Wave Optics (Conceptual Questions) : Alfa Physics Classes

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Wave Optics [Conceptual Questions]

Q.1 What are the drawbacks of the wave theory of light?
A.1 The wave theory of light is based on all prevailing ether medium in universe. How it was proved that there
is no such medium, this led of failure of wave theory of light.

Q.2 What is meant by wavefront and what is shape of wavefront for parallel beam of light?
A.2 The locus of all particles of the medium which are vibrating in same phase is called wavefront and for
parallel beam of light the wavefront formed is a plane wavefront.

Q.3 What is the shape of wavefront originating from [a] point source[b] linear source of light?
A.3 For point source of light the wavefront will be spherical wavefront as all the points which are equidistant
from point source lies on a sphere. But if the linear source of light is used then the wavefront formed is
called cylindrical wavefront.

Q.4 In the wave picture of light, the intensity of wave is directly proportional to the square of amplitude of the
wave. What determines the intensity of light in particle theory of light?
A.4 In particle theory of the light the intensity of wave depends on the number of photon striking the given
surface in any given time.

Q.5 When light travels from rarer to denser medium , it experience change in some speed. Does it also imply
the reduction in energy carried by the wave?
A.5 No, because the energy or intensity of the wave depends upon the amplitude of the wave and not on the
speed of the light wave in that medium.

Q.6 When monochromatic light falls on the surface separating two media, the reflected and refracted rays are
both have same frequency as incident light. Why?
A.6 Refraction and reflection are results of interaction of the incident light with the medium atoms. These
atoms start vibrating in forced oscillations and their frequency is same as the frequency of incident light.

Q.7 What is phenomenon o interference of light?

A.7 This is the phenomenon of superposition of two waves traveling in the same direction with same velocity
and wavelength and preferably same amplitude with zero of constant phase difference.

Q.8 What is difference in interference and beats?

A.8 Interference is the phenomenon of superposition which results in variation of intensity with position
whereas in beats the superposition results in variation of intensity with time.

Q.9 State essential conditions for two sources of light to be coherent?

A.9 [a] the two light waves should be of the same wavelength
[b] the two light waves should either be in phase or should maintain a constant phase difference between

Q.10 What happens to the interference pattern if the phase difference between the two sources continuously
A.10 If the phase difference between the two sources of light used keeps on changing then interference will
not be sustained interference as the positions of maximas and minimas also keeps on changing.

Q.11 Why should narrow sources of light be used in interference?

A.11 If a broad source of light is used , it is equivalent to number of point sources. Light from two different
points from the same source can thus superpose with each other.

Q.12 Two slits in YDS are illuminated by light from two different sodium lamps. Do you observe any
interference pattern on the screen.
A.12 No, because two independent sources of light can never be coherent with each other, the phase
difference between the light originating from two lamps will change continuously.

Q.13 What happens to the interference pattern when one of the slits is closed?
A.13 Interference is superposition of light coming from two sources, if one of the slits is closed there will be no
interference and no pattern is formed.

Q.14 Can white light produce interference?

A.14 When white light is used as source of light. There will be interference which results in few coloured
fringes at the center and after that different interference pattern corresponding to different wavelengths
superimpose which results in general illumination of screen.

Q.15 What happens to the fringe pattern when YD set up is immersed in water?
A.15 If YDS is immersed n water, the wavelength of the wave will decrease which results in fringes coming
closer and fringe patter shrinks  times, where  is refractive index of the liquid.

Q.16 What is the effect of slit width and wavelength of light source on fringe width of the fringes formed by
A.16 The fringe width is given by = D/d, thus if slit width is increased the fringe width will decrease and I
wavelength increases the fringe width will also increase.

Q.17 Why do oil films on the surface of water appear to be colored?

A.17 Oil film appears to b coloured due to interference of light reflected from two surfaces of thin oil film.

Q.18 Why do bubbles of colourless soap solution appeared coloured in sunlight?

A.18 The bubbles appeared to be coloured due to interference of light reflected from the surfaces of thin film.

Q.19 Why interference can not be detected if the two sources are far apart?
A.19 As the distance between the two sources of light is increased, he fringe width decreases. Thus if the
distances becomes very large the fringe width will be very small and fringes becomes invisible.

Q.20 what happens when two sources of light are placed infinitely close to each other in YDS?
A.20 The fringe width is inversely proportional to the slit width, thus is the distances between the two sources
of light is very small the fringe width will be very large and single fringe may occupy the whole screen and
pattern can’t be seen.

Q.21 Is law of conservation of energy obeyed in interference?

A.21 Yes, law of conservation of energy is obeyed as it is phenomenon of redistribution of energy only. The
loss in energy at minimas will be equal to increase in the energy at maximas.

Q.22 Which phenomenon will establish the wave nature of light?

A.22 The phenomenon like diffraction, interference and polarization establish wave nature of light as they can’t
be explained if we assume light to be of particle character.

Q.23 A narrow pulse is sent through the medium. Will it retain its shape as it travels through the medium?
A.23 A narrow pulse is made of harmonic waves with large range of wavelengths. As the speed of
propagation is different for different wavelengths it can’t retain its shape.

Q.24 The phase difference between light coming from two sources is . Will the central fringe be bright or
A.24 As the phase difference is odd integral multiple of , thus the fringe will be dark.

Q.25 When low lying aircraft passes over head, we sometimes notice slight shaking of the picture on TV.
A.25 A low lying aircraft reflects the TV signal and due to interference between direct and reflected light
shaking of tv pictures can occur.

Q.26 In YDS if the two slits are illuminated by two bulbs of same power, will there be interference?
A.26 No interference will not take as two independent sources of light can never act as coherent source and
the waves reaching the screen will have changing phase difference

Q.27 What is the difference between the colours of soap bubble in sun light and the colours emerging from
A.27 The colours in soap bubble arise mainly due to the interference of light whereas in prism the colours are
due to dispersion of light as it passes through it.

Q.28 What is phase difference between any two points on the wavefront?
A.28 No phase difference is there as wavefront is locus of all the points vibrating in same phase.
Q.29 In YDS, the intensity at the maxima is I, what will be the intensity at the same point if one of the slits is
A.29 If one of the slits is closed then the amplitude is reduced to half and intensity will thus become 1/4 of the
initial intensity.

Q.30 Did interference effects occur for sound waves?

A.30 yes, interference occurs for all the waves as it is a wave phenomenon, the wave can be either transverse
or longitudinal. The only condition is that the two sources should be coherent.

Q.31 What is diffraction of light?

A.31 Diffraction of light is the phenomenon of bending of light around corners or bending of light in the regions
of geometrical shadow.

Q.32 State the conditions for diffraction of light to occur?

A.32 Diffraction effects are more prominent if the wavelength of the wave and the size of slit or obstacle are of
the same order.

Q.33 What is the basic difference between interference and diffraction o light?
A.33 Interference is the phenomenon of superposition f two waves originating from two independent a sources
of light whereas diffraction occurs due to superposition of light coming from two points of same source,

Q.34 Yellow light is used in single slit diffraction pattern of slit width 0.6mm. if yellow light is replaced by X rays,
how will diffraction pattern be affected?
A.34 Since wavelength of wave is very small as compared to the size of the obstacle no diffraction will be

Q.35 Diffraction is common in sound but not in the case of light. Why?
A.35 In the case of sound wavelength and size of slits or obstacles in daily life is of the same order, but light
will diffract easily only if the size of obstacle is of the order of10 m which don’t occur in daily life.

Q.36 Why do we fail to observe the diffraction from wide single slit illuminated by monochromatic light?
A.36 When the size of slit is large the width of central maxima will be small and the variation in intensity of
maximas and minimas is so small that we fail to observe the diffraction pattern.

Q.37 Coloured fringes are formed when we look through muslin cloth. Why?
A.37 Muslin cloth is made of very fine threads and as fine slits are formed white light passing trough them gets
diffracted giving rise to coloured spectrum.

Q.38 What changes will be observed when monochromatic light is replaced by white source of light?
A.38 As white light is formed by different colours, they will form their own diffraction pattern and overlapping of
different diffraction pattern will occur.

Q.39 You read a newspaper because of the light it reflects. Then we can’t see a faint image of ourselves in the
A.39 We can’t see faint image of ourselves in the newspaper because newspaper has rough surface and the
reflection from it is called diffuse refection. As it can’t produce regular reflection thus image can’t be

Q.40 When tiny circular obstacle is placed in the path of light from distant source a bright spot is seen at the
center of the shadow of obstacle. Why?
A.40 This happens because the waves diffracted from the edges interfere constructively at the enter of
shadow thus forming a bright spot there.

Q.41 In a single slit diffraction experiment the size of slit is made double the original width. How does it affect
the size and intensity of the central diffraction maxima?
A.41 The width of central maxima is inversely proportional to the width of the slit. Thus if the width of the slit is
doubled the width of central maxima will reduce to half. The intensity of central maxima will be four times.

Q.42 If light beam shows no intensity variation when transmitted through a Polaroid, which is rotated, does it
mean that light is unpolarised?
A.42 No, when circularly polarized light passes through the Polaroid there will be no variation in the intensity of
light when it passes through it.

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