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Ether (Akash) & A

Constituents (Vayu)

1 mobile
2 dry
Qualities / 3 cold
Characteristics 4 light
5 rough
6 fast

1 Movement

Function of the
2 Breathing
3 Natural Urges
Function of the 4 Motor functions
Dosha (or controls) 5 Sensory function
6 Secretions
7 Excretions
8 Nerve impulses
9 Fear
10 Emptiness
11 Anxiety
12 Thoughts

The movement of :
1. bullet nerve impulses
2. bullet air
Manifests in living
3. bullet blood
things as 4. bullet food
5. bullet waste
6. bullet thought
large intestine, pelvic
Seat of Vata bones, skin, ears and

1 nerve irritation
Too much of the 2 high blood pressu
dosha force can
3 gas
result in
4 confusion

1 nerve loss
2 congestion
Too little dosha force
can result in 3 constipation

4 thoughtlessnes

Body Frame Thin

Dry, rough, cool, br

Skin black
Hair Black, dry

Protruded, big & cro

Teeth gums emaciated

Small, dull, dry, bro

Eyes black

Appetite Variable, scanty

Thirst Variable

Restless, active, anx

Mind confusion, worr

Emotional Fearful, insecure

temperament unpredictable

Sleep Scanty, interrupt

Speech Fast
Balancing Dosha Regularity, rest and w

Dry climates or cold a

Climatic influences winds increases V

Old age
Predominant during
As we get older, we "sh
the life stage of dry out".

Charecterisic 1 Creativity, mental quic

2 Highly imaginativ

Quick to learn and gra

3 knowledge, but also q
Sexually easily excita
quickly satiated

5 Talk and walk quic

Tendency toward cold h

feet, discomfort in cold

7 Changeable moo

8 Irregular daily rou

High energy in short b

9 tendency to tire easily
Typical health problems
headaches, hypertens
coughs, sore throats, e
anxiety, irregular heart
muscle spasms, lower b
constipation, abdomin
diarrhea, nervous sto
menstrual cramps, pre
ejaculation and other se
functions, arthritis.
neurological disorders a
to Vata imbalanc

Vata-Dosha Pitta-Dos

her (Akash) & Air

Fire (Agni) and W

mobile 1 hot
dry 2 light
cold 3 fluid
light 4 sharp
rough 5 soft
fast 6 intense

Movement 1 Body hea

Breathing 2 Temperatu
Natural Urges 3 Digestion & abs
Motor functions 4 Perceptio
nsory functions 5 Understand
Secretions 6 Hunger
Excretions 7 Thirst
erve impulses 8 Intelligen
Fear 9 Anger
Emptiness 10 Hate
Anxiety 11 Jealousy

The quality of trans

ment of :
Pitta controls the en
erve impulses
digest our food
hormones that reg
metabolism. Pitta t
the chemical/el
impulses in our
thoughts we can u
Small intestine, s
estine, pelvic cavity,
sweat glands, blood
skin, ears and thighs

erve irritation 1 ulcers

h blood pressure 2 hormonal imb
gas 3 irritated skin

confusion 4 consuming emotio

nerve loss 1 indigestio

congestion 2 inability to und

constipation 3 sluggish meta


Thin Moderate

ough, cool, brown, Soft, oily, warm

black red, yellowish,
Soft, oily, yellow
Black, dry
grey, red

ded, big & crooked, Moderate in siz

ums emaciated gums, yellow

l, dull, dry, brown, Sharp, penetr

black green, grey, y

Good, exces
ariable, scanty

Variable Excessiv

ss, active, anxiety,

Aggressive, int
onfusion, worry

arful, insecure, Aggressive, irr

unpredictable anger, impati

anty, interrupted Little but so

Fast Sharp and cu

ity, rest and warmth. Moderatio

mates or cold autumn Hot summers or ho

ds increases Vata will increase

Teen and Ad
Old age
During this stage, o
t older, we "shrink and
changes transform
dry out".

Sharp mind,
ty, mental quickness 1
concentration p

Orderly, focused, C
ghly imaginative 2
enjoy challen

Assertive, self-con
o learn and grasp new
entrepreneurial at
dge, but also quick to 3
aggressive, demand
when out of ba
Passionate and r
y easily excitable but sexually have more
uickly satiated endurance than Vat
than Kaph

Strong digestion
and walk quickly appetite; get irrita
have to miss or wai

toward cold hands and

Like to be in co
omfort in cold climates

When under stres

angeable moods
become irritated a

Uncomfortable in
gular daily routine weather; heat make

ergy in short bursts; Good public spea

y to tire easily and to capable of sharp,
overexert cutting spe
ealth problems include
es, hypertension, dry Typical physical p
sore throats, earaches, include rashe
regular heart rhythms, inflammations of
asms, lower back pain, acne, boils, skin
ation, abdominal gas, ulcers, heartbu
a, nervous stomach, stomach, hot sensa
al cramps, premature stomach or inte
n and other sexual dys- insomnia, blood
ons, arthritis. Most burning eyes and o
al disorders are related problems, anemia
Vata imbalance.


re (Agni) and Water (Jal) Water (Jal) and

hot 1 oil
light 2 co
fluid 3 hea
sharp 4 stab
soft 5 den
intense 6 slo

Body heat 1 Stab

Temperature 2 Ene
Digestion & absorption 3 Lubric
Perception 4 Calm
Understanding 5 Lo
Hunger 6 Forgiv
Thirst 7 Gre
Intelligence 8 Attach
Anger 9 Accum
Hate 10 Hold
Jealousy 11 Possess

quality of transformation.
controls the enzymes that
digest our food and the
Cells which m
rmones that regulate our
organs and f
tabolism. Pitta transforms
nourish and p
the chemical/electrical
mpulses in our mind to
ughts we can understand.
mall intestine, stomach, Chest, throat, h
at glands, blood, eyes and nose, mouth, st
skin cytop

ulcers Mucous build-u

1 and nasal passa
hormonal imbalance and c
irritated skin (acne)
In the mind it cr
nsuming emotions (anger) fixation of thoug

Experiences a d
indigestion 1
inability to understand burning stomac
2 of mucous, w
sluggish metabolism from excess st
3 inability to c

Moderate Thi

Soft, oily, warm, fair, Thick, oily,

red, yellowish, rashes wh
Soft, oily, yellow, early Thick, oily, w
grey, red lig

Moderate in size, soft

gums, yellowish

Sharp, penetrating, Big, attractive

green, grey, yellow eyela

Good, excessive,
Slow but

Excessive Sca

Calm, slow
Aggressive, intelligent

Aggressive, irritable, Calm, greed

anger, impatience depre

Little but sound Heavy, pr

Sharp and cutting Slow, mon

Moderation Stimu

summers or hot climates Wet winters and

will increase Pitta add to K

Teen and Adult. Childhoo

ng this stage, our hormone During this peri
anges transforms us into increase in sub
adults bod

Sharp mind, good Easygoing, re

concentration powers pac

erly, focused, Competitive,

enjoy challenges

sertive, self-confident, and

Forgiving, co
repreneurial at their best;
ressive, demanding, pushy
and reliabl
when out of balance
assionate and romantic;
Sexually Kap
ually have more vigor and
slowest to be ar
urance than Vatas, but less
also have the m
than Kaphas

Strong digestion, strong

petite; get irritated if they Slow moving
e to miss or wait for a meal

Excellent he
Like to be in command
Tend tow
When under stress, Pittas
overweight; m
come irritated and angry
from sluggis

ncomfortable in sun or hot Slow to ang

ther; heat makes them very maintain harmon
tired their surro

Tend to be po
ood public speakers; also
hold on to thi
pable of sharp, sarcastic,
money; good sa
cutting speech
cold, damp
ypical physical problems
include rashes or
Physical prob
flammations of the skin,
colds and cong
acne, boils, skin cancer,
ulcers, heartburn, acid
problems inclu
mach, hot sensations in the
and wheezin
stomach or intestines,
allergies, and a
nsomnia, bloodshot or
(hardening of
ning eyes and other vision
oblems, anemia, jaundice.

Water (Jal) and Earth (Prathvi)



Cells which make up our

organs and fluids which
nourish and protect them.
Chest, throat, head, sinuses,
nose, mouth, stomach, joints,

Mucous build-up in the sinus

and nasal passages, the lungs
and colon.

In the mind it creates rigidity, a

fixation of thought, inflexibility.

Experiences a dry respiratory

burning stomach (due to lack
of mucous, which protects
from excess stomach acids)
inability to concentrate


Thick, oily, cool, pale,

Thick, oily, wavy, dark or

Strong, white

Big, attractive, blue, thick


Slow but steady


Calm, slow, lethargy,


Calm, greedy, attached,


Heavy, prolonged

Slow, monotonous

Wet winters and damp climate

add to Kapha.

Childhood years.
During this period, we grow or
increase in substance of the

Easygoing, relaxed, slow-


Affectionate and loving

Forgiving, compassionate,
nonjudgmental nature Stable
and reliable; faithful
Sexually Kaphas are the
slowest to be aroused, but they
also have the most endurance

Slow moving and graceful

Excellent health, strong

resistance to disease
Tend toward being
overweight; may also suffer
from sluggish digestion

Slow to anger; strive to

maintain harmony and peace in
their surroundings

Tend to be possessive and

hold on to things, people,
money; good savers. Don't like
cold, damp weather
Physical problems include
colds and congestion, sinus
headaches, respiratory
problems including asthma
and wheezing, hay fever,
allergies, and atherosclerosis
(hardening of the arteries).

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