Smoke House (Operational Manual)

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Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

How to operate Transport System for smoke house :

Followings are the steps

1. Place the loaded car infront of door

2. Insert one sensor in sucuk

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

3. Press door control to open the smoke house door

4. Push the car and load it inside the smoke house

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

5. Press the transport system for loading more cars

6. İnsert second sensor in the last car

7. During the car loading you will hear the louder sound then repeat the same system for loading all
the cars.

8. Press the door control to close the door.

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

How to choose the program for cooking (smoke house)

Followings are the steps

1. Select the HR (Cooking chamber) option from right top corner on HMİ (Human Man İnterface)

2. Press the button as mentioned to select the recepie

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

3. Select the recepie (Kangal Sucuk, Jambon Sucuk, Dry beef)

4. New recepie selected

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

5. Select the sensor (inserted in sucuks and are currently in cooking chamber) as these sensor
will measure core temperature. After selecting the sensors, press enter

6. Select the step following for İK(Cooling Chamber), press the button as mentioned.
Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

7. Select the step ‘’1’’. After selecting the step, press enter.

8. Press ‘’Run Now’’.

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

9. Press Start for process.

10. Cooking is in progress.

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

How to take out cars from cooling chamber

Followings are the steps

1. When the cooling process end then go to cooling chamber door and press door control to
open the door.

2. Door will open.

Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

3. Press the transport system to take out the cars

4. Car will move out automatically, took the car out and repeat the process to empty cooling
Bemak Makine (Sorgo) Operational Manual (Smoke House)

5. Cooling chamber will empty

6. Press door control to close the door.

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