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Superior C.V.I.

Name: _____________
Mr. Frey/Mr. Bain November 19, 2018

Article Assignment
A1.Historical Inquiry: use the historical inquiry
LG: To demonstrate understanding of a major 1920s process and the concepts of historical thinking…
event/movement through the lens of a written article. B1. Social, Economic, and Political Context:
describe some key social, economic, and
I can: political events, trends, and developments
between 1914 and 1929, and assess their
 Show significance of the event/movement significance…
 Write with organization and strong diction
B2.Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation:
 Design a proper columned article analyse some key interactions within and
 Use nuance to show jargon and concept of the between different communities in Canada…
(FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Cause and
time Consequence)

B3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: explain

Task: To write an article about one of the topics covered how various individuals, organizations, and
in class (see list below). Write the article as if you were a specific social changes between 1914 and 1929
contributed to the development of identity,
reporter for a newspaper during the time-period for the citizenship, and heritage in
topic you choose. Canada

The article will be 300 - 350 words long, with

references to your notes and the textbook, or
one other primary source, and a

Topics of choice:

Spanish Flu Winnipeg General Strike Prohibition

Chinese Exclusion Act Canadian Economy (1920s)

Checklist of Required Items:

 Must answer the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How)
 Must include a heading (Title)
 Must include a written by line (by Mr. Frey)
 A first person perspective, from the 1920s (use jargon and personal pronouns)
 Two footnotes - one from notebook, one from another source (textbook, Web etc.)
 Written in an article column format (Use the word processer)
 Must also include one picture/graphic in the article (source this! Snip tool etc.)
 Show the historical significance of your topic in your writing

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Rough Work:


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Superior C.V.I. Mr. Frey

Spanish Flu continues to sweep the Nation

By Mr. Frey, Superior Times

It has been 25 weeks since the outbreak of the years old). This is causing fear within
devastating Spanish Flu has hit home in Canada communities because the common flu virus is
during the year of 1918, and it continues to take more common to attack children and the
more and more young healthy adults in a blink elderly, but the Spanish flu is a new virus that
of an eye. This flu, which is a part of the strand has never been seen before. The symptoms
A flu virus, is called the H1N1 flu virus. The include blue tint in the face and the coughing of
H1N1 virus comes from close contact to sick and blood. I’ve been told that doctors and hospitals
affected animals, most notably pigs and birds. are swamped and do not know how to slow the
spread down.
Since the beginning of the outbreak, it is
reported that an estimated 25 million people It is reported that the flu is linked to the great
have died in the first 25 weeks.1 The virus is war. As soldiers returned home from the war,
stumping doctors and medical professionals, as they brought the flu with them as it spread in
it is spreading to fast to control or contain. The the trenches of the war and spread through the
troops.2 The close contact with animals and
poor conditions of the trenches is being blamed
for how quickly it spread to different parts of
the world.

In conclusion, the spread of the flu has

accounted for roughly 50 000 deaths in Canada
and is leaving families broken. The Spanish flu is
being compared to the horrible Black death that
swept Europe in the mid-1300’s. This flu has
reached record highs of deaths from influenza
viruses. No one knows for sure where it came
Photo shows two nurses carrying a stretcher
from, but we do know that this is the big
with a Spanish Flu victim.
medical devastations that the world has ever
most notable thing about this influenza seen. Giving it the name of the “medical
pandemic is that it attacks the young and holocaust.”
healthy adults that are in their prime (18-40

1 2
From the PowerPoint/notes on Spanish Flu Wilson, D., & Cruxton, J. B. (2000). Spotlight
Canada, fourth edition. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford
University Press p.136

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Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 B1
Article Conventions: Byline, Are used to an excellent Are used to an expected Are approaching the Are limited and emerging, Insufficient
Heading, 5 Ws and H, Columns, degree and reveal highly degree and reveal good standard, the the effectiveness of the conventions
Picture/Caption effective organization for the organization for the article; organization is conventions is hampered offered, the article
article; Picture is extremely Picture is relevant and adds somewhat effective; by minimal content, poor does not meet the
relevant and adds extended value while the 5 Ws and H Picture is relevant and use of conventions and criteria
value while the 5 Ws and H are are comprehensive but lacks value to the lacks suitable
very comprehensive article while the 5 Ws demonstrated learning
and H are suitable but
Clarity of thought: The article At a highly effective level of At a respectable level of At a growing level of At a limited level of Insufficient clarity
is presented, explained and thought. Comprehension of thought. Comprehension of thought. Comprehension thought. Comprehension of of thought offered,
depth of thought is offered ideas are demonstrated with ideas are demonstrated with of ideas are ideas are lacking the article does not
strong accuracy and detailed connections demonstrated with demonstrated connections meet the criteria
connections partial connections
Communication of The writing style mimics article The writing style mimics The writing style shows The writing style indicates Insufficient
Significance: The historical writing to a very high degree article writing and provides potential article writing limited article writing and connection to
significance is drawing the and provides significant impact impact in significant way and provides impact in a lacks the impact of significance offered,
reader in and providing impact restricted way significances the article does not
in the writing meet the criteria

Citation/Research: Rough Is provided with the guidelines Is provided with the Is provided but lacks all Is extremely limited but No citations are
work, development of in an excellent manner, and expected guidelines of the required formatting attempted offered
footnotes and use of sources are done to a high level of assignment and are done
standard correctly
Overall Compilation: The The overall display and The overall display and The overall display and The overall display and the Insufficient display
cohesiveness and impact of the organizations meets the organizations meets the organizations lacks to organization of the article and organization of
work and use of practices criteria exceptionally. The criteria effectively. The meet the criteria is limited. Demonstrates what makes an
demonstration of the article demonstration of the article effectively. The very little of an impression article
makes a high level of makes a solid impression on demonstration of the on the reader
impression on the reader the reader article makes a small
impression on the reader

Total Marks Earned /30

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