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03 The Crusades: Note Guide

Take notes using the guide as you complete the lesson and activities.

Big Ideas What I Learned

What has made the Holy Land the It was the center for the three main
center of conflict for centuries? religions, Christians, Muslims, and

What were the factors that led Pope The Turks took over Jerusalem and banned any
Urban II to call for a Crusade? Christian followers to enter, because it was the
center of pilgrimage for Christians. The Pope
called for a crusade against the Muslims to
reclaim the city.
What were the significant events and First Crusade: Calling all Christians in
outcomes of the Crusades? Europe to fight against the Muslims in
order to reclaim the Holy Land after Seljuk
Turks took control of Jerusalem and barred
Christians from the Holy City.

Second Crusade: Muslims forces

regrouped and attacked Edessa, the
Teutonic Knights, the Knights Hospitaller,
and the Templar Knights rode under the
banner of the Second Crusade

Third Crusade: Turkic ruler Saladin rose to

lead the Seljuks and succeeded in uniting
the fragmented Muslim armies of
Southwest Asia and North Africa. He
believed the Christian armies were the
infidels that had to be evicted. His forces
took Jerusalem, the call went out across
Europe to launch another crusade

Fourth Crusade: The Fourth Crusade was

originally intended to conquer Muslim
controlled Jerusalem by means of invasion
through Egypt. But the Crusaders of
Western Europe invaded and sacked the
Christian city of Constantinople, capital of
the Eastern Roman Empire

The Final Crusades: After the Fourth

Crusade Innocent III began planning for
another expedition to the east. Although
delayed by controversies involving imperial
succession and related matters, Innocent
was ready to call the warriors of
Christendom to fight for the restoration of
Western rule in the Holy Land by 1213. He
learned from his mistakes of the Fourth
Crusade and was determined that the new
effort be controlled every step of the way
by the church.

The Children’s Crusade: The common

people were affected by the war, those
who lacked wealth or training were to
march with the knights with strong feelings
of piety and righteousness. Repeated
failure of the organized Crusades to
reclaim Jerusalem and the True Cross
frustrated all Christians. This combination
of frustration and strong religious
enthusiasm led to frequent and sometimes
bizarre manifestations pf popular piety.

What was the legacy of the Crusades? As the cultures interacted during and
after the Crusades, they exchanged
ideas. Muslims learned new military
tactics and Christians learned about
new advances in medicine, science,
mathematics, and the arts.
Additional Key Terms
Jerusalem: The Holy City located in the Middle East, in the Judaean Mountains between
the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.
Peter the Hermit: Was a priest of the Amiens and a key figure during the First Crusade
Council of Clermont: Was a mixed synod of ecclesiastics and laymen of the Catholic
Holy Roman Empire: Was a multi-ethnic complex of territories in Western and Central
Europe. That developed in the Early Middle Ages
Crusader States: The Crusader states, also known as Outremer, were a number of
mostly 12th- and 13th-century feudal Christian states created by Western European
crusaders in Asia Minor, Greece and the Holy Land, and during the Northern Crusades
in the eastern Baltic area.
Seljuks: A member of any of the Turkish dynasties which ruled Asia Minor in the 11th to
13th centuries, successfully invading the Byzantine Empire and defending the Holy
Land against the Crusaders.
Saladin: First sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, he led
the military campaign against the Crusader states in the Levant.
Richard I (Richard the Lionheart): King of England from 1189 till his death, began the
funds for the crusades and was a big part of the third crusade
Alexius I Komnenos: Died in the First Crusade
Godfrey of Bouillon: Was a Frankish knight and one of the leaders of the First Crusade
Louis IX: He led the Seventh Crusade

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