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Ladies and gentleman,

The story telling competition is about to start any moment from now.

Contestant and audience, kindly be seated , thank you.

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning

distinguished guest, committee, teachers,contestant, ladies and gentleman,

welcome to the exciting 2018 story telling competition Peramu zone.

We are very honoured and happy to welcome all of you to the 2018 story telling competition Peramu

As a start , now I would like to invite our honourable judges and the time keeper to take their seat.

First let me introduce to all of you the judges for today competition.

The first judge is _________________________________our chief judge.

The 2nd judge is ____________________________________.

Last but not least , the 3rd judge is__________________________.

And our time keeper for the competition is______________________________________

Ladies and gentleman,

Before we begin, allow me to invite chief judge _____________________________________to address

the rules and the regulations for the competition.

Ladies and gentleman,

As a kind reminder please lower down your voices and ensure that our mobile phones are switch off or
turn into silent mode as this is a formal event.

Your consideration is very much appreciated.

Now, let us begin with the first contestant ________________________from __________________with

her story entitle____________________________________________

(Thank you to _____________________for his/her inspiring story).

Next, I would like to call upon the second contestant _________________________with her story
(Thank you ________________________for her/ his lovely story)

And the third contestant for today is________________________________from

______________________with her story entitle___________________________________

(Thank you to__________________________________for his/ her lovely story)




So we are into the final contestant__________________________from____________________with her

/his story entitle______________________________________

(Thank you to_______________________________________

With that , all contestant have delivered their stories, we are taking a short break to give time to our
honourable judges to calculate the marks.

The contestant and teachers are required to remain inside the hall ( the organizing committee will move
around and give food and drinks to all of you.)

You are going to proceed on with our ceremony at ________am .


We have now come to the end of the competition.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank you for spending your time with us this

We would like to express our thanks to all the teachers, staff and pupils who had given us big support
and help to run this competition in such a success.

Thank you very much ladies and gentleman, you may now adjourn.

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