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Radio Drama Idea 2:

The setting of the drama is just off the coast of Somalia. The main characters are Somalian
pirates who are trying to steal cargo off of a cargo ship as to make money because they live
in a poor area. The crew of the cargo ship then try to kill the pirates as they try to board the
boat. The drama follows the pirates as they try and steal the cargo without dying. Half of the
pirates are killed, whilst the other half manage to escape without stealing anything.
The conflict- the conflict in the drama is the fact that they need to steal something to get
money, but they also need to try and survive. There is also lots of internal conflict as none of
the pirates want to kill anyone, but they need to make their money somehow.
Exposition- at the beginning, the pirates will explain what they’re doing to each other. As
well as this, the workers on the ship will talk to each other about where there are delivering
the cargo.

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