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Engineer: Diego Fernandez

Security Engineer: Cristian Maquera

Accidented: Joel Montoya

Doctor: Renato García

Nurse: Fiorella Diaz


Engineer: Hey Cristian, what is it going?

Security Engineer: Hi Diego, i’m fine. Are you having any trouble with the security team?

Engineer: No really, all the team is working good, but we’re having some troubles with the safety

Security Engineer: With the safety signs? What is the problem?

Engineer: There’re missing some, i’m worried, There could be an accident…

Security Engineer: Mmmm, you’re right. In the afternoon i will take you the ones that are

Engineer: Ok, Thank you, i will be waiting for you..

Security Engineer: Bye.

(An hour later)

Accidented: Well, it seems a good day to work in the site, Today i have to to this andd…. DAMN.

Engineer: Oh Joel, what happened here.

Accidented: Be careful, the floor is very slippery.

Engineer: Ok ok, come here, i will take you to the topic …


Engineer: Nurse, i brought an accidented, he’s in your hands.

Nurse: No problem, he will be right.


Nurse: Come here, the doctor will check you.

Accidented: Ok, slower please…

Doctor: Ok, what hapenned here, tell me de accident.

Accidented: I was starting the day and i slipped in a kind of oil, It looks like i broke my ankle
Doctor: Ok, Please give me a pair of disposable gloves (Talking to the nurse)

Nurse: Take them.

Doctor: Ok… There’s no a fracture, but we will take some X-rays to be sure, By the moment i’ll
give you an anti inflammatory to reduce the swelling. Give me the anti-inflammatory please (
talking to the nurse ).

Nurse: Take it.

Doctor: Ok, it will be ok, pass me the bandages please ( talking to the nurse )

Nurse: Take it.

Doctor: Help me here and, it’s all, you can continue working.

Accidented: Oh, it doesn’t hurt anymore, that spray is magic.

Doctor: Come here if you have any discomfort.

Accidented: Of course i will come, thank you.

Nurse: See you.

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