Grade 10 Test

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Superior C.V.I. Name: ___________________
1920s Unit Test
Total Marks Earned /58
Part A: Multiple Choice Section: Read the question, chose the most correct answer. Circle the
answer AND place your letter choice in the answer key section.1 mark for each correct answer.
1. How did the Spanish Flu spread worldwide and affect billions of people?

a) Animals across the world got sick and spread the flu virus
b) The flu only spread in Europe
c) Soldiers returning home from World War One
d) The flu only stayed in Spain and that is why it is called the Spanish flu

2. What did the Spanish flu, have in common with the Swine Flu?

a) They were both spread through birds and pigs and had the H1N1 virus
b) They both killed hundreds of thousands of people
c) They were both spread by returning soldiers from the war
d) They both were considered medical holocaust

3. Why did the Government lie about the spread of Spanish Flu and censor it from the News?

a) The priority was the war and they didn’t want to spend money on Flu vaccines
b) They didn’t lie about the spread of Spanish flu
c) The Spanish flu was just not a big deal and didn’t kill that many people
d) They censored the news because the news was fake

4. The Winnipeg General Strike was a long-term victory for the workers and unions?

a) True b) False

5. What were the workers fighting for when they went on strike in Winnipeg?

a) Better wages
b) 8 hour work days
c) Better working conditions
d) All of the above

6. What famous women’s group was a big part in pushing for prohibition?

a) Christian Women’s Movement

b) Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
c) Women against prohibition Movement
d) Movement of Women for a Pure Society

7. In the 1920s, prohibition shut down bars and clubs. However, places still sold alcohol and they went
by what name?

a) Bars
b) Huts
c) Villages
d) Speakeasies

8. How did the flapper get its name?

a) They flapped their arms like birds

b) This was wrong and they were called something else
c) Flapping boot buckles and the way that they danced
d) The flapper was a boxer and got the name from fighting

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9. What industry in Canada increased rapidly after the war because Europe was in ruins and in desperate
need of this resource?

a) Oil and Gas

b) Pulp and Paper
c) Wheat/Agriculture
d) Hydro Power

10. What were the physical appearance and favourite past time of a flapper?

a) Short hair, red lips, short dresses/drinking and dancing

b) Long hair, long dress/went to church
c) Long hair, short dress, red lips/drinking and dancing
d) Long hair, bell shaped dress/ slow dancing and reading

11. The Statute of Westminster provided full legal freedom for Canada, away from the power of Britain.
a) True
b) False

12. The Balfour Report allowed Canada and other dominions to be…

a) Run by a PM Balfour
b) Fully independent and now equal with Britain
c) Fully independent from Britain but pay taxes to Britain still

13. Who was the broadcaster that announced the first hockey game on radio?

a) Foster Hewitt
b) Don Cherry
c) Bob Hewitt
d) Dennis Beyak

14. Who invented the Model-T Automobile?

a) John Diesel
b) Henry Ford
c) Doug Ford
d) Carl Benz

15. What was the process called of assembly automobiles called that made produced more cars at a
faster rate?

a) The Assembly Line

b) The Auto-Line
c) The Inspection Line
d) The Ford Line

16. How did technology influence the increasing popularity of sports in the 1920s?

a) Radio allowed people to tune into games

b) cars made it easier to get to the games
c) Technology advancement did not happen until the 1930s
d) A and B

17. What Canadians women’s basketball team made history by winning 502 out of 520 games?

a) Thunder Bay Grads

b) Toronto Grads
c) Calgary Grads
d) Edmonton Grads

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18. Who were the members of the matchless six, that participated in the 1928 Olympics?

a) Rosenfeld, Cook, Thompson, Steveson, Reed, Bell

b) Rosenfeld, Smith, Bell, Cook, Catherwood, Thompson
c) Murphy, Rosenfeld, Bell, Cooke, Reed, Thompson
d) Rosenfeld, Smith, Bell, Cook, Odland, Wideman

19. How did the women of the matchless six advance women in sports?

a) Their efforts were overlooked by society

b) They didn’t do as great at the Olympics as some people had hoped for women to do
c) They showed the world that women could compete in sports on a global level, just like men
d) They never made any strides in helping women in sports

20. The 1920s were considered the “________” era in music history?

a) Classical
b) EDM
c) Rock n’ Roll
d) Jazz

21. In the 1920s, films became very popular in society. How did they differ from movies today?

a) They played music in the background the whole time

b) They used subtitles for when people would talk
c) They were silent and black and white
d) All of the above

22. Charlie Chaplin was a famous “_______” during the 1920s and start of the film industry.

a) Dictator
b) Flapper
c) Actor
d) Musician

23. The “famous five” fought for women’s rights. What were the five women’s names?

a) Emily Murphy, Henrietta Edwards, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Nellie McClung
b) Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Emily Rose and Louise Evans
c) Emily Murphy, Henrietta Edwards, Irene Parlby, Retia Richards and Laura Davis
d) Emily Murphy, Ruth Bailey, Carly King, Louise Mckinney and Jen Horton

24. What issues was Nellie McClung fighting for before the “famous five” assembled?

a) Advocated for mothers allowance, birth control, free medical and dental for children
b) Nellie was an Edmonton Grad and not part of the Famous Five
c) She fought for women to keep jobs
d) She fought for women to go to war

25. Define Autonomy?

a) Governed by another country

b) Self-Law
c) A type of automobile
d) The assembly line was also called an autonomy

26. What was the name of the council that the “famous five” went to to get the “person’s case” passed

a) Privy Council
b) Supreme court
c) Canadian Court of Canada
d) Britain parliament

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27. The Saturday riots of the Winnipeg general strike were known as “________” Saturday?

a) Dark
b) Bloody
c) Strike
d) Riot

28. Who invented/discovered Insulin?

Immigration to Canada from
a) Fanny Rosenfeld 1917-1930
b) Arthur Currie 5000
c) Fredrick Banting 4000
d) Henry Ford
29. From the adjacent graph, what does the trend
tell you about immigration to Canada during the 1000
1920s? 0

a) Canada was allowing more people into the country
b) Canada was putting laws into place to not allow immigrants into the country
c) People just did not want to come to Canada anymore
d) Canada was trying to recover from Spanish flu, so no one was allowed into the country

30. What Act was passed in the 1920s that made immigration drop to almost no one coming to Canada
after 1923?

a) Chinese Exclusion Act

b) British awareness Act
c) Wartime measures Act
d) Chinese Exploitation Act

Answer Key
1. 7. 13. 19. 25.

2. 8. 14. 20. 26.

3. 9. 15. 21. 27.

4. 10. 16. 22. 28.

5. 11. 17. 23. 29.

6. 12 18. 24. 30.

Part B: Pick 3 of the following topics that we have covered in the 1920s unit and define the topic using
the 5 W’s and make sure that you explain the significance of the 3 topics that you pick and the impact
that had on the 1920s society. You may not use the same topic as your article from class when picking
your 3 topics to write about now. /18

1. Winnipeg General Strike 2.Prohibition 3. Chinese Exclusion Act

4. 1920s Economy 5. Canadian Autonomy 6. 1920s Technology

7. 1920s Fashion 8. 1920s Sports 9. 1920s Music/Film

10. Women’s Suffrage

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Part C: Analyze and explain one of the following primary sources. Make sure that you answer the
question using reference to the source, while you are explaining what the primary source is
representing. Must answer in a paragraph form.

A: Using the following primary source, state and elaborate
on the impact that the Spanish Flu had on Canadian
society and around the world in the 1920s. To what
degree did that event shape how Canada today deals with
the flu?

B: From the following primary source, explain the impact

that Chinese immigration, specifically the head tax, had
during the 1920s. Do you believe the head tax as a concept
is fair for Canada to use, both then and throughout other
part of history?


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