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Air Pollution Perception Survey

1. How would you rate the overall air quality in your campus?

 Good
 Moderate
 Unhealthy for sensitive group
 Unhealthy
 Toxic/Hazardous

2. Based on your observation, Rank the most common types of air pollutants in the
university. 5 the highest, and 1 is being the lowest.
Cigarette Smoke _______
Smoke from vehicles _______
Garbage odors _______
Burning of waste _______
Dust from construction _______

3. To what extent is the air pollution affecting you and your classmates?

 Very much affected

 Affected a little
 Not affected at all

4. In which of the following ways are you and your classmates affected? Please select all

 Breathlessness/Having more difficulty in breathing

 Doing more to look after my skin
 Doing more to stay healthy
 Feeling depressed
 Irritation to eye/nose/throat
 Skin problems
 Wanting to move to other school
 Asthma incidences
 Poor visibility
 Fatigue
Others: ________________________
5. Please express how much do you agree or disagree on the following statements.
Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
The School should do more to promote and
encourage a better environment.
Guards should stop and check car emissions
more frequently even if it causes delays.
Improving the school air quality is the
responsibility of every student.
Recycling programs isn’t put in place and
promoted across the campus.
I am actively involved in cleaning the
The pollution is out of my control and I
cannot do anything to change it.
I do not see the pollution as a problem.
If I knew how to better contribute to a
cleaner environment, I would take action.

6. What are the things you want to contribute in improving the air quality of the campus?
Please select all applicable.

 Biking/Walking instead of commuting/using gas fueled vehicles

 Conserve energy (turn off lights, computer, electric fans, etc. when not in use)
 Reduce using Chemicals (perfumes, spray cleaners, lotions, Make ups, etc.)
 Stop yourself/others to smoke illegally in the campus
 Stop burning of waste

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