06 D.openMP SchedulingClauses

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Scheduling Clauses

Static Scheduling, Dynamic Scheduling, Guided Scheduling

Dr M Rajasekhara Babu
School of
Computer Science and Engineering

CSE5006: Tamil
Multicore Architectures; Nadu,
Dr M India
Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.

Recap, Session Objectives & Session Plan

Static Scheduling

Dynamic Scheduling

Guided Scheduling

Summary, References

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Session Plan
Skill and
Time Learning Aid and Typical Student
Content Faculty Approach Competency
(in min) Methodology Activity

05 Re-Cap Quiz Questions Answers

10 Static Scheduling Presentation Explains Listens Knowledge

Dynamic Scheduling Listens Evaluation

10 Presentation Explains

Guided Scheduling
20 Presentation Explains Observes Synthesis
Conclusion and Listens Comprehensi
05 Summary Facilitates
Summary Participates on
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Objectives & Teaching Learning Material

To provide knowledge on various scheduling


To know which Schedule clause to use and


CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
1. List two routines to estimate Execution Time (E.T) of a program

2. Specify the syntax for OpenMP Routine for Execution Time

3. Name the header file to be included for estimating E.T. using Windows

4.Distinguish between Omp routines omp_get_num_threads(); and


5. What is the purpose of omp_in_parallel() rountine

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
 Analogy

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Schedule clauses
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• A parallel region has atleast one barrier at its end. At the
barrier, the other members of the team must wait for the last
thread to arrive.
• To minimize this wait time shared work should be
distributed, so that all threads arrive at the barrier almost at
the same time.
• If some of the shared work is contained in for construct
then the schedule clause can be used.
• It gives control over which loop iterations are executed by
which thread.
• If each iteration takes the same amount of time to complete
its task, synchronization is not required to distribute the
work among the threads ie; scheduling is not required at all.
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
 Schedule Clauses


CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Schedule clauses
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses • The three main scheduling clauses that are
 Static
 Dynamic
used to assign iterations to threads in the team
 Guided are:
– Static
– Dynamic
– Guided

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Static Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• The syntax for the static scheduling clause is:
 Static
schedule(static [,chunk])
 Dynamic
 Guided • The static scheduling clause divides loop iterations
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
into pieces of size chunk
• The static scheduling clause divides loop iterations
into pieces of size chunk
• The last chunk to be assigned may have a smaller
number of iterations.
• If the chunk size is not specified, the static schedule
divides the iterations into chunks that are
approximately equal in size
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Static Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• and distributes iterations among the threads in the
 Static team so that no thread has more than one chunk.
 Dynamic
 Guided • When no chunksize specified
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
• Iterations are assigned to threads one after the other,
means thread1 gets iteration1,thread2 gets
iteration2……..till all iterations are assigned. The
iterations are assigned cyclically to each thread.

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Static Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• The number of iterations assigned to each thread
 Static when chunk size is not specified is given by
 Dynamic
 Guided total number of iterations
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
number of threads
• Suppose there are 16 iterations and 4 threads, then
the number of iterations assigned to each thread is
given by

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Static Schedule
 Schedule Clauses
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4
 Static
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
 Dynamic T1,T2,T3,T4 are threads
 Guided
 Static Schedule • When chunksize is specified
 Syntax – Iteration space is divided into chunks,
 Example
• each of size chunk size specified.
– The chunks are assigned cyclically to each thread.

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
T1,T2,T3,T4 are threads

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Example – Scheduling Clauses
 Analogy #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,8)
 Schedule Clauses for (int i=start; i<=end; i+=2)
 Static {
 Dynamic if (TestForPrime(i))
 Static Schedule gPrimesFound++;
 Syntax
 Guided
 Example • In this example, iterations are divided into chunks
of size 8. If the value of start is 3, the first chunk is:
i = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17}
• At runtime, further chunks are created similarly.
These chunks are then assigned to threads in a
round-robin manner.

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Dynamic Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• The syntax for the dynamic scheduling clause is:
 Static
schedule(dynamic [,chunk])
 Dynamic
 Guided • The dynamic scheduling clause divides loop
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
iterations into pieces of size chunk and initially
 Example assigns one chunk to a thread.
 Dynamic Schedule
 Syntax • When a thread completes its iterations, it
dynamically grabs the next chunk.
• The default chunk size is one.

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Dynamic Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• When no chunksize specified
 Static – When the chunk size is not specified it takes the default
 Dynamic
 Guided
value as 1.
 Static Schedule – Iterations are assigned to threads one at a time as they
 Syntax become available.
 Example
 Dynamic Schedule – The number of iterations assigned to each thread when
 Syntax chunk size is not specified is unpredicted because it
 Example depends on the readily available thread at that time.

T0 T3 T3 T1 T2 T2 T2 T0 T0 T3 T2 T0 T1 T1 T3 T2 T3 T1 T3 T0


CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Dynamic Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• When chunksize is specified
 Static – Divides the iteration space into chunks of size chunksize
 Dynamic
 Guided
and assigns them to threads on a first-come first-served
 Static Schedule basis. i.e. whichever thread finishes a chunk, it is
 Syntax assigned the next chunk in the list.
 Example
 Dynamic Schedule
 Example
T0 T0 T0 T0 T2 T2 T2 T2 T1 T1 T1 T1 T0 T0 T0 T0 T3 T3 T3 T3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

T0,T1,T2,T3 are threads

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Application for Dynamic
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses • Power of a matrix:
 Static
Let A and B are two matrices of same order 1✕10 (say)
 Dynamic
 Guided
 Static Schedule
A=[29 5 3 24 14 6 38 9 16 142 ]
 Syntax
 Example
 Dynamic Schedule
B=[ 32 2 279 648 5 3 785 3 5 931]
 Syntax
 Example
 Application
C=[2932 52 3279 24648 145 63 38785 93 165 142931]

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Code for the Power Matrix Program
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
 Static
 Dynamic
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,2)
 Guided
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
 Example
 Dynamic Schedule answerMatrix[i]=pow(baseMatrix[i%SIZE],po
 Syntax
 Example werMatrix[i%SIZE]);
 Application

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Output for the dynamic scheduling with chunk size 4.
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
 Static
 Dynamic
 Guided
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
 Example
 Dynamic Schedule
 Syntax
 Example
 Application

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Guided Schedule
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
• The syntax for the dynamic scheduling clause is:
 Static
schedule(guided [,chunk])
 Dynamic
 Guided • The guided scheduling clause initially assigns
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
iterations larger than the chunk size.
 Example • It starts with large blocks and assigns them to
 Dynamic Schedule
 Syntax threads dynamically.
 Example
 Application
• The assigned chunk size is decreased exponentially
 Guided Schedule with each succeeding assignment until it reaches the
 Syntax chunk size specified.
• The default chunk size is 1
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
The Guided Schedule
 Analogy
• In addition to the static, dynamic, and guided scheduling clauses,
 Schedule Clauses
there is another scheduling clause called the runtime schedule.
 Static
 Dynamic • The runtime scheduling clause takes a schedule and chunk from the
 Guided string assigned to the environment variable OMP_SCHEDULE at run
 Static Schedule time.
 Syntax • Like dynamic, the guided schedule guarantees that no thread waits at
 Example the barrier for longer time.
 Dynamic Schedule
• It is similar to dynamic, but the chunks start off large and get smaller
 Syntax
 Example
 Application • Initially the tasks that require more computation are identified and
 Guided Schedule sorted in decreasing order of their computational power.
 Syntax • The tasks that requires more computations are assigned with more
number of iterations to compute when compared with the tasks that
require less computations

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
 Static
 Dynamic
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
 Example
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T3 T3 T3 T3 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T0 T0 T1 T1 T3 T3
 Dynamic Schedule
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
 Syntax
 Example
 Application
T0,T1,T2,T3 are threads
 Guided Schedule
 Syntax
 Example

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
How Guided Actually Works
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses • For guided scheduling, partitioning of loop is done
 Static based on the following formula with a start value
 Dynamic of α = number of loop iterations.
 Guided
 Static Schedule  
 Syntax   2 N 

 Example
• Where N is the number of thread,  denotes the
 Dynamic Schedule size of Kth chunk and  denotes the size of
 Syntax
 Example
remaining unscheduled loop iteration while
 Application
computing the size of Kth chunk.
 Guided Schedule • For example  =800, N=2 and S=80, where S is
 Syntax chunk size.
 Example
• The loop partition is 200,150,113,85,80,80,80,12

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Application for Guided
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses • Printing Wedding Cards
 Static
 Dynamic Problem definition:
 Guided
 Static Schedule The customer gave an order of printing 500 wedding
 Syntax cards to the printing press which contains 4 workers A, B,C and D
 Example with different level of skills i.e. A works faster than B, B works
 Dynamic Schedule faster than C and C works faster than D. Based on the skills of a
 Syntax workers the no of cards assigned to them vary, that means Initially
 Example A may get 140(say) cards to print, B may get 90 cards, C may get 75
 Application
cards and D gets 50 cards. Next time who ever completes their job
 Guided Schedule
first they will be assigned with some new task likewise the task is
 Syntax
shared among the four workers.
 Example
 Application A(140) B(90) C(75) D(50) B(60) A(50) C(20) D(15)

1 140 230 305 355 415 465 485 500

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
Which Schedule to Use?
 Analogy
 Schedule Clauses
 Static Scheduling Clause When to Use
 Dynamic
 Guided
Static Predictable and similar work per iteration
 Static Schedule
 Syntax
 Example Dynamic Unpredictable, highly variable work per iteration
 Dynamic Schedule
 Syntax
Guided Special case of dynamic to reduce scheduling overhead
 Example
 Application
 Guided Schedule
Runtime Scheduling decision to be made at run time
 Syntax
 Example
 Application
 When to use
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
• Analogy – Example
• Schedule Clauses – Application
– Static • Guided Schedule
– Dynamic – Syntax
– Guided – Example
• Static Schedule – Application
– Syntax • When to use
– Example
• Dynamic Schedule
– Syntax

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
1. Identify an application for demonstration of each scheduling

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
T2: Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts, Multi-Core Programming, Intel
Press,1st Edition2006.
T5: Chapman, Gabriele Jost, Ruud van van der Pas, Using OpenMP:
Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming (Scientific and
Engineering Computation), The MIT Press, 2007

CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.
CSE5006: Multicore Architectures; Dr M Rajasekhara Babu, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT); 21-Sep-18 12:13 AM Sl.No.

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