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A matter of time – Cuestión de tiempo

It is only a matter of time before the government change the law again.

A means by which – Un medio por el cual

John recommended me laughing as a means by which I can chill out.

Against the law – En contra de la ley

You realise what you are doing right now is against the law, don’t you?

All in all – En términos generales, a fin de cuentas

All in all, I reckon this is the best way to pass the exam.

As a result – Como resultado

We didn’t win the match last Sunday. As a result, we spent the whole Monday watching videos about
what we did wrong.

As might be expected – Como cabría esperar

As might be expected, FC Barcelona won all the trophies this season.

As part of – Como parte/miembro de

Susan will be onstage as part of the winner party.

At a time – A la vez
According with the cooking instructions, you are not allowed to put two potatoes in the microwave at a

At its height – En su apogeo

Spain used to be an excellent country at its height.

At that time – Por aquella época

At that time, I used to go to college every day.

At this point – A estas alturas

At this point, we should be arriving at the airport tomorrow night.

Bear in mind – Tener en cuenta

Bearing in mind I didn’t study at all I’m happy with the mark I got.

Brace yourself – Agárrate, prepárate

Brace yourself! We are about to see the most beautiful landscape in the world.

But nor should – Pero tampoco debería

They are really tired, but nor should it be an excuse to lie down on the floor.

By chance – De casualidad
I found out about your website by chance.
By no means – De ninguna manera
It is by no means uncommon to have a farewell party when someone goes away for a long time.

By the early twentieth century – A principios del siglo 20

By the early twentieth century, the wheel was invented.

During which – Durante los cuales

I spent five months at school during which I wasted my time.

Either way – De cualquier manera

I don’t feel like going on holidays this summer. Either way, I haven’t got enough money to do it.

Ever since – Desde que

Ever since I get up early in the morning I feel more energetic.

Every other way – En todo lo demás, en cualquier otro aspecto

Even though he was English and I was Spanish, we were the same in every other way.

For a long time to come – Por mucho tiempo, a largo plazo

Jason expects to be working with his company for a long time to come.

For some…for others… - Para unos...para otros…

For some, Jesse is really charming. For others, he is just an arrogant boy.

From a personal point of view – Desde un punto de vista personal

From a personal point of view, I’d say those jeans are much more like you.

From time to time – De vez en cuando

I love going for a run from time to time.

Get your heart pumping – Bombear el corazón

Brace yourself because this movie is going to get your heart pumping.

Give a test run – Hacer una prueba

The company is about to launch a new product but they still need to give it a test run.

Hardly anyone – Casi nadie

Hardly anyone went to Romeo’s party last night.

In addition to this – Además de esto

We are going to visit New York within two weeks. In addition to this, we will go California next year as

In no time at all – En cuestión de segundos

Jacob was walking down the street in a sunny day when, in no time at all, it started raining.

Instead of – En lugar de
I’d rather go cycling to work instead of taking the car.
Keep going – Continuar
Come on! Never give up! Keep going!

Many of whom – Muchos de los cuales

Chelsea’s fans, many of whom had got their ticket for a high price, got disappointed with the score of the

On board – A bordo
Be careful with that car, it’s got a child on board.

On the outskirts – A las afueras

You’re so lucky living on the outskirts because it’s really busy in the town centre!

Pull yourself together –Recobrar la compostura

Stop regretting! Pull yourself together and go for it!

Push oneself – Esforzarte, obligarte

I’ve got to push myself to do my homework right now!

Rather than – Más que

I was late for school because I decided to walk rather than take the bus.

Risk life and limb – Arriesgar la vida

The fireman risked life and limb to get the baby out of the fire.

Safe and sound – Sano y salvo

My son had a car accident last night but, fortunately, he is safe and sound.

Set a fire – Hacer un fuego

It’s so cold here, let’s set a fire, shall we?

To be what it was – Ser lo que era

I don’t like listening to pop music anymore. It’s not what it was.

What this means – Lo que esto significa

I will turn 18 tomorrow. What this means is that I will be allowed to drink alcohol!

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