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August 21, 2017

GooD News

Good News English

Word Building

Level 1

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Word Building, the first booklet of Level 1, sets out to help the
student to acquire basic phonic skills in (1) blending the sounds
to make words, (2) analyzing a word into its sounds.
Rules are taught to enable the student to acquire these phonic
skills. And while is true not all English words sound according to
rule, many words do. Learning these rules will help the student
to tackle new words and learn to pronounce and spell them.
The words taught are not carried over to the readers, so it is not
necessary for the student to learn the meanings of the words.

Section A
Names and sounds of letters ............................................ 3
Section B
Words with the short sound
‘a, e, I, o” and “u”........................................................ 6
Section C
Words with the long sound of
‘a, e, I, o” and “u” and ending with “e”........................... 13
Section D
Words beginning or ending with two consonants................. 22
Section E
General Revision ......................................................... 27
Section F
Writing ........................................................... 29

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Section A Names and sounds of letters
1. Names of small letters

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2. Names of capital letters with the small letters.

Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ee Ff Gg Hh
Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
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3. Letter sounds

a b c d e
f g h i j
k l m n o
p q r s t
u v w x
y z
‘g’ has another sound ‘jer’. ‘c’ has another sound ‘ser’.
‘a,e,I,o’ and ‘u’ are called vowels. They have long and short
sounds. The other letters are called consonants.

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Section B Words with the short sound of ‘a, e,
i, o” and “u”
1. Words with the short sound of ‘a’
c-a-t  c-at  cat
f-a-t  f-at  fat
m-a-t  m-at  mat
s-a-t  s-at  sat
r-a-t  r-at  rat
b-a-t  b-at  bat
h-a-t  h-at  hat
p-a-t  p-at  pat
m-a-n m-an man c-a-p c-ap cap
c-a-n c-an can l-a-d l-ap lap
r-a-n r-an ran m-a-p m-ap map
p-a-n p-an pan t-a-p t-ap tap
f-a-n f-an fan n-a-p n-ap nap
v-a-n v-an van
b-a-g b-ag bag
b-a-d b-ad bad t-a-g t-ag tag
h-a-d h-ad had r-a-g r-ag rag
s-a-d s-ad sad n-a-g n-ag nag
d-a-d d-ad dad

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cat man sad

fat can dad bag

mat ran tag

sat pan pad rag

rat fan cap nag

bat van lap

hat map

pat bad tap

had nap

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2. Words with the short sound of ‘e’
b-e-t  b-et  bet
g-e-t  g-et  get
l-e-t  l-et  let
m-e-t  m-et  met
p-e-t  p-et  pet
s-e-t  s-et  set
v-e-t  v-et  vet
w-e-t  w-et  wet

bet gem beg

get hem leg den
let bed peg hen
met fed men
pet led bell pen
set red fell ten
vet Ted hell
wet Wed sell
less tell
mess well

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3. Words with the short sound of ‘i’
b-i-t  b-it  bit
f-i-t  f-it  fit
h-i-t  h-it  hit
k-i-t  k-it  kit
l-i-t  l-it  lit
p-i-t  p-it  pit
s-i-t  s-it  sit

bit bin fill

fit din hill did
hit fin kill hid
kit pin pill rid
lit sin bill
pit win till fix
sit will six
hip big
lip dig
rip pig

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4. Words with the short sound of ‘o’
c-o-t  c-ot  cot
d-o-t  d-ot  dot
g-o-t  g-ot  got
h-o-t  h-ot  hot
j-o-t  j-ot  jot
l-o-t  l-ot  lot
n-o-t  n-ot  not
p-o-t  p-ot  pot
r-o-t  r-ot  rot

cot nod dog bob

dot God fog hob
got rod jog job
hot log mob
jot cop rob
lot hop sob
not mop
pot pop
rot top

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5. Words with the short sound of ‘o’
s-u-n  s-un  sun
f-u-n  f-un  fun
g-u-n  g-un  gun
n-u-n  n-un  nun
r-u-n  r-un  run
b-u-n  b-un  bun
h-um  h-um  hum
m-u-m  m-um  mum
r-u-m  r-um  rum
s-u-m  s-um  sum

sun bud cub cup

fun dud pub pup
gun mud rub sup
nun tub
run dug
bun hug but
jug cut
hum mug hut
mum rug nut
rum jut
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Revision table for Section B Words with the short sound
of ‘a, e, I, o” and “u”

tap win leg ten

bed zip dug less

will well mum pad

cup fit map hug

bell God sat job

pig van got sit

man jog bag

hot hill pin

Section C Words with the long sound of ‘a, e, i,

o” and “u” and ending with “e”

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1. Words with the long sound of ‘a” and ending with “e”

cake race cane late

wake face lane mate
bake lace mane rate
take came fade gaze
make fame jade laze
sake lame made cage
cape name date page
rape same gate wage
tape tame hate

2. Words with the long sound of ‘i” and ending with “e”

dine five time hike

fine dive lime like
line hive life nice
mine jive wife lice
nine hide bite dice
vine ride kite rice
pipe side site rise
ripe tide mite wise
wipe wide bike

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3. Words with the long sound of ‘o” and ending with “e”
cope dole note home
hope hole vote Rome
mope pole joke code
pope mole poke rode
rope role woke
robe dote dome

4. Words with the long sound of ‘u” and ending with “e”
cube tune Luke muse
tube mule huge cute
dune duke fuse

Revision table for Section C Words with the short sound

of ‘a, I, o” and “u” ending with ‘e’
bake came tune mate
joke kite make ride
tube nice duve code
wide vote cipe rate
gaze gate date bite
hole huge rise tone
late lane same gave
time pipe hide five
male bone wise pole
hope wave Luke home
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Section D Words beginning or ending with two

1 Words beginning with s-t; s-n; s-p; s-k

at sn sp sk
stop snap spot skin
stem snip spin skip
still snake spoke skate

2. Words beginning with p-l; p-r; t-w; t-r

pl pr tw tr
plan pram twin trot
plot pride twig trap

3. Words beginning with s-t- n-d; m-p; n-t

st nd mp nt
best hand pump rent
must pond damp went
rest land limp hunt

lamp ramp camp stump

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4. Words beginning or ending with s-h, sh together makes
one sound “sh”

shop shape fish dish

ship shake rush hush
shut shame rash posh
shot shine dash bash
shed shore wish

5. Words beginning or ending with c-h, ch together makes

one sound “ch”

chop chin rich latch

chat chase such catch
chill chose lunch teach
chip much pinch beach

6. Words ending with c-k, ck together makes one sound


tack pick sack sock

pick rick neck suck
tick back rock truck
sick pack lock quick

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7. Words beginning or ending with t-h, t and h together
makes one sound “th”

thin think broth path

thick thank cloth froth

t and h together makes one sound “th”

the then they these

that thus though those
them this there

8. Words beginning with w-h, w and h together makes one

sound “wh”

what where whip whiff

when white whim whiz
why while which

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Revision table for Section D – Words beginning or ending
with two consonants

spoke path shame snake

trap twig chip plan
pump pram shut shape
much skate hush such
shake chin rent chop
sick thin rock pond
this white that latch
whip pack pride catch
wish spin best
rich damp twin
shot stem hunt

Section E General Revision

beg men still role

rage tube dive rat
rag skip leg pen
fix joke cup jog
cute code cake hope
whiff pup pole cube
stop twig bite trot
dad lunch spot chat
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pill same path rice
rod mud site this
tone gate bone joke
snip sun man trap
hat wipe kite bat
hug Rome ship life
cage sack note time
God which they lock
woke sad much that
snake dig wide bad
wise well pan top
robe mob jug gun
duke nice side name
hand hut fan pipe
dine cope whole plan
tune best when like
bag them back
not cup hen

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Section F – Writing and printing of letters.

Aa [a] Bb Cc
Dd Ee Ff
Gg [g] Hh Ii Jj
Kk Ll Mm Nn
Oo Pp Qq Rr
Ss Tt Uu Vv
Ww Xx Yy Zz
God Bless – Freddi
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