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LESSON PLAN – text types


Aim &/or Theme: Work previously covered/prior understanding:

Introduction to six major text types This is the first lesson of the module

Learning Objectives:
Must:Be able to define each of the six major text types
Should: Be able to sort examples of text into each category
Could: Think of further examples of text suitable for each category

Subject Knowledge and Skills: Assessment Methods:

(including Subject specific vocabulary) Observation
The six major text types: Recount, Instructions, Student Feedback
Report, Explanation, Persuasion, Discussion Question and answer

Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT) Thinking skills:

Working with others Comprehension
Working individually Application
S12.revise the stylistic conventions of the main types Analysis
of non fiction

Teaching and learning strategies to be used: V: Wordsheet starter acivity, visual sources to
Explanation accompany explanation of text types
Modelling A: Oral explanation to reinforce instructions and
K: Handling a variety of exemplar material

Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:

Mixed ability pairings
Scaffolding worksheet/extension worksheet for pairs
who finish early

Resources: Staff: Pupils:

Examples of each text type

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Time Activity
References (Staff and Pupil)

Starter Activity:
10 mins Introduction to class, and to new module.
6 main text types in wordsearch

The Six Main Text Types
Pupils identify, discuss, explain, and find examples for each of the six major text types

20mins Having found all of the words in the wordsearch, take each word and

a) define it
b) think of an example of it

15 mins Working in pairs, pupils have a chart, and different source materials to categorise, and to look for the
characteristics that make the text appropriate to its category


Text type bingo: pupils write down four of the eight words written on the board, and cross them off as
they are described.First one to call ‘Bingo!’ wins a sweet!

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted: ..................................... and marked: ......................................

Evaluation (A): How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B): How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

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Aim &/or Theme: Work previously covered/prior understanding:

Focus on text type 1:explanation Basic understanding of all six text types

Learning Objectives:
Must:Be able to define the meaning of explanatory texts
Should: Be able to use the explanation format in order to describe the job criteria of a DJ
Could: Be able to define present day tense and it’s characteristics

Subject Knowledge and Skills: Assessment Methods:

(including Subject specific vocabulary) Observation
The use of explanation, examples of how it is used, and Student Feedback
personal appliation of this text type. Question and answer
Present day simple tense

Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT) Thinking skills:

Working with others Comprehension
Working individually Application

Teaching and learning strategies to be used: V: Visual reference material

Explanation A: Oral explanation to reinforce instructions and
Modelling knowledge, auditory starter activity, encouragement of
sensible discussion with peers, text type bingo
K: Card based plenary activity

Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:

Mixed ability pairings
Modelled leaflet for lower ability
Points to consider for G&T

Resources: Staff: Pupils:

‘DJ’ resources
Modelled leaflet/worksheet

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Time Activity
References (Staff and Pupil)

10mins Working in pairs, explain in detail the job of either:

a) an astronaut
b) a personal trainer
c) a Hair
d) a bank manager

Text Type 1: Explanation

Pupils learn to define the explanation format, find examples, and to create their own explanatory piece
of work

10mins Introduction to the explanation format. One or two volunteers to share their starter activity
explanation with the rest of the class

5mins Worksheet to complete individually, which reinforces the characteristics of explanatory text.

Mini Plenary
5mins Briefly examine answers, before introducing the class to their next task.

5mins Explanation of task: to design a leaflet for a Job Centre, explaining the job of a DJ, using the
information sheets provided

10mins Collect ideas and embark on the planning and drawing of the leaflet

Application of present day tense – card based activity: the odd one out

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted: ..................................... and marked: ......................................

Evaluation (A): How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B): How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

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Aim &/or Theme: Work previously covered/prior understanding:

Focus on explanation, and text type recap Basic understanding of all six text types
In depth understanding of text type 1: Explanation
Creation of own imaginative expanatory text

Learning Objectives:
Must:Be able to name three examples of explanatory texts
Should: Be able to explain three main aspects involved in being a DJ
Could: Name and define all six text types from memory

Subject Knowledge and Skills: Assessment Methods:

(including Subject specific vocabulary) Observation
Detailed knowledge of explanation format: examples, Question and answer
application and definition Self evaluation
Recap: Six major text types, definition Marking written work

Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT) Thinking skills:

Working with others Comprehension
Working individually Application
Evaluating one’s own work Analysis

Teaching and learning strategies to be used: V: Leaflet presentation, poster formats for six main
Explanation text types
Modelling A: Oral explanation to reinforce instructions and
Question and answer knowledge, group discursive activity
K: Kinaesthetic grammar starter activity

Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:

Mixed ability pairings
Additional points to consider for G&T

Resources: Staff: Pupils:

Six main text type posters Finished leaflets

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Time Activity
References (Staff and Pupil)

10mins Text type recap – hands in the air using fingers to indicate how many text types are remembered

Leaflet reviews, explanation continued

Pupils finish, present and evaluate the leaflets from the previous lesson.

Pupils continue with leaflets for 15 minutes maximum. Unfinished leaflets to be completed as part of
15mins homework

In groups of four, students present their leaflet to the other three students, explaining their choices,
10mins and a positive reason for it being effective.

10 mins Mini Plenary: What are the features of an effective explanation?

Explanation recap questions


Self evaluation of leaflet: write down two positive aspects of leaflet, and one target to work on

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted: ..................................... and marked: ......................................

Evaluation (A): How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B): How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

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Aim &/or Theme: Work previously covered/prior understanding:

Introduction to the text type: recount Overview of six main text types
Focus on Explanation

Learning Objectives:

Must: Be able to use the recount technique in order to write a diary entry

Should: Be able to define recount

Could: Give three instances where recount may be used

Subject Knowledge and Skills: Assessment Methods:

(including Subject specific vocabulary) Observation
Definition and structure of recount Student Feedback
Context and examples of recount Question and answer
Application of recount to fictional extended writing Written exercise
Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT) Thinking skills:
Working with others Comprehension
Working individually Application
Improving performance

Teaching and learning strategies to be used: V: Whiteboard based work in order to reinforce
Explanation explanation
Modelling A: Oral explanation/bingo activity
Guided learning K: Starter activity involving some movement in order to
identify the correct tense

Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:

Individual help whilst planning
Points written on the board to encourage development
of ideas
Additional points that may be considered written on
board for writing task

Resources: Staff: Pupils:

Work books, basic equipment

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Time Activity
References (Staff and Pupil)

10mins Starter activity: the past tense- identify (hands on head or hands waving) which of the sentences that
I say are past or present tense

Introduction to recount/Fictional diary exercise

Explanation of recount text type: definition, examples, structure and purpose. Whole class discussion
10mins and board exercise

Individual written task (30minutes):

30mins Imagine that you are a famous celebrity (popstar, sportsperson etc). Write an imaginative diary entry
about what you did the day before.


Famous diary bingo!

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted: and marked:

Evaluation (A): How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B): How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

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Aim &/or Theme: Work previously covered/prior understanding:

Preparation for an oral recount task Overview of six main text types
Introduction to recount

Learning Objectives:

Must: Have prepared five bullet points to aid an oral recount task

Should: Give two reasons for the importance of chronological order

Could: Describe two differences between explanation and recount

Subject Knowledge and Skills: Assessment Methods:

Technical aspects of recount:structure, example Observation
purpose Student Feedback
Application of recount-it’s application to oral task Question and answer
Structural difference between explanation and recount Marking homework
Written work
Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT) Thinking skills:
Working with others Comprehension
Working individually Application
Improving one’s own performance

Teaching and learning strategies to be used: V: Whiteboard based work in order to reinforce
Explanation explanation
Modelling A: Oral explanation/bingo activity
K: Starter activity involving groups moving themselves
around to experiment with chronological order
Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:
Individual help whilst planning
Points written on the board to encourage development
of ideas
Opportunity for G&T to do some oral work on
completion of written task

Resources: Staff: Pupils:

Starter activity cards Work books, basic equipment

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Time Activity
References (Staff and Pupil)

10mins Starter activity: the importance of chronological order: group task activity, reading out a sequence of
events in front of the class, and experimenting with what happens to the content of the text if they
swap places

Memorable events: Recount Continued

What are memorable events? What makes us remember them? What sort of events can we remember?
15mins Class brainstorm and discussion

Choose one of the memorable events written on the board, which is going to become the topic for a
20mins speaking and listening task next lesson (in groups of four), and prepare 3 points to aid a speech, (each
as a mini thought shower).

Those who finish may then get into groups in order to practice recalling their memorable event in front
of others


Write down two differences between explanation, and recount

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted: ..................................... and marked: ......................................

Evaluation (A): How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B): How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

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Aim &/or Theme: Work previously covered/prior understanding:

Execution of oral recount task Overview of six main text types
Focus on recount

Learning Objectives:

Must: Do a one minute speech for 2-3 other members of the class

Should: Give one positive comment about their speech to each person in group

Could: Evaluate their own speech by writing down two positive comments, and one target to work on

Subject Knowledge and Skills: Assessment Methods:

Communication: being able to perform a speech to Observation
three other members of the class Student Feedback
Applying the technical aspects of recount to one’s own Question and answer
speech Marking oral task
Evaluating speech, and speech of others

Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT) Thinking skills:

Working with others Comprehension
Working individually Application
Improving one’s own performance Analysis

Teaching and learning strategies to be used: V: Whiteboard based work in order to reinforce
Explanation explanation
Modelling A: Oral explanation/bingo activity
K: Starter activity involving groups moving themselves
around to experiment with chronological order
Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:
Mixed ability groupings

Resources: Staff: Pupils:

Work books, basic equipment


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Time Activity
References (Staff and Pupil)

10mins Starter activity: speech warm up-the memory game. Taking it in turns to build up an accumulative list
of memorable events-merit for those who can remember the highest number in sequence

Speaking and listening activity: memorable events

15mins Explanation of format of lesson. Class split into groups of four

20mins Groups are given 20 minutes to complete their speeches, one at a time, in front of the other three
pupils. Pupils must write down one positive aspect for each of the speeches given by their peers.

Pupils to write down two positive aspects of their speech, and one point to improve upon.


In pairs, think of a book and/or film where the technique of recount is used

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted: ..................................... and marked: ......................................

Evaluation (A): How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B): How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

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