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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Settings

1.1 Introduction

Women are the backbone of our country and they play an important part from
their birth to edge of their life. One of three women around the world has been harassed,
press into sex, or otherwise mistreated in her lifetime. In our Country, even though it has
lot of laws that protect women, still, the violation against women are rising now a days in
a very huge aspect. Women hesitate to move out their residence in a late hour and afraid
of walking alone in a dark and quite place, because fear of crimes keeps women to think
twice (Elizabeth Gilchrist, 1998) (Whitzman, 1995). Common assault, uttering threats,
serious assault, sexual assault and criminal harassment are some of the many
crimes women had experienced worldwide. The world comes to
be dangerous especially for women in all aspects.

To response in this sincere dilemma of the women security, many inventions

made in order to grant relief to a woman. With the availability and expanding of
technologies around the world, the researcher can initiate a device that will help woman
to secure herself anytime of the day. The usual device a woman can bring with her is a
smartphone, since it’s been part of human’s daily life. Device like Smartphone may help
woman to attain safety, but in reality when woman is in danger, the only thing she can do
is pull out her phone type a message then send to her friend which makes wasted her time
and it may be too late to call for help. But with the innovation of advanced technologies
all things can be easier, save time and will save many lives.

With the innovation of Internet of things (IoT) technology, most of the existing
projects made in demand to woman security needs are now practicing IoT. Our security
device is personalized and specifically created for women to help them in times of
difficulty. Our aim is to provide women with the fastest and easiest way to call for help in
times of trouble. The woman can activate the device if she feels she is being stalked
while walking in a lonely road, attempted physical or sexual assault, unsafe neighbors,
unsafe relatives and any other that made her uncomfortable.

When she activate this device it will generate an alert system using the buzzer that
will aware nearby people in the incident and also, the device will send her location to her
family and to nearest police station using SMS, GPS/GSM and Google API. By this idea,
unfortunate scenario can be avoided. This device can be implanted in women’s sandal,
dress, and shoulder bag or anywhere that give her comfort when using it. In future, this
device can be miniaturized and can be embedded in jewelries to make this device handy.

This device aims to reduce the risk and brings assistance to the women when they
are in trouble, which gives them confidence to work late until late times and hang out
with friends. In addition, it ensures complete women safety during public transport and
even they are at homes. Thus, any attempt of performing unnecessary crime to the
women can be avoided. .

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The growing problems mostly in our society are crime against women. Women
can experience different forms of violence anywhere and anytime of the day. This
includes domestic violence, sexual harassment, rape, and sexual violence during conflict.
Women often report levels of fear of crime that are two to three times higher than men. In
response of this problem, we initiate a device that provide this following objectives.

I. To design an IoT based women security system that uses SMS,

GPS tracking and alert system and fingerprint sensor as the
primary triggering device.
II. To provide immediate help notification, with the single scan on the
fingerprint sensor it will automatically send her location to her
family and to the nearest police station.
1.3 Significance of Study

This study will contribute to the lessen the crimes and violation againts women in
all aspect, it assists a gender equality and give safety environment to women in the
society. Women are not physically strong compared to men, they are more prone in
becoming a victim of a violent crime (sexual assault, robbery, rape, domestic violence).
Most cases happen when walking alone in an isolated place and some cases occur when
travelling alone in the Auto/Cab at night time or get separated from friends during night
out. This study will give them confidence in doing things that they are afraid to do alone,
such as things mentioned above.

This study will benefit women, police, community and the future researchers.
With this study, it enable women know the importance of this device for them. As
women, they need to double their effort in securing theirselves, but through this device, it
will help them to be secured. Then, the police will not be having a hard time finding the
exact location of the woman victim as this device help them to trace location of incident
and do immediate response to the woman victim. Also, through this study the community
will be informed that there are many existing devices that help women in the society.
Through this device it will lessen the crimes against women in the community. Lastly,
this study will benefit the future researchers, it will give them idea on the significance of
this device on how it helps the women around the world. By this, they will do more
research and innovation to add another value of woman existing systems.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

This device is specifically designed and personalized for women in

emergency situation. The main innovation of our study is to personalized the
device to the woman, by using fingerprint sensor as primary triggering device. It
will avoid unnecessary or unintentional incident. In a case a woman is hit on the
head from behind, she may never get the chance to scan her finger to fingerprint
sensor and no one will know she is in trouble. The researchers recommend the
future researchers to address this scenario by adding features that will solve this
issue. This feature is, once started the device, it will requires the woman to
constantly scan her finger on the system every 2 minutes, else the system now
sends her location to the authorized personnel number through SMS message and
also sounds a buzzer continuosly, so that nearby people will realize the situation.
Also, in a case a woman is inside the car, house, building or any other closed area.
The device will not be able to sent the GPS location of the woman inside that
area, since it has no direct access to the satellite. The researchers recommend the
future researchers to address this problem, we suggest to study and apply GPS
triangulation to counterpart this issue. Using GPS triangulation, it will allow
woman to send her location in and outside the building.
In case a woman is in rural area or in an area where there is no network
available, she will not be able to send SMS due to network unavailability. The
researchers recommend women to avoid areas that don’t have network since they
can’t utilize the device.

1.5 Definition of Terms

 Global Positioning System (GPS) - is a space-based navigation system that

provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or
near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS
 Global System for Mobile (GSM) - uses a variation of time division multiple
access (TDMA) and is the most widely used of the three
digital wireless telephony technologies (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA). GSM
digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other
streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at either the
900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band.
 Internet of Things (IoT) - the interconnection via the Internet of computing
devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive
 Short Message Service (SMS) - is a text messaging service component of most
telephone, internet, and mobile-device systems. It uses
standardized communication protocols to enable mobile devices to exchange short
text messages. An intermediary service can facilitate a text-to-voice conversion to
be sent to landline.
 Google API - is a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) developed by
Google which allow communication with Google Services and their integration to
other services.
 Cloud Computing - the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on
the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a
personal computer.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Women and a man have a set of intuitive needs that provoke their behaviors
(H.Maslow, 1970). As one of this essential needs, is the safety needs, and it is not
feasible for human to shift to the next set of needs once such a basic need as safety are
not met since anxious person only wants to fight for safety. Also if safety needs are not
met properly, then fears come to forefront (MASLOW, 1942). Anxiety of crime is engage
with individuals’ education level, income level, race, age, period of residence, experience
of belonging to the place of residence, and most of all with their gender (Gray, 2011).
However, gender is one of the most weighty individual characteristics that brunt fear of
crime (Ferraro, 2008).

In real life situation, women are extra susceptible and fearful to be victims of
violent crimes than men (Ross Macmillan, 2000) (McCrea, 2005). Women often report
levels of fear of crime that are two to three times higher than men (Konrad, 2010). Due to
their fears and safety anxiety, women and aged take extra precautionary behavior and
spend greater time in safer locations alternatively than public spaces and in return, they
have less threat of being victimized. Women hesitate to moved out their residence in a
bizarre hour and afraid of walking alone in a darkish and quite place, because fear of
crimes keeps women off (Elizabeth Gilchrist, 1998) (Whitzman, 1995). Common
assault, uttering threats, serious assault, sexual assault and criminal harassment are some
of the many crimes women had experienced worldwide. Due to the fear of crime, women
constraints their social lives. Such element as dressing style, arriving-departure hours to
home, contacted people are repositioned with the aid of fears and in case of too a lot fear,
and these elements are restrained (Çardak, 2012). We can say that the world come to
be perilous especially for female in all aspects.
To response in this sincere dilemma of the women’s security, abundant of
inventions transpire in order to grant relief to a woman. With the availability and
expanding of technologies around the world, we can initiate a device that will help
woman to secure herself anytime of the day. The usual device a woman can bring with
her is a Smartphone, since it’s been part of human’s daily life. Device like Smartphone
ought to help safety, but in real life when you were in danger the only thing you do is pull
out your phone type a message then send to your friend which makes wasted your time
and it might be too late to call for help. But with the advance technologies all things can
be faster, easier and consequently save many lives.

The latest trend of technologies is the used of Internet of things that is integrated
by cloud computing. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ever-growing network of
physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity, and the
communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and
systems and it offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes
beyond machine-to-machine (M2M) communications and covers a variety of protocols,
domains, and applications (Aswini A, 2018) (Asmita Pawar). Wearable technologies are
networked gadgets that can accumulate data, track activities, and customize experiences
to users’ needs and desires. These technologies are a subset of IoT, which consists of
networked smart devices geared up with microchips, sensors, and wireless
communications capabilities (Thierer). Internet of Things (IoT) arise the query of the
opportunity and effects of compromising such devices (Orlando Arias, 2015). Internet-
based information systems in which tagged traffic objects can be automatically
represented, tracked, and queried over a network (Al-Sakran, 2015) (Xiao, 2011).
The Cloud computing has long been recognized as a model for big data storage
and analytics. Email account that is in Web-base like Yahoo Mail, Gmail is a cloud
storage. Cloud storage provides better file accessibility, which the file stored in the Cloud
can be accessed at any time from any place as long as you have the internet access. The
combination of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT) can enable everywhere
sensing services and powerful processing of sensing information streams beyond the
capability of individual “things”, for that reason stimulating improvements in both fields
(Chuang Lin). Cloud will empower Internet of Things (IoT) by providing elastic
computing power, storage and networking. The massive data generated from IoT can be
analyzed in the cloud with big data solutions to gain insights and patterns of utilization
and conduct of machines and humans.. This is known as predictive cloud provisioning
(Vishalkumar A Patel, 2017).
Tracking devices and Bio-loggers contribute paramount information on the
ecology and behavior of birds in their natural environment. Miniaturizing tracking device
is now trend in the world of electronics which should not affect the behavior of birds
(Willem Bouten, 2013) (Dora Biro, 2002) (Eli S. Bridge, 2013). Others Global
Positioning System (GPS) records the individual location to preempt in case of abduction
or getting lost (Kai Elgethun, 2007). The system will figure out the current location and
status using Google Earth (Montaser N. Ramadan, 2012) (Bhatia, 2013).

With the innovation of IoT technology, most of the existing project made in
demand to woman security needs are now using IoT. The system of Stankovic is a
computerized exceptionally dependable women’s security gadget which comprises the
progressed sensors implanted in a wearable dress. It comprises of propelled sensors,
GSM instrument which hold client below perception at all the time. It screens the heart
beat-rate, temperature and vibration in the body through sensors to check for the uneasy
circumstance. In such circumstance, it will initiate the GPS module to track the area of
the victim (Stankovic, 2014).

Another system initiated by Shreyas is focuses on self-defense and alert features

for women’s like a smart watch. The main objective of this system is to help by the
technologies that are embedded into the smart watch. The smart watch comprises three
sub-modules namely, Sensing Module, Control Module, Transmission Module. In a
Sensing Module consists of Emergency key and Voice Recognition Module in it. In a
Control Module consists of ATMEGA328 Microcontroller and Power Supply unit. In a
Transmission Module consists of LCD Module, GSM Module and GPS Module. These
three sub-modules combined together to track the user’s location an emergency situation
and then send an emergency alert to their registered contacts. So that the smart watch
would be helpful to reduce the crime rate against the women’s (Shreyas R.S, 2016).
Related mechanism generated by Dr. Sridhar Mandapati is a mobile based women
safety application (I Safe Apps). They created one application for Women Security,
which can be downloaded from Google play store and then install into our mobile. First
we have to register our contact list, which receive our emergency message first while we
are in dangerous situation. Whenever we are in dangerous situation, we just simply hold
the volume button of our mobile, it automatically send an emergency message to our
registered contacts and also to the police. (Dr. Sridhar Mandapati, 2015)

Another system initiated by Mr. G. Rathi and B. Umadevi focuses on a security

system that is designed to serve the purpose of providing security to the women so that
they never feel helpless while facing such social challenges. An advanced system can be
built that can detect the location and health condition of person that will enable us to take
action accordingly based on electronic gadgets. GPS receiver, body temperature sensor,
GSM, Pulse rate sensor and sound sensor. The idea to develop a smart device for women
is that it is completely comfortable and easy to use as compared with already existing
women security solutions such as a separate garment, bulky belts and infamous mobile
apps that are just very abstract. The Smart band integrated with Smart phone has an
added advantage so as to reduce cost of the device and also in reduced size. The GPS and
the GSM can be used of a smart phone. This also enables in reduced power use and that it
can be installed with Bluetooth 4.0 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) which comes in handy
for several days on a single shot of charge (Ms. G. Rathi, 2017) (B. Umadevi, 2018).

Also, a compact device made by Miss. Thaware and Basavaraj which resembles a
normal belt consists of GPS/GSM modules and screaming alarm. This belt has a
capability to calculate the location of the woman and send an SMS messages to the near
pre-defined contacts by using GSM module, A buzzer which helps to feel the evildoer
anxiety and to alert nearby people that there is someone in danger (Miss. Ashwini .P.
Thaware) (Basavaraj Chougula, 2014).

Another system designed by Shivam Bhatia is for woman safety device that is
equipped in a bag or jacket (similar to a blazer for women) that is convenient to carry and
has more features and function. It uses pushbutton as a primary trigger to send all the data
automatically to the nearby police station and family. It sends the location of the victim
and SMS to the numbers that already stored in microcontroller memory (Shivam Bhatia).

Another device called “FEMME” that was invented by Monisha is designed for
women that can be brought to an end of crimes against women. The device makes use
of ARM controller and android software in which both the device are link each other with
the assist of Bluetooth that can be precipitated independently. The device has
a capability to document audio for further investigation and can send SMS
message automatically to the pre-contacts, and video recorder
that archives the entire incident which can be beneficial for police to find the crime
investigation (D. G. Monisha, 2016).

M.Pradeep women safety device added some features that makes completely
unique to others, aside from GPS/GSM module, Cameras, Alarms, Tilt sensor (Heart beat
and Temperature measurement), it has an Acid detector. Acid sensor is a device that
detects gas which is totally useful when in times of gasses leakage (M.Pradeep, 2017).

Dongare proposed a gadget to protect women with a voice keyword recognition,

the user can activate the app functionality even the mobile is locked. The GPS module
tracks the exact location of the user in longitude and latitude and sends the pre-stored
emergency message. The audio recorder will start to record the conversation for five
minutes for further investigation and the user will receive a notification that the message
successfully deliver. However Bhardwaj innovate the system of Dongare by his proposed
women security device called as “Suraksha” which is an easy to operate device.
This system can be activated through- voice command, Press a switch key and shock (i.e.
when the system is thrown with force, a pressure sensor used to activate the device). In
emergency scenario it will send the message including immediately location to the
police, through the transmitter module and registered numbers by using a GSM module.
It can play a major role in the propose projects where all the police stations are connected
and share the criminal records, crime investigating cases etc. (Dongare Uma, 2015)
(Nishant Bhardwaj, 2014) (Sangeetha V, 2017).
While Bhilare focus on the device that can be used to deal with the problem of
security issue of women employees using GPS and GSM based vehicle tracking. Due to
most cases such as rape by drivers or colleagues, burglary etc., employee security,
especially women employee has become increase. The device initiate through emergency
button that can be easily press by the women employee. The emergency button is
connected to the Teltonika device. The installation of Teltonika device is necessary for
the vehicle as the system relies in the data it gets from the device. The information of
vehicle position provided by the device can be viewed on Google maps using Internet or
specialized software with the combination of the GPS and it provide alert and messages
(Poonam Bhilare, 2015).

Another system proposed by Baishya, an android application for women security.

The uniqueness of this application apart from other SOS application available is that the
user need not spent time navigating inside the phone menu; unlock the screen, to trigger
the service. He instead, can directly press the power button and thereby, popping up a
SOS screen and user can directly click the SOS button triggering the application in the
background, sending the location (latitude and longitude) to all the preregistered phone
numbers in the application. Many applications available in the market send a custom
message to the number registered but not the location of the user. In this application the
longitude, latitude information and the general idea of the place of the current position of
the mobile user is appended with the custom message that had been initially set in the
application and is transmitted to the phone numbers registered. This feature of the
application not only helps in finding the exact location of the person in problem but also
will help the police to trace the location of incident at latter time easily (Baishya, 2014)
(More, 2016).

The idea and technologies utilize in initiating those women safety devices
mentioned above also can be practice in other application. Such as Home Security
System, with increasing number of theft incidents. Home Security System using Iot
informs the user about an attempt of intrusion endeavor at home through a message and
a feedback SMS triggers an alarm in the house. Vehicle Tracking System,
the security of vehicles is essential for public vehicles. The location of vehicle can
be identified with the help of the Global Positioning gadget (GPS) and the
Global system mobile communication (GSM). GSM & GPS systems continuously watch
a transferring Vehicle and report the status on demand. When theft identified,
the accountable person send SMS to the microcontroller, then the microcontroller
will trouble manipulate sign to cease the engine. Authorized person want to send the
password to the controller to restart the vehicle and then open the door. This will
be more secured, reliable and low cost. (Baishya, 2014) (Seok Ju Lee, 2014).

In real life, being safe and secure is the insistence of the day. Women suffering
violation are even denied of the basic human rights. Gender based violence has become a
national as well as international agenda because of decades long struggles by civil society
accompanied by women’s movements. Though there are unprecedented numbers of laws
against domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of violence in each and every
country to protect their female citizens to become a victim of any such violence but they
are facing major challenges in implementing such laws. The defense strategy used by
women needs to be revolutionized by adopting modern technology and gadgets to protect
them from oppressor. The existing project mentioned above greatly help grant women
demand in security and welfare. Our effort in this research project is to initiate a device
which is so compact in itself that grant protection for women security systemm. The
problems of the existing women safety devices are bulky and usually used pushbutton as
the primary triggering device which may cause unintentional and unnecessary pressing in
it. In our proposed women safety device, we will replace the pushbutton with the
fingerprint sensor to even more personalize the device to the owner and to avoid the
unnecessary incident. This idea will compromise with most of the demanding issues
faced by women and will help them to be secure. This device provides immediate action
in time of women’s conflict and will decrease the crime rates against them.
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