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 First modern thinker to provide a philosophical saying only that he left the study of letters in order to

framework for the natural sciences as these travel in "the great book of the world."
began to develop.
This period of travel was not without intellectual effort.
Early Life Descartes sought out eminent mathematicians,
scientists, and philosophers wherever he traveled. The
Descartes was born on March 31, 1596, in La Haye, in most significant of these friendships was with Isaac
the Touraine region, between the cities of Tours and Beeckman, the Dutch mathematician, at whose
Poitiers. His father, Joachim, a member of the minor suggestion Descartes began writing scientific treatises
nobility, served in the Parliament of Brittany. Jeanne on mathematics and music. He perfected a means of
Brochard Descartes, his mother, died in May 1597. describing geometrical figures in algebraic formulas, a
Although his father remarried, Descartes and his older process that served as the foundation for his invention of
brother and sister were raised by their maternal analytic geometry. He became increasingly impressed
grandmother and by a nurse for whom he retained a with the extent to which material reality could be
deep affection. understood mathematically.

In 1606 Descartes entered La Flèche, a Jesuit college During this period Descartes was profoundly influenced
established by the king for the instruction of the young by three dreams which he had on Nov. 10, 1619, in Ulm,
nobility. In the Discourse Descartes tells of the 8-year Germany. He interpreted their symbols as a divine sign
course of studies at La Flèche, which he considered that all science is one and that its mastery is universal
"one of the most celebrated schools in Europe." wisdom. This notion of the unity of all science was a
According to his account, which is one of the best revolutionary concept which contradicted the Aristotelian
contemporary descriptions of 17th-century education, his notion that the sciences were distinguished by their
studies left him feeling embarrassed at the extent of his different objects of study. Descartes did not deny the
own ignorance. multiplicity of objects, but rather he emphasized that only
one mind could know all these diverse things. He felt
that if one could generalize man's correct method of
The young Descartes came to feel that languages,
knowing, then one would be able to know everything.
literature, and history relate only fables which incline
Descartes devoted the majority of his effort and work to
man to imaginative exaggerations. Poetry and
proving that he had, in fact, discovered this correct
eloquence persuade man, but they do not tell the truth.
method of reasoning.
Mathematics does grasp the truth, but the certainty and
evidence of its reasoning seemed to Descartes to have
only practical applications. Upon examination, the From 1626 to 1629 Descartes resided mainly in Paris.
revelations of religion and morals seem as mysterious to He acquired a wide and notable set of friends but soon
the learned as to the ignorant. Philosophy had been felt that the pressures of social life kept him from his
studied by the best minds throughout the centuries, and work. He then moved to Holland, where he lived,
yet "no single thing is to be found in it which is not primarily near Amsterdam, for the next 20 years.
subject to dispute." Descartes says that he came to Descartes cherished the solitude of his life in Holland,
suspect that even science, which depends upon and he described himself to a friend as awakening
philosophy for its principles, "could have built nothing happily after 10 hours of sleep with the memory of
solid on foundations so far from firm." charming dreams. He said his life in Holland was
peaceful because he was "the only man not engaged in
merchandise." There Descartes studied and wrote. He
Travel and First Writings
carried on an enormous correspondence throughout
Europe, and in Holland he acquired a small, but
The 18-year-old Descartes left college with a reputation dedicated, set of friends and disciples. Although he
for extreme brilliance. In the next years he rounded out never married, Descartes fathered a natural daughter
the education befitting a young noble. He learned who was baptized Francine. She died in 1640, when she
fencing, horsemanship, and dancing and took a law was 5. First Works
degree from Poitiers.
Descartes's research in mathematics and physics led
From 1618 to 1628 Descartes traveled extensively him to see the need for a new methodology, or way of
throughout Europe while attached to various military thinking. His first major work, Rules for the Direction of
units. Although a devout Catholic, he served in the army the Mind, was written by 1629. Although circulated
of the Protestant prince Maurice of Nassau but later widely in manuscript form, this incomplete treatise was
enlisted in the Catholic army of Maximilian I of Bavaria. not published until 1701. The work begins with the
Living on income from inherited properties, Descartes assumption that man's knowledge has been limited by
served without pay and seems to have seen little action; the erroneous belief that science is determined by the
he was present, however, at the Battle of Prague, one of various objects of experience. The first rule therefore
the major engagements of the Thirty Years War. states that all true judgment depends on reason alone
Descartes was reticent about this period of his life, for its validity. For example, the truths of mathematics
are valid independently of observation and experiment. wrote the brief Treatise on Man, which attempted to
Thus the second rule argues that the standard for any explain human physiology on mechanistic principles.
true knowledge should be the certitude demanded of
demonstrations in arithmetic and geometry. The third Discourse and Meditations
rule begins to specify what this standard of true
knowledge entails. The mind should be directed not by In 1637 Descartes finished Discourse on Method, which
tradition, authority, or the history of the problem, but only was published together with three minor works on
by what can clearly be observed and deduced. geometry, dioptrics, and meteors. This work is significant
for several reasons. It is written in French and directed to
There are only two mental operations that are men of good sense rather than professional
permissible in the pure use of reason. The first is philosophers. It is autobiographical and begins with a
intuition, which Descartes defines as "the undoubting personal account of his education as an example of the
conception of an unclouded and attentive mind"; the need for a new method of conducting inquiry.
second is deduction, which consists of "all necessary
inference from other facts that are known with certainty. The work contains Descartes's vision of a unity of
"The basic assumption underlying these definitions is science based on a common methodology, and it shows
that all first principles are known by way of self-evident that this method can be applied to general philosophic
intuitions and that the conclusions of this "seeing into" questions. In brief, the method is a sophistication of the
are derived by deduction. The clarity and distinctness of earlier Rules for the Direction of the Mind. In the
ideas are for Descartes the conceptual counterpart of Discourse Descartes presents four general rules for
human vision. (For example, man can know the reducing any problem to its fundamentals by analysis
geometry of a square just as distinctly as he can see a and then constructing solutions by general synthesis.
square table in front of him.)
Meditations on First Philosophy appeared in 1641-1642
Many philosophers recognized the ideal character of together with six (later seven) sets of objections by
mathematical reasoning, but no one before Descartes distinguished thinkers including Thomas Hobbes,
had abstracted the conditions of such thinking and Antoine Arnauld, and Pierre Gassendi and the author's
applied it generally to all knowledge. If all science is replies. The Meditations is Descartes's major work and is
unified by man's reason and if the proper functioning of one of the seminal books in the history of philosophy.
the mind is identified with mathematical thinking, then While his former works were concerned with elaborating
the problem of knowledge is reduced to a question of a methodology, this work represents the systematic
methodology. The end of knowledge is true judgment, application of those rules to the principal problems of
but true judgment is equivalent to mathematical philosophy: the refutation of skepticism, the existence of
demonstrations that are based on intuition and the human soul, the nature of God, the metaphysical
deduction. Thus the method for finding truth in all basis of truth, the extent of man's knowledge of the
matters is merely to restrict oneself to these two external world, and the relation between body and soul.
The first meditation is an exercise in methodological
According to the fourth rule, "By method I mean certain skepticism. Descartes states that doubt is a positive
and simple rules, such that if a man observe them means of ascertaining whether there is any certain
accurately, he shall never assume what is false as true foundation for knowledge. All knowledge originates
… but will always gradually increase his knowledge and either from the senses or from the mind. Examples of
so arrive at a true understanding of all that does not color blindness, objects seen in perspective, and so on
surpass his powers." The remaining sixteen rules are testify to the distortions inherent in vague sense
devoted to the elaboration of these principles or to perception. The recognition of these phenomena as
showing their application to mathematical problems. In distorted suggests a class of clear perceptions which are
Descartes's later works he refines these methodological more difficult to doubt. But Descartes then points out that
principles, and in the Meditations he attempts a such images appear as clear to man in dreams as in an
metaphysical justification of this type of reasoning. awakened state. Therefore all sensory experience is
doubtful because sense data in itself does not indicate
By 1634 Descartes had written his speculative physics in whether an object is seen or imagined, true or false.
a work entitled The World. Unfortunately, only fragments
survive because he suppressed the book when he heard What about the realm of pure ideas? Descartes
that Galileo's Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the simplifies the argument by asking whether it is possible
Universe had been condemned by the Catholic Church to doubt the fundamental propositions of arithmetic and
because of its advocacy of Copernican rather than geometry. Man cannot doubt that two plus two equals
Ptolemaic astronomy. Descartes also espoused the four, but he may suspect that this statement has no
Copernican theory that the earth is not the center of the reality apart from his mind. The standard of truth is the
universe but revolves about the sun. His fear of censure, self-evidence of clear and distinct ideas, but the question
however, led him to withdraw his work. In 1634 he also remains of the correspondence of such ideas to reality.
Descartes imagines the existence of an all-powerful "evil
genius" who deceives man as to the content of his ideas, climate, and after a brief illness he died in Stockholm in
so that in reality two plus two equals five. 1650.

The second meditation resolves these skeptical issues in

a deceptively simple manner by arguing that even if it is Descartes's theory of knowledge starts with the quest for
doubtful whether sense images or ideas have objects, it certainty, for an indubitable starting-point or foundation
is absolutely true that man's mind exists. The famous
on the basis alone of which progress is possible (see
formula "I think, therefore, I am" is true even if everything
else is false. Descartes's solution is known as method of doubt). This is eventually found in the
subjectivism, and it is a radical reversal of previous celebrated ‘Cogito ergo sum’: I think therefore I am. By
theories of knowledge. Whereas nature had been locating the point of certainty in my own awareness of
assumed to be the cause of man's images and ideas, my own self, Descartes gives a first-person twist to the
Descartes states that man is a "thinking thing" whose theory of knowledge that dominated the following
subjective images and ideas are the sole evidence for centuries in spite of various counter-attacks on behalf of
the existence of a world.
social and public starting-points. The metaphysics
associated with this priority is the famous Cartesian
The third meditation demonstrates that God is "no
dualism, or separation of mind and matter into two
deceiver," and hence clear and distinct ideas must have
objects that exactly and actually correspond to them. different but interacting substances. Descartes rigorously
Descartes argues that the idea of God is an effect. But and rightly sees that it takes divine dispensation to
an effect gets its reality from its cause, and a cause can certify any relationship between the two realms thus
only produce what it possesses. Hence either Descartes divided, and to prove the reliability of the senses invokes
is a perfect being or God exists as the cause of the idea a ‘clear and distinct perception’ of highly dubious proofs
of God.
of the existence of a benevolent deity. This has not met
general acceptance: as Hume drily puts it, ‘to have
The fourth meditation deals with the problem of human
recourse to the veracity of the supreme Being, in order
error; insofar as man restricts himself to clear and
distinct ideas, he will never err. With this connection to prove the veracity of our senses, is surely making a
between ideas and objects Descartes can emerge from very unexpected circuit’.
his doubts about knowledge. The external world can be
known with absolute certainty insofar as it is reducible to Elements of Cartesian Philosophy
clear and distinct ideas. Thus the fifth meditation shows
the application of methodology to material reality in its It was with the intention of extending mathematical
quantifiable dimensions, that is, to the extent to which method to all fields of human knowledge that Descartes
material reality can be "the object of pure mathematics." developed his methodology, the cardinal aspect of his
philosophy. He discards the authoritarian system of the
The sixth, and final, meditation attempts to explain the scholastics and begins with universal doubt. But there is
relation between the human soul and the body. Since one thing that cannot be doubted: doubt itself. This is the
Descartes believed in mechanism, there could be no kernel expressed in his famous phrase, Cogito, ergo
absolute connection between a free soul and a bodily sum [I think, therefore I am].
machine. After considerable hesitation he expresses the
relation between mind and matter as a "felt union." The From the certainty of the existence of a thinking being,
body is the active faculty that produces the passive Descartes passed to the existence of God, for which he
images and imaginings man finds in his mind. Actually offered one proof based on St. Anselm's ontological
Descartes's explanation is logically impossible in terms proof and another based on the first cause that must
of the "subjective" separation of mind; similarly, the have produced the idea of God in the thinker. Having
unresolved dualism of the "felt union" violates the thus arrived at the existence of God, he reaches the
principle of assenting only to clear and distinct ideas. reality of the physical world through God, who would not
deceive the thinking mind by perceptions that are
The remainder of Descartes's career was spent in illusions. Therefore, the external world, which we
defending his controversial positions. In 1644 he perceive, must exist. He thus falls back on the
published the Principles of Philosophy, which breaks acceptance of what we perceive clearly and distinctly as
down the arguments of the Meditations into propositional being true, and he studies the material world to perceive
form and presents extra arguments dealing with their connections. He views the physical world as mechanistic
scientific application. In 1649 Descartes accepted an and entirely divorced from the mind, the only connection
invitation from Queen Christina of Sweden to become between the two being by intervention of God. This is
her teacher. There he wrote The Passions of the Soul, almost complete dualism.
which is a defense of the mind-body dualism and a
mechanistic explanation of the passions. But Descartes's The development of Descartes' philosophy is in
health was undermined by the severity of the northern Meditationes de prima philosophia (1641); his Principia
philosophiae (1644) is also very important. His influence
on philosophy was immense, and was widely felt in law Among the truths I will thereby discover is the real
and theology also. Frequently he has been called the distinction between mind and matter. One of Descartes's
father of modern philosophy, but his importance has most important and lasting legacies to philosophy is the
been challenged in recent years with the demonstration doctrine that has come to be known as "dualism." Mind
of his great debt to the scholastics. He influenced the and matter (or body), according to Descartes, are two
rationalists, and Baruch Spinoza also reflects essentially and radically different kinds of substance.
Descartes's doctrines in some degree. The more direct Mind is unextended, indivisible, simple thinking; its
followers of Descartes, the Cartesian philosophers, modes or properties are ideas or thoughts. Matter, on
devoted themselves chiefly to the problem of the relation the other hand, is nothing but extension or dimensional
of body and soul, of matter and mind. From this came space, and is therefore divisible; its modes are shape,
the doctrine of occasionalism, developed by Nicolas size, and mobility. There is nothing materialistic about
Malebranche and Arnold Geulincx. the mind, and nothing mental or spiritual about the body.

Major Contributions to Science This doctrine is of great importance not only for
understanding the nature of the human being, who is a
In science, Descartes discarded tradition and to an composite—or, to use Descartes's phrase, a "substantial
extent supported the same method as Francis Bacon, union"—of these two substances, but also for science.
but with emphasis on rationalization and logic rather According to Descartes, the physical world is nothing but
than upon experiences. In physical theory his doctrines passive matter or extension, divisible ad infinitum into
were formulated as a compromise between his devotion material parts. The active, spiritlike "forms" of the
to Roman Catholicism and his commitment to the Aristotelian world picture have been banished from
scientific method, which met opposition in the church nature. All natural phenomena, no matter how complex,
officials of the day. Mathematics was his greatest and regardless of whether they are terrestrial or
interest; building upon the work of others, he originated celestial, are henceforth to be explained solely in terms
the Cartesian coordinates and Cartesian curves; he is of matter and the motion, rest and impact of its parts.
often said to be the founder of analytical geometry. To Descartes's separation of mind and matter was a crucial
algebra he contributed the treatment of negative roots step in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth
and the convention of exponent notation. He made century and laid the metaphysical foundations for the
numerous advances in optics, such as his study of the mechanical philosophy that dominated the period until
reflection and refraction of light. He wrote a text on Isaac Newton (1642–1727).
physiology, and he also worked in psychology; he
contended that emotion was finally physiological at base
and argued that the control of the physical expression of
emotion would control the emotions themselves. His
chief work on psychology is in his Traité des passions
de l'âme (1649).

In the Meditations, Descartes begins by taking the

reader on a journey of intellectual self-discovery. His
goal is to determine what exactly can be known for
certain, not just about the world around us but especially
about ourselves. Even under the most adverse skeptical
assumptions about the reliability of our senses and our
rational faculties, we can always be absolutely certain of
our own existence. As he so famously expresses it in the
Discourse on Method, the reasoning represented by the
proposition "I think, therefore I am" (Cogito ergo sum)
can never be doubted. This single epistemological
nugget can serve as the foundation for a host of other
certainties. For once I know my own existence and my
nature as a thinking being—endowed with certain
thoughts or clear and distinct ideas—I can establish not
only that God, an absolutely perfect being, exists and
cannot be a deceiver, but also that this benevolent God
created me with my rational faculties. Thus, to the extent
that I use those faculties properly and give my assent
only to what I clearly and distinctly perceive, I cannot go
wrong and will obtain true beliefs about myself and about
the external world.

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