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1. Check if the Number (which is to be fetched from the ticket) is valid or not:
- Find the Prefix of the Number and search in the “Digit Analysis Tool Database”.
- Fetch the “maximum and minimum length of Number” defined in the database with
respect to that Prefix.
- If the Length of the Number (fetched from the ticket) lies between the minimum and
maximum length of the Number, then the Number is valid.
- If the Length of the Number (fetched from the ticket) doesn’t lies between the
minimum and maximum length of the Number, then the Number is not valid.

2. If the Number is not valid, Close the ticket.

3. If the Number is valid:

- Execute the Script on the “CDR Decoder tool” Unix server.
- Export the output of the Script into “.csv” file.
- Upload the “.csv” file on the ticket.

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