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80 W. D. GANX some sane ‘a'wald stage delenit ne Pete ae seeg eres ie MT oan ot ra gros Tare conde nee oie MASTER CHARTS ‘The Master Gherte are persenent end represent nitural ongioe and pefmenent resistance points for either price; time or yolume Theee:pointe do not chenge and you ahotla study then carefully on Gach different’ Nester Chart ard learn how to.epply thea. ymen"Y22" oHART ho MASTER CHART 4s the Squere of "12"'on 12-2722, neking the first autre end st 144, ‘The Second gqutre of *10" ends at 288, the ‘gird Suere of "18" ab 452, and the Pourth Squere at. 576, which will cover most anything thet you want, but you cen make up as Zany more squares es you need. ‘hie chert may be used spd applied to ‘enything--TIME,, STACE, PRICE OR VOLIME, the nusber-ef points up or down; days, wecks, conths ind youre. on Square Ho. 1, which'runs from 1 to 144, I:have Grown, the finer’ angles to show’ the. grand-center or strongest resistance point im each minor squere. “The minor centers, which ere the strongest for minor tops and ‘bottms:are 1¢, 17, 20, 25,°50, 55, 56, "58, 86, 89,92, 95, 122, 125, 128, 131. ‘The major center is where the strongest Fesistance is not. dhese numbers ere 65, 67, 76.and 79, Stocks going up or coming dora to these prices will meet with’ stubborn Tesistance: . The next strong angle i the 45°, and the numbers af greatest resistance on St are 14, 27) 40, 85, 66, 79, $2,.105, 216,'15) and 144. The ‘other diagonal 456 ungle from 12’is equally strong. The nusbors fre 12, 28, 34, 45, 86, 67, 73, €9; 100, 121, 122 and 133. ‘the nunbers watch sre cut by the 45° ancles thiu the center of each of the 1/4 squares are next in strength, These numbers ere 1, 20, 95,-46, 59, 72, 61, 50, 39, 20, 17 and G, end on the other sige oc'the squire, aiter you past tne half-way: point, ‘these numbers ere.73, 96, 09, 112, 125, 158, 189, 128, 117,'106, 95 snd aa. ghe numbers at the tops and bottous of the squares are cmportant prices for “important tops .and bottoms to be made because they are opposition ounbers end tre equi? to the belf-wey point. These nusbers for Square No. 1 ere 1, 15, 25, 37, 48, 61, 73, 85, 92, 109, 121, 183. The top nunbers are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, d4, 96; 1087 120; 132) sna 14s. “These are very Smportent to measure tide in’ dzys weeks. months and years. ! 2 ‘The opposition angle, which runs thru the cenyér of the squire, from east to west, equally Gvidine it, is one of the very strong Cngies because "At enutls one-half. Any stock moving up or dom and retching theee prices wiil meat with any resistance and weke ops or bottows. These numbers are 6, 7, 18, 19, 50, 32, 42, 45, 38, 55, 68, 87, 78, 7, 90, 81, 102,,103, 124, iis, i26,"227, 138, 138. Revenber, when anything hts moved three sections over from the veginning, it/resches the square of its om place, which 4s the first strong resistance. When it hes moved six sections over, it Fetches the opposition, on what equals the balfamy point of its om Pisce end eote st411 stronger resistence. Moving over nine places br sections from its own place, it reaches the 3/$ point, ancther squire, the Gth and Oth sectitns are the strongest and hardest points to pegs because this 1s.the death" zone. The next and. stil] Etrenger if the ath section or colim which ens at 144. Anything getting inte this section meets the -etrongest resistence but once it Soves cut of this square and gots ‘ts much as S pointe inte square #2, that 4a, mildsig 147, Will indicate much higher. But efter felining thle, ae Gould not atep bask fo Lei Gr pointe tate souare vhen“s stock gets inte the Second square of "10", it’ tas faster moves, aid when the time or mimber of months fren eny'bottes or top. oves into the Second square, it 1s an indication of faster moves, deth up and down, Apply, the sane rule to the SM,. 4th, Sth and sth squires. Jn. he snd enl 4th squares of the Master. "12", you vill find that most, of tho big bull end bear compaigns culminate, when peasured by months, walsh determines the division, according to time. Ali of The otter mules given you to apply to Space movenents, an tine, osn be used wath the Mester "12" tablee, SQUARE. oF INE ‘you have ‘already hed ‘the JiASTER SQUMRE OF TWELVE explained, which represents days, weeks, months end yeers, and the neasurensnts. of TINE in the squire -of fwelve on thk squire of the Circle; also used to measure price movements and resistance level: me SQURE OF NINE 4s very tmpoMtant because nine digits are med -in retsuring everything. Me cannot go beyond 9 without stert— ing so repent sof Gnany held. (Tt we divide 380" by 8, ve got 20; which measures 40°, 40 months, 40 day2, 20 weeks ox 40’monthe, and shove why bettons énd.topa often come éut on these engies mecsured by cne-ninth-of the cirele. ‘This is why the children of Tsreel were 40 years in the wilderness. If we divide our 20-year period, or 240 months, by 8, we get 26-2/5 mathe, making on impertent angle of 26-2/3°, months , deys or weeks, Wine times 9 equals Si, wich completes the Pirst’syuere of Nine. Note the enqles end how they run fron the main center. The Second Seuare of Mine is completed at 162. Note how this 13 in. opposition to the main ceviter. The Third equare of Nine is completed cb'o48, unieh would equal 255 jonths or 3 months over our 20-year errr re eee Ae! te ee 3 period and scoounts for the time which often elepsps before the Ehenge in the Cycle, sonetimes running over S montns or mone, The Fourth Square of Nine ends at S24... jote the angles of 45° cross st 525, indicating © change in. cycles bere.. To. complete the 360° re~ Quires Four sduares of Wine and S6 over, Hote thet 361 equals e Souare of 19 tines 18, thus proving the great value of the square of Kine. in working out ‘the szpontant engles and proving up dis~ crepancies. Beginning with:"1" at ‘the center, note nev 7, 2, 43, 73, 211, 1st, 214, 279 end. $43 all £611 on a 459 angle. Going’ the’ othor wey, note that 8, 28, 31, 87, ly. 198, 185, 241, afd S07 fai on en angie ot 485, feueaber’ thefe ere aintys four ways you cen fravel from 4 center folloring en engie of 456, or an angle of 160° or @n ingle of 0°, whick elf equal about’ the“snme when peaaured on. & Fit surseee! "Hote thet.a, 23, 46, 77, 116, 165, 218, 26) end 352 are all on an angle from the mein Genter; aiso nete that 4,15, 34, 61, 86, 138, 190, 249, sh 816.are on an angle fren the main-center, Sil of these being gréat meslstance pointe end mesruring out Smpertent tine Zecters and engles. Study the SQUKRE,OF WINE very carefully in connection with the MASTER TWELVE 2nd-360° CIRCLE CHART. SEX SQUARES oP WINE, ou wilt receive ‘six Permanent charts, each conteining 6 numbers, “the First Squere ef Wine wuns frém-l to i, Everything Bust have A bottom, top, au Sour sides to be f squire or cube, ‘Zuo iret, gquare:rinning.up to 61 18 the Bottom, base, flor oF Zoginning point. squares #2, 5, 4, and-5 are the four sides, Which are equal ind contein 8! nunbors. “the sixth Square of mine isthe top and mesns'thet 4t ia tines times es referred to in the Bible, or ening Peproducting Atself by being maltiplea by Stself. Tine timer fine equns @f amdaix times Bl equele 400, Tie cma eloo use O tines €1, watch Would equal 729, ‘The'nunber $ 1s the ost tmportant nusber of the digits becouse it 4s thebelance or ain center. There -are four nuwbers on each side of it. "Note hov it is chowi aa tho talaneing or ‘center nuxber in the squire of wine. We square the Circle by beginning at 1 in the cénten and going eround until we reach S60. Wote that the Square of Nine concs out st 36. The reason for this ‘is; Tt is 19 times 19, and the 1 to Begin With tnd 2 over S60 represent che beginning ed ending pointe. Sél ies trencition point and bogins ‘the pext circle, should we letve the first space. blenk or mike it "o", then we would come out at 360. Everything in mathematics must prove. you can begin at the center ami work out, on bogin st the outer rim end work in to the center. “Begin at the left and work might to the center or to ‘the opber Him or square Note the square of Wine or the square of the Circle, where ve begin with } and run up-the side of the colum to 19, then centinse te'go cross until we have made 19 columns, agein thé square of 19

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