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Department of Electrical Engineering

EE386: Digital Signal Processing
Ali Fadaei Tehrani
1. Catalog Data:
Course No. & Title: EE 386: Digital Signal Processing
Mode of Instruction: Lecture-laboratory, 2-hour seminar and 3-hour lab per week
Grading: Traditional “Letter Grades” (Grade Points: A=4, B=3, C=2 and D=1)
Prerequisites: EE 310 or CECS 301 all with a grade of "C" or better
Description: Digital signal processing computation and analysis techniques. Discrete Fourier
transform, Spectrum analysis and digital filter implementation.
Office Hours: Tu/Th 6-7pm at ECS-509

2. Course Objectives:
The course is intended to provide students a solid concept of digital signals and systems, z-transform, time
and frequency domain analysis, discrete Fourier transform, digital filters and their applications.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have:
1. The ability to perform time domain analysis (difference equations).
2. The ability to perform frequency domain analysis (Z-transform on unit circle).
3. The ability to plot time and frequency domain responses of a discrete-time system.

3. Major Course Topics:

1. Discrete-Time signals and systems.
2. Analysis of LTI systems in time domain.
3. Z-transform and analysis of LTI systems.
4. Sampling and reconstruction of continuous-time signals.
5. Frequency analysis of discrete-time signals.
6. Time and Frequency domain responses of FIR and IIR filters.
7. Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) and Discrete Fourier Series (DFS).
8. Structure and Implementation of discrete-time systems.

4. Textbook: Lizhe Tan, Jean Jiang, “Digital Signal Processing, Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd edition”,
Academic Press, 2019.

5. References:
1. Proakis, J. G., et al., “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, 4 th edition”,
Prentice-Hall, 2006.
2. A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2010.
3. V. K. Ingle, J. G. Proakis, “Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB: A Problem-Solving Companion,
4th edition”, Cengage Learning, 2016.
4. J. H. McClellan, et al., “DSP First, 2nd edition”, Pearson, 2016.

6. Projects: There will be 4 lab projects using MATLAB and Simulink for analysis and simulation.
7. Evaluation:
Mid-Term Examinations (two) 40%
Final Examination (comprehensive) 30%
Project/Lab reports 15%
Homeworks 15%
Total: 100%
• Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. Any individual caught cheating on
quizzes, homework, lab projects, or the final exam will be punished to the full extent allowed
under University regulations. Plagiarism on papers or assignments is not acceptable and work that
is plagiarized will not receive credit. Plagiarism is considered cheating.
Note: Any time another person’s work is used without giving them proper credit, it is considered
plagiarism and cheating. At a minimum, any student caught cheating will receive no credit for the
work concerned, and will receive a reduction of one letter grade from their final course
grade. The official CSULB Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism can be found here:

• Students with a disability or medical restriction who are requesting a classroom accommodation
should contact the Disabled Student Services at 562-985-5401 or visit Brotman Hall, Suite
270 during 8AM-5PM weekday hours. Disabled Student Services will work with the student to
identify a reasonable accommodation in partnership with appropriate academic offices and
medical providers. We encourage students to reach out to DSS as soon as possible.

• Any student who is facing academic or personal challenges due to difficulty in affording
groceries/food and/or lacking a safe and stable living environment is urged to contact the CSULB
Student Emergency Intervention & Wellness Program. The website outlining the resources
available is Students can also
email or call 562-985-2038. If comfortable, students may reach
out to the professor as they may be able to identify additional resources.

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