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Resolution of Burmese Communities in the United States: We do not Support the Burmese Military Junta

and Its Cronies. We Protest and Condemn the Junta‟s 2010 Election & Pre-determined Outcome

Date 20th October, 2010 (20-10-2010)

Since early August 2010, Burmese communities in the United States have been steadfastly
opposed to the arrival of a group of ten Burmese performers who staged a music tour across the U.S.
One of the performers was the Burmese actress, Wyne Suu Khine Thein, who starred in the notorious
propaganda film (Lotus At Dawn – Ar Yon Oo Mar Phoo The Kyar) produced by the Burmese military
junta. The film portrayed the struggle for democracy in Burma as acts of anarchy and violence.

After numerous protests of the visiting tour by Burmese communities in the United States,
Sayadaw U Eithareya, of Albany, NY, who sponsored the entry visas of these entertainers, joined by the
representatives of the Burmese community in the D.C. Area, filed a letter to the U.S. State Department
on October7th, 2010,, stating his intention to withdraw his official endorsement of these performers.

Due to firm U.S. foreign policies against the military junta and the ongoing imposition of U.S.
economic sanctions on Burma, it did not take the U.S. State Department long to review the appeal letter
and, on the following day, revoke the performers‟ visas. This decision sent them; including Wyne Suu
Khine Thein, out of the United States on October 12, 2010. They will not be allowed to re-enter this

The Burmese communities in the United States sincerely thank the U.S. government for its firm
stance and for its unyielding support of our freedom and struggle for democracy. This action proved to us
that collaboration and unity within and among the Burmese communities are the vital forces that we
must maintain to fight for our country‟s freedom.

At the same time, to prevent this from happening again, we would like to urge the U.S. Embassy
in Burma to be more cautious about screening Burmese visa applicants‟ backgrounds and their
connections with the ruthless military junta. In fact, on July 28, 2010, the Burmese community in
Washington D.C. had submitted a list of the film stars who played in the military junta‟s propaganda
movie “Ar Yon Oo Mar Phoo The Kyar – Lotus at Dawn” to the U.S Embassy in Rangoon. However, we
will re-attach this document and send it again for the Embassy‟s record.

While at this vital moment, the Burmese Regime is staging its sham Election upcoming on
November 7, 2010. It is declared unconstitutional and undemocratic by Burmese democratic opposition
party, NLD (National League for Democracy) led by Aung San Suu Kyi. Aung San Suu Kyi and other
Burmese opposition leaders such as U Win Tin and U Tin Oo have clearly stated to boycott and condemn
the Regime‟s 2010 Election as its outcome is foreseeable: the military junta will remain in power.
Therefore, we, Burmese communities in the United States, reject this election and join together
again the call to „Boycott‟ and condemn this unrepresentative election and its pre-determined results.

Due to the junta‟s ruthlessness, the Burmese people inside the country are too afraid to express
their feelings and opinions openly. They dare not protest any of the junta‟s propaganda instruments and
they do not have any ownership of their voting rights. Therefore, on their behalf, we stand up and
condemn the military juntas‟ injustice and inhuman activity.

At the same time, the Burmese pro-democracy communities in the United States also request the
international community to refuse to acknowledge the election and continue to impose tougher sanctions
on the Burmese regime and their cronies. We will continue to call for extending targeted sanctions on
upcoming cabinet members, parliamentary candidates and those supporting the Burmese regime.

We, the undersigned Burmese communities in the United States, fully support this press

Burmese Communities from:

1. Washington DC Metro Area

2. Buffalo, New York

3. Utica, New York

4. Albany, New York

5. New York City, New York

6. Fort Wayne, Indiana

7. Los Angles Metro Area, California

8. San Francisco Bay Area, California

9. Las Vegas, Nevada

10. North Carolina

11. Seattle, Washington

12. Tri-City, Washington

13. Portland, Oregon

14. Denver, Colorado

Contact persons: Nyi Nyi Aung (703-731–1167), Toe Lwin (415-424-5811),

Attached: Protest Letter by Burmese Community from Washington DC Metro Area against Propaganda
Movie of Burmese Regime

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Charles Schumer Chris Van Hollen

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Burmese Communities from:

1. Washington DC Metro Area

2. Buffalo, New York

3. Utica, New York

4. Albany, New York

5. New York City, New York

6. Fort Wayne, Indiana

7. Los Angles Metro Area, California

8. San Francisco Bay Area, California

9. Las Vegas, Nevada

10. North Carolina

11. Seattle, Washington

12. Tri-City, Washington

13. Portland, Oregon

14. Denver, Colorado

Contact persons: Nyi Nyi Aung (703-731–1167), Toe Lwin (415-424-5811),

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