ROSA-eoPortal Directory

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eoPortal Directory - Satellite Missions:

Sensor complement: (MADRAS, ScaRaB, SAPHIR, GPS-ROS, ADCS);

PIM (Payload Instrument Module) MADRAS, ScaRaB, SAPHIR . The GPS-ROS instrument is included on
the platform itself. MADRAS is a multi-frequency radiometer/imager; ScaRaB is Scanner for Radiation
Budget. Designed to observe simultaneously the radiation fluxes and the water cycle components. The
MADRAS is a conically-scanning microwave radiometer and at present it is not working. SAPHIR
Sounder instrument is designed for analysis of the diurnal cycle of the water vapor distribution. ROSA
(Radio Occultation Sounder of the Atmosphere) is a dual frequency. Radio Occultation Sounder for
Atmosphere . It is designed by Italian Space Agency- Thales Alenia space Italia - (ASI) for Measuring the
phase delay due to refraction during occultation between GPS and LEO. The ROSA receiver is a GPS
receiver for spaceborne applications, specifically conceived for atmospheric sounding by radio
occultation, which is able to determine position, velocity and time using GPS signals. ROSA is flown on-
board of OceanSat-2 (of ISRO), SAC-D( of CONAE , NASA) and Megha Tropiques of ISRO.

Megha-Tropiques - eoPortal Directory - Satellite ... - ESA Earth Online



Specification CF;- Swath-Angle-Resolution- Foot print;

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