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Inorganic Classification Formula Use of the Compound to the

Compound Product
 Sodium Ternary Sodium aluminum sulfate Sodium Aluminum
aluminum Ionic react with sodium bicarbonate Sulfate - Sodium
Compounds aluminum sulfate is a
white, free-flowing
 Sodium w/ fixed NaAl(SO4)2 + 3NaHCO3 → powdered material that
Bicarbonate oxidation 3CO2 + Al(OH)3 + 2Na2SO4 occurs as colorless
number crystals. Sodium
Aluminum Sulfate is a
leavening acid used in
baking powders; prepared
institutional and retail
cake, cookie. It is also
used as a buffer,
neutralizing agent,
stabilizing agent, firming
agent, and as a
replacement in yeast
Sodium Bicarbonate- In
cooking, baking soda is
primarily used in baking
as a leavening agent.
When it reacts with acid,
carbon dioxide is released,
which causes expansion of
the batter and forms the
characteristic texture and
grain in pancakes, cakes,
quick breads, soda bread.
Inorganic Classification Formula Use of the Compound to the
Compound Product
 Carbonated Polyatomic H2O + CO2= H2CO3 Carbonated Water -
Ions Carbonated water is water
that has been infused with
 Phosphoric Ternary Acids/ (PO4)3- Phosphate
carbon dioxide gas under
acid Oxy Acid H3PO4 – Phosphoric acid pressure. This produces a
bubbly drink that's also
known as sparkling water,
club soda, soda water,
seltzer water and fizzy
water. With the exception
of seltzer water,
carbonated waters usually
have salt added to improve
the taste. Sometimes small
amounts of other minerals
are included.
Phosphoric Acid. -
Phosphoric acid is a
colorless, odorless
crystalline liquid. It gives
soft drinks a tangy flavor
and prevents the growth of
mold and bacteria, which
can multiply easily in a
sugary solution. Most of
soda’s acidity also comes
from phosphoric acid.
Inorganic Classification Formula Use of the Compound to the
Compound Product
 Di Potassium H3PO4 + 2 KOH → K2HPO4 - DiPotassium
phosphate phosphate
This chemical is partially
 Silicon why coffee creamers make
Binary Covalent SiO2
Compound coffee taste so palatable. It
actually moderates the
acidity of the coffee to
make for a smoother
drink. This means you can
buy the crappiest, most
toxic coffee and still find
it delicious!
Silicon dioxide. -In the
food industry, it appears
as powder or crystals that
are transparent and
tasteless. It can help with
the flow of dry, powered
things by preventing
clumping owing to
moisture, because it can
absorb around 120% of its
weight in moisture.
Thus, it is used in flours,
powdered soups, coffee
whitener powder, vanilla
powder, baking powder,
powdered sugars, spices,
Inorganic Classification Formula Use of the Compound to the
Compound Product
 Calcium Ternary Ionic
Compound w/fixed
3 Ca(OH)2(s) + 2 C6H8O7(l) → Calcium Citrate -
Ca3(C6H5O7)2(s) + 6 H2O(l) Calcium citrate is used to
Citrate oxidation number
prevent and to treat
calcium deficiencies. It
 Ascorbic Ternary C6 H8 O6 may be used to treat
Acid Acids/Oxy Acid conditions caused by low
calcium levels such as
bone loss (osteoporosis),
weak bones
Ascorbic Acid -Like
many fruit juices,
pineapple juice contains
vitamin C, or ascorbic
acid. Getting enough
vitamin C nourishes your
skin by helping it produce
collagen, the protein that
keeps your skin firm and
maintains its elasticity.
Vitamin C also protects
your cells from damage
caused by environmental
toxins. Each 4-ounce
serving of fresh-squeezed
pineapple juice contains
approximately 66
milligrams of vitamin C.
Inorganic Classification Formula Use of the Compound to the
Compound Product
 Monocalcium Ternary Ionic
Compound w/fixed
CaH4P2O8 Monocalcium phosphate
phosphate oxidation number
Monocalcium phosphate
(MCP) is a leavening acid
commonly found in baked
 DiCalcium Ternary
C6 H8 O6
goods. It has a
Phosphate Acids/Oxy Acid neutralizing value of 80
and is very fast acting. It’s
used in conjunction with
baking soda to provide
aeration and volume in
cakes and cookies.

DiCalcium phosphate-
Should be used in
conjunction with baking
soda and other faster
acting leavening acids. If
additional acid is needed
to fully neutralize sodium
bicarbonate in a product,
DCP can be used. DCP
can be used when a
cracked surface on the
baked good is desired.

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