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Business Promotion Strategy

A cough syrup


Prepared by:

Naveed Ahmad
Creative Director @ ZEROPIXEL
October 11, 2011

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL


No. Subject Page

1 Executive Summary 3

2 Vision & Mission 4

3 Current Scenario 5

4 Recommended Strategy for LUNGSOL 6

5 General Market Analysis 8

Market size 8

Scope of Competitive Rivalry 8

Market Growth Rate 8

Number of companies in the industry 8

Our Targeted Customers 8

Product/Packing Characteristics 8

Industry profitability 9

Key Factors for Competitive Success 9

Suggested Advertising Campaign Slogan 9

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL

Executive Summary

This is the business promotion strategy document of a renowned product

LUNGSOL which is basically a cough syrup, product by Ashraf Laboratories.

Ashraf Laboratories has a wide range of herbal products serving to the all
segment of the market since a very long time.

In this busy daily urbanized lifestyle when the hectic working hours and polluted
environment is the cause of sore throat and chocking of lungs is a common
disease. So rectifying from the ailment, the use of side effects free herbal
medicine is the basic need of all segment of our society.

In our report, we are presenting our findings about 12 strategic questions,

financial analysis, matrices. We design a vision and mission statement, disuse
detailed external and internal analysis, existing strategies and future scenario of
the industry. We propose new implementation plan for the company and discus
our observations and recommend few things for further improvement. So far the
company was in good position but there is a need to increase the market share of
the company through the promotional ideas and selling techniques of their
product LUNGSOL.

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL


“To be number one cough syrup in the market while providing quality and effective
syrup at lowest cost with complete customer healthcare satisfcation.”


We will be looking for those customers who are looking for high quality herbal products
and complete solution for their throat and lungs.

We will provide the best product regarding soar throat and cough rectifying in terms of
side effects free, a quality herbal medicine, which will be ensured at the affordable
possible costs. Our target market is all segments of the society.

We will try to invest for keeping up-to-date our product in introducing innovative
advertising techniques and keep aware our customers about its usage and benefits.

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL

Current Scenario

Currently, company is doing low level promotion through the magazines, and
small moving intros and using conventional approach to promote the LUNGSOL.
But there is still need to up-lift the market share of this herbal product through
cater all the market.

To increase the market share now we comes with innovative approach to

promote the LUNGSOL.

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL

Recommended Strategy for LUNGSOL

 We will use non-conventional approach to promote this product.

 Forming of Counter point of sales and placement in all mega level grocery stores
with Ashraf Laboratory literature.

 With the hoisting of supporting banners in indoor placement.

 In all highly dense public utility providing places in selective eye locking areas
mounting of backdrops of Ashraf Laboratories,
 Air Ports
 Railway Stations
 Daewoo Terminals

 Designing of Float and travelling on all major routes as per LUNGSOL


 For reaching to millions of customers on all mostly printed items as for example:

o Railway tickets
o Utility Bills the message of LUNGSOL to be published

 On CNG Rickshaws at the back of Rickshaws placement of small skin about

LUNGSOL Cough Syrup .

 Placement of ONE VISION on Daewoo Transport Busses for scheduled time

publicity specially focus on availability of LUNGSOL products with the spirit of
balanced ratio of demand & supply.

 Paid Feauture writing for the products of Ashruf Laboratories in general and
LUNGSOL in particular. In Sunday Magazine .

 Forming of Card Board hanging mobiles with some slogan with pouring image of

 Forming and development of SATCHE other than LUNGSOL Cough Syrup for
handy and prompt hassel free use keeping in view the maximum easy availability
Business Strategy - LUNGSOL
of the product and to be managed by executives – employees – government with
the thought of ANY TIME – ANY WHERE.

 To conduct 2-3 days road activity on different selected areas where we will
advertise the free checkup for lungs & throat in which we will suggest and give
the sachet pack of LUNGSOL to all masses. That will create a massive product
gauge of our product. Alongwith we will develop a small feedback flyer to get the
customer output.

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL

General Market Analysis:

Market size

We better know that our market size is very large. We are going to cater the all target
markets of our country. That’s why we have developed intensive marketing strategy to
promote our product LUNGSOL.

Scope of Competitive Rivalry

Although competition is tough but we will give hard time to our competitor through our
marketing based promotion plan.
But the main thing is that we have to implement our advertising suggestions as per
given above under the suggested strategy heading.

Market Growth Rate

Market is growing at a steady rate and that industry has quite potential to grow and
generation of lot of profits in future.

Number of companies in the industry

There are a lot of companies in the industry but major players are only a few and those
can be counted on fingers A lot of other companies are also working but they are not at
a business level that might pose a serious threat to the company.

The companies are Hamdard Foundation, Marhaba Laboratories, Qarshi, Lasani and
Hakim Ajmal etc.

Our direct competitor is Marhaba Laboratories and we have to up-lift our product to the
top level in the market.

Our Targeted Customers

The customers for the industry are individuals, households, officials personnels,
corporate executives, government servants, college/university students, labourers, and
all related to industrial workers specifically textile and cotton industry as well as children

Product/Packing Characteristics

Business Strategy - LUNGSOL

It is a simple herbal medicine with no side effects in affordable price. It has a beautiful
packing label with high quality bottled packing.

To improve the quality of its visibility we can produce a creative visual for its label as
well as its packing design with plastic disposable spoon in it.

Industry profitability

As per profitability of this industry is concerned that Industry has a high revenue growth
but they have invest more money on making new things at affordable price for catering
the needs existing and new users.

Key Factors for Competitive Success

Key Success factors for competitive success are as follows

 High-Profile Advertising Campaign

 Product innovation capability
 Low cost production efficiency
 Availability of all medical/herbal and super stores
 Strong network of distribution
 Strong R&D
 Quality Manufacturing
 Response to market shifts

Suggested Advertising Campaign Slogan




Business Strategy - LUNGSOL


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