Complete Blood Count (CBC) Normal Laboratory Study Values: Definition

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Complete Blood Count (CBC) Normal Laboratory

Study Values

A complete blood count (CBC) is a series of tests used to evaluate the
composition and concentration of the cellular components of blood.
It measures the following:
•The number of red blood cells (RBCs)
•The number of white blood cells (WBCs)
•The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood
•The fraction of the blood composed of red blood cells (hematocrit)
•The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) — the size of the red blood
CBC also includes information about the red blood cells that is calculated
from the other measurements:
•MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
•MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration)
The platelet count is also usually included in the CBC.
The CBC provides valuable information about the blood and to some
extent the bone marrow, which is the blood-forming tissue. The CBC is
used for the following purposes:
•as a preoperative test to ensure both adequate oxygen carrying
capacity and hemostasis
•to identify persons who may have an infection
•to diagnose anemia
•to identify acute and chronic illness, bleeding tendencies, and white
blood cell disorders such as leukemia
•to monitor treatment for anemia and other blood diseases
•to determine the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy on
blood cell production
There is no special preparation needed
How the Test is Performed:
Blood is drawn from a vein, usually
from the inside of the elbow or the
back of the hand. The puncture site is
cleaned with antiseptic. An elastic
band is placed around the upper arm
to apply pressure and cause the vein
to swell with blood.
A needle is inserted into the vein, and
the blood is collected in an air-tight
vial or a syringe. During the
procedure, the band is removed to
restore circulation. Once the blood has
been collected, the needle is removed, and the puncture site is covered
to stop any bleeding.
In infants or young children, the area is cleansed with antiseptic and
punctured with a sharp needle or a lancet. The blood may be collected in
a pipette (small glass tube), on a slide, onto a test strip, or into a small
container. A bandage may be applied to the puncture site if there is any
Normal Values:
Leukocyte (White Blood Cell) X1000 cells/mm³ (µL)
Birth 9.0-30.0
24 hours 9.4-34.0
1 month 5.0-19.5
1-3 years 6.0-17.5
4-7 years 5.5-15.5
8-13 years 4.5-13.5
Adult 4.5-11.0
3-5% (total WBC
Neutrophils Bands
Segs 54-62%
Lymphocytes 25-33%
Monocytes 3-7%
Eosinophils 1-3%
Basophils 0-0.75%
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
Cord 3.9-5.5 million/mm³
1-3 days 4.0-6.6 million/mm³
1 week 3.9-6.3 million/mm³
2 weeks 3.6-6.2 million/mm³
1 month 3.0-5.4 million/mm³
2 months 2.7-4.9 million/mm³
3-6 months 3.1-4.5 million/mm³
0.5-2 years 3.7-5.3 million/mm³
2-6 years 3.9-5.3 million/mm³
6-12 years 4.0-5.2 million/mm³
12-18 years (male) 4.5-5.3 million/mm³
12-18 years (female) 4.1-5.1 million/mm³
1-3 days 14.5-22.5 g/dL
2 months 9.0-14.0 g/dL
6-12 years 11.5-15.5 g/dL
12-18 years (male) 13.0-16.0 g/dL
12-18 (female) 12.0-16.0g/dL
1 day 48-69%
2 days 48-75%
3 days 44-72%
2 months 28-42%
6-12 years 35-45%
12-18 years (male) 37-49%
12-18 years (female) 36-46%
Mean Corpuscular Volume
1-3 days 95-121µm³
0.5-2 years 70-86 µm³
6-12 years 77-95 µm³
12-18 years (male) 78-98 µm³
12-18 years (female) 78-102 µm³
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
Birth 31-37 pg/cell
1-3 days 31-37 pg/cell
1 week-1 month 28-40 pg/cell
2 months 26-34 pg/cell
3-6 months 25-35 pg/cell
0.5-2 years 23-31 pg/cell
2-6 years 24-30 pg/cell
6-12 years 25-33 pg/cell
12-18 years 25-35 pg/cell
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
Concentration (MCHC)
Birth 30-36 g Hg/dL RBC
1-3 days 29-37 g Hg/dL RBC
1-2 weeks 28-38 g Hg/dL RBC
1-2 months 29-37 g Hg/dL RBC
3 months-2 years 30-36 g Hg/dL RBC
2-18 years 31-37 g Hg/dL RBC
Reticulocyte Count
Infants 2-5% of RBCs
Children 0.5-4% of RBCs
12-18 years (male) 0.5-1% of RBCs
12-18 years (female) 0.5-2.5% of RBCs
Platelet Count
Birth-1 week 84,000-478,000/mm³
Thereafter 150,000-400,000/mm³
Child 0-10 mm/hour
Adult (male) 0-15 mm/hour
Adult (female) 0-20 mm/hour
Child 0-13 mm/hour
Adult (male) 0-9 mm/hour
Adult (female) 0-20 mm/hour
What Abnormal Results Mean:
High numbers of RBCs may indicate:
•Low oxygen tension in the blood
•Congenital heart disease
•Cor pulmonale
•Pulmonary fibrosis
•Polycythemia vera
•Dehydration (such as from severe
•Renal (kidney) disease with high
erythropoietin production
Low numbers of RBCs may indicate:
•Blood loss
•Anemia (various types)
•Bone marrow failure (for example, from radiation, toxin, fibrosis,
•Erythropoietin deficiency (secondary to renal disease)
•Hemolysis (RBC destruction)
•Multiple myeloma
•Malnutrition (nutritional deficiencies of iron, folate, vitamin B12, or
vitamin B6)
Low numbers of WBCs (leukopenia) may indicate:
•Bone marrow failure (for example, due to infection, tumor or fibrosis)
•Presence of cytotoxic substance
•Autoimmune/collagen-vascular diseases (such as lupus
•Disease of the liver or spleen
•Radiation exposure
High numbers of WBCs (leukocytosis) may indicate:
•Infectious diseases
•Inflammatory disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis or allergy)
•Severe emotional or physical stress
•Tissue damage (SUCH AS burns)
Low hematocrit may indicate:
•Anemia (various types)
•Blood loss (hemorrhage)
•Bone marrow failure (for example, due to radiation, toxin, fibrosis,
•Hemolysis (RBC destruction) related to transfusion reaction
•Malnutrition or specific nutritional deficiency
•Multiple myeloma
•Rheumatoid arthritis
High hematocrit may indicate:
•Polycythemia vera
•Low oxygen tension (smoking, congenital heart disease, living at
high altitudes)
Low hemoglobin values may indicate:
•Anemia (various types)
•Blood loss
The test may be performed under many different conditions and in the
assessment of many different diseases.

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