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‘Ajni Ghadi Re’

Sabha pack
Maha Sud 5 (Vasant Panchmi) marks the birth anniversary of Sadguru Brahmanand Swami.
Ladudanji, as he was then known was a remarkable scholar, composer and poet. On meeting
Bhagwan Swaminarayan for the first time all of his inner wishes were fulfilled and
overwhelmed by the experience he sang, 'Ajni Ghadi re, dhanya ajni ghadi; Me nirakhya
Sahajanand, dhanya ajni ghadi' meaning this moment is joyous since I have seen Sahajanand. On
meeting Bhagwan and His Sant, our prapti (attainment) is such that every moment becomes
joyous - through Brahmanand Swami's bhajan this sabha will explore this priceless attainment.

Learning Objectives
 Bhagwan Swaminarayan fulfilled all of the conditions Ladudanji had arrived with and
thereby showed his greatness. Mesmerised by this divine experience, Ladudanji
composed the bhajan 'Ajni Ghadi Re..'.

 Ladudanji realised Shriji Maharaj's greatness and renounced fame and fortune to
become a sadhu.

 The bhajan 'Ajni Ghadi Re..' explains the great spiritual feats that are reached through
this attainment: the panchvishays, lust, anger and greed can be overcome, miseries are
eradicated and true knowledge and peace are acquired.

 We should realise the rarity of our attainment and contemplate on it daily. Furthermore,
we should safeguard it and not let any obstacles come in the path.

 One of the biggest obstacles we face is manushyabhav (seeing human traits). Our Gurus
stay amongst us and look like us i.e. human but are completely divine. We should
endeavour to see divyabhav in all of their actions.

NB: This sabha pack uses reference pack I and J

Introduction (Slides 6-11) [10 minutes]

 (Slide 6-7) Vasant Panchmi occurs on Maha Sud 5 in the Indian calendar and is celebrated
as the beginning of spring. It also is significant for the Swaminarayan sampraday, because it
marks the birth of Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj, Sadguru Brahmanand Swami and
Sadguru Niskulanand Swami. It is also the day Bhagwan Swaminarayan gave his
Shikshapatri to his devotees. This sabha will focus on Brahmanand Swami - exploring one of
his kirtans in more detail.

 (Slide 8-9) Activity - who was Brahmanand Swami? Ask the audience to select seven facts
on the slide that correctly relate to Brahmanand Swami. The correct answers are as follows:
o Samvat 1828 (1772 CE) (Brahmanand Swami's birth year)
o Ladudanji
o Mother’s name: Laduba
o Father’s name: Shambhudanji
o Rajkaviratna (royal poet)
o Mahakavishvar (great singer)

 Ladudanji was highly intelligent and possessed numerous talents; he was a brilliant singer
and composer and was also known for his extraordinary memory.

 (Slide 10) Activity - ask one volunteer 10 simple questions without stopping between the
questions and without letting them take notes. After all of the questions are read, they must
answer each question in the exact order.
o What is the capital of Japan?
o In what year did WW1 start?
o What is 9 x 7
o Who is the President of the America?
o Which scientist is famous for discovering penicillin?
o How many teeth are present in the full normal adult mouth?
o Which company is responsible for creating the iPhone?
o Where was the first Akshardham built?
o Define GDP
o Annually, which date is Christmas celebrated on?

Answers: Tokyo, 1914, 63, Donald Trump, Alexander Fleming, 32, Apple, Gandhinagar,
Gross Domestic Product, 25 December

 Not many people will be able to remember all of the questions, let alone answer all of the
questions. However, Brahmanand Swami was a Shatavdhani. This meant that when he was
asked 100 questions simultaneously, he was able to remember all of the questions, their
exact order, and then answer the questions altogether in that same order. Such was the
power of his extraordinary memory and talents.
 As a result of his talents, Ladudanji's fame spread and he would often travel to the courts of
royalty to perform poetry. One such occasion proved to be life changing for Ladudanji.

 (Slide 11) Prasang: Ladudanji meets Shriji Maharaj [I10.1]

o During his travels, Ladudanji arrived at the court of Maharaja Vajesinh in Bhavnagar.
There, he saw a tilak-chandlo on the forehead of the royal goldsmith. Hearing about
Bhagwan Swaminarayan for the first time, Ladudanji was keen to find out more.
o Ladudanji went to Gadhada wanting to test whether Maharaj was truly God or not.
He formed four conditions, which if were to be proven correct, would provide
evidence that Maharaj was indeed God.

 To Ladudanji's surprise, all his conditions were fulfilled. Shriji Maharaj revealed he was
antaryami (all-knower) and God himself. Ladudanji realised the glory of Shriji Maharaj and
overwhelmed by the experience, he sang, 'Ajni ghadi re, dhanya aj ni ghadi...'. We will
explore the meaning of this kirtan and the sentiments behind it during the course of this

Part 1 - What is our prapti? Understanding the greatness of our attainment (Slides 11-15)
[20 minutes]

 (Slide 11) Ladudanji describes the joy of meeting Shriji Maharaj in the kirtan:

Ājnī ghaḍī re, dhanya ājnī ghādī, Me nīrakhyā Sahajānand, dhanya ājnī ghaḍī...

Meaning: “This moment is joyous since I have seen Sahajanand…”

 (Slide 12) Ladudanji had a very prestigious, talented, educated and rich background. Today
that would be equivalent to being internationally famous and extremely rich.

 Although Ladudanji had the world at his feet, all of this paled in comparison to his meeting
with Shriji Maharaj. He recognised this meeting as most joyous and special moment as he
was able to distinguish between different levels and types of attainment. The attainment of
God himself was truly a rare and unique one!

 (Slide 13) Today, we have the same attainment that Brahmanand Swami had due to our
association with the pragat Satpurush - Mahant Swami Maharaj.

o Swamini vat 1/19- explains how great our prapti is. [J3.2]

 This Swamini Vat explains that this prapti (attainment), is absolutely rare and has never
been attained before. We have taken countless births but never before have we met Maharaj
or the Gunatit Satpurush. This is the first time Maharaj and Swami have come down from
Akshardham and we are fortunate enough to have come into their association.
 A key method for strengthening our understanding of this attainment is to regularly practice
prapti no vichar. Prapti no vichar is the thought process of thinking about how great our
attainment is.

 There are many benefits to doing prapti no vichar daily and consistently. When we face
misery and troubles in our lives, thinking about how huge our prapti is, makes other
problems insignificant. Would we worry about losing a £10 note, if our parents were
millionaires? Would we worry about shelter if our parents owned many properties? In the
same way, we shouldn’t worry about anything, because we have the companionship of
Maharaj himself. Everything is in his hands and everything is under his control. Anything
that happens is only because of Maharaj’s will.

 (Slide 14) One way we can do prapti no vichar and understand the greatness of our
attainment practically is by recalling and contemplating on prasangs that reveal who the
Satpurush really is:

o KM Din, London. 1 October 2017. When asked to write down who he is, Mahant
Swami Maharaj revealed to us that he is the Param Ekantik Sadhu - eternally
God-realised Sadhu.
o Prasang: The same Gunatit Guru. Mahant Swami Maharaj confirm he is the same
as Gunatitanand Swami, Bhagatji Maharaj, Shastriji Maharaj, Yogiji Maharaj and
Pramukh Swami Maharaj. [J3.4.1]

Part 2 – What are the fruits of our attainment? (Slides 15-19) [15 minutes]

 In the rest of the kirtan, Brahmanand Swami goes on to explain the great spiritual feats that
are accomplished through this attainment, including overcoming the panchvishays,
understanding the form of God and attaining moksha.

 (Slide 15) Panchvishays (five sense objects) can be overcome:

Kām krodh ne lobh vishe, ras na shake naḍī; Māvjinī mūrti mārā, hradaymā khaḍī
re..dhanya 1

Meaning: “Now that the murti of Mavji (God – Sahajanand) has been established in
my heart; lust, anger, greed and the panchvishays cannot affect me.”

 The flaws such as ego, lust, anger and jealousy within us have been hindering us for time
immemorial. The jiva has been entangled in these, and has not been able to free itself by any
actions or endeavours.

 Even great Rishis have succumbed to their base instincts such as lust:

o Prasang: Menaka managed to break Sage Vishvamitra’s continuous penance after all
of the other devtas had failed. [I5.7]
o Vachanamrut Sarangpur 18: A person can eradicate his swabhavs by thoughtfully
associating with the Sant. [J3.1]

 (Slide 16) In today’s day and age, it has become easier for us (kishores and kishoris) to fall
prey to our swabhavs, sense gratification and panchvishays. Over time, the panchvishays
around us may change form, often making it harder to recognise. Some common examples
we face could include:
o Lust: attending parties and nights out in clubs or bars.
o Anger: speaking back or answering loudly to our parents and elders.
o Jealousy: being unable to accept the progress and success of our peers.
o In all of these examples, associating with the Sant can help us because he is
completely free from any swabhavs and thus teaches us by example.
Contemplating upon his spotless and pure conduct rids us of our vices and
changes our behaviour for the better.

 (Slide 17) The form of God can be understood through this attainment

Jīvanī buddhi jāṇī na shake, e moṭī aḍī; Sadgurūnī drashṭi thātā, vastu e jaḍī re..dhanya

Meaning: “The limited intelligence of the jiva cannot understand the form of God;
that is a great obstacle. But by the grace of the Sadguru (God-realised Sadhu), this
priceless understanding is attained.

 Here, Brahmanand Swami explains the need of the God-realised guru to help us understand
God. Without the guru, misunderstandings, misinterpretations and doubts may develop
because the jiva does not have the capacity to comprehend God in his true form.

o If we were ill, we would go to someone who knows medicine; a doctor. If we

have a problem with our car, would go to see a mechanic. If we need to repair
our roof, we would go to a builder. Similarly, if we want to learn about the form
of God, we would go to the person who fully understands God; the God-realised

o Prasang: Pramukh Swami Maharaj helps to resolve sadhus' philosophical

queries on the form of God described in the Bhaktachintamani. Swamishri's
explanation wasn't mere rhetoric, it was from experience. [J3.4.1]

o Vachanamrut Karyani 12: through the company and words of the sant, we can
realise the form of God. [J3.1]

 (Slide 18) All miseries are overcome and cycle of births and deaths broken

Choryāshī chahu khāṇmā, hu thākyo āthḍī; Antar harishu ektā re, dubdhā ḍūr paḍī
re..dhanya 3
Meaning: “The jiva is tired by its continuous passage through the cycle of births and
deaths. But, when one’s antahkaran becomes engrossed in God then all miseries are

 When the jiva is engulfed by maya, it is attached to material desires and is trapped inside the
cycle of births and deaths. The Purans state that the jiva passes through 8.4 million different
births, which includes all of the plant and animal kingdoms before a human birth is
obtained. The human form is the chance for the jiva to worship god and free itself from
maya and the cycle of births and death.

 The jiva cannot break free from the cycle of births and dealth alone - it needs to come into
contact with God or his pragat Satpurush. Through their grace, the jiva is able to attain
moksha or liberation.

o Vachanamrut Gadhada 1-54: Shriji Maharaj cites the Shrimad Bhagvat Puran
and says that the true guru, the Satpurush, is the gateway to liberation. [J3.1]

 (Slide 19) Knowledge is attained and ignorance is dispelled

Gnān kunchī guru gamse, gayā tāḷā ughḍī; Lāḍu Sahajānand nihāḷtā, ṭharī ānkhaḍī
re..dhanya 4
Meaning: “The key in the form of knowledge has been attained and a guru who knows
how to use it has been found. Hence, the locks in the form of my ignorance have been
opened and by the darshan of Sahajanand my eyes have attained peace.

 Activity: using the activity sheet provided, give the participants the sentence that needs to
be solved. First see if the participants can solve it without the code and ask them to explain
why it would be impossible. Then give them the code table. When they are given this, the
problem will be easy and will be instantly solved. In the same way, in attaining the God and
the Gunatit Satpurush we have attained the key to spiritual knowledge.

 The word ‘guru’ can be defined as one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. Our gunatit
guru parampara, have the ability to remove our ignorance and give us the highest spiritual
knowledge. That is their speciality.

o Prasang: Highest spiritual technology. Pramukh Swami Maharaj revealed the

highest spiritual technology of becoming aksharrup or atmarup. [J3.4.1]

Part 3 – Safeguarding our attainment (Slide 20) [10 minutes]

 (Slide 20) If we possess something extremely valuable, we would take lots of care and
precaution to ensure it’s not damaged in any way. In the same way, as we have explored
attaining Maharaj and Swami is very rare and valuable, therefore we should take the
necessary steps to safeguard it and not allow any obstacles to arise.
 Video: play this video ashirwad from Mahant Swami Maharaj during Kishore-Kishori Din
2017 (note, approximately 4.00-8.00 minutes is the most relevant section but a longer clip
can be played if time allows).

 Ask the audience to recap and discuss the key points from the ashirwad. This could include:
o Yogiji Maharaj used to say ‘prapti moti thay chhe, tema vighan na ava devu’. Meaning
our attainment is great, do not let obstacles come in the way.
o Our prapti is great, but we cannot easily recognise it because Yogiji
Maharaj/Pramukh Swami Maharaj stay amongst us and become like us.
o We think of them to be like us (i.e. human) and therefore, do not recognise their true
o However, we can experience it – they remove our flaws, give us peace, solve our
problems and attach us to Bhagwan. This is the main thing.
o What is the obstacle? Seeing manushyabhav (human traits) in them, when they are
actually divya (divine). To stay with them and yet to perceive divyabhav is very
o If we can keep divyabhav constantly, then all of our endeavours are complete.

 In this way, we should resolve to see only divyabhav in the Satpurush. Contemplating on his
divinity and imbibing this thought regularly can help. In addition, we should do prarthana
that we never see human traits in them.

Conclusion (Slide 21) [5 minutes]

 Bhagwan Swaminarayan fulfilled all of the conditions Ladudanji had arrived with and
thereby showed his greatness. Mesmerised by this divine experience, Ladudanji composed
the bhajan 'Ajni Ghadi Re…'

 The kirtan 'Ajni Ghadi Re..' explains the great spiritual feats that are reached through this
attainment: the panchvishays, lust, anger and greed can be overcome, miseries are
eradicated, and true knowledge and peace are acquired.

 We have the same attainment as Brahmanand Swami through our association with the
pragat Satpurush – Mahant Swami Maharaj.

 We should realise the rarity of our attainment and contemplate on it daily. Furthermore, we
should safeguard it and not let any obstacles come in the path.

 One of the biggest obstacles we face is manushyabhav (seeing human traits). Our Gurus stay
amongst us and look like us i.e. human but are completely divine. We should endeavour to
see divyabhav in all of their actions.

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