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HOT UNDER THE COLLAR discussed a new approach in anger management of workers

and on how companies and businesses look behind the emotion for the message it holds. Peter
Jordan a professor of organizational behavior at Griffith University's business school argues that
“Anger is a natural human emotion, everybody has a right to express those emotions, and you
really need to understand where anger comes from. Anger emerges generally as a response to
some sort of perceived injustice." In which Kathryn Moura, a consultant of anger management
in workplaces added that "Employees need to gain awareness about the triggers of their anger,
and the triggers are different for different people.” With these ideas, it has been said that it is
important to identify where anger came from and what makes it triggers. It is very much like a
counseling type approach wherein we have to assess what causes things in a way that every
detail is important to identify the issue. There are four personality types the DISC program uses
to understand triggers for anger; dominance, influence, steadiness, and consciousness. Each
have different possible triggers for anger.

It is not arguable that anger exists in everyone, it is a human nature. Anyone can get
angry, even Jesus Christ got his limits because of the people disrespecting the temple of God.
What more to us? But anger does not end with anger. We should assess where these angers
came from and what makes people angry? In a way we will know the message behind those
emotions. We’ll never know… What if these angers provide new solution? Or maybe a hint for a
new good beginning? Different people have different personalities. We all know. So we should
understand that there’s also a reason behind every sigh, every negligence, every smirk. Simple
gestures can give us clues on how we should treat people around us. To sum everything up, we
shall be sensitive enough to assess anger for us to turn those bad, taboo emotions to
productivity that will eventually yield a greater success.

2010-06588-MN-0 PUAD 3123

BPA 4-1 Saturday 10:30-1:30
Prof. Mark Anthony Malitan Leadership and Decision Making

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