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Introduction to This Principle
“Success Principle #7: Unleash the Power of Goal Setting” helps your participants render their visions
practical. Setting goals activates both the conscious and the subconscious mind to figure out what needs to
happen to make the goal a reality. Assigning each goal a clear deadline activates the Law of Attraction and
participants will begin to attract the resources necessary to accomplish the goal.

In This Principle
High Achievers Set Goals
Breakthrough Goal

How Much By When: Create Clear, Measureable and Specific Goals
Turning Goals Into Affirmations
Writing and Visualizing a Breakthrough Goal

Writing Clear, Measureable and Specific Goals
Writing Compelling Affirmations
Writing and Visualizing a Breakthrough Goal

Vision Exercise Worksheet
Goal-Setting Worksheet
Affirmations Worksheet
Breakthrough Goal Worksheet
My Goals Summary Sheet
My Vision and Goals
Strategic Planning Form

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

High Achievers Set Goals – Concept

This module teaches participants the defining characteristic that sets high achievers apart from ordinary
people: high achievers set goals—and they pro-actively pursue the achievement of those goals. By teaching
this goal-setting principle, participants will learn a powerful way to take 100% responsibility for their lives—by
planning their future through the setting of breakthrough goals.

Once you know your life purpose, determine your vision, and clarify what your true needs and desires are, you
have to convert them into specific, measurable goals and objectives and then act on them with the certainty
that you will achieve them. Experts on the science of success know the brain is a goal-seeking organ. Whatever
goal you give to your subconscious mind, it will work night and day to achieve.

• Participants will learn how to state their life goals into definitive statements.
• Participants will learn to train the brain (through affirmations) to continually seek ways to achieve
stated goals.

PowerPoint slides

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

High Achievers Set Goals – Script
Use the following script to explain the concept that high achievers set goals.
“Now that you have learned the importance of taking 100 % responsibility, getting clear

and cleaning up our messes and incompletes; you can begin to pursue your vision by

creating clear, measureable and specific goals. The key aspect of goal setting is ‘how much

by when.’

High achievers set goals!


1. They were never modeled how to set goals by their parents or teachers.

2. Never taught in schools.

3. They were possibly discouraged or teased when they set them.

4. They were never given instructions on how to set goals.

5. Fear of rejection.

6. Fear of failure.


1. It is specific and measurable.

2. It’s believable to you.

3. It is communicated to others.

4. It has a time limit.

5. Internal and external roadblocks are accepted as a natural part of the journey and are

dealt with positively.


Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Visualization – Keeps a goal front of mind.

Affirmations – Present-tense affirmations will help create an image of the desired result.
Repetition – Written down and posted where you can see and review regularly.

Share – By sharing goals, you clarify your vision and state it openly.

Considerations – Obstacles, Roadblocks, Fear – Allows you to plan and stay on track. An

idea about what might get in the way.

There are two types of goals, Process Goals and Results Goals. Results goal is the end result

of what you want to achieve, and a process goal is what you will do to get to your results


For Example:

Results Goal: To Weigh XXX by December 31, 2015

Process Goal: I will exercise a minimum of 1 hour a day 5 times a week. I will follow a clearly

designed meal plan 6 days a week with one ‘cheat day’ each week.

FACILITATOR TIP: Once your participants develop some goals aligned with their vision, you can have your
participants work in pairs to help each other to determine if they are specific and measurable.

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

High Achievers Set Goals: Demonstration Script
Use the following script. You may choose someone in your audience or just explain.
“The first thing we are going to do is set measurable goals. For each one, write down your

goal in a way that is measurable, so that if someone outside were observing you, they would

know you had accomplished the goal.”

“A goal is short, specific and measurable and has a time limit or date by when.

“I would like to own a nice home on the ocean someday,” is a desire, but it is not yet stated

as a goal, which includes how much and by when.

“Here is the same statement stated as a goal.

“I will own a 2000 square foot house in Santa Barbara, California, by noon, April 30, 2015.”

“Let me share a quick idea with you that can help you build momentum to achieving results

beyond what you may initially think is possible. It is called: MTO, Minimum ... Target ...


“Whenever you set a goal, set a minimum goal, but also keep in mind a target and

outrageous such as:

- Minimum Goal – “I will own a 2000 square foot house in Santa Barbara, California, by

noon, April 30, 2015.”

- Target – “I will own a 3000 square foot house in Santa Barbara, California, by noon,

April 30, 2015.”

- Outrageous – “I will own a 6000 square foot house in Santa Barbara, California, by

noon, April 30, 2015.”

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

“Another example:

- Minimum Goal: I will have a tiny wine cooler in my kitchen by January 30, 2017.

Target Goal: I will have a full sized wine refrigerator in my home by Januaray 30, 2017.

- Outrageous Goal: I will have complete wine cellar in my home by June 15, 2017.

“An outrageous goal is something that would just blow your mind if you achieved it.

Something that feels like “Well I/we could never do that.”

“The idea is that you are almost guaranteed to reach your minimum, your minimum gets

results and you no longer feel like you can’t do it. Your target is within your capabilities. And

then you have your outrageous goal. You see, what happens is that most people will start

with the minimum, and then they get motivated and strive for the target and outrageous,

this system helps you build momentum.

“Have you ever had the experience where you say, “I’m just going to clean up the kitchen a

little,” and the next thing you know you’ve cleaned the entire kitchen, even waxed the floor?

It was just a matter of getting started. So let’s take the next 10 minutes writing down at least

2 goals.

“I like to pick one personal goal, and one health or professional goal to start.”

FACILITATOR TIP: If you are only asking them to do 2 goals, give about 10 minutes and check in at about
7 minutes to see how they are doing, if they get 2 completed, encourage them to do more. To assess
whether the group needs more time, simply ask: “Does anyone need more time?”

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

The Vision Exercise Worksheet
Business, Job and Career

Financial (Income, Profit, Cash Flow, Net Worth, Investments)


Health and Fitness

Fun Time and Recreation (Fun, Vacations, Travel, Hobbies, Recreation, Sports)

Personal (Possessions, Education, Spiritual Growth, Personal Development, Experiences You Want)

Contribution and Legacy (Philanthropy, Volunteer Work, Community Impact)

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Goal-Setting Worksheet


(How much …By when?)
Business, Job and Career:



Health and Fitness:

Fun Time and Recreation:


Contribution and Legacy:

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Create a Breakthrough Goal to Instantly
Up level Your Life and Career: Concept
In teaching your audience about goals, it’s important to make the distinction between short-term goals and a
breakthrough goal—or what Jack Canfield calls a “big hairy audacious goal (BHAG)” Both are important types
of goals for your students to set and achieve. Smaller goals help them advance little by little toward
achievement of their breakthrough goal.

Goal-setting is a powerful success tool. But most goals that we set are near-term goals that only help us
progress by degrees. Setting a life-changing goal, on the other hand—then working every day to achieve it—
can up level every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s a profound career move or a major personal improvement
or landing a major business deal, a breakthrough goal permanently changes our lives—and permanently
changes who we are as individuals.

• Participants will learn what a Breakthrough Goal is.
• Participants will identify a Breakthrough Goal for their own lives.

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Create a Breakthrough Goal: Script
Say the following to the group:
“While goal setting is an important step to becoming more successful, most of the goals we

set focus on improving our life in the moment. Get the house painted. Finish my sales report.

Clean out the laundry room. Lose 20 pounds.

“But what if — instead — you focused on a single goal that would up-level everything you

do ... from your career to your acquaintances to your income to your lifestyle.

“Wouldn’t that be a goal worth pursuing with passion? Wouldn’t that be something to focus

on a little each day until you achieved it?

“Think about it.

“If you were an independent sales professional and knew you could get a better territory, a

substantial bonus commission and maybe even a promotion once you landed a certain

number of customers, wouldn’t you work day and night to achieve that goal?

“And if you were the coach of a football team, whose typical strategy was to gain 4 yards on

every play, what if your players instead worked toward completing a breakthrough 60-yard


“If you were a stay-at-home mom whose entire lifestyle and finances would change by

earning an extra $1,000 a month, wouldn’t you pursue every possible opportunity until you

achieved that goal? That’s what we mean by a breakthrough goal.

“Something that changes your life, brings you new opportunities, gets you in front of the

right people and up-levels every activity, relationship or group you’re involved in.”

FACILITATOR TIP: Use your own breakthrough goal as an example whenever possible so you are able to
answer specific questions on how you made it happen.


“For Jack Canfield, producing his very first audio program was not only a breakthrough

career goal—it became the catalyst that generated $100,000 in extra income per year.
Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Suddenly, as a professional speaker and trainer, he had a product to sell at the back of the

room. Soon after, Career-Track heard the audiotapes and offered to underwrite an entire

training program around the material, bringing Jack a substantial royalty. Eventually,
Nightingale-Conant heard and reviewed the audio program and offered Jack an attractive


Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Breakthrough Goal: Exercise
Say the following to the group:
“What might your single Breakthrough Goal be? Let the exercise below help you decide:

“Whether you believe you can achieve it or not, what one single goal in your career,

business, lifestyle or relationships would quantum leap you to the next level?


“I will sell 10,000 copies of the Train the Trainer Home Study Course—as the first step in

creating 1 million teachers and trainers of The Success Principles around the world in 2 years

or less.

“Now visualize how your life would change as a result of accomplishing this goal. What

would you be doing, seeing and feeling?”


“The Canfield Training Group would have all the resources (both financial and personnel) it

needed to operate as a world-class business. I would have the satisfaction of having created

an international community of trainers that would come together on a regular basis to

network, share and co-create new approaches to the work. It would also allow me to focus

my work more on one major initiative with intention and laser focus.”

"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts,
liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes."
- Andrew Carnegie

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Breakthrough Goal: Worksheet
1. Whether you believe you can achieve it or not, what one single goal in your career, business, lifestyle or
relationships would quantum leap you to the next level? Is it landing a promotion, meeting a sales goal,
changing jobs, expanding your business, finding romance, qualify for an award, going back to school,
writing a book, getting on Oprah, creating a killer website, getting your license, having your own internet
radio show, losing 60 pounds, or some other goal? Write your breakthrough goal below:





2. Now visualize how your life would change as a result of accomplishing this goal. What would you be doing,
seeing and feeling?





3. Now write down an affirmation for your Breakthrough Goal.





Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Goals Summary Sheet
What are your Top 3 Goals in EACH of the 7 areas that you want to achieve by ________________:
Financial/ Income/ Debt Reduction/ Net Worth
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Business/ Professional/ Career/ Job
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Fun Time/ Recreation/ Sports/ Hobbies/ Travel
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Health/ Fitness/ Appearance
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Relationships/ Family/ Friends
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Personal/ Learning/ Projects/ Purchases
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Contribution/ Service/ Community/ Legacy
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
Health & Fitness
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
Fun Time & Recreation
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

My Vision and Goals
Contribution & Legacy
My One-Year Vision




Goals and Objectives (How much... by when)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________


My Affirmations (Ideal Scene)

I am so happy and grateful that I now...




My Action Steps




Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Strategic Planning Form
GOAL: _________________________________________________________________________________


1. ________________________________ 6. ______________________________
2. ________________________________ 7. ______________________________ 3.
________________________________ 8. ______________________________
4. ________________________________ 9. ______________________________
5. ________________________________ 10. _____________________________


Next Action Steps (Actions, Requests, Offers) Due Date Delegate Done











Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Trainer Insights Worksheet: What Did You Learn?
Part 1: Module 6: Unleash The Power Of Goal Setting
□ Write Goals for all 7 areas of your life □ Watch the Module Video

□ Create a Breakthrough Goal □ (Optional) Read Chapter 7 in The Success

□ Fill out the Strategic Planning Form


From the perspective of a participant:
1. Reflecting on this entire module, what was your most significant learning? (It is important to understand the
impact it has on you before you facilitate it with others.)
2. How did this module increase your self-awareness?
3. Which activity, demonstration, or exercise provided the most significant learning?
4. Why does this matter?
5. What difference could this insight make in your life?
6. Did you notice any internal blocks that stopped you from fully participating in any of the exercises?
7. What, if anything, are you still wondering about?

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Trainer Insights Worksheet: What Did You Learn?
Now thinking like a trainer:

1. How do you think this could affect participants in a workshop?

2. What emotions might come up in a workshop? (resistance, fear, judgment, elation, excitement?) How might
you deal with it?
3. Did you notice any internal resistance to any of the exercises, if so, what resistance did you have?
4. How might this impact your ability to facilitate this exercise?
5. How could you overcome your resistance to effectively facilitate this exercise?
6. What parts of the video do you intend to review to deepen your understanding of this module?

Unleash the Power of Goal Setting 24

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P.

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