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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

27 January 2019 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C


he Power and Relevance Today of God’s
God s Word
oday is the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, the longest

T period in the Liturgical Year. Last Sunday we admired the

pre-adolescent Jesus as the youngest “teacher of Israel,”
shining among the renowned “rabbis” in the Temple. Today we see
him as the fulfillment of God’s promises.
The content of God’s Word offers us guidance and encouragement
today, no less than it did in the history of the people of Israel. Its vital
message is ever relevant. God’s Word is always capable of produc-
ing wonders. But for this to become a reality, our cooperation is
indispensable. This starts with a sincere effort to know it through
personal reflection and assimilation. Then, it has to be applied and
lived out, day by day in the different challenges and opportunities that life offers.
As St. James reminds us, we must be “doers of the Word” and not just “listeners.”
Let this be one of the fruits of our participation in the Eucharistic celebration, even as we
observe National Bible Sunday and renew our commitment to live out the Word that we
treasure, study, proclaim and pray.

pointed the Lord. (Pause) Gloria

P –For the times we have All –Glory to God in the
turned a deaf ear to your highest, and on earth peace
Entrance Antiphon invitation to live as you to people of good will. We
(To be recited only when no Entrance have taught us, Lord, praise you, we bless you, we
Hymn is sung.) have mercy! adore you, we glorify you, we
O sing a new song to the All – Lord, have mercy! give you thanks for your great
Lord; sing to the Lord, all the glory, Lord God, heavenly
earth. In his presence are maj- P –For the times we have King, O God, almighty
esty and splendor, strength failed to be “Good Father.
and honor in his holy place. News” to our neighbors Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God,
Greeting All –Christ, have mercy! Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
P –Blessed be the Lord Jesus ther, you take away the sins
who shares with us his Word P –For the times we have of the world, have mercy on
of life. May his grace and failed to contribute to the us; you take away the sins of
peace be with you all! building of a better world the world, receive our prayer;
All – And with your spirit! imbued with Gospel val- you are seated at the right
ues, Lord, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mer-
Penitential Act All – Lord, have mercy! cy on us. For you alone are
P –As we come together to P –May almighty God have the Holy One, you alone are
celebrate the Holy Eucharist mercy on us, forgive us our the Lord, you alone are the
as God’s Family, let us real- sins, and bring us to everlast- Most High, Jesus Christ, with
ize the many times and ways ing life. the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
in which we may have disap- All – Amen! God the Father. Amen!
Collect (Opening Prayer) their faces to the ground. Ezra and rivalries. Writing to them,
read plainly from the book of the apostle Paul reminds the
P –Almighty ever-living the law of God, interpreting it faithful of their duty to respect
God, direct our actions ac- so that all could understand and appreciate one another
cording to your good plea- what was read. for they are all members of the
sure, that in the name of your Then Nehemiah, that is, mystical body of Christ.
beloved Son we may abound His Excellency, and Ezra the
in good works. priest-scribe and the Levites R –A proclamation from the
Through our Lord Jesus who were instructing the peo- First Letter of Paul to the
Christ, your Son, who lives ple said to all the people: “To- Corinthians
and reigns with you in the day is holy to the Lord your
God. Do not be sad, and do not Brothers and sisters:
unity of the Holy Spirit, one As a body is one and though
God, for ever and ever. weep” – for all the people were
weeping as they heard the it has many parts, and all the
All – Amen!
words of the law. parts of the body, though
He said further: “Go, eat many, are one body, so also
rich foods and drink sweet Christ. For in one Spirit we
drinks, and allot portions to were all baptized into one
those who had nothing pre- body, whether Jews or Greeks,
1st Reading Neh 8:2-4a. pared; for today is holy to our slaves or free persons, and we
Lord. Do not be saddened this were all given to drink of one
5-6.8-10 day, for rejoicing in the Lord
After their return from the Spirit.
must be your strength!” Now the body is not a single
exile in Babylon, the Jews
found it difficult to make a sig- The Word of the Lord! part, but many. If a foot should
nificant “fresh start.” Provi- All – Thanks be to God! say, “Because I am not a hand
dentially, a scroll containing I do not belong to the body,” it
parts of the Bible was discov- Responsorial Psalm Ps 19 does not for this reason belong
ered and its content proved to R –Your words, Lord, are any less to the body. Or if an
be very effective in awakening Spirit and life! ear should say, “Because I am
in the people their sense of R. M. Velez not an eye I do not belong to
nationhood and their special the body,” it does not for this

F Dm
relationship with the Lord.  reason belong any less to the
    
 body.
R –A proclamation from the If the whole body were an
Book of Nehemiah Your words, O Lord, are eye, where would the hearing
   
Ezra the priest brought be? If the whole body were
the law before the assembly, hearing, where would the
which consisted of men, wo- spi---rit and life! sense of smell be? But as it is,
men, and those children old God placed the parts, each
enough to understand. Stand- * The law of the Lord is per- one of them, in the body as he
ing at one end of the open place fect, refreshing the soul; the intended. If they were all one
that was before the Water decree of the Lord is trust- part, where would the body
Gate, he read out of the book worthy, giving wisdom to the be? But as it is, there are many
from daybreak till midday, in simple. R. parts, yet one body.
the presence of the men, the * The precepts of the Lord The eye cannot say to the
women, and those children old are right, rejoicing the heart; hand, “I do not need you,” nor
enough to understand; and all the command of the Lord is again the head to the feet, “I
the people listened attentively clear, enlightening the eye. R. do not need you.” Indeed, the
to the book of the law. parts of the body that seem
Ezra the scribe stood on * The fear of the Lord is to be weaker are all the more
a wooden platform that had pure, enduring forever; the necessary, and those parts of
been made for the occasion. He ordinances of the Lord are
opened the scroll so that all the the body that we consider less
true, all of them just. R.
people might see it – for he was honorable we surround with
standing higher up than any of * Let the words of my mouth greater honor, and our less
the people – and, as he opened and the thoughts of my heart presentable parts are treated
it, all the people rose. Ezra find favor before you, O Lord, with greater propriety, where-
blessed the Lord, the great my rock and my redeemer. R. as our more presentable parts
God, and all the people, their do not need this. But God has
hands raised high, answered, 2nd Reading 1 Cor 12: so constructed the body as to
“Amen, amen!” Then they 12-30 give greater honor to a part
bowed down and prostrated The community of Corinth that is without it, so that there
themselves before the Lord, was plagued with divisions may be no division in the body,

GLOSSARY: Nehemiah: The governor of the former exiles who, together with Ezra, greatly contributed to the organization and
moral restoration of Jewish nation after their return from Babylon.

27 January 2019
but that the parts may have have received. Father. He will come again in
the same concern for one an- Jesus returned to Galilee glory to judge the living and the
other. If one part suffers, all in the power of the Spirit, and dead and his kingdom will have
the parts suffer with it; if one news of him spread through- no end.
part is honored, all the parts out the whole region. He I believe in the Holy Spirit,
share its joy. taught in their synagogues and the Lord, the giver of life, who
Now you are Christ’s body, was praised by all. proceeds from the Father and
and individually parts of it. He came to Nazareth,
Some people God has desig- where he had grown up, and the Son, who with the Father
nated in the Church to be, first, went according to his custom and the Son is adored and glori-
apostles; second, prophets; into the synagogue on the sab- fied, who has spoken through
third, teachers; then, mighty bath day. He stood up to read the prophets.
deeds; then gifts of healing, and was handed a scroll of the I believe in one, holy, cath-
assistance, administration, prophet Isaiah. He unrolled olic and apostolic Church. I
and varieties of tongues. Are the scroll and found the pas- confess one Baptism for the
all apostles? Are all prophets? sage where it was written: forgiveness of sins and I look
Are all teachers? Do all work “The Spirit of the Lord forward to the resurrection of
mighty deeds? Do all have is upon me, because he has the dead and the life of the world
gifts of healing? Do all speak anointed me to bring glad tid- to come. Amen!
in tongues? Do all interpret? ings to the poor. He has sent
me to proclaim liberty to cap- Prayer of the Faithful
The Word of the Lord! tives and recovery of sight to
All – Thanks be to God! the blind, to let the oppressed P –Spiritually united with
go free, and to proclaim a year all the people of goodwill, let
Gospel Acclamation Lk 4:18 acceptable to the Lord.” us address our petitions to the
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Rolling up the scroll, he Lord for all the needs dear to
The Lord sent me to bring handed it back to the attendant our hearts. Our response will
glad tidings to the poor, and sat down, and the eyes of be:
and to proclaim liberty to all in the synagogue looked in-
tently at him. He said to them, All –Lord, make us “doers of
captives. Your Word”!
Alleluia! Alleluia! “Today this Scripture passage
is fulfilled in your hearing.” C –For the Catholic Church,
Gospel Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 The Gospel of the Lord! God’s special family on
Today’s Gospel passage All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus earth: May she constantly be
consists of two parts. The Christ! Good News to all the nations
first underlines the serious through her faithfulness to
historical research made by Homily the teaching of Jesus. Let us
the Evangelist. The second pray! R.
Profession of Faith C –For the Holy Father, our
portrays Jesus beginning his (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
evangelizing mission through- bishop and all other spiritual
out Galilee, and especially at All –I believe in one God, the Fa- leaders: May their constant
Nazareth, shortly after having ther almighty, maker of heaven effort to promote a civiliza-
overcome the devil’s tempta- and earth, of all things visible tion of life, love and peace be
tions in the desert. and invisible. crowned with lasting success.
P –The Lord be with you!
I believe in one Lord Jesus Let us pray! R.
Christ, the Only Begotten Son C – For those involved in the
All – And with your spirit!
of God, born of the Father be- Biblical apostolate: May they
P –A proclamation from the fore all ages. God from God, succeed in bringing all Catho-
holy Gospel according to Light from Light, true God from lics to appreciate the Word of
Luke true God, begotten, not made, God and to live out its mes-
All – Glory to you, O Lord! consubstantial with the Father; sage in their daily lives. Let
Since many have undertak- through him all things were us pray! R.
en to compile a narrative of the made. For us men and for our
salvation he came down from C – For the members of the
events that have been fulfilled various Christian denomina-
among us, just as those who heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
tions: May the love they share
were eyewitnesses from the Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
for the Bible enable them to
beginning and ministers of the gin Mary, and became man.*
overcome all divisions and
word have handed them down For our sake he was crucified
rebuild the unity for which
to us, I, too, have decided, after under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
investigating everything accu-
Jesus prayed. Let us pray! R.
fered death and was buried, and
rately anew, to write it down in rose again on the third day in C –For all Christian fami-
an orderly sequence for you, accordance with the Scriptures. lies: May their generous re-
most excellent Theophilus, so He ascended into heaven and is sponse to Jesus’ invitation to
that you may realize the cer- seated at the right hand of the a more radical discipleship
tainty of the teachings you make them heralds of good
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
news in their own environ- the marvelous deed, by which All – Lord, I am not worthy
ments. Let us pray! R. he has freed us from the yoke that you should enter under
of sin and death, summoning my roof, but only say the word
C –For all of us: In imitation and my soul shall be healed.
of Jesus, may we do our best to us to the glory of being now
help alleviate the plight of the called a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a Communion Antiphon
poor and the forgotten. Let us (To be recited only when no
pray! R. people for your own posses-
sion, to proclaim everywhere Communion Hymn is sung.)
C –Let us pray in silence your mighty works, for you Look toward the Lord and
for our personal intentions. have called us out of darkness be radiant; let your faces not
(Pause) Let us pray! R. into your own wonderful light. be abashed.
P –Thank you, Lord, for the And so, with Angels and
gift of Holy Scripture and the Archangels, with Thrones and Prayer after Communion
guidance it offers us. Grant us Dominions, and with all the P –Grant, we pray, almighty
the grace to live by its mes- hosts and Powers of heaven, God, that, receiving the grace
sage till the end of our lives. we sing the hymn of your glo- by which you bring us to new
You who live and reign for ry, as without end we acclaim: life, we may always glory in
ever and ever. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, your gift.
All – Amen! God of hosts. Heaven and Through Christ our Lord.
earth are full of your glory. All – Amen!
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord. Hosan-
na in the highest!
Preparation of the Gifts
P –Pray, brethren . . . Memorial Acclamation P –The Lord be with you.
All –May the Lord accept the P –The mystery of faith! All – And with your spirit!
sacrifice at your hands, for All – When we eat this Bread P –Bow your heads and
the praise and glory of his and drink this Cup, we pray for God’s blessing.
name, for our good and the proclaim your Death, (Pause)
good of all his holy Church. O Lord, until you come –May the radiance of
again! God’s Word guide your
Prayer over the Offerings steps in the way of an au-
P –Accept our offerings, O thentic Christian life.
Lord, we pray, and in sanc- All – Amen!
tifying them, grant that they P –May the Lord protect
may profit us for salvation. All – Our Father . . . you from all dangers and
Through Christ our Lord. P –Deliver us, Lord . . . prosper your honest un-
All – Amen! All –For the kingdom, the
power, and the glory are dertakings.
Preface I yours, now and for ever. All – Amen!
P –The Lord be with you! P –May He free you from all
Sign of Peace anxiety and strengthen
All –And with your spirit!
P –Lift up your hearts! Breaking of the Bread your hearts in His love.
All –We lift them up to the All – Lamb of God, you take All–Amen!
Lord! away the sins of the world: have P –May almighty God bless
P –Let us give thanks to the mercy on us. (2x) you: the Father, and the
Lord our God! Lamb of God, you take Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All –It is right and just! away the sins of the world: All – Amen!
P –It is truly right and just, grant us peace. P –Go in peace, glorifying
our duty and our salvation, the Lord by your life.
always and everywhere to Communion
All – Thanks be to God!
give you thanks, Lord, holy P –This is the Lord Jesus,
Father, almighty and eternal the Lamb of God who takes
God, through Christ our Lord. away the sins of the world.
For through his Paschal Blessed are those called to his
Mystery, he accomplished Supper.

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