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CMAJ Review

Considerations when prescribing trimethoprim–


Joanne M.-W. Ho MD, David N. Juurlink MD PhD

ntroduced in 1968, trimethoprim–sul- mazole” and “trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole Competing interests:
famethoxazole remains a popular antibiotic combination,” and then combined each term with Joanne Ho is a fellow of the
Canadian Institutes of
because of its low cost, effectiveness and each of the following terms: “cytochrome P450,” Health Research Drug
familiarity among clinicians. It is the most fre- “hyperkalemia,” “hypoglycemia,” “hematologic,” Safety and Effectiveness
quently prescribed antibiotic for urinary tract “anemia,” “neutropenia,” “thrombocytopenia,” Cross-Disciplinary Training
infections in Canada.1 Other indications include “hemolysis,” “hypersensitivity,” “drug interaction,” Program. None declared by
David Juurlink.
treatment of infections caused by Pneumocystis “renal” and “methemoglobinemia.” We used a
jiroveci, Toxoplasma gondii, Stenotrophomonas similar search strategy for the Embase database. This article has been peer
maltophilia and community-associated methi- We included all types of reports (case reports,
cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In addi- volunteer studies, observational studies and ran- Correspondence to:
Dr. Joanne M.-W. Ho,
tion, among patients with depressed CD4 counts domized trials), and we excluded articles that
from infection with HIV, the use of low-dose were not available in English, were conducted in
CMAJ 2011. DOI:10.1503
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole for prophylaxis animals or did not include information about the /cmaj.111152
against P. jiroveci and T. gondii is associated safety of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole.
with decreased mortality caused by opportunistic We identified 925 publications that described
infections.2 With up to 4000 prescriptions for adverse events involving trimethoprim–
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole dispensed each sulfamethoxazole. After we assessed the citations
week in Ontario,3 this drug is used by hundreds for eligibility, 88 articles were reviewed and 70
of thousands of Canadians each year. were included in this review. J.H. reviewed all
More than 40 years of widespread use has citations for eligibility and full-text articles for
provided ample opportunity to identify the many quality. D.J. reviewed selected articles for quality.
adverse events associated with trimethoprim– Conflicts were resolved by consensus.
sulfamethoxazole. Although this drug is well tol-
erated by many patients, it is associated with sev- N: Neurologic effects
eral potentially serious adverse reactions. Most
of these associations are supported only by case Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole readily crosses
reports and case series, but some have been the the blood–brain barrier40 and is associated with vari-
subject of volunteer studies and observational ous adverse neurologic events, all of which have
studies. Many of these adverse effects are rare, been described only in case reports. Numerous
however others are predictable and several can instances of aseptic meningitis (involving high
be life-threatening. Here we provide an overview doses of trimethoprim alone or trimethoprim–
of the various toxicities associated with the use sulfamethoxazole) have been reported, many of
of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole and offer a them involving patients with pre-existing autoim-
simple mnemonic — “NOT RISKY?” — to help
clinicians recall the various toxicities associated Key points
with this drug (Table 1). • Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is an effective antimicrobial, but it has
numerous adverse effects, some of which can be severe.
Literature review • Important drug–drug interactions include the development of
hyperkalemia with renin-angiotensin system blocking agents or drugs
We performed a search using MEDLINE (1950 to that inhibit kaliuresis, and hypoglycemia with the concomitant use of
August 2011) and Embase (1980 to 2011), along some hypoglycemic agents.
with a manual review of relevant bibliographies. • Hyperkalemia in conjunction with use of trimethoprim–
We used the permuted index search tool in Ovid to sulfamethoxazole can also occur in patients with impaired renal
function, diabetes, older age or AIDS.
search MEDLINE with the term “trimethoprim–
• Other toxicities include neurologic, renal and reproductive
sulfamethoxazole combination” and the subhead- abnormalities, decreased oxygen-carrying capacity and other
ings “adverse effects” and “toxicity.” Using the hematologic effects, and drug hypersensitivity syndromes.
keyword search, we searched for the terms “cotri-

© 2011 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, November 8, 2011, 183(16) 1851

Table 1: Summary of the adverse effects associated with the use of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole

Adverse effect Manifestation Postulated risk factor Frequency

4 4
N Neurologic effects Aseptic meningitis Autoimmune disease and HIV Uncommon
Tremor Rare
Delirium5,6 Older age, previous Relatively uncommon
neurologic injury, infection,
metabolic disturbances5,6
Gait disturbances5,6 Rare
O Decreased oxygen- Methemoglobinemia7,8 • Neonates less than Rare
carrying capacity and 6 weeks of age
other hematologic • Nicotinamide adenine
abnormalities dinucleotide–dependent
methemoglobin reductase
(also known as cytochrome-
b5 reductase) deficiency
Blood dyscrasia9,10 • Malnutrition, specifically Uncommon
folic acid deficiency
• Glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency
T Toxic epidermal Drug hypersensitivity (fever, rash Previous or family history of Uncommon
necrolysis and other and internal organ involvement, drug hypersensitivity
hypersensitivity such as blood dyscrasia, hepatitis syndrome
reactions and acute interstitial nephritis)11–16
Simply exanthema or fixed drug Common
R Reproductive toxicity Structural malformations (neural • Low levels of folic acid19 Uncommon
tube, cardiovascular and possible • Exposure during the first
oral cleft and urinary system)18 trimester20
Small-for-gestational-age21 Exposure during the second Uncommon
and third trimesters21
Hyperbilirubinemia20 Exposure after 32 weeks’ Rare
I Interactions with other • Inhibition of the cytochrome Polypharmacy Common
drugs P450 system (2C8 and 2C9)22
• Renal drug transporter
inhibition (organic cation
transporter and organic anion
S Sugar Hypoglycemia25–30 • Renal insufficiency25 Common as a drug–drug
• High-dose trimethoprim– interaction; rare when
sulfamethoxazole25 trimethoprim–
• Concomitant use of sulfamethoxazole is used
sulphonylureas or in isolation
K Hyperkalemia and Hyperkalemia31–37 • Renal insufficiency34,35 Common
other kidney effects • High-dose trimethoprim–
• Older age34
• Diabetes34
• AIDS39
• Concomitant use of ACE
inhibitors, angiotensin
receptor blockers,
spironolactone or NSAIDs36,37
Acute interstitial nephritis15 Uncommon
Obstructive tubulopathy38 Uncommon
Hyponatremia31,35 Uncommon
Y? Why not consider an alternate antimicrobial?

Note: ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme, NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

1852 CMAJ, November 8, 2011, 183(16)


mune disease or HIV infection.4 The mechanism blood dyscrasias have been reported following the
of toxicity is not well defined, but an immuno- use of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. The inci-
logic process is suggested.4 Clinically, drug- dence of severe hematologic toxicity is unknown,
induced meningitis is indistinguishable from but estimates range up to 1.7–5.5/100 000 pre-
other causes of aseptic meningitis, and the diag- scriptions.9,10 Several mechanisms have been
nosis is suggested by negative results of microbi- implicated and described in case reports (Table 2).
ologic testing, temporal association with drug ini- Generation of antibodies to the glycoprotein
tiation, prompt improvement following IIb/IIIa complex on platelets can cause immune
discontinuation of the offending drug and the thrombocytopenia, which is typically observed
absence of another identifiable cause. within the first week of treatment and is generally
Other rare adverse neurologic effects include reversible on discontinuation of the drug.47–49
delirium and milder effects such as tremor, 5 Although uncommon at therapeutic doses,
which typically occurs in the first week of ther- the inhibition of folate metabolism by trimetho-
apy, and gait disturbances.5,6 In general, neuro- prim can cause dose-related leukopenia and
logic symptoms occur within days of continuous megaloblastosis, both of which are responsive
treatment and resolve following discontinuation to folinic acid.41,42 Periodic monitoring of the
of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. complete blood count may be advisable in
patients receiving a high dose of trimethoprim–
O: Decreased oxygen-carrying sulfamethoxazole for extended periods.
capacity and other hematologic Finally, oxidative hemolysis has rarely been
reported in patients with glucose-6-phosphate
abnormalities dehydrogenase deficiency.44–46 Although a few
small observational studies have shown that
Several case reports describe methemoglobinemia patients with this deficiency often tolerate the
in patients taking trimethoprim–sulfamethoxa- drug without difficulty, clinicians should be
zole.7,8 Although this adverse effect is rare, the sul- aware of this potential risk.51–53
famethoxazole component can induce methemo-
globinemia, which occurs when more than 1% of
heme iron exists in the ferric (Fe3+) redox state,
T: Toxic epidermal necrolysis and
rather than the usual ferrous (Fe2+) state. Methemo- other hypersensitivity reactions
globin cannot bind oxygen, resulting in functional
anemia and bluish-brown discoloration of the skin. Immune-mediated idiosyncratic reactions are
Several uncommon but potentially serious often associated with a reactive metabolite, lead-

Table 2: Hematologic abnormalities associated with the use of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole

Hematologic abnormality Mechanism Clinical manifestation Risk factor

Bone marrow suppression Folate deficiency Megaloblastic anemia, Poor nutritional status,
thrombocytopenia concomitant anti-folate
drugs (e.g., methotrexate)43
Drug hypersensitivity Any hematologic abnormality Family history of drug
syndrome in conjunction with fever and hypersensitivity
rash, most commonly
lymphopenia or lymphocytosis
Oxidative hemolysis Oxidative stress 44–46 Hemolytic anemia Glucose-6-phosphate
Drug-induced thrombocytopenia Antibody-mediated Thrombocytopenia
destruction of platelets
with specificity for the
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
Methemoglobinemia Increase in methemoglobin Cyanosis, “chocolate-coloured” Neonates less than 6 weeks
(iron moiety in the blood, and falsely low oxygen of age,50 nicotinamide
hemoglobin tetramer is in saturation on pulse oximetry adenine dinucleotide–
the ferric state [Fe3+] but a normal oxygen saturation dependent methemoglobin
instead of the usual ferrous on arterial blood gas reductase (cytochrome-b5
state [Fe2+])7,8 measurement (“saturation reductase) deficiency

CMAJ, November 8, 2011, 183(16) 1853


ing to drug-specific antibodies or T-lymphocyte adverse effects have been well described with
activation. Simple exanthems and fixed drug use of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole during
eruptions are some of the most common adverse pregnancy and the neonatal period.
effects of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, Case–control studies have reported an associ-
occurring in about 3% of hospital inpatients tak- ation between exposure to trimethoprim–
ing the drug.54 Less common is a classic drug sulfamethoxazole during the first trimester and
hypersensitivity syndrome manifesting with a an increased risk of structural malformations.
triad of fever, exanthem and varying degrees of These include defects of the neural tube, cardio-
internal organ involvement. Typical manifesta- vascular system and possibly oral cleft and uri-
tions vary in presentation and severity. They nary system.18,19,55 The risk of major malforma-
include hematologic abnormalities (most com- tions, however, is reduced with supplementation
monly lymphopenia or lymphocytosis, but occa- with folic acid.56,57 In patients with first-trimester
sionally eosinophilia), cholestatic or hepatocellu- exposure to trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole,
lar hepatitis (which may progress to fulminant detailed ultrasonography should be performed at
hepatic failure), renal dysfunction (including 18–20 weeks’ gestation.20
acute interstitial nephritis),11–15 Stevens–Johnson A recent case–control study reported a 60%
syndrome and potentially life-threatening toxic increased risk of small-for-gestational-age
epidermal necrolysis.16 If there has been no previ- among the offspring of women exposed to
ous exposure to trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole during the sec-
these reactions typically begin after at least four or ond and third trimesters, compared with those
five days of therapy but may occur after several exposed to other urinary antimicrobials.21 The
weeks of prolonged therapy. Importantly, the pres- use of sulfamethoxazole has classically been dis-
ence of fever can mislead clinicians by suggesting couraged for pregnant women at 32 weeks’ ges-
an unresolved infection, thereby delaying discon- tation or later because of the risk of hyperbiliru-
tinuation of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. binemia resulting from the drug’s displacement
of bilirubin from albumin. Although there are no
R: Reproductive toxicity case reports describing this toxicity in the litera-
ture, the use of an alternative antibiotic should be
Folic acid is important for normal development considered in most situations.
of the fetus and placenta. 1 9 Although the Although the overall risk of methemoglobine-
inhibitory effect of trimethoprim on dihydrofo- mia is low with trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole,
late reductase is more selective for the bacterial it may be increased in neonates younger than six
isozyme than for the human isozyme, the rapid weeks because of lower levels of nicotinamide
rate of cell division during pregnancy potentiates adenine dinucleotide–dependent methemoglobin
the drug’s anti-folate effect in humans. A host of reductase activity.50 If there is a strong clinical

Table 3: Potential and proven drug interactions involving trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole

Drug Mechanism of interaction Complication

S-warfarin CYP450 2C9 inhibition22 Increased international normalized ratio and

Oral hypoglycemic drugs: CYP450 2C9 inhibition, CYP450 2C8 Hypoglycemia25–30
Sulfonylureas (e.g., glyburide, gliclazide, inhibition22
glimepiride, glipizide)
Meglitinides (e.g., repaglinide)
Methotrexate Organic anion transporter inhibition in Methotrexate toxicity (cytopenia,
the renal tubule,23,24 anti-folate effect hepatotoxicity, mucositis)43
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs CYP450 2C9 inhibition Hypertension, hyperkalemia
(e.g., ibuprofen, celecoxib, piroxicam)* Trimethoprim-induced antikaliuretic
Angiotensin receptor blocking agents Trimethoprim-induced antikaliuretic Hyperkalemia36,37
and angiotensin-converting enzyme effect
Fluvastatin* CYP450 2C9 inhibition Myalgia, myositis, rhabdomyolysis
Phenytoin (also metabolized by 2C19) CYP450 2C9 and 2C8 inhibition Phenytoin toxicity17,63

*Potential interaction.

1854 CMAJ, November 8, 2011, 183(16)


indication for trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole a two- to threefold increased risk of gastrointesti-

therapy in a newborn, it is recommended to start nal hemorrhage relative to other antibiotics.61,62
the drug after four to six weeks of age.58 Although
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is detected in Interactions involving drug transporters
breast milk, exposure through breast milk appears Trimethoprim also inhibits the renal organic
to be safe in healthy breastfed infants.59 cation transporter and sulfamethoxazole inhibits
the organic anion transporter,68,69 transport systems
I: Interactions with other drugs that normally facilitate the renal elimination of
several drugs. In children receiving methotrexate,
Drug interactions occur when one drug alters the treatment with trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
clinical response to another. Several important decreases organic anion transporter–mediated
drug interactions can occur with trimethoprim– renal clearance of methotrexate by 40%, 23,24
sulfamethoxazole (Table 3). increasing the risk of methotrexate toxicity
(including cytopenia, mucositis, hepatotoxicity
Interactions involving the cytochrome and gastrointestinal symptoms). The anti-folate
P450 enzyme system effect of trimethoprim may also contribute to this
The cytochrome P450 enzyme system is respon- interaction, as documented in several case
sible for the oxidative metabolism of hundreds of reports and one observational study.43 Conse-
drugs. Among the various cytochrome P450 quently, the Canadian 3E Initiative in Rheuma-
enzymes, the 2C8 and 2C9 isoforms are of partic- tology70 has formally recommended against the
ular relevance in patients receiving trimethoprim– use of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole by
sulfamethoxazole because the 2C8 isoform is patients receiving methotrexate.
inhibited by trimethoprim and the 2C9 isoform is
inhibited by sulfamethoxazole. Consequently, S: Sugar (hypoglycemia)
drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 2C8 or
2C9 can accumulate during treatment with In patients taking trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole,
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole.22 Whereas sev- the most common reason for hypoglycemia is the
eral interactions are theoretically possible under potentiation of concomitant sulfonylurea or
this mechanism, two merit particular emphasis: repaglinide therapy.26–30,65 However, sulfamethoxa-
oral hypoglycemic agents and warfarin. zole itself can directly cause pancreatic insulin
Sulfonylurea agents (e.g., glyburide, gliclazide, release, particularly at higher doses and in
glimepiride and glipizide) are metabolized by patients with renal impairment. 25 This likely
cytochrome P450 2C9, whereas repaglinide, a reflects the drug’s structural similarity to the sul-
meglitinide, is metabolized by cytochrome P450 fonylureas. Hypoglycemia typically develops
2C8.64 Pharmacokinetic studies have shown that shortly after the patient begins to receive
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole increases plasma trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, and resolution
levels of sulfonylureas65 and repaglinide,26 leading may be delayed in patients with renal failure. To
to an increased release of pancreatic insulin and minimize the risk of hypoglycemia, reduction of
symptomatic hypoglycemia.27,28 The clinical conse- dosage should be considered in patients with a
quences of the interaction between trimethoprim– creatinine clearance of less than 30 mL/min.
sulfamethoxazole and sulfonylureas have been
described in case reports and observational stud-
ies, which have reported four- to sixfold increases
K: Hyperkalemia and other kidney
in the risk of hospital admission for hypo- effects
glycemia following the addition of trimethoprim–
sulfamethoxazole to regimens containing a sul- Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole can influence
fonylurea.28–30 kidney function in several ways, which can result
Warfarin also has the potential to interact with in hyperkalemia and hyponatremia, among other
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. Commercially kidney effects.
available warfarin exists as two enantiomers, R-
and S-warfarin. Of these, the latter is roughly Hyperkalemia
five times more biologically active and is metab- Hyperkalemia was first recognized during high-
olized by cytochrome P450 2C9.66,67 Co-prescrip- dose trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole therapy for
tion of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole increases P. jiroveci, but it is increasingly appreciated as a
S-warfarin levels in most patients.60 Two recent potential complication at doses usually pre-
population-based studies have shown that scribed. This is a predictable and potentially fatal
among patients receiving warfarin, the use of adverse effect of treatment with trimethoprim–
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is associated with sulfamethoxazole. Structurally similar to the

CMAJ, November 8, 2011, 183(16) 1855


potassium-sparing diuretic amiloride, trimetho- infections.36 We suggest that physicians monitor

prim inhibits potassium elimination in the distal patients for hyperkalemia following a few days of
nephron. 31 In a randomized controlled trial trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole treatment at a
involving 97 outpatients taking trimethoprim– standard dose, especially patients with impaired
sulfamethoxazole, 6% of patients experienced renal function, which may include older patients,
hyperkalemia (serum potassium level > 5.5 those with diabetes or AIDS, and those also taking
mmol/L) and most patients (81.5%) experienced ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers or
an increase in serum potassium level.39 Among spironolactone.
observational studies of patients in hospital, the
incidence of hyperkalemia (serum potassium Other kidney effects
level > 5.0 mmol/L) has been reported to exceed Although not as common as hyperkalemia,
20%.32–34 trimethoprim-mediated blockade of epithelial
Hyperkalemia tends to develop after several sodium channels in the distal nephron may also
days of therapy,32,34 and the risk factors predictably increase the risk of hyponatremia.31,35
include diabetes,34 renal insufficiency,34,35 older Patients with chronic renal insufficiency are
age,34 AIDS,39 higher doses of trimethoprim32,35 and at increased risk of adverse effects associated
treatment with other drugs that inhibit kaliuresis with use of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole.25,34,35
such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Although uncommon, this drug can also cause
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers36 and renal injury in otherwise healthy patients. This
spironolactone.37 A recent population-based case– adverse effect generally manifests as a form of
control study involving 439 677 patients taking drug hypersensitivity syndrome, most commonly
ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers acute interstitial nephritis.29 The classic findings
found a sevenfold increased risk of hospital include fever, rash and an elevated creatinine level.
admission for hyperkalemia among those taking If present, eosinophilia and eosinophiluria support
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole compared with the diagnosis, but their absence does not exclude it.
those taking other antibiotics used for urinary tract A much less common mechanism by which
trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole may cause acute
Box 1: Applying the results of this review to a fictional case in kidney injury is obstructive tubulopathy resulting
clinical practice from the intraluminal precipitation of sulfamethox-
A 67-year-old woman presents to her family physician with a nonspecific azole. This phenomenon has been described in one
complaint of weakness and an unwell feeling. She recently completed a case report but is more typically associated with
seven-day course of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole for a urinary tract older sulfonamide antibiotics.38
infection. Her longstanding medications include ramipril for hypertension
and metformin for type 2 diabetes. Her physical examination is
unremarkable. Results of routine blood tests show hyperkalemia (serum Y: Why not consider an alternate
potassium level 6.9 [normal 3.5–5.0] mmol/L) and are otherwise normal.
Hyperkalemia developed because of the potassium-sparing effect of antimicrobial?
trimethoprim on the distal tubule of the kidney, which was exacerbated
by diabetes and the concomitant use of ramipril. Symptomatic treatment Although trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole has
of hyperkalemia is started and ramipril is temporarily withheld. The
patient’s condition improves without consequence.
numerous benefits, particularly in the care of
patients with HIV and methicillin-resistant
S. aureus, it is associated with multiple toxici-
ties. However, all drugs carry adverse effects.
Box 2: Suggestions for reducing the risks of prescribing trimethoprim–
When considering other antimicrobials, clini-
sulfamethoxazole, based on the results of our literature review
cians should remember that areas of uncertainty
When prescribing trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, consider the following: remain, particularly with newer agents.
• Prescribing an alternative antibiotic if clinically indicated, particularly for
pregnant patients in the first trimester, patients with glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency or patients taking methotrexate.
Gaps in knowledge
• Monitoring electrolytes within a few days of starting therapy to identify
hyperkalemia or hyponatremia in specific patient groups, including those
Although trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is a
with reduced renal function, diabetes, older age and AIDS. Electrolytes popular, effective and inexpensive drug with a
should also be monitored in those taking higher doses of trimethoprim– long history of use, it is associated with a range
sulfamethoxazole and those also taking angiotensin-converting enzyme of adverse effects, some with fatal outcomes. Box
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers or spironolactone.
1 provides a fictional example of a drug–drug
• Monitoring the international normalized ratio within three to four days interaction with trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole.
of starting therapy in patients taking warfarin.
The exact mechanisms of toxicity and occurrence
• Monitoring for hypoglycemia within a few days of starting therapy for
patients taking oral hypoglycemic agents (e.g., sulfonylureas and
for some of the adverse effects of trimethoprim–
meglitinides). sulfamethoxazole have yet to be defined. In addi-
tion, more studies are needed to understand the

1856 CMAJ, November 8, 2011, 183(16)


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