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Ujian Nasional mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi sebagian besar siswa masih dianggap sulit
dan selalu menjadi momok, apalagi bagi siswa di daerah pinggiran. Sebenarnya akar
permasalahan ini adalah minimnya penguasaan kosa-kata. Namun jika jeli dan tidak mudah
putus asa sebenarnya soal-soal tertentu dapat dikerjakan dengan benar meski hanya sedikit
sekali mengetahui arti dari kata-kata yang digunakan. Ya, caranya – harus rajin berlatih
mengerjakan soal dan titen. (Ini khusus untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Mata pelajaran
yang lain saya tidak tahu.) Seperti halnya bagaimana mengidentifikasi dan menemukan jawaban
atas soal yang menanyakan tujuan komunikatif suatu teks.


1. Essay Text


NARRATIVE To entertain the readerOR To amuse Short stories, Fables, Folk
the reader ORTo provide entertainment talesPlays, Legends,
and to make the audience think about Myths,Ballads
an issue, teach them a lesson, or excite
their emotions.
REPORT To present information about a person, Reference articles, lecture,
thing or placeORTo classify and/or scientific articles,
describe using facts about the subject’s textbooks
parts, behavior and qualities.
RECOUNT To tell events in the time order that Diaries, letters, journals,
have happenedOR To share….To biographies, newspaper
provide the audience with a description reports, historical recount,
of what occurred and when it occurred autobiographies, incident
or retell one’s past experience. reports.
PROCEDURE To give instructions about how to do Recipes, instructional
somethingORTo explain how to do manuals, experiment
something, how to make something or reports, spoken directions
how to get somewhere.
DESCRIPTIVE To describe about certain person, Certain thing, person,
animal or thing (a living or non-living animal, or place
thing)ORTo tell about the subject by
describing its features without
including personal opinions.

2. Short Functional Text

A functional text is a piece of writing that communicates something from an individual or group
to another.
Caution Depends on the content of the text
Greeting card Depends on the content of the text
Short message Depends on the content of the text
Invitation To invite……
Announcement To announce…./ To inform….
Label Depends on the content of the text
Advertisement To advertise…/ To promote…./ To
Letter Depends on the content of the text

3. Ciri soal yang menanyakan tujuan komunikatif teks biasanya menggunakan pertanyaan
seperti di bawah.

 What is the purpose of the text?

 What is the communicative purpose of the text?
 What does the writer of the text write the text for?
 What is the writer’s purpose of the text?
 What is the writer’s intention …?
 The purpose of writing the above text is … .
 The text is meant to … .

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