dai Ko Mio which means the "great shining light". The
goal of level three Reiki is to learn to live always in the light, to *be* the light.

Teacher curriculum for this manual includes the traditional Usui symbols, attunements and the
knowledge to pass them. For those wishing to also study the Usui/Tibetan Symbols and system
visit the Usui/Tibetan Page. The Reiki Master or Level III consists of learning the master
symbol, receiving the attunement, and learning the attunement process. For those wishing to
learn the "Tibetan" symbols Fire Serpent, Dumo, and Raku, visit the Usui/Tibetan Level IIIb
Section of this manual.

Learning and Using the Reiki Master Symbol
The Usui Master Symbol
The Usui Master Symbol has several
meanings. The most common is "The
Great Shining Light". Another translation
might be "Great Being of the Universe
Shine on Me." In Zen practice, I have
seen it stated as "Treasure House of the
great beaming Light," and is symbolic of
one's "Buddha Nature" and of states of
Dai Ko Mio

Usui developed reiki from his experience on Mt. Kurama. He had a satori, a moment of
oneness, an awakening, to his true nature. In that oneness, his previous training came together
for him in a way such that he developed reiki.

The definition of Reiki can be read as "Universal Life Energy". This is the most common
definition used in the Western World today. The Kanji can also be read to mean the Universal
life energy/spirit coming together with us. In this meaning it represents our oneness with all.
This is reiki. In reiki level III, we learn the Dai Ko Mio symbol. We are one with the great
shining light, the universal life energy merged with our own. This does not come about by
attunement, nor by a certificate paper, but through realization. There is nothing to attain, there is
no goal to reach.

The DKM is said to represent the Amida Sanzon, a triune of love, light and harmony. These
three together represented the ultimate source in the same way that the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost do. The DKM is the "Great Shining light". This is the source. Once you know the Dai Ko
Mio, you can use it for any Reiki use, even in place of the other symbols. This is both because
as a triune symbol it contains the others, and because it is the first step in moving from symbol
reliance to just using the energy. Use it everywhere and anytime you might want to use the
others. Use the name of it as a mantra to meditate concentrating on the Ultimate source of all,
the great shining light and let it illumine you. Perhaps then you will realize that you are it.

The Dai Ko Mio is a return to simplicity. The three other symbols together in one. Level one was
the simplicity of Reiki, trusting in the source, and simply doing it. Level II is learning the ways
the source manifests and expands our conception of what the source can do. Level III, with the
Dai Ko Mio brings us back to the simplicity and the oneness. Reiki is in the doing and BEing.
The realization is that there is no past and no future. With open hands, open minds and open
hearts, our total focus and attention on the now. In this awareness, loving kindness and
compassion *is* the expression of our awareness. We heal. The realization is that we are the
great shining light, NOW, in this moment, in every breath, radiating to all. Healing is.

Some might think this a bit esoteric, or philosophical, or mystical. It is actually very simple, but it
cannot be reasoned to, it cannot be sought after, it cannot be found. It simply is. Reiki is. In
awareness there is only now. It is simple, be reiki. On every breath, in awareness, now. You
have all felt it. In attunements, in that moment, you know it, you are it. Be it. On every breath.
SECTION THREE - Living Reiki, Being Reiki
It is almost a universal experience that we feel reiki as spiritual. Many have come to reiki as
part of their "spirituality". Some believe it will give them enlightenment. Many of us define
ourselves as "seekers". We "seek", we chase this elusive whirlwind thinking that some "thing",
some teaching, some messiah, some teacher is going to give us that missing piece that will
finally grant us, or let us "attain" enlightenment.

Many of us seekers are experience junkies, we seek experiences, we seek one spiritual "high"
after another. We talk of our "path", we seek enlightenment. This is a trap, for all these
searches take us away from ourselves, or put the responsibility for the realization of our true
selves in the hands of others, or outside of ourselves. In seeking outside yourself you can
never find. Enlightenment is where you are, where else could it be? You search for what you
already are.

Your focus determines your reality. Where your awareness is, there you will be. Reiki level III is
living reiki, being reiki. We are reiki. If you see reiki as separate, something outside of yourself,
you are seeing illusion. If your awareness is reiki, then you will *be* reiki. Be intimate with this
moment, be reiki, simply be.

You will not find this in concepts, memories, fantasies, images, searching, and projections. You
will not find it in more symbols, more systems, trademarks, businesses, arguments over whose
system is "better", "stronger", "heals faster", or is taught by the "best" teacher. If you are looking
for reiki as a business, spirit guides, more symbols, faster healing, secret symbols, hidden
teachings, energy exchanges, crystals, arguments over who is "right" and whose way is "better",
you will not find them here. These are conditioning, duality, things.

Reiki is one of many, many ways of seeing the truth, and that is healing. This is reiki. This is
why it works. But don't expect reiki to do the work of removing the conditionings that veil
awakening. Attunements do not equal enlightenment. Keep in mind that reiki is in the DOing
and BEing. If what you are doing is not in oneness with reiki, but rather focusing your
conditionings, attachments to outcome, desires and ego then might I suggest you refocus on
simply being with reiki and letting it be as it is.

There are many paths people take. Do not take the path, be the path. You are reiki. In this
moment Realize it, and then express it. Whatever you do, do it as an expression of this. When
you work, when you play, when you sit, and stand, you are awareness, you are reiki, you are
healing. In this your loving, peaceful and true nature will emerge. You heal. Do not do these
for any goal, but simply for the sheer joy of it. Be reiki because you love to be reiki. Be reiki as
an expression of your being, your awareness.

This is reiki in my practice, in my being. It is living reiki, being reiki. It is unlikely that you will
see what is written above taught anywhere else in level III reiki. Others have different
experiences, different practices. If you are a seeker, stop looking, be mindful and *be* where
you are. In the search you look for what you think you know about and because of this you
do not see what *is*, what is right in front of your nose, what you always were. Make everything
you do an expression of reiki, of compassion, of your awareness in every moment, moment to
moment. Do this not because there is anything to gain, anything to seek, anything to know, but
for the love of it, for the sheer joy of it, as an expression of the oneness, awareness, awakening
in your being. Reiki on every breath.

(For those that are interested in this kind of being, I would suggest you visit
There is material regarding meditation, mindfulness, Daily Readings sent via e-mail, private
teachings, and a very kind and helpful discussion list.)
SECTION FOUR THREE - About Attunements
Being able to teach reiki, and do the attunements are a large section of level III as it is taught
here in the west. In this section we will discuss attunements, and then go over the process of
doing them. The instructions are listed in a step by step, cook book manner.

There are many attunement sets that exist. The Usui attunements have been modified by many
people who have intentionally or through the limits of memory added symbols, taken away
parts, added parts and all sorts of other things. The dirty little secret of reiki is that any
attunement will work. There are crown to crown variants, short forms, long forms, traditional
forms, singular master attunements and many many others. All are reiki and all work. All
reawaken in us that which we have forgotten.

I have seen some people into the bells and whistles attunement experience. They burn incense,
have music, special lighting, candles, perform ceremonies to the goddess, catholic rituals,
kaballah…… All of that is nice, and may provide the recipient with grand ceremony, but
remember they are not necessary. My preference is SIMPLICITY. I do not play music. I do not
burn incense. In my opinion, the more simple the better, anything else detracts from the
experience of the attunement and the connection to the Reiki Energy. As in all things, you
decide how you wish to do them.

The only real important parts of the attunement are mindfulness and intent. Keeping
mindfulness means staying focused on simply doing the attunement. It means keeping the
intent clear, free of attachment to outcome, free of expectations, worry, need, separateness. It
is just BEing Reiki, sharing it, and in that oneness the illusion of separateness is no more. It
has been said that the attunement can be done by intent alone, if the intent is clear.

SECTION FIVE - A Reiki Attunement Method

There are many attunement methods. Some changes have come about in people remembering
the process differently. Other changes have come about as people changed or modified the
ritual of the attunement to suit their or their student's needs. I personally have in my possession
over a dozen "Usui" attunements, at least three "traditional" attunements (all different),
Usui/Tibetan attunements, Tibetan/Usui attunements, Short forms, and others.

What follows is an attunement set that I developed. This attunement is an amalgam of the
various attunements that I know. This method seemed to develop naturally for me, and
intuitively seemed to be easy to perform and simple to do. It uses a standard form for all three
levels. This is offered here for your review. As in all things, use the attunement that resonates
best with you. If you are interested in different attunements, or wish to learn other attunements,
my e-book The Reiki Attunement Guide is available for download at Use
the link below to the AngelReiki Bookstore at Understand that this e-book is
merely a supplement to this manual. All the information you need to do Reiki is included in the
free, "Reiki Plain and Simple" e-book you are presently reading.

When learning to do attunements it is important to practice. There are a number of possibilities

for this. One is to have a person to practice on. If you have a friend who has reiki they would
be a good candidate. You can do them to the level they are for practice. You can also do self
attunements. You can use a proxy for these, such as a teddy bear, or you can simply perform
them visualizing yourself receiving them. Take your time and learn the steps. Some find having
the attunement process on notes before them comforting when they do the attunement.

Usui Reiki Attunement

This is an attunement process that I developed. It is in the Usui Tradition. This attunement is
used for all three levels with the modifications for the second and third level in parenthesis. This
attunement is a synthesis of elements from many different attunement sets that I had done and
evolved over a time from my practices. It is easy to do, flows well, and easy to learn and

The first level attunement is repeated 4 times with a minimum of an hour between
attunements. Attunements may be repeated as often as the person likes. They are always
pleasant to receive. Reiki Shares and other gatherings of practitioners are a good place for the
beginning reiki teacher to practice.


Begin by saying the principles. "For today only, anger not, worry not. Be Grateful and Be
Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all. Place the hands in Gassho, bow and
connect to the reiki source. BE reiki. You are the great shining light, BE it, resonate it. Be
mindful and keep your intent on being and sharing reiki with this person.

Some find that drawing the Power Symbol on their palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, intending
them to open to the Reiki Source and Light helps them connect to reiki. Cleanse the room by
drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols in the air in front of you. This not only can cleanse the
room but also helps you focus, and sets the tone for the beginning as a sacred event.

Part One

On the back, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down the back of
the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an
energetic rapport with the student.

Breathe in visualize the Dai Ko Mio. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra blowing the Dai
Ko Mio in gold into the Crown Chakra, and move it through the middle of the student's head,
and into the base of the brain. You can guide it with your hand.

Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat "Dai Ko Mio" three times. Again
visualize the symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base
of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with the Sei Hei Ki, the Hon Sha Ze Sho
Nen, and the Cho Ku Rei.

Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the
Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down
into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of
the power symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. (Repeat this with the Sei
Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen for level II, and with the Dai Ko Mio for level III.)
Part Two

Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of the heart. Draw the Power
Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Then picture the
Symbol moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the
power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the
Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols, remembering to repeat the name of
each symbol three times).

Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the Symbol moving
into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same
with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four

Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up
facing the ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the
Power Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then
place your hands on theirs and let the energy flow. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the
hands in level I, the Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in
level II, and all four of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)

Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the
student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and
Crown, and back over the hands.

Part Three

Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation
and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples
might be: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled
with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student.
You can say them out loud if you prefer.

Place your hands together with the index fingers touching and the thumbs together. Both your
hands will be open, palms down, fingers pointing toward the front of the recipient. Let the reiki
flow and flow. Be Reiki. Do this for a minute or so, experiencing the moment with them.

Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and
the left at the base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see
the door being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom".
Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is now forever connected
directly to the Reiki Source. You can say, "you forever connected to the Reiki source."

You can say, "We have both been blessed by this attunement".

Part Four

Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a white mist
surrounding you. Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of reiki. Blow the mist at the
student allowing the final energy of the attunement to bless the student.
Say, "the attunement is complete".
Some suggest that afterwards wash the hands to ensure that the energetic connection with the
student is broken.

SECTION SIX - Performing Distant Attunements

Distant Attunements
Occasionally, there are times when we as Reiki Masters would like to share Reiki with someone
(a friend, family member, loved one) and the limits of distance prevent us from being there with
them. Distant Attunements are one way to bridge this gap and to allow us to be able to share
this great gift with others. Understand fully that Distant Attunements are not part of Usui's,
Hayashi's or Takata's teachings. Distant attunements are a non-traditional technique that is a
logical extension of Distant healing and the distant symbol.

Distant Attunements are also possible and appropriate and just a perfect as their hands-on
counterparts. It is done by using the distant symbol and visualization and intent. The
Master/Teacher visualizes the symbols entering the Crown Chakra of the recipient and move
through the aura. He or she can visualize each of the attunement steps, and see and feel them
taking place. You can use a picture of the person or a teddy bear or other representation to
assist when doing them.

Distant Attunements are easy to perform if you are familiar with a "hands-on" attunement
procedure. There is no special procedure to perform, just some slight modifications to the
regular attunement set you are familiar and comfortable with. The modifications will be
described below.

Some people have difficulty with the concept of distant attunements, and have some issues with
the process. These are discussed in my article on this web site on Distant Attunements.

Distant Attunement Procedures

1. Use your regular attunement set that you are familiar and comfortable with.

2. This practice is best done by either arranging a set time with the person for them to receive,
or to be on the telephone or on-line with them.

3. Have them meditate, pray or other activity to clear the mind and prepare for about 20
minutes prior to the start time of the attunement.

4. You must both state clearly that the intent for the attunement to be done.

5. Begin the attunement as usual. State clearly that you intend to attune the person. Draw the
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the air and state that you intend this to be fully empower the person.

6. Some people use a teddy bear, photo or other proxy to gain an energetic rapport with the
person to be attuned. This can be helpful. You can also just "feel" the sense of them and do it.
These are nice ways to "feel" the connection, but simply intend and will the attunement to be
done, and perform it. Trust the divine source and the reiki attunement will be done.

7. Perform the attunement. Visualize doing it. See the symbols and draw them as usual.
Following these easy steps will fully allow someone via distance to be attuned to reiki.

SECTION SEVEN - Attunement Issues and Concerns

Here are some notes about attunements in no particular order. These are practices that you can
do during attunements that you may be led to do, or issues regarding the process.

1. Do the principles before starting. Say them several times. Have the person say them with
you. They remind us, to "not worry", to do our work with appreciation, to be grateful and
humble. It is a wonderful way to begin.

2. All attunements are unique. They are individual. Sometimes you will have feelings to do
something or another that might not be in the "script". Trust your intuition and do them.

3. It is the energy that you share. The symbols set the intent and mindfulness.

4. Some teach that if you feel blockages or the hands not heating up, you can place the
person's finger tips against your palm and send the energy up to the heart, or blow up from
palm to heart to open the channel.

5. Some like to use the Raku Symbol after attunements to "disconnect" from the other person,
or make sure to "mentally" disconnect from the other person by intent.

6. Remember that Intent is the key for a "perfect attunement". You are just a channel, sharing
the oneness of reiki with the recipient. You cannot mess up! Forgetting a step or action is not
going to matter. The reiki source will make sure that it is right and trust that it will.

7. When you finish giving an attunement, it is likely that you will feel exhilarated. You should not
feel drained. Make sure you separate yourself from all expectations. Do the attunement with the
intent that the person be perfectly attuned to Reiki. Let the Reiki do the work. Do not strain, or
try to put your own energy into the process. Do not use your energy, let the Reiki do the work. It
has been my experience that when people first do attunements, that they tend to be concerned
that they will do it "right" or that it won't work. Some may feel the need to prove it works when
they first attune others. My suggestion to keep your intent clear. It is also my experience that
when people try to make sure it works, they tend to push and thus push their own energy. Stay
in the moment, attention on the attunement. The symbols help you keep mindfulness.

8. The easiest way to perform the attunement is for the student to sit on a chair with their feet on
the floor. Have the students hold their hands with palms together at chest height (namaste or
Gassho position), and tell and show them where you will touch and what you will do with their

9. You can do the Attunements without symbols. Only attempt this if you have sufficient
experience with the energy and with doing attunements. The empowerment that Usui used was
called Reiju and was a symbol-less attunement. The level one attunement of the Alliance that I
was taught is done without symbols. Usui's reiju is done without symbols.

10. Do not use your own energy. We do this when we are attached to outcome. When we
worry if we are doing it "right", when we fret and worry that it won't work, that people will be
disappointed in the result, we are attached to the outcome. People who want to ensure that the
attunement "takes" or "works" are likely to push. This push is not reiki, it is your own energy.
You can deplete yourself doing this. Detaching from outcome means, intending to pass the
attunement, and then keeping right mindfulness while doing it. Stay focused totally on what you
are doing, moment by moment.
Reiki and Spirituality
"...Sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, there's a difference between knowing
the path and walking the path..."
- Morpheus, from the movie "The Matrix"

No matter what style of Reiki that one practices, it is almost a truism that all find it to be a
spiritual practice. It is commonly said that Reiki integrates with all spiritual practices, but it is
often unclear what exactly that means. This article will explore the idea or spirituality and
Reiki by looking at what the system was intended to do and the symbols.

Reiki Ryoho

Reiki Ryoho or "Reiho" was the art that Usui practiced. This art continues to be practiced in
Japan, in an unbroken line since Usui, in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. In the past two years,
information has been trickling out of Japan regarding the practices of the Gakkai. These have
been turbulent times in the Reiki world in the west as this has had the effect of challenging
many people's beliefs about Reiki. For some, it has allowed them to reevaluate their practices
and learn new techniques, while for others it has caused them to dig in their heels and hold
more tightly to what they know.

Reiho was a simple system. It was primarily a secular enlightenment system that also allowed
you to heal. You healed self, and then others. It comprised of Five Principles that were the
core of the teaching (For today only do not anger, do not worry, be grateful, do your spiritual
work with appreciation, be kind to all living things). Living the principles were paramount for
staying in the moment and healing the mind. Usui also included the Waka poetry of the Meiji
Emperor. The poetry was chanted before meditation to help clear the mind and set the intent.
There were a number of simple techniques to use for self and other healing. Hatsurei Ho was
a meditation technique that strengthened the body and mind as well as helped increase the
ability to use the reiki. Reiju was the empowerment (attunement) that was received weekly in
a group Hatsurei ho practice that empowered the students to reiki and helped them continue to

Lastly, the symbols were added in to aid those that had difficulty connecting directly to the

This was the Reiki system. A simple elegant system. Let us now move to exploring the
spiritual and healing aspects.

Enlightenment System

It is impossible to fully understand the intent and design of these practices without looking at
the time and mindset in which Usui lived. In doing so, we must move past our conditionings,
new age-isms, and other present day thoughts and ideas so that we avoid reading history
backwards with our present views.
First and foremost, Usui was unquestionably Buddhist. The Teaching story that Mrs. Takata
used with Usui as a Christian Monk was a story that was used to teach westerners unfamiliar
with Japanese Buddhist and culture the idea that Usui was a seeker in a religious sense. It was
an effective teaching tool, which unfortunately became dogmatized. ( There are ideas that are
common to a culture that are unspoken and simply understood. An example of this is the idea
of the "American Dream" - to get ahead. These unspoken parts of the Japanese cultural
mindset are difficult to communicate to those not familiar with the culture and so Mrs. Takata
tried to use western ideas to teach reiki principles.)

Usui was a Shingon Buddhist growing up and became a Tendai Buddhist later in life. As such,
there are certain ideas about the world that are part of his system. Reiki exemplifies the
principle of "wei wu wei", doing by not doing. By doing nothing, everything is done. Reiki is
a simple practice. We place our hands on someone and by doing nothing (no controlling, no
directing, just BEing) everything is done. The principles teach keeping the now, and
awareness. It takes mindfulness to "not anger" and "not worry". It takes mindfulness to "be
grateful", and to "be kind to all living things".

Looking at the symbols he chose to place in the system also are keys to this enlightenment
system. Let us now examine these symbols and the possible implications of them. Unlike the
multitude of also ran systems that have developed in the west since the death of Mrs. Takata,
the Usui system had only 4 symbols, and it is fairly clear that they were added fairly late in
the development of the system. They seemed to be added in as a tool for those who had
trouble connecting to the energy directly.

The first symbol is the "Cho Ku Rei", the so-called "power" symbol, also called the Focus. It
says "place the power here". It is an edict to do so, but something much more is implied. It is
also an edict to "wake up". In the oneness you are and always have been this, interconnected
with all things and one. It is an invitation to awaken, to remember by releasing the things that
blind us to our true nature.

The second symbol is the "Sei Hei Ki", or the so-called "mental-emotional" symbol. It is the
one mind, Buddha Mind. It is the mind of compassion. It is the focus in the now where we
are a new creation every moment. It is the Harmony symbol. In the oneness that is Cho Ku
Rei, Sei Hei Ki heals body mind and spirit. It cleanses and heals by helping us to remove the
attatchments we have that create our suffering and thus our illness.

The third symbol is the "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen", often called the "distant" symbol but also the
"connection" symbol. It is from a Buddhist Chant that means "Right consciousness is the root
of everything" or "A righteous man may correct all thoughts", or "To act in the Realization of
Absolute Beingness". But what might that mean, "Right consciousness"? This is clearly a
Buddhist idea. Right consciousness is being fully in the moment, fully in the now. It is acting,
not reacting. This is an important distinction. Reacting is based on our ego, our conditionings.
Our conditionings are the cause of our suffering and our illness. It is only by letting go and
removing our conditionings that we are free to be in the moment, to respond, and ultimately
to heal.

The last symbol is the "Dai Ko Mio", or the so-called "mastery" symbol. The symbol is the
great shining light. The goal is Reiho is to live in the great shining light. The previous three
symbols are the key, the last is the realization.
Perhaps putting them all together into a sentence might help. We are one with all things, in
this oneness we heal body mind and spirit. In right consciousness we release attatchments and
conditionings so we live in the moment of the great shining light.

The symbols are a tool. They are a roadmap. They are training wheels on a bicycle that are
used while needed by removed, (like all conditionings) when no longer needed. Do not
mistake the map for the journey, or the destination.

Other Issues - New Systems, Extra Symbols, Reiki as a Business

After reading all of this, there are three questions that you may now be asking:

You may be asking, if Reiki is such a simple system, why is it that others have developed so
many new systems?

You may be asking, if Reiki is such a simple system, why is it that others have added and
continue to add new symbols?

You may be asking, if Reiki is an enlightenment system that allows one to heal self and others,
why is it that others have turned it into a business?

It would seem, that people often have an insight into the system after using it consistently for
any length of time. Some might confuse this "insight" with a new idea regarding Reiki and
thus believe they have developed a "new" system.

Likewise, seeing new symbols is nothing extraordinary. Sacred geometry is older than
Pythagoras, and common to many esoteric and spiritual practices. Most of these symbols have
a specific meaning to the person viewing them and do not constitute a new system. Most of
these "new" systems with extra symbols are simply reiki with extra symbols despite the
claims of the proponents of the systems.

Still others have added in techniques from other things like space aliens, ancient civilizations,
Celestine Prophesy, Wicca, Tibetan practices, Ascended Masters, etc.

While these may have some interest for some, I am forced to ask a fundamental question:
Remembering that Reiho was a secular enlightenment system that allowed you to heal self
and then others, do these things increase the conditionings that you have or help remove

Remember that symbols were a tool to be used to aid you in connecting to the energy, and to
guide you but ones, like all conditionings that were to be let go of when no longer needed.
Does adding extra symbols help or hinder this process? Are we helped by putting in some
Tibetan symbols, or are these simply additional things to help us stay asleep?

For many these days, Reiki has turned into a business. Businesses thrive by continually
coming up with new product. New symbols, new techniques, new packaging are all part of
this process, as are the ever increasing claims of "more powerful", "higher vibrational", "more
deeply penetrating", "ascension systems", and on and on and on.

Usui refused to advertise, nor does it seem that he charged for Reiki. This would seem that
the founder did not treat reiki as a business. It would appear that it was a spiritual practice.
These days there are some organizations and centers that teach reiki as a vocation. They teach
business skills, how to set up a practice and all manner of business accumen. This might
appear to be inconsistent with its original ideals. Likewise, charging exorbinant fees or
adding extra levels again seem to be more about making money and less about the spirituality
of this simple system.

Still others continue to develop new systems, "Lightarian Reiki", "Ascension Reiki", "Essene
Reiki" are all recent examples. It is interesting that all claim to be "universal life energy".
Some of them have different techniques. In reality, the systems are indeed different. It would
seem that what makes them different is not so much the difference in the energy, but that
having taken them, you now have permission to use them differently. They are nothing that
you could not have already done, and nothing that you did not already have.


In the final analysis, nothing can free you from the conditioning that cause your suffering
except you. No energy system, no matter how much ascension and enlightenment they
promise, can save you. No guru, no system can save you. Adding to the conditionings that you
have with more and more systems, symbols and techniques will not either. Usui handed you a
key. A key in the form of 5 simple principles, a simple meditation (Hatsurei ho), some
symbols to guide your understanding, and a way to share this universal unconditional love
with others. You are an instrument of blessing. In the moment, you reach out your hands,
place them on another in a gesture of unconditional love, and by doing nothing, everything is
done. There is nothing else that is needed. It would seem though that people have a need to
reinvent things to whatever level of complexity their mind needs.

It is my hope that these words will help clarify and open others to a different way of looking
at the system of Reiki that is outside of the Business that it has become.

Blessings to all;

Vinny Amador
Level I Training Exercises
The purpose of the Level I activities is to get you using the Reiki energy, learn the
hand positions, reflect on the principles, and do a number of healing sessions on
your self and others. In an in person class, you would have the opportunity to
practice the hand positions on yourself and others. Obviously learning via distance
presents some limitations, but none that cannot be easily overcome by diligent

Activity One - Learning the Reiki Principles, History, and Method

This activity is to teach yourself the Reiki Principles, History, and Method of Reiki.
Read the Level One manual. Additionally read the articles Introduction to Reiki , What
"is" and what "is not" Reiki... , Reiki Ethics, and Current Issues in Reiki . These will teach
you about the Reiki System and some of the current thinking and issues that are
going on in the Reiki Community.

Activity Two - Learning the Hand Positions

This activity is to teach yourself the hand positions. From the list of hand positions in
the Level I Manual, choose a set of hand positions. I personally like the 7 from
Traditional Japanese Reiki, but choose one that feels comfortable to you. Listed are
links to the Traditional Usui, other forms, and the Traditional Japanese Reiki set of
seven. Study the pictures for both self-treatments, and treating others. Print a set of
the picture up for reference to have with when you do treatments on yourself or

Activity Three - Self treatment

This activity is to familiarize you with the Reiki Energy and the hands on aspect of
doing a Reiki Treatment. Perform self-treatments on yourself for a week. Hand
positions should be held three to five minutes each. Have your pictures of the hand
positions with you for reference when doing the treatment. While doing the treatment,
try to notice how your hands feel, your perception of the energy, how "much" energy
seems to be going where and note how you feel afterwards.

Activity Four - Treating Others

This activity is to practice using Reiki to treat others. First find a willing volunteer. (If
your kids volunteer know in advance if they are young they are not likely to sit still for
very long.) Have your set of pictures of the hand positions with you for reference.
Perform a minimum of two different Reiki Treatments on other people. Again, try to
notice how your hands feel, your perception of the energy, how "much" energy seems
to be going where and note how you and they feel afterwards. Pay attention to your
intuition if you are "guided" to place your hands in positions other than the standard
hand positions.

Activity Five - Reflection

This activity is to have you reflect on your experience of Reiki so far, and to evaluate
the treatments you are doing. Write a small essay discussing one self-treatment and
one treatment performed on another. In the essay, discuss the following:

1. How your hands felt during treatments.

2. What the reiki energy felt like to you.

3. How it felt to touch another while doing the treatment.

4. What ways, if any, you feel reiki has helped you or changed things for you since
the attunement.
Level 2 Training Exercises
The purpose of the Level II activities is to deepen your understanding of the Reiki
Energy. It is also to expand your horizons of the Reiki Energy by learning the Level II
Symbols. Finally, it will teach you distant healing practices and techniques.

Activity One- Learning the Goals of Reiki Level II

This activity is to teach you the overview of the Second Level Reiki. Read the Level
Two Manual. Study the drawings and meanings of the symbols and review the
distant healing methods.

Activity Two - Learning the Reiki Symbols

This activity is to teach you the Reiki Symbols. Review again the Level Two symbols
(Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen). Print out copies of the symbols
and the meanings of them. Practice drawing them on paper, and in the air. Give
yourself one treatment and prior to doing the treatment draw the symbols on your
palms and in the air in front of you.

Activity Three - Emotional Healing

This activity is to familiarize you with the idea of healing on an emotional level.
Choose one of the Emotional Programs listed in the Level II Manual, or make up one
of your own. Practice the technique and keep a written log of your experience. (This
is not submitted but for your own reference.

Activity Four - Distant Healing

This activity is to develop the skills of healing others via distance and to get
comfortable using distance methods. Find someone who needs distant healing (this
is not hard, use either a sick relative, or check the many many reiki lists at or alt.healing.reiki) Get permission before sending (If they ask for
healing on a list, permission has already been given you!) Choose one of the distant
sending methods listed in the Level II Manual. Perform the distant healing. Ideally
you should send daily for about a week to get sufficient practice using the technique.

Activity Five - Reflection

This activity is to have you reflect on your experience of Reiki so far, and to evaluate
the treatments you are doing. Write a small essay discussing one self-treatment and
one treatment performed on another. In the essay, discuss the following:

1. How the energy felt doing the distant healing.

2. Any change in the feel of the Reiki after learning / using the symbols.

3. Any changes you feel have occured since studying the Level 2 Reiki.
Level 3 Training Exercises
The purpose of the Level III activities is to Learn the Master Level of Reiki.
Additionally the master symbol is memorized. This is also the level where the
attunements are to learned and practiced.

Activity One- Learning the Third Level Reiki

This activity is to teach you the overview of the Master Level. Read the Level Three
Manual. Study the drawings and meanings of the symbols and review the
attunement procedures.

Activity Two - Learning the Master Level Reiki Symbols

This activity is to teach you the Master Symbols. Review again the Usui Dai Ko Mio,
The Tibetan Master Symbol, the Fire Serpent and the Raku. Print out copies of the
symbols and the meanings of them. Study the meanings of the symbols. Practice
drawing them on paper, and in the air. Give yourself one treatment and prior to doing
the treatment draw the symbols on your palms and in the air in front of you.

Activity Three - Learning the Attunement Process

Print out the attunement in the Level 3 Manual to work from. Study the flow of the
attunement. Study specifically how the connection is made to the student, what
symbols are placed where for each level, what chakras are involved in the
attunement process. Notice how the attunement begins and how it ends.

(Note: For those studying personally with me, e-mail me for the private section
password to access the Attunement Section which has attunements from different
Reiki Traditions and other relevant information.)

Activity Four - Practicing the Attunement

This activity is to develop the skills of doing an attunement. In a hands-on class, you
might get the opportunity to practice this on fellow students. Learning On-line makes
the process slightly more difficult but not terribly so. My suggestion is use a teddy
bear as a proxy, and send the attunement to heal the Earth. This will give you
practice doing the attunement as well as send loving healing Reiki energy to the
Earth. Another suggestion after you get some practice is to attune your pet.

Prior to doing an attunement on another person you should be able to draw the
symbols from memory, and have a good amount of practice with the Reiki Energy
and done a good number of healings. Taking on students is a responsibility. Make
sure you have sufficient experience with the energy and have learned enough about
reiki and feel comfortable doing it before attempting an attunement on another

Activity Five - Reflection

This activity is to have you reflect on your experience of Reiki so far, and to evaluate
the treatments you are doing. Write a small essay discussing one self-treatment and
one treatment performed on another. In the essay, discuss the following:

1. Comment on your Reiki Journey.

Healing Guide
Hayashi Reiki Institute

(This printed copy is a substitute for the original hand written text.)

Healing Guide

Chapter 1; Head

1. Head;Brain Diseases, Headache

1. front of jaw 2. temples 3. back of the head and back of the neck 4. top
of the head

(note) With any disease you can include head treatment as a part of the disease treatment. In the case of
headache, you should treat very thoroughly the place on the head that is aching.

2. Eyes; All kinds of eye diseases, conjunctivitis, trachoma, leucoma,

nearsightedness, trichiasis, ptosis, cataract, glaucoma, etc.,

1. eye balls, 2. inside corners of eyes, 3. outside corners of eyes, 4. back of the head
(note) Even though one eye has a problem, you treat both eyes. You also treat the kidneys, liver, wombs, and

3. Ears; All kinds of ear diseases, tympanitis, external otitis, ringing ear, hard of hearing, etc.

1, auditory canal 2. depression just below the ears 3. high bone behind the ears 4. back of the head
(note) Even though one ear has a problem you treat both ears. In the case of diseases which follow colds, such
as tympanitis and parotitis, you must treat bronchi, and hilar lymph. Also pay attention to the kidneys ,womb, and

4. Teeth

1. In the case of a toothache, treat from the outside at the root of the tooth.

5. Oral Cavity

1. Shut the mouth, and then treat the lips by holding the palms on them.
(note) cf. Diseases of Digestive Organs

6. Tongue

1. Press on or pinch the diseased part of the tongue. 2. Treat the root of
the tongue from outside the mouth.
(note) If you find this technique difficult, then press both arches of the feet forward.

Chapter 2; Diseases of Digestive Organs

1. Stomatitis

1. mouth 2. esophagus 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. Liver

2. Thrush

1. mouth 2. tongue 3. esophagus 4. stomach 4. intestines 6. liver 7. heart

8. kidneys
(note) To heal the tongue, treat the arches of the feet.


1. mouth 2. root of the tongue 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. Head

4. Esophagus Diseases; stricture of the esophagus, dilation of the esophagus, esophagitis

1. esophagus 2. cardia (solar plexus) 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. liver 6. pancreas 7. kidneys 8. blood exchange
(note) In the case of esophagus cancer, the prognosis is most likely not very good.

5. Stomach Diseases; acute and chronic gastritis, gastric atony, gastric dilation, gastric ulcer, stomach cancer,
gastroptosis, neurologic stomach ache, neurologic dyspepsia, gastrospasm

1. stomach 2. liver, 3. pancreas 4. intestines 5. kidneys 6. spinal cord 7. blood exchange

(note) If the condition of the cancer is obvious, the prognosis is most likely not very good.

6. Intestine Diseases; intestinal catarrh, constipation, appendicitis, vermiform process, ileus, invagination,
intestinal volvulus, intestinal bleeding, diarrhea

1. stomach 2. intestines 3. liver 4. pancreas 5. kidneys 6. heart 7. blood

exchange 8. lumbar vertebrae 9. sacrum

7. Liver Diseases; liver congestion, hyperemia, abscess, sclerosis, hypertrophy, atrophy, jaundice, gallstone, etc.,

1. liver 2. pancreas 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. heart 6. kidneys 7. blood exchange

(note) A few days after the treatment, gallstones will break into pieces by themselves and will be eliminated from
the body. In the case of liver cancer, prognosis is most likely not very good.

8. Pancreas Diseases; liver cyst, ptosis, hypertrophy, etc.

1. pancreas 2. liver 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. heart 6. kidneys 7. blood exchange

(note) In the case of pancreas cancer, prognosis is most likely not very good.

9. Peritoneum Diseases

1.liver 2. pancreas 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. peritoneum area 6. Bladder 7. heart 8. Kidneys 9. blood exchange
(note) In the case of tuberculous diseases, treat the lung area.

10. Anal Diseases; hemorrhoid, inflammation of anus area, open sores of anus area, bleeding piles, anal fistula,
prolapse of the anus

1. the affected part of anus 2. coccyges 3. stomach 4.intestines

(note) In the case of anal fistula, do the same treatment as intestinal and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Chapter 3; Respiratory Diseases

1. Nasal diseases; acute and chronic nasal catarrh, hypertrophic and atrophic nasal catarrh

1. nose 2. throat 3. bronchi

2. Maxillary Empyema

1. nose 2. depression of upper and front jaw 3. chest 4. throat 5. kidneys 6.stomach 7. intestines 8. blood

3. Nosebleed (epistaxis)

1. nasal bones 2. back of the head

(note) If menstruation is late and nosebleed occurs, treat the wombs and ovaries.

4. Sore Throat and Tonsillitis

1. throat 2. tonsil 3. bronchi 4. kidneys 5. lungs 6. stomach 7. intestines 8. head

(note) In the case of tonsillitis , treat the kidneys well.

5. Tracheitis and Bronchitis

1. tracheas and bronchi 2. lungs 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. heart 6. Kidneys 7. head

6. Pneumonia; catarrhalcroupous

1. lungs 2. bronchi 3. heart 4. liver 5. pancreas 6. stomach 7. Intestines 8. kidneys 9.blood exchange

7. Asthma; chronic and acute asthma

1. bronchi 2. lungs 3. liver 4. pancreas 5. diaphragm 6. stomach 7. intestines 8.kidneys 9. head 10. nose 11. heart
(note) In the case of an acute attack, you may let your patient sit up and treat them in this position.

8. Lung Diseases; pulmonary edema, abscess, , pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema of lungs

1. lung area 2. heart 3. liver 4. pancreas 5. stomach 6. intestines 7. bladder 8. kidneys 9. spinal cord 10. head

(note) In the case of women regardless of their age , always treat the wombs and the ovaries. Doing blood
exchange is effective, but do not do it with very weak and very sick patients.
9. Pleura Diseases; both dry and moist

1. chest area in general 2. heart 3. liver 4. pancreas 5. stomach 6. intestines 7. kidneys 8. blood exchange

Chapter 4; Cardiovascular Diseases

1. Heart Diseases; endocarditis, heart valve diseases, various symptoms of

pericardium, various symptoms of the heart itself, palpitation, angina pectoris, etc.,

1. heart 2. liver 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. pancreas 6. kidneys 7. spinal cord 8. blood exchange

2. Arteriosclerosis; aneurysm, cardiac asthma, etc.,

1. same as treating heart problems 2. bronchi and chest area

Chapter 5; Urinary Organ Diseases;

1. Kidney Diseases; kidney congestion, anemia, atrophy, sclerosis, hypertrophy, abscess, wandering kidney,
pyelitis, kidney stone, uremia, filariasis

1. kidneys 2. liver 3. pancreas 4. heart 5. stomach 6. intestines 7. bladder 8. head 9. blood exchange

2. Cystitis; urinary retention, uremia, urgency, pain when urinating

1.kidneys 2. bladder 3. urethra 4. prostate gland 5. wombs 6. same as treating kidney diseases

3. Enuvesis

1. bladder 2. intestines 3. stomach 4. kidneys 5.spinal cord 6. head 7. blood exchange

Chapter 6; Neurological Diseases

1. Cerebral anemia, Cerebral hyperemia

1. head 2. heart

2. Hysteria

1. wombs 2. ovaries 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. liver 6. kidneys 7. head 8. eyes 9. blood exchange

3. Nervous Breakdown, Insomnia

1. stomach 2. intestines 3. liver 4. pancreas 5. kidneys 6. eyes 7. head 8. blood exchange

(note) Be careful with maxillary empyema.

4. Meningitis

1.head, mainly back of the head and back of the neck

(note) Mainly treat the head in order to heal the cause of the disease, such as the nose, forehead, and
inflammation of the head; also in order to heal remote organs' diseases, such as gastiritis and pneumonia caused
by erysipelas. Same for tuberculous one

5. Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis

1. spinal cord 2. back of the head and back of the neck 3. heart 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. liver 7. kidneys 8.
(note) Mainly treat the spinal cord, back of the head and back of the neck

6. Myelitis

1. spinal cord in general 2. stomach 3. intestines 4. liver 5. bladder 6.

kidneys 7. head 8. blood exchange
7. Cerebral Hemorrhage, intracerebral bleeding, cerebral thrombosis, etc.,

1. head 2. heart 3. kidneys 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. liver 7. spinal cord 8. paralyzed area

8. Polio

1. spinal cord 2. stomach 3. intestines 4. kidneys 5. sacrum 6. paralyzed area 7. head 8. blood exchange

9. Neuralgia; Palsy, Neural spasticity, Migraine

1. affected area 2. liver 3. pancreas 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. kidneys 7. head 8. spinal cord 9. blood exchange
(note) Pay attention to the womb and ovaries.

10. Beriberi

1. stomach 2. intestines 3. heart 4. liver 5. pancreas 6. kidneys 7. paralyzed or edematous area 8. blood exchange

11. Graves' disease

1. womb 2. ovaries 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. liver 6. pancreas 7. heart

8. thyroid 9. eyes 10. kidneys 11. spinal cord 12. blood exchange

12. Epilepsy

1. liver 2. pancreas 3. head 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. kidneys 7. spinal

cord 8. blood exchange

13. Convulsion

1. liver 2. stomach 3. intestines 4. kidneys 5. spinal cord 6.

7. arms 8. elbow joint area 9. wrist 10. head

14. Chorea

1. liver 2. stomach 3. intestines 4. kidneys 5. spinal cord 6. spastic area at the legs and arms 7. head 8. blood

15. Sea Sick

1. stomach 2. solar plexus 3. head

16. Food poisoning

1. stomach 2. solar plexus 3. liver 4. pancreas 5.intestines 6. heart 7. kidneys 8. Head 9. blood exchange

Chapter 7; Infectious Disease

1. Typhoid; Paratyphy
1. liver 2. pancreas (spleen) 3. stomach 4. intestines 5. heart 6. kidneys
7. spinal cord 8. head

2. Dysentery; Cholera, children's dysentery and others

1. stomach 2. intestines 3. liver 4. pancreas 5. kidneys 6. heart 7. head 8. blood exchange

3. Measles

1. throat 2. trachea 3. bronchi 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. heart 7. kidneys 8. spinal cord 9. head

4. Scarlet Fever

1. throat 2. chest 3. kidneys 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. bladder 7. head 8. blood exchange

5. Varicella

1. stomach 2. intestines 3. kidneys 4. blood exchange 5. affected area 6.


6. Influenza

1. nose 2. throat 3. trachea 4. bronchi 5. lungs 6. liver 7. pancreas 8.

stomach 9. intestines 10. kidneys 11. head 12. blood exchange

7. Whooping Cough

1. nose 2. throat 3. bronchi 4. apex of the lungs 5. stomach 6. intestines 7. kidneys 8. blood exchange

8. Diphtheria

1. throat 2. trachea 3. nose 4. lungs 5. heart 6. liver 7. stomach 8. intestines9. kidneys 10. blood exchange

9. XXX

1. liver 2. pancreas 3. spleen 4. intestines 5. bladder 6. kidneys 7. spinal cord 8. head 9. blood exchange

10. Malaria

1. pancreas (spleen) 2. liver 3. heart 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. kidneys

7. spinal cord 8. blood exchange

11. Tetanus

1. jawbone 2. back of head 3. throat 4. lungs 5. affected area 6. stomach

7. intestines 8. kidneys 9. spinal cord
(note) In the case of puerperal tetanus, treat the womb. In the case of primary child, treat the navel.

12. Articular Rheumatism, Muscular Rheumatism

1. affected area 2. heart 3. chest 4. liver 5. pancreas 6. stomach 7. intestines 8. kidneys 9. spinal cord 10. head

13. Rabies

1. affected area 2. heart 3. liver 4. kidneys 5. stomach 6. intestines 7.

spinal cord 8. throat 9. head 10. blood exchange

Chapter 8; Whole Body Diseases

1. Anemia, Leukemia, Scorbutus

1. heart 2. liver 3. pancreas 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. kidneys 7. spinal cord 8. blood exchange

2. Diabetes

1. liver 2. pancreas 3. heart 4. stomach 5. intestines 6. bladder 7. kidneys 8. head 9. spinal cord 10. blood

3. Dermatological Diseases

1. stomach 2. intestines 3. liver 4. kidneys 5. affected area 6. blood exchange

4. Obesity

The same as diabetes.

5. Scrofula

1. affected area 2. stomach 3. intestines 4. liver 5. heart 6. chest 7. Kidneys 8. spinal cord 9. blood exchange

Chapter 9; Other Diseases

1. Infantile Convulsion

1. heart 2. head 3. stomach 4. intestines


1. affected area 2. head 3. intestines

3. Wrong position of fetus

1. womb

4. Pregnancy

If you treat the womb continually, the growth of fetus is healthy.

5. Delivery

1. Sacrum 2. lumbar spine

(note) If you treat these areas, after twelve labor pains the baby will be
born very easily. If you keep on treating these areas after the birth of
the baby, the afterbirth will be easy as well.

6. Death of Fetus

1. If you treat the womb, the dead fetus will naturally come out on the same day or the next day.

7. Cessation of Mother's Milk

If you treat around the breast and mammary gland, the mother will soon start having milk.

8. Morning Sickness

1. womb 2. stomach 3. solar plexus 4. intestines 5. kidneys 6. head 7. spinal cord

9. Erysipelas

1. affected area 2. stomach 3. intestines 4. liver 5. heart 6. kidneys 7.

spinal cord 8. blood exchange

10. Hyperhidrosis

1. kidneys 2. affected area 3. blood exchange

11. Burn

Put one hand one or two inches away from the affected area. When the pain
is gone, put the hand on this area.

12. Cut by a Sword

Treat as you press the cut with a thumb or a palm to prevent bleeding.

13. Unconsciousness; by falling, an electric shock. etc.,

1. *katsu 2. heart 3. head

14. Drowning

1. Let the patient throw up water 2. *katsu 3. heart 4. Head

15. Menopause, Period Pains

1. womb 2. ovaries 3. cranium

16. Hiccup

1. diaphragm 2. liver 3. pancreas 4. kidneys 5. stomach 6. intestines 7. spinal cord 8. head

17. Stuttering

1. throat 2. head 3. singing practice

Practice Song
1. Mukou no Koike ni "Dojo" ga sanbiki nyoro-nyoro to. (There are three loaches wiggling in the pond over there.)

2. Oya ga Kahyo nara ko ga Kahyo. Ko-Kahyo ni Mago-Kahyo. (The parent is

Kahyo, his child is Kahyo. Son, Kahyo and grandson, Kahyo.)

(Note) Those who can sing songs can be healed.)

18. Pain at the tip of fingers

1. affected area

19. Vomiting

1. stomach 2. solar plexus 3. liver 4. spinal cord at the back of stomach

5. head 6. kidneys

20. Splinter

1. affected area

(note) When the pain leaves, the splinter comes back. You pull the splinter out at this moment.

21. Gonorrhea,

1. urethra 2. Hui-Yin 3. bladder 4. wombs

(note) If it is orchitis, apply your hand lightly on the testicles.

22. Spasm of Pain, Stomach Cramps

1. stomach 2. on the back at the stomach 3. liver 4. kidneys 5.intestines 6. head

23. Hernia

As you touch the affected area lightly, it will contract by itself. Treat
stomach and intestines.
Consumer Protection
The Consumer Protection section of this site is to provide the reader with information so that they can
make a better choice regarding choosing a teacher for training. Also, to specifically evaluate commonly
heard claims that some teachers make. These are evaluated in light of what is and is not necessary in
Reiki. This is provided for the reader to be able to evaluate the ever increasing claims of some
practitioners that what they do is "better", "closer to source", or some other thing that entails removing
dollars from your wallet.

This section is comprised of two parts. The first are some thoughts and principles that will aid you in
making better choices and evaluating claims and the second part is a list of specific questions (and my
answers) that you might want to ask a prospective teacher.

Part One: Basic Principles and Information

1. The energy is the energy is the energy is the energy........
Above all else understand that whatever the system the energy is the same. What empowers Usui Reiki is
the same as what empowers Usui/Tibetan Reiki or Karuna Reiki(TM) or any of the other "Reiki's".

2. Extra symbols do not equal a better system or more power

Many practitioners seem to continually add symbols to their systems. Symbols and their use are very
misunderstood by many people and adding more of them create the perception that more are necessary.

The symbols were originally added to Reiki by Usui as a tool for those who had little energy experience
or had trouble connecting to the energy. There were like training wheels on a bicycle. They are used until
no longer needed and then let go of. The Reiki energy is a complete energy. The symbols are used to teach
specific uses or energetic properties that can be done. In that light, additional symbols can help some
people learn other ways of using the energy, however they are not required or necessary. Additionally, you
can use the symbols from any system once empowered with Reiki and they will work with no additional
attunement. (Question: who attuned those who have added symbols to the system to those symbols?)

Way back in 1968, I saved up my birthday money from my relatives and wanted to buy a small transistor
radio. I went to the store with my father and evaluated my choices. There was one with three transistors,
one with five transistors, and one with eight. I chose the one with eight because in my six year old mind,
more equaled better. That was until a friend of my father's who was an electrical engineer came by the
house. He explained that based on the design of the radio that the additional three transistors did
essentially nothing and only five were really essential. I learned two valuable lessons that day. The first
was that more is not necessarily better, just more expensive. And two, more does not improve the
performance, just your perception of it and it is easy to create the perception that more is desirable.

There are some people who have gone so far as to state that since the market for Reiki and other energy
healing systems is small, that there must continue to be "new" and "improved" systems and symbols in
order to create demand.
3. People are "higher vibration", Systems are Not
These days there are many arts claiming to be "Higher Band" or "Higher Vibration" than Usui Reiki.
While it should be said that learning any of the "Reiki's" will increase your personal "vibration", it is the
additional practice and use of the energy that increases the "vibration", not the system. People who
meditate regularly experience the same increase in "vibration" with never having taken Reiki or other
healing art. Practicing consistently with any healing art will increase your "vibration". Avoid the "more is
better" philosophy or thinking that you are getting something "higher" or better. There is NO substitute
for hard work. Practicing daily with Usui Reiki (or even exchanging attunements regularly with your
Reiki Pals) will have the same effect as taking an expensive "We are a higher vibrational system" class.

4. Add-on Material DOES NOT Enhance the Efficacy of the

There is an abundance of extra symbols, Reiki "guides", healing attunements, psychic surgery, abundance
manifestation, crystal talismans and other practices added to Reiki. Despite this not one of the advocates
of any of these practices can demonstrate that they add anything to the system in terms of healing
effectiveness. In theory, if you are adding something to the basic system should it not be something that
increases the effect of the healing? Otherwise, what is it being added for?

5. Higher Prices do not necessarily equate with better information,

teaching, energy or ability
Do not confuse high prices with quality. There are many reasons why people chose to teach for low fees,
or even free. There are many masters who wish Reiki to be shared as widely as possibly and thus charge
minimal fees. Many of these are excellent teachers committed to helping others. Likewise do not
automatically dismiss those charging high fees. However there should be some clear tangible benefit from
paying the additional money (i.e. you feel that this lineage is more "desirable", will get you more respect
from peers, or they have additional material that you think is beneficial).

6. New insights do not equate the necessity for New systems

Some people reach a point in their Reiki practice where they become deeply connected to the energy. At
this time some things may become more clear to them or they may receive a new symbol. Many
incorrectly assume that because they were not taught this insight that it must be a "new" discovery and
then proceed to start a new system. As wise King Solomon once said, "There is nothing new under the
sun", and the world is littered with Reiki systems. It would seem that a "new" system should heal better,
faster or something other than a symbol or two or some new sight before striking out in the world on its

7. My lineage is better than your lineage

This may be expressed overtly or covertly. Some overt statements might be "This style is closer to the
source", or "I am 7th in a direct line from Usui,". Covert statements might be "that master wasn't trained
properly", or "that lineage is not valid", etc.

First, if you are talking about Western Usui Shiki Ryoho (the Hayashi - Takata style that is practiced in
the western world), then no lineage is any better than any other in transmitting the energy to you. Even if
the person claiming this has actually come from Japan and is a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, I
would be suspect of the boisterous nature of such a statement. Those that make claims like, "I am 7th in a
direct line from Usui," often reveal a subtle irony in that it is obvious that they were teaching some add-
on "Tibetan" material that Arthur Robertson or William Rand had added in, which is hardly what Usui
would have taught. Therefore despite the "superior" lineage what they were teaching was not Usui Reiki,
but rather some Usui/Tibetan mix that someone along the way added in. It is essential here that the point
is not a criticism of the "Usui/Tibetan" systems, but rather that the claimants of this "superior" lineage do
not even know (or care?) that obviously that they are teaching add-ons.

8. Channeling is not a reliable practice to evaluate history or

These days there is much "channeled" information regarding Reiki. This has been done by people talking
to their "Reiki Spirit Guides" or channeling past lives. It should be obvious to even those casually familiar
with new age techniques that channeled information is not reliable and is not a legitimate practice to learn
about the history or techniques of anything. Some people find channeling a positive personal practice that
aids them in their spiritual path. However to take information from a channeled session and then proclaim
that Reiki is from Egypt, Tibet, Atlantis, Lemuria or other mythical civilization simply confuses the issue.

Part Two: Finding a Teacher / Specific Questions to Ask a Prospective Teacher

Once you have made the decision to learn Reiki, the next logical step is to find a teacher. There are many
ways to do this. Most herb shops and new age shops will have bulletin boards with practitioners placing
business cards on them. Some bookstores (such as "Barnes and Nobles", and "Borders") will have topic
nights where practitioners of a certain discipline will come and speak (and they have books for you to
purchase!). Many schools, colleges, and Park Districts have adult education classes that offer Reiki.
Generally public libraries maintain a list of local events.

Making the decision to learn Reiki can be an expense in both time and money. It is important that you
make good choices and to do so requires having good information regarding the people you are
potentially to work with and what they do and teach. What follow is a list of questions that you may wish
to ask a prospective teacher.

Questions to ask your teacher:

1. What Material is covered (History, System, add-ons, etc.)?

This question address the many "histories" that are currently in existence. Do they pass the information
that Mrs. Takata told regarding Usui being a Christian Monk, or do they present the information that
Frank Petter and others have uncovered from Japan that is more historically accurate? Additionally do
they teach some of the "alternative" histories that are speculative such as "Reiki is from Tibet, or the
Ascended Masters, etc.)

What specifically will the class contain? Is it strictly Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho, or will it have such
things as "Dolphin Breathing", or go into "Mystery School" material, past lives, Ancient civilizations and
other material not part of Reiki?

2. How long is the class?

This addresses the length of training. Most (not all!) first degree classes are over a weekend. Most second
level classes are over a weekend as well. Master training classes may vary greatly in length. Some require
apprenticeships while other are a weekend class. Find out from the instructor of you will be able to
"audit" classes to review material, or if they will be available for questions after the class is over.

3. How much time for practice will there be?

Classes should have time for "theory" as well as practice. Reiki is a hands on healing art so it is important
to practice. The weakness of on-line classes is that there is not supervised practice. That being said, a
willingness to practice and following the pictures of the hand positions are generally sufficient and are
easy to do.

4. What branch of Reiki is the Teacher from (Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho, Usui/Tibetan, Tibetan, etc.)

This information gives you an additional indication of what you are likely to see in the class. For
example, a class in the Usui/Tibetan Lineage is more likely to teach you about chakras, Reiki "Guides",
crystal healing and speculative histories (like Reiki being "rediscovered" or from Tibet, or was the healing
method Jesus used and other Reiki myths) that were not part of the original Usui Reiki System. It is
important to know these things so that you can better decide if they are to your liking.

5. How many levels are there in this system?

These days there are ever more levels. Mrs. Takata taught three levels. Now it is common for there to be
four levels, with the "Level III being split into a IIIa and IIIb. Generally the Level IIIa is an amalgam of
New Age spiritism and spiritual practices and added symbols, and the level IIIb is where you actually
learn to teach others. Some teachers have gone beyond four levels and now have six levels, or have come
up with "higher band" energies that are presented as "higher vibration" than Usui Reiki.

6. What are the differences between levels?

Generally there are fairly specific things taught at each level.

Level one generally teaches the Reiki History, The hand positions, Specific areas to treat for a variety of
illnesses, and you receive an attunement. Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho masters do a series of 4
attunements while some of the independent masters use one attunement. In the Usui/Tibetan schools you
are likely to also get a speculative history of Reiki from Tibet, learn about Reiki Guides and Chakras.
Level II generally teaches the three Reiki Symbols (the focus {power}, connection {distance}, harmony
(Mental/Emotional} symbols). There may be an emotional program taught. It also teaches methods of
distance healing and you receive another attunement. Some of the "Mystery Schools" have added in the
Hermetic laws and use phrasing and wording in distance healing along the lines of these principles.

Level III generally teaches the Usui Master symbol as well as the attunement process. There is time to
learn the attunement and practice it.

In the Usui/Tibetan schools (and various other independent masters) the level III is divided into a level
IIIa and IIIb. Level IIIa generally teaches a symbol meditation to empower goals, the "Tibetan"
Antakarana symbol, Psychic Surgery, Making Crystal Grids to send Reiki healing, a meditation to meet
your "Reiki Guide", and a "healing attunement". This is often taught as a level of "personal mastery", and
is called the "Master Practitioner" level. Understand fully that all of this material is added onto the Reiki
system from Hermetic Magick, Tibetan Tantra, and New Age spiritism. This is not to denigrate these
practices or to say that these are not legitimate practices of their own, simply that they were never part of
the Reiki system before 1980 and are not in the least bit necessary to practice Reiki.

Level IIIb will include the "Reiki from Tibet" history, the teaching of an additional three "Tibetan"
symbols (the "Dumo" or "Tibetan Master Symbol", The "Fire Serpent" and the Raku. Some consider
these a good addition to the original 4 Usui symbols. The student then learns the Usui/Tibetan attunement
process. It is important to note that in these "Tibetan" systems the additional symbols are used in the
attunement process at all levels.

7. How long should you wait between levels?

Most instructors require that the student wait a set period of time between levels. This can be a set time,
or at their discretion. There are no set guidelines for this since the practice is so variable. Different people
assimilate the energy at different rates, as well as practice more or less than others. Someone that is good
with handling energy and uses the system to self heal daily might integrate the energy faster than one who
was not as familiar or did not use the energy regularly. If you are looking for an actual length of time
guideline, some suggest three months between Level I and Level II, and 9 months between Level II and
Level III.

8. What are the course fees? What are the fees for the other levels? Why are these fees more/less than
other masters?

It is important to know up front what the fees for the class are, as well as if it provides certification.
Additionally, many people have a significant difference in the fees for Level I (which are reasonable), and
Levels II and III. In the past, associations like the "Reiki Alliance" had a $10,000 dollar set fee for Level
III (which I have heard has been dropped as a requirement). Some guidelines: Level I between 50 and 150
dollars; Level II between 100 and 300 dollars; and Level III between 200 and 800 dollars. These fees are
based on observations of the prices practitioners charge for training.

9. How many people will be in the class?

Class size is important. Classes that are too big often lack personal attention from the teacher. The class
should be big enough to allow you to practice on a variety of people.
10. What am I to expect from and attunement, and what is expected of me?

Avoid people that promise outlandish things from an attunement. If they are promising fireworks,
enlightenment or other things I would tend to avoid them. Attunements are generally a relaxing pleasant
spiritual experience, but even this generalization lacks the infinite individual response to an attunement.

What is expected of you is very important. You should never be made to feel uncomfortable during any
Reiki practice. You need NEVER remove clothing to receive treatments or attunements. If you find you
are "required" to take the attunements nude, or with clothing removed, I suggest you RUN, not walk,
from this person.

11. What is the teachers attitude regarding, "spirit guides", "Reiki guides", "channeling", etc.

As previously stated, these are add-on techniques that were never part of the Reiki system as taught by
Usui, Hayashi or Takata. If these things do not resonate with you, or would cause you difficulties
personally or religiously then look for another teacher.

12. What post-class support from the teacher is there?

Getting feedback after the class is over is essential. Often you have questions that only surface after
practicing the system for a time. Will the teacher be available by phone, in person, or email to answer
your questions at a later date, and is there a charge for this?

13. Do they teach any of the material that has surfaced from Japan that was taught in the Gakkai?

There is a lot of material that has been surfacing due to the efforts of Frank Arjava Petter and Hiroshi Doi.
This material appears to be many of the practices of Usui and is becoming more widely available. Does
the teacher also provide this material?

14. What is the teacher's view on other systems of healing such as the "Tibetan Reiki's", "Raku Kei
Reiki", Tera Mai Reiki/Seichim, Karuna Reiki, Seichem Reiki, etc.?

This question is an important one. Since the death of Mrs. Takata in 1980 the number of "new improved"
Reiki systems is legion. Some people go from system to system searching, while others do not. Some of
these systems see themselves as "superior" or exclusive (i.e., you cannot train in other systems). How
does the teacher see these systems in terms of being essential, useful, etc. Do they also teach other healing
Reiki Glossary
With every area of learning there is usually a vocabulary that is used by
people in the system to more effectively communicate ideas, concepts
practices, and to make the discussion of subjects in that topic easier to
understand. Reiki is no different. For absolute beginners different terms
like "attunements", "symbols", "Usui Shiki Ryoho" may be confusing at first.
This Glossary is an aid to assist you in understanding the many different
concepts and practices in Reiki quickly.

Advanced Reiki Training - (also known as Level IIIa, Reiki Master
Practitioner, or "Personal Mastery Level" in the Usui/Tibetan Systems) A
collection of new age techniques and pseudo-Tibetan practices added to
the Hayashi-Takata System of Reiki in the west. Advanced Reiki Training
generally consists of Reiki Crystal Grids, a healing attunement, the
Antahkarana symbol, Reiki Guide Meditation, Psychic Surgery, Reiki
Symbol Meditation. Most closely associated with Raku Kai Reiki and
William Rand's Usui Tibetan Reiki.

Antahkarana Symbol - A symbol consisting of a cube shape with 7's on its

face surfaces. Presumably of Tibetan origin although this cannot be
determined. Claimed to have panacea type effects on all areas of healing.
This is used in a specific meditation as well as on "master frequency
generator plates" developed by Ralf Jensen.

Attunements - Attunements are a technique common to all forms of reiki in

the west. They use a process of placing the Reiki Symbols and energy into
the meridians, aura or energy body of the recipient of the attunement
process. Some Attunement systems focus on placing the energy in the
Chakras. Attunements empower people to use reiki on themselves and
others and facilitate a connection to the reiki source.

Beaming - Beaming is a technique of distant healing. It is a line of sight
distant reiki sending to a person. Although a distant healing technique, this
is generally done in the presence of another when hands on reiki touch
might be inappropriate (abuse cases, burn victims). Beaming is common to
other healing systems such as in the Johrei Fellowship.

Blood Exchange - The blood exchange is a reiki method of cleansing the

blood of toxins. It is thought that these practices stimulate the body to
produce new blood cells and to stimulate the mreidians effected.

Breath of the Fire Dragon (See also "Violet Breath") - A special breathing
technique used to place the reiki symbol in the crown of the student during
an attunement. It is also used in Raku Kai to develop the microcosmic orbit
and strengthen the reiki channel and promote health.
Byosen (See Also "Scanning") - A process where the hands of the reiki
master move over the body of the recipient to determine if there are
weaknesses, changes, or areas in need of treatment. There are various
methods used. This is called Byosen Reikian ho in the Reiki ho practices in

Chakras - Chakras are energy vortices on the energy body that comprise
part of the energy system. They are Indo-Tibetan in origin and were added
to reiki in the Raku Kai system of Reiki. They are currently commonly
taught in many forms of reiki. Chakras were not part of the Japanese Reiki
Practices or Mrs. Takata's practices.

Cho Ku Rei - The First Reiki Symbol. Cho Ku Rei is commonly called the
"Power" symbol in the Western Styles of Reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho) but is
called "Focus" in Traditional Japanese Reiki and in Japan. Some meanings
for the symbol might be "God is here", or "put the power here".

Cleansing (21 day cleanse) - Cleansing (also "clearing") is a process of

the body removing toxins and realigning the energy fields following a reiki
treatment or attunement. Some practitioners feel this process takes 21
days or can be so severe it can cause a "healing crisis". Many other
practitioners feel that the reaction to attunements and treatments is
individual and lasts as long as is necessary for the individual. Cleansing
was taught in the original system but was seldom thought to last more than
a day.

Dai Ko Mio - (also known as the Usui Master Symbol) The Dai Ko Mio is
the Master symbol used in the all Reiki Systems. It is the symbol for the
Ultimate Source of Love, Light, Harmony and Healing. It is sometimes
translated to mean the "Great Shining Light".

Distant Attunements - An Attunement that uses the Reiki Distant Symbol

(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) to perform the attunement on someone not
physically present. A logical extension of Reiki Distant Healing and the
Distant Symbol.

Distant Healing - This is sending Reiki energy for the purpose of healing
someone not physically present. This uses the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
(Distant Symbol) and a variety of techniques such as the photo technique,
reiki stacks, healing lists, or teddy bear technique for a point of focus.

Distant Symbol (See - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) - The Third Reiki Symbol.
The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a combination of Japanese Kanji (symbol
language) that can mean "no past, no present, no future" which represents
the timeless original purity of the source of all and the spirit of man. A
translation might be "To act in the Realization of Absolute Beingness"
(Thanks to Gabriel Shivers for that definition).
Dumo (also known as "Tibetan Master Symbol") - The Dumo is a "Tibetan"
Symbol that is part of the William Rand Usui/Tibetan System as well as
used by various Independent Reiki Masters including Diane Stein. This
symbol is also referred to as the "Tibetan Dai Ko Mio". This symbol is
thought to unify the body and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the
base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame (i.e., the Kundalini energy). It is
believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and mind.

Empowerments - Any process to help another develop the ability to use an
energy or technique. The Reiju technique was an empowerment used by
Usui to pass the Reiki energy to others.

Energy Exchanges - A new age concept often used to justify charging for
reiki training or treatments, particularly high fees. It appears to have been
added onto the system in the western world after the Death of Mrs. Takata.
The concept is that when one gives or trains another in Reiki, the person
receiving must give to the Reiki teacher in order to keep the universe in

Fire Serpent (See Also Nin Giz Zida) - A "Tibetan" symbol used in the
Usui/Tibetan tradition. The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent"
coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is used during an
attunement with horizontal line over top of crown, snaking down the spine,
and spiraling clockwise at base of spine; grounds energy into lower (feet to
tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral (counter-clockwise) starting at base
of spine, snaking up spine and ending with horizontal line over the crown; it
pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape
out of crown chakra. The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It
opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini fire. It can be used
in healing or meditation for more balance and receptivity.

Gakkai - The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai was the original organization that
Mikao Usui Founded which continues to practice and teach Reiki in an
unbroken line since the passing of Mikao Usui. The Gakkai's practices are
referred to as Reiki Ryoho, or "Reiho". The emphesis is more on a spiritual
awakening and healing. The system takes longer to learn than its
counterpart in the west. .

Global Reiki Masters Association (GRMA) - The Global Reiki Masters

Association (GRMA) is an International Association of Reiki Masters. The
members are a diverse group who respect all Reiki Practices. The GRMA
tries to provide truthful information, training, and empowerment about
Reiki. The GRMA is dedicated to spreading the Gift of Reiki throughout the
world to all that need and wish to have the Gift of Reiki in their lives. The
GRMA was founded by Joseph "Running Wolf" Sparti so that all the wish to
learn Reiki are able to do so free of the control of others. The GRMA
sponsers Free Worldwide Distant Master Attunements several times per
year. These Singular Master Empowerments are performed by the
membership of the GRMA.

Hand Positions - Hand positions refer to the specific hand positions used
when performing a Reiki treatment. The reiki practitioner places their hands
on specified positions and lets the reiki flow into the recipient's body at
these points to facilitate healing. It appears that in Usui's Original
Practices there were five positions and then he used Reji and Byosen to
sense and scan for other locations to be treated. In Traditional Japanese
Reiki, which is of the Hayashi line, there are seven positions. In the
Hayashi-Takata line there are twelve. Other reiki systems may use different
numbers of positions.

Hatsurei ho - This is a meditation and breathing technique that was used

by Usui. It is still used in Reiki Ryoho as practiced by the Gakkai. It is a
technique that empowers the practitioner by increasing and enhancing their
reiki channel and their connection to the reiki source. It is also to help the
practitioner grow spiritually. It includes a self cleansing ritual as well as two
different meditation practices.

Hayashi (Chujiro Hayashi, Dr. Hayashi) - Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was made a
Reiki Master in 1925 and was a student of Usui. Dr. Hayashi was a retired
officer from the Japanese Navy. He opened a Reiki clinic which was more
along the lines of a medical model. Dr. Hayashi made some modifications in
the system including a heavier emphesis on the symbols and attunements,
and most likely developed the 12 standard hand positions from in use in the
west today. These hand positions allowed Reiki to be given by several
practitioners at once. This group healing technique was used in his clinic.
He was the teacher of Hawayo Takata.

Healing Attunements - A non-initiatory attunement technique thought to

"increase healing" developed by William Rand. Although the procedure is
thought to not initiate the recipient into reiki as a practitioner, some masters
have concern over using this procedure because they found that students
retained the ability to do reiki and had no training.

Healing Crisis - A concept found in pranic healing and other healing

approaches that some masters have added into reiki. The concept of a
healing crisis is that the recipient of a reiki treatment or attunement
experience a "release" and go into an emotional or physical "crisis". The
concept is not widely accepted by most masters.

Hui Yin - An "energy cranking" technique used in attunements. It was

added into Raku Kai Reiki and is part of William Rand's Usui/Tibetan
practices and Diane Stein's Work. It is more commonly known in chi kung
as the Microcosmic orbit.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - The Third Reiki Symbol The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
is a combination of Japanese Kanji (symbol language) that can mean "no
past, no present, no future" which represents the timeless original purity of
the source of all and the spirit of man. A translation might be "To act in the
Realization of Absolute Beingness" (Thanks to Gabriel Shivers for that

Independent Reiki Masters - Independent Reiki Masters is a term used to
describe people who are Reiki Masters that are not aligned with a particular
school or approach. They might use an ecclectic approach with techniques
from many schools. The vast majority of Reiki Masters in the west are
Independent Reiki Masters.

Intent - Reiki is an Intent driven system. Intent is the key to using the Reiki
energy in healing and attunements.

Johrei - Johrei is a religion or spiritual practice that was developed by
Mokichi Okada, a contemporary of Mikao Usui. He founded Sei Kai Kyu
Sei Kyo better known as Johrei and as the JohreiFellowship. LIke Reiki,
Johrei also uses Reiju to empower its followers. A "Johrei Reiki" was
developed from Raku Kai Reiki using the White Light (Johrei) symbol as
part of its practices and attunements. The name was changed to Vajra
Reiki after some legal entanglements over the use of the word Johrei. The
Fellowship maintains a website at

Karuna Reiki - Karuna Reiki is a healing system founded by William
Rand from his learning new symbols and Kathleen Milner's healing system
which became Tera Mai Reiki and Seichem. It is claimed to be "higher
frequency" that Usui Reiki. It was formerly known as Sai Baba Reiki but the
name changed due to legal complications from using the Sai Baba name.
The system is Trade Marked, controlled and regulated through the
International Center for Reiki Studies in Michigan, USA.

Karuna Ki - Karuna Ki is a Compassionate Heart Energy and Healing

System developed by Vinny Amador from work with Tera Mai and Karuna.
It shares common symbols with Karuna Reiki and Tera Mai Reiki but
adds many new meditations, mudras and other techniques. The system is
based on the cultivation of the compassionate heart.

Ki Ko - The name for Japanese Traditional Chi Kung (Qi Gong) Practices.
Usui used many chi kung practices in the development of Reiki.

Levels in Reiki (See Also - Sho-den, Oku-den, Shinpi-den) - Reiki is
traditionally taught in the West in three levels.

Level I - Generally includes the Reiki Principles, the hand positions, Reiki
History, and you receive the Reiki attunements. In traditional schools there
are four attunements done at the first level. In other schools, including the
Tibetan/Usui schools, there may be a combined level I attunement. Some
schools teach that Reiki I heals on the physical level.

Level II - Generally includes the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and
Connection), Mental/Emotional Healing, Distant Healing, and another
attunement. The Tibetan/Usui school adds the techniques scanning and
beaming. Some schools teach Reiki II is "emotional healing".

Level III (Master/Teacher Level) - Generally includes the Usui Master

Symbol (empowerment symbol) and its meaning and application, The
attunement process and practice in its application, and how to teach others.
Some schools teach that Reiki III is for Spiritual healing.

Some traditions (the Usui/Tibetan Schools and other various Independent

Practitioners) have added a Level IIIa in between Level II and the
Master/Teacher Level. Level IIIa is often called Advanced Reiki Training
(ART). Some of the techniques that might be included here are: Reiki
Meditation using the symbols, using the symbols for manifesting goals,
Reiki and crystals, making a Reiki crystal grid, Reiki meditation to meet you
"reiki guide", Reiki Healing Attunement, the Tibetan Antahkarana symbol
and a meditation for its use, the Hui Yin position and the Violet Breath.

Master Symbol (See Also Dai Ko Mio) - The Dai Ko Mio is the Master
symbol used in the all Reiki Systems. It is the symbol for the Ultimate
Source of Love, Light, Harmony and Healing. It is sometimes translated to
mean the "Great Shining Light".

Meditation - Any number of focusing, breathing, or contemplative methods

designed to bring about a heightened state of consciousness and/or
enlightenment. In Usui Reiki Ryoho the most important and prominant is
the Hasturei ho. Various other western systems have added Reiki

Mental Emotional Symbol (See Also "Sei Hei Ki") - This is the second
Reiki symbol. It is thought to help heal on the mental and emotional levels
in the body. It is also called the "Harmony" symbol in Traditional Japanese

Mikao Usui - Developer of Reiki. Born August 15th, 1865 in the Yamagata
district of Gifu prefecture in a village called Yago. Usui studied Buddhism at
the school and temple on Mt. Kurama as a child. It is also thought that he
may have studied a Japanese form of Chi Kung called Ki Ko and other
oriental healing systems.
Nin Giz Zida (See Also Fire Serpent) - A "Tibetan" symbol used in the
Usui/Tibetan tradition. The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent"
coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is used during an
attunement with horizontal line over top of crown, snaking down the spine,
and spiraling clockwise at base of spine; grounds energy into lower (feet to
tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral (counter-clockwise) starting at base
of spine, snaking up spine and ending with horizontal line over the crown; it
pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape
out of crown chakra. The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It
opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini fire. It can be used
in healing or meditation for more balance and receptivity.

Non-Traditional Reiki - Reiki in the Hayashi-Takata (Usui Shiki Ryoho

Tradition) that has been modified in some way. This might include distant
attunements, additions of crystals, Angels, other symbols, different
attunements, and other things. The masters are generally Independent
Reiki Masters.

Oku-den - The Second Teachings in Reiki Ryoho in Japan. It consists of
two parts which are Oku den Zenki and Oku den Kouki. These levels
include Hatsurei ho, the hand techniques of Ushi te, Oshi te, and Nade te,
Sei Hei Ki Chiryou, and Enkaku Chiryou (distant treatment), as well as the
blood exchanges.

Power Symbol (See Also "Cho Ku Rei") - The First Reiki Symbol. Cho Ku
Rei is commonly called the "Power" symbol in the Western Styles of Reiki
(Usui Shiki Ryoho) but is called "Focus" in Traditional Japanese Reiki and
in Japan. Some meanings for the symbol might be "God is here".

Raku - A lightening-like symbol that is used at the end of attunements to
seperate the energies of the Master and student. Most commonly used in
the Usui/Tibetan and Raku Kai Traditions.

Raku Kai Reiki - A system of Reiki developed by Arthur Robertson. Arthur

Robertson was a student of Iris Ishikuro (one of Takata's 22 masters). The
system incorporated Ralf Jensen's Master Frequency Generator Plates,
The "Tibetan" practices of the Hui Yin, and Breath of the Fire Dragon (i.e.,
Violet Breath), the Tibetan Symbols (Raku, Dumo, and the Fire Serpent),
the O Sui CHing Water Ritual, and Iris Ishikuro's use of the White Light
Symbol (Johrei). This school has influenced or led to the developement of
the Usui/Tibetan Schools, Vajra Reiki, as well as Karuna Reiki and Tera
Mai Reiki.

Radiance Technique- A school of Reiki developed by Barbara Weber

Ray, who was one of Takata's 22 Masters. Barbara claimed that she had
information from Takata that was not given to the other masters. This
school has also been known as Real ReikiIt originally had only three
levels, but currently has six.

Reiho - A shortened name for Reiki Ryoho or Reiki ho. It refers to practices
and the system used in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.

Reiji - Reiji is the ability to find or spot imbalances in the body. It develops
naturally as you practice Reiki. Consistent practice in healing others leads
to the ability to be guided to the cause of the recipient's problem. This
knowledge will be known even before scanning the person's body

Reiki - Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a system of Enlightenment and a

Hands on Healing art developed in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui in
Japan. It is an art that is passed from Master to student. The word Reiki
comes from two Japanese words - Rei and Ki, meaning universal life
energy. The term "reiki" is used to describe both the energy and the Usui
system of using it. The original system by Usui was called Usui Reiki
Ryoho. There are many variant's of reiki being practiced these days.
Included in this list might be Usui Shiki Ryoho, "Traditional Reiki" of the
Takata-Furumoto line as practiced in America, Traditional Japanese Reiki
developed from Hayashi's students in Japan and practiced in Canada,
Various Non-Traditional Reiki Styles practiced by Independent Reiki
Masters, Usui-Tibetan Reiki, Tibetan-Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki, Tera
Mai(tm) Reiki, Angelic Reiki and many others.

Reiju - The original empowerment used by Mikao Usui to pass on the reiki
energy. Reiju developed into the Attunements that are used in Usui Shiki
Ryoho and in all western reiki systems.

Reiki Alliance - An organization formed in the Western World by Mrs.

Takata's 22 masters following her death. The organization was formed by
Mrs. Takata's granddaughter, Mrs. Phyllis Furumoto. The Alliance claims to
represent "Traditional" Reiki. Its practices represent the Hayashi-Takata
lineage. Mrs. Furumoto went from forming the Alliance to calling herself
"Grandmaster" of Reiki and lately the "Spiritual" Lineage holder. The
Alliance maintains a requirement that the master level should cost Ten
Thousand Dollars. An attempt was made by the Alliance in 1997 to
trademark the name "Reiki" and Usui Shiki Ryoho which failed in most

Reiki Circle - A group reiki practice where reiki is shared.

Reiki Crystal Grids - A technique that charges crystals with Reiki and then
places them in a geometric design. The purpose is to create a protective
grid or to use it to send continuous healing. It is most commonly taught in
the Usui/Tibetan Schools, and is a part of the Level IIIa curriculum. It is an
add-on technique to the system in the Western Reiki practices.
Reiki Ethics - A set of guidleinesfor the personal and professional conduct
of reiki practitioners. An example might be not sending distant reiki without
permission. These vary from Master to Master and School to School.

Reiki Guides - A belief that there are specific "guides" or spirits that work
with Reiki and individual practitioners. Some refer to these as "Ascendent
Masters", "Spirits", or "Guides". The belief in them varies to beings that
help with Reiki to beliefs like Diane Stein's that the Reiki Guides do the
attunements and facilitate treatements. This is an add-on to the system in
the western world that was popularized by Diane Stein in her book
"Essential Reiki" and is taught as part of William Rand's Level IIIa class.

Reiki History - The stories of Mikao Usui and the development of Reiki.
There are several versions from the Christianized version told by Mrs.
Takata that is used in the Reiki Alliance to the historically accurate version
that you can find in books like Frank Arjava Petter's "Reiki Fire". Most
generally contain the thematic elements of Mikao Usui searching for a
system of healing, meditating on Mt. Kurama, becoming enlightened,
discovering he could heal, and starting a school to teach others to heal

Reiki Master - The original term for a Reiki Teacher in the Western World in
the Usui Shiki Ryoho Tradition.

Reiki Master Practitioner - A recent term used to describe people who

have taken the Level IIIa or "Personal Mastery" classes that some masters
offer. Generally these people have received the Reiki Master attunement
but are not given the Level III Master symbols or instructions for attuning
others. This term is common in the Usui/Tibetan Traditions.

Reiki Master Teacher - A term in for Masters in schools that have a Level
IIIa and Level IIIb dichotomy. It refers to those that have completed the
Level IIIb and know the Reiki master symbols and how to attune others.
This term is common in the Usui/Tibetan Traditions.

Reiki Principles - A series of five principles written by the Meiji Emperor

and used by Usui in Reiki Ryoho. There are many different sets of these.
These are designed to help empower the student and to bring about an
awakened mental and spiritual state. The most accurate translation might
be, "The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings, The spiritual Medicine of
Many Illnesses, For today only do not anger, do not worry. Be Grateful and
Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all living things. In the morning
and at night, with hands held in prayer, Think this in your mind, chant this
with your mouth.

Reiki Stacks - A technique used for sending distant reiki. The recipients
and inanimate objects or situations that are to receive reiki are placed on a
list. Reiki is send to all on the list. Users of the technique are warned by its
developer, Reiki Master Anthony Glenn Agee, to not make the stack more
than 10 people because he believes the energy multiplies or increases the
higher you go up the list. (Other Masters do not find this to be the case). It
is believed that you can "save" stacks to use at a later time.

Reiki Treatment - Receiving Reiki from a Reiki practitioner for the intent
and purpose of healing. It generally consists of a practitioner placing their
hands on various hand positions on the recipient's body and takes about 35
to 60 minutes in person. It can also refer to distant reiki treatment.

Scanning (See Also "Byosen") - A process where the hands of the reiki
master move over the body of the recipient to determine if there are
weaknesses, changes, or areas in need of treatment. There are various
methods used. This is called Byosen Reikian ho in the Reiki ho practices in

Seichim Reiki - Seichim was discovered by Patrick Ziegler in 1980 after a

spiritual experience in the Great Pyramid in Egypt and after receiving Sufi
Empowerments from a Sufi Master. The Seichim Reiki (also known as
Renegade Reiki) system was developed by T'Om Seaman, Ken Lowry, and
Phoenix Summerfield.

SKHM - The current practice of Seichim by Patrick Ziegler. It is an

empowerment type system that utilizes a connection to the SKHM energy
source and earth mixed together in the heart. It uses "emotional release"
as part of the process and as an indication that a connection has been
made. It is very similar to Druidic practices such as the Twin Powers
Meditation taught in some Druid Schools.

Sei Hei Ki (See Also - Mental/Emotional Symbol) - This is the second Reiki
symbol. It is thought to help heal on the mental and emotional levels in the
body. It is also called the "Harmony" symbol in Traditional Japanese Reiki.

Shoden - The First Teachings in Reiki Ryoho as taught in the Gakkai in

Japan. It generally consists of The five principles, basics of using the
system, The Waka Poetry of the Meiji Emperor, the hand positions, and
Excerpts from the Handbook of Reiki Treatment (to guide treatment), and
Questions and Answers from Usui.

Shinpi den - The fourth teaching or "Mystery Teachings" in the Usui Reiki
Ryoho practices in Japan. It consisted of Kouketsu ho, Breathing out
method (healing with the breath), The Reiki Group Treatment, Healing by
sending a thought or wish, the Reiki Circle, and how to perform Reiju or the

Takata (Mrs. Hawayo Takata) - A student of Chujiro Hayashi and the first
Reiki Master to be allowed to teach Reiki in the western world. She is the
person most responsible for the spread of Reiki in the west today. Most
western lineages come from Mrs. Takata.

Tera Mai Reiki - A school of Reiki developed by Kathleen Milner. This

school draws from the Raku Kai Reiki line, and also adds a number of
"channelled" symbols and procedures that Kathleen believes a "higher"
being gave her on the "inner planes".

Tibetan Reiki - A school of Reiki that believes to have found the original
practices from Tibet. There are a number of additional levels as well as a
number of differen symbols that are a mix of Sanskrit and Japanese Kanji.
Tibetan Reiki is also used generically to describe Usui/Tibetan and
Tibetan/Usui Reiki.

Tibetan Master Symbol (See Also "Dumo") - The Dumo is a "Tibetan"

Symbol that is part of the William Rand Usui/Tibetan System as well as
used by various Independent Reiki Masters including Diane Stein. This
symbol is also referred to as the "Tibetan Dai Ko Mio". This symbol is
thought to unify the body and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the
base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame (i.e., the Kundalini energy). It is
believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and mind.

Traditional Japanese Reiki - A school of Reiki developed by Dave King in

Canada. Traditional Japanese Reiki was developed from informationfrom
the Hayashi line in Japan that does not include the Takata lineage. It was
developed and is practiced in the west.

Traditional Reiki - This term generally refers to the practices of the Reiki
Alliance and those that follow closely the Takata lineage.

Usui Shiki Ryoho - This refers to Reiki of the Hayashi lineage. This can
include Reiki in the Hayashi-Takata Lineage. It is the most common
practice of Reiki in the western world. This system uses attunements and a
heavy reliance on the reiki symbols.

Usui Reiki Hikkei - This is the Usui Reiki Handbook that Mikao Usui Gave
to his students. It contained four Parts. Part one was the "Teachings of
Usui Reiki Ryoho". Part two was an "Explaination of Instruction for the
Public". Part three was the Ryoho Shishon or "Method of Healing Guide.
Part four was the Meiji Renno Gyosei or "Poems of the Meiji Emperor".

Usui Reiki Ryoho - This refers to the practice of Reiki as Usui practiced it
and as it is still practiced in Japan in a unbroken line since Usui. This
system uses meditations, such as hatsurei ho, and other practices so the
person can develop spiritually and heal. Empowerments such as Reiju are
used (rather than attunements) to help the student clear the channels and
to help pass on the reiki energy.

Usui/Tibetan Reiki - A school of Reiki that built on the work of Arthur

Robertson's Raku Kai Reiki. It has four levels being Level I, Level II, Level
IIIa, and Level IIIb. The system added a number of techniques such as
using crystals, guides, healing attunements, as well as various "Tibetan"
symbols. This system was made popular by William Rand and Diane Stein.
Vajra Reiki (See also Johrei) - A system of Reiki that uses some of the
Tibetan Material as well as the White Light (Johrei) symbol.

Violet Breath (See also "Breath of the Fire Dragon") - A special breathing
technique used to place the reiki symbol in the crown of the student during
an attunement. It is also used in Raku Kai to develop the microcosmic orbit
and strengthen the reiki channel and promote health.
Usui Tibetan Reiki Manual
For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

Welcome to the Usui/Tibetan Material. This Section consists of the Level IIIa Manual and the
Usui Tibetan Reiki Manual. In most Usui Tibetan Reiki the material for Level I and Level II are
consistent with the Traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho as taught in the Western Hayashi - Takata
style. It is at Level IIIa and Level IIIb that the changes to the Usui Shiki Ryoho System become

The "Tibetan" material was originally added to traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho by an American,
Arthur Robertson. Arthur Robertson was a student of one of Mrs. Takata's Masters, Iris
Ishikuro. The style he created was called Raku Kai Reiki. Although the idea that Reiki is from
Tibet has been widely popularized by such authors as William Rand and Diane Stein there is in
actuality no evidence that Reiki was ever practiced in Tibet. Usui Reiki Ryoho was developed
by Mikao Usui in Japan incorporating elements of Tendai Buddhism, Zen Training, and
Japanese Ki Ko and most likely elements of Dai Rei Jutsu. It is my opinion that it likely shares
common roots with the religion Johrei. In Tibet, there are hands on healing arts that might be
considered similar to reiki. These are the Green and White Tara Empowerments, and the
Medicine Buddha. There are some similarities in that they use empowerments and some hands
on techniques.

The "Tibetan" Practices were incorporated into Usui Reiki and renamed Raku Kai Reiki. The
techniques added included the Breath of the Fire Dragon (i.e., Violet Breath), the Microcosmic
Orbit called the Hui Yin, the White Light Symbol from the Johrei Religion, and the Antahkarana
Symbol. Others added in Reiki spirit "Guides" and Reiki Guide Meditations and a few other
techniques. The symbols of Raku, "Tibetan Master Symbol", and the Fire Serpent were also
added. The two schools most influenced by Raku Kai would appear to be Kathleen Milner's
Tera Mai (tm) Reiki, and William Rand's Usui/Tibetan Reiki. The Usui/Tibetan Tradition has
been popularized by William Rand and Diane Stein.

The Usui / Tibetan Schools often add a level IIIa in their curriculum. This means they are
teaching four levels rather than the traditional three in Western Usui Shiki Ryoho. This level is
generally taught as a "personal mastery" level, and a number of new age techniques are taught
including Reiki Crystal Grids, Healing Attunements, the Antahkarana Symbol and Meditations,
Reiki Guide Work, and other Techniques. If you would like to read about these please visit the
Reiki Level IIIa Section of this manual. With the exception of Scanning and Beaming (which
were part of the original Usui system) this material was added on by Iris Ishikuro, Arthur
Robertson, William Rand, Diane Stein and others.

For those reading through my many meanderings, understand that I do not teach any of the
"Tibetan" material, and it is provided here for your reference only. BEing Reiki is being reiki, in
the moment, now, in every breath. It is without control, expectation, attachment to outcome, just
doing and being what is, as you are, now, in this moment. In that light, using crystals to
"strengthen" reiki, or as talismans leads to a focus on the external and control. Extra symbols
are merely other "things" to focus on that do not enhance but distract and give the illusion that if
you have more you have better. Reiki "guides" again lead us to look outside ourselves, to
wonder what the "guides" want, to wonder and worry about what the "guides" are trying to tell
us. We anthropomorphize our intuition, needs and wants and then look to that to tell us our
answers. Special healing "techniques" lead us to believe that we are controlling what cannot be
Usui Tibetan Reiki Level IIIa Manual
The Usui Tibetan Level IIIa was added in a few years back. It was conceived of and is called a
level of "Personal Mastery". It is often taught as "advanced reiki" but in reality is neither
advanced nor technically is it reiki. It is rather a number of new age add-on techniques (ala
Alice Bailey, Hermetic Magick, Wicca, Shaminism, Crystal use and/or magick, and various
channeled materials. These techniques and other methods taught here are not Tibetan and not
from any Japanese reiki lineage. These were all developed by Western Reiki Teachers since
1980. Many people loosely group these together as "non-traditional" reiki. The most common of
these are a reiki Symbol Meditation, a Goal Manifestation Technique, a Reiki Crystal Grid, a
Technique to meet your "Reiki Guides", a Healing Attunement, a Psychic Surgery Technique,
and the Antahkarana symbol and Meditation. There is also a revisionist history that reiki comes
from "Tibet".

Most of this material comes from one of three sources. The first would be from Arthur
Robertson and his Raku Kei Reiki. Mr. Robertson was a student of Iris Ishikuro who was one of
Takata's masters. Mr. Robertson was the first to change from Mrs. Takata's teachings and add
in the so-called "Tibetan" material. WIlliam Rand was the second to significantly deviate from
Mrs. Takata's teachings and incorporate this "Tibetan" material. Diane Stein is the other main
source of this material in her book "Essential Reiki".

I have often seen those teaching level IIIa claim that the level IIIa class "deepens the connection
with the Reiki Source", or "people who take level IIIa are better healers", or "most people do not
want to teach and so this level of 'personal mastery' enables them to practice more fully as reiki
practitioners". Reiki *is*. It is the nature of reiki to always do what is needed, to do what must
be done rather than what our ego desires it to do.

For those reading through my many meanderings, understand that I do not teach any of the
"Tibetan" material, and it is provided here for your reference only. BEing Reiki is being reiki, in
the moment, now, in every breath. It is without control, expectation, attachment to outcome, just
doing and being what is, as you are, now, in this moment. In that light, using crystals to
"strengthen" reiki, or as talismans leads to a focus on the external and control. Extra symbols
are merely other "things" to focus on that do not enhance but distract and give the illusion that if
you have more you have better. Reiki "guides" again lead us to look outside ourselves, to
wonder what the "guides" want, to wonder and worry about what the "guides" are trying to tell
us. We anthropomorphize our intuition, needs and wants and then look to that to tell us our
answers. Special healing "techniques" lead us to believe that we are controlling what cannot be

Reiki Advanced Techniques (R.A.T.)

Techniques of Advanced Reiki (T.A.R)
Reiki "Advanced" Techniques ( R.A.T) or Techniques of Advanced Reiki (T.A.R.) are techniques
added to traditional Usui reiki from a number of sources, as previously discussed. These
techniques are neither advanced, necessary or technically reiki. During the time that Mrs.
Takata was teaching, the practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki in America, was consistent and
fairly standardized. Mrs. Takata died in 1980. After Mrs. Takata's death, people began to
question pricing and various practices in Reiki. The first major influence, as previously stated
was from Arthur Robertson. It was he that changed the attunement structure, added in the
"Tibetan" symbols, the macrocosmic orbit (i.e., hui yin), the Breath of the Fire Dragon (also
known as the Golden Breath of Violet Breath) and the Kidney breaths. Others added additional

Many people that practice Reiki, have in their searching experienced other systems on their
journey. These might include Wicca, Hermetic Magic, Kaballah, Crystals, Meditation, Tibetan
Buddhist Practices, and everything in between. Some Reiki Masters began experimenting with
this simple art of Reiki, and adding everything under the sun into it. New symbols were added.
People began speculating then stating Reiki came from Tibet, Egypt, Atlantis, and whole new
arts were built onto the framework of what was Reiki.

New styles emerged. Styles such as Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Vajra Reiki (was Johre Reiki), Blue Star
Reiki, Karuna Reiki , Tera Mai Reiki , Seichim Reiki, Lightarian Reiki Siddheartha
Reiki , and more on and on and on. Some added new symbols, others modified the
attunement process, still others changed the focus from a healing art to a tool for ascension
work or self-development, or for "Galactic Healing". Some of these arts claim to be "higher
frequency energy", or "more powerful", or even enlightenment producing!

Understand that none of these techniques are necessary to practice reiki effectively, and
none of them were used in Japan. Some Reiki Masters question the validity of these
practices, or the inclusion of them under the descriptor "Reiki". I will list some of the more
common modifications and Reiki Advanced Practices (RAT) here, as well as some other
Techniques of Advanced Reiki (T.A.R.). Try them if you choose. If you find them useful, add
them to your practices. Here you will find some of what are commonly referred to as "advanced"

Reiki Symbol Meditation

Reiki Symbol Meditation is meditation using the Reiki Symbols. It is a hybrid of meditation and
visualization that is half attunement and half meditation. It is designed to increase the
connection to the reiki source by meditating on the symbols. Knowing this is the process, those
of you who are familiar with meditation could easily fashion your own meditation on the
symbols, visualizing the symbols and meditating on the connection to the reiki source.
Experiment and explore. These practices are not written in stone, and were developed by other
people, just like you. Their ways are no better (or no worse?!!) than yours.

To do this meditation, use guidelines that anyone doing meditation of any sort might follow. Get
yourself into a comfortable position. Sitting in a comfortable chair that allows your spine to be
erect is good. Placing your hands on your lap and having your feet comfortably touch the floor
generally works well. Relaxing the body using some deep breathing, or muscular relaxation can
sometimes help.

As with all meditation, if your mind wanders while meditating, allow the thoughts to slip away,
paying them no mind, and gently refocus. Having done that, breathe slow and deep, shut your
eyes and focus on the feeling of Reiki. Sometimes it helps to allow that sensation to begin in
your palms. Allow the reiki to pour into you and intend that it do so. Let your mind stay on this
sensation and feeling. Now allow the loving feel of the Reiki Source to be with you as the reiki
energy flows into you. Stay with this feeling for a time and then when you are ready, you can
begin to meditate on the symbols.

The first symbol we will use is the Master symbol. Either draw it in front of you or visualize it in
your mind. Say the name of the symbol (either out loud or in your head). Visualize the symbol
as golden, intensely bright and empowered with the loving energy of the reiki source. Allow it to
flow into you, and for any message it might have for you to manifest. Stay focused on the
symbol and the reiki flow and the source. The Master symbol is the symbol of empowerment,
and of the Great Shining Light. Allow the symbol and energy to show you what that means. Stay
with this as long as you feel comfortable.

When you are ready, do the same with the Power Symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol, and
the Distance Symbol. You can so the meditation with all four symbols in one setting, or my
personal preference is to only work with one symbol per session and increase the time
meditating on that symbol. The connection feels more personal that way.

When you are finished, draw all four symbols in front of you saying their names. That the reiki
source for sharing this with you. At this point, you are likely to be filled with energy and this
would be a good time to work on doing self-treatments, treating others, doing distant healing,
manifesting goals, charging your reiki crystals, or watching reruns of "Green Acres". (no really!!!,
Arnold the pig helps ground people. Ok, so that was a bad joke. However, grounding yourself is
important! If you are not grounded, you might find yourself light headed and dizzy after this
meditation. Find something that is grounding and do it. You can place your palms on the earth,
go for a walk, visualize roots running to the center of the earth and connecting, drink water or
whatever works for you. You can also put your tongue on the soft palate (just behind the teeth),
draw the power symbol on the feet, that hara (just below the naval) and the palms. Place your
palms on the hara and concentrate on that area for a few minutes. This tends to bring the
excess energy from the upper chakras and into the hara. Any method of grounding works and
keeps the dizzies from happening!

There are an infinite number of possibilities of Reiki Meditations available. You can do it
focusing only on the connection to the reiki source. You can add other meditative practices such
as light body meditations, or Mer-Ka-Ba. Experiment and know that your modifications are just
as good and valid as anyone else's, they just cost less!

Manifesting Goals
Goal Manifestation is another new age technique that is also common in Magick and Wicca. It is
an active utilization that focuses on the desires of ego to get what one wants or bring about
some desired outcome. Because these represent attachment in Buddhist thought, they would
seem to be incongruous with the gentle art of reiki, where one does by not doing. No
attachment to the outcome is a maxim in reiki. This technique would see to not be in
concurrence with this.

For those that wish to know this material, the teaching of Manifestation grids is as follows.
There are several methods available to help use reiki and the reiki symbols to manifest goals.
Advocates of these techniques feel that they can help manifest changes in your life.
Manifestation practices can be done alone, or after doing a Reiki Meditation like the one
described above. No matter what method you use to manifest goals, always be ethical in what
you ask for.

Sit and relax, breathing gently and deeply. Either out loud or to yourself, say your goal. State it
in such a way that their can only be one interpretation and cannot be misinterpreted. Connect to
the Reiki energy. Draw the symbols on your palms. In your mind, create a mental movie, or
mental image of this goal being accomplished. Draw the reiki symbols on the mental picture
starting with the power symbol and ending with the power symbol. Repeat this same procedure
for each goal you wish to accomplish. When you are finished, say (out loud or in your mind) "If
this be possible within Divine love and wisdom, then let it be so." Finish by drawing all the reiki
symbols again on the visualization and sealing it with a power symbol. Believe totally that this
process is done and that this goal is already being manifested.

Another Manifestation technique is a Manifestation Triangle. This technique is a better choice

for those who are not as good with visualization techniques. Also, because it involves writing, it
is more concrete and can help focus you on what you truly want. The first step is to draw a
triangle. At the bottom left hand corner write the person's name that this manifestation is to be
for (yourself or someone else). Next, at the top of the triangle, write what you want to happen.
This should be the best possible solution to the situation. The situation and person's name
should be specific. You can say "This will manifest for the highest good of (person's name)".
Next, at the bottom right hand corner, write the situation. After setting up your triangle, and
writing out the name, solution and situation, draw a power key symbol over each corner. Draw a
power symbol over the whole triangle. Place your hands on the triangle picture and do reiki on
it, intending it to manifest.

Reiki Crystal Grid

The advocates of this procedure believe that a crystal grid can be created and charged with
Reiki energy. These practices seem to come from new age crystal practices, and from spell
work and magick. It is thought that it will continue to send Reiki energy for healing, protection,
or to assist with goal manifestation for several days or longer. The idea of using charged
objects to bring about a desired outcome for the user or wearer is nothing new. Talismans have
been used throughout recorded history. These techniques are generally from magical
traditions. Psychologists believe that there is a self-fulfilling prophecy regarding the wearing of
such objects as well as a placebo effect.

This technique was developed to set up a continuous flow of reiki energy for healing or
protection by using crystals and the reiki energy. This technique did not exist in Reiki Ryoho in
Japan, and was not part of the Hayashi-Takata Usui Shiki Ryoho, but like most of the add-on's
was developed after the death of Mrs. Takata. It is not my belief that you can empower a grid
to continuously send Reiki. It is also my opinion that reiki is a loving connection between the
harmony of the universe, the sender and the receiver. Rocks would seem to lack that
connection. I do not teach this practice. It is included here for your reference.

To make the Reiki Grid you need eight crystals. (There are many books on crystal selection
with rather lengthy guidelines about how to select the "perfect" crystal for you.) For our
purposes, the easiest method of crystal selection is to pick the crystals up and just see how they
feel to you. Try not to so much "think" about this as "feel" it. Send some reiki into the crystal
and see how that feels as well, allowing your intuition to guide you. Most new age shops and
many science or hobby shops sell crystals. Regular Rose Quartz, or White Quartz tumbled
smooth stones are sufficient for the purpose of making this grid and are inexpensive.
You will also need a picture of the person that the grid will send to or protect.

After you have the stones, they will need to be cleansed. Some crystal experts believe you
should cleanse them in clear water and then leave them in the sun and moon light for a period
of three days. Other experts believe it is best to place them in rock or sea salt or salt water for
24 hours. Say a prayer over them after you have put them in the salt or salt water, asking that
they be purified for your highest spiritual good.

Choose a place for the Reiki Grid. The best location is one where others do not go so that the
grid is not disturbed. Take the eight crystals that you have cleansed, and choose the one that
seems the strongest. This will be the Master Charging Crystal. For your central (Master)
crystal, you may want to choose a double terminated crystal, a cluster, a pyramid or a crystal
ball. (Some practitioners conceptualize this in terms of yin and yang. You are looking for the
crystal that is the most yang or having the strongest male energy.) Next, place six of the
crystals at equal points around a circle about 10 to 12 inches in diameter. This creates a
hexagon or six sided figure. Place the last crystal in the center. This makes seven stones in the
design in total. The eighth will be used as the Master crystal. Play with the arrangement until it
feels right.

This arrangement uses a six sided figure. It is possible to construct them in any geometric
shape. Various Magick traditions such as Wicca and Hermetic Magick attribute different
meanings to the various shapes. Choose one that best represents what you are trying to

Take a picture of yourself or the person that you want to send reiki to. Draw the four Reiki
Symbols on the back, the person's name, and an affirmation to help empower and set the intent
of the process. Be creative. You can use a piece of paper with a goal, intent or need on it
instead of a picture. Draw out the four Reiki Symbols on the paper and then Reiki it between
your hands and place it within the crystal Grid. The belief is that the Grid will continuously send
Reiki to heal the person or bring about the goal.

At this point you have the purified crystals and your prepared picture. The next step is to charge
the crystals with the reiki energy. This is very simple to do. Take each crystal into your hands
and send Reiki into it for about 10 minutes or so. Do this with each crystal, one at a time until
all of them are done. You can also say prayers, or ask your Reiki or spiritual guides to assist
you while you are charging them. Another way to charge them is to do a Reiki Attunement on
each crystal or do an attunement on the grid once it is completed.

Once the crystals are charged put each back in its place on the grid. Put the Master Crystal in
last. It is suggested that you not move the crystals after they are in place as it will weaken the
energy connections.

The Master Crystal is used to keep your Reiki Grid charged. This stone can be recharged when
needed by holding it in the hand during a reiki meditation, beaming reiki into it, or re-attuning it.
To finish the grid hold the Master crystal in your right hand. Starting at the top, begin to connect
the dots that are formed by the crystals on the grid. You will be starting at the top and making
six triangles as you connect the imaginary lines between the stones on the outside and the
center stone. Move around the Grid in a counterclockwise direction. You can also say an
affirmation or mantra as you do this. Some masters meditate with they Master Crystal
frequently to keep their Reiki Grid charged up.

Reiki Guide Meditation

This technique is commonly taught in the Level IIIa classes of the Usui/Tibetan School and has
been popularized by authors such as William Rand and Diane Stein. Reiki Guides were not
part of Traditional Reiki as taught by Usui. Like most of the "add-on" material, Reiki Guides and
the belief in them were added on by other masters in the west after the death of Mrs. Takata and
were never used by Usui. This material seems to have been taken from various native American
Shaman traditions and like most of these "advanced" techniques, tries to teach one part of a
greater system and fit it into reiki.

Understand that Reiki works without "guides" and that guides are not necessary to practicing
reiki, or doing attunements. Many people use reiki their entire lives without ever having a guide.
There are some authors believe that reiki "guides" are really the ones that do reiki, and are the
presence doing the attunements and will correct errors made by the Reiki Master during an

You are reiki. You are and always have been. How can things like guides, that arise and fall
away as objects of mind "give" you reiki? It might seem that Reiki "guides" again lead us to look
outside ourselves rather than looking in.

When you have guides, you might be prone to wonder what the "guides" want, to wonder and
worry about what the "guides" are trying to tell us. We anthropomorphize our intuition, needs
and wants and then look to that to tell us our answers and move away from BEing reiki, to
surrendering our conditioned self to more conditioning.

I do not use guides in my practice, nor do I teach them or this procedure. It is included here for
your reference only.

What follows is one practice of a "connect to your guide" meditation. Like all meditation
practices, find a time alone and a place without distractions. Sit comfortably in a straight
backed chair with your hands on your thighs. As you breath in, see the breath as white light
filling every part of your body. As the white light goes through your body with your breath, it
collects this tension and is blown out of you with the release of the breath.

Visualize a fountain of white Light descending down over you. This light flows over you and
down to the ground. As it touches your energy it collects the negative energy and everything
that is not for your highest good. The Reiki Light transmutes the negative energy into light.
Allow the light to form a protective bubble around you. You are completely surrounded by this
bubble of light and you feel safe and protected.

Do some form of systematic muscular relaxation. One that I use is:

Allow the relaxation to come into the soles of both of your feet at the same time. Feel your feet
relax. Let the relaxing sensation move up the legs into the ankles, letting the muscles and
bones relax. The relaxing energy moves up the legs into the calves, relaxing them, and then up
through the knees into the thighs. Allow the legs to totally relax, and then let the energy move
up into the hips, relaxing the hips. And your legs and hips are totally relaxed. Now let the
relaxing power move up the spine, and a warm feeling of energy moves up the spine as it
relaxes the muscles of the back. The energy moves into the shoulders, and you allow your
shoulders to relax. The energy now moves down the arms, and into the hands, relaxing your
upper arms, fore arms, and hands. Now the energy moves up the neck, relaxing the muscles in
the neck and up the head, into the scalp and the head and scalp are relaxed. The energy
moves down over the forehead, and into the jaw, and you are totally relaxed and now ready to
start the meditation to meet your guide. At this point, concentrate on the breathing and let go of
all thought.

As you sit in your chair, see a beautiful column of Pure White Light, or a column of Golden
Divine Light. Allow the divine light to come in your presence and then to envelop you, and be
with you. As you gaze at this Light, you see a figure emerging from out of the Light and coming
towards you. As they approach, you start to see more of what they looks like. You may wish to
ask them some questions to help them communicate with you. As you ask these questions and
receive the answers, know that you will remember them clearly upon awakening. You will both
intuit, feel, hear or otherwise receive the answers. Ask and or notice their gender, size,
appearance, shape, smell, form, clothing, etc.
See them come towards you and give you a hand. Note how it feels to meet this being? Are the
familiar and do you recognize them from having met them before? What does their energy feel
like to you?

See them sit in front of you. Ask them their name, why they are here for you at this moment in
time, what role they are to play in your life, and if they have a specific message for you at this
time. Listen carefully for the answers.

When you feel comfortable with your guide and the answers have come to you, be with your
guide for a time and allow the connection and communication between you to deepen. Some
people have a good sense of when it is time to leave and others do not. You may wish Ask
them how you can recognize their presence the next time and how to ask them for assistance
when you need it in the future. You should not share this information to anyone. Then, thank
your Reiki Guide for making their presence known to you.

Know that your guide will be with you from this time forward, guiding you, protecting you, and
assisting you. In the future, all you need do is acknowledge their presence and ask for their
help when you need it.

Start bringing yourself back to the room where you are physically. When you open your eyes,
you will awaken, refreshed, alert, and completely aware. You have now met your guide. Talk to
them in meditations. Call on them when you need. This can be as simple as calling their name
in your mind. Also, by remember the feeling you had of them (energy signature) you can
connect with them.

(Author's Note: Be careful what spirits you ask into your life. Make your own decisions. Never
surrender your will to another human or spirit. Above all else, be careful.)

Reiki Psychic Surgery Technique

This technique was developed by William Rand. It is a pseudo hypnosis/visualization
psychodrama technique that tries to focus a person on solving an area that they are "stuck" in
and breaking up blockages. The use of "reiki fingers" and other techniques in this procedure
would seem to be Shaman techniques. A Shaman in training would study for many years prior
to attempting this, which is commonly taught as an hour section of a weekend class. This
technique also reminds me of some neuro-linguistic programming techniques I was once taught
minus the reiki. Shamanism, Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic programming are separate areas of
extensive study which cannot be taught as part of a weekend "advanced reiki" class. I do not
teach this material in any of my classes. You may click the link here to review the procedure for
your reference.

Reiki Psychic Surgery

The Reiki Healing Attunement

A Reiki Healing Attunement is a non-initiatory attunement that is given for healing purposes only.
It was not a part of traditional Usui Reiki and as such is not necessary in the least to practice
Reiki. This Attunement was conceptualized to be non-initiatory which means that it is not
supposed to initiate the person receiving it into Reiki. It was thought that it would bring higher
frequency energies and more powerful levels of energies into the person than a traditional
hands on treatment. (Okay, for those diligent readers who have plowed through all this ranting
and raving of mine, here is your test - How am I going to respond to these "claims"?)

The prime directive of reiki is that we do not control the energy, reiki does the healing not us,
and reiki always works for the highest good of the recipient. So…….. using that as a guideline I
would have to say that the healing attunement would not work any better at healing than any
regular hands on treatment. Indeed, how could it? Reiki does the healing not us, and Reiki
decides what is in the highest good of the person, not us, so we cannot control the energy by
doing extra special healing attunements.

Please Note: This Attunement as conceptualized is not supposed to initiate the client into Reiki.
The inventors of this procedure believe that it is not an Attunement Process for conferring the
status of Reiki practitioner, therefore the Reiki Master can utilize this particular process in his or
her healing work. It is thought that the reason the Healing Attunement does not initiate the client
into Reiki is that the Symbols are not placed into the hands, but instead are placed in the
recipient's Heart Chakra. My experience tells me that any attunement confers the status of a
reiki practitioner on a person. (This occurred a number of times after doing the Healing
Attunement and having people contact you days later telling you that their hands are very hot,
and that when ever they touch themselves or others they become hot and it feels relaxing and
pleasant to the receiver. Upon examination and having them try this on me, it appeared that
they had received an attunement.) Understand full well when giving this that you are initiating
someone into reiki. If you do this and the person experiences post attunement effects, you are
ethically bound to instruct them in reiki so they understand the gift given them.

It was told to me that the effect of this attunement does not last more than 30 days. That also
has not been borne out by my experience. With a willing volunteer, it was found that the effect
was still active after several years (and counting) and so please heed the cautionary statement

This Reiki Healing Attunement was thought to be a way for a client to be able to remove
blockages and is used with a pseudo-therapeutic technique to help the person focus on the
"blockage" and why it might be occurring. As with any attunement, it can remove negative
energies from the client's physical body, aura and chakras. It can also help release blocks. It
needs to be said that this is what any regular hands on reiki session or attunement does.

To Utilize the "blockage releasing" potential of the Healing Attunement explain to the person that
they must be willing to let go of the block as well as any other effected areas in their life related
to the block. In order for it to be most effective they must be willing to let go and heal and make
the necessary changes related to the block. The client's intent in the attunement should be
focused on the issues relating to the block and letting go of it and healing.

This "Healing Attunement" is also conceptualized to help "empower goals". (For more
information about Goal Empowerment and Manifestation of Goals. To do this, discuss with the
person what goals they have had trouble achieving, and what might need to be released and
healed so it can be achieved. Realize that there are often unconscious fears and feelings that
prevent the person from achieving the goal. Also, there can be fears that if the goals is
accomplished the person may have to make changes in their life which may be uncomfortable
or frightening and so they avoid completing that goal. These blocks and fears can be focused
on and released during the healing attunement.

Like all attunements, the client should sit in a chair, back erect, with their feet on the floor. The
developers of this technique believe that the recipient's eyes should be closed for the duration
of the healing attunement. This is because they need to focus "inwardly" on achieving their
primary purpose. It is also done so they cannot see the attunement process.

Prior to starting the Healing Attunement move behind the person and say a silent prayer and
state your intent. You can also ask for the help of your spiritual Guides, Reiki Guides, angels,
etc. Draw the Power symbol on your palm, Crown, and heart Chakras and intend that they be
opened to the Light. Draw all six Reiki Symbols in the air in front of you, then you are ready. .

Part One - Move behind the Person

From behind the client make the sign of the Fire Serpent. This starts from above the head,
down the back and spirals at the base of the spine. Place your hands on their shoulders, or on
top of their head for a few moments to develop an energetic rapport with the person.

Contract and hold the Hui Yin, and hold it throughout the entire attunement. Do the Violet
Breath. (To see the Hui Yin and violet breath, see the instructions in the Reiki Level III Section
of this manual. Open your hands and exhale into the Crown Chakra, picturing the Tibetan
Master Symbol moving from the middle of your head, out with your breath, into their crown
chakra. Move the symbol down through their head, guiding it with your hand, into their heart
chakra while saying the name of the Dumo (Tibetan Master Symbol) three times. (Moving the
symbol into the heart chakra is how this differs from a traditional attunement where the symbols
go into the base of the brain. The developers of this technique believe that means the person
will not be Initiated into Reiki. I believe this to be incorrect. Read the warnings regarding this
which are part of this section.)

Do the same technique with the Usui Master Symbol, this time saying the name of the Usui
master symbol three times as you move it from the crown chakra to the heart. Repeat this with
the Power Symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distance Healing Symbol

Part Two - Move to the Front

Draw the Tibetan Symbol over the crown chakra. Say the name of the Dumo three times as you
move it from the crown chakra to the third eye chakra. the heart and then into the solar plexus.
Gently tap the top of the head three times with the finger tips. Repeat this with the Usui Master
Symbol, the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional symbol, and the Distance Healing Symbol.

Blow toward the Solar Plexus, and gently blow from the Heart, the Third Eye and Crown
Chakras. Blow back down to the Solar Plexus, then back up to the Crown. This is one slow even
breath. You are opening the channels when you do this so you can use your hands to help
guide the energy. You can also keep a strong intention to remove and sweep out all negative
energy by sweeping out this energy as you blow by making a sweeping motion with the hands.
Sweep it from the aura to the light.

Part Three - Move behind the Person

Look down the head through the crown chakra, and visualize and imagine that you can see the
heart. Look for a soft green, white or pink ball of light. Place a positive affirmation into the
person's heart by repeating it to yourself three times. Intend it to enter the heart and to be
accepted by the subconscious mind. Some examples might be "You are completely healed by
Divine Love", or "You are empowered by Divine Love and Wisdom"

Place one hand on the back of the person's heart Chakra and your other hand on their shoulder.
Say aloud, "I now perfectly seal this healing process with Divine Love and Wisdom" Picture a
door with the Power symbol on it being closed and locked over the Heart Chakra. While you do
this, intend, will and feel that the healing process is sealed and complete. Place your hands on
the person's shoulders knowing that you have both been blessed by this process.

Part Four - Move to the Front

Hold your hands at waist level, palms out facing the person, make sure the hui yin is contracted
and breath a final breath at the person intending that the energy act as a blessing for the
person. Some masters "program" this attunement to last a specified time for the person to be
able to work on the issue.

Antahkarana -Ancient Symbol of Healing

(Author's note - The Antahkarana exists in several styles of Reiki including the
Usui/Tibetan, Tibetan and Raku Kai. To the best of my knowledge, it did not exist in Usui
Reiki. Although it is claimed to be a "Tibetan" symbol that is most ancient (some even
trace it to "Lemuria" 100, 000 years ago!) I can find no record of its existence as a
symbol used for healing in Tibet or anywhere else. I showed it to a Tibetan monk I met,
who said that he has never seen or heard of it before. This does not mean that it is not a
symbol of antiquity, or that the procedure is ineffective. It does mean that I cannot
substantiate the claims made regarding it. The only background I can find on this symbol
is that it appears to have been the work of artist M.C. Escher who drew three dimensional
works that folded back on themselves and other innovative and interesting designs.
There has recently been a crop circle noted to be made with this pattern.)

The Antahkarana is reputed to cure everything (although I have repeatedly tried and my
beautiful golden mane of hair has not returned and still I have this receding hairline. Lucky my
wife thinks Captain Piccard and his bald head from Star Trek:TNG is sexy, so perhaps this is not
necessarily a bad thing......) Most descriptions I have seen of the Antahkarana describe it as
bring in the "spiritual anatomy" of all living things. It is the connection between your brain and
your higher self. It is thought that if you are to ever grow spiritually, you must develop and heal
this connection. The symbol itself is thought to represent that connection and is thought by its
mere presence (i.e., seeing it) to facilitate that connection. Indeed, just having the thing in
sight is supposed to have a beneficial and uplifting effect on the chakras and auras. It will also
increase the efficacy of all healing techniques. It is thought to complete the Microcosmic orbit
by meditating on it, which facilitates a flow of energy to all the chakras. I have heard of it being
used to clear and cleanse crystals of negative energy.

The Antahkarana symbol is a cube shaped symbol. It has on its surface three "sevens". These
are thought to correspond to the 7 chakras, seven colors, seven tones on the musical scale. In
the apocryphal book of Revelations there are the three sevens of the seven trumpets, the seven
candlesticks and the seven seals. Its energy moves through all dimensions, leading us to out
higher self. It probably corresponded also to the "seven" planets.

The Meditation practice included here is attributed to Tibetan practices. From the information I
was taught, it was said that the monks would use a room lit with seven candles. An earthen
vessel would be in the room. Its shape was oval. It contained water. The oval shaped vessel
represented the "cosmic egg" of the universe. There was a stool that the monk would sit upon,
which contained the Antahkarana symbol made out of a silver metal (This might be a "master
frequency plate" or "master frequency generator", that Ralf Jensen developed. They are for
sale at the American Reiki Masters Association(tm).) Purportedly the monks would sit on the
stool and meditate on the reiki symbols which were on a copper mirror on the other side of the
room which would merge the heavenly reiki energies and the Antahkarana would focus the
earth energy blending them in the chakras.

(Author's note - It is highly unlikely that Tibetan Lama Monks would be meditating on
"Reiki" symbols, especially the HSZSN and the DKM, which are Japanese Kanji, and Usui
himself in his manual, the Usui Reiki Hikkei, states that his Reiki was an original
creation. I know that the Diane Stein fans out there are reminding themselves at this
moment that Diane writes that there are 300+ symbols in a monastery in Tibet waiting to
be re-revealed to the world. However, there is no evidence that Reiki was ever practiced
in Tibet. There is even less evidence that there are multitudes of symbols waiting to be
discovered anywhere as there were only four symbols ever practices in Usui's Reiki. In
my opinion, this is what happens when people pass on information to others who pass it
on and pretty soon, everyone "knows" it, and all accept it to be true. They even begin
quoting each other as sources! For more information try my Article on "What is and is
not Reiki" , or my article "Reiki History and Commentary". These articles address this
subject in more detail.)

The Antahkarana Symbol

The Antahkarana is reported to be quite a panacea. It is said to have its own consciousness, to
work on the aura, the chakras, the organs, and various other aspects of the energy body. It is
said to connect you to the higher self. It is like that shampoo that adjusts to what your hair
needs; in that it adjusts itself to what you need at the time. I was taught that it cannot be used
for harm, much in the same way Reiki cannot be used for harm. I was taught you can place it
on things, under them, and all sorts of places to assist in healing.

It is primarily used for Meditation, and there are a number of methods for doing that. The
simplest is to gaze on the form on a paper or to make a cube with the image on it and stare at it
and meditate. Some people report that the image will fade in and out of consciousness or that
they will see visions.

The size of the image is supposedly related to the masculine and feminine aspects of the
image. It was taught me that a large single image feminine and the smaller symbol was
masculine in energy.

A Meditation using the Antahkarana Symbol

This meditation, as it was taught me appears to be like the Reiki Meditation (see above) Section
of this manual, along with some basic Chi Gung Macrocosmic Orbit work. This process was
thought to cleanse the system of negativity, negative energy, and to cleanse the chakras as you
circulate the energy. (Author's note: Any good meditation or chi Gung practice will do this.)

This meditation is purported to improve your healing skills, open the third eye, increase your
clairvoyance, and any other number of wonderments. The process begins with Using the Reiki
Master Symbol (Author's note: has anyone but me noticed that most of these additional
techniques need the Reiki Symbols/energy to power or empower them?)

First place the Antahkarana Symbol under your feet. Next do a complete Reiki Healing
Attunement on yourself. Place your hands on your thighs and relax. Feel the Reiki flow. Now
draw the Usui Master symbol in the air before you. (Some visualize white light coming from
their hand as they draw the symbol. As you draw the symbol, say the name of the Usui Master
symbol three times. Keep the image in your mind and meditate on it. Now Focus your gaze
on the Antahkarana Symbol. Say the name of the symbol three times, and then hold the symbol
in your mind's eye and meditate on the symbol. When you feel done, focus on the symbols and
move them up, into the light, or a field of intense white light.

When this is done, do the Hui Yin, then visualize the Usui Power symbol at the Hara, and then
at each chakra all around the channel until you reach the hara again. This is to clear each
chakra. See the light and Reiki energy at each chakra as you do this.
Usui Tibetan Reiki Manual
For your Reference: A Quick Reference Reiki Glossary is available which explains Reiki
Terms, Practices and Concepts.

Level IIIb
Level IIIb generally consists of two parts. The first teaches the Usui Shiki Ryoho Level III
Master material including the Usui Master symbol and its uses. Second, the "Tibetan" material
and symbols was taught. Click this link to view the Usui Shiki Ryoho Level III Master Manual on
this site. This material should be learned before proceeding.

The Usui/Tibetan Level IIIb teaches the "Tibetan" symbols, and a procedure for attuning others.

Learning and Using The Usui / Tibetan Symbols

The Usui/Tibetan symbols consist of the Fire Serpent, Dumo, and Raku.

"Tibetan Master Symbol"

The Usui/Tibetan styles refer to the Dumo as a "Dai Ko Mio", or the "Tibetan DaiKoMio",
although calling the Dumo a "Dai Ko Mio" is a misnomer since they have completely different
meanings and the intent of each is different.
In her book Essential Reiki, Diane Stein stated "that many modern teachers feel that the
Traditional Dai Ko Myo Symbol is more in tune with the older time, whereas the nontraditional
Symbol flows more closely to the vibrations of today's world and teaching needs." I believe this
to be a misunderstanding of the intent of Usui's system and the reason that the Dai Ko Mio was
selected as the empowerment symbol for his system.

Again for clarity, the symbol Diane Stein and the Usui/Tibetan folks call the "non-traditional Dai
Ko Mio" or the "Tibetan Dai Ko Mio is actually the Tibetan Medicine Buddha Symbol called
"Dumo". It has a much different meaning that the Dai Ko Mio that Usui intended for his system.

This symbol, DUMO, is pronounced "do moe". It represents the swirling fiery heat of the
Kundalini. Dumo or Dumo Fire is the heat which ascends up and over the spine as a result of
the Kundalini awakening. It is said that the unification of mind and body produce the emanation
of heat. Dumo is thought to be the igniter of the Sacred Flame or Kundalini fire. It is said that
Dumo unifies the mind and body and works with the fire in the base chakra. Those who use
the Dumo claim that it pulls negative energy and disease out of a body, room, or situation and
releases it. Those that practice with crystals report that it can be used on crystals so that they
self-clear. In these Usui/Tibetan systems, it is used in the attunement process with the Violet
Breath where it is visualized in gold. Although some have claimed that it is the "goddess spiral"
it's tradition is drawn from Tibetan Medicine Buddha practices and not from Wiccan based

In Usui's Reiki he choose the Dai Ko Mio as the empowerment symbol. The Dai Ko Mio
represents the great shining light. The dkm is used at the Kurama temple (where Usui did his 21
day Lotus Repentance Meditation and had Satori and discovered reiki). The DKM as used in
the Kurama temple is to represent "Sonten". Sonten is the “Living or Supreme Soul of the
universe”. Sonten is “Glorious Light” or Great Shining Light this is what the DKM represents. At
this level, (as one of the meanings of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen indicate - "God and man are one")
one realizes, as a wave is water and the water manifests as wave, that they *are* reiki, they
*are* the great shining light and always were and have been. There are some sects in Japan
that believe that all the buddhas have emerged in/as/of Sonten.

While the form of the symbol really matters little, the intent of Usui Sensei's system was based
on the understanding of DKM, not on the Tibetan Dumo that others added into the system.

Some see the Dumo as the Goddess Spiral. Coincidentally enough, many of these are people
involved with Wicca and other Goddess Religions. The intent of Dumo is not a Wiccan based
goddess spiral. (Although Diane Stein draws hers that way.) The Dumo is though to unify the
body and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame
(i.e., the Kundalini energy). It is believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and
Fire Dragon,
Fire Serpent
Nin Giz Zida

The Fire Serpent is thought to open the Chakra system. This allows the Reiki Healing energy to
flow into the person receiving the attunement or healing. Typically, it would be drawn down the
back of the person receiving at the beginning of an attunement of a healing session.


Raku is used in passing attunements, but generally not in individual healings. I have seen some
authors state that Raku "helps to lift negative Karma, and brings the student to higher levels of
consciousness during an attunement. It is used at the end of an attunement to separate the
auras and energies of the master and the student.

The Hui Yin and the Violet Breath

The Hui Yin and Violet Breath are generally not considered Traditional Techniques. You can
pass attunements either using them or not. Some people feel the attunements feel more
powerful when using these techniques. This is most likely because the Hui Yin is a chi kung
technique called the Microcosmic Orbit. When using this, your chi becomes part of the mix while
doing an attunement. It is my experience that the attunements "feel" stronger when doing them
this way.

The Hui Yin

The Hui Yin point is located between the anus and the genitals. To do the technique, the point is
contracted, and the tongue is placed against the soft palate (behind the upper teeth. I have
seem some Masters speculate that when using the Hui Yin and Violet Breath when passing
Attunements, a special type of high frequency Chi enters the system and passes through the
Hui Yin point, making this a more powerful process.. Some masters go so far as to speculate
that this point must be held for the entire time you are doing the Attunements to prevent the Ki
from escaping from this point. As with all speculation of this type, no one really knows what the
veracity of such claims are. All I can offer is the Usui did not use this process. If you are going to
use the Hui Yin, you must practice to develop the muscular control to hold the point for lengthy

To develop this muscle, practice contracting the muscles in this area. Pull gently!!!!!! Do not
strain and hurt yourself!!! You can also practice contracting these muscles continuously as you
go about your daily activities. As you continue practicing, it will become easier and you will be
able to hold them for longer periods of time.

The Violet Breath

Visualize a White Mist surrounding you. Next, contract the Hui Yin point and place your tongue
behind the upper teeth. Breath in and imagine a white Light coming down through the crown
Chakra, through the tongue, down the front of the body (Functional channel), through the Hui
Yin point and up the spine (Governing channel), to the center of the head. Imagine the white
mist filling the head. (This is commonly referred to as the Microcosmic orbit). Now, visualize the
white Mist turn blue, then indigo blue and begin rotating clockwise. As the Mist rotates see it
turn to Violet. In the Violet Light/Mist visualize the Dumo (see it as golden). During the
attunement, blow the Dumo Symbol and Violet breath into the student’s crown Chakra and
imagine the Symbol moving into the base of the brain as you say the name of the symbol in
your mind.

The Attunement
There are many attunement methods. I personally have in my possession over a dozen "Usui"
attunements, at least four "traditional" attunements (all different), Usui/Tibetan attunements,
Tibetan/Usui attunements, Short forms, and others.
What follows is an attunement set from the Tibetan tradition using the four Usui Symbols and
the Dumo, Fire Serpent and Raku. It uses a standard form for all three levels. This is offered
here for your review. As in all things, use the attunement that resonates best with you.

Reiki Tibetan/Usui Attunement


Begin by saying a "prayer" of intent, either silent or out loud. Ask for the help of the Reiki Source
to do a perfect attunement for this person. If you have spirit guides, "reiki" guides, Angels,
Ascended Masters, etc., you can ask them to assist that this be a perfect attunement for this
persons highest good.

Draw the Power Symbol on your palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, intending them to open to
the Reiki Source and Light. Cleanse the room by drawing all six Reiki Symbols in the air in front
of you (four Usui Symbols along with the Dumo and Fire Serpent). This not only can cleanse
the room but sets the tone for the beginning as a sacred event. Contract the Hui Yin and hold it
throughout the attunement. (Do not fret if you cannot, it will still work!)

Part One

On the back, draw the Fire Serpent from slightly above the top of the head and down the back
of the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an
energetic rapport with the student.

Bring your tongue to behind the teeth, (remember to keep the Hui Yin Held) and do the Violet
Breath. Exhale the Violet Breath into the Crown Chakra blowing the Dumo symbol in gold into
the Crown Chakra, and move it through the middle of the student's head, and into the base of
the brain. Repeat Dai Ko Mio three times as it is moving into the brain. You can guide it with
your hand.

Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and again repeat Dai Ko Mio three times. Again
visualize the symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base
of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with the Sei Hei Ki and the Hon Sha Ze Sho

Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the
Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol moving into the hands, down
into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of
the power symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. (The Sei Hei Ki and the
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen are added for Level II, and the Symbols are added in level III.)

Part Two

Move to the front and place the students prayer-held hands in front of the heart. Draw the
Power Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Then
picture the Symbol moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the
name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional
Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all six symbols, remembering to
repeat the name of each symbol three times).
Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the Symbol moving
into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do the same
with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master Level, use all six

Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up
facing the ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the
Power Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then
lightly slap the hands three times. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the hands in level I, the
Distant symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in level II, and all the
symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)

Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the
student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and
Crown, and back over the hands.

Part Three

Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation
and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples
might be: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled
with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student.
You can say them out loud if you prefer.

Open your hands and look down through the Crown Chakra, visualizing through to the root
chakra. Intend that the beautiful great shining light of the Reiki Source send a ball of light into
the heart and fill all the chakras.

Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head and
the left at the base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see
the door being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom".
Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is now forever connected
directly to the Reiki Source. Say, "you forever connected to the Reiki source."

Place your hands on the student's shoulders briefly experiencing the moment with them. Say,
"We have both been blessed by this attunement".

Part Four

Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a white mist
surrounding you. Breath in and imagine a white Light coming down through the crown Chakra,
through the tongue, down the front of the body through the Hui Yin point and up the spine, to the
center of the head. Imagine the white mist filling the head. Exhale the white mist while releasing
the Hui Yin point and tongue, allowing the final energy of the attunement to bless the student.

Draw the Raku in the air in front of the student. Say, "the attunement is complete".
The Irony of Elitism
If you practice Reiki for any length of time, you will find it teaches you. Reiki
is the intelligent energy of the creator and teaches those who listen to the
subtle voice and lessons it gives. In an article in "Reiki News", 1975,
Mrs.Takata described Reiki as "....Universal Life Energy, It is not a
Religion.....this great source which surrounds us - the Universe. There is
endless and enormous energy. It is universal.... Its ultimate source is the
Creator....... It is nature, It is God, the power he makes available to His

This is a very beautiful and concise definition. In Frank Petter's latest book,
"Reiki: The Legacy of Dr. Usui", There is a section containing an interview
with Dr. Usui. In it, Usui states that Reiki is for all and that is why it cannot
be owned by any one person. For those that think that their lineage or
tradition is superior to all others, I strongly encourage you to re-read the
section above, and to go buy Petter's excellent book and then reflect on
what you read.

If you spend any length of time in the "Reiki Community", either in the real
world, or on-line, you will find many different practices, and attitudes
prevalent. You will find many many caring professionals and practitioners
who love Reiki, and enjoy healing others with reiki, and teaching reiki to
others. Sadly, you will also encounter some of the following attitudes:

1. My lineage is more (choose one of the following) "true", "pure", "more

direct", (other word for superior).

2. Your teaching is incomplete, you did not learn in the (choose one of the
following) "traditional", "non-traditional", "method from Japan", "teachings
from Takata", (other word for "my" system).

3. Your teaching/training was of (choose one or more of the following)

"insufficient time", "insufficient length", "with an inadequate teacher", "with
insufficient time to practice".

4. Your Master class was (choose any of the following) inferior because,
"you did it one weekend", "you did it in less than a year", "you did not pay
ten thousand dollars", "you did not have enough follow up with your
teaching Master", "you were trained free", "you cannot be truly a master
because you are not adequately prepared to teach".

5. You are not practicing the Usui System because (choose any of the
following) "you received distant attunements", "you trained with Master "X"
and everyone knows he/she doesn't practice true Reiki".

6. My system of reiki is superior because (any or all of the following) "it is

more powerful", "more deeply penetrating", "heals on a deeper level", "is
higher vibrational", "has extra secret symbols revealed only in my style",
"has extra secret symbols we discovered in Japan and Tibet and they
increase the power of all the others"............... (and on and on ad

The above reflect statements made by other reiki practitioners and masters
posted all over the web on newsgroups, e-lists and bulletin boards. I am
sure, given sufficient time and inclination that I could find more of these. It
would seem that those holding these beliefs espouse the "I know better"
school of thought and some type of a striving for Superiority. Perhaps I am
incorrect in my feeling of the situation here,....perhaps it is possible to be
zealous about something without making the implication that the other is
less than your practice..... Perhaps even in writing these words I am making
the same judgement..... And at the same time, the issue needs to be
addressed.... I have seen that when the people, who make statements like
those above, are confronted, you might see them profess to be concerned
that Reiki should be held to the "highest standards", "minimum
requirements", and all sorts of other arguements which in the end are
always some form of "I know better, and your practices are insufficient to
my higher (and therefore superior) standards". Some others will even try to
use the opportunity to point out to you "your insufficiencies" and the need
for you to "look at your motivations and beliefs". Yet another irony, i
suppose, in people again confusing spirituality and psychotherapy and reiki
and using it to beat people up, or down as the case may be. Remember
the Usui Reiki Principles...... "Be Kind to all People".

I believe very strongly that all Reiki Practitioners should be properly trained.
I also belive that they should practice Reiki and be proficient before they
attempt to teach others. However, I do not believe that I am the arbiter of
what "good training" is. People need different things and there are masters
and styles to fill in all those needs. I am not in any position to judge any
other Reiki Channels ability to do, or teach reiki, especially over the web
from postings they make on bulletin boards and lists. It is also an
acknowledgement that everyone makes or creates their own Karma. If
people set out to be dishonest in their credentials, or ability, they create
their own problems. The public needs to be able better informed about
Reiki, Reiki practice, how to tell who is what they say they are and other
consumer information. That is what this site is about. Consumer

These days, it seems that the biggest sin in spiritual circles is to be

judgemental. There is some irony in the fact that to hold any of the above
mentioned beliefs, irrelevant of motivation, is itself judgemental. Some
people are proud of their judgemental beliefs, proudly proclaiming, "Our
teachers are better prepared and you cannot be a reiki master since you
learned your reiki too fast and do not have "x" needed to teach...... making
these bold proclaimations over the internet. Other's are quick to judge
another's practices of reiki after reading a few select posts or replies on an
e-list someone might have made.......... Indeed, how is it that we can be so
judgemental of others from reading a few words that they say, without
having seen them in person, talked with them, shared with them, discussed
issues and even practiced and shared Reiki? In all instances it tells us
nothing of the person they are attempting to criticise and everything about
them, their attitudes and their beliefs. Perhaps even here again, I am
illustrating this concept by demonstrating its use. The great Irony, is that
Reiki is a wonderful practice, an intimate connection with others and the
Universal LOVE life energy of the creator - of God, and we think that with
our finite selves, egos and conditioned beliefs that we know better.............

The beginning of this article talked about what Reiki was, and what Mrs.
Takata thought it was. Reiki is a wonderful healing art, and spiritual art, but
it is not a religion. It is not enlightenment. It can not even ensure that
people who practice it will even hold true to the spiritual systems they tack
onto it. If you doubt the veracity of this statement I encourage you very
strongly to visit alt.healing.reiki which is a newsgroup about reiki, or any of
the many many reiki e-lists, bulletin boards and websites.

My suggestion would be, before you begin "judging" another practitioner's

Reiki, Reiki practices, spiritual beliefs, authenticity, legitimacy or any other
facet of them, that you go back to the beginning of your own Reiki
Training....... to your very first lesson, when your Reiki Master shared these
words with you..........

The Secret Method Of Inviting Blessings

The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses

For today only, do not anger, do not worry.

Be Grateful. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all

In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer,

think this in your mind, chant this with your mouth.
What "is" and what "is not"
Welcome to the latest of articles fresh from the Reiki front…………. After
reviewing literally thousands of websites and watching discussions on
various message boards and e-lists I was motivated to write these
words…….. As an aside, It is not my place to say what is reiki and what is
not so the title of this Article is a bit ironic at best and misleading at worst.
My goal here is to illustrate differing ideas regarding this issue, and to
highlight what is essential to reiki practice from other techniques that have
become part of current practice in some styles. Perhaps there is a bit of
traditionalist in my heart after all….. I don't care if you invent "Fish Slapping
Reiki" (ala Monty Python's Flying Circus "Fish Slapping Dance") and slap
your clients with fish as you do reiki, I just care that you mention that it is
not Usui Reiki.

To some, this distinction might seem trivial, or even irrelevant. They may
even ask what relevance does it have if people are dedicated healers.
While I acknowledge that it is important to remember that our primary
purpose is that of healers, I also understand that when I do Reiki I am
representing my teachers, and their teachers back to Mikao Usui himself. I
am representing this in my attitude and conduct and in how I present Reiki
to the general public. If I am adding all sorts of things that Usui did not
espouse, I believe it is my responsibility to label them as such. That is both
honest and a courtesy to my clients and students. This is not to denigrate
the practices of others. I am not commenting on the efficacy or
appropriateness of practices added on to reiki, but trying to illustrate the
difference and implore people to be honest about what they are and label
them and what they are doing.

With all the "new" styles, "new" symbols, and various other changes the
question of exactly "what is" reiki becomes a legitimate question. To fully
evaluate this question, I believe that we must examine reiki "the system"
and reiki the "energy", new styles, traditional practice and newer
modifications, channeled histories, and magickal add-on techniques.

Reiki the "system" and Reiki the

Most Masters do not differentiate between Reiki the "system" and Reiki the
"energy" when talking about Reiki. Reiki the "energy" is the divine energy
from the creator that is available to all creation on an equal basis that we
use in the Reiki System for healing. Other systems such as Chi Gung,
Seichim/SKHM, and others utilize this energy as well. Reiki, the universal
life energy, is one name for the energy. When discussing Reiki the system,
it would seem to be a different matter. Usui Reiki, or the Usui System of
Natural Healing has certain characteristics. They would seem to be a series
of principles, hand positions, symbols and attunements that are used in a
fairly specific way. That is the "system" of Reiki. The question is, at what
point does a change in the system become significant enough to constitute
a change in Reiki "the system" to warrant somehow delineating it from other
practices. For some practitioners, using distant attunements would
constitute a change in the system. My views on this matter are listed in the
Distant Attunement article on this site and so I will not bore the reader by
repeating them here. Suffice it to say that I believe that distant attunements
are a logical extension of the Distant Symbol and Distant healing that is
part of the Usui System, and not a different system.

When the Reiki Alliance attempted to trademark the word "Reiki", and "Usui
System of Natural Healing", one of their stated reasons was to try to
delineate what was and was not Usui Reiki. These days there are those
that call themselves "Traditional" practitioners (there are numerous groups
and individuals that use this designation, most with different practices),
"non-traditional" practitioners, people like me who laughingly call what they
do "neo-traditional" and newer Reiki’s such as Karuna Reiki, Siddheartha
Reiki, Lightarian Reiki, Tera Mai Reiki , various Tibetan/Usui Mixes,
and others. This moves our discussion into the next facet of "New Styles".

New styles of Reiki

We have seen that part of the confusion comes from there being a
difference in the Reiki System and Reiki energy. Developers and advocates
of the "new" reiki’s feel comfortable calling them a type of Reiki since they
are also a "universal life energy". They are therefore referring to reiki "the
energy", and not reiki "the system". The problem is that the public at large
and even some reiki practitioners and masters do not understand this
difference. There might be confusion that these are just another "type" of
Usui Reiki. My own opinion, for whatever that is worth (which would be
nothing, the same price you are paying for this manual!) is that people use
the reiki "name" because it is widely known and the confusion between their
product and Usui Reiki is desirable because it is gives the impression that it
is reiki "the system".

Some of the newer reiki’s, using the time honored advertising strategies of
soap commercials and offer the "new and improved" model. I have seen
websites selling training saying that Usui Reiki is a "lower frequency
energy", while Seichim is "higher frequency energy", and Sekhem is the
"highest frequency and unlimited in power". I have seen practitioners of
Karuna Reiki; make claims that it is "more powerful", "deeper working",
and "higher frequency" than Usui Reiki. On some Lightarian Reiki
websites, I have seen it stated that Lightarian Reiki is a higher band of
energy than Karuna Reiki thus establishing a continuum of power of
energy systems with good old Vanilla type Usui Reiki at the bottom. By
implication…… Usui Reiki is ok, but not as powerful and good as our
brand of Reiki. Usui Reiki must be the "Kleenex or Xerox of the
Energy System World, as it is the basis that all others are judged by.

Indeed some teachers even promise satori experiences, and even

enlightenment as one’s "light body" vibration is raised. Does anyone really
believe that enlightenment is something you can put in a bottle, or receive
an attunement, or just learn our system for $999.95 no ups and no extras
and you will receive enlightenment? Do the words snake oil have any
meaning to you…………

But before we add to the confusion and hype and soap commercials
atmosphere Two points must be made. First, I am not commenting on
anyone’s practice of healing. There are so many dedicated healers who are
committed to healing themselves, others and the world. If they find meaning
in these practices then I wish them well and all the success in the world.
However, when you make claims like those above you place yourself in a
position of public scrutiny. People have a right to know if what you say is
true. Let’s examine some of the statements that I have included above.

First, can anyone establish that their energy is "higher frequency"? Answer:
No, they cannot. They can through subjective perception of the energy but
that is subject to perception and beliefs. There is simply no objective way to
measure it. If you pay money for a class, and people all tell you that it is
higher frequency and you feel it more strongly then your beliefs color your
perception. How do we know that if you were just to commit to using Usui
Reiki and practice heavily with it for the same amount of time as the class
that you would not also notice the same feeling or increase. Additionally,
you always feel the energy more strongly following any attunement
process. Even as a reiki master, if you were to receive an additional Usui
attunement you would feel it more strongly. (I should know, I have had
about 57 of them.)

Second, can anyone given you enlightenment from their energy system?
Answer: No, they cannot. If you have to work to become enlightened using
the Buddha’s teachings, Jesus' teachings and Mohammed's teachings,
then I don’t think that there is a short cut. You can raise your lightbody’s
vibration forever with attunements it is no shortcut for discarding the
conditionings that cloud one’s mind and that is hard work.

Third, the proof is in the pudding (so to speak). Can people with any of
these "other™" reiki’s heal any better than any Usui Reiki practitioner?
Answer: No, they cannot. At least, not from what I have seen. And short of
controlled scientific studies there is no way they can substantiate these
claims. Perhaps using anecdotal evidence might be acceptable if they
could demonstrate a pattern of healing cases that other Reiki practitioners
could not heal or something….. But fundamentally, if you are selling a
healing system that is more deeply penetrating, higher frequency, etc.,
shouldn’t that translate somehow into better and faster healing?

Traditional practice and new

Here is an area of some difficulty as there are many techniques that have
found there way into Reiki practice that are not Usui Shiki Ryoho. Many
people who learned Usui Reiki were interested in a variety of other things
including Magick, Wicca, Mythical ancient civilizations, new age practices,
crystals, and other things. People began experimenting with many of these
and these "new" techniques eventually found their way into "Reiki".
Some examples….. In distant healing (level II Reiki) Usui used a
photograph, and Takata also taught to use a pillow or the thigh (teddy bear
works nice too) it was the intent that the Reiki be sent that was essential.
Some Masters added that while using a proxy to say, "by the ‘law of
correspondence’ as I do reiki on this teddy bear it is done to this person".
When you add "by the law of correspondence" you are placing in things
from a Wiccan/Magickal tradition. Some Masters teach "Psychic Surgery" in
their Advanced Reiki Classes. This involves a pseudo-hypnotic visualization
technique along with energy manipulation techniques. Some advanced
classes teach about charging crystals with reiki and giving them to clients,
or making a crystal grid. While talismans and other charged objects have
been part of Wicca, Strega, and other Magical systems for some time, they
are not reiki. Manifestation grids seem to me to take their cue from some
sort of spell work. Most of these things are commonly taught these days as
some form of "Advanced" Reiki. Yet in reality, none of these are part of the
Usui System, yet still classified under "Reiki". It gets confusing and perhaps
really confusing to the consumer viewing all this from the outside. All I can
comment on here, is that I do not use any of these practices.

Now I am not commenting on the efficacy of these techniques. If you like

them and use them and find them effective, then good I am happy for you.
It is wonderful that you have these techniques available to you. The issue
is that while an individual master may find that the additions are meaningful
to them, they cannot demonstrate that they improve the Reiki or the
healing. Reiki is a simple system. People will rise to whatever level of
complications are needed for them. However, the question remains, are the
additions Reiki. My answer: No, they are not part of the Reiki system, they
are something else. Please if you are reading this and offending yourself by
these words, understand that I am not saying inferior and not saying bad. I
am saying, they are not necessary in the least to practice reiki.

The last area I want to explore is the neo-channeled histories. Channeling

has been around for a long time. People have practiced this form of
divination throughout history. Some religious traditions have strict sanctions
against it, while others do not. Whatever your personal beliefs regarding
this phenomena the universal constants regarding channeling is that it is
not a reliable practice, and it is dependent entirely upon the belief system of
the practitioner. The belief system of the practitioner will influence more
than anything else the message received. Bearing this information in mind
let us look at some of the latest channeled information on "reiki" history.

Lately I have seen Masters claiming that Reiki didn’t start with Usui but was
much older than Usui. ( that Reiki the "energy" or Reiki the "system"?)
One common myth where this is seen is that Reiki was "rediscovered" and
is from Tibet. Channelers are telling us that Reiki came from Egypt, from
the Mayans, from Atlantis, and even the Lemurians. Some believe it came
from the "Ascendant Masters", while others think it came from the "Space
Guys" (and some think the Ascendant Masters are the Space Guys!), and
on and on and on.

It has been my experience that there is nothing that will cause the general
public's eyes to roll faster than saying, "Reiki comes from Lemuria 100,000
years ago, and the space guys taught the ascendant masters!!!!!!!!!!!"
People then look at you with that "look", (you know the look, the one where
they think you have forgotten to take your medication again and wondering
if they should contact the authorities because you might be dangerous…) I
have known people that received reiki and had the reiki heal a pain, injury
or condition who later told me that it was "nonsense". Upon asking why, I
found that their positive experience with reiki was undone by reading a
book where they learned that Jesus learned Reiki from the Tibetans, or
Jesus didn't die on the cross but went to India, or Reiki comes from the
Ascended Masters, or the Space Guys, or Egyptian Goddesses, and they
know this cause they read it in a published book by an "expert", and
therefore Reiki must be pure nonsense. Personally I don't care if you
believe that Fox Mulder is an Ascended Master reincarnated to get the
Reiki Ray Gun back from the Aliens who introduced Reiki to humans way
back on the Continent of Reikiania 4 million years ago so humanity can be
saved. However, I have a problem when people represent that as being
Reiki "the history" in Reiki "the system" because it is dishonest and makes
it difficult to seriously present Reiki to the public and seriously damages the
credibility of Reiki for those trying to use Reiki to heal others within the
context of the general medical community.

In Conclusion
Well now that I have managed to irritate just about everyone in the Reiki
community, and await angry Reiki practitioners to storm the gates of my
email server, like angry peasants in a Frankenstein Movie storming the
gates of the Castle Frankenstein, torches and pitchforks in hand……….

Ok maybe it is not as bad as that, but people seem to take all of this so very
seriously, with zeal generally reserved for religions. As Fox Mulder says,
"The Truth is out there". Don't take what I say as gospel; investigate, keep
an open mind, and find out for yourself. In all things remember that the
hallmark of the Reiki system is that Reiki is Simple. That is what makes it
great. It is the acknowledgement that we are limited and finite, but the
source and creator is infinite. When our egos are in check and we let the
universal love of the creator flow through us, wondrous things can happen.
And you don't need angels, crystal talismans, crystal grids, channeled
histories, psychic surgeries, and other complications to make it work, you
just need to place your hands on someone, feel the love of Reiki, and let it
flow. The rest will take care of itself.
Current Issues In The Reiki
Some of you may wonder why I am addressing "Issues" of reiki. This is
because there is much going on in the Reiki world today. Reiki is
expanding, growing, and developing. In any endeavor, there are always
growing pains. Some of these issues are contentious, but they summarize
what is going on in the Reiki Community at large.

The Reiki Alliance was formed in 1982 after Mrs. Takata died. At that time
there were 22 Masters Takata had trained in the western world. From what
they knew, Reiki was not practiced in Japan after the death of Mr. Hayashi
and World War II. They believed themselves the last masters in the world.
The group met, and Mrs. Phyllis Furumoto, Mrs. Takata's Granddaughter
emerged as the leader of the group. Mrs. Barbara Weber Ray, another of
Takata's masters, did not attend. (She stated that Takata had revealed to
her the secret techniques and named her successor. She started a style
called "Real Reiki" and later changed that to the "Radiance Technique")

When Mrs. Takata died, she named no successor. Phyllis assumed that
role, at the urging of the other masters, following in the footsteps of her
grandmother. Over the years, Phyllis has moved from leading the Reiki
Alliance to claiming to be the "Lineage Bearer", holding the "spiritual
lineage", and GrandMaster of Reiki. Takata did not name a successor, nor
was she referred to as the lineage bearer or grandmaster (she did not refer
to herself in this manner). It is my opinion that Takata did not name a
successor because one was not needed. That itself was the message. It is
also my opinion that Phyllis is certainly the head of the Alliance, but not
more than that. It is hard for her to substantiate the claim of lineage bearer,
when we know conclusively that Chujiro Hayashi was not Usui's chosen
successor. It now seems that Mr. Hayashi was not ever a member or the
Gakkai (Usui's Reiki Ryoho organization in Japan). The Usui Shiki Reiki
Ryoho Gakkai has had five presidents of the society since Usui's death,
none of whom were Mr. Hayashi. This is not to down play Mr. Hayashi's
great contributions to Reiki who almost certainly developed the hand
positions in use in the West today as well as the attunements, but Chujiro
Hayashi was a well respected disciple of Dr. Usui, not the lineage bearer.

The Reiki Alliance has a number of core beliefs and practices that they
follow for pricing, content of courses, and discriminatory guidelines for who
can be taught the master level and under what circumstances. Their current
pricing is $150.00 US for Level I, $500.00 US for Level II, and $10,000.00
US for Master/Teacher Level. There are generally no scholarships or
lowered rates for Reiki III or any other degree are offered, nor are any
payment plans allowed. The Master student is also required to apprentice
with the Master for a period of at least one year, and once he or she begins
to teach, it must be under the Master's supervision, who receives all class
fees. A new master must apprentice with their Teacher for one year. They
must not make any new masters for three years. Additionally, they
unquestionably acknowledge Mrs. Takata, and Phyllis Furumoto as the
"Grand Master" of Reiki. They follow the practices of Mrs. Takata
dogmatically, and the price for mastership is $10,000.

The $10,000 price was used by Mrs. Takata to ensure that only those most
committed to Reiki would achieve the master level. I have heard it stated
that Mrs. Takata believed that the people in the West did not appreciate
what they receive free. However, it is important to note here that Takata did
not always charge for training or treatments.

In the traditional Usui History, Usui healed beggars in the slums in Tokyo
who reportedly came back time and again. They did not appreciate their
healing and thus he vowed never to give it away free again. This story is
used as part of a justification of having others pay, and pay dearly for
learning. What now appears to be the case with this story, is that Usui did in
reality work with those in Tokyo, following the earthquake there and he
offered healing to many, which spread the knowledge of Reiki throughout
Japan and enhanced greatly his reputation as a healer. This would tend to
take away the emphesis about money in the traditional story, as well as the
emphesis on "exchanges". The irony is that Mrs. Takata told this story to
illustrate that some people hold on to their illness and that some people
refuse to change.

Another issue to be addressed is the idea of "exchanges" or "energy

exchanges". This is a new age concept added in post Takata. This was
never a part of Usui Reiki. The idea behind the "energy exchange", is that
when you receive Reiki, it is a great gift and thus there must be some
energy exchange in order to satisfy Universal Law. Along with this
reasoning is that to those in the West, money is what is truly valued and
thus it must be a great sum of money (i.e., $10,000). This to me seems a
justification to charge a high fee.

It is my opinion that this philosophy of energy exchanges unnecessary I

find the idea of "energy exchanges" and the philosophy behind them
somewhat odd. The universe maintains it's own balance, it is ego that
leads us to think that we have such importance in the cosmic scheme of
things that we must "balance" things.

In looking at the teachings of Jesus, or Buddha, we do not see the idea that
"exchanges" must be done to repay acts of kindness that we do. Jesus
tells us that if someone takes our shirt to give our cloak as well, not if they
take our cloak to make sure we get their shoes......
Any act of kindness effects many many people, far beyond our ability to see
or know. Who is to say that something I do today will not effect many others
through that person. Are "energy exchanges" met and satisfied then? I offer
this caveat, do whatever you do with no strings attached, no expectations
on the behavior of the other and you will never go wrong. Surely if Energy
Exchanges were so important to the balance, then at least one of the great
spiritual leaders would have mentioned it.......
The problem here is myriad. First, what is a Traditional Reiki Practitioner?
Would that be the group calling themselves "Traditional Japanese Reiki"?,
or the Reiki Alliance Members Practices, or the Practices of the Usui Reiki
Ryoho Gakkai in Japan? It seems that all believe they practice "Traditional
Reiki". For the purposes of this discussion what is generally referred to as
"Traditional Reiki" is that of the Usui-Hayashi-Takata lineage.

Some traditionalists do not acknowledge training from non-traditional

schools. Non-Traditional generally refers to the practices added on and the
"other" Reiki's. Styles such as Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Tera Mai
Reiki, Lightarian Reiki , Angelic RayKey, are examples of different
styles. Techniques such as distant attunements, other symbols, the Hui Yin,
Violet breath, reiki guides, seeing auras, psychic powers, dolphin breathing,
Antahkarana symbols, angels and others are considered non traditional
techniques. Many of these styles and techniques are wonderful additions
for a healer to have in their arsenal of effective healing modalities. It is
important to know that they were not a part of traditional reiki, that way
people can make better and more informed decisions.

Recently in the Western World, we have been lucky that Frank Petter and
Hiroshi Doi have been releasing material from Japan. What is becoming
apparent is that in the west we have moved far from the original practice
and intent of the system. That does not negate the wonderful healing and
developments in the west, but it does highlight that the original system was
an system that developed inner peace, and led to enlightenment. In the
west there is only the healing, with the acknowledgement that it is a
"spiritual" art. The effect of this vacuum is that many have tried to fill in the
gaps with every possible new age practice including crystals, ancient
civilizations such as Tibetan, Atlantean, Lemurian, hypnosis, space aliens,
crop circles, and so many others that I cannot keep up with them all.

This is an area that brings heated arguments. A Reiki Joke.... What do you
call one Reiki Master alone? Answer: A Healer. What do you call two Reiki
Masters together? Answer: An Argument!

A Reiki Master is a person that has learned the Usui System of Natural
Healing. It is someone that knows all the symbols, attunements, and has
been trained specifically in passing the symbols, training and attunements
to others. Nothing more or less than that. Period. A Reiki Master is not a
guru, a spiritual leader, enlightened master, or anything else. (Although
some are!) The arguments regarding the title "Reiki Master" seem to center
around this central point. There is a group that is decidedly uncomfortable
in the term "Master". Perhaps that term was a poor translation of the
Japanese word "Sensei" and teacher would have been a better word.
Others see the proliferation of Reiki Masters as something not to be desired
and something that cheapens their accomplishments. For those that paid
dearly for the training and spent years apprenticing, they feel that those that
learn less expensively or do not intern as being less than masters. (It is
interesting to note that this exact problem is going on in the academic
world. Those with Ph.D's are seeing their prestige and ability to charge
higher sums devalued by the glut of Ph.D.'s out there. There is even talk of
instituting a new degree even higher than a Ph.D. I have heard the term
"Chancellor" thrown about. If nothing else it is an interesting parallel.)

In Usui's Reiki Ryoho, the level of energy that you could channel was
important. Reiki Ryoho used two different scales. One was a scale from 6
to 1 (one being highest) indicating the energy level of the person. The
other scale indicated the level of teaching you have received and is the
closest to the "levels" in the west. Usui placed himself at energy level 2.
He did not claim to be level I to motivate his students to work hard.
Practices such as Gassho Breathing and Hatsurei ho were taught by Usui
to strengthen the reiki channel, and build up one's internal chi. These were
empowering techniques that slowly over time strengthened you.

Current Fees for practice and training vary considerably. Some Masters feel
they should charge only for their time, as Reiki (the energy) is free. Alliance
members charge set fees for training. These days, the current fees for non-
Alliance members vary greatly. The average would be about $150 for level
I, $300 for level II, and $800 for level III.

In terms of treatments, a fair guide as to what to charge is whatever a

massage would cost. In terms of training, that is entirely up to you. As a
libertarian, I believe things are worth whatever people are willing to pay for
them. Libertarian leanings aside, you can base your fees on what is usual
and customary in the area, or charge what you think is fair. Tied up in all
this is can be your sense of self worth and the idea of the value of your time
and commitment.

In 1997, Phyllis Furumoto and the Reiki Alliance attempted to Trademark
the words "Reiki", and "Usui Shiki Ryoho". Their rationale was that others
were adding things on to traditional Usui Reiki, as they defined it, and they
wanted to make sure the public knew the difference and a trade mark would
allow them to be able to determine what was "Usui Shiki Ryoho". Others in
the Reiki Community (the vast majority of practitioners and masters are
NOT alliance members) felt this was a usurpation of their ability to use the
word Reiki, and an attempt to control the practice of Reiki. There was a lot
of bad blood in the community following this act. Some expressed the
attitude that the Alliance saw their power base and control slipping through
others offering reduced rate Masterships. The Alliance, for its part, did not
help the situation by having statements on Mrs. Furumoto's website
( in letters that masters charging less than $10,000
were creating a deficit economy and implying that charging less than the
full 10,000 would result in incomplete energy and less than perfect
attunements. Although the trademark attempt failed because the word Reiki
had been in the public domain for over 50 years in this country, the ill will
that the attempt generated continues to this day.

Several groups have attempted to pass laws regulating the practice of Reiki
in several states. The most current attempts were in Texas, New York and
Florida. In Texas, the legislation was crafted so that only members of the
Reiki Alliance and Reiki Touch (and those trained by Alliance masters)
could be considered Reiki Masters under law. It also set specific fees for
training (10,000 dollars for the Master level) and severe penalties for
violating the law. As of this writing it was fiercely opposed and most likely
will fail. Although the Alliance denied involvement in the Texas law, their
name being named on the legislation did nothing to help the already
contentious atmosphere in the Reiki Community. In New York, the board of
Massage therapists, tried to legislate Reiki under the auspices of the
Massage therapy Board and Laws. After witnessing a demonstration of
Reiki, the board decided that Reiki was not massage and dropped the
legislative attempt. The most current attempt pending is in Florida, where
the massage board has usurped the right of Reiki Practitioners to legally
practice. The board has placed Reiki under the auspices of massage law,
even thought there is no manipulation of tissue as in massage. The matter
will now have to be settled legislatively.

Reiki is not a religion. It developed out of some very exciting religious times
in Japan and the world. At that time many great spiritual people were
seeing the great light. Mokichi Okada, the founder of Johrei (Meishu-
Sama) developed the religion Johrei (also the name of their God). Johrei is
both a religion and a practice of channeling the Great Light of God. Johrei
is similar in application to Reiki, although philosophically very different.
Although Johrei can heal, its purpose is to bring the light into people and
clear away the clouds that formed on their spiritual selves that block the
light of God. Amazing healing have been recorded as a result of this
practice and the Johrei Fellowship Worldwide does extensive medical
research on the subject.


In many of the Reiki books available today, there is talk about meeting your
Reiki Guides, seeing auras and angels, increases in your psychic abilities
and a whole host of others abilities that the author states followed an
attunement. Indeed, some people do experience these things. However it
needs to be pointed out that none of these things were in the original
system by Usui. Usui was a contemporary of Morihei Tanaka. Tanaka
created a healing art that used spirits in healing called Dai Rei Jitsu. Since
we know that Tanaka had these practices, in Reiki they are conspicuous by
there absense. One can only conclude that since Usui knew Tanaka and
his practices that they are absent from Reiki because they are not part of
the system.

A story Hawayo Takata tells that once she began to develop psychic
abilities after practicing Reiki for a time. She asked Hayashi about it when
he visited her in Hawaii. He asked her, "Do you want to be a psychic or do
you want to practice Reiki?". She chose the Reiki.

It is my opinion that many authors do Reiki and the public a great disservice
in telling them to expect all sorts of fireworks, bells and whistles following
an attunement. People experience guides, angels, and psychic abilities,
when they are READY to receive them. Just as an attunement will not
make me a championship caliber baseball player, it will also not make me
psychic. Reiki Attunements and practicing Reiki help to open us up
spiritually and are a wonderful connection to the source of all. Do not
promise people what you cannot deliver. In the end it will harm your
reputation as a healer and damage the credibility of Reiki itself.
The way that Reiki is presently taught in the west is vastly different from
what is taught in Japan. There are also differences in the way Usui Shiki
Ryoho is taught by American traditionalists, Usui/Tibetan Schools and Non-
Traditional Teaching. With all the material coming out of Japan from Mr.
Hiroshi Doi and Frank Arjava Petter we know have a clear picture of how
Reiki was taught in Japan in Usui's own organization, The Gakkai. What
becomes instantly apparent is that "Traditional" Usui Shiki Ryoho of the
Takata lineage is not the same as the Hayashi Lineages in Japan or the
Gakkai. Hayashi made changes from Usui's Reiki Ryoho, and Takata's
students made many changes.

What is now readily clear is that Usui taught students a Reiki Meditation
and then the student received Reiju, or an attunement. This was done
weekly in a group practice. It took about one year before the student would
be allowed to study the second teachings, and even then it might not occur
until the teacher felt the student was ready. Very few were ever trained to
the teacher level.

In the west the practice is very different. Hayashi had changed the
emphasis of the system from a spiritual enlightenment system that
promoted health and which healing was a by-product, to a system that was
a healing art with a spiritual basis. The practice of Reiju seemed to
disappear and became the system of attunements that is used in the
western lineages today.

Mrs. Takata taught level one over 4 days, doing one of each of the
attunements on each day. The class included about 12 hours of instruction
and practice. These days, even among Alliance and Traditional teachers,
Level I is commonly taught over one weekend. Mrs. Takata's Level II was
taught over a weekend.

Non-Traditional masters, like Diane Stein (author of "Essential Reiki") offer

all three degrees in three day weekend seminars. Some Usui/Tibetan
schools offer combined Level I and II classes over a weekend. Some have
specific lengths of time that must pass between atunements and others do
not. Joseph "Running Wolf: Sparti does singular empowerments to the
master level. The issue would seem to be that students must have time to
adjust to the energy no matter how they are trained.

When teaching classes you are going to have to decide what is an

appropriate amount of teaching for each level, or if you are even going to
have levels at all. Will you do a singular attunement. Will the class last
several days or just one? Make sure whatever way you decide to
teach/learn, that you impart/learn a good understanding of the material,
history, hand positions, and can do Reiki.
Becoming A Master
The term "master" comes from a transliteration of the Japanese word
"Sensei" meaning honored teacher or master. Many martial arts teachers
are called "sensei" to indicate teacher, honored one, or master. Generally,
these uses are appropriate as they have had to put in countless hours of
practice, self-sacrifice, and demonstrate proficiency in order to use the title.

In reiki this often is not the case. To me, it seems spurious to use the term
"master" when you have received, at best, a few days training. The only
mastery that is real, is self mastery. Real mastery comes from dedication to
the principles, in doing them daily. It comes from doing self healings, and
healings on others. The real intent of the principles was to bring about
spiritual enlightenment, peaceful living, kindness toward all, calm in your
mind, and in your life. They embody compassionate living. They embody
the Buddhist principles of Karuna (compassion toward all beings) and Metta
(loving kindness to all). Humility, gratitude, not-anger, not worry, and
kindness. In healing ourself, living the principles, we find true mastery. In
ego, in control, in monetary gain and in business, and in the endless adding
of symbols and techniques we do not.

Historically, for reasons outlayed elsewhere on this site, up until 1980, very
few undertook the Reiki Master training. In her lifetime Takata made 22
masters, most between 1975 and 1980. This training cost $10,000 dollars
American. This high fee ensured that only the most dedicated (or personally
wealthy) could receive the master level. From an economic standpoint, the
high fee limited competition so that very few could also offer training. After
Takata's death, In late 1982 (early 1983) The Reiki Alliance formed with
Phyllis Furumoto as its head. Not only did they maintain the $10,000 fee
they codified the practice as dogmatic and it is listed on Phyllis's website as
one of the nine essentials of Takata's teachings/Reiki essentials. Indeed, it
would appear from that site that to even be considered for any "master
workshops" that are taught by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell that you
have to had made the $10,000 master commitment. Paying $10,000 does
not make you a master any more than paying nothing. Ironically, nor does
it insure that the teachings will remain free of change as the vast majority of
changes to the system, post-Takata, were from people that paid the

Perhaps teacher would have been a better translation in usage. In common

usage a person who has the knowledge of the Reiki system and can teach
it and pass the attunements is called a Reiki "Master". The reality is that
despite the efforts to make Reiki complicated, it is very, very simple. It
works best when our egos work least. On the one hand, there are indeed
some very dedicated people who have worked at mastery, who embody the
principles and are good teachers. On the other hand, there are others who
bolster their ego with the title "master". Technically anyone with level III is
considered a "master". People seem to have some very strong views on
what constitute a Reiki "Master". In common usage in the Usui Shiki Ryoho
and Usui/Tibetan Systems in the West, Reiki "Mastery" does not connotate
advanced spiritual development, enlightenment, superior moral character or
virtue. It means that you have received the level III attunements, know the
system, and can pass the attunements to others. Nothing more or less than

It is important to note that in America and the West, that despite the best
efforts of some, being a reiki master does not imply spiritual mastery. There
are spiritual masters who are Reiki Masters, but they are the exception and
not the rule. Reiki is a beautiful spiritual experience. That being said it is
important to look at the original design and intent of the system compared
to what has evolved in the west.

It would seem that in the west being a Master is different from what it is in
In Japan, it is said that you have to demonstrate proficiency before being
asked to take additional levels. In America, it is the opposite. You take the
level and then hopefully learn and grow. Attunements do not confer
"mastery" on anyone. Recently, I have seen some "Masters" refer to their
students as "disciples". It would seem to me, that taking a few days training
at Level I, a few more at Level II, and a few more at Level III is hardly
sufficient to claim mastery. It is even more spurious to call those you train
disciples, since this "mastery is nothing that entitles one to disciples.

In its original form, Reiki was a path to enlightenment. The principles were
to help you maintain a spiritual focus. Practicing Hatsurei ho (an
empowering meditation technique) was a way for you to develop your
connection to the Reiki source and to still the mind and develop your reiki
channel. The practice helped eliminate anger, worry, and promote spiritual
work and develop compassion. Weekly meetings were held to practice
Shuyo-ho as a group and to receive reiju (reiju was the precursor to the
western "attunements"). It was not a religion but a way to awaken to your
life and soul's purpose and to promote healing. As a spiritual practice, it
blended into whatever spiritual or religious practice you did and
complimented it nicely.

For whatever reason in the west these practices were dropped leaving just
the system of attunements, the symbols, hand positions and the five
principles. The spiritual aspect of Reiki is very powerful and this most likely
explains people trying to add in their favorite new age practice to fill in the

In the West, there is also no agreement on what the appropriate length of

training is for a master. Some feel that a year long course with
apprenticeship is the minimum they feel necessary for a new master. Some
feel that a new master should not teach until they have had "significant
experience" with Reiki. Others do master training in a weekend, while still
others do Singular Empowerments to the master level. So the question
beckons, which is correct? Answer: all of them. Everyone receives the Reiki
Training that is right for them. (See how simple and diplomatic that is?) If
you receive the master attunement, then you are by definition in common
usage a Master. The reality is that once you receive the Master attunement,
you could begin attuning others immediately. Personally I wouldn't suggest
it because you need time to learn the energy and practice the attunement
process, but you could do it, Reiki is that simple, and so is the attunement
process. (I can hear the shrieks and gasps of those who feel that you must
not make any masters for three years after receiving your master
attunement reading this now!) I also wouldn't suggest that you teach
anyone reiki until you feel comfortable with the energy, have integrated into
yourself and your life, know the symbols and the information sufficient
enough for you to teach others.

For yourself, it is important to examine some thoughts and beliefs that

accompany the decision to undertake mater training. The answer to these
questions is not as important as your being aware of the issues and your

First, understand why it is you wish to be a Reiki master. This is not a lightly
asked question, and one that should be accompanied by careful
consideration. For me, from the moment I took my first Reiki class I knew
that I wanted to be a master. I loved the feeling of reiki, the experience of it
and I wanted as much as I could experience with the Reiki energy and
system. I worked with it many times daily on myself and others. I was
almost never without my hands on some part of my body doing Reiki. At
the same time, I freely acknowledge ego-wise I liked being called "master",
something I now shun. I was master of nothing, least of all myself, and
was a Reiki "Teacher" at best.

Some people want to do the master level for themselves, while others want
to do it to help others. Both are fine motivations. In some sense, you can
never truly help others until you heal yourself so in doing so you become
more able to assist others. Some people see this as a step along a spiritual
path. While Reiki is Holy, and a gift from God, always remember it is a
"thing". Reiki will not do your inner work for you, it will not magickally undo a
lifetime of bad karma, and it will not remove the necessity of dealing with
yourself. That is why the Japanese practices of Hatsurei ho is so beneficial
for the reiki practitioner.

What are you going to do once you are a Reiki Master? Some learn to help
themselves and their families, others as part of their desire to be healers
and bring healing to others. Do you plan to teach others, or offer Reiki
healing sessions to clients? Are you going to charge for your services or
give reiki away free? There is a controversy regarding this centering on the
value place in reiki, but also between people who do not earn their living
from reiki and those that do. I have heard some masters tell students that
they should not do the Master level unless they are committed to healing
the world and willing to earn their living from Reiki. Personally I have never
bought that arguement, and while it is admirable to work and earn ones
living as a healer, it is not necessary to do that.
Distant Attunements
The topic of Distant attunements is one that often brings heated
debate. In the Distant Attunement, the process is done using the
Reiki Distant Symbol and the attunement is sent to the recipient

Within the Reiki System, there is a Symbol used for sending Reiki
Healing Distantly for those not physically present. It is routinely
taught in Level II Reiki Classes (see Reiki Level II Manual for more
details). It is my opinion that distant attunements are a logical
extension of the distant symbol and the system of reiki in general.

Those who are advocates for distant attunements, having tried and
tested the procedure on many occasions believe it is a logical
extension of using the Distant symbol. They also believe that the
attunements are as appropriate and powerful and confer the status
of a Reiki Practitioner/Master as well as having them done in
person. I have personally received many Reiki Distant Healings,
and Reiki Distant Attunements and found the attunements to be a
wonderful experience. They are energetically just like being done
hands on in person.

Distant Attunements allow those who do not have access to a Reiki

Master to receive Reiki. People like Joseph Running Wolf Sparti
(founder of the Global Reiki Masters Association), Terri Ramacus
(the altmedicine guide) and Peggy Jentoft, were
pioneers of using the Distant Attunement Procedure. Joseph
Sparti, founder of the GRMA was also the Developer of the
Singular Attunement Procedure and offers free Distant
Attunements several time per year. More information is available
through his site at Reiki.Net Terri Ramacus also offers free distant
attunements to level I reiki through the altmedicine site.

There are those that do not believe in Distant Attunements. Some

believe that since Mrs. Takata did not teach them they are not part
of the Usui System therefore, they argue that they are not
traditional practice and therefore are a different "system" and not

Some, like William Rand, (see his article on Reiki Distant

Attunement at his site at ) feel that distant
attunements might work, but his clairvoyants feel that distant
attunements do not contain all the "frequencies" of energy that the
regular attunements contains. (Although how they could determine
this I cannot imagine, especially there is no known or reliable
method of determining the strngth or completeness of anyone's
reiki. Perhaps they invented a Reiki-Om-Meter to measure the
energy?) Clairvoyants that I know tell me that they have watched
both Distant and Hands-On attunements and they see the same
thing occuring in both. So is this a case of my clairvoyants are
better than yours?!! Or perhaps we might take into account that
clairvayancy has never been the most reliable of practices. If we
through intent do an attunement hands on or distant, then we
should trust that the creator, the source of Reiki will ensure that
everything is exactlty as it is supposed to be! Many people in the
Usui/Tibetan schools of reiki are taught that the "reiki guides" do
the attunements (this is not a belief held by the majority of reiki
practitioners). If your teachings/beliefs are that the "reiki guides"
do the attunements, is it not an inconsistent belief to think that
since they do them that they can certainly do them distantly?

Fundamentally it has to come down to a question of evidence,

proof and faith. Where is the evidence to back up claims such as
these? That is the problem with making such claims when they are
unprovable. I can make claims. For example, i could claim that the
space aliens started reiki millenia ago, buy shooting humans with
their Reiki Ray Guns which focused cosmic energy on them. In
reality when you doodle when talking on the phone you are
subconsciously linked to the space guys and they are giving you
new symbols! And i can say that i know cause i channeled them
while on the phone and they told me. Barring objective evidence,
this has exactly the same validity as anyone's claims regarding
distant attunements. This is more about faith and belief than
anything else.

However, having said that, we must evaluate what evidence we do

have. Countless thousands of reiki practitioners and masters have
been attuned distantly. In the final analysis - barring any way to
objectively measure the energy or process - we must examine
whether or not they can do reiki. From what i can tell, and alot of
people with much much more experience than I, The answer to
that is yes, they can.

But isn't that exactly as it should be. In the final analysis the
fundamental question has to be, "when a reiki attunement is done,
who is it that is actually doing it? You the master, or Reiki the
energy?" It is an important question because the answer to this
question of distant attunements will be found in the answer to this
question. We are channels of Reiki, not its masters. Reiki does the
healing, so, it would be appropriate to state that therefore Reiki
MUST be doing the attunement. That also explains why it doesn't
matter what kind of attunement process is done and that they all
seem to work. The intent of the Master and Intent to receive of the
student seem to be sufficient. Assuming that to be true, how could
a distant attunement work any less than one done in person when
we are just providing the Intent and the energy does the actual

I Personally think that it is logically inconsistent to believe that you

can send distant Reiki healing, but not distant reiki attunements.
My experience tells me that distant reiki seems to work as well as
hands on. Some of the best and most powerful attunements i have
received were distant.

Not believing in the possibility of Distant Attunements sets limits on

the source. If reiki is from the one Source / God / Goddess /
Creator / (fill in the blank) then you are setting limits on that source
by saying distant attunements are not possible, or inferior. If energy
(reiki) is available, it is available from the source to all on an equal
basis, and I suspect with surprisingly fewer limitations than we
currently place on it.

Lastly, no one attuned Usui. Mr. Rand in his article on his website
regarding distant attunements believes that it is not that same and
"something seems to be missing". He also states that there are
some parts of an attunement that can only be transmitted by being
with the "physical presence" of the student. That is an interesting
theory, however there is one thing that would seem to belie that
assertion. That one thing would be Usui's own experience. Usui
Sensei's story is that no one attuned him. "What" you exclaim?
No "physical presence"!!!! how could that be possible?" It is said
that Usui experienced a Satori, a moment of oneness, on the
mountain. In that oneness, he experienced the energy in a
mysterious way. He was attuned. If Usui Sensei, self attuned,
then it was the energy that did it and there was no physical
presence involved at all. If Usui sensei could trust the energy to
have attuned him, can we do any less??
Performing Distant
Occasionally, there are times when we as Reiki Masters would like
to share Reiki with someone (a friend, family member, loved one)
and the limits of distance prevent us from being there with them.
Distant Attunements are one way to bridge this gap and to allow us
to be able to share this great gift with others.

Distant Attunements are easy to perform if you are familiar with a

"hands-on" attunement procedure. There is no special procedure
to perform, just some slight modifications to the regular attunement
set you are familiar and comfortable with. The modifications will be
described below.

Some people have difficulty with the concept of distant

attunements, and have some issues with the process. These are
discussed in my article on this website on Distant Attunements.

Distant Attunement
1. Use your regular attunement set that you are familiar and
comfortable with.

2. This practice is best done by either arranging a set time with the
person for them to receive, or to be on the telephone or on-line with

3. Have them meditate, pray or other activity to clear the mind and
prepare for about 20 minutes prior to the start time of the

4. You must both state clearly that the intent for the attunement to
be done.

5. Begin the attunement as usual. State clearly that you intend to

attune the person. Draw the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the air and
state that you intend this to be fully empower the person.

6. Some people use a teddy bear, photo or other proxy to gain an

energetic rapport with the person to be attuned. This can be
helpful. You can also just "feel" the sense of them and do it.
These are nice ways to "feel" the connection, but simply intend and
will the attunement to be done, and perform it. Trust the divine
source and the reiki attunement will be done.
7. Perform the attunement. Visualize doing it. See the symbols
and draw them as usual.

Following these easy steps will fully allow someone via diatance to
be attuned to reiki.
Mudras in Reiki and Healing

On these Pages you will find information on Mudras and some of the Raku Kai
Mudras. Some of you might be wondering why I am choosing to include these
Mudras here on a site about Reiki. The answer to that is both simple and complex. A
short while back, I learned that there were Mudras used in Raku Kai Reiki. You can
view these by clicking this link. To View these, click the link below.

Raku Kai Reiki Mudras

In my martial arts training, I had seen these hand positions and been taught them
some 17 years previously. When I was taught them, it was not necessarily in the
context of healing, but in the context of inner cultivation and energy work and
development. Once I learned that they were part of Raku Kai Reiki, I began to
reevaluate my knowledge of these positions and to apply them in healing as they
were used in Raku Kai Reiki.

Of particular interest to me was that the first four hand positions (Rin, Kyo, Toh, Sha)
seemed to have the same meanings as the four traditional Reiki Symbols and I have
speculated that their might be some connection.

These three hand positions used in Raku Kai Reiki are part of a larger set known as
the Kuji-in or "Nine Hands Cutting", or "Cutting the Nine Ideographs". They were also
referred to as the "Shuji Shuriken". They were used to develop your mental abilities,
your ability to control and use energy, and to increase one's Ki, and for protection.
These Mudras are seen not only in Japan, but also in Chinese Taoist practices and
Hindu and Tibetan Tantra. In Japan, the practice of "cutting the nine ideographs" was
taken up by yin-yang practitioners, some Buddhists, Samurai, and ninja to raise their
energy and heighten their abilities.

Each Mudra was performed with meditation, breathing and in invocation/mantra as

well as mental exercises to connect the meridians in the body

Raku Kei Reiki Mudras

These are the Raku Kai Mudras. The origin is suspected to be from Aurthur Robertson. Included is the
Mudra, a brief description and the name as it would by used from other sources.

Kanji Position #1 - SHA

Position #1 is the fingers interlaced with the two index fingers extended and placed together.
Concentrate on the point where you feel the pulse, usually where the finger tips touch. Note the
position of the thumbs, they are not crossed. This was used for spiritual healing. It was also
used to cause distant healing. It was taught that this was done before any type of Reiki healing
session. It was thought to bring spiritual energy into the channels in the body.

This position is called SHA in other systems. It is used to balance the energy in the body, and
develop the heavenly chi and spiritual power. It was used to heal self and others. This was
done in conjunction with a meditation that focused on seeing the bodily fire and connecting to
the fire of the universe. This would seem analogous to the Reiki Dai Ko Mio symbol in
application of bringing in the spiritual light and healing.

Kanji Position #2 - RIN

Position #2 is the fingers interlaced with the two middle fingers extended and tips touching.
Note the position of the thumbs which are crossed. This was used to increase the efficacy of a
hands on healing session.and to promote balance. It was thought to help connect to the power
and energy and allow it to flow more readily in the channels.

This position is called RIN in other systems. Rin is to help connect to the power or energy of
the universe (cosmic energy) and increase the power in the body. It is interesting that in Raku
Kai that this position was chosen for this. It would seemingly be analogous to the intent of the
Cho Ku Rei symbol in function.

Kanji Position #3 - JIN

Position #3 is the fingers folded inward and all interconnecting. The thumbs cross and also are
inward to the palm. It was described in Raku Kai as bringing knowing. It facilitates a
connection to the subconscious mind of the client and helps correct imbalances in the client.
This position is called JIN in other systems. It was thought to help you Know the thoughts of
others. It increased the empathic abilities and increased the ability to feel the thoughts of
others. At the highest level one could sense others thoughts and feelings as well as hide your
own thoughts, feeling and intent. It is unclear why this would have been included in Raku Kai
as there is no similarity to any of the Reiki Symbols or practices.
Author's Note: SITE UPDATED May 22th, 2001. Welcome to the newest addition to
the website. The Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple e-book is being written
and developed to try to bring some clarity to the profusion of the "new" old material
coming from Japan. This book continues to be a work in progress.

This update takes a look at some of the changing information that has been surfacing
about Usui Sensei's relationship with the Gakkai as well as additional information
about attunements. Also be sure to check out the newest web site, Reiki-Do. This
site looks at Living Reiki, BEing Reiki. Visit at


Vinny Amador

Reiki practitioners have always had a certain curiousity and reverence about it's founder, Mikao
Usui. This curiousity surrounds the history of reiki, its development, and the events and training
in Usui's life that may have influenced the development of Usui's reiki.

Mts. Takata began using teaching stories about Usui's past to try to help western students.
These teaching stories contained information that she added about him being a Christian Monk,
working in a university, and other things. This was undoubtedly done to help her western
students understand Usui's life and search in the context of their cultural frame work so it would
be easier to understand.

Unfortunately many began to codify these teaching stories as dogma following the death of Mrs.
Takata. Some stories began to take on a life of their own, such as the story of the beggars
being used to justify "energy exchanges". Many began to lose the connection to the points that
Mrs. Takata was trying to make with her teaching stories. This was the "reiki history" as it was
known in the west.

The history was the history, until it was no longer the history.

Many began to channel wild theories regarding this and soon reiki was channeled to be from
Tibet, Atlantis, Egypt or Lemuria. It's 'original" founders were said to be "ascended masters",
"galactic brotherhood's", an ancient Chinese named "Wei Chi", and many others. (author's
note: my favorite theory involved the space aliens, I always love those, especially the X-
Files....) While these channelings were interesting, they lacked any historical evidence that
might lead someone to take them seriously.

It was commonly taught in the US that Hayashi Sensei was Usui's star pupil who received the
mantle of Reiki. It was also commonly thought that the lineage was passed to Mrs. Takata.
Because of this there was no movement to explore reiki in Japan. It was not until quite recently
that this began to occur. The people exploring reiki in Japan began to uncover a number of
interesting things. Unlike the western practices of Mrs. Takata, reiki was not an "oral tradition" in
Japan. Usui and Hayashi both had written manuals that they gave students and there were
handwritten notes of symbols and practices that students had been given that survived to this
day. There were historical "facts" that began to emerge such as Usui was not a Christian Monk,
he did not teach at Doshisha University, he did not require payments or exchanges and on and
on. What initially was a startling finding was that there was an organization that remained in an
unbroken line from Usui. This was called the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. While this was a boon
to find an organization that claimed to have the direct lineage from Usui, the Gakkai is a tight
and closed society of members and do not freely share information regarding their art.

One of the first pioneers to look back to Japan to try to see if there was evidence remaining of
reiki's past that survived Usui was Frank Arjava Petter. He found Usui's memorial stone with a
lengthy description of his life and virtue. He began to track down leads of surviving traditions in
Japan. Much of Petter's findings are written in his books. Recently Petter was touring the
United States teaching the new history and other techniques that he discovered being practiced
in Japan. Petter released much of this information in his first book, "Reiki Fire".

Petter found that there were several remaining lineages in Japan. In the west, it was thought
and taught by the Reiki Alliance that Takata was "Grand master" of reiki and that reiki was no
longer taught in Japan. Both these assertions proved incorrect. He discovered that Usui had
made a number of masters besides Chujiro Hayashi. Some of these were Eguchi, Taketomi,
and Gyuda (also known as Ushida). These masters, like Hayashi, had taught students and
made a number of masters each. Additionally, Hayashi had made 13 or more masters, and
several of them were still living, including master Tatsumi. There was not one reiki school in
Japan, there were many. There was not one history of reiki in Japan, there were many of them.
There was not one set of "true reiki techniques", there were several styles. It is important to
keep this in mind in evaluating the importation of these techniques.

Another person that explored reiki in Japan was Dave King. Mr. King received his material from
a living surviving Hayashi Master whose name was Tatsumi. This material was put together and
called "Traditional Japanese Reiki", and more recently "Usui-Do". Initially, those that received
this material were quite reluctant to share any of it and they continue to be this way.

Starting about 1998, a new stream of information began to trickle from various other individuals
who were researching this in Japan. Frank Petter released a second, and then third, book
about the subject. Several western masters made the acquaintance of a man practicing in
Japan named Hiroshi Doi. Doi was brought over in September 1999 and taught a seminar on
Reiki Reiho based supposedly on the teachings of the Gakkai.

This "new" material from these Japanese sources has been lumped together under the name
"Reiki Ryoho", "Usui Reiki Ryoho", or just plain "Reiho". Some new schools have started
calling themselves Usui Reiki Ryoho International" or "URRI". In the west, the vast majority of
lineages and teachings come from Hawayo Takata, who was a master and studied under
Hayashi in the early 1930's. She called her Reiki, "Usui Shiki Ryoho", or Usui System of
Natural Healing. Tatsumi, another of Hayashi's masters called his reiki, "Hayashi Reiki Ryouhou
Kenkyu-kai", or Hayashi Reiki Research Society. It needs to be noted that Hayashi continued to
develop reiki in Japan in his organization and he taught others after Takata. It should be no
surprise therefore that there are surviving lines of reiki in Japan, and lines that differ from one
another. However it should also be no surprise that they are more alike that different and
different from reiki as it evolved in the west. There are surviving Hayashi lineages from
Hayashi, and from the Masters that he made during the course of his teaching.

This Reiki Ryoho material is mostly from the Petter and Hiroshi Doi sources. Petter is originally
a western Hayashi lineage master that began teaching reiki in Japan. Doi Sensei was a
western trained reiki master that also studied with masters in Japan. It needs to be noted that
despite Doi Sensei's impeccable credentials, he is only Okuden (level II) in the Gakkai, not a
master. He has never been taught the secret teachings. (There are three levels, Shoden,
Okuden, and Shinpiden (master or secret level). Doi trained with western masters and then
went to japan and trained with masters in some of the surviving Japanese lineages. It is said
that he also trained personally with Kimiko Koyoma Sensei who was the 6th president of the
Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. His style that he teaches in Japan is called "Gendai Reiki", or
"Modern Reiki Method".

These techniques were greeted with a great enthusiasm by some, and a great skepticism by
others. The enthusiastic beamed that we had found Usui's original art and the "lost"
techniques. The skeptics tended to focus on a number of significant issues. First, Japanese
society has a far greater emphasis on tradition, and clubs and societies in Japan tend to closely
keep their information among their members. The Gakkai and these other organizations have
existed for years with indifference to the western practices, so why would they suddenly decided
to reverse course and open up. Second, the Gakkai itself has disclosed nothing. Most of the
purported Gakkai material comes from a level II student there (he is a master in the western
tradition), not one initiated in the Shinpiden or secret teachings. Additionally, there is no one
reiki in Japan. Some of the schools have different information that is hard to reconcile and
indeed little has seemed to come directly from any of them, but rather through a number of
intermediaries. This is not to say that these were not original Usui techniques, but rather that it
is impossible to tell. Perhaps one day some of these individuals and organizations that claim to
have Usui's original notes will deign to release them to the rest of the reiki world and then we
shall know with certainty. Until that time, these should be regarded as interesting techniques
that represent the evolution of Reiki in the various Japanese lineages. Try not to focus on this
in terms of correct, original, or right, but instead as a parallel system to the Hayashi-Takata
evolution that came to the west.

Additionally, understand that while some might consider these techniques and practices to be a
welcome addition, they are not necessary to practice reiki. A parallel from the martial arts might
help explain this. Karate is a martial art that was practiced in Okinawa. Originally, the kanji for
karate was two separate kanji; kara and te. "Kara" meant "China" and "te" meant hand. The art
originally came from Chinese Kung Fu. Over time, the kanji were said to mean "empty hand",
rather than "china hand". The art evolved. Large flowery movements became streamlined,
linear and more direct. It was adapted by the masters to fit the needs of the Okinawans. The
art was taught to Gichin Funakoshi, a Japanese man, who brought the art to Japan. These
days there are many styles of Karate. Each represents an evolution, and an adaptation for the
people who received it. There is no better style, just different ones. Hayashi made changes to
reiki from Usui's model. The Gakkai made changes from Usui's model. Many of the other
masters made changes as they saw fit for the benefit of their students. Hayashi taught Takata,
who made changes necessary to make reiki understood for Americans. Reiki has flourished in
America. Her art was streamlined and flowed smoothly, and is the legacy we have today. As
Karate is no longer Chinese Kung Fu, perhaps Takata's gift is no longer exactly the same
practices that have evolved in Japan, and yet we are all brothers and sisters of Usui's gift.
Share it, enjoy it, be with it. If you find any of these from the Japanese line of benefit, then use
them. If not, be grateful for the gift of reiki that we have.

As The Reiki Ryoho information came out, it has been confusing to get a comprehensive grasp
on it. This is compounded due to the material coming from several sources, and often there are
multiple names for the techniques. This is made more difficult due to the problems most
westerners have with understanding Japanese. To make it even still more confusing some
have been mixing in some of the Hayashi material that did not continue on in Takata's
practices. If you were not confused enough, still others have been adding in Hiroshi Doi's
Gendai Reiki practices as well. Finally, there is information coming out now that Usui may not
have founded the Gakkai. There is only evidence that he started a clinic and school. The
Gakkai appears to have been founded by his top masters. Because of this it is unclear which of
these techniques that appear in this manual were really his original practices. It appears certain
that he taught the five hand positions listed herein, byosen and reiji, hatsurei ho, and
empowered students with reiju. Other than that the rest is anyone's guess. Most of the
techniques listed in this manual are common to many forms of chi gung (KiKo in Japanese).

In the spirit of it's sister publication "Reiki Plain and Simple - A Comprehensive Guide to
Usui Shiki Ryoho", this e-book "Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple - A Compendium of Reiki
Ryoho Techniques" is an attempt to integrate, cohesively organize, and simplify the Ryoho
material that is now proliferating. What follows in this manual is representative of areas of
concurrence from the many sources that I have. When disparate sources are reporting the
same techniques it is likely that they were from a common source, namely Usui's original
practices. Differences in techniques in the various sources of information may indicate that
these are techniques added later, or ones that are specific to that lineage.

Last, the issue of "what to make of all this" needs to be addressed. When this material originally
came out I was greatly excited. I remember thinking "now we will finally know what Usui's
original art was like". As I began to explore this further I began to wonder what this meant in
regards to the Usui Shiki Ryoho that we had learned here in the west. It began to dawn on me
slowly that it meant nothing at all.

Recently I was having a discussion about the "new" old reiki ryoho material with three reiki pals.
One of them was holding the position that Takata's Usui Shiki Ryoho was complete in and of
itself and that while the ryoho material was nice it was not necessary.

Another of my reiki pals was insistent that only the "new" old reiki Ryoho material from Japan
was worthwhile and that Takata's reiki was inferior. He began quoting from Frank Petter's recent
Reiki Letter he sent out from his site, where Petter says of Takata's Reiki;
"....What she passed on to us was at the most a de-clawed cat. And even though this may be
good for the furniture, I doubt that it is good for the cat."

I had had read this before and seriously laughed out loud. Think for a moment how many of us
who have done reiki for any length of time have had people spontaneously heal, or who have
had those with serious illnesses heal with no medical explanation and the astonishment of
doctors....... all from this "de-clawed cat".

A story I recently shared with the Reiki Revolution e-list is appropriate here as it is a story about
a de-clawed cat. It is a lesson I once learned. My cat, Sybil, was declawed front and back. Her
long persian fur was matted and she needed to be combed. She did not want to be combed
because combing her matted fur hurt. I still have scars on my hand from where her teeth
penetrated and ripped open the skin. A de-clawed cat might appear meek but watch out for the
fangs. Apparently they simply use other tools. Perhaps stop focusing on the finger and see
where it points. I should trademark this saying I use it so much.

As a general observation Reiki Ryoho appears to be more focused on self healing, self
empowerment, and the spiritual than the western practices that focus mostly on healing.

For those who have plodded through my pedantic and maniacal ravings know that my interest is
not so much in techniques as where all this points to. Usui's teachings were a finger pointing to
the moon. Make sure you see to where the finger pointed and not at the finger itself. Likewise,
don't get so caught up in the minutiae and think that you need more fingers. If you would like to
explore that more fully please visit Reiki-Do, Living Reiki, BEing Reiki, which is the companion
site to the Reiki Plain and Simple web site.
Index of Reiki Ryoho Techniques
Copyright 2000-2001 by Vincent Amador. All Rights Reserved.

Shoden - Level One

1. The Reiki Principles

2. Hands on Healing ("te-ate" in Japanese)
3. Jakikiri Joka ho
4. Nentatsu ho
5. Shuchu Reiki
6. Reiki Mawashi
7. Byosen Reiki-an ho
8. Reiji ho
9. Gyosei
10. Usui's Manual - Usui Reiki Hikkei
11. Receive Reiju Empowerment

Okuden - Level Two

Okuden Zen-ki
* Hatsurei ho
* Koki ho
* Gyoshi ho
* Heso Chiryo ho
* Hara Chiryo ho - Tanden Chiryo ho
* Uchi te Chiryo ho
* Nada te Chiryo ho
* Oshi te Chiryo ho

Okuden Ko-ki
* Seiheki Chiryo ho
* Enkaku Chiryo ho
* Blood Cleansing Techniques
a. Ketsueki Kokan ho (Blood Cleansing Technique - Takata's Reiki Finish)
b. Hanshin Koketsu ho (Half Body Blood Cleansing)
c. Zenshin Koketsu ho (Full Body Blood Cleansing)
* Kotodama and Mantra in Reiki

* Shinpiden Information
Other Japanese Reiki Techniques
There are a number of other reiki techniques that people are lumping into the Usui Reiki Ryoho material.
Much of this material comes from Hiroshi Doi's "Gendai Reiki" (Modern Reiki Method). These are
techniques that Doi has developed and incorporated into his method.

Among these techniques are:

Aura Cleansing
Hikari no Kokyo ho (Light Breathing Technique)
Gassho Kokyo ho (Gassho Breathing Technique)
Chakra Kassei Kokyo ho (Chakra activating Technique)
Reiki Shower
Jiko Joka ho (Self Cleansing Technique)
Reiki Meditation
Cell Activating Method

There are also a number of Hayashi techniques that are being added in. These techniques comprised part
of Hayashi's Reiki, called Hayashi Reiki Ryouhou Kenkyu-kai.

None of the above are included in this Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple E-Book. If you are interested in
the Gendai Reiki material of Hiroshi Doi you should consider purchasing his book.
Shoden - Level One
Copyright 2000-2001 by Vincent Amador. All Rights Reserved.

In recent years material from how Reiki is practiced in Japan began to surface. This information has
come in spurts and it has been confusing to get a comprehensive grasp on it. This is compounded due to
the material coming from several sources, and due to the problems most westerners have with
understanding Japanese. In the spirit of it's sister publication "Reiki Plain and Simple - A Comprehensive
Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho", this e-book "Reiki Ryoho Plain and Simple - A Compendium of Reiki
Ryoho Techniques" is an attempt to integrate, cohesively organize, and simplify the Ryoho material that is
now proliferating.

Shoden is the first teachings or Level One in the Japanese Reiki teachings. It contains some of the
material that is commonly taught in the Western reiki schools as well as additional techniques that are
practiced in Japan. There is not total agreement on specifically what techniques should be included here
in this level. Some sources include some material that are not included in others.

There are many reasons for this. The primary reason is that there is no way to completely know exactly
what techniques Usui originally used. While it is said that the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai is the
continuation of Usui's original Reiki organization, neither the Gakkai nor any of its official teaching
members have come forth with the information. Writers such as Frank Petter have done extensive
research of the remaining Usui lineages in Japan and that can help us in our understanding of what might
have been the original techniques.

What follows in this manual is representative of areas of concurrence from the many sources that I have.
When disparate sources are reporting the same techniques it is likely that they were from a common
source, namely Usui's original practices. Differences in techniques in the various sources of information
may indicate that these are techniques added later, or ones that are specific to that lineage.

Shoden - Level One

Shoden is the first teaching. This consists of the following techniques:

1. The Reiki Principles

2. Hands on Healing ("te-ate" in Japanese)
3. Jakikiri Joka ho
4. Nentatsu ho
5. Shuchu Reiki
6. Reiki Mawashi
7. Byosen Reiki-an ho
8. Reiji ho
9. Gyosei
10. Usui's Manual - Usui Reiki Hikkei
11. Receive Reiju Empowerment

1. Usui Reiki Principles

The Reiki Principles exist in several forms in the west. Most contain inaccuracies such as "Honor your
parents, elders and teachers". A literal translation is provided below.

The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings.

The spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses.
For today only do not anger, do not worry.
Be Grateful and
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all living things.
In the morning and at night,
with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind,
chant this with your mouth.
The Usui Reiki Method to change your mind and body for the better
-- Mikao Usui

An Alternate version might read:

For today only

anger not,
worry not.
Be humble, and
With Gratitude work on yourself.
Be Compassionate.

These are the Reiki Principles as adopted by Mikao Usui from the Meiji Emperor. Do your work with
appreciation refers to one's spiritual work, to awaken and find the life purpose of your soul.

The Usui Reiki System was an enlightenment system which as a side effect allowed you to heal yourself
and others. It was designed to connect you to and synchronize you with the Universal Source of love,
light and harmony. Anger, Worry, Rudeness, and other ego based behaviors and feelings make it hard to
connect and be with this Universal source of love, light and harmony. They also keep one asleep, unaware
of the greater spiritual purpose and awakening.

The principles were to be said morning and at night, with hands held in the Gassho position. Likewise,
they are said before meditation and before Hatsurei ho. Thinking them throughout the day helps as well.
When you integrate these simple things into your thinking, you find that they will be there when you
begin to anger, worry, or are unkind to others. In this manner you learn to see why you do these things
and heal yourself. You will find as you do this you are more in sync with the Universal source of light,
love and harmony.

2. Hands on Healing - Usui's Original Hand Positions

Usui Shiki Ryoho is the most common form of Reiki in the world. This was Reiki in the Hayashi-Takata
line. The 12 positions that Takata taught (varies slightly from system to system) are the set that most
practitioners know. Hands on Healing is the common element to all versions of Reiki. In Japanese this
is called "Te-ate" (pronounced "tay-ah-tay").

It would appear in Hayashi's practices that he had several sets of hand positions at different points in the
development of his interpretation of Reiki. Hayashi Reiki Ryoho appears to have had 7 positions initially.
This set can be seen at the Traditional Japanese Reiki web site. It is a powerful set and follows the large
intestine meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It also appears that the set that Mrs. Takata taught was
the one used for group treatment with several practitioners in Hayashi's clinic.

It would appear that Usui either used Reiji and treated where indicated, or used a set of 5 hand positions
and then used Reiji. Reiji is the ability of the reiki practitioner to allow their hands to move or be drawn
to the area of that body that needs healing. Mrs. Takata also taught this technique of Reiji, teaching that
we must notice the sensations in the hands and let them move. This happens as the hands become more
sensitive with practice and as intuition develops. Reiji and Byosen Reikian-ho (focused healing method)
were skills that were expected to be developed at Shoden (level I) before Okuden (level II) would be
offered to the student.

Usui's five position set is based solidly on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The head and thorax are the 5
positions treated followed by Reiji. The body is considered to be the head and torso, and all major
meridians pass through the head, thus by treating the head all areas of the body and mind are treated.
(Thanks to Andy Bowling for sharing this information so freely on his web site.)

Have the person sit, they are not laying down. These 5 positions were held for about 5 to 6 minutes each.

1. Zento-bu - This position is at the top foreward part of the head. It is specifically at the hairline. You
can use the technique of Nentatsu-ho (see below) to aid in the healing by using affirmations while you use
this position.

2. Sokuto-bu - This is the standard hand position on the side of the head. The hands are on the sides of the
head (i.e., one hand on either side).

3. Koutou-bu - This position is where both of the hands are placed on the upper part of the back of the
head. This is the area between the base of the skull (bulb) and the top of the head.

4. Enzui-bu - In this position, both hands are placed on the bulb of the head. This area is the occiputal
area commonly taught in Takata's teaching.

5. Toucho-bu - In this position, both hands are placed on the top of the head.

After these 5 are performed for about 5 minutes each (or as needed) you follow this by performing
Byosen Reikian ho (focused scanning healing technique) or Reiji. Using Byosen or Reiji guides you to
know where to treat next for focused healing.
3. Jakikiri Joka-ho
Jakikiri Joka-ho is a technique used to purify or transform negative energy. "Jaki" means negative
energy and "kiri" means to cut. This technique is supposed to remove negative energy or vibratory
problems from objects, purify them with reiki vibrations and energy and to fill them with reiki positive
energy. It is taught that this technique should not be used with people. This is interesting as it is a
common new age technique to "cut cords".

A. Using the hand with fingers together, palm flat and stretched out, chop horizontally cutting the air with
your hand about 2 inches above the object (5 to 6 cm for you metric people!) and stop the chop abruptly
and definitely at the end of the range of motion as if doing a karate chop. This turns the vibrations into
good ones.

B. Hold your breath and stay centered and focused and keep the focus on the tantien (tanden, dantien,
danden, etc.) as you do this technique.

4. Nentatsu-ho
Nentatsu-ho is a reiki method for sending a thought or wish, also called a "deprogramming" technique.
The technique itself is thought to send a though or wish to yourself (higher self) or that of another with
reiki energy or vibrations. The technique is simple to do and involves placing your hands another's head
(or your own) and confidently transmitting or sending the message with a pure mind and intent. It is
important to understand that this is not healing with mind power, but rather sending a message to the
person's sub consciousness with the reiki energy. Do not push, strain or try to hard as it can create tension
for you and the other person. Like all reiki techniques, this is an effortless practice. It is done from a
relaxed, meditative state of mind that is free of selfish intent.

This technique is still seen in the west in some attunement sets. It is common for the hands to be placed
on the forehead and back of the head and to place an affirmation such as "you are perfectly attuned to the
reiki", etc., when doing the attunement.

Nentatsu-ho can be used to share or transmit the five principles of Reiki, to remove bad habits, to
reinforce good or positive alternate behaviors when treating bad habits, to reinforce functional or positive
affirmations and many other possibilities. If you are doing this for other people, make sure you
understand clearly what the other person wants. Make sure you choose positive affirmations.

A. Connect to reiki. One method is to hold your hands up high in the air to feel the reiki energy and let its
light flow into your whole being.

B. Bring the hands down and place one hand on the forehead (hairline) and the other on the back of the
head. The affirmation "I am the Great Universe, Great Life Source and Great Reality" was taught to me to
say at this point. You can say, "you are healed, healthy, well" or any other affirmation that you choose. It
is an aid to treatment and healing. The important part is to keep the intent clear, pure and confident.

C. Move the hand on the forehead to the back of the head by placing that hand on top/bottom of the other
hand that is already on the back of the head and send the energy there for several minutes.
4. Shuchu Reiki
Shuchu Reiki is taught as the traditional method of a Reiki Group Treatment. It is a group of practitioners
working together. This technique is common to many schools of reiki. The idea is that the energy is
intensified as you add more practitioners to the treatment. As its most basic practice it is a group of
practitioners working together. First connect to reiki. Begin working the standard hand positions or use
reiji to spot areas to treat. Last treat the person as a group.

One method for this is to have several practitioners work at once. This method used the 12 Takata hand
positions and three practitioners (i.e., each of the three practitioners do four positions). The person
working on the head position is the designated the "leader" and directs the group. Each time the person at
the head changes hand position, each of the others also change position.

As a guideline, a treatment should take about 12 to 20 minutes (4 movements at 3 to 5 minutes each). 12

to 15 minutes (i.e., five minutes for the five minutes for the front, five for the back).

6. Reiki Mawashi
Reiki Mawashi is commonly known as a reiki Circle. This is a group of reiki practitioners in a circle. The
hands are held with your left hand palm up and your right palm down. Your left palm is placed against the
next person's right hand that is palm down on top of it. All members are connected in this manner making
a complete circle.

The circle is part energy movement and part meditation. The reiki flows from the crown down the right
arm to the hand and the overflow goes into the left hand of the person next to you. The energy moves into
all and around the circle in this manner. The energy can be quite intense over time.

Some traditions hold an inch to three inches between the participant's hands. Some traditions have a
master stand in the center of the circle to direct the flow.

7. Byosen Reikian-ho
Byosen means "focused healing". It is similar to the scanning and beaming techniques commonly taught
in the Rand Usui/Tibetan Schools although the technique and application are slightly different.

Byosen is what you feel energetically from the source of the disease. What you feel varies from person to
person and illness to illness. This is not a diagnostic technique, but a way to find and treat the source of
illness. Some sensations could be pulsating, piercing, pain, numbness, heat, cool, coldness, tingling,
tickling, a moving sensation, etc. Byosen may be in close proximity to the person's perceived problem or
in another area of the body entirely. This process develops with practice and time. It is said that Byosen
was done at the beginning and end of a treatment; in the beginning to find the problem areas and at the
end to re-balance the aura.

The fingers are "coned". This is a simple position where all four fingers and the thumb are touching. The
little finger and thumb are touching. This forms a hand position resembling a "cone". For those familiar
with Chinese Martial Arts this is called a "Crane's Beak".
The technique is part scanning and part beaming. The practitioner should ask to be guided for the highest
good of the client. You move the hand and "scan" to find where there are blocks and where to place your
hand. It is part scanning (as in the Rand method) and part intuition where you move the hands as they

Energy is sent into areas that are intuited through the coned fingers as a type of "focused" healing, that is
similar to the idea of "beaming" taught in the Rand schools.

8. Reiji-ho
Reiji is the ability to find imbalances in the body. It was necessary to develop this ability prior to being
offered level II (Okuden) training. Reiji is not so much taught as it is something that develops as you
practice reiki. Reiji tells you where to put your hands and for how long. Some people question what the
difference is between Byosen and Reiji. Byosen is a process, done with coned fingers that helps develop
Reiji. Reiji is moving from technique to becoming part of the flow itself, a oneness with the Reiki energy
and an automatic thought free movement that happens.

When doing Reiji, sit with your back straight so the energy flows freely up the spine. Do Gassho and
connect to reiki and then do Jyoshin Koki-ho. Focus on the tan tien. Feel that your body is filled at every
level with reiki and that you are part of or one with the energy. Wait a while, perhaps a few minutes, and
then bring your hands in the gassho position up to the forehead.

The next part is simple and hard to do. Trust reiki. Totally detach from outcome. You will find that your
hands will simply begin to move where needed. The energy will flow. It will taper off and then your
hands will be guided to the next area.

If there are no more areas needing treatment (or there are no areas that need treatment) then your hands
will be guided to your knees or the sides of your body. Finish by again doing gassho.

9. Gyosei
Gyosei refers to the poetry of the Meiji Emperor. It is a type of poetry that helps one to focus and prepares
the mind to be in the right state to receive reiki. Gyosei was done after saying the principles in a group
and prior to doing Hatsurei-ho. Examples of this poetry can be found at

10. Usui Reiki Hikkei

Usui was known to have given copies of the Hikkei (his manual) to all his students. Hayashi gave copies
of his manual as well. It is unknown why Mrs. Takata did not continue this practice. Copies of Usui's
Reiki Hikkei are Universally copyrighted by several people (including Andy Bowling and Rick Rivard)
and can be seen at Rick Rivard's web site at
11. Receive Reiju Empowerment
Reiju was the empowerment that Usui purportedly used. Reiju is said to be the precursor to the
attunements that are used in the west. This was a simple empowerment that Usui learned in Mikkyo
Buddhism (a style of Japan Tantra that probably had roots in China) and adapted to use in Reiki. Reiju
does not use the reiki symbols. At this level (Shoden) the student performs Gassho and then Jyosen Koki-
ho and receives the empowerment. It should be noted that the Reiju taught in the west and in the schools
calling themselves "Usui Reiki Ryoho International", is based on Doi's practice and observation of the
Gakkai's practices and should be thought of as Doi's version of Reiju. It is Doi Reiju, not Usui Reiju.
Doi taught this from his observation, he is not Shinpiden, but Okuden (level II) in the Gakkai.

12. "Extra Techniques"

There are several other techniques that are taught to Shoden (level one) students. It needs to be noted that
in the information I have available at the present time, that there is not consensus on these being taught in
Shoden. It appears to this writer that these techniques help develop the connection with the reiki,
strengthen the channel and fill you with reiki. They are the foundation to Hatsurei ho, taught in Okuden,
and thus logically it would appear it would be advantageous to learn them here in the Shoden level.

These are part of "Hatsurei ho" which will be taught in combination in "Okuden" or the second
teachings. It is my understanding that they were taught as individual techniques in Shoden so they are
included here.

Kenyoku-ho (dry bathing) is a technique to clear and strengthen the energy channels. The technique was
common to many martial arts and chi kung schools such as JuJitsu, Aikido and KiKo and was added by

Those familiar with the martial arts will recognize the two parts of this technique as common techniques.
The first is a down block across the midsection (this technique is used in a variety of martial arts such as
Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, etc.). This down block is followed by what is commonly called in the martial
arts as a "shirk" or technique to remove an opponents hand from your wrist that is done by sliding the
knife edge of your hand down the arm.

A. Place your right hand on the left shoulder so that the right fingertips are on the left shoulder. The hand
is open, the fingers held together all point upwards. The hand (palm down) is against the body.

B. Slide the hand downward toward the right hip. Move the hand, going across the chest and ending up
fingers down at the right hip. The hand (palm down) stays in light contact with the body the entire
movement. (This is what is called an open handed down block in the martial arts)

C. Repeat this process starting with the left hand on the right shoulder and going down to the left hip.

Part Two

D. Place the right hand again on the left shoulder. Slide the right hand down the left arm (inside or
outside, each will cover different meridians - see below) all the way to the finger tips. (This is what would
be called a "shirk" in the martial arts, used to remove an opponents hand that is grabbing your arm.)

E. Repeat this with the left hand on the right arm.

F. Start with the right hand on the inside of the left elbow, and slide the hand down to the fingertips.

G. Repeat this with the left hand on the right inside of the elbow.

Note - Some masters teach the hand should slide to the inside of the arm and others teach it should slide
down the outside of the arm. Different meridians are stimulated for each. The inside slide is yin and will
effect the lung, heart, and kidney meridians. The outside slide is yang and will effect the triple warmer,
colon and small intestine meridians.

It is interesting that this technique appears to have survived after a fashion in the Rand school that teaches
to cut the cords on the solar plexus using a "karate chopping technique".

Gassho is a common practice in many eastern traditions. It is called "Namaste" in the Indo-Tibetan
traditions. Gassho is holding the hands clasped in a prayer position at about the level of the chest. In reiki,
Gassho is formally practiced by sitting on the floor or on a chair. The hands are in the prayer clasped
position with the middle fingers touching in front of the chest. The eyes are closed. The reiki precepts are
said (For today only do not anger, do not worry, be grateful, do your work with appreciation, be kind to
all people).

The middle fingers touch as this completes the meridians that terminate in the hands, in particular the fire
element terminates at the tip of the middle finger. Some call this the "reiki laser".

Jyoshin Koki-ho
Jyoshin Koki-ho (Joshin Kokyo-ho) is a breathing technique. You breathe reiki in through the nose
through the crown and into the hara on the in breath. You breath the out breath from the hara.

Jyoshin Kokiho is done to cleanse the spirit, heart and mind. It is a focus meditative breathing technique.
To do Jyoshin start by placing the hands in Gassho and your eyes closed. Breathe in through the nose and
out through the mouth. On the in breath, breathe in the light of reiki through the crown and into the hara.
Let the light fill your body completely transmuting all that is negative and stuck into light. On the out
breath, breathe out that light and radiate it from you to all the universe.
Okuden - Level Two
Copyright 2000-2001 by Vincent Amador. All Rights Reserved.

Okuden is the second teaching or Level Two in the Japanese Reiki teachings. This level is taught in 2
steps. The first step is called Okuden Zen-ki and the second step is called Okuden Ko-ki.

Okuden is the second teachings. This consists of the following steps and techniques:

Okuden Zen-ki
* Hatsurei ho
* Koki ho
* Gyoshi ho
* Heso Chiryo ho
* Hara Chiryo ho - Tanden Chiryo ho
* Uchi te Chiryo ho
* Nada te Chiryo ho
* Oshi te Chiryo ho

Okuden Ko-ki
* Seiheki Chiryo ho
* Enkaku Chiryo ho
* Blood Cleansing Techniques
a. Ketsueki Kokan ho (Blood Cleansing Technique - Takata's Reiki Finish)
b. Hanshin Koketsu ho (Half Body Blood Cleansing)
c. Zenshin Koketsu ho (Full Body Blood Cleansing)
* Kotodama

Okuden Zen-ki
Okuden Part One consisted of the following techniques:
* Hatsurei ho
* Koki ho
* Gyoshi ho
* Heso Chiryo ho
* Hara Chiryo ho - Tanden Chiryo ho
* Uchi te Chiryo ho
* Nada te Chiryo ho
* Oshi te Chiryo ho

1. Hatsurei ho
Hatsurei ho is the Jewel of Reiki. This technique is part mindfulness meditation, part strengthening the
reiki channel, and part self empowerment. It is said to be the cornerstone of Usui's practices and was
taught to all second level students. There are some sources that report that it was taught as separate
techniques to Shoden (Level One) students as they progressed.

Hatsurei ho contained the following techniques:

* Preparation -clearing the mind - Gyosei
* Kihon Shisei - beginning position
* Mokunen - setting the intent and focus
* Kenyoku ho - Dry bathing
* Joshin Koku ho - The Cleansing Breath
* Gassho - meditation posture and breathing technique
* Seishin Toitsu - mindfulness meditation
* Reiki Principles
* Mokunen

Preparation - Clearing the mind

The first part of doing Hatsurei ho is to clear the mind. In Usui's Reiki Ryoho this was done by singing
Gyosei. These were the stylized poetry as composed by the Meiji Emperor. They were chanted/sung in a
very specific way. The chant, cadence, and rhythm help develop mindfulness and clear the mind.

There are examples of Gyosei on other elists. Since I am not Japanese, and find even the anglicized
versions close to unpronounceable, they seem to be of little assistance to me. Since I have chanted Namu
Ryoho Renge Kyo (as the Nichiren buddhists do) and Om Mani Padme Hum (as the Tibetan Buddhists
do) these practices are sufficient for me. I also use Vipasanna. My suggestion is to try using the Gyosei.
If that does not help you clear the mind and promote mindfulness then try something else. The key is that
it clears the mind and is not a distraction. If you have to think about it, then it is not clearing the mind
and it is a distraction.

Kihon Shisei
Kihon Shisei is the beginning position. The traditional position would be to sit in zazen style. Since few
of us in the west have had practice and experience sitting this way, it might be uncomfortable and become
a distraction. You might find a straight backed chair to be more comfortable and suited to your needs.
The important element is sitting up with the back straight. The eyes are gently closed. Your focus is into
the lower abdomen. This is called the Hara in Japanese and is referred to as the Tan Tien (dan tien, tan
dien) in other places. You hands are placed gently in the lap.
Mokunen sets the intent of focus. To do Mokunen clear the mind and with mindfulness say, "I am
beginning Hatsurei now". This is said to the mind and subconscious, but let it reverberate everywhere.

Kenyoku-ho (dry bathing) is a technique to clear and strengthen the energy channels. The technique was
common to many martial arts and chi kung schools such as JuJitsu, Aikido and KiKo and was added by
Usui. It is likely that this technique comes from the rituals of Shinto priests. The ritual action was to
cleanse the body before contacting the deity.

Those familiar with the martial arts will recognize the two parts of this technique as common techniques.
The first is a down block across the midsection (this technique is used in a variety of martial arts such as
Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, etc.). This down block is followed by what is commonly called in the martial
arts as a "shirk" or technique to remove an opponents hand from your wrist that is done by sliding the
knife edge of your hand down the arm.

A. Place your right hand on the left shoulder so that the right fingertips are on the left shoulder. The hand
is open, the fingers held together all point upwards. The hand (palm down) is against the body.

B. Slide the hand downward toward the right hip. Move the hand, going across the chest and ending up
fingers down at the right hip. The hand (palm down) stays in light contact with the body the entire
movement. (This is what is called an open handed down block in the martial arts)

C. Repeat this process starting with the left hand on the right shoulder and going down to the left hip.

Part Two

D. Place the right hand again on the left shoulder. Slide the right hand down the left arm (inside or
outside, each will cover different meridians - see below) all the way to the finger tips. (This is what would
be called a "shirk" in the martial arts, used to remove an opponents hand that is grabbing your arm.)

E. Repeat this with the left hand on the right arm.

F. Start with the right hand on the inside of the left elbow, and slide the hand down to the fingertips.

G. Repeat this with the left hand on the right inside of the elbow.

Note - Some masters teach the hand should slide to the inside of the arm and others teach it should slide
down the outside of the arm. Different meridians are stimulated for each. The inside slide is yin and will
effect the lung, heart, and kidney meridians. The outside slide is yang and will effect the triple warmer,
colon and small intestine meridians.

It is interesting that this technique appears to have survived after a fashion in the Rand school that teaches
to cut the cords on the solar plexus using a "karate chopping technique".

Jyoshin Koki-ho
Jyoshin Koki-ho (Joshin Kokyo-ho) is a breathing technique. You breathe reiki in through the nose
through the crown and into the hara on the in breath. You breath the out breath from the hara. This
technique is part meditation, part hara energization, and is done to cleanse the spirit.

Jyoshin Kokiho is done to cleanse the spirit, heart and mind. It is a focus meditative breathing technique.
To do Jyoshin start by placing the hands in Gassho and your eyes closed. Breathe in through the nose and
out through the mouth. On the in breath, breathe in the light of reiki through the crown and into the hara.
Let the light fill your body completely transmuting all that is negative and stuck into light. This relieves
tension, anxiety, and promotes calm. On the out breath, breathe out that light and radiate it from you to
all the universe.

Gassho is a common practice in many eastern traditions. It is called "Namaste" in the Indo-Tibetan
traditions. Gassho is holding the hands clasped in a prayer position at about the level of the chest. In reiki,
Gassho is formally practiced by sitting on the floor or on a chair. The hands are in the prayer clasped
position with the middle fingers touching in front of the chest. The eyes are closed. The reiki precepts are
said (For today only do not anger, do not worry, be grateful, do your work with appreciation, be kind to
all people).

The middle fingers touch as this completes the meridians that terminate in the hands, in particular the fire
element terminates at the tip of the middle finger. (Some call this the "reiki laser".)

Seishin Toitsu - mindfulness meditation

You are in the Gassho or namaste position. This technique involves breathing through the hands.

On the inhalation breathe in through the hands. See the reiki light that flows into the hands move in to the
hara or hara line. Your hara is filled with light. Some see the hara as a fire of white light and as they
breathe in this reiki light the light and fire increases in the hara.

On the exhalation see the energy moving back out through the hands. The light and energy in the hara
remains with you.

You will find that the hara and hands become quite warm when doing this. Continue until you feel done.

(N.B. When done in a group, it is at this point that the Teacher will do "reiju" or an
empowerment/attunement. This group practice of Hatsurei ho is called "Shuyo ho".)

Reiki Principles
The reiki principles are said as affirmations at this point. They are referred to as "Gokai Sansho" and are
said three times.

For today only;

anger not,
worry not.
Be Humble.
With gratitude work on yourself.
Be kind to all.
Mokunen sets the intent of focus of concluding Hatsurei ho. To do Mokunen, say with the mind clear "I
am done with Hatsurei now". This is said to the mind and subconscious, but let it reverberate

2. Koki ho - Healing with Breath

"Koki-ho" means the way of healing with the breath. This technique does not seem to have directly
survived in Takata Sensei's teachings. It indirectly appears in many attunement sets where the Reiki
Master "blows" the energy or symbols into the student. This technique is very useful to treat people that
cannot be touched such as a burn or accident victim. It is also useful for those who do not want touch,
such as someone that has been abused.

This is a focused way of healing with the breath. After connecting to reiki, breathe in through the nose.
Gently blow out through the mouth with lips pursed. If you are unsure how to do this (laughs) watch a
smoker exhale. The lips form a small round opening that the breath flows through. When doing this feel
the reiki as you breathe in. Some "see" the reiki as a white light or mist that they are breathing in. You
may feel the heat on the lungs, mouth and throat.

3. Gyoshi ho - Healing with the Eyes

"Gyoshi-ho" means the way of healing with the eyes. This technique does not seem to have survived in
Takata Sensei's teachings. Energy flows from the entire body. You experience this directly when doing
"Jyoshin Koki-ho" section in Hatsurei ho. It is said that energy emanates most strongly from the hands
and this is why touch healing (te-ate) is taught first in Reiki. Energy also emanates strongly from the eyes
and the breath. This technique teaches you to send reiki with the eyes. Like Ko Ki ho, this technique is
very useful to treat people that cannot be touched such as a burn, accident or abuse victim.

The essential part of this technique is that the look is compassion. For those with Christian backgrounds
think of a look that you have seen in a picture of Jesus of Mary. For those who have seen Kuan Yin
statues think of the look of total compassion. The look is not a "stare", but a soft, relaxed, defocused
look. It is said that all reiki is Karuna (compassionate action) and Metta (loving kindness). The essence
of your being is loving kindness for all, your look is total compassion, reiki radiating out from the eyes.

This technique is simplicity itself. Simply look at where you wish to send. Connect to reiki. You are
reiki. With eyes relaxed, radiating loving kindness and compassion to all, feel the reiki flow through the
eyes to the person you are treating. See or visualize the energy flowing into where you are looking. Just
be reiki.
You can move to various places to treat or simply know and intend that it goes where it will.

4. Heso Chiryo ho
Heso Chiryo ho is the way of naval healing. The hara is thought to be the center of the being. The naval
sits above this and thus this is considered an important point in healing all diseases.
Begin by standing next to the person to be treated. Gassho and calm the mind. Doing the breathing with
Gassho technique is a good way to connect to reiki and be mindful. State the intent by saying "I now
begin Heso Chiryo ho". Place one hand over the naval with the tip of the middle finger in the naval. Feel
for the pulse. When you feel the pulse you are becoming in resonance with the universal energy.
Continue for about 5 minutes or so, until you feel relaxed and in balance and harmony. Finish by doing
gassho and giving thanks.

5. Hara Chiryo ho - Tanden Chiryo ho

Hara Chiryo ho is the de-poisoning technique. It is a method that is thought to remove toxins from the
body. The hara is thought to be the center of the being. By treating in this fashion you help to "de-poison"
toxins from the body. Toxins are often thought of as physical substances, but can also be

Begin by standing next to the person to be treated. Gassho and calm the mind. Doing the breathing with
Gassho technique is a good way to connect to reiki and be mindful. State the intent by saying "I now
begin Hara Chiryo ho". Place one of your hands onto the hara and your other hand on the forehead. Feel
the energy in your hands and let it flow. Hold this position until you feel the energy balance between the
hands. Place the hand that is on the forehead onto the hara so that both hands are on the hara. Hold this
position for 20 minutes or so, using your intuition to guide you. Finish by doing gassho and giving

Uchi te, Nada te, Oshi te - patting, stroking, pushing with the hands
DISCLAIMER Although I think disclaimers are the final death blow to common sense, I state the
following: I am NOT a lawyer and this is not legal advise. These techniques could be misconstrued
as massage. Therefore the practice of them may be regulated by law or state regulation concerning
massage. You are advised to contact the local or state massage board for specific information on the
legality of touch healing or using this technique on people. If you need specific clarification, please
contact an attorney. Additionally, since these techniques are massage-like, you should have specific
massage training prior to using them. These are provided for your information only. It should be
noted that these practices are also regulated as massage in Japan and thus are simply provided as
reference to Usui's original practices.

6. Uchi te Chiryo ho
Uchi te is the technique of patting with the hands. This technique is common to many forms of chi kung
(qi gong) and is used to help increase energy flow. It is used where there is numbness or blockage. The
force used in patting is light to medium and it is not percussive. It is a soft pat to light slap. The intent of
this technique is not to massage the area, but rather to stimulate the body and allow the reiki energy to
penetrate into the body.

See the specific disclaimer above. I personally would not recommend you do this technique in a
business setting unless you are licensed as a massage therapist.
7. Nada te Chiryo ho
Nada te is a stroking technique done with the hands. It encourages the energy flow in the body. The
hands are placed flat on the body and then moved forward and back or in circles while letting the reiki
flow through them which penetrates the body deeply.

See the specific disclaimer above. I personally would not recommend you do this technique in a
business setting unless you are licensed as a massage therapist.

8. Oshi te Chiryo ho
Oshi te is a pushing technique. It is done for stiff areas where there is tightness and causes a loosening.
Simply push with the fingertips. Let the reiki energy flow through the tips of the fingers into the stiff

See the specific disclaimer above. I personally would not recommend you do this technique in a
business setting unless you are licensed as a massage therapist.

Okuden Ko-ki - Second Teachings, Second Part

Okuden Ko-ki consisted of the following techniques:

* Seiheki Chiryo ho
* Enkaku Chiryo ho
* Blood Cleansing Techniques
a. Ketsueki Kokan ho (Blood Cleansing Technique - Takata's Reiki Finish)
b. Hanshin Koketsu ho (Half Body Blood Cleansing)
c. Zenshin Koketsu ho (Full Body Blood Cleansing)

9. Seiheki Chiryo ho
Seiheki Chiryo-ho is the way of treating habits or natural tendencies. This is used to place a message into
the subconscious of the person you are treating. This can be done as a self treatment as well. This
technique is very much like the Nentatsu ho you learned in the Shoden material.
This technique can be used to overcome bad habits, to focus the mind on something important (such as
living the reiki principles), or for achieving a goal.

The first step is to talk to the person to be treated. If the person to be treated is you, it is honest self talk.
If you are treating another person discuss with them what it is that they wish to work on. Once you know
what it is they wish to accomplish you must develop a simple affirmation(s) that you will use.
Affirmations should always be stated in the positive as if they have already occurred. For example, if
they are going to quit smoking you would want to say, "I am smoke free and healthy" rather than "I will
stop smoking and feel better".

Next, have the person to be treated lay down and close their eyes. Instruct them to breath smoothly and
slowly through the nose, so that they are calm and receptive. If you are treating yourself you can lay
down or simply sit in a chair. The key here is relaxation.

Do Gassho. Calm your mind. Be mindful. Starting with a breathing with gassho exercise is helpful to
connect to reiki and focus the mind. State your intent by saying to yourself, "I now begin Seiheki

Place one hand on the forehead and the other hand on the back of the head. I prefer to place my dominant
hand on the forehead but this is simply my preference. It feels more "natural" to me.

With the mind focused and clear and with intent less intent ask that the person being treated be free of
what you are treating. You then repeat the affirmations you have chosen. This can be done silently to
oneself or out loud. Feel the reiki flow knowing it is healing and bringing balance and wholeness.

Remove your hand that is on the forehead while keeping the other hand on the back of the head. Stop
repeating the affirmations but continue to let the reiki flow. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Finish by doing Gassho and saying thanks. It is taught that repeated treatments are more beneficial than
one, or doing a long treatment.

10. Enkaku Chiryo ho

"Enkaku Chiryo ho" is our old friend "Distant Reiki" or "Absentia Reiki" that is commonly taught in Usui
Shiki Ryoho Level II classes.

There are many methods of doing Distant Healing and several of them are outlined in the "Reiki Plain and
Simple - A Comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho" e-book available free at The
specific distant healing exercises are found in the Level II Manual.

One specific distant technique Usui taught was called "Shashin Chiryo ho" or Photograph healing. This
practice used a photograph of the person as a focus or "proxy" for healing. While having a photograph is
nice, anything can be used as a proxy or representation of the person. A printed email would seem to be a
"modern" equivalent.

11. Blood Cleansing Techniques

(Ketsueki Kokan ho or Ketsueki Joka-ho)
Ketsueki Kokan ho (Ketsueki Joka ho) are called "Blood Cleansing" Techniques. The "Blood Cleansing"
techniques were part of Takata Sensei's teachings as she originally taught. In her notes and diary she
describes the "Traditional Reiki Finish" or nerve stroke. In Reiki Ryoho there are two other techniques
besides the one Takata Sensei taught.

The idea of "blood cleansing" may seem odd to the westerner. These techniques are thought to cleanse
the blood of toxins. It should be pointed out here that Reiki Ryoho was based on meridian theory not
unlike Traditional Chinese Medicine and not on chakras as is commonly added into reiki in the west. The
meridians stimulated are thought to stimulate new red blood cells to be formed and to bring fresh blood
into the area. By bringing fresh blood into the area healing is more rapid. (There is a saying "Where
blood flows chi goes; Where chi goes, blood flows".)

These techniques involve moving the hands along the spine rather than just the laying of hands. Massage
laws in the various U.S. states (and in many other parts of the world) began to restrict others from using
any technique that could be construed as "manipulative". As a result, many teachers did not pass along
the technique. This is a wonderful and useful part of Reiki and should be taught.

My recommendation is that if you are treating family and friends (i.e., no money is changing hands) then
it is unlikely that doing this is a problem. As always, explain to the recipient what you are doing and
where you will touch when doing reiki for them. If you are treating others for money, such as in a
business, my suggestion would be that unless you are also licensed as a massage therapist that you do not
do this technique as it might be misconstrued as a massage and you find yourself in legal trouble.

DISCLAIMER Although I think disclaimers are the final death blow to common sense, I state the
following: I am NOT a lawyer and this is not legal advise. These techniques could be misconstrued
as massage. Therefore the practice of them may be regulated by law or state regulation concerning
massage. You are advised to contact the local or state massage board for specific information on the
legality of touch healing or using this technique on people. If you need specific clarification, please
contact an attorney. Additionally, since these techniques are massage-like, you should have specific
massage training prior to using them. These are provided for your information only.

a. Ketsueki Kokan ho (Blood Cleansing Technique - Takata's Reiki Finish)

This is the technique that Mrs. Takata taught as the "Reiki Finish". It is in Hayashi's notes as the blood
exchange. The technique is simple and easy to do.

Place your hand at the top of the spine. I was taught that the thumb is on one side of the spine and the
fingers are on the other side, with the palm flat on the spine. The other hand is placed flat (i.e., with the
palm ) on the neck. Some people ask, "which hand goes where", to which I like to reply "yes", which
generally elicits annoyance or laughter depending on the person. I generally suggest your dominant hand
is the one you place on the spine and the non-dominant hand is placed on the next. This just feels "right"
to me. Experiment and see what you think.

With firmness (but not hard, not with pressure!) Stroke down the spine from the neck to the base of the
spine. This is repeated 15 times. After the 15th stroke keep the hand on the base of the spine. You now
will have one hand on the neck and the other on the base of the spine. Feel the reiki pour in and wait until
it feels balance between the two hands. (This can take 20 seconds to several minutes but usually is quite

Mrs. Takata taught that the strokes were reversed (i.e., from the base of the spine to the neck) when the
person had diabetes.

b. Hanshin Koketsu ho (Half Body Blood Cleansing)

This is the half body blood cleanse.
In the material I have, there are two different ways of doing this and neither resemble the other. They are
both offered here for your review.

Method One
In the first method you are to stroke with the flat of the hand down the arms and legs. First, start at the
shoulder and stroke down to the tips of the fingers 15 times. Do both arms. When finished with the arms,
start at the outside of the hip and stroke down to the tips of the toes. Again repeat 15 times.

Method Two
(READ THE CAUTION ON MESSAGE TECHNIQUES ABOVE. - It is taught that the upper body be
unclothed when doing this. I would advise strong caution and recommend that you not do this unless this
is your spouse, significant other, partner or someone else that will not later take offense. These are
litigious times and people sue for sexual harassment at the drop of a hat (i.e., Imagine yourself in court
explaining to the opposing counsel and jury that you were simply stroking outward on their naked back
doing a half body blood exchange....). In the spirit of the disclaimer written above make sure that you do
not do this in a business setting unless you are a license or certified massage therapist.

Ok, now with all that disclaimer and legal stuff out of the way!

Have the person lay on the reiki table with their back unclothed. Some suggest using some light oil
(again read the disclaimer, if you start using massage oil it looks suspiciously like you are doing

In this technique both hands are used. Place both hands at the top of the spine with one hand on either
side. Start at the top of the neck and stroke outward and slightly down making an outward circular
motion. These are small motions from the center of the spine outward to the sides of the body. Do this
going down one hand width each time until the entire spine is treated from top to bottom. The entire
spine is done 10 to 15 times.

To finish place both hands again at the top of the spine with one hand on either side of the spine. You
index finger and thumb are on the muscles that are on either side of the center of the spine. Hold your
breath and then with light pressure (not hard!) stroke down the spine from the top of the neck to the base
of the spine. End by pressing the fingers lightly (not hard!) into the muscles at the bottom of the spine
and then exhale. This entire process is repeated 10 to 15 times.

(One final word of caution - this is really a "massage-like" technique. I personally think that we are
regulated to death in this and many countries, and that regulatory laws do little to nothing to protect
consumers. Most licensing schemes are really a protection racket that the government uses in collusion
with willing groups to limit their competition and thus make what they do more profitable. Despite my
interesting libertarian arguments, the law takes licensing requirements quite literally and seriously and
tends to fine or jail people that violate them. Please use your judgment and common sense. Find out the
law and regulations on massage therapy in your area before using this technique!)

See the specific disclaimer above. This technique can easily be misconstrued as massage. Massage
is regulate by state and local law in some areas. Check your state board of massage for specific
information. I personally would not recommend you do this technique in a business setting unless
you are licensed as a massage therapist.

c. Zenshin Koketsu ho (Full Body Blood Cleansing)

Zenshin Koketsu-ho is the full body blood cleanse.
This is the easiest technique of the "blood cleansing" techniques. Begin by doing the normal positions on
the head. Then follow this with the normal hand positions on the chest and the abdomen.

Finish by doing Method One of Hanshin Koketsu ho. (You can do method two instead if you prefer.)
Stroke with the flat of the hand down the arms and legs. First, start at the shoulder and stroke down to the
tips of the fingers 15 times. Do both arms. When finished with the arms, start at the outside of the hip
and stroke down to the tips of the toes. Again repeat 15 times.

Kotodama and Mantra in Reiki / Kotodama - "Word spirit "

Information is now beginning to come forward that Mikao Usui taught Kotodama to his Okuden (level II)
Students. What follows is an explanation of Kotodama. Additionally we will explore the use of Mantra
in Reiki and examine some sonnections between Reiki and other energetic arts and practices that
developed in the early 1900's in Japan.

Kotodama (Kotodama) literally means "word spirit". Although not easily translatable, the most basic idea
is that there are words that evoke a spiritual feeling or state. It is a practice of intoning sounds (phonemes
or phonetic components of language) to bring about a mystical or spiritual state. There are some that
believe that intoning these sounds can direct or harmonize everything in the physical world or bring about
a desired outcome in the physical world. This practice is thought to bring about the unification of God,
heaven, man and earth.

The kotodama are often thought of as the core sounds of the Universe. You can chant and call forth the
respective energies to bring them into balance within yourself:

Here is an example of some of the sounds:

A - Heaven
O - Earth
U - Spirit
E - Mind
I - Void

This idea of sacred syllables is common to many mystical practices including the Kaballah, Western
Magick, Wicca. Mantras or Mantra-yana, which is the use of a sound chanted is a similar practice that is
also used to bring about a mystical state.

Mantra practice is common to many meditative practices such as Transcendental Meditation (TM),
Nichiren Buddhism (the "namu myoho renge kyo"), Tibetan Buddhism (the "om mani padme hum") and
many other Indian and eastern traditions. "Mantra" generally refers to Sanskrit words that are sacred
words. They might be a verse such as " om mani padme hum", or a syllable such as "om" or "mu". Some
of the sounds are thought to be the sounds of a specific deity or a supernatural power.

It is not always easy to separate out the differences between Kotodama and Mantra, but there is a
wonderful article by Fred Little, called "Mantrayana and Koto(dama/tama): A suggestive mapping at
The practice of Kotodama is to repeat the sacred syllables and intone them. The power of the word spirit
resonates in the vocal cords, vibrates the air, spirit, heart and mind of the person directly.

The history of the practice of Kotodama is not entirely clear. Some scholars indicate it is from Shinto
origins, while others trace a Shingon Buddhist path. Most likely it is some combination of both as the two
religions, ideologies and practices were interwoven through history in Japan. Kotodama is commonly
used in Shinto and Neo-Shinto rites and rituals. It also occurs in Omoto Kyo and Aikido.

It is said that Usui taught Kotodama as a spiritual practice at level II (Okuden) in reiki. What is
particularly fascinating is the interconnection of this practice to many of the healing practices that were
developing at the time that Usui originated Reiki.

Morihei Ueshiba was the founder of Aikido and he incorporated Kotodama into his Aikido. It is said that
he learned the practice in 1919 from Onisaburo Deiguchi who developed the art of Omoto Kyo and then
went on to study the practice in Shingon Buddhism. Deiguchi was considered by some to be the leading
Kotodama master in the country at that time. Ueshiba was a follower of Omoto-Kyo until his death in

Another connection to Omoto Kyo occurs in the religion of Johrei. Omoto Kyo was studied by Mokichi
Okada (Meishu Sama) who developed Sei Kai Kyu Sei Kyo better known as Johrei and as the Johrei
Fellowship Worldwide. Like Usui's Reiki, Johrei also uses Reiju to empower its followers.

So what we have here is an interesting concurrence of interconnected circumstances:

* Kotodama is said to be taught by Usui in level II reiki as the means to connect. This was done prior to
the symbols being developed.

* The leading Kotodama expert during the time of Usui's life was Deiguchi.

* Deiguchi's teachings show up in other energy related healing arts such as Johrei, whose founder,
Mokichi Okada, studied with Deiguchi. His Sei Kai Kyu Sei Kyo uses reiju as an empowerment with his
followers. This is also the technique used by Usui in his reiki.

* The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, also studies with Deiguchi and incorporates Kotodama in his
practices. Aikido also used many Ki techniques including developing, strengthening and healing with Ki.

An interesting set of coincidences. Are any of these related? Possibly. Add to the mix that Morihei Tanaka
was alive at the time and in the same general area teaching his Dai Rei Do and his system used Rei Shi
Jitsu or Universal energy to heal. Tanaka was said to be a teacher of Usui. My suspicion is that all of these
people knew or knew of each other and that ideas from the various groups flowed together forming an
interesting synthesis that became their various practices (Omoto-kyo, Aikido, Johrei and Reiki). Even if it
is nothing but coincidence, it surely whets the intellect and leads to some interesting speculation. Perhaps
other writers will be able to explore the interconnections of these practices that were evolving at the time

I learned Kotodama in the context of Aikido and Hapkido practice in the early 1980's. Kotodama was
practiced before the martial practices and then after the formal martial practices. The Aikido Sensei would
lead the class in the chant.

There are several web sites that have information on Kotodama practice. One that is particularly good
related to the practice of Kotodama in Aikido (along with some instructions) is
Kotodama and Mantra in Reiki Practice

Most reiki schools in the west have taught that the reiki symbols have mantras associated with them. The
names of the symbols (i.e., cho-ku-rei) are themselves the mantras. It is said that Usui added the symbols
into reiki for those that had trouble feeling the energy directly. The symbols were added into reiki by
Usui fairly late in its design but certainly before Hayashi-Sensei took reiki from Usui in 1924. It is said
that prior to the symbols being used that Kotodama was used and that this was taught in Level II

Using the Reiki symbols names or mantras in this manner is not a new technique or skill but rather a
different way of looking at what you already know.

At the same time we can use the information that we do have regarding Kotodama, Mantrayana and the
names of the reiki symbols/mantras and come to what might be a reasonable conclusion and practice.

Here are some simple guideline to doing Kotodama or Mantrayana with Reiki.

Some guides to the practice:

Sit in a comfortable chair. You can also sit in the classical Zazen posture if you know it and can sit
comfortably in this position. The key is for the back to be straight.

Place the hands on the lap or in the gassho (namaste) position.

Breathe normally through the nose and exhale the syllables through the mouth.

Connect to reiki before starting. Doing hatsurei ho is a good way to do this.

The syllables are said with total concentration and unity of body and spirit. Keep the mind clear and
intent pure.

The syllables are voiced slowly, strongly and one at a time. They are separate in pronunciation. Do not
slur them together.

For each syllable breathe in through the nose and vocalize out through the mouth.

The sound resonates outward to all the universe.

Mantrayana and Reiki

For some time, I have meditated and chanted (intoned) then names of the reiki symbols (i.e., mantras).
My practice was to sit with the hands in the gassho (namaste) position and to intone the mantras (names)
of the symbols. The practice brings great clarity and peace of mind. This is similar to, but not exactly the
same as, the way in which kotodama is done. This practice is actually called "mantrayana" and is also a
nice addition to your daily reiki practice.

Kotodama in Reiki:
This is really something that should be taught and not something that can be easily learned without
instruction. This has been traditionally taught from master to student. Unlike the symbols that cannot be
done incorrectly these must be done right. For those wanting to try this, I suggest start with the
mantrayana and if you feel that you would like to expand your practice find a teacher to show this to you.
Shinpiden - Level Three
Copyright 2000-2001 by Vincent Amador. All Rights Reserved.

Shinpiden are the master or "mystery" teachings.

This material has survived relatively intact in the west. The Shinpiden level is what is commonly taught
as Level III Reiki, or the Reiki Master Level. This material is covered in the "Reiki Plain and Simple - A
Comprehensive Guide to Usui Shiki Ryoho" e-book in the Level III Manual available at the AngelReiki
Main Site. Please review this material.

What is different from the Level III material in the west is the attunement process. Sharing Reiki with a
student so that they are "connected" and able to do Reiki is called an "attunement" here in the west.
There are many sets of attunement that now exist from those of the Reiki Alliance to those used in the
Usui/Tibetan, Raku Kei Reiki, and non-traditional schools. Some are simple and some are complicated.
Some of the variations crept in over time due to the limitations of human memory, while others were by
design and intent. All of them empower a student to reiki and all of them work.

The empowerment process Usui used was called "Reiju". Reiju was an empowerment or attunement. In
Usui's practices, from what is being reported as Gakkai practices, a student received reiju at the Shoden
level. Students met often and practiced hatsurei ho together in a group. The group practice of hatsurei ho
was called "Shuyo ho". During the "Seishin Toitsu" practice in hatsurei ho, the reiki teacher would go
around and perform reiju for the students attending. Students received reiju often. This is in contrast
with the western model where you receive 4 attunements at level one (or one attunement at level one),
One attunement at level two (or three depending on the style), and one attunement at the master level and
no more are done.

Reiju is an empowerment process that does not use symbols. It is a transmitting of the reiki, done in
mindfulness and intent.

The reiju process is simple to learn and do. However, the teacher was supposed to be able to keep
mindfulness and the mind clear before attempting to use Reiju. Hayashi-Takata's adaptation to the
attunement process was ingenious. By adding the symbols they provided structure for the mind. The used
the symbols as a connection aid and a method of helping the Reiki Teacher keep the mind focused, clear,
pure with intent on the process.

One should not think of reiju, or western attunements as "better or worse", "more or less powerful", or
any comparative thinking. It is not better or worse but simply different. It is not necessary to change the
attunements that you presently do or use. You do not need to switch to reiju. It will not make you
practice any better, more effective or legitimate. It is simply another process.
The specific instructions for reiju will not be listed here, as the people who shared this technique with me
have specifically asked that I not do so. I honor their request.
Happy Trails
Non-traditional Reiki Symbol for Assisting Transitioning Spirit

From Below to Above

Flows the Universal Love

Flows the Universal Love

Happy Travels

To the One

This symbol was anchored in on All Souls Day, 1998, by Stacie Coller Adams.

It is offered in Love and Service for All who wish to use it for the Greater Good.

Movement 1-2-3: You are starting at the bottom apex of one triangle in the Star of
David. Draw the three lines creating the triangle in a clock-wise motion.

"From Below"
Movement 4-5-6: Start at the top apex of the up-facing triangle in the Star of David.
Draw the three lines creating the triangle in a clock-wise motion.

"To Above"

Movement 7: Without removing your hand from the top apex of the up-pointing
triangle, Spiral into the center three times.

"Flows the Universal Love"

Movement 8: Take hand from center and place back on top apex of up-pointing
triangle. Going in a counter clock-wise motion pull a spiral out and around the Star
of David coming up on the right hand side of symbol. In same movement make 3
small counter clock-wise loops heading upward and outward from the symbol.

"Flows the Universal Love"

Movement 9-10: Take hand from end of last line that should be brought out far
enough from the loops to straighten out just a bit. Draw 2 semi-curved parallel lines
in an 'up and out' motion on the top side of last line.


Movement 11-12: Repeat 2 semi-curved parallel lines in an 'up and out' motion on
the bottom side of line from Movement 8.


Movement 13: Pat 3 times in front of the line from Movement 8. The last 'pat' should
be a swift and quick swipe upward and outward.

"To The One"

Other Instructions:

You will notice that the symbol itself looks very much like a spirit taking flight. The
two pairs of parallel semi-curved lines should look something like 'wings' and the
dot that stands for the 3 pats upward and outward, looks like the head of a Being.
The words that accompany the symbol are rhythmic and exactly match the

Uses for the Symbol:

This symbol is to be used for anyone that is in the process of transitioning. They
don't have to be at their death-bed to utilize the symbol. A Reiki Master can perform
a "Happy Trails" attunement on anyone experiencing a life-threatening situation
where death seems probable in the near future. Simply go through the Reiki Level 1
attunement process as usual, but add the "Happy Trails" symbol with the Master
symbol and the Power Symbol. Also… pay special attention to make sure that this
symbol is patted into the Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakras.
It is not necessary to tell the person that you are performing this type of
attunement as long as you ask their Higher Self to 'accept it or not' as is in the
Highest Good of the person involved. There will be some people that are comforted
by knowing that they are being prepared, and some other people will find it
terrifying. It is not necessary to terrify a person already having extreme difficulty
with the idea of crossing over. The symbol is to help make that movement easier
and more coherent, not to make their last days uncomfortable. At the time of
departure the symbol in the auric field should become active.

Reiki Level 2 Practitioners can use the symbol as they would utilize other Reiki
symbols. If the person can be worked on directly, use the symbol in conjunction with
the Power symbol as you would to initiate the Emotional Healing symbol. Calming,
soothing sub-conscious statements about a harmonious passage, calling to Guides
for help, and going to the light can also be added. Again, the person does not have
to be on his/her death bed to begin adding this symbol to their energy. It will also
assist the person in becoming more peaceful with the process.

Distance Reiki: Both Masters or Level 2's can initiate a distance healing session by
anchoring in the person and using the symbol during the session. Again, pay special
attention to opening the Upper Chakras, especially the Crown-- as this is the chakra
that the Spirit normally takes it's flight out. The 3rd Eye should also be worked on
and vitalized because this will assist the Spirit to retain memory of "Self" in a
coherent way. This will assist in making the transition less confusing and difficult.

Distance Attunements: Reiki Masters can anchor a person in, as if for a regular
distance Reiki session… and then attune a proxy doll or pillow with Reiki Level 1 and
the Happy Trails Symbol.

Happy Trails Reiki Grid

Special help can also be obtained from the Mineral Kingdom. You can set up Reiki
Grid to keep sending remote energy for a smooth Transition. Reiki Grids, in general,
are set up in the figure of a 6-pointed star with an additional stone in the middle to
connect the energy. This can certainly be used to maintain a constant loving flow of
this symbol to any person in need. Get a small poster board and draw the symbol in
Purple or Gold. Arrange the outer stones at the points of the two triangles, and the
center stone at the middle of the inward spiral. Reiki Masters can attune the stones
with all the Reiki Symbols, which will assist the stones in constantly emitting Reiki
energy without having to charge it on a daily basis. Reiki Level 2's will have to
charge the grid daily as with other grids.

Suggested stones include: Amethyst, Angelite, Crystal Points, Lapis, Moldavite,

Moonstone, and Rose Quartz. The stones in the grid should be of the same type of
whatever you most resonate to use. Moldavite would be a particularly beneficial
stone because it's main energy is for transformation and connection with the
Celestial Realm. (However, it is the most costly as well.) An Isis Crystal point (5-
pointed face crystal) or Selenite Wand would make excellent energy connectors for
the grid.

To construct your own Grid, you will need:

7 of the same type stone for the 6 points of the Star and the central stone

1 Energy Connector Stone to 'draw' the grid into activation

1 Purple or Gold Marker

1 Piece of Poster Board, white, black, purple, or deep blue

Once the grid is in place, you may place a piece of paper with the persons name on
it inside of the Star area… or, better yet, place a photo of the person inside there.
You may place many pictures inside of the grid to send out the energy to more than
one person. Make sure that you activate the grid by drawing the lines between the
stones with the 'pointer' or 'connector' point or Selenite Wand.

You may find that the family members of the people about to Transition will be more
likely to ask for you to add their loved ones into the grid. Please do this without
exception. Also, and additional Reiki Grief Grid can be constructed using Apache
Tears to assist family members deal with the Transition of a loved one. The same
symbol can be used, or the regular 6-pointed star without the added Happy Trails
symbol can be used.
Reiki symbols are sacred and secret. It is a part of the reiki tradition that
they are kept confidential. They are only revealed to those who have
taken second degree reiki and received the reiki attunement that
empowers them. The reiki attunement actually empowers the reiki
symbols so that they will fulfill their intended purpose. Without a reiki
attunement , the reiki symbols do not seem to do much. But after the
reiki attunement the effect is definitely there. A person does not have to
be in an altered state for the symbols to work. They work automatically,
every time they are used. They are like keys that open doors to higher
levels of awareness/manifestation.

The reiki symbols must be drawn and used correctly to activate them.
Reiki symbols have their own consciousness so it is possible to meditate
on them, and receive guidance on how to use them directly from the
reiki symbols themselves. You can discover new uses to these reiki
symbols by simply meditating on them and seeking guidance.

If you have second degree in reiki, it is recommended that you do this

preparation before you do any reiki healing work.

1.Call on the reiki masters for assistance. [ I usually do this]

I call upon the god / goddess and all there is , Usui, Hayashi, Takata and
all the universal masters responsible for our evolution and upliftenment,
to come and assist me with reiki healing/attunement.

2.Enclose a pyramid around the whole room where the people are healed
and then draw reiki symbol #1,#2, & #3 inside each wall, top and bottom
of the pyramid.

3.Draw a pyramid over yourself together with reiki symbol #1 inside it.
Also draw reiki symbol #1 on the basic, solar, heart, throat, ajna and
crown chakra.

4. Cover your palms of both hand with a golden cover and draw reiki
symbol #1 on each hand.

Reiki Symbol #1 -- Usage

1. Draw on each palm before healing with reiki.

2. Cleanse the room of negative energy by doing reiki symbol #1, and #2
on the four walls, ceiling, floor and in the air, of each room that you go
3. This reiki symbol can be used in front of any other reiki symbol that
you want to use for any particular purpose . It will increase the
effectiveness of all other reiki symbols.

Reiki Symbol #2 -- Usage

For finding the misplaced items.

Do reiki symbol #2 over your crown and then say the affirmation I give
myself permission to find my lost -------------- within the next 5 minutes.-
Say it 3 times.

For memorizing

Hold the book that you want to memorize between your hands and then
do reiki symbol #2 over the book and over yourself, then say ÃÂÂ
¢ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚¬Ã…“I give myself permission to absorb
memorize and remember the contents of this book -------------, and will
have total recall whenever necessary. Say this 3 times and study the

Reiki Symbol #3 usage.


It is possible, using the distant healing reiki symbol, to beam reiki to your
clients sitting at a distant place. Just do reiki symbols #1, #3, and #2 and
face your palms towards the clients photo [if there is] or visualize the
person between your two hands and start giving reiki.

Empower goals.

If your are blocked in the achievement of a particular goal, it usually

means there is something that needs to heal before you will be able to
achieve it. Write your name and goal on a piece of paper and draw all the
three reiki symbols, give reiki on the paper for 30 minutes or more each
day. Continue active work to achieve your goal. You will find everything
working much better.

Experiment sending reiki to Buddha, Jesus, God, angels etc. Those who
have done this have reported receiving tremendous healing back from
these high spirit beings.



Commonly Used Reiki Symbols

How to Draw The Symbols
Usui Reiki, Contemporary and Traditional Level One Manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft
This is intended to be a simple practical manual for Usui Reiki.No manual will ever
be complete. There is always more to learn.This version of the manual is all on one
page for easier printing or saving.



What is Reiki?
About Healing Energy
About Attunement
Using Reiki
Self Treatment
Treating Others
The Treatment
Reiki Finish
Hand Positions
Reiki Hands
Reiki Hand Placements
Additional hand positions
Chair Reiki ,Seated treatment
no contact treatment
More ways to apply Reiki
Mikao Usui
A Brief History
Reiki Principles
Expanding on the Reiki Principles
Treatment and Ethics Review
Reiki Treatment Checklist.
The Exchange Issue
The Aura and Energy
Energy balls


Level one Manual by Peggy Jentoft

General Introduction

Reiki is a natural system of energy healing. It is done by placing the hands on or near the
recipient . The practitioner runs Reiki Energy while placing their hands on or over a series of
locations on the recipients body. This energy is the life force that permeates the universe.
Practitioners can also work remotely. Remote techniques are usually taught at the second degree

The process of doing Reiki treatment is thought of as "laying on of hands" or "spiritual healing"
and is considered to be a metaphysical phenomenon. Reiki also has elements based on the traditions
of Asian medicine and martial arts which have given rise to acupuncture, chi gong, tai chi and
similar practices.
Reiki is related to some practices of Chinese Medicine, Chi gong and other Holistic Medicine and
modes. Reiki is somewhat of a fusion of spiritual healing and some traditional Asian medical,
spiritual and health practices. The hand placements correspond to some of those points used in
Acupuncture and other practices but no needles, pressure or massage is used.

Reiki flows through the practitioner but is not generated by the practitioner and does not deplete
the Reiki practitioners own energy supplies. Advanced practitioners can do
treatments without physical contact.

Mikao Usui Developed the Reiki Universal Healing Energy system after years of study of
spiritual healing of many kinds and received the ability to heal with Reiki energy during a spiritual
initiation after long fasting and meditation on one of Japan's Many sacred mountains.

What does Reiki do?

Reiki can help alleviate suffering, whether it be of a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual
nature. This means that Reiki can heal. This statement is not a guarantee or a promise that
someone will be relieved of any ailment whatsoever with a single or with multiple Reiki
treatments. In most cases Reiki does enhance the effects of medical treatment when used in
conjunction with it. An underlying principle of Reiki is that it can do no harm and cannot be used
for any harmful purpose.
When we speak of healing, a well physical body may be the first thing that comes to mind however
the root meaning of the word is whole . The practice of healing is that of becoming whole on all
levels of being, The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Illness happens when the mind, body and spirit become unbalanced. True wellness is reached
only by returning the entire being to harmony and balance. Not only with itself but with the Earth
and the Universe. We begin healing by finding our desire to be well and whole. Without the
motivation to be well and the intention to act in our own behalf we can not become well. Reiki is a
means to empowering us to become whole in all ways.

Another Purpose of Reiki Is to help enhance personal and spiritual evolution and to assist on the
path to enlightenment. Reiki is not affiliated with any one spiritual path and will work for anyone.
Having Reiki does not guarantee enlightenment either.
To get Reiki either means to receive Reiki treatment from a practitioner or to learn to practice
Reiki. Reiki treatment may be received from any Reiki practitioner .

Reiki treatment enhances the body's natural ability to heal itself. It increases vitality
and stamina, works throughout the body, on the mind, emotions, spiritual essence and aura. Reiki
treatment releases blocked energy, promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Reiki energy has an innate intelligence and goes wherever needed in the body and aura. It helps
to cleanse the body of toxins both energetic and physical and can over time, enhance stamina,
intuition, meditation and spiritual evolution.

Reiki also works on plants, animals, and even machines and can be used in Earth healing and
has been used for treatment of world events. Reiki will work for you personally and is also a tool
you can use to help others.

Reiki and other subtle healing energies are valuable tools for anyone whether they have health,
emotional, mental, or spiritual issues or only want to empower their personal evolution.

Many people like to get regular hands on Reiki treatments as a refreshing and
relaxing treat for themselves, in the same way that they might get a massage or a facial, a guided
visualization session or a mud bath. Reiki can be a door to a higher part of your own spiritual
being. Reiki treatment and practice can increase the flow of higher vibrations of energy through
your aura and into the physical body.

Reiki energy works to harmonize, or bring into balance, the total you: physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual. You do have to actively use Reiki or get treatments to receive its benefits.
Reiki treatment is available from many Reiki practitioners .

The use of Reiki as a relaxation and stress reducing technique is becoming accepted and
widespread. In addition to its use in supporting treatment of illness and injury. Reiki enhances
other body work and healing techniques and sports performance as well as assisting with spiritual

Science is reluctant to accept the validity of energy work but double blind studies have often
shown significant and accelerated improvement from energy treatments of many different forms.
Kirilian and aura photos also show significant changes before and after Reiki treatments .

To learn to practice and share Reiki with others yourself, you must receive
attunement from a Reiki Master. You can learn to give Reiki treatments to yourself,
family and friends. Animals, plants etc. Some people use Reiki on appliances. The Reiki
energy treats and energizes you even while you are treating others.

Sometimes people have unreasonable expectations of Reiki both as clients and as practitioners.
Reiki does not often confer an instant miraculous cure of any condition. Reiki works with you to
restore energetic balance and repair things like blockages and tears in the energy field which
create disease and unhappiness. This can take time.

Mrs. Takata, who introduced Reiki to the West received treatment daily for months. People often
receive great benefit from a single treatment. Conditions which have taken years to form and
manifest as disease are likely to require consistent treatment over a period of time. Certainly any
Reiki treatment is good, even a single short one but for most the greatest effect comes from frequent
treatment. Practitioners are urged to self treat daily.

While not be practical for a client to come daily for months as might have been done at Hayashi
Sensei's clinic or for the practitioner to move in with a client for weeks or months as Mrs. Takata is
said to have done on occasion. A series of treatments is recommended for many conditions and often
family members can receive attunement so that they may provide the treatment as needed.

What is a Reiki attunement?

This is the process by which the Reiki teacher (often called a Reiki Master) passes on the ability
to channel the Reiki energy. This involves a process of clearing any blocks to Reiki in your aura
and connecting you to the ability to run Reiki energy by means of a direct transmission to your
energy body (aura) There are many different energy systems that use attunement. Reiki is one of
the most well Known and is an excellent basic all purpose system. It is easy to learn and is not
burdened with a lot of esotericism or dogma.

Aattunement is usually given during instruction in the various techniques involved in

practicing Reiki. Reiki is most often taught in three levels designated I, II and III, with III being
the Master level. In level one people are taught basic techniques for hands on treatment for self and
others. In Level two one learns techniques for remote healing and receives attunement for using
symbols to activate specific functions for mental and emotional healing and for increasing the
connection and effect of Reiki. Level three adds a spiritual or intuitive healing energy function and
the ability to attune others to use Reiki themselves.
In some Reiki systems there is a Master level distinct from the Teacher (or Master/Teacher)
level. To learn to pass on attunements one must undertake a further teacher level. Some teachers
teach and transmit a unified Reiki attunement which includes all the functions of the three level

Each level requires an attunement or set of attunements. As one progresses through the levels
there can be a distinct and noticeable difference in the perception of effects and sensations of both
the practitioner and the client . As one progresses through the
levels one is taught the Reiki symbols which can be (and generally are) used in giving a
Reiki treatment. The symbols are usually explored in the second Reiki level.

Being a Reiki Master is not a sign or guarantee of a person's moral fiber upstanding behavior, or
any form of emotional or spiritual development. Reiki Masters are as human as anyone else.

About Healing Energy

There are many systems of energy healing , hands on and remote healing. They all use aspects of
the universal life Force energy that Permeates the universe and the entire reality. This Energy is
known by many names, Prana, Mana, Chi, KI, Orgone energy, Bioenergetic plasma, Divine breath,
Cosmic Pulse, Vital Fire, among them.

Even in those systems that call directly on spiritual entities, Angels, Healing guides and so forth,
the actual healing is effected by aspects of the universal energy.

Most cultures seem to have at least one name for it even those that do not officially
acknowledge it as real. Different cultures develop different ways of working with energy
and different needs evoke different frequencies, techniques and explanations for that work. A
Hawaiian system, a Tibetan system, and a Hindu system of energy work will each be different. Yet
each still works with the universal life force.

Reiki is a system of energy healing that was discovered, defined and developed in Japan.
Therefore It uses elements derived from Japanese culture such as Shinto, Esoteric Buddhism and
the traditional medicine of Japan and China to explain how it works and to define its goals. The
traditional definitions and explanations of Reiki practice have as an underlying base many of the
accepted cultural premises of Japan. This may include elements which seem strange or opaque to
people who have not been immersed in that culture from birth.

Reiki is not religious. There is no dogma involved with Reiki, well not much anyway.
Most of what could be called Reiki dogma does not actually effect the practical use of
Reiki in the real world. Being attuned to Reiki does not entail any conversion or adoption of
spiritual beliefs or practices from any religion or particular set of beliefs. Reiki and other energy
healing modes will harmonize with most spiritual belief systems that allow for the existence of
energy work.

What is Reiki?
The simplest definition of the word Reiki is Universal or Spiritual (Rei)- Life Force or Energy
(Ki). The Reiki system is a simple and powerful system of energy work that anyone can learn to use
for developing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony and wholeness in themselves and
for assisting others.

Reiki functions on the energy body first, usually following the same channels used in
acupuncture and acupressure, chi gong and other traditional Asian Medical and healing modes but
not limited to them.
The practitioner uses the Reiki energy to help people move & balance energy, remove blocks
and repair tears in the aura and help restore well being. Advanced practitioners are able to give
treatments without touching the recipient and even send treatments great distances, even to people
on other continents .

Reiki is a system of energy healing from Japan using methods transmitted to and received by
Mikao Usui, legendarily at the end of a 21 day fast and meditation in Japan.

Reiki is a simple and powerful system of laying on of hands and remote healing that can
transform lives. The Usui System of Natural Healing was introduced to the West by Mrs. Hawayo
Takata, from Hawaii, who received Reiki Attunements From Dr. Hayashi.

Dr Hayashi had a Reiki clinic in Tokyo. Mrs. Takata was visiting relatives in Japan and had
successful treatments for a chronic illness at Dr. Hayashis' Clinic. Dr. Hayashi is credited with
formalizing the system of hand positions and levels for use in a more clinical health oriented
practice. Usui Sensei intended his system to assist people to become enlightened. Physical healing
was a side effect rather than the end goal.

The ability to heal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances with energy
channeled through the hands has been viewed as a rare and mystical gift requiring great
spiritual achievement. However this simply is not true. Reiki is almost as easily learned as learning
to tie your shoes.

Healing energy can be channeled by any one. This ability can be acquired by energetic
transmission from one person to another. These transmissions are called attunements or
empowerment or sometimes initiations. They remove blocks in the aura and allow the healing
energies that surround us to come in through our crown chakra and flow through our bodies and
out our hands to where they are needed. This is not the only path for the Reiki healing energies but
only the most common or most easily sensed.

The ability to channel the specific healing energy Functions we call Reiki is received from a
process called Attunement, a direct transmission of the ability to channel Reiki and the clearing of
energetic blocks to that ability guided by a Reiki Teacher ( Reiki Master) into the personal energy
field of the recipient. The attunements open the palm chakras and energy channels if this is needed
and connect you to the specific Reiki Shakti healing frequencies. The attunements also allow us to
direct these energies for specific purposes.

Anyone can get these attunements and channel Reiki, it requires no special abilities and is a
reliable way of doing healing treatments for yourself and others. Reiki has traditionally been used
for treatment of physical issues and to compliment allopathic health treatments and practices.

Reiki is not a substitute for Medical treatment nor is it a diagnostic system. Reiki is an intelligent
energy of love and wholeness. When you use Reiki you find many more ways to work with and gain
value from it. The possible ways and systems for working with universal life force energy are

About Attunement

Anyone can be attuned to Reiki. In order for anyone to personally connect with Reiki and use
this energy system for themselves and for others they must receive an attunement (sometimes
called initiation or empowerment). This is a transformation to the energy field (aura) Which opens,
clears and connects the recipient to the ability to use the universal energy. This is not a step to be
taken lightly. This attunement should be considered permanent.
The regular use of Reiki is required to continue the accelerated personal spiritual
development the Reiki helps make possible. The person should have a sincere desire to
help themselves and a willingness to practice and use Reiki for the benefit of all life.

Many people can feel attunement as It is done, as heat or waves of energy flowing into their body
or they may see light or even images or hear music. Many people do not have any such experience
at all, other than perhaps feeling both more relaxed and energized than usual. Most people but not
all who regularly feel subtle energies are able to feel some of the energy coming in.

Many people choose to fast or refrain from eating meat or smoking before being attuned to Reiki.
This is not essential. You must be sober to receive attunement, other than that all one really has to
do is to want to receive and accept the attunement from the Reiki teacher. It helps to be in a
meditative receptive state at the time the attunements are done.

Some people seem to reach out and actively pull the attunement in and others are more passive
recipients . You could refuse to accept an attunement. You cannot be attuned against your will. The
Reiki teacher will explain what you may experience during the attunement and tell you where to sit
and any particular hand position she wants you to hold. You may be asked to close your eyes during
the attunement.

There are a number of different methods for passing attunements. Many Reiki Teachers use a
ritual method which can includes some physical contact . They may draw symbols on the receivers
hands crown and heart and place them into the aura. Some teachers use direct transmission
attunements which do not require physical contract or overt ritual . Direct transmission
attunements are usually done with the teacher and participants sitting in a circle or facing each

The Japanese Reiki School founded by students of Mikao Usui still uses a Reiju empowerment
which involves participation in frequent meditations during which you acquire the ability to use
Reiki gradually. Attunements are used in Reiki and many other energy work systems because they
allow people to open to use energies much faster than would be possible without them.

Post Attunement "Detoxification"

It is recommended that you Drink lots of water after an attunement. Many people find that
they need to increase water intake permanently after being attuned to any system of healing
energy. Attunements and treatments begin the recipient's personal healing immediately. This
sometimes shows up as symptoms of physical or emotional release such as an excess of Gas,
diarrhea or moodiness.

This has been called detoxification. Most people do not have any noticeable effects of this kind. A
few people have reported a lot of emotional processing for up to 3 weeks or 21 days after an
Attunements. Some people report having unusually vivid dreams just after the attunement.

Anyone who has a detoxification reaction is encouraged to self treat with Reiki often and to
contact their Reiki teacher for help. Any unusual ,severe, or continuing discomfort should be
referred to an appropriate medical professional. It may not have any direct relationship to the
attunement at all . Anyone getting Reiki treatments and or attunements is encouraged to drink lots
of ater. This often reduces or eliminates any so called detoxification symptoms.

Everyone should be reminded that in some cases the release of toxins or energetic or physical
realignments will cause them to feel worse for a short time before they feel better. Some people may
feel somewhat uncomfortable when chronic physical ,emotional or mental conditions are alleviated
because they are unaccustomed to feeling well.
Normal reactions to events that occur and emotions that surface during the period just after
attunement aresometimes attributed to detoxification when they might really be simply a freer
expression and an enhanced awareness of feelings which can be an effect of attunements .

Using Reiki

Once you have been attuned you will want to learn how to activate and use your Reiki. First
degree Reiki is activated by intention, that is you intend or mentally command it to run. Many
people use a mental instruction such as Reiki On! or Reiki now! Reiki may turn on when it is
needed even without your conscious intention.

Only a slight amount of attention is needed to keep Reiki flowing. It does not involve mental
strain or intense will, just a subtle intention and willingness. You are not pushing the Reiki energy,
you are allowing it to flow through you like water flows through a hose.

Not every one feels Subtle energies. Once you have been attuned the Reiki will run even if you
are not able to feel it. Sometimes it takes a while before one really feels it running . Whether or not
you get hot hands or buzzing or other physical signs of Reiki activation it will work. Reiki is subtle

The energy generally comes into the crown and runs down the arms to the hands and
from there to where needed and/or directed. This seems to be the standard flow pattern For Reiki
and many other healing energy systems. It is possible to bring in the energy by other channels but
crown to hands is usually easiest and most comfortable. Just want the energy to run. think/intend
that it turn on.

The basic Reiki energy has always been intention activated. The most important thing is to use
Reiki often . The more you use it the more comfortable, confident and skilled you will become.
While the standard formal treatment uses both hands you can also give informal Reiki treatments
just by placing one hand in contact . You may find the you can run Reiki from your feet or other
location if its needed. You can just put your hand on your own body and give yourself a simple
treatment any time you wish.

At first you may want to prove to yourself and others that it works. This can cause you to use
your own personal energy rather than Reiki . Using your own energy might make you feel tired
after giving a treatment . Usually the Reiki practitioner feels rested and revitalized after the

You might experience normal tiredness from standing a long time if you are not used to doing
so. Any unusual tiredness usually indicates that the practitioner has been forcing the energy or
pushing with personal will rather than allowing the Reiki energies to flow naturally.

The effectiveness of Reiki and other energy systems could be modified by the practitioners and
clients expectations. The limits that they put on the energy with the concepts they hold about what
the work can and should do can effect the experienced results. Therefore it is Particularly
important that while you are doing treatments you allow the energy to work. Hold the intention
that it work for the highest good of the client.

I begin most sessions by mentally stating what the perceived situation is and whether the client
is in pain. If there is pain involved I ask for Pain relief to be part of the treatment. I have set up a
signal system with my guides and solar angel or intuition to alert me when it is not appropriate to
focus any energy on pain relief (if the pain is serving a vital function).

Belief in, or practice of, a spiritual or religious system is not required for the effective practice of
Reiki. (While many Reiki practitioners work with guides or angels it is not a practice intrinsic to or
required for Reiki). Personal intuition will guide you as you learn to be aware of it and trust it.
Naturally Intuition alone does not substitute for a basic understanding of energy work and the
techniques for treatment.

The Reiki energy is in most cases allowed to flow to where it chooses. It can be directed but it is
strongly recommend that you do not try to do this at first and never exclusively. You may be
unaware of the true cause of a difficulty and may mentally prevent the Reiki from doing the most
good by pushing it where you want it to flow. At first you may need to remind yourself quite often
to allow the flow rather than push it with will.

Reiki uses the Ki or Universal life force energy to effect changes and remove blocks in the
energy body which promotes the return of and maintenance of well being and health. As you
continue to practice You will probably develop an awareness of the condition of the energy field
and may over time realize what diseases may have manifested from the feel of the clients energy

As a Reiki practitioner you do not diagnose, nor do you heal others. You must take care not to
alarm the client nor to violate laws against diagnosis by non medical professionals. You may ask
questions, make suggestions, or suggest they see a Doctor about areas of concern.

You provide a connection for the universal life force to work actively with you and empower the
receiver. Energy healing is most effective when the person getting treatment is an active participant
in the process. Encourage your client to actively invite the Reiki to heal them to the highest degree
possible. This is more effective than passively having an attitude of being done to.

Reiki teachings in the West were passed on until quite recently without written materials or
notes. Even the practice writing of the complex symbols traditionally used in second and third
degree Reiki were destroyed after the training sessions. This was not the practice in Japan. Many
books are now available with information and theories about Reiki.

Self Treatment

Reiki can be used for your own healing as well as for others. This is one thing that differentiates
Reiki from many other energy healing systems. Treating yourself is an excellent way to become
familiar with using Reiki. It it highly recommended that practitioners give themselves a treatment
frequently. I recommend that you give yourself treatments daily, if possible, particularly in the
beginning of your practice. This will also help clear up any detoxification symptoms that do occur.

Self treatment can be done either by putting your hands on your body in adaptations of the
standard hand placements. Treatment on the front only will be fine although you can do versions of
some back positions on yourself. You can also just rest your hands on your legs or other accessible
location and run the Reiki, actually just putting your hands down against your body any where
that is comfortable will work.

Reiki will go to where it is needed. I find that it works fine just to turn on Reiki and let it run,
after all, you are in your body. That means that you are touching it. Whatever your Reiki level is,
using the hand positions will probably give you more sensory confirmation than a remote
treatment and may well work faster on each specific area.

You can place your hands on the front of your body with the mental intention that you are
treating the back position.The positions for self treating the back can be done by putting your
hands on the back of your neck over your shoulders and at your back just above and below the
waist. Provided that you are flexible and want to do that . Unless you are very flexible, do not try to
reach the difficult to reach places. If it hurts you to do it, It is not Reiki. Reiki will flow to where it
is needed .
Preparing to Give Reiki Treatments to Others

There is no one single right way to do treatments. Before you begin a treatment on
another person you may want to do a self treatment or meditation to ground, center and clear
your own energy field. This is not a requirement but will prepare yourself to give the treatment.
Many practitioners like to place their hands together in the gassho or praying hands position for a
moment before they actually begin the treatment. This helps the practitioner to balance their own
energy and reach the correct mental and emotional clarity to begin the treatment free from
personal issues that might distract them.

Before the Treatment.

Greet your client and discuss what they can expect from Reiki. Answer any questions they
have. Ask them about their reasons for seeking Reiki treatment and what they
expect from Reiki. Tell the client what you will be doing. Some practitioners have a form and
history to be filled out, others do not follow the medical model so closely. Make sure that if
exchange is involved, that is payment or barter the details are clear and mutually agreeable.

Remind the recipient that you are not a medical practitioner. Reiki is never a substitute for
medical treatment. This and other energy and spiritual work may on rare occasions stimulate a
brief clearing period of detoxification on all levels. In a few rare cases people have felt worse before
they felt better, if this does occur you should ask that if possible they come in daily for three days in
a row. Repeating treatment can alleviate these rare detoxification or healing crisis symptoms.

Have your client remove their shoes , glasses and any bulky jewelry which might get snagged .
They will remain fully clothed. Comfortable non binding clothes are recommended. Clients do not
need to remove wedding rings, dentures, small earrings, navel rings and so forth. Some people fear
that jewelry will interfere or block the energy but it does not. In fact such items can absorb a
reservoir of Reiki energy . The main reason to remove bulky jewelry is so that it will not snag on
clothing during the treatment or interfere with hand placement.

Have the person lie down on a massage table or if none is available other sturdy table such as a
kitchen or dining table with a pad of some sort, or a bench ,couch, bed or floor if that is
comfortable for both of you . Treatments can also be done with the client seated.
Most Reiki treatments are given with the client lying down and the practitioner standing. Many
practitioners sit in an office chair with wheels. Some do treatments kneeling on the floor.
Whatever table or other setup you are using the client and the practitioner should both be
comfortable during the treatment. Try to have the table surface at a height where you do not have
to strain to reach the hand position locations. A padded surface of some kind is suggested for

The recipient may become cold. You should have a light blanket available to cover them if
needed. A pillow or pillows is useful for arranging for maximum comfort particularly when
treating the back. Comfort can be a real concern if you do not have a face rest. You can do the
treatment from the front only or have the client sit for treatment on the back if it is not practical
or comfortable for them to lie face down. Many people are not comfortable laying face down.

Sometimes emotional clearing occurs during a treatment and can result in the client crying. You
should have some tissues handy in case of need. If the person being treated cries do not interrupt
the treatment to give them tissues. Interrupting them may result in a reduction of the healing
release. On rare occasions a recipient may feel that your hands are too hot or feel pain or
discomfort in some other way. If this happens ask if they wish to stop the treatment or continue.
Most people will choose to continue and may feel a healing release. If someone wishes to end the
treatment early for any reason then stop giving Reiki.
Wash your hands before and after giving a treatment if possible. Wash your hands before the
treatment to make sure your hands are clean and that you don't have any distracting odor on
them. Washing your hands also helps give you time for a symbolic entry into the best mental state
for the treatment. Wash your hands after the treatment as a way to distinguish your treatment time
from your routine. You might carry disposable washcloths if you often do treatments “on the road”.
Please don't make a big deal about it as a frantic dive to wash your hands may be quite distressing
to your client.

You might have pleasant music playing if you both agree. There are many tapes and CDs with
music designed for Reiki treatments and similar work. Some clients are distracted by music while
others prefer to have it. Many people burn a quality incense or use an aromatherapy oil in a
diffuser. Inquire about allergies before using a fragrance, and use only genuine essential oil if
possible. You might offer a cup of Herb tea or water after a session. Clients should always be
encouraged to drink lots of water.

I do sometimes use crystals in conjunction with Reiki but in most cases I limit this to having
amethyst, clear quartz or Rose Quartz under the Reiki table and crystals in the treatment room
(which is where they are anyway) unless I feel strong intuitive guidance to use them. Combining
Reiki with laying on of stones can overwhelm some clients and may even give them a headache.
Holding a clear quartz ball or crystal while running Reiki through it is sometimes used for breaking
up severe blocks and stagnation in the energy field.

Toning may be used if you feel a strong intuitive urge to do so but as with crystals should not be
used casually. These are not part of traditional Reiki treatments and aren't likely to be available in
emergencies so please do not depend on these enhancements. Reiki will work just fine with no frills
at all.

The United States has very severe penalties for practicing medicine without a license.
Reiki is not Diagnostic. We do not in any way attempt to locate or define medical or
Psychological needs. Anyone seeking Reiki treatments who has a medical condition should be
reminded to see an appropriate practitioner.

Reiki practitioners do often develop an intuition about areas of concern and possible conditions.
They might ask questions and suggest that the client ask a Doctor about something. During the
treatment many practitioners find that they sometimes receive intuitive impressions or information
about the client or situations. Check with your intuitive source before sharing any such
information. the information may be intended only for you or it may be meant for you to share.
Confirmation of whether or not to share is usually easy to receive, if unsure do not. Remember that
you are a Reiki channel not a Doctor or Psychologist (unless you are of course).

Reiki is quite effective when done as a holistic practice similar to acupressure.

Some people feel that it is more effective when Spiritual intention is added. Reiki is self
grounding and has built in protections. It can do no harm. You do not need to use any extra
procedures for protection and grounding. You may choose to do some things such as
ground and center yourself. One way of doing this is to connect with Earth and Source.

You can imagine yourself and the receiver as being surrounded by golden or rainbow light or
white or violet light. You could smudge or call in the Angels if you wish. These practices are not
standard to Reiki nor in any way required and may not effect the quality and effectiveness of the
treatment but can contribute a nice energy to the surroundings if you want to do this and have
time for them.

I often ask and invite any angels or guides who wish to help to join us, I ask my solar angel to
allow only the forces of highest Good to join us . I intend that the room be filled with Reiki energy.
You can do whatever will focus you to the purpose of giving the session. This is a personal choice.
Reiki will work without any spiritual additions at all.

The Treatment

Please allow the energies to flow. Separate yourself from the hunger for any
particular outcome. Your intention should be to give the treatment but not to try to
create any particular result. Set your personal intention that you and the treatment will do only
good. You will place your hands in the position you start with and continue through them until

Many Reiki Practitioners prefer to stand to the right of the table and move clockwise or
sun wise around the table, and to have the left hand be the far hand and the right hand be
the near hand. I suggest you practice to see what feels most comfortable and effective for
you. You should boytbe comfortable during the treatment. Some Reiki Practitioners do get an
occasional signal of a twinge of pain in their own body as guidance but If you are in pain you are
probably tensing up and need to relax.

The energy will ebb and flow during treatment but will usually only need to be turned on
at the beginning . Many practitioners do choose to reactivate the energy each time they
move their hands. During hands on treatments the hand position is changed each time the
energy tapers off. If the practitioner does not feel energy they can leave their hand in each
position for 3 to 5 minutes.

Please place your hands quite gently. There should be no weight or pressure applied.
The contact often described as a butterfly touch. Some clients do like to feel your hands placed
solidly and will kind of strain to reach up if your touch is too light but in any case you do not push
or let your hands lay heavily on the client. You can even keep your hands about an inch away in the

The hands are held slightly cupped with fingers and thumbs held together closely as though you
were swimming or like your hands are in socks . If you turned your hands upwards it would look
like you were cupping water in your hands This kind of hand position is said to represent peace
and freedom from fear.

Reiki does not use massage or tissue manipulation. Your hands are simply held gently on or over
each position until the energy ebbs. A little bit of intention or attention is needed but not intense
effort or will. Should you become distracted and feel that the energy has stopped just restart itby
intending to do so.

When doing hands on treatments your hands are left in each position until the energy begins to
taper off or for three to five minutes if you are not sensitive to the energy flow. Sensitivity to energy
can vary greatly from treatment to treatment.


Many but not by any means all practitioners end a treatment with a "Reiki finish" either
combing and smoothing out the aura with the hands or one of several other versions . I was
taught to end a session by placing my hands one on top of the other in a cross form at the
small of the back or tail bone for a minute or so but seldom do this finish any more.

One Reiki finish I use to end a session is to place one hand or the fingertips held together on the
top of the spine and the other at the tail bone or from the front on the head or collarbone and
stomach and wait approx. 3-5 min. the Reiki runs/flows from one hand to the other, so by doing the
finish one helps to effect an energetic balance. Sweeping the aura three times from top to bottom
and again from bottom to top is another popular and effective finish.

This next version of the finish is one that Mrs. Takata taught (according to "VSRC", a
Takata first and second degree student) (used with permission). " At a full treatment a
person would get very, very relaxed, and Mrs. Takata said to help with circulation she
would: Take two fingers (she used first and second) put one on either side of the spine near the
neck, or about the 7th cervical, with the other hand press down the palm at the base of the two
fingers and on top of the hand. Then "zip" the two fingers down the spine fairly quickly... with
practice you will get the right rhythm, not too fast, it will burn, not too slow, the point is to
stimulate circulation and always gentle, but firm enough to be felt.. Then, she would make circular
motions down the back on either side of the spine with her palms, then, pick up one of the legs & a
foot and rotate it in small circles, gentle massaging the calf muscles, then do the other leg & foot.
Now the person has enough circulation that when they sit up, and attempt to get down from the
table, doing it carefully they will be
comfortable." Apparently very few and possibly none of the Reiki Masters that Mrs. Takata
taught have actually used this finish.

Give the person being treated plenty of time to return to the mundane world and may
run Reiki for a minute or few minutes with the specific intention that it help the person
being treated with grounding . Intuition is the best guide. There is no one single right way
to do treatments .

About Reiki Hand Positions

These hand positions are also used in other traditional Japanese and Chinese healing modes and
are not exclusive to Reiki. Reiki does flow to where it is needed so a whole body treatment can be
given by leaving your hands in one place, however moving through the hand placements assures
that each area gets a surcharge of the Reiki and that all of the major meridian channels are treated.

Many Reiki practitioners feel that following a set of hand positions may be more effective at
making sure that areas of need receive treatment.
The Reiki will flow through each at placement even if there is another area with greater need.
Using the hand placements can also help the practitioner develop an intuitive sensitivity to energy

The basic set of twelve hand positions most Reiki practitioners use ensure that all the major
energy channels and chakra are treated to effectively cover the entire body and aura. In time most
people develop an intuitive sense of where Reiki energy is needed and may use alternative or extra
hand placements following that intuition.

Mikao Usui Sensei is said to have used five basic hand placements and additional ones in accord
with the specific needs of each client. Dr Hayashi adapted the set of hand positions now in common
use for practitioners at his clinic who had not developed strong intuition or energy sensitivity.

Most Reiki position charts start with the hands directly over the face and then move to the crown
or side of the head. I personally often start by placing my hands over the top of the head on the
crown first or on the shoulders. Many people are more comfortable with this as the first position
and young children are less likely to lick your hands when you start
with a less challenging placement than directly over their face.

Some practitioners place a tissue over the clients face before putting their hands over the face.
This would help keep odor and sweat off the clients face if there is any. Please ask before you do
this as some people are extremely uncomfortable with their face covered. (I personally have a
suffocation phobia and do not react at all well to having my face covered with anything).
Reiki Hands

The hands are held with the thumb and fingers next to each other as though they were in
socks, not mittens or gloves. They are held gently cupped as though for a swim stroke. Some
people teach that to have the fingers spread out disperses or dilutes the Reiki Energy but I have
found that the finger position does not make a significant difference.
Other energy work systems have different conventions regarding hand carriage. The tradititional
hand carriage probably is a reflection of Japanese customs regarding hand gestures. Try different
things and follow your intuition to see what works for you.

Reiki touch is very light. No pressure is applied. Nothing in Reiki resembles massage.
The energies often run for about 3 to 5 minutes in each position before tapering off. The
time a treatment takes may vary quite a bit but 40 minutes to an hour is average for a full

The hand positions on the head and throat are done while standing behind the client. Then You
move to stand at the side of the client. The hand positions on the torso are done with the fingertips
of one hand touching the heal of the other. Whether the left or right hand is the near hand or the
far hand depends on what is most comfortable for you.

Some teachers teach specific placements. These vary from teacher to teacher. The hand
positions given here are suggestions rather than absolutes. I also like to run Reiki into the joints,
shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, hips, and the hands. You can have the client turn over and repeat
the torso positions on the back if you have time and feel that you should.


Posture is an often neglected area. You will be more comfortable during treatments
if you stand with your weight balanced over both feet, knees slightly bent, feet placed a bit
apart, butt tucked in, back straight, and with your shoulders slightly rounded not held back

Below is a graphic of the hand placements and they are written out in detail further on. You can
either move both hands at once or one at a time moving the second to meet the first, lift the hands
off the body but keep them in the aura. Do not slide them along the body. begin by spending a
moment with your hands in the gassho or praying hands position at your heart or throat and focus
your intention and activate your Reiki.

Reiki Hand Placements (detailed)

Starting from a position standing behind your client's head.

1. Top of head, over the crown chakra.

2. Over the eyes ,palms on forehead, fingertips on cheekbone, this position enhances the sixth
chakra at the brow. When the eyes are relaxed the body is relaxed.
3. Sides of face, covering the temples.
4. Back of head, with fingertips at occipital ridge where the skull and neck join. This relaxes
the brain stem and cerebellum , promoting a sense of serenity and balance. This position
helps with past life recall and reduces stress. 4b. cover the jaw with palms while placing
thumbs at corner of mouth. reduces tmj.
5. Throat, Place hand in V formation over throat. releases the breath and increases Flow of
energy to whole body the thyroid gland regulates metabolism and balances blood pressure
and cleanses the lymphatic system . fifth chakra at throat enhances communication. Many people
are not comfortable with hands on their throat so you may wish to do this position within the aura
an inch or two from the skin or choose from these alternate positions. 5b. either both hands over the
throat in front. 5c .or both hands on the back of the throat 5d. or one in front and one in back 5e.
or one on the front of the throat and the other angled down over the thymus.
6. If you have not covered the thymus with the throat position place both hands in a V over
the thymus. 6b. over the chest just below the collar bones this position activates
unconditional love of self and others energizes the thymus which regulates the immune
system ,also strengthens the lungs and diaphragm .

Now move to the side of the client, most people like to move in a clockwise direction if you have
not yet covered the thymus position do it from the side.
7. Center of the chest hands either between the breasts or just above in a v or straight or
one hand in thymus area and one in the center of chest, any of these can be done holding the
hands an inch or two away from the skin without physically touching the client
strengthens heart opening, sense of compassion and empathy .It revitalizes lungs heart
and relaxes the diaphragm. Enhances love at the fourth chakra.
8. Solar plexus area above the waist just below the rib cage. This position energizes the
solar plexus for vitality and life force. As we energize this area we generate support
toward others and feel supported by the others and the universe . It helps digestion as we treat
the liver, gallbladder, stomach and spleen. This position enhances our power center at the third
9. Two inches below waist this position circulates energy throughout the whole body.
Relaxing this area helps digestion. Treats kidney and bladder encourages connection with the
emotions at the second chakra.
Some people like to move their hands down the torso in hand width lengths others do one
step at or just above the belly button and one below at the sacral chakra .
10. Place hands so they form a V on either side of the pubic bone with the fingers pointing
down and toward the middle. Many practitioners do not use this position or keep their hands in
the aura above the root chakra. 10b. An alternate position is placing the hands on either side of the
pubic area with hands together first on one side and then on the other. This position relaxes large
and small intestines , bladder ovaries and prostate. This position releases accumulated anxiety and
fear as an activity of the first chakra at the root center and helps one to feel centered and
grounded. Do not touch unless you are very good friends with the client. This is sometimes called
the “ Victorian" position. Professional Massage therapists or others who do body work may be
comfortable with contact. but others may not be.
11. Ankles
12. feet. You can treat the whole body from the feet. When time permits spend extra time
on the feet.

If there is enough time and the client is able to be comfortable face down You can have your
client turn over and do the body torso positions on the back in approximately the same locations as
the front.
B1. Place hands on top of shoulder blades either both at once or first on one and then the
other. This position relaxes trapezium muscles, deltoids and upper spinal column it reduces
stress and promotes relaxation.
B2. Place hands at mid back position hands side by side either both at once or first on one
side and then the other. this position strengthens and relaxes adrenal glands and helps to
release fears phobias and disturbing moodiness .
B3. Place hand at the base of the back on either side of the spine.
B4. Another position is to place hands on either buttock either both at once or first on one
and then on the other these positions balance sciatica and assists the receiver in feeling
more present in the world .
Before finishing the treatment. Place hands on the knee and feet working on one side first
and then the next. There are chakras in both these areas and the Reiki energy can release
energy blockages there to increase the flow of energy. This helps people to be more
flexible and to take action when needed.
I like to run Reiki into the joints, shoulders, elbows , wrists, knees, and hips, and the hands. This
releases tension and stress that is held in the joints. Each area of the body has a symbolic meaning
in its healing, releasing tension in the ankles assists in reaching higher goals, releasing tension in the
knees assists in release of emotion and ability to forgive. When the shoulders are free of tension and
stress there may be increased determination.

Additional hand positions

Some additional positions are: The "psych" with the fingers of one hand held over the third eye
in the center of the brow and the other at the back of the head where the skull and the neck join.
For treating emotional and mental issues .

The "Reiki drain" with the hands turned up away from the client's body with the intention of
relieving excess energy buildups.

The "laser" The thumb and first two fingers of each hand are brought together and are
used like a laser or tight narrow beam to do intense work on small areas . Larger areas are
treated with this by moving the hands in the infinity sign (a sideways figure eight).

The "benediction" with the right hand on the clients knee or shoulder and the left hand held up
in the air palm outward, said to help with spiritual and emotional healing as well as pain relief.

I like to use a "steam clean” technique where the hands are held in a v with the
fingers partially overlapped and thumbs locked together forming a V shaped space
in the middle. Envision a powerful stream of energy flowing through your hands
dislodging stubborn blocks and filling it with Reiki and light. The released gunk or
excess energy is envisioned being sucked away through a pipe of light where the
space between your hands and thumbs is. You may sometimes feel guided to run
energy with one hand on the front of the body around the kidney area and one on
the back running the Reiki from one hand to the other or at the second or forth
chakra again with one hand on the front and one on the back.

The entire body and aura can be treated from the feet. You can treat the top of the foot the,
bottom and the toes and heal with separate hand placements if you have time . Most people carry a
lot of tension in the feet and there are reflexology points in the foot which promote wellness in
every part of the body.

Reiki can help you increase your intuitive abilities. So when you feel an urge to use a particular
hand position go ahead.

Here are some of the techniques taught by the school Dr. Usui' students founded in Japan. They
are almost identical to those taught in most subtle touch systems throughout the world. These are
commonly taught in Qi Gong and aid removal of negative energies.
In some areas these might be considered massage and could bring up legal issues as licenses and
certification is often required for massage.
1. Tapping
This means to lightly and rhythmically tap or pat the ki field with either your palm or fingertips.
This is useful to relieve stagnation or congestion and to improve circulation.

2. Pushing , Pulsing
Slightly open and close the palm. Resembles a kneading cat motion. Stretch the fingers and hand
open, then relax. Do this repeatedly at a steady pace. the qi is emitted from the center of the hand.
The indications for pulsing are similar to tapping. Stimulates and improves circulation. Pulsing can
be used over any area of the body that requires it, including specific acupressure points. If you
pulse directly over an acupuncture point, you may feel tingling and warmth at the point or
radiating along the meridian.
3. Stroking, Waving, combing
Is very useful for congestion or pain. The fingertips sweep down the patients energy field, as though
brushing the pain away.
Not part of Dr. Usuis' System as far as I know, but some teachers teach fluffing the aura prior to
combing or waving. That is to raise your hands up through the aura from root to above the crown
with little stirring movements.

Chair Reiki, giving treatments to seated recipients

Sometimes there is no massage table or other comfortable place for a client to lie down. Reiki
treatments can be given to a seated person quite easily and effectively. Seated treatments often take
much less time than full treatments on a massage table. The chair used does not matter, as long as
the recipient sits comfortably and the practitioner can be comfortable while giving the treatment.

Make sure the recipient is grounded, with both feet flat on the ground and in upright position.
The first and simplest chair treatment is to stand behind the chair with the other person seated with
their feet on the floor, hands on their lap, palms are usually turned up but this is not essential, legs
uncrossed. Place your hands on their shoulders. Activate Reiki and leave your hands in place until
the energy tapers off, that's it. This Method usually runs 10 minutes or so before tapering off.
You can also do a simplified hands on treatment on seated recipients using the
traditional hand positions and kneeling for the lower hand placements.

A more detailed chair method

1. stand behind the person, with your hands lightly on the shoulders.
2. place both hands, side to side on top of the head.
3. hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head.
4. Optional position, from behind the person, put both hands on the chest.
5. from the side, place one hand under the collar bone and one on the back
6. Continue by placing one hand on the solar plexus and the other at the same
height on the back. By this time you can sit on a chair if you have one
7. place one hand under the navel ( second chakra) and the other at the same
height at the back.
8. Hold both knees, while sitting or kneeling in front of the person.
9. finally go to the feet.
10. run your hands through the energy field of the legs a few inches out 3 times.
11. run your hands down the aura three times: front, back and sides.
12. Go behind the person and place your hand in starting position.

Hands Off treatment

While Reiki one focuses on contact treatment you can also run Reiki in the aura an inch or two
out from physical contact.
Here's a generic hands off treatment that's used more often by various forms
of subtle touch healing practitioners than by Reiki practitioners .
Reiki one practitioners can do this by keeping the hands close to the client's body and activating
Begin with the hands over the top of the crown and then move to the side
and place one hand in front and one in back and run the energy into each of the
chakras and other energy centers moving down the body : brow , throat , thymus (middle of
upper chest), heart, solar plexus, hara ( at or just below the belly button), sacral chakra, tail bone .
During this quick treatment you may instinctively find yourself moving your hands in and out as
the chakra balances and is set in place.

More ways to apply Reiki

Here are more ideas on using your Reiki.

When you become stressed or anxious, run down or exhausted as a result of something happening
in your life, then give yourself additional Reiki self treatment.

At mealtimes it can be very beneficial to Reiki your food for a moment or two before eating it,
whether you are at home or in a restaurant. You can just discretely place your hands near or over
the food you will find that any negativity that has attached itself to the food will be removed by a
short treatment! Same applies to water try Reiki-ing the water from your tap and see if it tastes

When you give young children Reiki they often seem to absorb the energy quicker so
you may need to make the time spent in each hand position shorter. When they get
restless - move on. Most babies and toddlers love Reiki.

Animals do not have much patience and if they are feeling well they may reject the
energy but when ill they will usually accept it. Again do not hold the hand positions for long
one or two minutes is enough. Cats, however sometimes love it and often arrive to soak
up the energy after you have given a treatment. Some cats are not interested. To give
Reiki to a pet, simply place your hands wherever they comfortably fit over or near the pain
area with the intent to heal. Reiki will do the rest, placing the energy where it is needed. When they
have had enough, they will move. Sometimes they will come back to you
when they want more! Some animals Love Reiki and will frequently "demand" some.

Plants will respond effectively to Reiki. Like humans and animals they have a life force
which responds to the Reiki energy. Cut flowers can be given a Reiki treatment which
may help to preserve them longer. Just hold your hands above the blooms as if you are
blessing them. With potted plants it is best to treat them by holding the pot between your
hands, assuming it isn't too heavy. I have given Reiki to wounded Dragonflies and they seemed to
love it. Trees are an amazing reservoir of universal energy and often they respond to receiving
Reiki energy by giving energy back to the giver. So go and hug a tree and feel them 'blessing' you.
Some trees are really surprised to have people offer to give them anything.

The general ethical rule is that you do not send treatment without permission but if you
intend that the Reiki is offered and may be accepted, refused, observed or sent to where
needed most it will usually be accepted if not always by the person or being you had offered
to treat.

Mikao Usui
Mikao Usui developed the system of natural healing referred to as Usui Reiki.
the Dr. is an honorific as a substitute for the Japanese word Sensei with translates as
teacher and is a title of great respect. Usui Sensei was born around 1865. He died in 1926, of a
stroke. The story of Reiki that has come out of Japan recently begins when Dr. Usui’s business fails.
This failure left him in great debt, and with a great desire for more than just material gain. On Dr.
Usui’s memorial stone is carved the following statement: “One day he went to Mount Kurama on a
21 day retreat to fast and meditate. At the end of this period he suddenly felt the great Reiki energy
at the top of his head, which led to the Reiki healing system.” In Frank Petter’s book “Reiki Fire”,
Frank quotes a Mr. Oishi, who learned Reiki in the 1950’s from a master initiated by Dr. Usui. “Dr.
Usui used to meditate at a waterfall on Mt. Kurama. One day, while standing under the waterfall,
he had a satori.” Satori is a Japanese concept in which a person has a sudden realization of a great
or universal truth . After this experience Dr. Usui opened the “Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai”, the “Usui
Reiki Healing Society.” According to his memorial stone: “He opened a clinic in Harajuku,
Aoyama, Tokyo in April of 1921. He not only gave treatments to countless patients, some of whom
had come from far and wide, but he also hosted workshops to spread his knowledge. In September
of 1923, the devastating Kanto earthquake struck Tokyo. Thousands were killed, injured, or
became sick in its aftermath. Dr. Usui grieved for his people, but he also took Reiki to the
devastated city and used its healing powers on the surviving victims.”
After this Dr. Usui traveled and taught throughout Japan. During his stay in Fukuyama, he
suffered a fatal stroke. in 1926. His memorial stone states that he taught Reiki to over
2000 people though he taught for only five years.
Since the passing of Dr. Usui, there have been six presidents of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, and
they are: Mr. Ushida, Mr. Taketomi, Mr. Watanabe, Mr. Wanami, Ms. Kojama and Mr. Kondo, who
has been in office since 1998. “Reiki Fire” (ISBN 0-9144955-50-0) and “Reiki: The legacy of Dr.
Usui” (ISBN 0-914955-56-X) are both written by Frank Petter. These two books are an excellent
source of information concerning the history of Reiki, the philosophy and the techniques of Dr.
Usui, developer of Reiki. Both are published by Lotus Light Publications, Box 325, Twin Lakes, WI
53181, USA.

A Brief Reiki History

Mikao Usui Sensei Usually called Dr. Usui in the West, was apparently a bit of a
renaissance man having held many jobs and studied very broadly he is thought to have
Studied Buddhist, Taoist and Chinese Christianity Shinto and intensively in active search
of methods of spiritual healing and after much study received the Reiki energies at the end of a 21
day fast and meditation on Mount Kurama.

Usui Sensei received Reiki through spiritual realization (satori) and apparently later added the
use of symbols as a tool for those who were not ready to access Reiki by direct
intention . The symbols used in advanced Reiki levels were Japanese written characters
with esoteric meanings with which Usui Sensei would probably have already been familiar,
these esoteric meanings fit the use of the Reiki energy for specific purposes and the
symbols themselves were never secret but were rather obscure .
There are no symbols used in most Reiki one levels. They are introduced during the second
degree training. There are many stories about Usui Sensei's discovery of the power and use of the
Reiki energy the most common belief being that he had found information about the use of healing
energy in ancient texts and during his meditation on Mt Kurama was seeking the attunement to
enable him to use the Reiki.
Among the stories, Dr. Usui is said to have practiced Reiki healing in the slums of Kyoto
For many years. He is said to have become angry that many of the beggars he healed preferred to
be beggars instead of getting jobs. He decided that there must be an exchange of value in order for
the healing to be valued.
The definition of exchange of value that has been used in the West has been rather more
narrowly defined than that used traditionally in Japanese Spiritual and ethical systems.
This is the story has been used in part to justify in part the very high charges for Reiki Services
and attunements by some practitioners. This story is more likely to have been intended to indicate
that you can neither force healing nor define what it means to others. This set of stories and
requirements does not seem to be common among those who teach Reiki in Japan . Dr. Usui taught
several Doctors his Reiki Healing. There are still groups of practitioners in Japan who still teach
Dr Usui's Methods . One of the people Dr Usui taught was Dr. Hayashi, who set up a clinic and
adapted Hand Positions and much of the formal system including the Three Degrees of the version
of Reiki most often taught in the west which has come to be known in the USA As Usui Reiki or the
Usui universal life energy healing system. Dr. Hayashi seems to have emphasized the physical
healing aspect of Reiki and developed a more medical oriented set of Reiki practices discarding
most of the spiritual development meditations Dr. Usui is said to have taught .

Dr. Hayashi was the director of one of at least 40 Reiki clinics that existed in Japan prior to
World War 2 . He was not Dr Usui's sole chosen Successor and the Title of Grand
Master was never used in Japan for any Reiki Teacher . He is the person who attuned
Mrs. Hawayo Takata.
Mrs. Hawayo Takata, A widow from Hawaii, had come to Japan to inform Her Parents of
the Death of a relative and fell ill. She came to Dr. Hayashi's Clinic after hearing a voice
tell her that an operation was not necessary as she waited for surgery for a chronic
condition. Her condition responded and was healed at the clinic Mrs. Takata was able to
get Dr. Hayashi to give her the Reiki attunements for levels one and two before she
returned to Hawaii. Dr. Hayashi later came to Hawaii and attuned Mrs. Takata to The
Master Level. Mrs. Takata opened a clinic in Hilo and charged $10000.00 for the Reiki
Master Attunement . She apparently felt that Americans would only value Reiki if it was very
expensive. This very expensive training was intended to be a long apprenticeship in which the
student attended and gave many supervised treatments and assisted at many of the teachers classes
rather than the shorter and less expensive training than is common now.
Mrs. Takata was apparently required to work at Dr Hayashi's Clinic for over a year in
order to receive the attunements and training and that, along with the expense of her
journey to Japan may have been taken into consideration when she set her fees.
Some of her clients and students seem to have been rather well off and the fees may not have
been at all difficult for them to pay. By Mrs. Takata's death in 1980 she had reportedly attuned 22
Reiki Masters. Since her death Many teachers have lowered the price greatly and many different
schools or Reiki variants have evolved Reiki is becoming much more widely known and used
throughout the world.

Dr Usui was never a Christian Minister or the President of a Christian School In Japan.
That particular version of the Reiki History was probably created by Mrs. Takata or one
of her associates in order to give Reiki more appeal to people in the United States. shortly
before World War 2. Other common versions of Dr. Usui's life include reports or stories of his
being a Buddhist, a Shinto Mystic, a medical or natrapathic type Doctor and a Government official
or clerk, book keeper .His memorial stone is at a temple in Tokyo and has an inscription about his
skill as a healer and help during the great Tokyo Earthquake.
The details of the history of Reiki seem destined to be some what uncertain.

The Reiki Principles of Mikao Usui

There are many versions of the Principles of Reiki, Which were adapted by Dr Usui possibly
from the Meiji Emperor's precepts or other common sets of ethical precepts. Dr. Usui encouraged
people to read the poetry of this emperor regularly. There are many translations and
interpretations of the Principles.

I give thanks for my many blessings

Just for today I will not anger
Just for today I will not worry
I will do my work honestly
I will be kind to people and every living thing

A more literal translation

The Sacred method of Inviting Blessings

The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses
Today only, do not anger; do not worry.
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to people.
In the morning and at night hold your hands in prayer,
meditate and chant these words.

Here are Usui Sensei's affirmations in phonetic Japanese form.

Lowercase vowels are barely pronounced:
(these 2 lines are the heading)
SHO FUKU NO HI HO [Secret method of inviting blessings]
MAN BYO NO REI YAKU. Spiritual medicine of many illnesses]
(these are the actual affirmations)
KYO DAKE WA OKORU NA, SHIN PAI Su NA. [ Today only anger not worry not]
KAN SHA SHiTE NARIWAI O HAGAME. [Do your work with appreciation]
HITO NI SHIN SETSu NI [Be kind to people]
(the instructions)
evening hands in prayer chant these words]
SHIN SHIN KAI ZEN USUI REIKI RYOHO [The Usui spiritual method to improve mind and
CHOSO USUI MIKAO [Author Mikao Usui ] (the signature)

Expanding on the Reiki Principles

I give thanks for my many blessings
This appears in some of the Reiki Principle lists but not all, in any case having optimism and
appreciation and cultivating an attitude of feeling blessed at all that you have and experience and
also feeling joy at the benefits and blessings of others is a way of life that will attract more blessings
into your life.
Just for today I will not worry
If you cannot do something about a problem there is no point in worrying.
If you can do something about a problem do it and then you will have no cause to worry.
When we worry, we may forget that we are connected with the energy of universal love.
The more we allow that energy to flow through us the more we become open to experience
ourselves as part of a safe and loving universe.
Just for today I will not anger.
This does not mean to keep anger bottled up inside or to pretend that it isn't there. But do not let
anger consume you. When you can look at the situation that you react to with anger you can often
uncover information about yourself and your expectations.
I do my work with appreciation
I see this as not just job related but as a call to live with integrity to make the best effort to do your
work and to live well in the sense of spiritual wholeness and honor.
Be kind to people and every living thing
Being aware of ourselves as part of an interconnected whole and understanding that what we put
into life is what returns to us. When we are not worrying or being angry and are grateful for our
life and work we will naturally be kind. The repeated call Just for today reminds us to live in the
present .

Treatment and ethics review

Reiki first Degree works on a physical level - you usually need to touch the recipient to connect
them with Reiki. What can be treated? Reiki can aid in the healing of just about every known
illness and injury. It can also help to break unwanted habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.
People have also used Reiki to assist creativity and meditation to help wake up or to get to sleep.
1. Ideally the practitioner should be in the right frame of mind, relaxed and calm.. This is to
promote the flow of Reiki unfiltered by the practitioners own energy. I find that the correct
mental state will assert itself when needed.
2. The treatment should be conducted in a relaxing place where both the practitioner and
recipient feel comfortable. It is nice if there are no distractions like phones ringing, callers or
television or radio, but you can do Reiki any place at any time.
3. Playing soothing music such as classical music or new age music or environmental sounds such
as rain forests and other natural sounds can aid relaxation of the person being treated , especially if
they have come to see you for the first time and are in strange surroundings.
4. It is best if conversation ceases during the treatment, although sometimes especially during the
first visit, the client will want to ask questions. Try to answer them before starting the treatment, or
afterward. Although the energy will not normally be interrupted during conversation, The client
will be less relaxed while conversing. Some people do prefer that you explain what you are doing as
you give the treatment .

The giving of a Reiki treatment can be in part a spiritual process and it is sometimes
possible for a sensitive practitioner to access information from a person during treatment
with their own intuition or psychic ability . Practitioners should use discretion about sharing this
with the client as it may be intended only for the practitioner. Respect the confidentiality of their
client anything that might pass between the client and practitioner during the treatment will not
be divulged.

Reiki treatment checklist.

1. Before the recipient arrives –you may wish to spend a little time in meditation or self
treatment some people like to smudge the room. (smudging is optional)
2. Find your inner calm, avoid rushing around.
3. Spend a few minutes with the client to gain rapport . Make sure they have enough time for
you to complete the treatment .You can do a shorter treatment if the do not have an hour or forty
five minutes.
4. Explain the Reiki process and hand positions.
5. Answer any questions - make sure there is enough time after the treatment to answer
any others that might arise.
6. Try to Ensure that you will not be interrupted. Lock the door, switch off the phone.
Though excellent treatments can occur under chaotic conditions too.
7. Try to use a CD on 'repeat' rather than a cassette player with its loud clicks
when the tape ends. It also means you do not have to get up half way through to turn the tape
8. Make sure that both you and the client are comfortable.
Posture is important. You will
be more comfortable during treatments if you stand on both feet , knees slightly bent, feet placed a
bit apart, butt tucked in back straight and shoulders slightly rounded not held back rigidly. You
won't want to get stiff limbs or pins and needles because you have put your body into an awkward
position. If you are standing make sure the massage table is at the correct height for you and if you
are healing on a divan/bed find a stool at the correct
height to allow you reach across the client without strain. Remember have a blanket or rug ready
in case the client feels cold. This can happen when you move down to the legs .
9. If you wish Ask Angels or your Reiki guides for assistance (a personal option) and then
begin the treatment using the techniques and hand positions taught. Many people like to place
there hands in the Gassho (prayer position) Allow your consciousness to meld with that of the
recipient. Your intuition can guide you and lead your hands. It is not necessary to stick rigidly to
the hand positions listed - they serve as a guide. But it is best if you do know the hand positions.
When you move your hands some people prefer to move only one
at a time and take the other one off to 'meet' it. That way the connection will
remain continuous. not everyone finds this to be essential. Do keep your hands in the
aura as you move them if possible. Keep your touch light and without pressure. The hands are held
with fingers and thumbs together and slightly cupped. Lift your hands rather than sliding them
along the body.
10. Once you have completed the front of the body, ask the client to turn
over so you can treat the back. If it is comfortable for the client to do so.
Pregnant women and persons with joint problems or injuries etc. can be treated entirely
from the front or side if that is more comfortable for them.
11. After completing the treatment, if you wish, cleanse the aura gently
from the crown to the feet with a sweeping motion, discard any debris, and then
bring the aura back to the crown. Thank any Reiki guides and helpers for
assisting if you had called on them.
12. Some people use gentle pressure on the recipient's shoulder until they come back to full waking
consciousness. I prefer to suggest that they take all The time they need to return to alertness before
they sit up. You might offer them some fresh water or herb tea.
13. Take some time to discuss the treatment, any feelings, and give advice about further treatments.

14. Settle any arrangements for payment or exchanges if applicable.

15. Ensure that your client has your details and knows how to contact you for advice or assistance.
16. Try to Keep a record of your clients and their details, name, address, as
well as treatment dates, feedback and any fee charged. People who do lots of large group healing
circles or drop in clinics may not find it practical to keep detailed records.

The exchange issue

Anyone who becomes involved in Reiki is likely to eventually encounter an issue and
Cultural /Ethical conflict. There is a clash between a view that a true "Healer" would never charge
or expect compensation for the work, and A philosophy stated to be A teaching of Dr. Usui, that one
must give some exchange to receive full benefit and must balance any exchange of energy and that
free treatment creates an unacceptable spiritual debt for the healee. The attitude that people only
value what they pay for vs the attitude that spiritual energies are a gift from God and must in
honor be free. These being only a few of the components in this issue . The idea that Usui Sensei
required a major cash outlay has been disproved . The Reiki Organizations in Japan may charge a
monthly membership fee and do not accept many members. The achievement of Reiki one through
them may take a year or more.
The beggar story (That Usui Sensei healed in a slum for many years until discovering that many
beggars preferred to remain beggars) that is often told to illustrate a supposed exchange
requirement was probably meant to illustrate that not everyone wants to be healed . You cannot
define what constitutes healing to another. You cannot force healing . (This same story is taught in
some Buddhist sects with different people and to illustrate different points too and is in my
opinion, a traditional teaching Parable that has been adapted ).
I do not have the skill to resolve the complex issue of exchange for anyone but regret that such
conflicts may restrict the availability of this and other wonderful tools for wholeness. It is
common for people to devalue themselves to the point where they will not pay for something that
could help their own well being.
A good portion of the first Reiki class I took was taken up with various stories, arguments and
indoctrination on the theme of a need to charge for giving Reiki , and the presentation of Reiki as a
career . I mention the issue because whatever the Reiki training or system you work with you will
encounter this issue and need to work out your personal values about this. I do suggest that we all
strive to put aside our preconceptions on this issue and be truly fair .
It is important that no one feel abused or used . I also do not think it is fair to castigate someone
as being greedy if they want a fair payment for the time and energy and work they do even if you
wish that the service was free. I also wonder that so many people feel that their own health ,
happiness and spiritual evolution is not worth even a modest cost for a class or treatment . Part of
the issue for both students and teachers / practitioners is how much we love and respect ourselves .
Any fee or exchange should be fair ,equitable and acceptable to all parties involved . It often does
seem that people use and appreciate Reiki more if they have made some kind of contribution of
their energy and resources and have helped to cover the cost to the practitioner of providing the
time ,site training , materials and personal effort for the class or treatment. Many Reiki Masters
who began by offering free attunement find that they cannot continue to do so because the actual
cost to them of manuals other materials , childcare and so on is too great a burden on their
families . Oddly It is also true that some of the very people who are most insistent that Attunement
should be free also feel that "you get what you pay for " .
The tradition of exchange is a valid one , we all Return to the Universe what we receive and
receive what we send out. Exchange can be any use of the energies received for the universal good .
I do accept the concept of exchange for value and I do believe in balance . Exchange is indeed
the universal Law but to me exchange and Karma are not simple one to one events that occur in
linear reality but are universal in scope. we can complete an exchange through service to the
universe but on the other hand criticizing people who need support in order to eat is not good
Karma either. money does work though .
I used to do a large number of free attunements but the actual cost was too hard on my family who
also wanted more of my time . I now teach classes usually for one or two people at a time in person
for a moderate fee (and in seven years have barely received back the cost of the Reiki classes I took
and the Massage tables I use, which break) .
I do participate in several free training organizations and exchange information freely .

It is said that a butterfly in New York can effect the weather in Beijiing, insisting always on
immediate exchange in the name of balance may in my experience create a greater imbalance
because an earlier imbalance may have been being rectified one must use ones own intuition and
understanding regarding this. Not only may what is right for me not be right for you but what is
right for me now may not be right for me tomorrow. Reality is flexible I appreciate that this issue
gives the opportunity to clarify our understanding of our own values and needs ,and encourage us
all to become clear on how we each feel about it rather than accepting as an absolute anyone else's
unexamined opinions. It is not having the energy that makes one a Reiki "master" it is what you do
with them after you get them. Generally I with regard to compensating light workers I hold to the
old saw that all Absolutes are wrong including this one.) the only thing I am opposed to is being
rigid and uncompromising.

This technique is said to be from a Taoist qigong movement and is now taught in the Japanese
Reiki society founded by Mikao Usui. This can be used as a daily meditation along with the
recitation of the Reiki principles in the morning and evening if you wish .
This Technique has become known to Western Reiki practitioners through seminars
conducted by Hiroshi Doi who has studied with the Japanese Reiki Society as well as
western Reiki.
Hatsurei-ho is done prior to receiving Rei-ju the channel strengthening form of
attunement used by the Reiki Gakkai. Many teachers are offering reiju at Reiki shares
This is very similar to practices I have found in
many energy work meditation and healing systems throughout the world. is a modified
version from the school of Mr. Doi who has both Western and Japanese Reiki Training.
Hatsurei-ho is a practice to enhance your Reiki channel and spiritual growth.
It is very similar to the grounding, clearing and channel building exercises used in
many different metaphysical spiritual healing traditions. Many Reiki teachers do teach
some of these exercises as an addition to their Reiki training.

Posture : Sit on the floor or chair. Relax and close your eyes. Place your focus onto your
Hara-line (3-5 centimeters below navel. Put your hands on your lap with palms down.
Focusing : Mentally intend to begin Hatsurei-ho

Dry bathing or Brushing off:

1. Place the fingers of your right hand near the top of the left shoulder, with the fingertips over
the indentation just in from the edge of the shoulder (where the collar bone
meets the shoulder). The hand is lying flat.
2. Draw the flat hand down across the chest in a straight line, over the "V" of the sternum
(where the rib cage meets) down to the right hip.
3. Repeat this procedure on the right side, using the left hand. Draw it flattened from the
shoulder, in a straight line, across the sternum, to the left hip.
4. Repeat the procedure again on the left side.
5. Place the right hand on the edge of the left shoulder, fingertips on the edge
pointing outwards.
6. Draw the right hand, flattened, down the outside of the arm, all the way to
the finger tips, all the while keeping the left arm straight and at your side.
You may do this with your left arm straight and out in front of you horizontally
7. Repeat this process on the right side, with the left hand on the shoulder and
drawing it down the right arm to the fingertips.
8. Repeat the process on the left side again.
Connect to Reiki
Raise your hands high up in the air, visualize and feel the vibration/light of
Reiki flowing into your hands and run through your whole body.
Cleansing Breathing
1. Put your hands on your lap with your palms up and breath naturally through
your nose. Focus on your hara line and relax.
2. When you breath in, visualize the white light of Reiki coming in through your
crown chakra, on to your hara line and expand to whole of your body,
melting all your tensions.
3. When you breathe out, visualize that the light that filled up your whole body,
expands to outside of your body through your skin, onto infinity in all directions.
Continue for a couple of minutes or as long as you like
Put your hands together holding them in front of your chest (like praying hands) a little
higher than your heart. (Gassho)

Imagine that you are breathing through your hands.

1. When you breath in, visualize that the light of Reiki flows in through your hands
on to your hara line, your hara being filled with light.
2. When you breath out, visualize that the light stored in your hara line radiate out through your
hands. Continue for a couple of minutes or as long as you like
Put your hands back on to your lap with your palms down.
Mentally confirm that you have completed Hatsurei-ho
Open your eyes and shake your hands up/down/left/right for a few seconds.

Reiju is given by Reiki Masters during the meditation part of Hatsu-rei-Ho

so if you are receiving Reiju you will continue meditation until you are touched on the
shoulder or told that Reiju is complete.

Usui-sensei's Shuyo ho
The Hatsurei ho taught by Mr. Doi is a modified version
of Usui-sensei's original. How it is done originally is also described in his book. Hatsurei-ho
is called "Shuyo ho" when it is done together in a group. It was done like this:
I. Clear one's mind by singing Gyosei (the Waka poems of the emperor)
II. Seiza - sit on the floor in zen style

III. Kenyoku - brushing off

IV. Joshin Kokyu - Soul cleansing breathing: meditation focusing on "tanden"

V. Gassho

VI. Seishin Toitsu - continue to meditate (this is when "Reiju" is give by


VII. Gokai sansho - say Reiki principles aloud three times

The Aura, meridians and Energy body

Usui Sensei was probably much more familiar with the meridian channels of the energy body
which are used in traditional Japanese and Chinese Medicine .The Reiki hand positions cover the
major meridian channels at junctions I'm told are significant to those familiar with


The hand positions also cover the Chakra which Many Western Reiki teachers find simpler to use
in teaching. The positions do treat the whole being including the non physical or energy body or
aura as it is more often called in the West. Whatever map of the energy body you use the Hand
positions will treat the entire person.
I will go into some detail about the aura and the chakra which are part of the aura because that is
the map I learned to work with.
Your actual physical body is only a small part of your true self .
What you see is not all you get. The human body is not just the blood and bones we perceive on
the physical plane. We are made of energy that permeates every layer of our being, it is us. What
we know as the physical body is just energy that is vibrating more slowly than the energy that is
beyond our standard perception. The aura or energy field is usually invisible to the physical
vision but most people can learn to perceive it in one way or another with practice. The aura is
densest close to the body and becomes finer moving away from it . Most human Auras extend from
1 to five feet out around the body. though in more spiritually developed individuals it is said that
they can extend outward up to 50 feet from the body. and even further in some cases. The Aura
and energy body has layers and energetic structures and channels and organs within it. Trauma
and emotional disturbance can create blocks and other damage in your energy body, if this
damage is not repaired and continues to occur over a time then the outward manifestation of
this is disease.
The aura is the field of energy that permeates the body and extends out from it from two to five
feet in most people some common names for the aura layers from the inner most dense to the outer
finer or higher vibration layer are 1. etheric 2. emotional 3. mental 4. causal 5. etheric template 6.
intuitive 7. cosmic. these names are by no means complete or definitive and several of the individual
layers and the whole system is /are often called the astral body.
There are many more layers of the energy body or aura than the seven most often listed I have
been told there are actually 32 and also that there are 89 but I am not in a position to count them.
These aura layers are not segregated in the way the use of the word layer
might seem to imply. Each layer of the aura interpenetrates the others and begins at our
center. The vibration of each level becomes finer and higher as we go from the inside out. The aura
levels do not correspond directly to the esoteric planes which is a whole other incredibly complex
and obscure area of study. While it is true that we are only part of a vast interconnected energy
universe we will focus on the individual human aura now.
There has been considerable confusion and variation about the names given each of the
seven most well known aura levels. These descriptions are of common ways the aura is
perceived but are by no means the only or definitive description. When trying to see the
aura, please remember that this is subtle energy and is not a light show. While aura
viewing is not a strong ability of mine I discovered that I had been seeing them fairly often
but had been dismissing them as optical effects or heat waves and such, though I am better
able to feel the energy layers than to see them. The aura changes constantly it may have a
predominant color in the emotional and causal layers. The way the aura is perceived can vary
greatly from person to person so remarks about the layers are based on a general consensus but are
by no means absolute. Size also varies greatly largely depending on the energy level of the person
and the way they use that particular part of themselves. Stress, trauma and emotional pain can
show as distortions and blocks in the aura long before they manifest as illness in the physical plane.
Each layer is related to the chakra of the same number.
From the inside outward from the body or nearest the physical skin though all layers also
penetrate the body.

1. Etheric: lower astral, root chakra, a bluish or grayish layer that extends an inch or two
out from the body most associated with the physical body is the easiest to see . some
people are able to see the etheric outlines of the internal organs . Some people see a light
blue on dark blue grid. Survival issues, the physical body function and physical sensation of pain,
pleasure, automatic functions etc.
2. Emotional: Sacral Chakra, the emotional aspects of our lives and being. soft multi
colored clouds of light visible from one to six inches out this is the layer most often
described by aura readers it will show dark spots or cloudy area and stagnant areas where
emotional blocks and pain exist .
3. Mental: golden grid ,Solar Plexus Chakra, the mental body reflects the thought processes, linear
thinking. Personal power
These three bodies are the lower astral and together are said to make up the personality
and are said to begin to be created at conception and dissolve at death.

4. Causal: Higher Astral, buddic ,Heart chakra multi colored clouds ,associated with the
heart and love . this connects the lower three level with the higher three virtually all
healing energy comes through this layer it is the layer of love both specific and universal,
and the first of the spiritual layers.
5. Atmic: (Etheric template) bliss, throat chakra, the higher aspects of the will more
connection with the divine will, speech and communication, listening, taking responsibility
for ones own actions seen by some as a blue grid light ball around the body extending about
two and a half feet out from the body. it has been very rare for people to be really aware of
this layer but when balanced and active it can promote a bliss and a feeling of being moved
by the divine. It is becoming more open in people at this time. power of word, manifesting
6. Intuitive: (monadic) ketheric template, Brow chakra, multicolored threads of light,
spiritual communication Divine Love nurturing awareness of oneself as an aspect of what is
called, By some, God, Love of all life and union with the all.
7. Cosmic: universal, ketheric ball of golden or white light threads, Crown chakra, Higher
mind, connection with the divine and spiritual information and the integration of the
spiritual and physical aspects of being.


The chakra (the Sanskrit word for wheel) are the energy centers or vortex in your aura that
govern and regulate the energy entering and flowing throughout the physical and
energy bodies. They are energy structures not physical organs . The Reiki hand positions
cover the main chakra centers and the main meridian channels that the life force flows
through. Adding the shoulder and hip positions to your treatment also covers the Hawaiian
AO energy centers as well. Running energy into the feet will facilitate energy flow through
all the major channels. The chakra are aligned along the central channel which runs along
the the spinal cord. Energies move up and down and also in a spiral in and out along this
channel and side channels called Ida and Pingala. The Caduceus, an ancient symbol of the
Healing arts is said to represent this flow. There are many chakra major and minor we will
focus on seven major chakra . From the top down the Chakra numbers are traditional and
are numbered from the bottom up. 7. crown ,6. the brow ,5. the throat ,4. the heart ,3. the
solar plexus ,2. the sacral (Mid stomach)and at 1. root the base of the spine.
The functions and deeper purposes of the chakra system is a vast area of study.
Chakras are composed of high frequency energy strands that the spiritual eye perceives as light
The life force is channeled to the physical body and its organs via the nadis and
meridians and enters the body through the chakras. the degree of chakra activity depends on a
combination of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of the individual.
Chakras can be damaged or blocked through an emotional upset such as conflict, loss or, accident .
Fear, anxiety and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction, it is the disruption of the chakra
and aura that create disease and disturb the energy balance of the chakras. Psychological problems
may cause 'blockages', obstructing the flow of energy into or out of the chakras. In general the
front aspects of the chakras correlate to our emotional function, the back to our will function, and
the top three chakras to our reason function. Balance in our reason, will and emotion centers is
to good health and well being. the amount of energy flowing through our chakras determines how
well we function.

The Individual Chakras

1.. Root Chakra, Muladhara, Kundalini, survival

located at the tail bone base of spine
colors: RED, black, element: earth, mineral kingdom, sense :smell
note: c mantra: lam or e as in red, vortex or petals 4 ,
governs Physical Awareness, vigor, heredity, survival, security ,passion ,feet legs survival,
and trust. your relationship with money, home, and job.

2.. Sacral Chakra, Svadistana, sensation

located at sex organs or near belly button
color: ORANGE brown element: water, plant kingdom sense: taste
note d mantra vam or o as in home vortex or petals 6
governs Social Awareness, sexuality, creativity, emotions, anger, fear instinct to
nurture, spleen, perceptions concerning food or sex.

3.. Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura power

located between the sternum bone and the belly
color YELLOW element fire animal kingdom sense sight
note d mantra ram or aum vortex or petals 10
governs Intellectual Awareness, power, accomplishments, will, ego projections, vital
energies, control, and your freedom to be yourself.

4.. Heart Chakra Anahatha Heart, love

located at heart center of chest
color GREEN, pink element air human kingdom sense touch
note f# mantra yam or a as in ah vortex 12
governs Emotional and Security Awareness , love, compassion, mediates between higher
and lower planes of being healing, lungs breath prana, sense of time , relationships in your life.

5.. Throat Chakra Visshuda creative

located at base of throat
color SKY BLUE element ether angelic realms sense hearing
note g # mantra ham or u as in blue vortex 16
governs Conceptual Awareness and Ideas , speech, hearing ,communication, self

6.. Brow Chakra Anja, intuitive

located in center of forehead above eyes
color INDIGO element spiritual vision archangels sense telepathy
note high a mantra aum om or mmm vortex 96
governs Intuitive Awareness, intuition, thought, inner and outer sight, visions ,dreams
7.. Crown Chakra Sehasara, spirit
located at top of head color VIOLET, white element cosmic kingdom
mantra aum , ee as in bee vortex 972
governs Imaginative Awareness, connection to cosmic consciousness ,spiritual, wisdom
aspirations knowledge of truth

Palm and finger Chakras

The chakras in the palms of the hands are often relegated to minor status.
They are of great value in daily life and must be open and active for sharing Reiki treatments and
other healing energies .
These chakras transmit healing energy and receive energetic information from the
universe. The palm chakras are used to channel healing energies to yourself and others
and to receive impressions of the energy of a room, person, situation, etc. These chakras
make a major difference in the quality of life when they can be opened by intention.
practice in becoming aware of the energy of the palm chakras is essential if you are at all
interested in energy work and spiritual healing. healing chakras also activate in the

Transpersonal chakras

The most important of the transpersonal chakras are the thymus or etheric heart in the
upper chest which governs compassion and inner peace and the connection to world soul.
The Soul Star about a foot above the head which brings in spiritual energy from the
spiritual core and helps us connect with spiritual energy and information.
The Earth Star about a foot below our feet that brings in and connects us to the Earth
energies and information . It is important to develop the Soul Star and Earth Star
The Tan Tein or Hara located about two finger widths below the navel on most people is a
vital center for connection and storage of vital energies and concrete awareness of the

The most important evolution happening at this time in the energy body is the unification of the
chakra functions all the chakras are beginning to work together more than in the past. The Reiki
Attunement I offer includes attunement to help facilitate harmonizing the

Energy Balls and other non Reiki energy exercises

This exercise helps us become more aware of the energy field around us, and the influence we
have over it. The energy ball is a very common and basic core technique for becoming aware of and
directing energy. Personal energy can be felt and universal chi or energy can be used as a way of
delivering other frequencies of healing energy too. Begin by holding your hands a foot or so apart,
bringing them slowly toward each other, until you feel a slight resistance between them. It will feel
as though a mass of energy has built up between your hands.
Feel all around this energy with your hands, feeling the shape of the packet of energy you have
gathered. Fashion it into a ball shape. For some this ball will begin by being cup sized, for others it
will be a big beach ball. This may take some practice to feel. some people do not sense energy this
way at all. Sometimes people don't feel their own energy ball, but they would feel other people's
because the frequency is slightly different. If you do not feel the energy ball might want to try this
slight variant.
Begin by rubbing your hands together briskly until they are
warm then starting at about a foot apart move your hands back and forth fairly
fast shortening the distance and slowing a bit as you continue to build and form the energy ball
you may also try scooping motions from a bit above your head .

Treatment with energy ball

Move your hands back and forth as though clapping in slow motion until you have a sense of
your aura. Then feel or envision or imagine the energy forming a ball of healing light. Pumping or
scooping motions to help draw in more Chi are often quite effective.
When you feel or imagine a nice big ball of energy between your hands take the energy
ball to your recipient and lower, push, put it into their body you can either put it in and
smooth it down and make another ball and keep doing it until you feel done or you can
take the ball and envision it as a collector to gather and sweep the illness or imbalance
away disperse it to the Earth or the Light to be transformed when you are done envision
the one being treated bathed in healing light. White is the most common but I like
rainbow and golden light myself.
Envision healing energy flowing from your hands and going to where it is needed.
you can imagine and visualize your energy fingers growing longer so that you can reach
into a body to remove energetic gunk stuck within the energy body.
Another exercise to try is to place your hands together gently intend to activate your personal chi
or ask for spiritual energy and allow it to expand and build up moving your hands apart you can
do this with Reiki. I learned these with chi.

You can use a pumping motion to become aware of and build up your own energy . You can scoop
in universal chi from your surroundings. you can run a shakti such as Reiki into the space or ball
you create between your hands and use it as a carrier of healing in many
different subtle touch systems many general spiritual healers use energy balls .

Place your energy ball down in front of you. Pass your hand across the
area, including both the space where the ball is, and where it isn't.
Do you feel a difference? Can you feel where the ball is? It may feel
warmer, cooler, tingling, denser, etc. You could toss it at a person who agrees , or pet an
animal with it and see if they can feel it. Some animals will definitely react
to your ball of energy. The people can tell you if they felt anything.
Have them close their eyes and see if they feel when it touches them. Close your eyes and try to
feel it. Try making the ball snowball sized or smaller. Manipulate the size and/or
shape of your energy ball. Experiment. Take an energy ball that you have made, and press
the ball into your heart chakra. Press it into your 3rd eye. Press it against your skin,
and see what you feel.
There are other ways to work with energy balls. You can use
it to begin distance sending or to smooth the aura at the end of treatments. you can comb
the aura with one or use energy balls as the way to deliver the healing energy I had always
thought of the energy ball and the sending, seeing, clearing balls as being different things. I build
the healing energy ball between my hands and can send it out to others with intention or place it by
proxy in the remote healing procedure.

Other balls are visualized outside the body then filled with energy. They can be observed
to "see" events or information or to used to send an affirmation or to fill with a
manifestation visualization . They can be sent out to retrieve lost energy of your own they
can be filled with your anger fears or with pain etc. Then charged with light /energy to
dissolve and transform "negative" energy.

Using your hands to build an energy ball will work just fine for these other purposes too.
Energy balls are not a standard Reiki practice but can be a useful way to develop your
awareness of energy. To be effective at energy work it is of great value to know how to ground and
center yourself connecting with the spiritual heart of the earth and Source and calling yourself
together aligning your thoughts and personal entirety in a solid focused state. this is a frequent
basic practice in virtually all forms of spiritual work , healing, meditation, manifestation ,
protection releasing and is of itself often profoundly healing not only should every one learn to
ground in the way they feel most comfortable with. Seeing that the person you are treating knows
how to ground may be the most valuable part of your healing and energy work sessions.

Sensing Energy
Not every one does feel or see energy Reiki still works for them just as well as it works for those
who do feel energy .
Many people find that if they rub their hands together vigorously first they can feel
energy more easily . After rubbing your hands together vigorously to sensitize them if
this helps you be more aware of energy, Run your hands over your own body or that of the being
wanting a treatment holding your hands about an inch away from the physical body. Feel for hot
and cold spots in the energy field. Pull out and throw away anything you feel intuitively that you
should pull out and envision healing light filling any place where you remove blocks or that feels
empty or that you feel needs it.

Combing and fluffing the aura with your fingers as though combing hair can also help clear and
lighten the aura. You can also feel for the energy of the Chakra and encourage them
to be open and clear and be well seated in the central energy channel. If you feel sticky or dark
energy as you do this you can give it to Spirit, the Light, Earth to be transformed.

In addition to pulling out blocks and overcharges in the energy field. Visualize and allow
spiritual healing energy to flow freely and fill and charge the person or other, being
treated do not try to do anything just allow it to happen you are not using your own
personal chi because while many healers do use it you could drain yourself if you did and
create illness in your self. Using the universal spiritual chi is more effective in any case. be
a neutral channel for the energy and you may be amazed by the long term results this is the first
formal method I used. I have seen at least one genuine "miracle" from this technique alone (well,
with some pretty intense prayer thrown in.) This is something that anyone can do. Attunements
and other training will usually strengthen and increase the reliability of these methods and it
must be of true benefit and desire for the person to heal. We can not and should not define what
really is the best possible outcome in most situations but allow spirit to work. Sometimes in order
for a positive outcome to occur the first apparent result will be a setback.

When you do the Reiki or other energy work you do not work at it at all you just put your
hands on or send mentally either from your hands it is allowing the natural life force to
flow. or ask and invite angels and healing spirits of the highest order to help you.
sometimes you might feel an angelic healer reach through your arms to work on the

A technique for rapid healing from injuries that often is effective is to go back in your
mind to the moment of the accident and visualize as clearly and nearly as possible the
exact event except change a detail /details so that the accident, injury, trauma , does not
happen you are not in any way hurt, repeat the visualization over and over make it as real
as possible ,if it is practical to act out the event as closely as possible in the physical world
- as almost slamming the door on your hand that can make this even more effective. If you
are in pain and the pain is reduced then its ok to drop the visualization but keep
reinforcing this vision . You can run Reiki while you do this to enhance the effectiveness.
I have used this on cut fingers and on chronic knee pain with good results for speeding healing.
Theoretically this is more effective if done soon after an injury but I have used it on injuries and
traumatic experiences from years back with good results.

Running colors, visualizing bathing in colored light is another common way to clear and
revitalize the energy field in addition to gold light any and all of the spectrum colors can
be used or fine filaments of rainbow crystalline light . as well as running Reiki into your bath
I have Reikied my shoes and my bed and massage tables and feel that this does increase comfort .
final note
Reiki will work without a lot of adornment and additions
but for personal spiritual development, self knowledge and happiness
a regular practice of some form of meditation is extremely helpful.

The best way to learn to use Reiki is to use Reiki.

Reiki one Manual

Bibliography (this is not complete ) and listing here is not intended to indicate whole hearted
recommendation in every case.
My main intention is to have the manual that I use in personal classes available on the internet for
the benefit of my students and for others who might find value in it. I was a pioneer in remote
attunement and therefore feel a responsiblity to provide information for Reiki students who may
not have had an opportunity to receive detailed training. Traditionally many Reiki Masters
hold that the symbols are sacred or secret and should not be shown to people who are not attuned
to level two I respect them and the tradition of secrecy but feel strongly that I must have the
symbols in the manual for maximum helpfulness . I was familiar with most of the symbols in a
Buddhist context prior to receiving Reiki .The symbols cannot be used to connect with the Reiki
energy and functions unless a person has been attuned to Reiki.

Should You not wish to see them do not continue to read this manual .
About Symbols
Focus, or power symbol
Harmony, Emotional and mental
Mental and behavioral healing
Death and bereavement
Connection, Distance Healing
Remote Or Distance healing
Distance Treatments
Energy blocks and disease
group treatment
The Reiki Stack
Reiki circles and shares

All kinds of stuff people have added

and call advanced techniques
Reiki guides and angels
Symbol meditation
Manifesting goals
Reiki Crystal grids
Psychic Surgery etheric recovery
Healing Attunements
Other symbols
the end sort of
Usui Reiki Second Degree Manual
by Peggy Jentoft

The Reiki second degree training and attunement focuses on more specifically directed use of the
Reiki energy, particularly mental emotional healing and remote healing . Reiki two practitioners
also have more tools for working with other people and for the world community.
Just for today, I will not anger, I will not worry, I will do my work honestly will be kind to all people
and I will be appreciative of my many blessings .
This is a version of the Meiji Emperor's precepts which were adopted by Usui Sensei and are
known as the Reiki principles. Usui Sensei hoped that all Reiki practitioners would spend a few
moments each morning and evening to reflect on these precepts. People who do this may find that
it becomes easier to live up to them and have a happier more balanced life .
Because of the nature of remote healing and mental emotional healing work
and the fact that practitioners may find themselves developing more control of energy and their
personal will there is a need for more emphasis on ethical issues than there was in the first degree
of Reiki.
Obtain permission before treating anyone .
Some teachers feel that you must always have specific permission from the individual before
treating. Other teachers feel that when it is impossible to obtain permission you may send the
treatment as an offer which the intended recipient is free to accept or refuse. You can usually tell
after a while if energy is accepted or refused. I do not feel that it is compassionate to absolutely
refuse to offer treatment if specific permission is unobtainable . You would not allow someone to
bleed to death at the scene of an accident if you had the power to assist them even if they were not
able to give permission would you?
Never attempt to Force healing on anyone. You are not the one who is to decide what is in the best
interest of another. It can be a temptation particularly when dealing with addictions to attempt to
impose your will on another.
Never promise a healing or cure this is not in your control People have the right to choose whether
or not to accept healing even someone who comes to you for treatment may refuse to accept healing
energy .
Never Diagnose, do not give medical instructions and never suggest that anyone discontinue
medications or other treatment.
Respect your client's confidentiality. Do not repeat anything you learn during a treatment either
from the client or from your intuitive perceptions .
When using examples and case histories make sure that the parties involved can not be identified .
Being a Reiki Practitioner does not give you any particular spiritual merit. People might on
occasion try to make you a Guru. You might even get over impressed with yourself but remember
that when you see dramatic effects from treatment it is not because of your personal merit its
because of Reiki .
Energy should not be directed indiscriminately. Send energy for the highest good of all concerned.
Allow it to be used by the high self of the recipient for their greatest good. When directing energy,
ask the person first if they want a treatment or go within and ask their higher self. Use your
intuition. If the Reiki is not accepted by the recipient it will return to you. Some people send Reiki
while holding an intention that if the intended recipient wants it they can invite it in at the time
convenient to them and it will be there for that person .Never assume that another being wishes to
be healed, even if they say that they do. Don't intend to heal a person; just allow the energy to
work. Don't judge the effectiveness, the energy is working. Results may not be obvious immediately.
Reiki energy continues to work long after the actual treatment is finished. Honor the energy,
yourself , the intention and the recipient for the work performed. Where awareness is focused,
energy is concentrated .

About Symbols
There are three kinds of symbols or viewpoints about symbols that are used in healing, meditation
and for spiritual, mental and emotional development. One view is that with symbols like the
forms used in sacred geometry or the tattwas and Yantra Mandalas the actual shape or form is said
to contain the power to waken an ability or create a result or convey mystical information and
realization itself. Another possibility is that symbols acquire power by being charged with the
intention of people or from being in proximity to spiritual ability or teachers or places . The last
kind of symbol or view of symbols is that they are tools or triggers that enable you to connect with
and use a spiritual function, information, and so forth, that exists separate from the symbol itself.
The symbol is more like an on button. The power is in what the symbols represent rather than
having any power of its own. These viewpoints are not really mutually exclusive they are just
different ways of looking at things. Some people in the United states have taught that the Reiki
symbols and their names or mantra themselves had the power and were sacred and secret not to be
revealed to anyone who was not an initiate. I (the author) was already familiar with three of the
four symbols and mantra as shortcut Buddhist terms for certain concepts and had seen two of them
used carved on temple walls and embroidered on dance clothing and as good luck charms so I was
not surprised when it was confirmed that the symbols used in Reiki are mostly of the second and
third kind. Symbols are a tool to help you connect with and focus and use the Reiki energy. You
may not need to consciously use them when you are more experienced . In the beginning it is quite
sensible to use them, in time you may just tune in to the Reiki functions. On the other hand many
people do always use the symbols every time they use Reiki neither way is better than the other
way . In the Reiki symbols, the intent and the active force coincide, not in the air or on paper, but
in your heart, soul, mind, spirit. If the intent isn't there, you might just as well not draw anything.
Contrary to the popular story of symbols appearing in bubbles Usui Sensei apparently may have
started teaching his Reiki without them and later introduced the symbols to help provide focus for
people who don't sense the energy as easily as others. As a Practitioner you will know if the use of
the symbols becomes unnecessary for you. It is best to continue to be open to learn as much as
possible about the deeper meanings behind these terms or symbol forms.
There Are three traditional Symbols used in Usui Reiki level two. These do not bring in a new or
different energy as much as give you ways to focus and work with a broad range of Universal
energy frequencies for specific purposes . There is one more symbol used in the traditional Master
level of Reiki . Many Reiki variants have developed in the last 20 years since Mrs. Takatas death.
Some of these use additional symbols either from other traditions such as the om and infinity
symbols or that have been channeled by founders of these variants. My personal experience is that
you can almost always access the functions these symbols are for just by intending to use Reiki for
a purpose, say karmic healing, for example . The Symbols are traditionally drawn mentally or with
the whole hand while repeating the name /mantra of the symbol silently either one or three times
depending on the "school" your teacher belongs to. They can be visualized whole and "thrown",
drawn with the whole hand or with the third eye using tiny head movements, or drawn with the
tongue on the roof of the mouth . I was taught that using a finger alone was disrespectful but some
teachers do draw the symbols with a finger. For room clearing and blessing some practitioners use
both hands held palms together as in the Gassho or prayer position to draw large symbols with
very sweeping motions of the arms. Some people draw the symbol only at the beginning of
treatment others draw them each time they change hand placements . Some people draw all the
symbols every time and others only draw the one or ones they are calling on.
Most students find that it becomes much easier to memorize and draw the symbols after they
have been attuned to Reiki than it is before the attunement.

CHO KU REI Focus or Power

(cho koo ray) (long o in cho ) is the Usui power boost mantra and symbol to increase the effect of
Reiki . This function is said to call in higher universal energy and accelerates Reiki from low to high
and gives greater focus to the energy .Power boost is used with the other energies as well as by itself
during all treatments hands on or distance. This energy has been used to clear rooms and crystals
and to charge food and water, and in manifestation procedures . This symbol has been used as a
sort of Good Luck charm or "blessing pump" and as a protective sign. The symbol shown is with
the counterclockwise spiral which is the traditional direction some teachers have apparently
arbitrarily changed the direction of the spiral to clockwise for reasons of personal spiritual
tradition either symbol will work use what is most comfortable to you the number of times that the
spiral crosses the center line varies from four to six in different teachers renderings . most people
use symbol as they were taught by their own teacher.
his last example is in Mrs.Takata's Own Hand

The ChoKuRei symbol can help start Reiki flowing or give it a feeling of being more finely tuned or
powerful. Most practitioners use it at the beginning of sessions by drawing it on the palms of their
hands or in their minds or with the third eye or with the tongue on the roof of their mouth or over
the body or the person being treated.
Some meanings of this symbol are taken from
The Essence of Gendai Reiki-ho by Mr. Doi.
Sound - Choku Ray
First Symbol - The earth - Power up - 1st and 2nd Chakra
Relation with people - the earth has been producing, growing, purifying giving creative energy to
everything. Human bodies have the earth's intention and rhythm built in. Imbalance in it will cause
one to develop disease or unhappiness.
Functions - Activates the intrinsic functions of everything born on earth by recovering its rhythm
and balance, through resonation with the earth's conscious energy.

This Reiki function is used for Activating and Enhancing Energy , focusing , stabilizing and
fixing the energy. Clearing and cleansing , recharging and revitalizing and general healing and used
for improving the physical or material energy state.
The first symbol is often called Focus or Power symbol or Booster. The ChoKuRei is sometimes
nicknamed "the light switch" as it connects us to the energy, like a light switch being turned on. It
is thought to turn up the energy, and opens us as channels of the Reiki energy. . It can help
overcome negative resistance patterns. It can help reduce pain.

It is also used in space clearing. To cleanse a room, Draw it or visualize it in the corners or on the
walls, floor and ceiling of a room intending it be cleansed and filled with love and compassion
energies . Mentally throw it into the room intending it be filled with light . Many people do this
in the treatment area and before doing treatments or Attunements .
Draw it on objects in your environment intending they be cleansed and operate for your highest
good. Draw it on objects and run Reiki into them to charge them with Reiki. ChoKuRei can be used
in as many ways as you can think up.

You can use the ChoKuRei at the start of a healing session to feel the energetic connection to the
Reiki source. You can use it to focus power at each hand position and on any problem areas. You
could draw it over the person at the end of a healing session to seal and stabilize the healing .
Some people also use it for protection. For protection, draw it on a piece of paper and place it on
or under things you want filled with Reiki or mentally visualize or invoke it. You can visualize or
imagine the Symbol surrounding you. Draw the symbol in front and in back over and on both sides
of yourself . Draw it over food and water before you eat and drink . You can also visualize or draw
it over your head before meditation or meditate on the symbols themselves.
Draw the ChoKuRei on the shower head prior to taking a shower so that the water is filled with
Reiki as it cleanses you . Run Reiki into your bath water.
To use for manifestation you can activate Choku rei and clearly visualize what you intend to
manifest while running Reiki this will not bring you things that are not in accord with your high
self and soul purpose. Experiment !

After cleansing crystals you can use the power symbol to empower them instead of a generator
crystal. this is than traditional crystal clearing and charging methods especially if you use crystals a
lot on grids for doing multiple sends. If you find your energy flagging and have little time for a self
treatment, draw the power symbol down my body and give yourself a 5 minute zap. Draw it on the
palm of each hand before before sending distant healing. Draw it into the corners of any rooms that
need clearing. Draw it over flower essences essential oils or shampoo and other personal care items
. Draw it on a piece of paper and wrap it around a sick tree to keep the energy working .Draw it
over food.
SEI HE KI Harmony, Emotional and mental healing (say hay key)
Used to facilitate emotional and mental healing and to assist self programming and treating
addictions and habits as well as all other mental and emotional concerns, it is said to work on the
subconscious. Some teachers use it on the first 4 chakras only and some use it on all positions The
mental/emotional healing function helps to balance the right and left sides of the brain, and is often
used for healing unwanted habits or for programming in desired

Meanings of the symbols taken from The Essence of Gendai Reiki-ho by Mr.. Doi
Sound - Sei Heki Second Symbol - the Moon - Harmony - 3rd and 4th Chakra
Relation with people - The moon has an effect on the earth like tides. It also causes constant
changes in feelings and rhythm of human bodies. Being in sync with the moon's conscious energy
will bring emotional releases and stress reduction and help people keep in high spirits. Functions -
Restores psychological and emotional balance and brings deep healing. Also promotes self growth
by increasing sensitivity and acceptance through resonation with the moon's conscious energy.
Usage - Improving human relationship, bad habits, resolving all sorts of disorders and
karma/trauma with gentle energy of love and harmony. used for restoring psychological and
emotional balance.
It is used to heal mental and emotional habits that no longer work for you, and emotional and
mental distress. It is also used to bring up and heal the emotional issues underneath physical
problems. It helps reinforce and support positive behavior changes. This function is for healing and
releasing those feelings, desires and conditioning that keeps us in negative patterns .
Healing with the Sei Hei Ki can be as simple as using the symbol while doing a healing using the
regular hand positions. It can also be used as part of meditations to help release and heal
conditioning and patterns that underlie problems.
You can use Sei He ki to empower your affirmations and resolutions and for working on specific
areas where you feel emotional processing is needed simply turn on Reiki and activate the Focus
and Harmony functions with the intention that it work on the kind of issue you are seeking to heal
like fear, anger, grief or resentment for example or to enhance your own ability to love yourself and
others for serenity or courage or compassion or zest .
Here are some more uses for the Mental/Emotional symbol. The Sei He Ki.
Some of These suggestions were offered by Jane Berrigan, Fiona Mc Callum, Susan Bosco and C.J.
Use the emotional symbol in the chakras with the intent that emotional and mental issues be
balanced and healed. if the treatment is specifically for emotional/mental issues), end by wrapping
the recipient in Reiki and seal it with the SHK, too. Recipients will often report a feeling of lightness
and a lifting of despair and stress. You may want to use the HSZSN too, since many emotional
issues have roots from the recipient's past.
If you are feeling 'out of balance' all you have to do is to place your hands on your head and
think of the SHK and it will tend to bring you back into balance. This symbol heals more on the
higher levels of consciousness, and is thought to work more in the aura field than on the physical
If a person is complaining even of a headache often it is coming from some type of emotional or
mental tension, so using the SHK symbol is appropriate in dissipating headaches.
It can also be used for getting rid of 'bad vibes' and for protection. Bad vibes or negativity
coming from others or perceived as coming from others exists on a mental and emotional level so
you can use the symbol as a form of psychic protection. What you can do is simply draw this
symbol around yourself, perhaps saying something like ''I protect myself now with divine love and
wisdom''. Use the symbol on each side of you, behind, above, below you and in front of you, and
repeat the words. As you do so, you should feel the protective energy begin to develop around you.
It will tend to harmonize any negative vibrations that will be coming from others. You can use the
SHK and the CKR for spiritual protection. Another way to give yourself protection is to visualize
an egg shaped energy field around you with the SHK moving around the surface of the egg, starting
at your feet and working its way around the egg and upwards until it reaches the top of your head.
Do the same with the CKR. Often at work or even at home we deal with people who we like to think
of as our friends but sometimes there are negative feelings that come up and it is very valuable to be
able to protect our selves and harmonize the situation by using Reiki.
You can use the SHK to assist with memory. If you have forgotten something, your keys for
instance, take a moment and place your hands on top of your head and use SHK there. As you do
the Reiki say to yourself 3 times ''I will remember where I placed my keys within one minute''.
Then just relax. Sometimes using Reiki in this way will help you conscious mind to align itself to
that memory, causing you to remember just where you placed your keys!! Worth a try anyway! It
can work equally well for other things you have forgotten - a person's name, a telephone no. etc.
Often you are trying too hard to remember and the Reiki energy will simply help you to relax so
that the information will surface again.
Students can use this symbol when taking tests or exams. Before the test draw the SHK over the
paper to help your mind to attune to the correct answers. Of course it goes without saying that you
must have studied beforehand! Reiki will help your conscious mind access the correct piece of
information from all the data held in your brain. Use it when that extra concentration is needed and
you are feeling bored in class. Place your hands on your knees and think of the SHK as you listen to
the tutor and it will help you to retain the information being given. Affirmations are a powerful tool
when one is trying to achieve goals. You can simply repeat a positive phrase over again in your
mind or write it on a piece of paper. Repetition is the key and the SHK can be used to empower
your affirmations. In this way they tend to be more deeply embedded in the subconscious mind.
Any time you are having an argument or disagreement, it can be very healthy and valuable to use
the SHK. Just imagine the symbol being between you and the person you are having the argument
with. It will tend to filter the energy that passes between you, thereby assisting you in creating
harmony and peace and understanding.
Emotional healing symbol self treatment
Place non dominant hand at the base of the skull and with the dominant hand over the top of your
head (palm facing head), sign the power symbol once saying its name three times, then sign the
emotional symbol once saying its name three times, then again sign the power symbol once saying
its name three times. Then place the signing hand on the top of the head. Now, with both hands
remaining on the head, repeat the affirmation for 3-5 minutes, or for a rise and fall of the energy, or
as many times as felt necessary. Sample affirmation - "I now have what I need to see the issues in
my life in a new way and the wisdom, strength, courage and love to follow through with what is
given." You can use whatever affirmation desired so long as it is in the positive (absolutely no
negative words as no, not, don't, etc.) and in the present tense.
The Emotional Healing Program
This works on long held emotional constrictions which may or may not manifest as physical
abnormalities, bringing them to the surface and releasing them. Where there's a chronic physical
condition it's always worth doing this emotional program at the beginning of a treatment. The
symbols used are the Third Symbol, The First Symbol, and the Second Symbol. Included and
absolutely necessary to this program are also a visualization and an affirmation.

Self Healing
Sit down, calm yourself and begin. Connect to the issue as in distance healing. Draw the Third
Symbol and see it going into your crown; then draw the First Symbol, again seeing them going into
your crown; then draw the Second Symbol, see it going into your crown; then draw the First
Symbol again. Visualization Put your hands either on your face or head, whichever is the most
comfortable. See your head filling with gold from the symbols and from your hands. When the head
has filled the gold spreads to fill the whole body. When the body is completely full the gold then
overflow out of the feet. The energy then turns, comes out and up the outside of the body on all
sides and into the body again through the Crown Chakra. Continue this visualization - it should
look like a sort of elongated torus shape, constantly on the move both inside and outside the body.
Affirmation When the visualization has reached this point add the affirmation: "I send the light,
[name], deep into the inner recesses of your mind, bringing light to the darkness, that shadows
disappear." Keep this up for around half an hour or so and then stop. This is a very powerful
program. I suggest that you do it for an issue no more than 4 days in a row, then leave it for a
month or so and watch for developments before doing it again.
Healing Clients
Have your client lie down and follow the above routine. Your hands should be either under their
head or curled onto the forehead. You or they may prefer to sit up, in which case your hands should
be on the top of their head.

Healing Situations Connect to the situation in the usual way and follow the above routine.
Visualize a ball of light as the situation and then use the affirmation. This program is amazingly
effective at bringing to the surface and releasing hidden emotional issues - so for example, if you (or
a client) have been having a lot of accidents you might then send healing to this situation using this
program, but would connect to it along the lines of "the issue behind my recent accidents". Watch
what happens around you - it may be that the issue is one that you are amazed has any connection.
Releasing emotional and mental blockages anger etc.
hold your hand palms outward above your throat and heart and visualize or mentally draw the Sei
He Ki state your intention to release and remove the blocked energy or negative feeling and then
just allow Reiki to run as usual can be used for others as well as self.

Weight loss
I have had Reiki teachers who say that the SHK symbol could be used to lose weight. Draw it
on the palms of your hands, point your palms toward yourself, repeat the name three times, and let
the Reiki flow. Do that as often as you needed to lose the weight. An affirmation is "I transform
(fat) matter into light (energy). I don't really know if this works or not but I have lost about 30
pounds during a time of testing this. I did cut down on fat and sweets and increase exercise too
which seems easier to do than it had been previously.
Mental and behavioral healing
Reiki is not a substitute for therapy, medical treatment or counseling. Reiki is complimentary and
enhances most forms of treatment. On a spiritual level can be quite valuable and protective but
people with serious Psychological conditions should probably seek Reiki treatment from
practitioners that have credentials in appropriate fields as well as in Reiki if possible . I do not have
experience treating people with serious mental conditions like Paranoia or schizophrenia in person
with Reiki but have had enough experiences as a Buddhist Lay leader and in some other areas to
have decided that I do not have the specialized knowledge that is often required. I have done quite a
bit of remote work for people who request it. And have been told Reiki has been helping them. I
Definitely advise you to use a degree of caution here as unknown challenges may arise. Use Reiki as
a healing for these types of conditions but do not analyze unless you are qualified.
In mental healing Reiki works with the consciousness by transforming negative influence into
positive and removing energy blocks . Reiki works on the areas of the mind where we hold our
programming, conditioning and the causes of problems and illnesses. I personally think self
treatment is often easier for mental healing then treatment from a practitioner . A stumbling block
in mental healing is the client's belief system itself. If the patient does not want a cure then they will
mentally resist healing . This is common in the case of addictions, parental and societal
programming where many sessions may be required during which you may get fed up with
“failure” or the patient sees little benefit in your healing. All sessions work to some degree but YOU
CAN NOT FORCE HEALING. You can not force your will on others. Just allow Reiki to flow do
not try to direct it to a specific outcome. Your responsibility is not to do anything that would be
dabbling with someone else's mind. People are often very susceptible to suggestion during
treatment you might repeat an affirmation that you and the client have chosen before hand but
should be very careful about what you say .

Have the client sit on a comfortable , upright chair.
1. Decide with client on affirmations and positive results required.
2. Place your hands on the shoulders and relax the patient for 1 to 2 minutes Or until Reiki tapers
3. Remove one hand, keeping the other in place, and slowly trace Reiki Symbol CHO-KU-REI
above but not on cranium while focussing on the mantra (name) of the symbol. Repeat as many
times as you feel is needed, although once is generally enough.
4. Replace hand on shoulders for up to 5 more minutes or until Reiki tapers off be aware of any
images or information you receive
5. Place your hands on Reiki Head Position (top of head) and relax the client for 1 to 2 minutes.
6. Remove one hand and trace the Reiki Symbol SEI-HI-KI above but not on the cranium while
focussing your mind on the mantra (name) of the symbol on any affirmations you have agreed on
with the client. repeat as often as you feel is necessary.
7. Replace hands on head and repeat sequence from [1] but
substitute SEI-HI-KI for CHO-KU-REI.
8. Finish after 15 to 20 minute session using CHO-KU-REI to end session .

Death and bereavement

If Reiki works why does it not stop people from dying?
Some times people do receive healing and live beyond expectations. Most times it helps the
person die with less pain and emotional turmoil. Reiki can help people become aware of the reality
of continuing existence after death. It will also help comfort those who are left behind. It is always
best to explain this to a client and family as their expectations may be unrealistic. We do not
perform miracles and we never promise cures healing comes from a root word meaning whole.
Many people have found that Reiki helps them to continue to make the effort to find healing and
have hope . Many people find that Reiki helps them move on to death in more comfort . Reiki can
be used with the intention that it ease transition and that it bring solace to the bereaved . I have had
terminally clients say that it helped them recognize issues they wanted to deal with prior to passing
over and that it helped eliminate fear and anger . They also have said that it helped them connect
with divine energy and an awareness that death is a transition and not an end .

HON SHA ZE SHO NEN Connection, Distance Healing

(hawn shaw zay show nen).
It is used for sending Reiki hands off, for absentee healing and treating issues from the past
including past life issues.
This function also gives you the ability to use all the Reiki functions for hands off treatments at
any distance at all . you can use this symbol function long distance and to beam the energies to
someone in the room with you. This is especially useful in treating children and animals in treating
yourself on areas you can not reach and when in public or anyplace where a hands on treatment
might be impractical.
This symbol is the most complicated of the Reiki symbols but can be easy to learn by practicing
writing it. start with one stroke, repeat that stroke and add one more repeat these and add the next
one and continue this way until you are able to write the entire symbol . Or you may prefer to
break it up into several sections and learn one at a time. Many people do find that they can activate
the Reiki function by direct intention without drawing or visualizing the symbol at all but I feel that
it does have value to memorize it as well as the others. There are some differences in the way
different teachers write this symbol usually one writes it as your teacher did unless you have an
intense intuitive call to another style.
Meaning of the symbol as taken from The Essence of Gendai Reiki-ho by Mr. Doi
Sound - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Third Symbol - The Sun - Absentee - 5th and 6th chakra
Relation with people - The sun has been sending energy of higher dimension to everything. Without
the sun, the earth or human beings would not be able to exist even a day. The sun is the foundation
of our existence. Functions - Connects to the core of the target object beyond time and space and
brings deep healing and transformation through resonation with the sun's conscious energy. Usage
- Healing beyond time and space. Pursuing for the state of silence and peace, correcting the
distortions that have been obstacles to learning.

Used for connecting to remote objects in time and space. Often used together with other symbols.
Distant healing can bridge time and space, allowing you to send healing energy across a room, or
around the world to heal past wounds and to contribute healing energies for others and in
situations such as natural disasters and political crises . You can use HSZSN to treat anxieties you
have about events in the future. Some people use it to create healing packages to be tapped into
later or sent ahead for a known future need.

Remote Or Distance healing

There are many ways to do distance healing. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is drawn or visualized at
the beginning of treatment just before designating your intended recipient . This function
enables us to send healing energies to others at a distance. This can be used to send Reiki across the
street or to other parts of the world. It can be used when doing hands on Reiki healing would be
inappropriate (with a burn patient or someone with sexual abuse issues). In these cases Reiki can be
sent distantly from across the room or from a few inches or feet away. Such line of sight use of the
distance healing symbol is often called "Beaming". Some people help focus their intent when
beaming by imagining the Reiki energy radiating out from their eyes or heart or hands. Some
people like to hold their hands up toward the person or people they are doing the treatment with .
Most people find that they can beam or send the remote treatment without raising their hands .

The HSZSN function is also a symbol of karmic release. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is made up of
five distinct elements. One possible meaning can be "no past, no present, no future". I do not teach
or believe that you can use this energy function to actually change/ effect the past or the future as
some people believe. I am not saying that you absolutely cannot either. I have a sense that some of
the Reiki I do now to release traumas from my childhood did in fact effect me at that time as a
child by giving a sense of being watched over and a promise that in future life I would be happy.
This is not provable though. I do use HSZSN to treat and heal the effects of traumas from the past
and from past lives. It can be very effective to Focus or intend that Reiki be sent to the very first
occasion the a specific problem occurred in your life .
When you heal a problem at its origination point quite often many subsequent problems that are
based from that initial event will resolve themselves and heal almost instantly. Used with the
emotional healing function you can obtain results that are similar to those obtained in "soul
retrieval". or "etheric recovery" Sometimes using the distance function can assist with past life
Some have used this function to send the treatment ahead to a specific point in the future. I have
had mixed results with this . Time is an illusion but a very useful one and the HSZSN is more than
just a remote button It seems a lot like the Huna Ho-o-pono pono to me in that it's deeper function
is to bring ones whole being into justice and harmony that is to Make things right
The full meaning is not "no past, no present, no future", but more like "Right consciousness is
the root of everything", or "integrity can correct all ". Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is made up out of five
separate kanji The way we write this symbol these five characters are compressed into each other.
The superficial translation would be something like 1· Originally (in essence, by nature) 2 · person
(being. entity) 3· exactly (right, just) 4· righteous (certainly, straight path. )5· mind (presence of the
heart, character). The long term effect is to help us live in the present free of blocks and worries
about the past and future.
Distance treatments
There is a common tendency to think of distance work as requiring effort as though you have to
personally throw the energy across the distance In fact it requires no more effort to send Reiki
across the ocean than it requires to send it through your hands as you touch someone. Just as in
direct treatment you activate Reiki and allow it to flow to where it is needed . Distance does not
interfere with reception.
Some ways of doing distance energy treatments with Reiki Using the symbols: one would draw
them with your hand or third eye and mentally say the power and connection symbol name/mantra
and use the other symbol or symbols as needed or desired. You might visualize them over your head
or in front of you. I was taught to use all of them all the time but many people do it differently.
There is no order of preference for any of these methods for sending Reiki to people at a distance
and these are only a few of the possible ways to do it. These methods are useful for sending distant
Reiki treatments. Over time, you may develop less need to use the distant symbol and very
structured methods for remote sending. This is as it should be. As you develop increasing
familiarity with the energy you may find that the symbols, like all tools, can be put aside when no
longer needed. There is however no hurry to learn to work without symbols . Take your time and
let the connection to the energy strengthen and grow. Most people continue to use the symbols even
if they do not "have" to do so.

1. You can use a photo or drawing as a focus. for the session drawing the symbols over a photo with
the intention of sending Reiki to the person represented or sting the name of the person while
placing your hands on a drawing either doing the hand placements or just holding the photo or
2. direct the energies by imagining the person as laying on your thigh.
3. Use a teddy bear or doll as a proxy or put a pillow on your lap to represent the recipient.
4. You can imagine the person as being between your hands. Then either mentally go through the
hand positions or just send the Reiki to the subjects entire being with the intention that it go where
5. Intend it. know that the Reiki will reach your intended recipient automatically
6. Write the person's name on a piece of paper and hold that piece of paper with the name on it
between your hands and send Reiki that way.
7. Use your thumb as a proxy, pretend it is the person, and wrap your other fingers around it and
send it Reiki.
Visualize the person there in the air before you and you just do a treatment. or imagine that you
are in the same place together. Another technique is to substitute your body for theirs putting your
hands and or intention on your body and intending that the energies run to them in those places.
You can also do a "spot" treatment on an organ or other body part - just visualize the part and go
for it. When I am doing distant healing, I mostly do it by intention. Sometimes I feel a "Reiki
beam" go from my hands and / or heart, etheric heart, crown and third eye, to the person. I usually
just say the persons name and if I know it location and intend that the energies go to them for their
highest good beaming the Reiki to them.
Some people find it easy to imagine that the client is in the same room with them and others will
ask Guides or helping Deva to do the treatment as the practitioner holds the connection. Others feel
that Reiki is kind of like email when the system is working really well you just have to address it
and send it and it will arrive where it is supposed to go instantly. Even though you have no idea how
the mechanics of it actually work.
State what if any condition the treatment is for if you know. Ask for pain relief if it is wanted in
addition to healing. Pain relief and healing are not the same thing. Reiki seems to reduce pain more
when it is specifically requested. Reiki will not eliminate necessary pain if the recipient needs it to
force them to go to a doctor or would re injure themselves for example.
You can do an entire treatment going through the hand placements but can also just allow the
Reiki to flow. It is good to mentally state any areas of particular concern that you are aware of. As
long as you maintain a clear channel the treatment will go where needed most.
When you activate the energies by intention without drawing the symbols intend Reiki all or any
words that work for you. You can also activate each function separately actually I most often intend
that any and all energies run in the best portions. Then I follow intuition to activate any specific
Always intend that the person has the right to accept, refuse or observe the energies.
In distance treatments the energy often just runs until it's done. Some Teachers suggest a 15
minute session for distance work. Some recommend 15 minute sessions three days in a row. I have
had the energy run as long as three hours. But that is unusually long and 15 or 20 minutes is more
common . Some people have found great results from only a five or ten minute session. Even one or
two minutes can have a great effect. Reactivate the energies if your attention and intention wanders
so far off that the energies shut down and whenever you feel that you should.
When the energies stop running. End the treatment by honoring what we have intended gently
releasing the connection and thanking your Spiritual Focus. There is not normally any real need to
clear and release any excess or unneeded or stuck energies as this does not often occur. Reiki is self
clearing. You can do clearing and unsticking if you wish.

Energy blocks and disease

The general understanding is that usually stresses, traumas, and emotional reactions or
repression to events in your personal life and surroundings can create constrictions and blocks or
overloads, tears and such other conditions in the aura and these blocks, constrictions, holdings etc.
if not healed in time can manifest as disease and emotional mental disturbance and susceptibility to
accident This can also work in reverse if the aura is damaged as the result of physical injury if the
deformation to the energy structure is not repaired than illness, injury, or chronic pain may occur
in the physical area or in an energetically related one. These traumas can include your energy
reaction to the stresses on the environment, Political and social situations and family matters and
many other less obvious influences . You may come into a life with some blocks already in place
from past life issues or from choice because of your soul mission and lessons or from trauma from
the time of your conception to birth. I have found it particularly helpful to use the emotional and
distance healing functions on the period of time between conception and birth . Should you want to
study energy blocks in the aura in depth, the Barbara Brennon Book "Hands of Light" probably
has more than you will ever need to know about energy blocks and other afflictions to the energy
body though your personal interpretive metaphors and perceptions may be different than hers.

There are a number of books and lists available that purport to show a list of the specific
blocks and traumas that can cause the manifestation of specific illnesses and injuries
There can be some valid help in these books but most of them are oversimplified and sometimes
people use them in a cruel way .The human body ,energy field and karma is too complex to be
reduced to a checklist .Reiki practitioners might consult these texts to see if their own intuition is
supported but they should never use these references to tell another person what is "wrong" with
them. and even when the information in the book is correct for one or many people it may not be
correct for your client.
remote group treatments
There are a number of ways to send Reiki to more than one person at a time either in a room or
at a distance. You are acting as a ground and conduit for Universal healing energy rather than
using your own energy. You can treat a large area or group at one time .
Expand or Blanket method
Visualize the symbols horizontally expanded over the people or area you wish to cover or fill
with Reiki then continue your treatment in the usual way for people at a distance you first expand
or blanket the area then intend to focus on the specific people who seek treatment from you.
You can beam the Reiki into a Room with the intention that everyone in the room receive the
treatment best for them. A mental image of fanning the energy out or mental image of creating a
cone of energy over the area and people can help you with your focus .

The Reiki Stack Method.

When you are have a lot of healing requests you can try this technique for distance healing in
groups there are several different versions of this. Write down all the names, location and reason
for the request in a book or on a piece of paper. Say each name and condition out loud and draw the
power symbol (CKR) between each person's name on the lists. Call this Reiki Stack 1. Each day as
other requests come in, write their names etc. in your book and call it Stack 2 etc. Draw the power
symbol to connect each stack. At the start of the treatment (preferably At least once a day) name
the Reiki stack/s that the treatment is to go to and draw the three symbols on the stack while saying
the mantra three times. Then affirm your Intent that this /these stacks are filled with unlimited
Reiki treatments.'' place your hands over the stack list or hold the stacks between both hands and
visualize energy going to each person on the list just as they need it for their best and highest good.
If you have a healing crystal you can empower it with Reiki and place it on top of the stack/s to
continue sending energy.
Any time you pass your stacks send the power symbol to add energy. The people and pets or
situations stay on your list for at least a week and sometimes longer.

Reiki circles and shares

It is fairly common for Reiki teachers to offer Reiki circles for other practitioners to gather and
treat each other and share experiences . They also may have healing circles to share Reiki with
other people who want treatments . When several Reiki practitioners are together they can stand
in a circle and each run Reiki into each others backs or sit and hold hands and run Reiki around
the circle . Several practitioners can treat the same patient at once each person taking a different
position . A full treatment may take only five or ten minutes . The Blanket expand and fan
functions that I mentioned in the remote group healing section are useful for group work of all
kinds. These were adapted from a Kahuna energy system I use.

All kinds of stuff people have added to Reiki classes and have called advanced techniques
None of these techniques are necessary to practice Reiki effectively, and probably none of them
were used by Usui Sensei. Many Reiki Masters question the validity of including of them under the
descriptor "Reiki". I list some of the more common modifications here. If you find them useful, add
them to your practices. If you don't then just ignore them . Here are some of what are commonly
referred to as "advanced" techniques. Any technique that is not part of traditional Usui Reiki
should be identified as such during class and treatment.

Reiki guides, angels, the High self

Many of todays Reiki Teachers include a meditation to meet your " Reiki Guide" or guides . This
was not a Practice or teaching of Mikao Usui Sensei , nor did Mrs. Takata call on anything other
than Divine energy . In most spiritual practices the development of your own intuitive connection to
spiritual source is considered to be superior to contact with guides . Guides may be a symbolic
representation to assist you in translating the information coming to you directly from spirit but
they are not essential, they are not a pert of Traditional Reiki and may in some cases be an
impediment to your own spiritual evolution should you become too devoted and fixated on them.
We all do have a connection to the divine that manifests as what is called a companion or
Guardian Angel which is a being or energy form who will assist you in you own personal spiritual
evolution there are many meditations and books and web sites and attunement systems with
information to assist you in meeting your own Companion Angel . Your companion Angel and your
High self that most spiritually evolved part of your whole self can help you connect with any
guides you might actually need to work with.
Some of the energy systems I work with and teach do focus on working with Your high self and
companion Angel but your Angel is with you anyway and you may not need specific training for you
angel to work with you .

Reiki Symbol Meditation

Meditation using the Reiki Symbols is a hybrid of meditation and visualization It is designed to
increase the connection to the Reiki source by meditating on the symbols. you can easily fashion
your own meditation on the symbols, visualizing the symbols or even gazing on a physical drawing
of one of the symbols . Experiment and explore.
To do this meditation, use guidelines that anyone doing meditation of any sort might follow. Get
into a comfortable position. Sit with your spine erect .Put your hands on your lap and have your
feet on the floor . Relax the body doing some deep breathing, or muscular relaxation can sometimes
As with all meditation, if your mind wanders while meditating, allow the thoughts to slip away,
paying them no mind, and gently bring your attention back to your focus. breathe deeply shut your
eyes or keep them half open focus on the feeling of Reiki. when you are ready, you can begin to
meditate on the symbols. (or any other focus) to this point its a standard meditation. The first
symbol we will use is the power symbol. Either draw it in front of you or visualize it in your mind.
Say the name of the symbol (either out loud or in your head). You could visualize the symbol as
golden, or violet, or allow it to take on the color it chooses, intensely bright and empowered with
the loving energy of the Reiki source. Allow it to flow into you, and for any message it might have
for you to manifest. Stay focused on the symbol and the Reiki flow and the source. Stay with this as
long as you feel comfortable. When you are ready, you can do the same with the other symbols. You
can so the meditation with all symbols in one setting, or only work with one symbol per session.
When you are finished you are likely to be filled with energy and this would be a good time to
work on doing self treatments, treating others, doing distant healing, manifesting goals, charging

Grounding with Reiki

If you are not grounded, you might find yourself light headed and dizzy after meditation. I just
run Reiki with the intention that I be grounded. You can find something that is grounding and do it.
Things like gardening or walking you can visualize roots or a cord running to the center of the
earth or a lava floe coming connecting you to the Earth. Whatever works for you. You could
also put your tongue on the soft palate (just behind the teeth), draw the power symbol on the feet,
the hara (just below the naval) and the palms. Place your palms on the hara and concentrate on
that area for a few minutes. This tends to bring the excess energy from the upper chakras and into
the hara. Many people like to eat something as a way of grounding
Manifesting Goals
There are several methods available to help use Reiki and the Reiki symbols to manifest goals.
Advocates of these techniques feel that they can help manifest changes in your life. Always be
ethical and intend the highest good in what you ask for. Sit and relax, breathing gently and deeply.
Either out loud or to yourself, say your goal. State it in such a way that their can only be one
interpretation and cannot be misinterpreted. Connect to the Reiki energy. Draw the symbols on
your palms. In your mind, create a mental movie, or mental image of this goal being accomplished.
Draw the Reiki symbols on the mental picture starting with the power symbol and ending with the
power symbol. Hold the image of your goal in your mind awhile end by drawing Reiki symbols
again Believe totally that this process is done and that this goal is already being manifested.
Another Manifestation technique is a Manifestation Triangle. This technique is a better choice for
those who are not as good with visualization techniques. Also, because it involves writing, it is more
concrete and can help focus you on what you truly want. The first step is to draw a triangle. At the
bottom left hand corner write the person's name that this manifestation is to be for (yourself or
someone else). Next, at the top of the triangle, write what you want to happen.
This should be the best possible solution to the situation. The situation and person's name should
be specific. You can say "This will manifest for the highest good of (person's name)". Next, at the
bottom right hand corner, write the situation. After setting up your triangle, and writing out the
name, solution and situation, draw a power symbol over each corner. Draw a power symbol over
the whole triangle. Place your hands on the triangle picture and do Reiki on it, intending it to
Reiki Crystal Grid
The standard crystal grid layout that you will find in most manuals is rather more complicated
than the one I actually use. I have studied crystal work separately from Reiki and recommend that
if you are interested in working with crystals you study that separately . The subject is far too
complex to be done justice to as a tiny Reiki add-on. There are entire systems of Crystal healing
work some of which are like Reiki and have Attunements for energy work with crystals. Many
people do just have some quartz or amethyst or other crystal in the room or under the Reiki table
Some people have clients hold crystal during treatment. I prefer to keep the modalities separate
most of the time You can just Hold a crystal and run Reiki into it while intending that it be
programmed to send healing energy to a person or situation continuously and place it it a place
where it will not be disturbed . Reiki will not do harm or overload a person but I have seen many
cases where people did become distressed from overzealous crystal treatment. I strongly
recommend caution when mixing crystal healing with Reiki If you have a clear intuition go ahead
but do not just throw on crystals experimentally. Rose Quartz is always safe and can be used freely
it increases the ability to give and receive love and is relaxing .

This next technique is in many Reiki texts, was developed to set up a continuous flow of Reiki
energy for healing or protection by using crystals to broadcast a Reiki program. This technique is
not used in Japan so far as I know, and is not part of Usui Shiki Ryoho. I use other crystal
programming work myself which is a lot simpler and just include this for your reference because it
is in many Reiki manuals .
A crystal grid can be created and charged with Reiki energy. It is it will continue to send Reiki
energy for healing, protection, or to assist with goal manifestation for several days or longer. To
make the (official) Reiki Grid you need eight crystals. The easiest method of crystal selection is to
pick the crystals up and just see how they feel to you. Try not to so much "think" about this as
"feel" it. Send some Reiki into the crystal and see how that feels as well, allowing your intuition to
guide you. Most new age shops and many science or hobby shops sell crystals. Regular Rose
Quartz, or White Quartz single points or tumbled smooth stones are sufficient for the purpose of
making this grid and are inexpensive. You can use a picture of the person that the grid will send to
or protect. Or the name you can use grids for manifesting and affirmations too. Clear the crystals
by holding them in your hands and running Reiki Choose a place for the Reiki Grid where the grid
will not be disturbed. Take the eight crystals that you have cleansed, and choose the one that seems
the strongest. This will be the Master Charging Crystal. For your central (Master) crystal, you may
want to choose a double terminated crystal, a cluster, a pyramid or a crystal ball. (Some
practitioners conceptualize this in terms of yin and yang. You are looking for the crystal that is the
most yang or having the strongest male energy.) Next, place six of the crystals at equal points
around a circle about 10 to 12 inches in diameter. This creates a hexagon or six sided figure. Place
the last crystal in the center. This makes seven stones in the design in total. The eighth will be used
as the Master crystal. Play with the arrangement until it feels right. This arrangement uses a six
sided figure. It is possible to construct them in any geometric shape. Take a picture of yourself or
the person or issue that you want to send Reiki to. Draw the Reiki Symbols on the back, the
person's name, and an affirmation to help empower and set the intent of the process. Be creative.
You can use a piece of paper with a goal, intent or need on it instead of a picture. Draw Reiki
Symbols on the paper and then Reiki it between your hands and place it within the crystal Grid.
The Grid will continuously send Reiki to heal the person or bring about the goal. At this point you
have the purified crystals and your prepared picture. The next step is to charge the crystals with the
Reiki energy. This is very simple to do. Take each crystal into your hands and send Reiki into it for
about 10 minutes or so. Do this with each crystal, one at a time until all of them are done. You can
also say prayers, or ask spiritual guides to assist you while you are charging them. Once the crystals
are charged put each back in its place on the grid. Put the Master Crystal in last. It is suggested
that you not move the crystals after they are in place as it will weaken the energy connections.
The Master Crystal is used to keep your Reiki Grid charged. This stone can be recharged when
needed by holding it in the hand while running Reiki or beaming Reiki into it. To finish the grid
hold the Master crystal in your right hand. Starting at the top, begin to connect the dots that are
formed by the crystals on the grid. You will be starting at the top and making six triangles as you
connect the imaginary lines between the stones on the outside and the center stone. Move around
the Grid in a counterclockwise direction. You can also say an affirmation or mantra as you do this.
Some masters meditate with they Master Crystal frequently to keep their Reiki Grid charged up.

Psychic Surgery- Etheric recovery

Other common additions include using the so called Psychic surgery technique with a guided
visualization of symbolized traumas and blocks that I personally think should be left to people with
psychological training as it involves asking people to describe their emotional pain for example in
terms of shape, color and feel etc. before it is symbolically pulled out with Reiki . I feel that some
well meaning practitioners have done more harm than good with this non Reiki technique when
they have not had the psychological skill to help resolve issues that have been brought up with this
technique. This is not related to the Philippine psychic surgery form where physical objects may be
or appear to be removed from the body of someone being treated .
The method of scanning for energy bumps, hot and cold spots and sticky or "sour" energy and
extending energy fingers to scoop out negative energy and to repair breaks in the aura is another
technique that is sometimes called psychic surgery. This method is used by many forms of subtle
touch, spiritual healing and energy work. Some people do use this in conjunction with Reiki or feel
an intuitive urge to do this while giving a Reiki treatment.

Healing attunement
As used in the Reiki add on classes this is a healing attunement to give people a temporary boost
to their ability to heal themselves and absorb healing energy . These are essentially Reiki
Attunements done by a Reiki Master with part of the ritual left out supposedly to provide a
temporary boost . This is also either similar or identical to the "Reiki POP" a partial attunement
used by some Reiki teachers as a sales tool for their Reiki classes . This can give a strong energy
buzz to the recipient and is often more intense than simply demonstrating with a sample Reiki
treatment. I have some ethical concerns about the "Reiki POP" and do not use it.
I do use a completely different and permanent healing boost attunement brought in from a
different healing system . That attunement permanently enhances the recipients ability to connect
with and use healing energy for their highest good . I include this automatically in the treatments
and Attunements I do for all who are willing to accept some energy from systems other than Reiki.

Other Symbols
Some Reiki systems have added other symbols to the Reiki practice I have yet to find a function
that is added with these symbols that cannot be accessed fully with just regular Reiki . The Symbol
might give you a tool for confidence in your ability to connect with a function such as karmic
healing or improving your love life but I have yet to find a function that cannot be used by simple
intention while running basic Reiki .
Generally Ask, intend, request what you would like to work on and allow Reiki to flow . This is
in addition to allowing the Reiki to go where it chooses not in place of that.
There are functions like power settings and mode settings, automatic programs that do work well
with Reiki Generally speaking there are no limits on the ways you can work with healing energy.
Some of these non Reiki functions can be included with my Reiki Attunements for those who are
willing to accept some non Reiki energy functions.
I teach these in my workshops but have not included detailed information in this manual.

One of Usui Sensei's hopes for the Reiki was that it would be a tool for helping people obtain
enlightenment or true and total happiness and wisdom of spirit. This aspect of Reiki is sometimes
overlooked in the West in favor of focus on physical well being . Just being attuned to Reiki will not
guarantee enlightenment but practice and study of the Reiki principles and maintaining a seeking
mind can help you with your personal path. We usually define the word "Reiki" as Universal
Energy here is another definition taken from a Buddhist lecture on the Lotus Sutra by T.
Makigchi from the 1930's of the Word Reiki in regard to enlightenment. This source probably had
no knowledge of the term as used by Dr Usui .
" Reiki" (Spiritual power/ability) is divided into 10
1. The ability to tell the reasonable law of cause and effect from an unreasonable one neglecting the
causal law.
2. The ability to know the causal relationships ranging over the three existence's of life- past present
and future.
3. The ability to keep himself in the state of enlightenment
4. The ability to realize the various functions of mind.
5. The ability to know the intellect of people
6. The ability to know the life condition of people.
7. The ability to foresee the future of people
8. The ability to know the causal relationships of people
9. The ability to realize the the life of the past existence and the way to enlightenment.
10. The ability to obliterate past karma.

No Reiki manual is ever complete There is always more to learn

Usui Reiki Master and Teacher
contemporary and traditional methods
level three manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft
© Peggy Jentoft ,2000, 2001
except where noted

This is intended to be a simple practical manual for Usui Reiki. level three
No manual will ever be complete. There is always more to learn.

This manual is all on one page to make it easier to print or save even though that makes it rather
large My main intention is to have the manual I use in class available on the internet for the
benefit of my students and for Reiki Masters who have received remote attunement and for others
who might find value in it.
Traditionally many Reiki Masters hold that the symbols are sacred or secret and should not be
shown to people who are not first attuned to the appropriate level. I respect them and the tradition
of secrecy but feel strongly that I must have the symbols in the manual for maximum helpfulness . I
was familiar with most of the symbols in a Buddhist context prior to receiving Reiki . Should You
not wish to see them do not continue to read this manual . The symbols cannot be used to
connect with the Reiki energy and functions unless a person has been attuned to Reiki. In order to
transmit attunement to others you normally must be attuned to the Master level of Reiki .

Reiki Master Level Three Manual

About Symbols
The master symbol
How Attunements work
Ritual and attunement
Before the Attunement
Direct Intention
The Direct or crown to crown
Attunements for the Usui Reiki System
Semi Traditional
long version first degree
long second degree
Traditional Third degree
Remote attunement
#21 Day Cleansing Cycle
The exchange issue
# weird deattunement- obedience symbol
Reiki Ethics for professionals

Suggestions for classes

MORE RITUALS for attunement

Semi Traditional Usui
longer attunement form

This is a Master Teacher Manual for the three level Usui system of Reiki. Traditional and
contemporary Reiki . The Reiki Master/Teacher (Level III) consists of learning the master symbol,
receiving the attunement, and learning attunement processes.
There also is often some discussion and teaching about ethical spiritual and social issues that
might concern to Reiki Masters. The Class will also address some of the the practical methods of
teaching Reiki to others, and some thoughts about manual writing and class organization. When
This class is completed and after the attunement has been received the student will be a Reiki
Master and teacher and will be able to pass Reiki Attunement for all levels of Reiki using either
ritual methods or the direct intention transmission of the Reiki attunement. Some masters will only
teach those people who are willing and able to completely dedicate their lives to Reiki. I feel that
Reiki and other energy work systems should be widely available to people who sincerely wish to
learn to use them.
Many Reiki practitioners want to take the Master level to complete their Reiki training. There is
no way to complete your spiritual development and personal evolution. This is an ongoing process .
This is a new beginning for sharing Reiki with others and for opportunities to enhance your own
Naturally some of the material in this manual should be familiar to the Reiki Master candidate
from their previous study of Reiki . This manual has the Dual purpose of teaching the Master
student the material they need to know in becoming a Reiki Master and reviewing and presenting
information and procedures to be taught to their students.
Being A Reiki Master does not mean you are better or wiser or more enlightened than anyone else
it just means that you are able to transfer the ability to transmit Reiki attunement to others. I feel
that a Reiki Master should make an effort to live in an ethical way and to be responsible for their
actions and intentions .
This manual includes traditional Usui Reiki, attunement and the knowledge to pass them to
others. I emphasize that strongly because due to Reiki variants with differing numbers of
attunements there is occasionally some confusion about what is to be taught in a particular class .

Some teachers teach a Reiki 3a or personal Master level between Reiki 2 and the teaching level .
Some of these classes only teach the use of the empowerment symbol for personal use and healing
and others will teach a number of nontraditional techniques but 3a usually does not teach how to
pass attunements for all levels or how to teach a class .
This may seem like just a way to get more money out of a student. I usually just teach the
complete system in three levels. Some people do wish to have the use of the empowerment function
in healing without wanting to teach others usually because of a specific healing need among their
family and loved ones or they may want an intermediate stage between Reiki two and Reiki Master
teacher before they decide if they wish to practice as a Reiki Master . Some nontraditional elements
that are often added in three a classes might include meditation techniques, a Healing Attunement,
the Hui Yin, the Violet Breath, Psychic Surgery, Reiki Crystal Grids a Meet your Reiki Guide
Meditation, some of these are touched on in the Reiki two manual that is included with this Master
training The reality is that most "3a Master Practitioners" are Reiki Masters who simply have
not been taught an Attunement Process.

About Symbols
There are at least three fundamentally different types of symbols and beliefs regarding the nature
of symbolic forms. The first kind of symbol is those in which the power or ability to create effect is
inherent in the form of the symbol. Those used in sacred geometry or the tattwas and to a certain
extent Yantra Mandalas are among those in which the actual shape or form is said to directly
stimulate the subconscious energy patterns in the brain and energy body or physical and
nonphysical reality.
These symbols are said to contain the power to waken an ability or create a result or convey
mystical information and realization of themselves with no or little action or intention by anyone .
The second belief is that objects and symbols can be something that is charged or empowered by
intention or ritual or proximity to holy places or people to contain the power to create an effect. The
last kind of symbol is those that are tools or triggers which enable you to connect with and use a
spiritual function, information, energy and so forth, that exists separate from the symbol itself. The
symbol is more like an on button the power is in what the symbols represent rather than having any
power of its own. These viewpoints are not really mutually exclusive they are just different ways of
looking at things. Some people in the United states have considered and taught that the Reiki
symbols and their names or mantra themselves inherently contained the power and were sacred
and secret not to be revealed to anyone who was not an initiate. Most of the Symbols used in Reiki
are Kanji that is written words which have esoteric symbolic meanings in some Buddhist traditions.

I have always felt that the Reiki symbols were primarily of the third kind. They are tools to
facilitate connecting with aspects of the universal energy for healing. They do not themselves have
power. There are often many different ways to draw a particular symbol but they all effectively
assist in connecting to the Reiki energy. Now that Western Reiki Practitioners have made contact
with Japanese Reiki Practitioners from the Reiki Association founded by Mikao Usui it is apparent
that this is the way they are used in that society and that many people become able to use Reiki
functions without directly invoking the symbols .
These symbols are exactly that, symbols. They are not what they represent. The Reiki symbols
represent specific properties functions of energy for healing and spiritual enhancement . When
anyone who is attuned to Reiki sees and says the name or draws these symbols it helps them to
connect themselves with the Reiki energy and activate the function and specific purpose the symbol
represents . The specific attunement the author of this manual uses does confer an automatic
ability to choose to work with the Reiki functions by intention and use words or thought as the
activator as well as by consciously invoking the symbols . Direct intention activation does not
substitute for the information and experience to be gained from studying and using symbols . It is
not necessary to understand the meanings of the symbols or even to consciously use them to gain
and share the benefits of the Reiki system. Though it can enrich your experience to explore the
meanings. The symbols remind us that there are ways to focus on different aspects of the energy
and use them.
You may also use Reiki to focus on other aspects and purposes of the universal energy by direct
intention. Other systems which have evolved from Reiki such as Seichim and Karuna use different
symbols to focus on other aspects of the energy. However you can use Reiki for these functions
without further attunement and with or without the use of the additional symbols .

In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai which is the Reiki society founded by Usui Sensei, We
understand that it is taught that the symbols were added by Usui sensei sometime after his
realization of Reiki in order to help those people who had little experience in energy work or who
needed help connecting with energy.
The symbols were apparently selected from those terms used in some esoteric Buddhist sects that
are appropriate for the function of the Reiki focus . I was actually familiar with most of these terms
before encountering Reiki so I am not surprised by this at all. Many more books and translations of
Reiki teaching from Japan will be published in the future so our historical information about Reiki
will continue to expand. Reiki is not a closed system, while we benefit by having a sound
background in traditional Reiki practices Usui Sensei, by designating himself as second rank gave
symbolic indication of his hope that the system would continue to develop after his passing.

The method of becoming attuned to the ability to use Reiki has changed over the years from the
way it was and is practiced at the Japanese Reiki society . In the Reiki Ryoho in Japan you would
meet weekly with fellow members and a master, have a lesson or lecture and possibly practice and
or receive healing treatment after which you would do the hatsurei ho meditation during which the
master would give you and the other members "Reiju" an empowerment which helps to connect
and deepen your connection to Reiki energy usually gradually in accord with your personal
development. Possibly after a period probably of a year or more of this practice and study you
might be invited to learn the second teachings.
In the Hayashi-Takata lineage called Usui Shiki Ryoho the symbols are of more importance. The
system was set up to teach Reiki faster than the lengthy training in Reiki Ryoho. There was more
emphasis on symbols and hand positions so that students could connect to Reiki in order to work in
the Hayashi clinic before they developed the ability to sense the energy of clients. This is also
probably why an attunement process was developed similar to the initiations used in many healing
and spiritual traditions in order to. greatly accelerate the clearing and connection and ability to
work with universal energies The Masters that Mrs. Takata trained were taught with this emphasis
on the symbols and were also sworn to secrecy about the Reiki symbols and other practices.

Dai Ku Myo, Empowerment, The master symbol

Dai Ku Myo or dai ko myo (dye koo myo, (mm yoh long o ) .Empowerment, Intuition, Creativity
and Spiritual connection this is the master symbol or energy function used for activating the
initiation and attunement to Reiki. This is the only symbol added in traditional Usui Reiki during
the Master training. There are a couple of additional symbols that are not originally part of this
system that many teachers have added and we will discuss them later.

Dai Ku Myo can be translated as "the Great shining light" or "the treasure tower of light" In
some Buddhist practices it is symbolic of "Mystic law " or one's "Buddha Nature" and of states
of enlightenment. and is sometimes used in esoteric Buddhism as a metaphor for the essential
spiritual truth or laws of the universe It can also refer to the senses , the human body in
enlightenment, The teachings of all enlightened masters . These may be traditional meanings
separate from Dai ku Myo as a Reiki symbol.

Dai ku myo enables recognition and clarity about your true path. There is less written about
this Reiki symbol and function than about the others in the context of Reiki because until quite
recently there have been very few Reiki Masters who are empowered to use it. It is still somewhat
unexplored . Mrs. Takata drew the symbols differently for many of her students. The first three
symbols were compared and one form for each was selected after her death . This was not done
with the DKM so there are many different versions which you might encounter. They all work.
DKM activates a powerful energy for Self Empowerment and is used for opening Spiritual
connection and intuition and cellular healing. Once you are attuned for this energy you can use it
for treating yourself and others each time you activate Reiki. It is said to work at the cellular and
genetic levels and is valuable for treating Migraine Headaches. Many people have found that Level
three Reiki Attunement increases the intuitive and psychic awareness that they can comfortably
I have heard this called the vocational or life purpose function because it often seems to initiate
dramatic changes in career and lifestyle. It is also used as a Manifestation energy by some as is Cho
Ku Rei the power boost from second degree Reiki . To use DKM for manifestation you activate this
energy and clearly visualize what you intend to manifest this will not bring you things that are
not in accord with your high self and soul purpose. The first example is the form I was originally
taught. The second is probably the more authentic form of Dai ku myo. I also believe that the
horizontal stroke is more correctly drawn as the first stroke. and the strokes shown as 1 and three
in the first example is really a single stroke 2
The Dai ku Myo is known as the Master Symbol. This is the function or energy that the Reiki
master activates to do the Attunements that make the Reiki energies permanently accessible to the
new practitioner. Some Reiki Masters do a non master three a attunement that activates the Dai ku
myo as the spiritual and intuitive energy tool but supposedly does not confer the ability to do
attunements. It many cases probably does but the student is not taught how to do attunements.
The translation of Japanese Reiki Master Hiroshi Doi's explanation of this symbol
"Dai Ku Myo, Empowerment, Characteristics of 4th symbol - Symbolizes the entire universe. The
highest symbol in Reiki-ho. For activating 7th chakra.
The meaning and functions -
1. The whole universe is made of vibration/light. The 4th symbol has the function of transmitting
subtle vibration of love, healing and harmony for all beings by resonating with conscious energy in
a higher dimension.
2. This is considered to be a very sacred symbol and given the highest expressions like ''God
inviting symbol'', ''The symbol for guiding spiritual awakening''. But the symbol has its value in
the function of connecting to sacred being and becoming part of it. The source (higher dimension)
represented by the symbol is honorable but the symbol itself is just a tool."
The different concepts illustrated by different Buddhist sects using Dai Ku Myo as a metaphor
do include sacred but not secret ideas about spiritual reality and universal Law such as Love Light
and Harmony and the proper function of all the senses in perfect fusion with spiritual essence
(treasure house) and in the particular tradition I am most familiar with it represents the complete
body of universal Law and wisdom. I feel that these "mystic law" aspects of the DKM may have
contributed somewhat to the idea of the symbols themselves as sacred and secret. I do not consider
them sacred of themselves on the other hand I appreciate the intention of those who do. I will share
the symbols discretely when I feel it appropriate but naturally do not want to disrespect it or
display it outside of its contexts of healing and Spiritual law. Dai Ku Myo is for all purposes of
Reiki function with or without the other symbols .
The spiritual bodies effect the physical body. Healing at the Master level is thought to directly
effect the higher spiritual body template and can lead to immense transformation and healing on all
levels of being and possibly at times, Miracles.
It is taught in many paths that all disease comes from blocks forming in the energy body. Reiki
treatment will help remove these blocks, free stagnant energy, restore energy to depleted areas and
improve the function and stability of the energy body. This contributes to physical healing and
emotional, mental and spiritual wholeness . I use the Usui Dai Ku Myo constantly . It calls in a
complete range of the most positive energy frequencies possible in each specific situation . It can
also be used to clear away negativity and as a protective symbol. One focus of this symbol is the
healing of the soul. The physical body reflects the condition of the spiritual body, and one can
often effectively heal disease at its causal root , or spiritual level, with Dai Ku myo.
There is a different symbol that is usually called Dai Ko Myo or modern or Tibetan Dai Ku Myo
This symbol was not taught by Usui Sensei and is not used by most traditional Reiki Masters. I do
not use it directly myself in Usui Reiki attunement but mention it here for your information
Most People who do use the TDKM only use it when doing attunements. The Master attunement I
use will enable you to use the it if you wish to do so. I have also encountered this used to raise
energy from a center near the Tan Tien but not exactly the same. Some Masters use this symbol
instead of the traditional Dai Ku myo
Raku (rah koo) is another added symbol that is often used to end attunements (and sometimes to
begin them) I have seen Buddhist and shinto priests use this symbol as a gesture to end rituals so
believe it was probably adapted from these for use with Reiki .Most often Raku is only used in
attunements. To open and close and ground the aura There is no need for additional attunement to
use these symbols anyone who is attuned to Reiki Master can draw on these functions if they wish
to do so . Raku is an addition to traditional Reiki I have not found it to be of any real value myself
but your experience might differ.
How Attunements work
During the Attunement The RM intends that the recipient- attunee be connected to the energies
and that they be able to access the energies and the recipient intends to accept attunement to Reiki.
It is the intention of the master that confers the ability to use the Reiki functions, rather than the
drawing of the symbols within the sphere of the aura .
You can think of all attunements as being like fixing a radio (or programming the vcr). Sort of
the energetic equivalent of cleaning off the connectors attaching the wires and wrapping them tape
and finding the channels you like and set setting the automatic channel finder button so that when
someone wants to connect they just have to turn on their radio and push the channel button and
turn up the volume . It may be more accurate to say that the RM lets the installer in and holds the
toolbox while the work is done.
Many teachers refer to placing symbols in the aura. This is done automatically during the
attunement and needn't be specified. It is not the same as activating energetic forms like the solar
disk and causal heart that are already naturally in the aura . I also find that it is not putting things
in the aura that is the issue but getting unwanted things out as almost everyone can and does create
energy forms and thought forms and many people are wondering around quite unwittingly sticking
them into others energy fields all the time these forms can block the natural flow of energy then
they do need to be removed . Some times during an attunement you may see or feel forms being
removed. Old shields around the heart to prevent emotional involvement seem to be quite
commonly removed during Reiki Attunements.

Ritual and attunement

The degree of ritual and ceremony accompanying Reiki attunement
varies from almost none to major productions involving smudging with sage, chanting, bell
ringing ,drumming , speaking in tongues and great formality. I am pretty low key ritual wise
myself . The primary method I use for attunement is the direct transmission or crown to crown
attunement which is very simple and quite effective . I have also used a fairly standard ritual
attunement technique and will share several different versions of attunements that you can choose
from or adapt.
It is kind of a well known secret that whatever ritual or ceremonial form you use to conduct the
attunement it will work provided your intention is set and the recipients accept the attunement.
The structure you use should be one that is appropriate and comfortable for you and your
During the attunement it is intended that the recipient- attunee be connected to
the energies and that they be able to access the energies by using the symbols or by intention. The
intention of the master connecting to the flow of Reiki confers the ability to use the Reiki functions.
rather than the actual ceremony or drawing of the symbols in the aura. Your class and your
attunement should have a clear beginning, middle and end .

Before the Attunement

Many Reiki teachers will clear and / or charge the energy of the room with Reiki before the
students arrive and the class begins. If it is part of their own personal path they may have invited
angels, ascended masters, guides , placed a healing grid or gateway in the room and so on to
support the most complete and perfect class and attunement possible. They might have said prayers
or done meditation or a self treatment with Reiki in accord with their own path of practice .
In any case the Reiki teacher should have and set the intention to conduct the most complete and
suitable class and to successfully intend to attune and teach the students to be fully competent
practitioners at the level of the class training.
I tend to think that if this has been done before the class there is not much need to do it again just
before the Attunement.
Some Reiki masters perform elaborate opening rituals before the attunement
such as casting a circle, or smudging with sage, toning and chanting these are not required or Part
of Usui Reiki. It now seems that Usui Sensei may have joined his students in reciting the Reiki
principles and singing some inspirational poems together before classes . From my first hand
experience, this kind of thing seems like a pretty common practice in varied Japanese cultural
activities including spiritual, social events, work and cooking , art and music lessons .
You will want to see to everyone's comfort and assure that they have chosen to come to the class
to be attuned and understand what will be taking place during the class.
I prefer to keep things quite simple and often do not even play music or infuse the air with
essential oil anymore (or burn incense).
Generally the attunement is done or begun fairly early in the class period after some introduction
because much of the instruction, symbols and practice is easier to learn after the attunement than
You will want to explain what might be experienced during the attunement.
Offer some preliminary information about attunement in general and explain what the specific
attunement will do. If you are doing a hands on attunement tell the students where you will touch
them. Remind everyone that they need to accept the attunement willingly and that the attunement
will make them permanently able to connect with and use Reiki at the level of the attunement.
You might want to have a break for a snack or lunch before the attunement so participants won't
be distracted by hunger or thirst and certainly everyone should have a chance to use the rest room
before you start.

If you are doing a direct intention attunement you will probably be attuning everyone at the same
time. If you are doing a ritual attunement you will probably attune one person at a time and will
want to decide if you will take each person into a different area one at a time or have the people
who are waiting or who have already been attuned sit around in a meditative type state of
participation and whether you want them to keep their eyes open some of the time or to keep their
eyes closed. You might want to play some music if you are going to have a bunch of people sitting
around waiting for you to finish attunements .

There are three different attunement rituals in this section and a few more at the end of the
Passing Reiki Attunement by Direct Intention
Reiki attunements are usually passed during a ritual. This manual contains several
variations of attunement rituals. Attunements allow us to access energy functions that it would
otherwise take many years of practice to be able to use.
The method of attunement featured first here is the direct transmission or crown to crown
attunement. This is probably the simplest of all attunement methods.
This is the one I use most often.
Direct intention is used for attunement in many different energy and healing systems and is
perhaps more like Mikao Usui's realization of Reiki through spirit than like the ritual attunements
most often used for Reiki in the West . I have been given credit or blame, (depending on your
attitude) for somewhat inadvertently introducing this method to the general population of Reiki
The simplest form of the direct attunement is to Activate all Reiki functions, set your intention
to attune the person or persons to a specific level of Reiki and allow the attunement to run to
completion just as you might do a remote healing session. There are a great many ways to set your
intention. The Reiki Teacher and the student will usually sit in chairs facing each other or as part
of a circle, or the student may lie down on a massage table or another comfortable location. People
could get up and move around during the attunement or even leave the area and still receive the
full attunement. It is preferable to receive the attunement while in a quiet meditative receptive
state . Most people sit comfortably with their eyes closed and their hands ( often palm upwards)
on their laps or held in a praying hands position at the heart or throat .

The teacher may specify the Reiki level to be attuned or for example simply ask that the Student
receive those energies that are in their Highest Good and in accord with their Soul Purpose. The
Teacher will activate the energies by intention and then activate the Attunement by intention. the
energies will flow into the teacher's and the student's crown Chakras and Run until it is done
clearing blocks , opening channels and connecting the energies , permanently enabling the student
to run Reiki . I often set the intention that they be able to run Reiki and other energies and energy
functions and procedures that they may already have or that they get later by intention , with and
without using the Mantras and symbols traditionally used in Reiki, or the Mantras, Mudras,
breath techniques etc. that are used in other systems. This offers the ability to use Reiki to people
who are unable to activate Reiki with the traditional Methods. Another advantage when you intend
to give the ability to activate the energies automatically, with or without symbols if appropriate is
that Reiki can be run more quickly when speed is of importance.
The Energies are the same just the activation method is different. But you can set the intention
as you want respecting the students right to receive only what serves their highest good of course .
These attunements are I feel directed by The ALL. The teacher just opens the channel and grounds
the energies.

The Direct or crown to crown attunement pretty much runs itself once activated and the procedure
can be as simple as activating all Reiki functions and stating or mentally intending to attune a
specific individual to a specific level of Reiki and allowing the attunement to run to completion .for
example "Reiki for attunement, attune (name) to Reiki level one " could be the mental intention.
However I do prefer to use use a more detailed intention and process. Once you activate the
energy and the attunement by intention either with or without consciously using the symbols, the
energies will flow into your crown chakra and flow throughout your body also flowing to or
crossing to the to the student's Aura it will run until it is done clearing blocks , opening channels
and connecting the energies and permanently enabling the student to use Reiki themselves.
Always intend that the attunement be in accord with the soul purpose and highest good of the
I often find myself mentally voicing specific intentions during the attunement. To do this
mentally intend that the initiates' crown, brow, heart, hands, eyes, throat, feet, voice aura
structures meridians ao, chakra, and all other possible appropriate channels be connected with
and to the ability to use and share Reiki that the Soulstar and Earthstar chakra consciously become
active that any blocks and impediments be removed to the ongoing connection with the energies ,
information and abilities that will best serve them. that the chakras be cleared, aligned,
harmonized locked into the central channel and mended that they be attuned to more easily be able
to connect with and receive spiritual guidance, energies and healing for themselves and others that
the energies be set and sealed . For the second degree intend that they be able to use the second
degree functions with and without symbols. For the Master attunement I intend that the recipient
be able to attune and pass on the ability to practice Reiki to others for all levels and facilitate the
ability to increase the ability of others to accept healing and connect with spiritual information and

You may move well beyond verbalization and perceive the attunement process and intentions as
pulsating vibrations and/or color and sound sometimes specific images and information or
direction is conveyed as the attunement continues usually most people can feel stages and changes
in the attunement as it runs. Not everyone does feel energy or have visual effects of course.

An attunement typically runs around 10 to 15 minutes though where time allows they may take an
hour or more the longer attunements seem to include much more healing work and clearing on the
recipient in addition to the Attunement .
When the attunement is complete it will taper to a stop the attunement is concluded with the
intention of energetic separation of the connection between the sender and receiver. Intend thanks
and appreciation of all participants and a return to mundane grounded awareness and a mental
ending of the attunement.
Say something like " The Attunement is complete ". Many Reiki Masters Wash their hands and
have the student wash their hands after the attunement to sever any remaining aura connection.
Usually this separation occurs naturally as the attunement ends with or without direct intention or
I find that it does help the person to become aware of the reality of the Reiki energy if they do
touch another human or an animal and run the energy right away . This may not be an absolutely
accurate explanation of what I do as it is largely a non verbal process and varies somewhat each
Attunement rituals for the Usui Reiki System of Healing
simple ATTUNEMENT method
This is not first the way I was taught it. I find this ritual method to be more effective than some
because it is simple and allows you to concentrate on the attunement.
The student will sit in a comfortably and relax. Their feet should be in contact with the floor their
eyes should be closed though some teachers do allow some peeking .The student will need to be able
to concentrate and to remain centered. Their hands should be held with the palms and fingertips
together at about the height of the heart chakra . You will tell your students that you will be
touching them on the head, shoulders, feet and hands and you will move their hands into several
positions the hands will be separated and brought back together, and that they will also feel short
bursts of your breath. You will tell them when the attunement is done and then they may take as
much time as they desire to open their eyes.
This is a method that uses four attunements for first degree and either two for second or one for
each symbol and one for third degree or Master.
Attunement ritual(s) for the First Degree
Stand behind the student, Activate the Reiki energy with the symbols and state your intent to
attune the student. This is done silently.
Visualize and or Draw Master Symbol into your aura
Touch your students shoulders and smooth the aura three times from head to feet.
Put your right hand on the crown and cover it with left hand.
* Tips of thumbs touch each other at the height of the heart chakra with the tips of the other
fingers touching shoulder area.
* Stand beside student left hand on forehead, right hand on the back of the head (medulla
* Put palms on the feet.
Touch the student's hands and open them to a position of receiving, palms up.
* Hold your own hands slightly above the hands of the student.
* Fold the hands together again and hold them in your own.
* Blow over crown, hands and hara.
Attunement ritual(s) for the Second Degree
* Bow behind the student, call the reiki energy and state your intent to
attune the student. This is done silently.
* Draw Master Symbol into your aura or merge with it.
* Touch shoulders and smooth the aura three times from head to feet.
* Draw the symbol into the student's aura.
* Now we have the same hand positions as for Level One while
additionally you draw or visualize the symbol three times into each
position (three time for each hand and each foot).
* the symbol is drawn into the hands.
* Blow over crown, hands and hara
* Draw the symbol behind the student and "push" it into the aura.
* Bow behind student.
* Draw the energy upwards once (as if closing a zipper).
* Speak blessing.

Attunement ritual for the Third Degree

* Exactly the same as for Level Two using the Master Symbol.

long version, Traditional (so far as I Know) Usui Attunement for First Degree

There are four separate attunements for the first degree . Think in terms of setting up the flow
for the energy to come into the crown chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your
Preparation and positioning for the attunement:
Position initiate in straight chair with feet on floor. if feet do not touch, use a phone book or
whatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position.
Standing in front of the Initiate, explain that you will be walking around to the back and working
on his/her head then returning to the front to work with his/her hands. While demonstrating the
correct position, instruct initiate to bring his/her hands together as when praying and hold them in
a comfortable position . Also tell him/her that you will be touching hands as well as raising them
higher during the attunement.
Instruction to initiate: "Now I want you to close your eyes and go within and I will let you know
when I am finished and you can open your eyes" (actually my first Reiki Master encouraged us to
keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allowed everyone in the class to watch during the
Walk in a counter-clockwise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement. ( some
other masters say clockwise).
First Attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra
Step 2. Now place your dominant hand on top of the crown chakra while your non dominant
hand remains extended. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and cho ku Rei, in that order.
Hold that position a moment allowing the energy to flow.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiate's hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate's fingertips .
Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and
Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen, Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand positions , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access
to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the cho ku rei with your tongue on the
roof of your mouth (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath
over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back . Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate: "You can open your eyes whenever you are
ready." or " This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement."
At this time you might ask the initiate to talk about the feelings , visions or experiences that
he/she had during the attunement.
Besides the joyful sharing involved between student and teacher , the verbalization allows the
Initiate to process what has occurred and helps if he/she needs to validate that "the attunement
worked ". If several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after all have been
completed . It also helps to instruct Initiates to continue to keep hands on heart after their
attunement while waiting for others to join them back at their seats.

Reiki Level 1. second and third attunements

Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you will also
touch Initiate's Shoulders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These
attunements not only setup part of the flow of Reiki they help clear the Initiates Chakras as well.
walk counter clockwise to back of the initiate and begin.
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now place both hands on the initiate's shoulders with both thumbs on either side of the
prominent bone at the base of the neck. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku
Rei, in that order. Hold that position and allow the energy to flow through all the chakras.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips .
Maintain hand
positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in
that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki. Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to
his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are

Reiki Level 1 Fourth Attunement

Preparation and Position are the same as in 1st 2nd and 3rd attunements
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai
Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair . Place one hand on Initiates
Forehead and one on the back of the head . Visualize the Dai Ku Myo ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He
Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips .
Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and
Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to
his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready.
" This concludes the First degree Reiki Attunement .

long 2 Traditional Second degree Attunement

Preparation and Position are the same as in the 1st degree attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on Initiates
Forehead and one on the back of the head. Visualize the ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen, Sei He Ki, and Cho
Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye
level with the Initiates hands Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo
Step 4. Then open the Initiates Hands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand and
draw (with your dominant hand ) the Hon sha ze sho nen over his/her palm and clap the hand with
yours. Now draw the Sei He Ki over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. next draw
the Cho ku Rei over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. Return the Initiates hand to
his/her Knee. Take up the Initiate's other hand and repeat all of step four on the second hand.
Step 5. clasp both of Initiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access
to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye( all in short bursts).
step 6. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready.
"This concludes the second degree attunement.

Traditional Third degree Attunement, long form

A meditation is done to facilitate the connection between the Master, the Initiate, the Energy and
the Guides in preparation for the Attunement. When The Master intuits that the connection has
been made the attunement begins.
The positioning is the same as for the other Reiki Attunements.
Step 1. Walk counter clockwise to back of Initiate. Take a deep breath and hold ,while placing
the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and
hand with the palm open . With your Dominant hand , draw the Dai Ku Myo over the Crown
Chakra. Reach forward with both hands and clasp Initiate's hands and release held breath by
blowing into the Crown Chakra
Step 2. Perform ALL Four of the first degree attunements with these changes: Blow into the
Crown Chakra prior to moving to front of Initiate to work on hands. This means that the held
breath will be blown into the Crown Chakra four more times from in back of the Initiate. pay close
attention to held breath and tongue positioning.
Step 3. Perform the complete second degree attunement with these changes :Blow into the Crown
Chakra prior to walking to side of Initiate.
After drawing the other three Symbols and clapping, Draw the Dai Ku Myo into Initiate's hands
and clap with yours.
When breath is blown, blow from Root Chakra to Heart Chakra, then Throat Chakra to Third
Step 4. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready.
" This Concludes The Master's Degree Attunement.

More ritual attunement procedures are given at the end of the manual

Remote Attunement
Just as you can do Reiki treatments for people anywhere in the world it is possible for
Attunement to be done over great distances.
Remote attunement does enable recipients to run Reiki but will not substitute for classes, hands
on experience and training taken in person. Reiki is simple but not so simple that one need not
apply themselves to learning the system.
Many people who are dedicated motivated self starters have become competent Reiki
practitioners after remote attunement. People who have family wellness emergencies might benefit
from a remote attunement to give more confidence to their efforts at hands on and spiritual healing
with only minimal training . But in the long term and to really be a Reiki practitioner most people
do much better with a class taken in person. Participating in Reiki circle shares and discussions is
one way to round out your Reiki experience .
Developing the light touch and knowing how to be sure that you are using Reiki and not your
own energy is easier to learn in person for most people . There are opportunities in many cities for
practitioners to meet and treat each other and practice. There are also many e-mail discussion lists
dedicated to Reiki and Reiki training.
Reiki masters have a responsibility to ensure as much as possible that their students really do
have an understanding of the basic skills and ethics of healing practice.
Remote attunement can be valuable in emergency situations such as when someone in a remote
area has a specific urgent need to be able to use Reiki .
There are other energy work systems that I feel are more suited to remote attunement because
they do not involve specific hand positions or symbols and are more concerned with self healing and
spiritual evolution and so do not require as much information about ethics and practice giving
treatments as Reiki should.
When I do send remote attainments I use the direct intention method.
I connect energetically with the recipient as though connected by cords of light and allow the
attunement to run. Most Reiki Masters combine the remote healing technique of using a proxy and
give the attunement in person to the proxy while intending that it go to the recipient.
I was a pioneer in using remote attunement for Reiki ,adapting a technique from other systems of
energy work. Remote Attunement and Direct transmission both in person and at distance is an
ancient and respected way of transmitting elements of spiritual awakening ,wisdom , information or
spiritual abilities between teachers and to others.
This is well known in some Buddhist paths. There are references and description of his
transmission or initiation of an opening of the inner eyes to a follower in a letter from Nicheren
who was a Tien Tai priest before founding his own sect from around 1156 -1160 I am sure there are
older records of this because he was not writing about a new practice.
However it was probably never so broadly used as has been recently true with Reiki most of the
records refer to transmissions / initiations /attunements/ openings either to devoted followers at
great distance or to transfer the mantel of leadership.
The transmission is not the system and was never meant to be a substitute for the "consistent
faith, practice and study " of the precepts and practices of the particular spiritual school from
which the transmission came or personal contact with a teacher and a community of experience.
Whether you are attuned by remote attunement or in a class setting You are responsible for your
own practice, study and personal development as a Reiki Practitioner or Master.
I certainly would hope that no one practices remote attunement or remote healing exclusively. If
they do it should probably not be called traditional Reiki.
The direct contact and communication between practitioners and teachers, friends and clients is
invaluable in maintaining the undiluted clarity of a teaching even while allowing for evolution and
growth .
There are some circumstances where remote attunement provides a life saving tool for healing
and happiness, Particularly for self and family. When I first used remote transmission of Reiki
attunement it was only as a prelude to direct training and attunement for two dedicated relatives
who were unable to stay in my area long enough to receive the attunements in person on the
timetable recommended and for one who's need to help a loved one with Reiki was urgent and
extremely great . I did place any particular right I might have had to "ownership" of the practices
and concept of Remote attunement in the public domain in early 1996 in the Alt. Healing Reiki
Throughout time, most healing energies have I think probably been acquired
directly from spiritual source usually after long effort in seeking spiritual development and the
ability and skill has been gained through trial and error. I had developed some small skill with
energy work prior to learning of Reiki and it was far more effort than is required to truly master
We have tremendous good fortune to be able to learn Reiki and other energy healing practices
in a swift simple way rather than dedicating lifetimes for each small step of progress.
Other systems with healing as an element combining energy work, precepts, and hand positions
such as those found in Reiki and some Kahuna paths may have been the exception more than the
rule . ( I'm sure there are many others but these are the two I am most familiar with.
I was initially rather more enthusiastic about remote attunement for Reiki
because of Reiki's reliability and primarily because of the real proof it offers that
we are interconnected and can communicate spirit to spirit wherever we are in the physical. I had
hope that this would be a factor in leading to a vast increase in peace, harmony, compassion and
community. as well as greatly accelerating the consistent ability of many to assist in healing work.
I had presumed that anyone who sought attunement would also seek training and persevere with
a seeking mind and heart to develop this precious gift Of Reiki . However that has not always
proven to be true .I rarely do remote Reiki attunement these days even though they are a great
pleasure to experience as the "sender" because without personal contact I cannot ensure that the
individual will pursue the challenge of learning the system and practicing to competence .
I cannot of course guarantee that in person either but I can ensure that at the very least students
have some practice and have heard of the ethics and other important elements of practice . I Live
in North America now near Los Angeles I have done successful remote Reiki attunements through
the Master level for Initiates on every continent except Antarctica using this method.
If you do send a remote attunement you may either do a direct transmission or use a proxy The
student may lie down or sit in a comfortable location .They can get up and move around during the
attunement or even leave the area and still receive the full attunement . Most people do prefer to
be in a quiet meditative receptive state for the attunements and often sit with closed eyes , with
hands palm upwards on their laps /knees or held in a praying hands position.
For an absentee attunement the time is agreed upon in advance, if possible the student will try to
be in a receptive and accepting or eager to receive mental state, although it is not absolutely
necessary that the student be paying attention or even be awake to get the attunement.
Getting the Attunement absentee does require that the recipient commit enough study time to
learn and master the techniques on their own. Reiki is an intuitive practice but studying the
material thoroughly gives intuition a place to start from .
The most common challenge of remote Attunement is helping the recipient learn to turn on and
know that they are running the Reiki. Some people are expecting rather more dramatic effects than
do occur and may have difficulty sensing the subtle energy when they do activate it .
The 21 Day Cleansing Cycle
Many Reiki students come to class very concerned about the possibility of severe detoxification
after the attunement because they have heard about A 21 day cleansing cycle . I find such reactions
to be so rare as to be virtually nonexistent for most of the people I attune . I Have heard that this
cycle was not specifically mentioned by Usui Sensei but is found in some Western metaphysical
systems .
It is more accurate to say that when you are attuned your personal healing begins immediately .
This sometimes shows up as symptoms of physical or emotional release such as an excess of Gas,
diarrhea or moodiness. This has been called detoxification. most people do not have noticeable
effects of this kind. Some people report a lot of emotional processing for up to 3 weeks or 21 days
after an attunement. Some people report having unusually vivid dreams just after the attunement.
Anyone getting Reiki treatments and or attunements is encouraged to drink lots of
water. This often reduces or eliminates any so called detoxification symptoms. Everyone should
be reminded that in some cases the release of toxins or energetic or physical realignments will
cause them to feel worse for a small time before they feel better.
Some people may feel somewhat uncomfortable when chronic physical ,emotional or mental
conditions are alleviated because they are unaccustomed to feeling well.
Anyone who has a detoxification reaction is encouraged to self treat with Reiki often and
to contact their Reiki teacher for help. Any severe or continuing unusual discomfort should
be referred to an appropriate medical professional because it may not have any
relationship to the attunement at all .Sometimes normal reactions to events that occur and
emotions that surface during the period just after attunement are attributed to detoxification
when they might really be simply a freer expression and awareness of feelings that can be an
effect of attunement . Cleansing cycles or a period of change or detoxification and integration of
the energies or transformations is not exclusive to Reiki but may occur during any major shift of
life or spiritual practices . Or even as part of the normal reaction to events in your daily life, Such
as adjusting to a new job .Many different spiritual traditions as well as some psychologists teach
that it usually takes about 2 weeks to 30 days to make any real lasting change in behavior. Many
attunements from other systems also mention a similar cycle of days while an energy or
transformation integrates completely.
Some teach that The first seven days is focused on personal issues and physical and emotional
development . The second week focuses more on relationships and community issues and mental
integration . The last week is Focused on divine or spiritual transformation and adjustment. The
cycle affects the body. When the session or attunement ends this cycle begins. Some of the changes
and insights learned along the way may take longer to fully manifest, or integrate but the first 21
days is considered a very important part in this process by many. Symptoms attributed to
detoxification can include excess Gas , colds and emotional mood swings however normally these
are rare and not severe when they do occur . This chart is one version from a very old metaphysical
book I actually think that the concept of the twenty-one day period may come from non Japanese
sources perhaps we could simply say that obstacles and karma may come up when you make
positive changes .
The 21 Day Cleansing, Detoxification or Transformation Cycle
1. Root Chakra , Support & Physical Body. Primal Power days 8 & 15
2. Sacral Chakra, Sex, Creativity, Intimacy, Ego, also days 9&16
3. Solar Plexus Chakra Emotions (gut feelings). Feelings for other people gland pancreas also days
10 & 17
4. Heart & Thymus Chakra self. Love in general. Compassion. Communication gland thymus also
days 11& 18
5. Throat Chakra Expression, Responsibility. Gland thyroid Also days 12 & 19
6. Brow, Third Eye Chakra Ideas, vision, the mind. Purpose. Gland pituitary also days 13 & 20
7. Crown Chakra Color Integration, Higher Mind Direction. gland Pineal Also days 14& 21
Each week has a full cycle through the chakras one day focusing on each.

Though the work is not limited to only one chakra a day the primary focus will be on one .Reiki
will bring up and help to clear issues that prevent wellness or standing in the way of the person's
spiritual and personal evolution. This cycle can happen whether you are receiving or giving a Reiki
treatment or healing. In fact, it happens every time you make a change of any kind. The only
difference is the focus. This cycle also applies to a cycle of integration of energies from the seven
rays of creation but this is far too complex and esoteric for this Reiki manual. My students have
not usually reported difficulties with detoxification themselves or with their students . Students are
asked to inform the Reiki Master if they do have severe or unusual reactions after the attunement .
The Reiki teacher may recommend that students come in for several days of individual
treatment in cases of severe detoxification. The teacher should suggest that a physician be
consulted if there are physical symptoms .not every physical or emotional event that follows
attunement will be detoxification.
Healing Attunement
I do not teach the temporary healing attunement offered in some "advanced Reiki Technique "
classes . I include a non Reiki permanent healing attunement in my treatments and attunements
for those who will accept energies from other systems
I do offer my Master students a permanent healing enhancement which they may in turn
transmit to their students and clients by intention or automatically This enhances the ability of
recipients to use healing energy and to connect with energies and information that they need . It is
not from Reiki .

The exchange issue

Anyone who becomes involved in Reiki sooner or later encounters a major issue and
Cultural /Ethical conflict in the Reiki world the clash between a view that a true "Healer" would
never charge or expect compensation for the work, and A philosophy stated to be A teaching of Dr.
Usui, that one must give some exchange to receive full benefit and must balance any exchange of
energy and that free treatment creates an unacceptable spiritual debt for the healee. The attitude
that people only value what they pay for vs the attitude that spiritual energies are a gift from God
and must in honor be free. These being only a few of the components in this issue . The beggar
story (That Usui Sensei healed in a slum for many years until discovering that many beggars
preferred to remain beggars) that is often told to illustrate a supposed requirement was probably
meant to illustrate that not everyone wants to be healed . You cannot define what constitutes
healing to another and you cannot force healing .(This same story is taught in some Buddhist sects
with different people and to illustrate different points too and is in my opinion, a traditional
teaching Parable that has been adapted ).
I do not have the skill to resolve this complex issue of exchange for anyone but regret that such
conflicts may restrict the availability of this and other wonderful tools for wholeness.
It is common for people to devalue themselves to the point where they will not pay for something
that could help their own well being.
A good portion of the first Reiki class I took was taken up with various stories, arguments and
indoctrination's on the theme of a need to charge for giving Reiki , and the presentation of Reiki as
a career . I mention the issue because whatever the Reiki training or system you work with you will
encounter this issue and need to work out your personal values about this. I do suggest that we all
strive to put aside our preconceptions on this issue and be truly fair .
It is important that no one feel abused or used . I also do not think it is fair to castigate someone
as being greedy if they want a fair payment for the time and energy and work they do even if you
wish that the service was free. I also wonder that so many people feel that their own health
,happiness spiritual evolution is not worth even a modest cost for a class or treatment . Part of the
exchange issue for both students and teachers and practitioners is how much we love and respect
ourselves .
Any exchange should be fair ,equitable and acceptable to all parties involved . It often does seen
that people use and appreciate Reiki more if they have made some kind of contribution of their
energy and resources and have helped to cover the cost to the practitioner of providing the time
,site, training , materials and personal effort for the class or treatment. Many Reiki Masters who
began by offering free attunement find that they cannot continue to do so because the actual cost to
them of manuals, other materials , childcare and so on is too great a burden on their families .
Oddly It is also true that some of the very people who are most insistent that Attunement should be
free also feel that "you get what you pay for " . I have actually saved more than my Reiki training
cost just off the cost of the pain killers I was using before I took Reiki . Not to mention other
benefits. Perhaps people underestimate the value Reiki will have in their lives.
The tradition of exchange is a valid one , we all Return to the Universe what we receive and
receive what we send out. Exchange can be any use of the energies received for the universal
good . I do accept the concept of exchange for value and I do believe in balance . Exchange is
indeed the universal Law but to me exchange and Karma are not simple one to one events that
occur in linear reality but are universal in scope. We can complete an exchange through service to
the universe but on the other hand criticizing people who need support in order to eat is not good
Karma either.
It is said that a butterfly in New York can effect the weather in Beijing, insisting always on
immediate exchange in the name of balance may in my experience create a greater imbalance
because an earlier imbalance may have been being rectified one must use ones own intuition and
understanding regarding this. Not only may what is right for me not be right for you but what is
right for me now may not be right for me tomorrow. Reality is flexible I appreciate that this issue
gives the opportunity to clarify our understanding of our own values and needs ,and encourage us
all to become clear on how we each feel about it rather than accepting as an absolute anyone else's
unexamined opinions.

It is not having the energy that makes one a Reiki "master" it is what you do with them after
you get them. Generally I with regard to compensating light workers I hold to the old saw that all
Absolutes are wrong including this one.) the only thing I am opposed to is being rigid and

Deattunement ,Obedience symbol and being prayed against - weird stuff

Some Reiki Masters, primarily in Europe have apparently without telling students been using
something they call an obedience symbol. That is intending during the attunement that the student
be bound to them and unable to use their free will to seek another teacher.
This is IMO an outrageous perversion and abuse of the relationship between the teacher and the
student. Should you encounter someone who thinks they have had this done. You can treat it the
way you remove implants, fixations and obsessions. Use Reiki with deep emotional mental and
empowerment healing and releasing with affirmations.

Some times People change their mind about wanting Reiki after they have been attuned
again this seems to be mostly in Europe some people are making big bucks de-attuning people I
personally think that a "de attuned" person could probably reopen Reiki anytime they wanted
too. Its been a given that once you have Reiki you have Reiki . Prior to receiving attunement
students should understand that this is a permanent transformation .
You could help some who really wanted to to disconnect I suppose you could help them cut off the
connection just as above. People don't have to use Reiki when they have it.

Reiki can do no harm, Reiki is self protecting and works for the highest good.
There have been a few individuals and groups who oppose Reiki on personal religious or spiritual
grounds, who have called for people to Pray to destroy Reiki. This might come under the general
category of psychic attack, However it has had absolutely no effect on any Reiki practitioner that I
know of. The primary reason for this kind of opposition to Reiki seems to be the idea that anything
that makes you feel good has to be bad.

Reiki Ethics for professional practice

Naturally at the Master level Ethics are very important. The Teaching Master is not a Guru or holy
person and should not expect devotion from students . Costs and training should be provided in a
complete and equitable way and promised training should be given as contracted for .
The Reiki master should behave in a moral and ethical way toward all students . The Ethical
standards discussed at earlier Reiki levels still apply . The information and confidences of your
clients and students is confidential and not to be divulged to others.

I am Not sure of the exact source for this below it is from one of the more Traditional Usui Reiki
Organizations possibly Reiki Alliance . (I put some comments in parenthesis and italics PJ.)

Reiki practitioners conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner, perform only those
services for which they are qualified, and represent their education, certification, professional
affiliations and other qualifications honestly. They do not in any way profess to practice medicine or
psychotherapy, unless licensed by their province or country to do so.
Reiki practitioners keep accurate client records, including profiles of the body mind health history.
They discuss any problem areas that may contraindicate use of Reiki, and refer clients to
appropriate medical or psychological professionals when indicated. (I do not actually know of any
conditions that contraindicate use of Reiki )(not all practitioners do keep detailed health type records
those who follow a clinical practice model do, others who practice in a less formal way may not keep
detailed records or any records at all)
Reiki practitioners pay close attention to cleanliness and professional appearance of self and
clothing, of linens and equipment, and of the office environment in general. They endeavor to
provide a relaxing atmosphere, giving attention to reasonable scheduling and clarity about fees.
Reiki practitioners maintain clear and honest communications with their clients, and keep all client
information, whether medical or personal, strictly confidential. They clearly disclose techniques
used, appropriately identifying each in the scope of their professional practice.
Reiki practitioners are encouraged to clarify their intention to facilitate therapeutic change of a
holistic nature, and to develop the ability to focus mindfully on the Body mind Self. To establish and
maintain trust in the client relationship, they are encouraged to ask caring questions about the
client's well-being, and to establish clear boundaries and an atmosphere of safety.
Reiki practitioners respect the client's physical/emotional state, and do not abuse clients through
actions, words or silence, nor take advantage of the therapeutic relationship. They in no way
participate in sexual activity with a client. They consider the client's comfort zone for touch and for
degree of pressure, and honor the client's requests as much as possible within personal, professional
and ethical limits. They acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person and
therefore do not unjustly discriminate against clients or colleagues.
Reiki practitioners present Reiki in a professional and compassionate manner, representing
themselves and their practice accurately and ethically. They conduct their business honestly, and do
not give fraudulent information, nor misrepresent themselves to students or clients, nor act in a
manner derogatory to the nature and positive intention of Reiki.
Reiki practitioners refrain from abuse of alcohol and drugs. These substances should not be used at
all during professional activities.
Reiki practitioners strive for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal and
professional strengths and weaknesses, and by continued education and training.
All Reiki practitioners of the same level should be treated as equals without regard to their
initiating master or their belief system. All Reiki Teacher/Masters should be treated as equals
without regard to their initiating Master or their membership (or lack of membership) of any body
or association.
Reiki Teachers respect each student's right to choose their own healing path and their initiating
All Reiki Teachers should present only the information handed down from Mikao Usui through the
Japanese lineage's. Any use of other material should be clearly introduced as such.-

There are probably as many ways to teach Reiki as there are teachers .
You will not teach exactly as you are taught but you will have a responsibility to make sure that the
basic material is covered and that traditional and contemporary Reiki and additions from outside
traditional Reiki are clearly identified. Most New Reiki Masters first teach using the manuals they
received during their training or Reiki Manuals that are in publication. Then later write their own
manuals. How you structure your class will vary according to your own style and that of the
students who come to you. The structure you use should be one that is appropriate and
comfortable for you and your students.
Many people are somewhat insecure of even fearful that there may be some conflict with their
own religious faith so I think it is good to keep any religious element to the absolute minimum
unless you are quite certain that your students are kindred spirits.
The degree of ritual and ceremony accompanying Reiki attunement varies from almost none to
major productions involving casting circles ,smudging with sage ,prayers chanting bell ringing,
speaking in tongues, drumming and great formality. (My first Reiki Master really put on a show).
This is All right if it feels right to you and your students . This manual has several different
versions of attunements that you can choose from or adapt. It is kind of a well known secret that
whatever ritual or ceremonial form you use to conduct the attunement it will work provided your
intention is set and the recipients accept the attunement.

Well before the Day of the class you will want to have planned an outline of the class and taken
care of the details of manuals , teaching materials , time, location and cost .
Decide what attunement form to use well ahead of the class day. If you will be paying for a location
for your class it is wise to have collected an advance deposit from your students so that if they do
not attend the class or cancel at the last moment you will be able to cover at least some of the costs
you have incurred.
The Class Location and preparation
If you are teaching at a location other than your own home, store or office try to visit first and
make sure the location is suitable. Is it quiet enough for teaching? Is there a kitchen or are
restaurants nearby? Will students need to bring their own lunch or snacks ? Are chairs provided ?
Is there a table for students to use when writing symbols? Can you bring a coffee maker or is one
provided .Does the facility allow eating on the premises?
Make sure that rest rooms are available and that they are working and clean , See if there is privacy
for your students during the class. Some places such as Condominium or Senior Recreation
Centers may expect you to allow their members to wander through at will if they allow you to use
their facilities.
Make sure that the people with whom you arrange the use of facilities have the right to arrange
the contract for the facilities. Check that you have electrical outlets available if you bring anything
that will need them. Will you need to bring your own source of music if you want it? Hopefully the
room will be clean and comfortable and the right temperature. Have your chosen music ready if
you will use it and make sure the equipment works. Will you be allowed to light candles or burn
incense ? Some facilities have fire regulations that prohibit all flame. Some teachers ceremonially
burn the paper on which the symbols are practiced, If you intend to do this you would need a safe
container and location for this .
If you will serve tea or snacks or people will bring lunch you will want to have cups , napkins,
spoons sugar and a waste basket for debris . In many locations it is common to have bottled water
on hand. Make sure the rest room is clean and supplied. If the class is at your home remove
anything potentially embarrassing from the rest room including the medicine cabinet if it does not
lock. put anything of special value or fragility away. It is also wise to make sure that those rooms
which you do not expect anyone to enter are clean and suitable in case someone does need to enter
them. Sometimes people do need to change clothes or lie down for a bit or take medication. Have a
place for people to put coats if they have them . A safe place for purses that is visible to all and far
from the exit is a good idea if they cannot be not kept close to each student .
Make arrangements for childcare if you need it and so forth. Have selected or written the
material you will be using and gathered your handouts and teaching materials. Make sure you have
enough manuals ,handouts and certificates (if you give certificates) for your expected students .
Have pens and paper for your students and clipboards if there is no table or place for students to
take notes or practice writing symbols . Set up a massage table if you have one and there is room
to have it out during the class. Figure out where you will put it if you will need to put it up after the
class starts. And have tissues, cushions a blanket and so forth. If you do not have a massage table
decide where you will demonstrate treatments. Try to have enough chairs hopefully comfortable
ones. It can be really painful for some people to sit on a floor for a long time.
preparation on class day
It is hoped that you will be well rested and prepared on the day of the class.
If the class is not at your home try to arrive early enough to complete your preparations in an
unhurried way . Before the students arrive you might want to give yourself a self treatment. Do
your meditation and any personal preparation . You might want to clear the room and if you do
want to do something like call in a healing grid or portal or invite Angels etc. You might do it now
rather than after the students arrive. I like to sit in the room and Run Reiki with the intention that
the room myself and the class be of maximum effect and light.
Your class and your attunement should have a clear beginning, middle and end.
Teach as you would like to be taught
Know something about your students
use simple words to communicate concepts
have breaks scheduled
Organize the presentation so that it flows in a way that makes sense to you and your students
Do not try to prove that you are right let students have their own realizations
You can hold a class for one person or for a large number of people
however if you have at least two students they can practice together while you teach and observe.
Try to avoid too large a group. While doing Reiki and attunements can be exhilarating a very large
a class will be difficult to keep running smoothly .You want to be able to give each student
individual attention.

When you use the direct transmission group attunement you can have everyone begin by
sharing Reiki with each other just after the attunement ends. After the attunements you can have
people do a quick check that they can run Reiki and go directly into a self treatment .
If you are doing a ritual attunement one student at a time then when one student has finished they
could stand behind one of the waiting students and run Reiki with their hands on the shoulders of
the seated student. Before you begin the attunement let people know you will be having them do
that so you won't break up the flow of the Attunement. actually a lot of folks find this disruptive so
I don't do it this way myself.
If you do the individual attunement in a separate area from the rest of the class students can
practice on the waiting students after their attunement is done . This is easier to supervise if you
have a teaching assistant.
After the Attunement some students may want to discuss their experience of the attunement .
This can cause the class to drag if allowed to continue to long and also may make some students
who do not get visions and drama feel discouraged.
Suggestions for teaching Reiki one class.
If there is anyone in class who has never received Reiki give them a sample early on. If you are
doing the four part Reiki one attunement you will want to space the segments throughout the class
time . When a student has completed the first degree attunement they should touch someone and
run Reiki as soon as possible . I often go right into having everyone give themselves a self treatment
right after the attunement. People who have worked with other energy systems using active chi or
polarity sometimes have to be reminded that when you turn Reiki on it flows without the
practitioner having to push or "do" something to "make it work" it can take a little while for
everyone to get the technique of commanding the Reiki on and allowing it to run.
For Reiki one
covered topics
introduction, personal information greetings
handing out materials
What Reiki is, history,
brief introduction to concepts of energy and wellness
hand positions and why they are used
demonstrate treatments self ,others, chair
practice, lots of practice make sure everyone has got the feel for Reiki
and has both given and received Reiki
Ethics, Reiki principles, disclaimers
using Reiki on plants, animals,
a bit about meridians, aura, chakra and the energy body
a bit about scanning or sensing energy in general and about intuition
Reiki in other areas of your life, job environment, events,
meetings, in the home, leisure activities,
exchange issues , legal issues , Reiki variants
about having a Reiki practice and keeping records
Questions, anything that comes up
Possibly teach Japanese techniques Hatsu-Reiho ,meditation ,Reiki shower
additional discussion social interaction and practice
hibiki- byosen
non Reiki methods of increasing channel
meditation and grounding

Make sure that all students can run Reiki

and do not use their own energy.
that they understand the butterfly lightness of touch
have practiced hand placements
and know about ethical issues and the Reiki principles
make sure that they have a chance to talk about the Attunement experience
if they want but don't push and don't allow this part of the class to take over .
be prepared to discuss protection and perceived conflicts with religion if the issue comes up. Be
prepared to discuss Reiki myths and conflicts if it comes up.

For Reiki Two

the general nature of symbols
More detailed information about ethics particularly in regard to remote healing and emotional
introduce the three individual symbols
using the power symbol
using the harmony symbol
using the remote healing symbol
techniques of emotional healing
treating addictions, setting affirmations
techniques of remote healing
healing issues in the past, preparing for future need
Reiki circles and group treatments

practice drawing symbols and memorizing them

a method of memorizing symbols that works very well
is to have students draw them starting with the first stroke and beginning again adding one stroke
each time until done.
practice treatment with symbols
practice remote healing

additional possible subjects

Japanese Reiki techniques
World healing
Discuss "advanced Reiki Techniques"
such as reiki meditation
Guides and angels
crystals , manifesting . Etc.

Other- healing techniques (not traditional to Reiki

These are techniques I have learned and share with students
separately from the Reiki training ) These include
directing Energy to specific areas, energy massage
Expand blanket and focus functions
power settings, and modes, Automatic programs
(these give equivalent functions to having taken most of the
"advanced "Reiki variants )

Reiki Master and teacher

Master level attunement

the Empowerment symbol
using the symbol
Several ways to give attunements
how to give a distant attunement
About being a Reiki Master suggested values
lots of practice doing attunements
Teaching Reiki
discuss other forms of Reiki
including really strange stuff
(deattunement obedience symbol)
About Reiju (This empowerment method is not taught in this manual
I use a different Reiju form than Mr. Doi )
Additional possibilities
(other healing functions not Reiki as such)
chakra balancing
healing attunement
angel connection
karma alleviation
class formats
There are several formats that are used for classes The teacher must decide How they want to teach
and how long will each class be . Very few people have time for a classic apprenticeship of one or
more years .

Any one may take Reiki one

often with traditional Western Reiki the class is held either over one weekend or
Friday evening and the weekend to allow time to space out the 4 part attunements
another pattern is one Day for Reiki one. Some people have taught Reiki one over eight weeks with
about 2 hours for each session. With individual students or couples who have read the manual
before class and have experience with meditation or other spiritual practice a 4 to 6 hour class
often works very well

Reiki two can be done either in combination with Reiki one or separately
often it is recommended that one wait at least a month after taking Reiki one and practice self
treatment daily if possible and treat at least 10 other people
before taking the level two class Most times this class is taught either in one day or in one weekend
but some teacher do teach over a longer time frame .

The requirement and time devoted to the Reiki Master Training

can be extremely varied
While some teach all three levels in one weekend and this is successful for many
most teachers recommend a wait of from six months to a year after the Reiki two training .
Some teachers require students to have kept a Reiki Journal and provide documentation of from
fifty to 100 treatments for different people before accepting them into a Reiki Master class.
Some teachers have students meet at least once a month for a year and do many supervised
treatments . Some teachers require students to provide students for several classes and treatment
which the master supervises . (and gets all the payments for them).
Some teachers require their students to write their own manual before certifying them.
Other Teachers have just done the attunement and taught the empowerment symbol and a way to
attune and that is it. This is clearly not adequate though with perseverance one can self teach and
fill in the gaps.
Many teachers do Divide the Master level into two separate sections
doing the attunement and basic teaching in the first part and focusing on teaching Reiki in the
second part.
There are all kinds of possibilities for ways to develop your class outlines and materials

I have not firmed up on a favorite form for Master level classes

but adapt the form to the needs of the student or students
Most good Reiki teachers will be open for follow up either in person or by phone and e-mail

MORE RITUALS for attunements

Semi Traditional Usui style Attunement

This is in the Usui Tradition but is not exactly what it is said that Mrs. Takata did . I think
that Mrs. Takata did Attunements slightly differently each time because there are several different
rituals that people swear are just what she taught them. I have also spoken with people attuned by
Mrs. T or her granddaughter who said none of the published methods are exactly like she taught.
The same attunement is used for all three levels with some modifications for the second and
third level. For the more traditional form The first level attunement is repeated 4 times with a
minimum of an hour between Attunement. You can begin by setting your intention or saying a
"prayer" of intention, either silent or spoken in any tradition that is valid for you. Intend with the
for the help of the Reiki Source to facilitate a perfect attunement for the person or people . If you
work with spirit guides, Reiki guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, etc., you can ask them to assist
in making this a perfect attunement in accord with the persons highest good. Angels and guides or
other "helpers" are not necessary for the attunement to work and are not a traditional element in
The Usui- Hayashi-Takata lineage .
Draw the Power Symbol and the Master symbol on your palms, and mentally visualize
them over your Crown and on your Heart Chakra, intend to connect totally with Reiki, the Earth
and Source for the purpose of attunement.
Clear and charge the room by drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols mentally or in the air in front
of you. This prepares the room and sets a tone as a sacred event.
The student sits with hands held in the gassho or prayer position at about mid chest. Stand
behind the initiate, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down the
back of the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of the head to get an
energetic rapport with the student.
Breathe in and visualize the Dai Ku Myo. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra blow the
Dai Ku Myo visualized as gold into the Crown Chakra, guiding it with your hand move it through
the middle of the student's head, and into the base of the brain.
Just above or on the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat silently
"Dai Ku Myo" three times. Visualize the symbol moving into the Crown Chakra, through the
head and into the base of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with Cho Ku Rei, the
Sei Hei Ki, and the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.
Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head or reach
over and raise them yourself. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the
Symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the
base of the brain saying the name of the power symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with
your hand.
When attuning to level 2 you Repeat this with the Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and with
Dai Ku Myo for level III.)
Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of their heart. Draw the Power
Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third eye chakra). Picture the Symbol
moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with the hand if you want. Say the name of the power
symbol three times.
For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the
Master Level, use all four symbols, remember to repeat
the name of each symbol three times).
Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. (You might need to move the
students hands) Then picture the Symbol moving into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power
symbol three times. For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant
Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols).
Open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each other palms up facing
the ceiling .Place you left hand under their hands and with your right hand draw out the Power
Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the name of the power symbol three times. Then lightly tap
or slap the hands three times. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the hands in level I, the Distant
symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in level II, and all four of the symbols
are placed in the palms in the Master level.)
Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the
student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and
Crown, and back over the hands.
Move behind the student. Place your hands on or over the student's head. Use a positive
affirmation and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the student. Some
examples are: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a True Reiki Healer", or "you are filled
with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any other affirmation that is significant to you or the student.
Open your hands and look down through the Crown Chakra, visualizing through to the
root chakra. Intend that the great shining light of the Reiki Source send fill the heart and all the
chakras. Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the head
and the left at the base of the skull. draw the power symbol in the aura over the crown and
the aura being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom".
Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and the student is
now forever connected directly to the Reiki Source. Place your hands on the student's shoulders
briefly while appreciating the completion of the attunement
Move to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a glowing mist
surrounding you both . Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of Reiki. Blow the mist at
the student allowing the final energy of the
attunement to bless the student. Say, "the attunement is complete".


The First Degree Attunements

There are four separate attunements for the first degree . Think in terms of setting up the flow
for the energy to come into the crown chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your
Preparation and positioning for the attunement:
Position initiate in straight chair with feet on floor. if feet do not touch, use a phone book or
whatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position.
Standing in front of the Initiate, explain that you will be walking around to the back and
working on his/her head then returning to the front to work with his/her hands.
While demonstrating the correct position, instruct initiate to bring his/her hands together as
when praying and hold them in a comfortable position . Also tell him/her that you will be
touching hands as well as raising them higher during the attunement.
Final instruction to initiate: "Now I want you to close your eyes and go within and I will let you
know when I am finished and you can open your eyes" (actually my first Reiki Master encouraged
us to keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allowed everyone in the class to watch during
the attunements).
Now walk in a counter-clockwise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement
( some other masters say clockwise).

First Attunement

Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw
the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra
Step 2. Now place your dominant hand on top of the crown chakra while your non
dominant hand remains extended . Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and cho ku Rei, in
that order. Hold that position a moment allowing the energy to flow.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your
non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull
hands up to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be
about eye level with the Initiate's hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate's
fingertips . Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he
Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand positions , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have
access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the cho ku rei with your tongue
on the roof of your mouth (mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of
breath over the heart 1/3 over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back . Allow as
much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate: "You can open your eyes whenever you are
ready." or " This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement." At this time you might
ask the initiate to talk about the feelings , visions or experiences that he/she had during the
attunement . Besides the joyful sharing involved between student and teacher , the verbalization
allows the Initiate to process what has occurred and helps if he/she needs to validate that "the
attunement worked ". If several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after all have
been completed . It also helps to instruct Initiates to continue to keep hands on heart after their
attunement while waiting for others to join them back at their seats.
Reiki Level 1. second and third attunements
Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you will also
touch Initiate's Shoulders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These
attunements not only setup part of the flow of Reiki they help clear the Initiates Chakras as well.
walk counter clockwise to back of the initiate and begin.
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw
the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now place both hands on the initiate's shoulders with both thumbs on either side of
the prominent bone at the base of the neck. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho
Ku Rei, in that order. Hold that position and allow the energy to flow through all the chakras.

Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your
non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull
hands up to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be
about eye level with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates
fingertips . Maintain hand
positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku Rei in
that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki. Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have
access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue
(mouth closed). Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3
over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow
as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you
are ready."

Reiki Level 1 Fourth Attunement

Preparation and Position are the same as in 1st 2nd and 3rd attunements Step 1. Raise
up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the Dai Ku myo over
the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair . Place one hand on Initiates
Forehead and one on the back of the head . Visualize the Dai Ku Myo ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He
Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your
non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull
hands up to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be
about eye level with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates
fingertips . Maintain hand
positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have
access to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue
(mouth closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3
over the throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow
as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you
are ready. "
This concludes the First degree Reiki Attunement .


Preparation and Position are the same as in the 1st degree attunement
Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw
the Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair. Place one hand on Initiates
Forehead and one on the back of the head. Visualize the ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen, Sei He Ki, and Cho
Ku Rei, in that order.
Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your
non dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull
hands up to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be
about eye level with the Initiates hands Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku
Step 4. Then open the Initiates Hands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand
and draw (with your dominant hand ) the Hon sha ze sho nen over his/her palm and clap the hand
with yours. Now draw the Sei He Ki over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. next
draw the Cho ku Rei over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. Return the Initiates
hand to his/her Knee. Take up the Initiate's other hand and repeat all of step four on the second
Step 5. clasp both of Initiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access
to his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
step 6. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back. Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever you are ready.
"This concludes the second degree attunement.
A meditation is done to facilitate the connection between the Master, the Initiate, the Energy and
the Guides in preparation for the Attunement. When The Master intuits that the connection has
been made the attunement begins.
the positioning is the same as for the other Reiki Attunements.
Step 1. Walk counter clockwise to back of Initiate. Take a deep breath and hold ,while placing
the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and
hand with the palm open . With your Dominant hand , draw the DAI KU MYO over the Crown
Chakra. Reach
forward with both hands and clasp Initiate's hands and release held breath by blowing into
the Crown Chakra
Step 2. Perform ALL Four of the first degree attunements with these changes: Blow
into the Crown Chakra prior to moving to front of Initiate to work on hands. This means that the
held breath will be blown into the Crown Chakra four more times from in back of the Initiate. pay
close attention to held breath and tongue positioning. Step 3. Perform the complete second degree
attunement with these changes :Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to walking to side of Initiate.
After drawing the other three Symbols and clapping, Draw the DAI KU MYO into Initiate's
hands and clap with yours.

When breath is blown, blow from Root Chakra to Heart Chakra, then Throat Chakra to
Third Eye . Step 4. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step
back . Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your
eyes whenever you are ready. " This Concludes The
Master's Degree Attunements.

Semi Traditional attunement (Diane Stein style)

There are many variations of the attunement procedure and Reiki Masters often add Personal
touches to the process. this version is very much like the one in Diane Stein's Book Essential Reiki.
You will stand for the attunement the students will sit with hands held together in a praying hands
position (fingers straight not folded) at chest height.
During most of the attunement many Reiki Masters hold their breath with their tongue held at the
roof of their mouth just behind the teeth and may clench their perinea muscles during the process.
(I do not recommend the muscle clenching at all).
Many Reiki Masters do some kind of clearing or opening procedure before beginning the
Attunement this might be as simple as having everyone wash their hands first, to a full blown
ceremony with casting a circle, smudging, chanting in tongues, Praying and Ritual gestures. this is
up to the Reiki Master's inclination and training. (My first Reiki Master Really put on a show).
Step behind the chair where the student is seated and open the students crown with either a
visualization or a two handed book opening gesture . Trace the
Dai Ku Myo Symbol over the crown mentally repeat the mantra as you draw the symbol. Reach
over the student's shoulders and take hold of the student's hands between Your own and blow the
symbol into the crown. Take a deep breath and hold it. Then trace the other symbols over the crown
and again take the students hands and blow into the crown take another deep breath and hold it.
Now come to the front and open the students hands like a book. Trace the Power symbol over both
palms and tap the hands three times you may draw all the symbols at once and tap them in or do
each one separately. You may also draw the symbols on the fingers and for the third degree over the
third eye at the brow. Then take the student's hand in one of your and hold it to the side while you
blow from root to heart. Take a deep breath and hold it. Go to the back and close the aura being
careful not to close the crown. Some Reiki Masters also open and close the attunement with another
symbol called Raku just like the pottery firing technique, it looks like a lightening bolt. Some
Masters do four attunements for level one, two for level two, and one for level three. Some do one
attunement for each level. and a few do all of the levels in one attunement.

I hope that this manual will be of value to all readers and that they find their Reiki practice joyful
and fulfilling .

This manual is not complete there is always more to learn

According to legend Dr. Usui Received his attunement for Reiki from Spiritual Source at the
conclusion of a 21 day fast and meditation at Mount Kurayama in Japan.

He saw a beam of light coming toward him, it struck him in the middle of the forehead (Third Eye
Chakra). He lost consciousness then saw a vision of beautiful bubbles with the characters used as
Reiki activation symbols in them and he was able to use the energy for Healing.

Subsequently several versions of ritual for Reiki Attunement have developed most apparently
derived from Buddhist, Taoist and Shinto rituals.

How does the Attunement work?

This is just my theory but in the case of energy and spiritual subjects the one truth is that its all
true, what works for you and aligns you with your highest good is the truth for you and what does
that for me is the truth for me.

During the attunement whether it is in person or distance it is intended that the recipient-attunee be
connected to the energies and that they be able to access the energies by using the symbols (or by
intention alone in the variant system I use ) even in traditional attunements

it is the intention of the master that confers the ability to use the Reiki functions. rather than the
drawing of the symbols within the sphere of the aura .

I tend to view the symbols as symbols more like a label than the actual trigger or power .I kind of
think of all attunements as being like fixing a radio . I clean off the connectors attach the wires and
wrap them tape and find the channel and set the automatic channel finder button so that when
someone wants to rock n'roll (reiki) they just have to turn on their radio and push the channel
button and turn up the volume . although it may be more accurate to say that I let the repair person
in and hold the toolbox while the work is done.

In the matter of placing things in the aura, in many of the other systems I am attuned too or have
heard of, placing the desired items such as symbols in the aura is automated in the attunement and
needn't be specified as when putting star tetrahedrons around the permanent atoms or spheres of
soul light around the meridian points as is done in some other attuned energy systems. This is not
the same as activating energetic forms like the solar disk and causal heart that are already
naturally in the aura . I also find that it is not putting things in the aura that is the issue but getting
unwanted things out as almost everyone can and does create energy forms and thought forms and
many people are wondering around quite unwittingly sticking them into others energy fields all the
time. if these forms can block the natural flow of energy then they do need to be removed . Some
times during an attunement I will see forms being removed. Shields around the heart to prevent
emotional involvement seem to be quite commonly removed during Reiki Attunements.


This Reiki Attunement method is probably the simplest of all attunement methods. The
Attunements are given crown to crown by direct intention rather than through a physical ritual.
The attunements can be done in person or remotely . I Live in North America now near Los Angeles
I have done successful remote Reiki attunements through the Master level for Initiates on every
continent except Antarctica using this method. This form is used in many different forms of energy
work from around the world.

For Crown attunements done in person, the Reiki Teacher and the student will sit in chairs facing
each other or as part of a circle, or the student may lie on a massage table. or other comfortable
location .They could get up and move around during the attunement or even leave the area and still
receive the full attunement . Most people do prefer to be in a quiet meditative receptive state for the
attunements and often sit with closed eyes , with hands palm upwards on their laps /knees or held in
a praying hands position.

The Reiki teacher may do a simple room clearing and call upon the Angels and Reiki guides to
assist them with the attunement, or they may deal with the energies in an entirely abstract way. this
is entirely up to the personal preference of the teacher with the agreement of the student.

The teacher may specify the level to be attuned or simply ask that the Student receive those
energies that are in their Highest Good and in accord with their Soul Purpose. The Teacher will
activate the energies by intention and then activate the attunement by intention. the energies will
flow into the teacher's and the student's crown Chakras and Run until it is done clearing blocks ,
opening channels and connecting the energies Permanently enabling the student to run Reiki and
other energies and energy functions and procedures that they may already have or that they get
later by intention ,without having to use the Mantras and symbols traditionally used in Reiki, or the
Mantras, Mudras breath techniques etc. that are used in other systems.

Here is a page with a more detailed talk through crown to crown attunement and remote
attunement the way I do it added December 16 1999.

Once you have received the crown to crown attunements for Reiki . You can activate the Reiki by
intending that it run .Gently have the idea that it will run. ask or command that the Reiki energies
you want to be using turn on. you may feel energy flow into your crown and down your arms into
your hands and from there to where it is needed . No real effort is involved just the slightest
intention that Reiki run. Reiki will ebb and flow and at least a tiny bit of attention and intention is
required to keep the energies flowing . Unless you have the ability to run automatic sets of
programs from a system such as Drisana , "Cosmic Fusion" (which is the highfalutin name I am
using to sort of describe the whole amalgam of things available ) or your own energy work
evolution. You may also activate the Reiki by drawing the symbols and saying the mantra the
traditional way if you choose. No will power is needed to keep it running. In hands on work the
hands are left in each place until the energy begins to taper off.
Please get permission from others before treating with Reiki . The energy may come on by itself
when it is needed I tend to think that when it does you may consider permission given.
These attunements are spirit directed the teacher just opens the channel and grounds the energies.
people often get level one and two at once and often get extra energies or activate abilities that were
latent. most people get power settings or pick up some of the crystal Attunements etc. I am coming
to think that many of the traditional training in Reiki may have an inhibiting effect rather than an
empowering one. Crown to Crown attunements seem to make hands off and other distance
treatments easier and more directable than the hands on attunements. Some People do experience a
bit of emotional processing in the first three weeks after getting Reiki. But this is more likely to
happen if they are told to expect it .

Attunements can be done long distance for all levels of Reiki. When the attunements are done
absentee a time is agreed upon in advance, if possible the student will try to be in a receptive and
accepting or eager to receive mental state although it is not necessary that the student be paying
attention or even awake to get the attunements.
Getting the attunements absentee does require that the recipient commit enough study time to learn
and master the techniques on their own. Intuition is the best teacher. Reiki is an intuitive practice

It is possible to activate the energies automatically, which brings the ability to use Reiki to people
who are unable to activate Reiki with the traditional Methods. the Energies are the same just the
activation method is different.
I have given third degree attunements to my (former) neighbor , who is blind ( and yes, I asked him,
he prefers the term blind over visually impaired.
My 11(now 15) year old daughter, who is hearing impaired and dyslexic has received the Master
attunement and uses the energies quite skillfully ( she does not do attunements yet ).

I have given the attunements to several others who were unable to take advantage of traditional
Usui Reiki Techniques and have reattuned a Reiki Master who had become too ill to draw symbols.
I teach the symbols to the people I have attuned, so far none have needed them . Some people have
chosen not to or have been unable to learn them. They have found it quite easy to use all the Reiki
energies by intention alone once they have realized that is all that is needed . I do recommend that
you learn and study the symbols even if you do not use them.


The First Degree Attunements

There are four separate attunements for the first degree . Think in terms of setting up the flow for
the energy to come into the crown chakra and out the minor chakras in the palms of your hands.

Preparation and positioning for the attunement:

Position initiate in straight chair with feet on floor. if feet do not touch, use a phone book or
whatever is necessary under the feet so that the initiate is seated in a comfortable position.

Standing in front of the Initiate, explain that you will be walking around to the back and working
on his/her head then returning to the front to work with his/her hands.

While demonstrating the correct position, instruct initiate to bring his/her hands together as when
praying and hold them in a comfortable position . Also tell him/her that you will be touching hands
as well as raising them higher during the attunement.

Final instruction to initiate: "Now I want you to close your eyes and go within and I will let you
know when I am finished and you can open your eyes" (actually my first Reiki Master encouraged
us to keep our eyes open at least some of the time and allowed everyone in the class to watch during
the attunements).

Now walk in a counter-clockwise motion to the back of the chair to begin the attunement ( some
other masters say clockwise).

First Attunement

 Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku Myo over the crown chakra
 Step 2. Now place your dominant hand on top of the crown chakra while your non dominant
hand remains extended . Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and cho ku Rei, in that
order. Hold that position a moment allowing the energy to flow.
 Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiate's hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiate's fingertips .
Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and
Cho Ku Rei in that order.
 Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
 Step 5. retaining same hand positions , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to
his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the cho ku rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
 Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back . Allow as much
time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate: "You can open your eyes whenever you are
ready." or " This concludes the first part of the first degree attunement." If you have allowed them
to have their eyes open during the attunement.
At this time you might ask the initiate to talk about the feelings , visions or experiences that he/she
had during the attunement . Besides the joyful sharing involved between student and teacher , the
verbalization allows the Initiate to process what has occurred and helps if he/she needs to validate
that "the attunement worked ". If several people are being attuned this sharing can be done after
all have been completed . It also helps to instruct Initiates to continue to keep hands on heart after
their attunement while waiting for others to join them back at their seats. Don't push it though.

Reiki Level 1.

second and third attunements

Preparation and positioning are the same as in the first attunement adding that you will also touch
Initiate's Shoulders. The steps for the second and third attunements are identical. These
attunements not only setup part of the flow of Reiki they help clear the Initiates Chakras as well.
walk counter clockwise to back of the initiate and begin.

 Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
 Step 2 .Now place both hands on the initiate's shoulders with both thumbs on either side of the
prominent bone at the base of the neck. Visualize the Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho Ku
Rei, in that order. Hold that position and allow the energy to flow through all the chakras.
 Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips .
Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and
Cho Ku Rei in that order.
 Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
 Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to
his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
 Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back .
Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever
you are ready."

Reiki Level 1

Fourth Attunement

Preparation and Position are the same as in 1st 2nd and 3rd attunements

 Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
 Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair . Place one hand on Initiates
Forehead and one on the back of the head . Visualize the DaiKu Myo ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He
Ki, and Cho Ku Rei, in that order.
 Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiates hands and place your dominant hands fingertips to the initiates fingertips .
Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho nen, Sei he Ki, and
Cho Ku Rei in that order.
 Step 4. With your dominant hand , clasp the top of the initiate's fingers by folding your hand
over the top of her/his hand and visualize the Dai Ku Myo, Hon sha ze sho zen , Sei hei Ki .Cho Ku
Rei in that order.
 Step 5. retaining same hand position , lift Initiate's hands near to nose in order to have access to
his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye(all in short bursts).
 Step 6. Release Initiates Hands , placing them over Initiate's heart and step back .

Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever
you are ready. "

This concludes the First degree Reiki Attunement .


Preparation and Position are the same as in the 1st degree attunement

 Step 1. Raise up your non dominant arm with palm open. With your dominant hand draw the
Dai Ku myo over the crown chakra.
 Step 2. Now move counter clockwise to the side of the chair . Place one hand on Initiates
Forehead and one on the back of the head . Visualize the ,Hon Sha Ze sho nen , Sei He Ki, and Cho
Ku Rei, in that order.
 Step 3. In a counter-clockwise movement walk around to the front of the initiate. Using your non
dominant hand, clasp his/her hands from around the back where the thumbs are and pull hands up
to a position easier for you to work with . While still clasping hands, bend over to be about eye level
with the Initiates hands Maintain hand positioning while visualizing the Dai Ku Myo
 Step 4. Then open the Initiates Hands placing them hands up on the knees. Take one hand and
draw (with your dominant hand ) the Hon sha ze sho nen over his/her palm and clap the hand with

Now draw the Sei He Ki over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours.

next draw the Cho ku Rei over the initiate's palm and clap the hand with yours. Return the
Initiates hand to his/her Knee.

Take up the Initiate's other hand and repeat all of step four on the second hand.

 Step 5. clasp both of Initiates hands together and lift them near to nose in order to have access to
his/her throat. Adjust your standing position and draw the Cho Ku Rei with your tongue (mouth
closed) . Draw in a deep breath through the nose. blow out 1/3 of breath over the heart 1/3 over the
throat and 1/3 over the third eye (all in short bursts).
 step 6. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back .

Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever
you are ready. "

This concludes the second degree attunement.


A meditation is done to facilitate the connection between the Master, the Initiate, the Energy and
the Guides in preparation for the Attunement. When The Master intuits that the connection has
been made the attunement begins.

the positioning is the same as for the other Reiki Attunements.

 Step 1. Walk counter clockwise to back of Initiate. Take a deep breath and hold ,while placing
the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth. Raise up your non dominant arm and
hand with the palm open . With your Dominant hand , draw the DAI KU MYO over the Crown
Chakra. Reach forward with both hands and clasp Initiate's hands and release held breath by
blowing into the Crown Chakra
 Step 2. Perform ALL Four of the first degree attunements with these changes:

Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to moving to front of Initiate to work on hands. This means that
the held breath will be blown into the Crown Chakra four more times from in back of the Initiate.
*pay close attention to held breath and tongue positioning.

 Step 3. Perform the complete second degree attunement with these changes :

Blow into the Crown Chakra prior to walking to side of Initiate.

After drawing the other three Symbols and clapping, Draw the DAI KU MYO into Initiate's hands
and clap with yours.

When breath is blown, blow from Root Chakra to Heart Chakra, then Throat Chakra to Third Eye

 Step 4. Release Initiates Hands , place them over Initiate's heart and step back .

Allow as much time to pass as you intuit then say to the initiate :" You can open your eyes whenever
you are ready. "

This Concludes The Master's Degree Attunements.

Shorter Semi Traditional attunement

Now, a description of a shorter traditional style attunement There are several variations of the
attunement procedure and Reiki Masters often add Personal touches to the process. this version is
very much like the one in Diane Stein's Book Essential Reiki.

The Reiki master will stand for the attunement the students will sit with hands held together in a
praying hands position (fingers straight not folded) at chest height.
The Reiki Master will probably be holding their breath with their tongue held at the roof of their
mouth just behind the teeth and may be clenching their perienial muscles during the process. (I do
not recommend the muscle clenching at all).

The Reiki Master may do some kind of clearing or opening procedure before beginning the
Attunement this might be as simple as having everyone wash their hands first, to a full blown
ceremony with casting a circle, smudging, chanting in tongues, Praying and Ritual gestures. this is
up to the Reiki Master's inclination and training. (My first Reiki Master Really put on a show).

The Reiki Master will step behind the chair where the student is seated and will open the students
crown with either a visualization or a gesture a two handed book opening gesture was what I
learned. They will trace the Dai Ku Myo Symbol over the crown They will be mentally repeating
the mantra as they draw the symbol. They will reach over the student's shoulders and take hold of
the student's hands between their own and blow the symbol into the crown. then take a deep breath
and hold it.

they then trace the other symbols over the crown and again take the students hands and blow into
the crown. Then they take another deep breath and hold it.

They now come to the front and open the students hands like a book. They trace the Power symbol
over both palms and tap the hands three times they may draw all the symbols at once and tap them
in or do each one separately. They may also draw the symbols on the fingers and over the third eye
at the brow. they will then take the student's hand in one of their own and hold it to the side while
they blow from root to heart. then take a deep breath and hold it.

They go to the back and close the aura ,being careful not to close the crown. Some Reiki Masters
also open and close the attunement with another symbol called Raku just like the pottery firing
technique, it looks like a lightening bolt. Some Masters do four attunements for level one, two for
level two, And one for level three. some do one attunement for each level. and a few do all of the
levels in one attunement.
Symbols and/or their mantras/names are a common form of
connecting to energy. They usually act as a focus for the
person who wishes to draw on the relative enregy. Some
people however, like Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman are
given energies without symbols. But symbols still seem to be
the primary way to connect.

Most Reiki teachers will tell you that many students like to
share their own personal symbols in class. As you probably
know, symbols aren't discovered only by the "spiritually enlightened". Many people get
visualizations or dreams where they are shown symbols and even the energy they connect with.
In most cases these are intended for the receiver, but they can also be shared with others.

What is interesting is that often other people will get a different feel and/or use for the energy of
your symbols than you do. This doesn't invalidate what you or they experience; it is simply the
unique way in which each of us approaches our reality. Even in our daily life, we often find uses
for objects that weren't initially intended for by the inventor. There is a funny Canadian TV show
called "The Red Green Show" in which Red finds all kinds of uses for duct tape. <grin>

Another interesting fact is that other people may be given versions of symbols close to yours.
Usually, though, there may be slight differences, and these usually indicate that the symbol has
a different use or purpose for the individual that received it. The fact that the symbol is similar
may indicate previous use in another lifetime, or just the way we tap into each other's reality
before we meet. This type of coincidence is most likely inidcating something to take note of
concerning what the other person is about, or has to offer.

To give you some idea as to how people can experience their own symbols, below are two
examples I experienced while in a waking state. Note: these are not Reiki symbols.

And to give you an example of how others can channel in symbols, take a look at my friend Jeff
Johnsons's Auminaht. We found this to be a wonderful enhancement to my 2 symbols.

(Click on image for full size)

Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze is the first energy my Guide Cypress shared with me. This was in January in 1995
in a helaing experience with my friend Don Barbett. . However when I asked her to work her
energy through me it was far too powerful at the time (that is, I could not hold this). So a few
months later she presented me with a focus to tap into part of the energy - she gave me a
symbol for it. It was like getting the tip of an iceberg.

I received this symbol during an “Opening to Channel” class with Carla Anderson on April 29,
1995. While practicing channeling energy from my guide into the room, I also added Reiki
energy. After I had projected some Reiki symbols into the room, I was compelled to draw back-
to-back letter a’s.
The energy from this symbol seemed to be soft, calming and able to release tension. In May,
1995, while teaching a Reiki Master’s class, I attuned clairvoyant J. Stuart to this symbol then
asked her to attune me to it. In the process, not only did the energy from the symbol increase,
but my guide, Cypress, privately told me it was a gift from her to me, and that I should pass it on
to others.

In a Reiki Two class in September, 1995, I began channeling Cypress while the class was
performing group Reiki on a student. She told us that this symbol could be used to attract the
highest potential to an individual in this lifetime.

4 years later while attending another person's helaing class I received the complete energy
suddenly and it flowed as strongly as I had first experienced it, only this time I coul dhandle it.
It was ice cold yet I was getting this on a hot summer day while working with a fellow student. I
had my hands about a foot away from my partner on either side yet she too was shivering from
the cold. I ask her if I should stop, and she said "NO, but it is very cold."

I discovered that in healing Qi Gong, typically use hot chi may be used for energy work but for
deeper healing the advanced healers are taught to run cold chi. This moves deeper energy
blocks out of the way so the hot chi can get in. So this might be an example of the highest
potential in a healing situation.

However, you may find that it has a different use for you.

Sea Breeze is now a part of the Threshold Reiki energy I share.

I encourage you to experiment and find out if it is effective for you. As I mentioned before, this is
not a Reiki symbol. As with most symbols, it may be more powerful if you are attuned or
initiated to it. Ask your Reiki teacher if they know of a way to do this.

How To Draw It
During a Reiki Three class on September 24, 1995, while taking part in a
group treatment on one of my students, I began playing with energies by
channeling the other elemental rays. I had done this before and I was
practicing increasing the strength of each ray.

In the process I asked my guides to bring through the highest energy that
was appropriate for each of us present. I then experienced multiple bands of
energy, in different shades of gold, flowing through me and out to the class.
Two clairvoyant students noticed and felt these multiple bands of gold at the
same time. In my mind, next to the golden flows of energy I saw a mold
being filled in with liquid gold in the shape of this symbol, flowing from the
bottom to the top, and then the line across.
Everyone experienced a heightened energy. Shortly after this class, my guides showed me how
I could use this symbol along with “Sea Breeze” in an attunement process.

Friends and other Reiki Masters have reported some very powerful sensations and energy after
receiving this symbol and when using it. One Reiki Master feels that it is an Ascension symbol
and part of a larger family of symbols I will receive, and that it is "grounded" by using it with Sea
Breeze. Try it and see how it works for you. If you require a name for it, the word “Ankh” came
to me while I was still "connected" to my guides.

Ankh is also an integral part of the Threshold Reiki energy.


New information has now become available and these pages are now up-dated accordingly.

New information received from students of Usui now indicate that these techniques were taught by
Usui, I have therefore changed the layout.

Usui's healing had gained the attention of the Japanese Navy, who, although they had modern ships,
had limited medical facilities and personnel. (one doctor or medical assistant per ship) They had been
looking for a method that could be practiced as a form of emergency treatment for the officers to learn
so that the long waits for treatment, sometimes days could be avoided.

Usui devised a system that could be learned by these men, but was not dependent on the years of
spiritual training that Usui had undertaken.

This is what later was to become Reiki.

Reiki actually came later, as an off shoot of these teachings, but was primarily devised for the Navy
as a sort of paramedic discipline.


This account of the development of Reiki, is from 'existing' students of Usui and in total agreement
with what Hiroshi Doi is teaching now. And which I was taught by him in Japan 2000.

However, Reiki has no direct connection with Usui's spiritual teachings.

Precepts - Waka Poetry.

Kenyoku (Dry bathing or Brushing off) (Removing of blocked energy.)

Note - The brushing of the arms from shoulder to hand is an addition by H. Doi, it was originally just
brushing the wrist to tips of fingers.

(An interpretation from Japanese - Kenyoku - Imagine sacred bathing before you meet god, which
is done by Shinto priests at some ceremonies to clear/purify body and spirit.)

Brush either in the aura or with bodily contact.

a) Place the fingers of your right hand near the top of the left shoulder, with the fingertips over the
indentation just in from the edge of the shoulder (where the collar bone meets the shoulder). The
hand is lying flat.

b) Draw the flat hand down across the chest in a straight line, over the "V" of the sternum (where
the rib cage meets) down to the right hip.

c) Repeat this procedure on the right side, using the left hand. Draw it flattened from the shoulder,
in a straight line, across the sternum, to the left hip.

d) Repeat the procedure again on the left side.

Place the right hand on the edge of the left shoulder top of arm, fingertips on the edge pointing

e) Draw the right hand, flattened, down the outside of the arm, all the way to the finger tips, all the
while keeping the left arm straight and at your side.

f) Repeat this process on the right side, with the left hand on the shoulder and drawing it down the
right arm to the fingertips.

g) Repeat the process on the left side again.


Joshin Kokyu ho (Soul Cleansing Breathing)

Meditation focusing on Tan-dien.

1) Put your hands on your lap with your palms up and breath naturally through your nose.

(2) When you breath in, visualise that white light coming in on your breath and through your crown
centre, and then expanding to whole of your body.

(3) When you breath out, visualise that the light filling up your whole body expands out of your
body through your skin onto infinity in all directions.

At the beginning and end of each breath pause for a moment.

This is a simple meditation and may have been changed for individual students.


Byosen Reikan Ho. - Body Scanning.

Description..... This is commonly taught in the west, but maybe not in this way.

(1) When a person has a disease, you may feel 'something' transmitted from the source of the disease.
This is called Byosen. What you feel varies depending on the type, severity and status of the disease and
from person to person. But some samples are: sensations of "something moving, pulsating, or piercing",
pain, numbness, heat, coldness, tickling, tingling, etc. (The sensation you have in your hands are called
"Hibiki" or "Resonance" and you can judge by it the cause of the disease, the status of it and the time it
will take to heal.)

(2) As long as a person has a disease (even if the person is not aware of it), there never fails to be a
"byosen". So if you are careful enough to detect the byosen, it is possible to treat the disease a couple of
days before it actually shows up. Also there could be a "byosen" in people who are said to have recovered
completely from his/her disease. If you get rid of the byosen in these cases, you can prevent the disease
from developing again.

(3) A byosen could show up in the obvious problem area but also could be sensed in areas different from
the problem area. For example, the byosen for stomach disease often show up in one's forehead,
roundworm under one's nose, liver problems in the eyes, etc.

(4) At first the ability to sense Byosen differs depending on individuals but as you practice healing others
anyone can develop the ability gradually.
Do not rush this process, take your time and get used to the feelings, not just in your hands but what you

Reiji - The ability to find imbalances in the body.

This is a really wonderful technique and should be practiced by all Reiki Levels.

Description..... Reiji is something you develop in the course of practicing Reiki.

(Reiki will tell you where to put your hands on and how long)

(1) Sit with your back upright and straight. Do Gasso and focus your attention on your tanden.

(2) Release every tension in your body and relax.

Connect to Reiki and become aware that you are part of the Reiki energy.

(3) Get used to this feeling for a while and then move your hands in Gassho up to the level of your
forehead wait for a sign that you are ready then allow Reiki to guide you to the problem area
automatically (Your hands are "called"). When you are finished with that part, your hands will be "called"
to where it is needed next. The process is repeated as needed.

(4) If there are not any parts of the recipient's body where Reiki is needed or all the required healing is
done, your hands will be naturally guided onto your knees when you are sitting or to the sides of your
body when you are standing.


Seiheki Chiryo-ho (A version of "Nentatsu-ho)

You can use this technique for yourself or others. When you do it for others, make sure the message given
is what the person wants. It is better and more effective to exercise short ones many times than giving a
long one.

(1) Place one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head. Transmit the pure message
through the hand on the forehead for one to two minutes. (The message could be an affirmation
to improve personality, correct bad habits, etc.)

(2) Remove your hand on the forehead but keep the other hand on the back of the head for more than 5
minutes and give Reiki. While giving Reiki, no message should be transmitted.

(3) You can use this technique for yourself or others. When you do it for others, make sure the message
given is what the person wants. It is better and more effective to exercise short ones many times than
giving a long one.


Ketsueki Kokan-ho (Ketsueki Joka-ho)

These are really Massage techniques and most Masseurs will know them.
They are very similar to Lymph Drainage Techniques.

This is called Blood Cleansing and is practiced in two ways. Half Body or Full Body.

<Hanshin Koketsu ho> (Half body blood cleansing)

<Zenshin koketsu ho> (Full body blood cleansing)


Uchi-te/Oshi-te/Nade-te - Taping-hand/ Pushing-hand/ Stroking-hand

1. Uchi-te Chiryo-ho - Tapping

This means to lightly and rhythmically tap or pat the qi field with either your palm or fingertips. This is
useful to relieve stagnation or congestion and to improve circulation, (in Tui-na Chinese Massage tapping
is applied directly to the body for the same purpose) The therapist taps with either fingers, palm, back of
hand, side of hand, or fist to produce varying degrees of stimulation.

2. Oshi-te Chiryo-ho - Pushing hand/Pulsing

Means to ever so slightly open and close the palm. Stretch the fingers and hand open, then relax. Do this
repeatedly at a steady pace. the qi is emitted from the centre of the hand. The indications for pulsing are
similar to tapping. Stimulates and improves circulation. Pulsing can be used over any area of the body
that requires it, including specific accupressure points. If you pulse directly over an acupuncture point, it
is easy to feel tingling and warmth at the point or radiating along the meridian.

3. Nade-te Chiryo-ho - Stroking hand/Waving

Is very useful for congestion or pain. The fingertips sweep down the patients energy field, as though
brushing the pain away.

The three above techniques can be found in many Qi Gong books.


Ibuki-ho - The breathing out method . Using the breath to heal untouchable areas. (burns)

Koki-ho and Gyoshi-ho (Healing with breathing and staring)

(1) If you feel hot in your chest, mouth or nose when you give Reiki, then you can give Reiki with your
breath. Breath in though your nose then breath out softly, onto the area where you want to give Reiki to.
This technique is useful especially when you want to give Reiki to where you cannot touch, burnt area for
an example. You can also visualise the Reiki symbols as you do this and draw them on the roof of your

(2) Eyes can give out Reiki, too. You just look at the area to be healed and feel that the area be cleansed
and healed. You should not try hard to focus or glare just a very relaxed state.


Shu Chu Reiki - The Traditional method of The Group Treatment

Description.... Several practitioners working together.


Nentatsu-Ho - The method for sending a thought or wish.

Making an affirmation for yourself or other.


Tanden Chiryo-ho - (Tanden Treatment-Method )

This is an excellent techniques and I have used it with great effect on many occasions.
Also good for self healing.
(Depoisoning technique, all illness is poison to the body)
This technique can also be found in some Qi Gong books.

(1) Place one hand on Tanden (3 cm below the navel), and the other hand on your upper forehead .

(2) Wait for the energy to balance in both hands. (sometimes better just off the body)

(2) Take off the hand on your forehead and place it on top of the other on the Tanden.

(3) With both hands on tanden, let the Reiki flow thru tanden for as long as you feel, maybe 20-30


Jakikiri Joka-ho (Purifying negative energy)

A technique for removing strong negative energy and vibratory disorder by purifying with Reiki energy
and putting in positive energy. This applies to objects, crystals etc.


Six 'Levels' were incorporated within the Reiki system, six being the lowest.

Shoden, Okuden and Shinpiden refer to what is taught and are similar to what is taught in the west
as :

Reiki Degree's 1. 2. 3.

The Levels 6 - 1 refer to the students ability to channel and work with Reiki energy.

Oku-den is not taught until a student actually reaches the 3rd. Level.

Usui Sensei placed himself at 2nd. Level.

The 1st Level being reserved for someone who would surpass Usui Sensei himself.

This gesture was to encourage his pupils to work hard in many dimensions, especially in spiritual

The 3rd Rank is the highest any student can reach.

When Oku-den is taught and Shinpi-den the student still remained at 3rd. Level.

Within Shinpi-den the ability to use the Empowerment and pass teachings to others is taught. The
learning of Reiju is the 'penultimate Level' the top level you may discover yourself.


I have recently been given the following level's information.

I am indebted to Melissa Riggal for kindly supplying this information.
It is used by her school of Reiki Traditional Japanese Reiki in Canada.

These were the levels taught to her by Tatsumi who was a student of Hayashi.

== public levels ==

rokyu Transformation 1

gokyu Transformation 2

yonkyu Transformation 3

sankyu Transformation 4

nikyu Transformation 5 (symbol #1)

ikkyu Transformation 6 (symbol #2)

shodan Transformation 7 (symbol #3)

These levels can be seen on certificates displayed at and belonged

to Mr. Ogawa.

== privileged level ==

nidan Transformation 8 (symbol #4)

== secret levels ==





shichidan (shinpidan)

Later (around 1930-31) Hayashi began teaching a 4 level system:

shoden: rokyu + gokyu + yonkyu + sankyu 4 Transformations

choden: nikyu + ikkyu + shodan symbol #1, 2 and 3

okuden: nidan symbol #4

shinpiden: sandan teacher


Gakkai teaching
*In the original Usui Reiki Ryoho ('Ryoho' means: method of healing), after you received the first
level Reiju (attunement) the student will continue his/her practice for many years and will receive
many Reiju from the teacher. In this way the student's ability will increase, and only then will the
offer be made for the student to progress to Okuden. Level 1 is never to be regarded as a low level.
After the student has practiced Level 1 thoroughly, and should s/he wish to learn a higher level,
then it will feel natural to move onto Okuden.

This is contrary to what many Western Reiki Teachers claim, especially those who teach the two
levels in one course.

Traditionally teaching continues until the student is proficient at that level.

The Four Symbols of Usui Reiki Ryoho[credits]
by Anja Heij

" It is not God's will merely that we should be happy, but that we should make ourselves happy."
Immanuel Kant

According to many traditional teachers the Reiki symbols are sacred and therefore secret and
should only be seen by insiders, meaning Reiki practitioners second degree and Reiki masters. As
described above, the visibility of these symbols can only add to their power; this is knowledge from
magick. Besides, in Japan these symbols show up on daily articles of use. (I once meditated on these
symbols and got a vision of an ordinary Japanese street-scene, as if I should know that healing yourself
and your life should be a very common activity and an integrated part of everyone's life.) In the spirit of
this Age of Aquarius many secrets, occult and societal, are revealed now to give as many persons as
possible entrance to their birthright: self-empowerment, self-mastery, inner balance, peace and happiness.
The idea of someone being of more importance, higher standard or 'special' because of having more,
secret knowledge, is an outdated ego thing. To get a taste of what you can do with it I herewith present
you the four symbols with their meaning:

Cho Ku Rei - The Power Symbol

Cho = Connect the

Ku = Power, Energy with
Rei = The Soul, The Universe, The Unity

Put in other words: 'Let all the power of the Universe be here' or 'God is here'.
This is the symbol used to connect with the energy at the beginning of a session, and to increase
power/energy where needed during a session.
Further it is used to empower anything you want, like your medicines, crystals, food and drinks, machines
and tools you work with, etc. Cho Ku Rei increases the power of all other symbols you use. Another
important use of this symbol is cleaning a space or clearing up negative energies, for instance in a bad
situation. It can be used for protection of yourself or your properties, because the great amount of light
you call in with Cho Ku Rei dispels or keeps away negativity. And it seals in light energy when drawn at
the end of a healing.

Sometimes the Cho Ku Rei is drawn opposite with the spiral clockwise; this is a matter of preference. The
symbol works with either way of drawing.

Sei He Ki - The Emotional Symbol

Sei = I point
He = the Bow, Arrow to
Ki = Life-force, Light, Awareness

This strange symbol looks like a human head with two bumps on the places of the eighth chakra
(the cosmic chakra where divinity connects with our physical existence and place of the soul akasha) and
the tenth chakra (place of mystical talents and inner sight). Therefore alternative meanings of the Sei He
Ki are 'Remember Your Self' and 'God and humanity becoming one'. Pointing your arrow to awareness
means bringing your attention to your feelings, emotions, patterns and psychology in order to understand
and heal them. Sei He Ki restores emotional balance and harmony. Please understand that many diseases
and problems have their roots in negative emotions and false beliefs. This symbol is used for the healing
of bad habits, addictions, emotional trauma and heavy feelings like anger, frustration or jealousy. That
makes this symbol another good one against bad vibrations and negative entities. A good symbol for inner
calmness and the release of blockages

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - The Distance and Mental Symbol

Hon = Spirit, Source, Origin, Universe

Sha = Mind, Surviving
Ze = Space, Be, Being
Sho = Feeling, Emotions
Nen = Consciousness, Body, Attention

It is not difficult to discover the various levels of existence in the meanings of this symbol. Hon
Sha Ze Sho Nen makes the connection between Spirit and Body, heaven and earth, and is therefore known
as 'The Bridge'. It travels through time and space to fulfill its function and is commonly known as the
Distance symbol. You can heal absent persons with it or send energy to a situation or relationship. You
can treat a cause rooted in the past with it, and it can change thought patterns (mental healing), what
makes it a perfect symbol for karmic healing. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen connects your higher self with the
higher self of the one you send energy; 'The Divine in me greets and honors the Divine in you' and this
really is the best approach we can take towards our fellowmen.

Dai Ko Myo - The Master Symbol

To the left you see the traditional Dai Ko Myo and to the right the complete different, modern
version of it.
The traditional Japanese form is given by Mikao Usui. I don't know what the origins of the modern spiral
are; it has been channeled that this 'new' Dai Ko Myo fits better into the vibrations of the training of this
time. Both very powerful, it seems a matter of preference which one you choose to work with. Dai Ko
Myo means Great Shining Light. As Aleister Crowley in another place states: "Every man and every
woman is a star". Through the master initiation you'll reach a strong connection with Spirit, Source,
Higher Self, the divine light which nurtures itself and wishes to spread to nurture others.

The Dai Ko Myo is the strongest Reiki symbol and it can replace the others. An exception forms
distance work where you, next to the Dai Ko Myo, also have to work with the distance symbol Hon Sha
Ze Sho Nen. Once you have been attuned to this symbol it is strongly advised to use it with all your Reiki
works. Your energy work will receive an extra boost and you constantly draw this strong energy through
your energetic system. The Dai Ko Myo is the symbol which transmits the Reiki initiations.

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