Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 8: Magalang, Pampanga

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Pampanga State Agricultural University

Magalang, Pampanga

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. identify the sewing equipment;

2. enumerate types of sewing machine;
3. appreciate the use of different types of sewing machine.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sewing
Subtopic: Types of Sewing Machine
Materials: Cartolina, Marker, Double sided tape, Printed Pictures, Sewing Machine Needle,
Bobbin, Bobbin Case.

 Notebook in Sewing 8

Method: Lecture - Discussion

Value Integration: Value the importance and uses of different types of sewing machine.

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Good Afternoon Class. (The students will stand)

Good Afternoon Ma’am
Okay, lets pray first (The Students will stand and pray)
Please lead the prayer
(calls student)
a. Opening Prayer

Lord we are here standing in front

of you praying and glorifying you, we are
here to confess our since and begging you
to forgive every since that we have done,
Lord we thank you that we arrived here at
school safe and sound, for this day give us
more, blessings, strength to learn,
knowledge, and understanding in order to
cope up with the lesson we will having for
today. These all we pray in Jesus name.

b. Closing prayer

Lord we are here again praying

and glorifying you, we are here to thanks
that you give us strength, knowledge, and
understanding to cope up with the lesson,
and we thank you that we learn another
lesson again so please lord God as we go
home, please protect, guide, and keep us
safe and sound along the way home.
These all we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

2.Classroom Management
(The students will pick the piece of trash
Before you take your sit, Please pick under their chairs and arrange their
those piece of trash under your chairs chairs)
and arrange your chair after picking the

Okay you can take your sit.

3.Checking of Attendance
Yes Ma’am.
Secretary, Please check the attendance.

4.Review of the past lesson

(Student raise their hands)
Before we start our new lesson, what is
our last lesson all about?
Ma’am it’s all about Outline Stitches that
(calls a student) emphasize the outline of a design.

We have Stem stitches, Pekinese stitch,

Very Good, can you give me the and Back stitch.
examples of outline stitches?

Very Good. So let’s move on to our next


B. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Now, before that I have four objects, and I

will show them one by one and you must
identify what are these objects, and if you
answer correctly you will have prizes.

Okay, here is the first object what do you (students raise their hands)
call this?

(calls a student) Ma’am it’s a Thread.

That’s right, very good here is your prize. Thank you Ma’am.

Reminder, if you already got a prize by Yes Ma’am.

answering correctly, you can’t raise your
hands again give chance to others okay

The second object what do you call this? (students raise their hands)

(calls a student) Ma’am it is a bobbin.

Very good here is your prize Thank you Ma’am.

The third object, what do you call this? (students raise their hands)
(calls a student) Ma’am it is a bobbin case.

Correct! Here’s your prize. Thank you Ma’am.

The last object is here, what do you call (students raise their hands)

(calls a student) Ma’am it is a needle

Don’t worry class you will still receive



Okay class let’s start the discussion, in our Yes Ma’am

activity I show you three objects, right?

We have needle, bobbin, and a bobbin (students raise their hands)

case. Where do you think we can use those

(calls a student) Ma’am we can use those objects in sewing


Very good, yes we can use those objects in

sewing machine which is very important in
any sewing activity.

So let’s proceed to the types of sewing


Let’s have the first one.

Lockstitch sewing machine this is usually

used in homes and sometimes in school. It
is run by foot and may also be converted to
electric power machine.
(a student ask a question)
Next is Hi-speed lock stitch sewing machine Ma’am what’s the difference between
this is used by tailors and dressmakers. Lockstitch sewing machine and Hi-speed
lock stitch sewing machine?
The difference between the two is that hi-
speed sewing machine is faster to use than
lockstitch sewing machine.

Okay the third is Over edging machine, do

you have any idea where we use this ( a student raise his hand)
machine? It finishes the raw edge of the pattern for
Very good

Another is Embroidery machine this is used

in making fancy stitches and making
different kinds of embroidery.

The next one is Button Holer machine from

the term itself; we use this machine to
make a buttonhole in a garment.

And the last one is Button attachment

machine; do you have any idea about this (students raise their hands)
sewing machine?

(calls a student)
Ma’am from the term itself “Button
Attachment”, we use this machine for
attaching buttons in a garment.
Very Good, as what he said from the term
itself we use this for attaching buttons in a


Okay do you have any question regarding

our discussion? None Ma’am.

Are you sure?

Yes Ma’am.
Okay it seems you all really understand, so
to sum it up can you give me the (students raise their hands)
equipment that is important in sewing

(calls a student)
Ma’am its sewing machine.
Very good, can anyone enumerate the
types of sewing machines that we discuss?

(calls a student)
1. Lockstitch sewing machine
2.Hi-speed lock stitch sewing machine
3.Over edging machine
4.Embroidery machine
5. Button Holer machine
6. Button attachment machine
Very good, Now a day, we have a lot of
types of sewing machine we used these
sewing machines to make our work faster
and easy.

IV. Evaluation

In a one-half sheet of yellow paper, answer the following.

I. Identify the following questions; just write your answers.

1. This type of sewing machine also called Domestic sewing machine.

2. It is a type of sewing machine used to make fancy stitches.
3. It is a type of sewing machine that finishes the raw edge of the pattern for
4. What is the equipment we used for repairing?
5. It is a type of sewing machine used to make a sew hole in a garment for the

II. Enumerate at least 5 types of a sewing machine.

V. Assignment

For your assignment:

 search the types of sewing machine
 give at least 2 types of sewing machine

Don’t include what we discuss for today; it should be computerize; to be passing on

next meeting.

Prepared by:

Christine Joy C. Diaz


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