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Band 3

Performance Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking,

Standard reading and writing
Descriptor B3 DB2
Understanding cause and effect relationships in a text.
Evidence B3 DB2 E1
Able to use logical connectors in a text to show cause and
effect relationships

Sample Instrument

Read the text below and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box below.

as so since because therefore consequently due to

as a result of

Once upon a time, there was a dog called Rover. One fine evening, while going
for his walk, Rover found a bone by the roadside. ______ he was hungry, he was
extremely happy with his newfound bone. ________, he decided to go home and enjoy
his food.
While on his way home, he saw two dogs fighting over something. ______
curiosity got the better of him, he decided to see what the *commotion was all about.
______ he went closer to the dogs, he saw that they were fighting over a bigger bone.
____________ greed, he dropped his smaller bone, grabbed the bigger bone and ran
for his life. The other two dogs chased him but then they got tired. __________, they
just let him go.
Feeling relieved, Rover proudly walked home. A little while later, he came to a
bridge. While crossing the river, he stopped ________ he wanted to look into the river.
Rover saw another dog with a bigger bone in its mouth. However, he did not know that
it was his own reflection. __________ , Rover opened his mouth to grab “the other
dog’s” bone.
The moment he opened his mouth, his bone dropped into the river and
*vanished. _________ his greed, poor Rover was now left without any bone.
__________there was no way he could *retrieve his bone, Rover looked at the river and
sadly walked home. The moral of the story is, we should be content with what we have
and not be greedy. Remember, greed does not pay!
*commotion- trouble
*vanished- disappeared
*retrieve- get back

Sample Answer
Once upon a time, there was a dog called Rover. One fine evening, while going
for his walk, Rover found a bone by the roadside. Since/As he was hungry, he was
extremely happy with his newfound bone. So/Therefore, he decided to go home and
enjoy his food.
While on his way home, he saw two dogs fighting over something. As/Since
curiosity got the better of him, he decided to see what the commotion was all about. As
he went closer to the dogs, he saw that they were fighting over a bigger bone. As a
result of greed, he dropped his smaller bone, grabbed the bigger bone and ran for his
life. The other two dogs chased him but then they got tired. Therefore/So, they just let
him go.
Feeling relieved, Rover proudly walked home. A little while later, he came to a
bridge. While crossing the river, he stopped because/as he wanted to look into the
river. Rover saw another dog with a bigger bone in its mouth. However, he did not
know that it was his own reflection. Consequently, Rover opened his mouth to grab “the
other dog’s” bone.
The moment he opened his mouth, his bone dropped into the river and vanished.
Due to his greed, poor Rover was now left without any bone. Since there was no way
he could retrieve his bone, Rover looked at the river and sadly walked home. The moral
of the story is, we should be content with what we have and not be greedy. Remember,
greed does not pay!

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