Kabul Times (August 3 1967 Vol. 6 No. 109)

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Kabul Times (August 3, 1967, vol. 6, no. 109)

Bakhtar News Agency

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\ \ :
PAGE 4 THE '~bL TIMES .- AUGUST 2,,1967
R'CJ~~"~~'~Ms~ri~ts In Parwa~~C!.,.~;~t~.Il~,;;;;d"~'R'

(Collld, fronr ,pag.l1)

r I '

Ihey were well p«served,

" ,~"I' t- .'.
~ '{
World. .Bri~fs',

. NICOSIA, Cyprus, Aug. 2,

Hejira, one, ye~r,'befor•• ; ,KtiUifiiil.i (iAP) .-Britain has ',told Cyprus
", 1iii.il9:
s- "H~~~'" ,"'Ee~~p
~'~9t ..
.~ IN,~'';Ir.\I,f';.:-,)~~~.'
'. ..,'.IIIIiiII!....,'~ . .
Ihe 1,,1e Sardar Ghulam Moh'ammad Dr Danesh Pazho of Iran reqOest- death,. haV]tig 390'~.pag~Hina""i~.?ls:1 ',she WIll not qUIt her tw6 bases i(I'I.'<~1;','" . \1i;'o', \'J -,,, t, 'WASulNGTON;AUgUst'~, (Al')."':"";' • '1 .',
in~,?mplete.' ~ . \ ff, ~\~\'I~~ ~ on the island yet, Greek'langua-
·f\.han Tarzi
. I he rollowmg Icllers and sheels
ed that these manuscnpts be micro·
filmed and also published so tbal Anolher 648 ~.•'!'anuscrtpt, .):'"of ge newspapers reported Tues- Race 1r.J1l~ fit' tb~ ,U:S. have noW' engulfed in the 'American capital "
'::. '- ,
.lre al~o prc!;erved In thiS collec- Intcre~tcd rcsearchers and scholars Khushal's dlvan'is also in PQ!lSCSBlon ,day. • ' 'as gl\llp' of. yoUng ,Negroes ,roamed a predonUnaiitty Negro dl,s- .' "
, . )
(oples or two lellers by Hakeem
m.'yl11ake use of tbem.
Abdul Hal Habibl Ihe Chairman
of tho Pashlo Academy. It iSoWciltCp
10 beautiful .Nsslaliq.
The reports said the assurance tricpol"Wbliliigtcill;for \About three hours eariy TJiesday amd
TIc ""lIh- came after recent press reports scatte'ted/f1res.lat,'lelist one looting incident and showers of rocks 6_L~.~V:_:""N~O~l,;.1~09_""_ _~_ _"'""""~~...~~_ _~~bi;j,'t...KABUL~;o..,,;.'~Ta~Y_RS....;.,;,D.;A~,Y;,;'.;,A;;,;U;,.;G;,.;U..,;S,,;:T;;,;·3.,;; ,;1\l6'7'~",;:(AS;;;;;,;;;AD;;:.;l;;;,l,;;;l~
oiV.. ~, S.H::,.);.. ., ,;,P,;,R.I;,;C;,;E_AF;;.;,....3;.,
nihg and end are missina. '. ,y. in BritaIn and elsewhere that an~ bfi"I~~l,,,·~j~(,~~~~~ri2<i" ~ , , , I


Sanayc Ghaznavl of the semlOar m reply saJd that , ••• r-.j~"'.~~J., ' I: ,4 ..
A shecl 10 Mowlana Jamls h,tnd- Aryana magaZIne. a blmonthty pub.. IoTbc third manus'cr~pt containfng a Cyprus settlement is planned A c~~lilnaUon! ofj}a ',po,llvce surie (3 2 km) f~om the White House One
wnlmg heallnn of .he Afghan Hlslorical by far the largesl coUection' of Kim- that WIll mclude "EnoSlS" (un- mto tq:e ,,~aland a/brief J.1eavy rain- . officer caUed it' "where all the burns
Although I am surc thut thl~ nOle shal Kban"s poetr>; is ·al$o part 'of Ion with Gree,ce) and British fall le.d_P,!l¥fe. ~rlieant 'J.P. e,.u;~w ,and prpshtutes and dope ,. addicts -{

FR~Nl(;STtltiM·',f)FAGENDA EXPORT GAS TO ,Of Behzad Manuscript Find accompanied

Society, IS carrying photostats of
l' In the handwriting of Jaml ahd these manuscripts "ThiS work PaShta .Academy's collection. 1;I11S Withdrawal from one of its two 10 say,rbe~cife'l dawn: ,j'It'. ·aIJjibVOr. :-liang' out" • KABUL, Aug. 3, (BalChlar).-
W' b.l~.:t:!" ~"'tt~1l ~/, . " U.S. Ambassador Roberl Neumann,
Illy leMned rnend Professor Abdul Will continue." he added. too is wrillen in Nastaliq with 'the bases eve ,I"R . :WemrYP;~il~ l~ .~l'~l ,tl 'lJ'Ot?c\,flteman was reported slight.

R.onur Flkry slrongly support, my Parwanta h6ped thaI hiS collec- beginning and end missing," he As /la~n "Ilea,ted" ~rf'!~s:~~\lld'( 'IY~lnlured when a brick sailed :- I,'.~;I '-. " " ' USSR .NEXT FALL By A staff Write<-
by Russell McClure.
,.. , j,.. 'r , PARIS, Aug. 2, (DPA).-French Rnd fe.,:".,persons eJ<cel>~,po,liCf In;the IIit;C\ugh his vehlcI<'s windshIeld chIef of the USAID mission. yes·
Two Impo~~anCISsues Dropped .."'.,..'J~.~.'""'~""~\iWijt t: ~nar~~a~~~~:I~::~l:~~I~ t:: ==~p::a:;I~e~:=: ; terday
'lew since It does not carry any tlOn would one day beoome a part said.
met Mmister of AgrIculture
,>Ign,tture precaution demands that of Ihe naHonal archives Karimov spoke on w, the manus-;. PreSIdent Charles de GauI1e to- area. 7'" ;-; \ \?... 'I"'::f; " .,f'A ;' 0<;,.. ;I;t 14";1:.' \/ Firemen said:they quickh-: coortol.
I ~. .~
II should be attnbUlcd to Jaml With Anf Osmanov of the SOvlet Umon Crlpts of the Avicibna in the, library day started sununer vacation at
,r'\J' , l"~'~' ~
A police' "-'~rgeant~, ~:saJdlat theft lea. -all but one, of the fires.' Soores and Irngahon Mlr Mohammad
rc>;crvatlons:' he saId
.\ ",py or Aurangzeb s Salam-
discussed the manuscnpt of
Khushal Khan Khatak's poetry.
the of the Oneotal Institute\ of :tlle''''Aca- hIS country n!SIdence In Colom- height of thc"distt1r1>.ance that pollee of onlookers stayed \in ,the arj:a un·
demy o( Sciences, <if' the Uzbekis- bey-Les-Deux-Eglises. The Pre- had Deen' flred'.r..~~on'; at' one' t'street tH the rain fell. i· To, Avoid·/mifietences~ At Talks
3 (J\P)- 'KHARTOUM. Aui:
Th~~f;~~'sla~~tU;~R\as (:~;line o~~~~e:::~~u:~
now under construction Wllh the Elema'cll of
seSSIO'I, Goya
Afghanistan disclosed
Goya Etemad!'s paper was read
by Sakhl Daneshjo, chief at the
Akbar Reza In hIS office.
They exchanged views on prob-
nama (salute) to Temur's tomb :rhls .. A very old copy of Khushal's tall rc:publlc SSR. ~~ sIdent WIll 10terrupt hIs hoh- cornet'., But llie ~p1J'ce 'command post .-,~-..:-,-_. _ ,- " - J'
scholarship desk at the l'~orelgn
lems of agnculture and irrIgation.
h,I'" been derived from the manus- poetry IS In the Pashto Academy's He saId that most of the manus- day on August 9th and 23rd to later saId firecrackers exploding 'in I technIcal assistance of the Soviet that he has found a new manua- The envoy handed over a PhD certI-
The Arab foreign minister's conference. Wl\Siholding an oev- n
U· wll I be compleled next fall,. cr'lpt 'o( Behzad, the world-famous Mlqlstry and one of the organisers.
\..r1~ bv Ashai:!b-c·Mch;J ..·m.. ~ Ba- uJllel..:lOn. II was wn!len In 109') cripts of Avicinna are m this lib.... e1lan' the next two SIttings of garbage I bans were reported mlsa Get your I l m
enlng session yesterday confined to d e egat on hlJllds. The de - Vasill Kalinm. chief specialist of mlrillltunsts of Afghanllllan who It was tlevoted to newly found
ficate to Mohammad Anwar, dlreca
tor~general of the cattle ralslOg s~c­
dcc-\1Hlccha-Samarkand rary. . I ~ • ," the mmlsterial council in Paris. takenlY as au¢lre.
egatl~.ns had iUlld a h'eated three-hour roun4 of taUts. earller In Ihe USSR Comll\ltlee for Foretgn !lved lin the loth century Rlgera. manuscript, caHlgrapbed by Sultan
1 he nrogInal of four firmans C r,.-. I He named Kclab al Qanun a1 :teb On August lOth lie WII! speak Police 1 said several /langs of 50 copy 01 the th..e day. \ All.
han In the mmistry, on behalf of
(edlcl'l by Ihe EmpelOr Ahmad 'No omment ~ys as one of the books which Is beil>g on televislOn. or so ;young Negr":,,s ",ach roamed
"In spurts and WIdelY . scattieted

, . .' "
W ;"}?, ';, Economic relations. said here.
The gas pipeline, 100 kilometre,
ThJ manuscript is owned by Moha
amm~d Aztz Nai"" Some partlci- 'fhe manuscript has the follOWIng
the rector of Arizona University
Anwar had gone to the U Sunder
~hah Durranl fwo of these arc pr~rved there. \( •
c,,",pleled and Iwo mcompl.<e Ctan'CIdian PM On ,The <;Ielegate' of TurltA;y, Dr., ~~m- LONDON, Aug 2, (DPA).-De- areas" north and-northwest of the Kabul Times . ~ "W<; gttgan to study the agenda and It w~s a deep and frank long. which IS now being laid 10 pants, espec,ally Professor Ettlngh- sections EskandnrnBma; Khosrao a USAID programme and done hIS
study," reported Sudanese Prime" Mlm~ter and Conference

Ihe dorectlon of the SOVIet-Afghan ausen of Ihe US., hoped It would and Shirm.... L;Blla and MOJnoon, theSIS on animal" feeding
A <.:opy of the address delivered boor, said that there were . several velopment costs for the Franco- White' Hbuse, Capitol and' other Haft Paikar aod a part 01 Maith- ~
Chairman. Sayed Mahgoub "T,lie' discussia'n ~oncerns concreted
hy 'he <clebralcd V,Zlcr (of Empe-
wr Ahnl,ld Shah I Shah Wah Khan
. Exp Iana t'Ion <oples. of .the manuscripts of AVI- Brltlsh supersomc alrhner Con- l~ndmark ~ederal buildings. ,Num;
cmna In various libraries in Turkey, .cord project WIll probably rise erous wmd9ws were smashed. A
Annual at efforts to ellminate the results of Israeli aggressIOn."
border, onginales ID the area of Shi-
berghaa. where big Aas depOSIts
be shown to the parllclpanls, and
Professor Abdul Hal Hablbi assured zanul Esrar. KALAT Aug) (Bakhtar)-
have been discovered, Va9111 Kalinin them they would be given a chance There are 10 mmIature pal~tlngs Work on 'the new c:t of Kalat :s
In the Iroops
,lg,IInSi Ihe Mahr.llla<
on thc battlefield
OTTAWA Aug. 2. (DPA) -
particularly 10 the Istanbul bibl!o·
leque. .
by a further 28 mllllon pounds rcporter saw a liquor store which
sterhng and total 528 mllhon had been looled. . the Khyber., Algerian Fo"teign MinisteI: I
UnIted States, Britain, West . saId to Tass TheIr resources to examine It by Behzad In the mansucrlpt, Goya progressing fast Y
An Oflgmal Flrm.tn ,..sued by Canadian P~lme -MInister Lester Sultanov delIvered a talk on pounds Police said about 50 arrests, mostly Abdul AzIZ Boutiefllka, who Germany and. any othll1' country amount to about 68,000.000. cubiC Etemadl said. Forty bUIJdIng plots In the 750.
rmpernr Tcmuro;hah Durrant Pearson saId Monday he hud no handwTltten manuscnpts In the pos- These esttmates are contamed tor disorderly conduct, wer.e made
during the first three hours ot the
AI. 170. missed Tuesday's opemng ses-
SIOn, arrIved Wednesday, morn-
regarded as having assisted lsra- metres
el in the recenf MIddle East war,
Untortunately the origInal owner
of the manuscript has been so care-
acre city have
among the people
been dlstnbuted
A lory or .. leltcr <;en I bv Emir
Unst Mohamnl.ld Khan 10 N,lsse-
comment On the Paris govern·
ment's statement about Presid-
seSSIon of the Eastern Oriental Jns-
lit ute of the Uzbekistan Academy nf
10 a report of the Brlttsh House
nf Commons budget commIttee dIsturbance, which began at a fire Ing to take his place at the con- and withdrawal of Arab curren- Anolher pipelme IS bemg laid In Hong Kong Trade less that some parts of the mm18· At a meeUng h'tld here wllh Go-
ruddtn Shah Q,\j.tr lOPY of N.ls- ent de Gaulle's Quebec VlSlt SCiences publIshed yesterday. m unoccupied rooms above a turni· INTERNATIONAL CLUB ference table. cy reserves from the banks of the area of Mazan-Shanf town, tur;s have been erased or torn, he vernor Mohammad Gul Sulalman
st."ruddm Shah QaJlIr s lctter to until he had seen the full text Mumrov Qawamuddm spoke on At the last assessment In ture: store.
Much of the action was along 14th
Every Thursday night, dinner
dance and music by the Nomads. dan
to the
these countries
Topping the draft agenda pla-
where a nitrogen fertiliser plant, Union' Water sa~1l 10 d
minIatures arc 10 eep ue
bl Khall of ZabuI. m Ihe chair. It was
decided that a company to proVlde
Fmlr Do,,' Mohammad Khan copy released bY the, French cabmet the manuscnpts of All Sher Nawaec June 1966. the Concord program- with an annual capaclty of 71,000
me was to have cost 500 mllhon St.reet, Washington's best-known key Items have been ex- ced before the foreign mimstera, and white, and some have touches th b Id let I h ld be
,JI the letter ",enl hy
I.H_t l Khan Ihe
IruOlan VIZIer to
Immediate comment of repnr-
leTS readmg the French state-
now In thc same InstItute
SOVlcl UOion
In the
pounds hon ky - ton k area, less than two mUe cluded from the minIsters' ag- IS the settlement of long-stand-
tons of ammonia, IS under construc-
lion With the aSSIstance of the So- Supply Cut of gold Most of them have been
Sl ned b Behzad
e U1 mg rna 13 s 5 OU
formed Some bUSinessmen who 3t-
.. or" of .I letter from Akhund QadIr ment off the news WIre was enda In a bid to a~old differen- Ing differences between the Arab viet Unton g Y. tended the mcetmg promIsed to con-
ces at the conference table states HONG KONG, Aug' 3, (AP).- Professor Ettinghausen asked the tnbute capItal The deputy mayor
rllllr Dosl Mohammad Khan and
B.lha In S;-trd,lr Moh,lmm.HI Akram
They VOiced surpTise at that
part of the statement readIng "It FOR BENT
GULNAR WASHING SOAP They are inSistence on all Arab
states on breaking oU dip-
Conference sources report Sall-
d I Arab18, Morocco and Tun\sla
tcchnlcal assIStance to
Inn In the construction of a thermal
provldIng Hong Kong authontles turned
off the water supply Weslnesday
to a pro'commuOlst union h'lad-
partiCipants, observers and others
present to mform the seminar as
soon as pOSSible If they knew of
has been apPOinted preSIdent of the
Other ll1anllSnlpl~ IOduoe goes wlthout saYing that France Gulnar Soap produces enormous amounts of suds. lomatic. relations Wltrt the ha ve mslsted on an agreement
power statIOn. which wiU also work quarters and threatened ~he
OSE WITH FULL AMENITIES, by the "radIcal" Arab states led any other manuscnpt by Behzad
A wr lthflll Firman from EmIr
Dosl Mnhamnl,lO Kh.ln hl Ahmad
has no pretensions to leadcr-
ship nor deSIgns to soverelgn:y
ADJACENT NEW AMERICAN Gulnar's fine suds delicately clean your clothes. Gulnar Eisenhower Heads by the UAR, Alg~rla and SyrIa on natural gas and' wilt prOVide same actIOn agamst other estab- In the diSCUSSIon that followed the
KANDAHAR. Aug 3 (Bakhtarl
Dr Mohammad Anas. mIn Isler
over all or part of the Canada of EMBASSY, ANSARI WA'lT. does wonders with cottons and nylons. Always use GuIn- to end propaganda attacks upon current for a nitrogenous fertiliser lIshments dehberately wastlOg disclosure of Goya Etemad1
Wilhout portfoho and former gover-
Alm.ld ,In lmgmal firm,ln I,\o;ucd
today' CONTACT: DB. FAIZI SHAN- n Washing Soap for super-cleaning. Gulnar Soap is avai- Committee To them as an essentIal fIrst step wor)cs water by leavlOg faucets on speakers raised the questIOn whe~
DAR, JADI TEMOOR SHAHI, Already thIS year, gas Will become Wastmg water has been a tac- nor of Kandahar. bid the people
phrase would be lIkely

hv EmH Sher '\11 KIHln an tlrlgl- ThiS Sudanese newspapers mean· ther Behzad's grave was In Tabnz,
n.11 firman I<;<;ucd h\ Emir Moham NEAR MAIN POST OFFICE lable at all general stores in the city. wh,le backed Mahgoub's mSls- a major Item In Afghanlstan's ex- IIC used by the commuOlsts In Iran, or In Herat, AfJ:banlstan
of the province farewell yesterday
to angel many French-speak,n~
mat.! Afzal Kh,ln .Ind ongIn,t]s of Canadians who resented foreJgn BETWEEN 17 AND 19 HOUBS .Aid Arab Refugees ience. ID hIS opening aeJdress Tu- ports To Ihe USSR gas w,lI be theIr harassment of the Hong • There are three Important
At a meettng at the governor's
"I>. flrmans 1';,>;ucd h\ Erl1lr Abdur·
rahman Khan
Interference NAWROZ CARPET EXPORT LTD NE;W YORK, Aug 3. (DPA) esday, that dIfferences between supplied under an agreement reach-
ed In May It proVIdes that In
Kong government sInce the cur-
rent drought fIrst resulted in
manuscripts 111 the world
throw light on where the grave of
hOllse, Dr Anas thanked the offi-
Cials and people of Kandahar for
• -ThIrty-seven promment Ame- the states must be burted theIr cooperatIon dUring hIS term
I here IS also a painting 10 h... MELBOURNE. Austral... Aug STAMPS AND OOINS We offer to our customers new , Accordmg to an Aden report, Ihe period I,ll 1985, Afghanistan severe water ratlomng three Behzad IS.' saId Koya Etemadl
lllrm of the lion In<.:orporatlng the 2. (OPAl -Austrahan old pound We buY large quantities of Ilcans under the honorarl chaIr- shall supply the USSR wllh 57.700 weeks ago .. All of them say that Behzad was of office
and antique carpets at low prices. The carpets Sheik Ah Muhammad Maktan, Abdul Raouf Walsa, the deputy
1I11e of Zla-el-Mdl.lt-e-wad Din used IJO'\tage stamps and mint. manshIp of former PreSIdent The colony, now left With ab·
dcdllateu In Ihal Eilllr Abdurrdh-
liMn Kh,1O
sterlmg currency, whIch
coeXIsted WIth the new deCI-
mal system mtroduced In Febr-
uncirculated coins. For fol! de-
talls send your oUers to
are of different sizes.
Opposite Blue Mosque, Share Nau
LSHAHPASANDI DWIght EIsenhower have jOined
In an effort to raise money as
one of Aden's most mfluentlal
busmess leaders, Wednesday ask-
ed the Arab mmlsters' meetmg
million cubJC metres
value of Over $300 mlllI6n
of' gas to \ a
out 54 bIllIon gallons-or 82
days-of water. under present
bUried next 10 hiS niece S grave on
the Mukhatar hill m Herat These
mant,lsCnpls are In the NatIonal
governor Noor Ahmad Stanekzsl.
the caretaker mayor of the City,
Mention must ,II"" he matlc II uary 1966. ceased to be legal ten- SUPER-EXCHANGE' qUIckly as pOSSible to aId the ratlomng, was hIt by one of the Library of Tehran, In the library of and DepUly Abdul Rashid from
10 Khartoum to Interevene In
portraits and pholographs 01 Emir der yesterday All pnces are now Reliable buyers since 1939 Tel: 24935 An unprecedented cut In the new refugees I n the Middle
the South ArabIan crisis. summer's heaVIer raInstorms Hyderabad, India. and In the
Khakralz praIsed the services of
Sher All Khan Emir Abdurrahman given only In deCImal curren· FARMINGDALE, NEW JERSEY price of Shah PasaDd vegetable East
In a caple he said theIr action Farhadi Returns From UN Tuesday But the three inches Onent Library of Moscow I have Dr Anas
Khan Emir Hablbulla Khan and cy 07727. oil. . The formatIOn' of the Near KABUL, Aug 3'-The director- (7.6 cm) of ram that tropical seen a II ot them"
CINEMA KABUL East Emergency Donations was necessary If South ArabIan ZARANG. Aug 3. (Bakhtar)-
:su<.:h promlncnt figures of XO yc,trs Ollg'inally sterlIng was to INDONESIAN EMBASSY Shah Pasand-the best veget- dIsputes, maInly between the general of polIttcal affaIrs at storm Fran IS expected to brmg Goya Etemadl said thal there
INDIAN FILM (NEED) Committee mcludes
ago a'" t;ard<lI Mohammad Ayub have remamed In Circulation un- "LEADER" (COLOUR) NEEDS able all a val1able. Front for LiberatIon of Southern the ForeIgn Mlntstl'l6o Dr. Rawan WIll make lIttle dIfference to was only one Iram wnter by the One hundred and four boxes of
HELP WANTED Shah Pasand-tasty, healthy, the preSIdent of TIme Incorpor- Farhadl. arnv~d here this morn- tJ> 10 to 20 mches (25.3 to 508 black tea allegcdly bemg smuggled
Khan the Iltln 01 Malwand Slpah til the begmOlng of 1968, but Afghan clerk typist. Must STARRING DlLIP KUMER. VY- A sktlful translator typist Yemen (FLOSY) and the NatlO- name of Suhalh who claims In a
I thers
Hussain '\11
Parwanla added
me Pakl~t.anl delegale
Khan and

N Hl"l,
was abohshed when the publIc
took to the new currency
Ickly A campaIgn has now be-
so qu·
speak and read English, Full
time. Apply Personnel Office.
capable of translation from
Pashto. Dari to English and vice'
and dependable.
You can buy yow' Sbah Pa-
sand from any store In the towD.
ated, who is servIng as chaIrman
of the fund-raIsing program-
rtal Llberatton Front (NLF) were
not to become Involved lQ ciVil war
109 from New York.
Dr Farhadi had accompani-
ed Pnme Minister Mohammad
I cn , that authontIes say wil! be
ill ded before the sItuatIon IS
b, 'k to normal.
book that 13ehzad w.ls burled m
Tabnz I'But he falls to gIVe any
reason for hiS argument," \....oya
out of the country by a Kandahar
Transport Umon lorry dnven by
Alta Mohammad were seized in
American Embassy DAILY--2---.!>---8 p.m. • versa . The _commIttee will begin im- In Khartoum, It was reilorted
a ...ketl what ...tcps ha<Ye been taken gun m AustralIa to mtroduce ~...... fi that a Somah delegation to the HashIm Malwandwal to the oPe-, tihIna has continued to Ignore Etemadl saId '1 Joy Nau, ChakhansoOl by the
to Insure Ihe o;;arcl> I.. lf these highly metTic weIghts and measures, medIately to· solicit contrIbutions ning of the UN Generaf Mem- a request 10 May from Hong Meleklan ot France said that Al- police
foreign mmJsters' conference
v,tluable manuscrIpt'> to replace the pounds and yards from U.S bUSIness. fIrms and blx emergency session on the Kotlg that additional water be ghan scholars shouJd undertake a In Islam Qala. Heral provmce. 20
pnvate foundations Interested in IS 10 hold politICal and military
Parwanta 'iald that he had done sYstem st,ll operating 10 Anglo- talks 10 the Sudanese capItal Middle East He stayed on 'to supphed. Hong Kong under contract study ot the calhgraphy m the Beh- sheep and 35 kg of black lea alleg-
everythIng necessaQ' to see that Saxon countries the Near East and In human attend later 'meetings of the wuh ChIDa, recclves 15 b,llIon gal- zad manuscript More should be dly bemg smuggled out of the coun·
before returnlOg to MogadIshu

welfare generally
• The commIttee will also con-
Saturday. Assembly, which noW has gone
IOto recess.
Ions from the mamland
Oclober and July
between dIscovered about Sultan All the tryon a donkey were seized by the

East African Treaty Hope duct a national advertISing pro- The Somah delegatIOn has ob-
server status at the Arab confer-
calligrapher -when and where he
lived, etc -to be certam that the
gramme to arouse pubhc interest
In Its efforts ence, but its compOsition mdica- , , mmlatures are by Behzad
Professor Hablb1, the chairman I.),J.
HER AT. Aug 3, (Bakhla,) -An
exhIbition of miniature art was
, .
OldlOary and spectal funds, the
(C011ltnued from paRr 2)
Three East Afncan mlOlsters ,est gmng to Kenya
The money Will be turned ove~
to the .uN Rehef and Wbrks
tes its main Interest maY be
In wlnmng Ara b support for its
Child Centre For Herat
HERAT. Aug 3, (Bakhlar).-The
Jewel Thier' Poser the semmar, said that FekrI Saljoukl
has wrltten a book on call1gtoaphers,
opened by Governor Mohammad
Slddtq here yesterday There are

-one fJ am each coun try-to as- It IS hoped to acquire outsIde own terrItonal claIms \on Kenya, foundation stone. of a chIld and
Slt the East Nncan Authonty
(the Ihlee Presldent~) Each
Investment of
bank If thiS
£4.000,000 for the
does not materIa-
Agency for Palestme Refugees
UNRWA has agreed to use EthiOPIa and French Somaha
Somalia gIves Its unqualified
mother care centre was laId by Go- Is Convicted and It ~s belOg publiShed shortly.
The morOUlJ: seSSion was also
32 minlatures by Mohammad Ur~
shad Bebzad Sal/oql on display.
the funds to assist Oliw refugees vernor Mohammad SiddJQ yester- addre:ssed by Dr J. Becka of
mln,ster to be able to attend lIse the East Afncan partners saId to number llseveral hundr- support to the Arabs and has 'al- day. Herah bUSinessmen are m~t­ LONDON, Aug. 3, (Reuter)
WIll contnbute agaIn equal ways stood on the side of the -A 48-year-old Briton who fo- Czechoslovakia, Dr D Cela]lC: of
meetIngs of hiS own country's In
ed thousands" Ing the cost of the bUIlding. esll- YugoslaVIa and Mohammad TaqI Arrivals And
cabinet ploportlOns. Arab people agamst Israel anQ mated al Af. I mIllIon It WIll be oled London jewcllers by posing
The commuOlty's headquarters The 37 members of the NEED DaOlshpazho ot Iran
(8) The Cnurt of Appeal for board of dIrectors melude Euge- 2 10msm, said an embassy state- "'Iulpped by WHO and s1alfed by as a member of the aristocra.-
Eastern Afnca IS to continue as Will be set up at Arusha 10 ment here' the PublIc HealIh MmlStry CY. an officer, aDd equerry to Dr Becka said there were 350
ne Black, former presIdent of Darl manuscrIpts In Czech lIbraries
the COUlt of Appeal ror East Northern TanZanla-Jn the cen-
the World Bank, and David Roc- the Queen was sentenced to
tre of East Afnca and half way "Most of these books are In' the
POSSibly the mosl
POlOt fOi TanzanIa-the
between the Cape and Cairo.
ThIS Will prOVide an Important
kfeller, chaIrman of the board of
the Chase Manhattan Bank. USSR WANTS 'ECOSOC ~O
I :
John Charles Winter had
Orient Library and the
Library 10 Prague"
KABUL, Aug.;3, (Bakhtar)-
Mohammad Qasim, an official
of the Kabul SIlos who had gone
They also -l.ndude executIve and Among these manuscripts are
boost for the town to the SovJet Union fIve years
relation In the industrial sector
-IS the development bank The Already £1,000,000 has been board chaIrmen of such finns as
InternatlOnal BUSIness MachInes. STUDY MIDEAST ISSUE Haft Aurang of Jaml, mcluding hiS
ago to study engineering. retur-

eal marked 1m bUlldlOg prolects more than 2,000 sterling'. Ba)18restan and Naubakht "There
three countnes will subscnbe Trans World AIrlInes.' AlumIn- ned to Kabul yesterday
equally the Intlal £6000.000 ca· About 300 familIes WIU be mov- GENEVA, Aug. 3 (Tass)- One of them resulted from are also some other manuSCf1pls such
IUm Company of Amenca as Khamsa, NadIr el WaqaI, Meh-
Mohammad Farouq Serai
pltalIsatlOn but TanzanIa and Ing In to the area Work starts Israel should pay compensation in full tor the damage cau- his Inducing a Jeweller to Part secretary-general of the Afghan
Uganda ealh receive 38~ per before the year ends sed to the A!ab countries and also restore all captured property wIth a neckt""" worth 620 raJul Salekm, ElahI N,~ma, Sa]lat,
Selselatul AsheQm, and anthology OlympIC ASSOCiatIOn who had
cent of Its total Investment from Mwanza on Lake Vlctona wl11 and matenal, the leade.r of the Soviet delegation, A. V. Zakha· sterhng by posing as an eq- gone to the Soviet UOlon a week
r?v, dec~ared at the Umted Nations Economic -and Social Coun- of JaghtBnt. an anthology ot
be~ome the Inland manne servI- FLOSY Rejects uerry to Queen Elizabeth. ago to partiCIpate 10 the natIO-

ces centre whIle the harbours ct.1 meetIng Tnesday. Calling himself Lieutenant Shaukat Bokhan and Akbar Nama,"
he said nal sport festival of the repub·
admInlstratlOn WIll be from Dar He was speaktng on the Sov' look the same stand Colonel Allen he first Intra- hcs of the SovIet UnIOn. return-
es Salaam. that of posls and Amnesty Offer let draft resolutIOn on the ques- The repre~entallve of Cze h duced blmself to the Jeweller The Yugoslav delegate saJd that
ed to Kabul yesterday
, Weather Forecast telecommunicatIOns from Kam- lion of eltmmallOn of ilIe ectlOo- lovakla and the observer ~r~~ by ordering a brooch-to cost there were 15 000 Dan ArabiC
Mohammad Aref Ghausl pre-
pala and East Afncan A,rways CAIRO Aug J. (AP)-The and Turkish ~anusf.~rlpts·In YU8D-
m,c consequences of the "Israeh Iraq proved the untenability of no more than 5.000 sterllng- slav hbranes "We have Bulbulis- ~ sident of plannlOg 10 the Mmls-

from NairobI Front for the LIberation of Occu-
pied Sou'h Yemen (FLOSYI yes-
aggression The SovIet repre- the arguments of the United lor the Royal Pa1aAle. Then tan, Jame Jahan Nama, and an an- try of EducatIon who had gone
Most of the negotlatonns were sentabv.e stressed that the States and other countrtes a d he took the diamond necklace
Ic~day tho log) of J amI" he said tlrance 10 months ago to stu-
sho ~
Skies in the central regions can led out by teams of mlnts- rejected the Bnllsh amnesty
offer for Aden
events In the MIddle East had stressed that ECOSOC "on approval" and nothing There are one mlllJon Moslems In d ng 10 education under
of the cOlmtry WIll be partly ters from the three countrIes grave economic and SOCial con- take up the question of the / re was heard of b.Im. a 0 programme relurned
In a reporl from the Yer.nenl ca- YugoslaVia, he said There has been
cloudy. Yesterday Ghaznl bad 6 One was NstJo Swal, who untIl se~uences mr the Arab countnes nomIc consequences o~ tbe I John Charles Win- h e erday

mm of rain The warmest region PreSident Nyerere reshuffled pital of Sana'a, the Middle East a greal Interchange of mtormatlon
an also affected the economic raeh aggressIOn smce was th ther alalses"Lord Ha- and culture between the countnes of mad Isa AmlOpur. an
of the country was Farah with hiS cabmet was mlnlster for News Ag.n<y quoted a FLOSY Interests of many other count- main forum for dI'SCUS 1 f . _ milton," "Lord Varney,' and Central ASIa and the Middle East assIst t teacher 10 the College
a high of 44 C, 11,,1 F, North Sal· economic affaIrs and develop- spokesman warnmg that "Violent lies s On 0 In uLord G d' had of LIterature of Kabul Univer-
b.lltles agalnsl the ImperIalists and E ternatlOnal economIc problems ranar - 30 pre- throughou t the ages. he concluded
ang was the coldest redon with menl planning Now he IS Tan- I Bour! (LIbya expressed gratl- 10 the hght of the pnn i les f vlous convictions and had sP- The delegate tram Iran discussed sity who had gone to the Federal
Ihelr .~genls will be SJd 1n Aden

a low of 11 C, 52 F. zamas minIster to East Africa- tude to the Sovlel UOlon for the Unlled NatIOns Ch {P 0 ent a good deal of his Ufe In Repubhc of Germany a year ago
a flttlOg rewa-rd for his serVI- 'ioon the resolutIOn it had tabled and ar er prison , the development of the NastahQ
The temperature in Kahul at to learn German. returned to
10 a.m. was 29 C, 84 F. ~es at the conference table FLOSY IS one of ral banned called upon the partICipants- ------------- _ SCript which ongmate<! lD Afghams-
tan He regretted that WI th the de- Kabul yesterday
Yesterday's temperatures: Asked to commen t on the trea- organlsahons engaged In fighting 10 the sesSion to approve 11. /'le- velopment of prmting machines and Mohammad Akbar ShallZl. di-
ag.llnst Ih~ HnlJsh presence In South
US Plans No ~pectacular Bid
Kabul 33 C I4 C ty. Swa' said "We thtnk we presentahves of KuwaIt, Maroc· rector of Afghan Film. and Ab·
91 F 57 F have deVIsed a system which Arabia .tnd IS generally regarded the newspaper Industry. people In
co and observers from the UAR dul Samad Asefl. dIrector of
42 C 27 C Will enable us to have a more as the mosl Important and Iraq gave many facts prov- Iran began losing tntere:;t in calli-
Kandahar photography 10 the Mimslry of
For ~eace In Vietnam
107 F SOF eqUitable dIstrIbutIOn of indust- The spokesman added that there Ing the serIOUS e(JJnomlc dam- graphy some 40 years ago.
InformatIOn and Culture, who
"erat 42C 22C ries wlthm the communtty Will be a general stnke In Aden age mflIcted by Ihe IsraelI ag- had gone to the Sov,el Union to

107F 72F We have of course. made pro· when the speCial Umted Ntltions gressIOn
WAS~INGTON, August 3, (AP).- pal tlc,pate on the filth IOtema-
Jalalabad 37 C 29 C VISIOn for a politIcal presence miSSion starts t<ilks In Geneva
Talks should be conducted With
The United States delegate, The U.S. State Department denied Wednesday that tbe Un- World Brielfs tiona I fIlm festival. returned to
98F 84F WIth regard to the day-to-<iay A GoldschmIdt claimed that Kabul yesterday
runntng of affairs through the FLOSY as true representatives of (ted States Is planning "some spectacular peace move" to end RAy,rALPINDI, Aug 3, (AP)
8aghlan 40 C 18 C ECOSOC should' not dISCUss the the Vietnam war. Twenty-three students from
104 F 84 F three East AfrIcan mmlsters-a
matter unfortunately lacl~ing 10
Ihe people of the Arab soulh.
spokesman saId
Ihe queslIons connected Wlth the In a public comment on a Colua PreSidentIal

adVisers ClarkClif-
-Saudi-ArabIan Defence MiniS-
ter Sulten BIn Abdul AzIZ w,ll
vaflous high schools who had
Bost 43 C 27 C SItuatIOn 10 the Middle East mbla J3roadcasting System news gone to the Umted States under
109 F 80 F the past C "We wlll not accept any bar- because they were "political quo tord and General Maxwell D Tay- VIsit PakIstan l\.ugust 5-10, the the Amencan FIeld ServIce re-
•, galnmg We Wlll strike hard agamst eshons" and dId not fall under
story. Ihe State Dep~rtment said the lor, are on a tour at nations' who defence milll1ltry announced
On the prospects of the treaty
leadIng eventually to a wider
pohtlcal federation, Swal com' -B\)\~N~G!RO}8 .' anyone who accepts half
110ns," the spokesman added.
solu- the CouncIl's competenee. The
Brlttsh and CanadIan delegates
Untted States
endmg Hsearch
east ASia" but
continues a never-
tor peace in South-
needs some respon·
are contrlbutmg troops to the fight
an Vietnam, but the State Dapart-
meqt sou,ght 10 discourage the idea
Aziz IS ViS' tIng Paklsl an 10
response to an mVlltbon from
turned to Kabul yesterday after
attend 109 schools there for

mented "As you kDow, polItI- The Bnush hIgh commiSSIOner In

se trom North Vle'tnam to peace that they or the Johnson administ. PakIstan Defence Mmiste r VIce
cal prophecY IS extraordInarIly Ad.n, SIr Humphrey Trevelyan. an- proposals ra.hon were proposmg a bombing Admiral A R !{hin, the .".noun- Jirgah Discusses Budget
unpredictable But I can S<IY (U well a. to: LONDON· FRANKFURT ·G~NEY~.~OME·MOSCOW
.' -
nounced the Bntlsh amnesty ofter
Tuesday An offiCIal announce-
. UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 3, ft. for the CBS report that pre- halt as a spectacular peace move cement added KABUL, AJ.lg 3, (Bakhtar).-
thiS much The stronger the eco- (Reuter).-Secretan1-General U slden t Johnson is considerine balt-
CAIRO ·BEIRUt· DHAHRAN ·TEH RAN· KABUL·KARACHI·DACCA ment said no action wc.uld be Thant expressed distress at the The development budget of the
nomiC ties the easIer the politi- 109 the bombmg ot North Vietnam P,enlagon sources said they \}'ere WASHINGTON, Aug. .3, (Reu- Mlmstry of Agnculture and Ir'
taken agaInst anyone handlllg In loss of hfo and property damage
cal bes become. Iv'e' no doubt KHATMANDU· RANGOON, CANTON ·SHANGH....I I as a major peace gesture about the aware ot no "b1g push" Within ada ter) -PrInCe Sadruddtn Aga ngatlon for the current Afghan
arms by August 3I caused by extensIve floods in
about thIs" time of next month's. South Viet~ mInIstration circles to mitiatc an- Khan, uN HIgh Comn3JSSlOner year was discussed by the Mesh-
The treaty becomes effectIve Trevelyan had Just returned from Pakistan. I' namese elections, a Slate· DepartL. otjIer halt in aIr slrll\es again.t for Refugees, has .been esked to rano Jlrgah yesterday.
New Yode, where he dIScussed the

- on December I Most East Afri- He said he was asking the UN ment spook""man saId, "I know of NQt:th Vietnam
ARIANA CINEl\IA South ·Arabian mtuarion WIth the representattve on the spot to try to stop the extradi tion of The meeting, which was at-
cans look to thIS date as the. no specifiC conslderation in that • ThiS is not to say. they added former Congo Prime Min Ister tended by 36 Senators, was pre-
'\1 :!. 5. 7 30 and ~ 30 p.m one on WhICh the first tangible lhree-man UN mtSSJon whIch VISJt- mobllIs~ help. in the stricken

connection tied to the elecllons In that bombmg-- policies art\' not revle: Tshombe {tom Algeria, ... lav.7Yer SIded oVer by Senator Abdul Ha-
cd Aden earlier IhlS yenr area.
Amencan cmemascope colour film steps towards a t~e federation PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAl. AIRLINES • South Vietnam!' wed perJodlcal1y announced here YesterdElY. dl Daw'
In Farsl GUNFIGHT AT THE WIll be taken Ana others are
U K CORRAL hopmg that Zambia will become
PARK CDlEMA a full partner In tbe not-too-dis-
At :! 30 5. 8. and lOp m tanl Tuture '------------:-----~----------'-=::...--.,---:...,

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i' ". . e llalf' ,:.", ~d~Role'1~6~~lBritain's:Nmteaif:.ot~
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~'his '~"·P/ ' - " ~;';Cbb~.)oiher'~:~' Jiow.

" .j t ' l ' •• '." l •

I, , " ,:' ,
regime as Britaifi's\,secretal')',tor ' , "II,,·.D.vtd:DI~De ever, erudal·til:'thli ,stl.j*"(II! •
D ' H'~.~y
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.caM;;#.Sl" ;.JJChi'7' "'" 9 ,
109 polIcy, sald:,l'T)iere"has been Ithe steps she Is taJilIllJ towards pi8jtiwiticN' ~ch." ,ta:IUlil!IBii, •
no real at~e~p~: to nultch polltl· joinlnll the Common Market.'
Doul1ts ore more cruel than Iht!
cal ~lIIIilitments:,tb"mllitary
"means" that· has aroused' the
.re. ,
On the substimtlal contribution loudest criticism. IlnenY, he
solirces, stI11'lessU~~relate the" th'at: Britain - WIll Continue to proposes to replace ,bases 'by iJn-
,,~" Students. Are,
, . What Makes Earthquakes
resoul'Clls maeJeia ble' fOl:','de- . 'make to';NATO,.the white' paper provemertts in'~lA~e,p. , '. 5ch'ool Accepts And Where They' Strike
I "..
fence to the' eCODoinlc circwnst- spells olft, that this will "become vings Inherent In Pie e, ,it, A teacher about 300 years ago best, .:. _. 8. to treat
ances of the natlon.'" even more important as we is estimated. will PlaY an -iJn· ,commented that 'the miild 'of a ; ~pmetimes ,t-h~y 'Wro~, ,pl!!ys, ~~;; ~,Ia.. Last week many people died 7, to cause
100 'New Students
In'~e strOnilest~sense this an- for tile studenu ,101 act~out.: Ur
deWllop cllJ!(!r political -and ,eco- portan.t,'PBrt in . the I'8tionaUsa- s!lhool . boy is like a narrow-
of ?'" p~r,.c~~l~~t '- il). ail earthquake in Turkey.
THE KABUL TIMES alysls of 'the problem impliCit ill nOlDic ties','1fetw'eeu 'Britain 'and tion, ot.: future defence ,Ie:zpendi-
national defence represents ,Hea- he~ Europe'an neighbours.'r 'ture., ' "
neckea ~ottle, It 'takes in ~~
of ,Ie~,;in-Uttle drops, but"
they 'made ,games out 'Jearn-
mil .li\ng uages 'or ma.inem'atics • "
10: to appear
v:-L:...;., .jIJ,) Thi. ortlcle abo!!t the' • PUblic
AdministraUon School wa.a conni-
This week over 50 died in one
in Caracas, Venezuela. Since
8. 11000
~ey's credo, Tne supplementary And; " Hellley 'go~ on,with ~The savi14l Is Prl9fold in ,.thaL . any large quantIty 'you ~ .io ,oy Wrt,~Ing 'words or equatIons
buted bll M, Nawob Sailed Zo!!11 , 1900 oVer one million people
statement on defence policy' Is 'door emphasis,",.:,our milital')' mllbile forces can· witllln 1I111its pour In spills. over an(i: is wast- ,on playmg 'cards, 9, wave
Publish.d .v.ry day except Fridalls and Alghan pub· ~ -J.an B<U#ist. Moliere Wardak, a student at the school, have died in nature's worst kind
a determined attempt to achieve' streri8th outside Europe will be employed in, ,for eXlIIDpJe ed. Patlertce, Pati~nce. Patience, I ,Tnus stUdents learned be- 11. to adapt
I,c holidays by ,h. Kabul Tim.s P.blisJnng Agency ~ a solutioJ1 of these 'problems haove little value if It is achieved I other oceans than the, Indian, , ca~ they wanted to, not be- of disaster. The total loss of
1IIIIlllllllllllllilllllllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli11111ll1Ulllli1l11l1I1IIJllllltllii "111111111ll'11111111111l111l1111111'1111l111l11l1111111l1l~tt1111111Il1111111l1l1U1I1I111l1I1111III,Illltllll111l111l In Eurdpe at tiiis time tea-" The Public Administration property is, almost impossible 10. epidemic
within this belief, at the"expense ,of our economic' cher! ~ueved 1\ W\lS', important cause they were' afrQ1d of being
strength at home. Th~''stro~ly welcomed and beaten if they dId not learn, 12. ch3racter H,gh School is located in back to comprehend.
to treat' eacll pupil d,\lferently,
Did De Gaulle Say The Wrong Thing? Any debate on defence inevit- This ;truth is, or should be, neceSSary additions to 'the NavY '
.ably arouses emotion, Th~t It selfoevident"'I,The '"Jl:iilitap" bur· a<e an 'integral ~ of' this, 'The
A gooa teacae!; aaa to ne a
pS'y~"owg.st. 'iUtnougn 11.14 sm-
, Children began learnmg IdI1Ii-
cult subjects When they were 13,:alike
of the' Kabul Museum in Darnl-
aman, The school was establish-
ed in 1939, when it was called
' Earthquakes are very dan-
gerous because they often st- 11 damage
has been criticl~ from the cx- den of Britain's, F.ar East forces lIIDphibious capability iriherent U~Hl.::i luay ap'p~ar loU oe v~ry
very young, By the tIme they art fires,' cause floods or Wge
The outcry of some publicity organs and ling for French Canadian Independence. treme left and the extreme in 'their'· present disposi- in the CODUll&ndo carriers and W\lre seven they knew several the Secretarial, School The stu- Waves from ihe sea, and 'Cause 12, strain
It Is here that the heart of tbe matter lles. 'rlght suggests that Healey bas tions has' been' 'o~t of the new types of assault tIhlp Is D1UCU tney are leauy
14. principle dents who graduated from this
officials of some governments over tbe state- t:acil VtH Y aw.el'euJ, ana teacl,L- difficult languages. epIdemICS, All this can happen
ment made by President Charles de Gaulle of The French Canadians, as a French officlal I arrived at centre, ' , proportion 1'0', the real ,str- to be extended and -the ,,&band- school became' clerks in minIS-
Their education was not dlvl' m ,addition to the damage to
France on French Canadians shows narrow- said the other day, are sourrounded by more I Precisely 20 years ago, with ength of h~r forces olrerall, The onrilent of the aircratt cwner to lhg mw:n; oe auapl.ea to eacn lD- '
ded mto many subjects. 15. to ~tress
tries. '
bUlldmgs and homes,
13. force
mindedness and Is an attempt to 40wngrade de I
than 200 mUllon English-speaking peollie. the signing of the Indian Inde- conventional military base has be in some measure colnpe:d.Sat.. Q1 vHiuaJ. s cnaracter.
At the same time they learn-
Last year :Khadaldad Yaftah,
An earthquake happens wh- OJ'
Gaulle, who has proved himself to be the There Is every danger that they might lose pendence ~ct, Britain began the certain clear advllntages. They ed for by development in mlssi· Une teacn~r explaIned It tillS
ed Greek, they learned not only the princtpal of the school,
en bile stram from forces OI;l 14. surfacc
entity In course of time What long and ~Ifferent process of me- tend, however, to outweigh too les, in helicopters, In ~e'" new way, .,~uuel1tS are .U.Ke Salt, changed the name of it to the
champion of a completely new trend In interna-
tional policies, The wide criticism of de Gaul-
tbeir cultural
i '
t h. e peop_e of Quebec who are 01. French ori- wer to co-membershlp of a Com- tervailing disadvantages.,
tamorphosls from iniperial pO-' easily - in lay opinion the COun" command and C!JIItrol shlps'
. m improved coordination. With
ana sugar, nour ana cnalK, lney all
WOK ilIllie nut tney are ."auy
:the language. but also history;
geography and lit..atur. of " that
country, .,
16. to stifle
...r>\.....~ Pubhc Administration High
School. Now there arc 100 slu-
the surface of the earth is more
than the rock foundatIOn bel- 15, foundation
le's statement Is a refiectlon of tbe dIssatlsfac' gm want Is not exactly freedom, but some monwealth. 'the Implications of In Singapore and Malaysia the Air Fbrce. very amerent, :Some are good 17. Independence dents In three different classes, ow can bear. Then the rock
tlon some feel over his impartial approach to sort of local autonomy In which they would be the white paper follow that act Britain has maintained forces Cuts in, naval manpower will at maKIng speecnes, U.ner are Today teachers 'lire again ex- breaks at some point miles bei'
perimenting with many teaching 11, 10 A and 10 B, in the school.
world affairs, for standing against the Injusti- able to keep the cultural entity and survive In logical sequence. . in excess of 40,000 servicemen nat, it is' beliewd, affect :this gooa at wrItIng, !:lome, iute methods such as these used three 18. originality The SUbjects which are taught low the surface and sends ull 16. rock
ces that have been done to the Arabs and for the tbreat ,of cultural extinction. That through the 20 years Brl- over a considerable periad. sup- bUild-up., Heavy In all three ser- sc~entIllc researcn. Utaers are'
centuries ago In schools 10 Kabul are English, Dari. Pashto, eco- shock waves m all dIrectIOns Or--
opposing the continuation of bostlllUes In Viet· Let us not forget tbat France has long been tish garrisons In the Far East ported by approximately 40,000 vices, the cuts 'li>'1U be heaviest gOOd at learnIng languages, for Instance, learOlng Pashto partly nomics, science. office practices, at the rate of 400 miles per mi- 17. shock wave
nam. the champion of- freedom, What the French have been necessary. that they civilians. The demands of man- of all in the Army, which will AdaptanilIty was one major 19. purpose nute These 'jVaves cause the
lose 15;000 IiIen bv 1971 and at by lookmg at puppet shows IslamIC law, accounting, econo-
General de Gaulle, whUe on an oUiclal vi- President's statement meant was that his gov- have served a vital role in the power In bases have too often least as many agaIn by 111'15,
pnnCIple. but tnese teachers mIc geography, commerCIal ma- shakmg of the ground, 18. rate
sit to Canada, said that France workll to belp ernment would continue to support the cause protection and the developmellt been subject to Parkinsonian ac- also stressed the need for care- 20. to arrange SClen tIsts are workmg hard
cretion. 1. to comment thematics, algebra, bookkeeping
French Canadlaus realise the freedom alms of a representative of Frencb culture In the of newly independent countries, The Air Force will suffer fr- fui PJannmg, not so much as to to learn how to predIct earth-
The government and Healey ontline reductions, More aircrl\ft stIlle Indepenaence and ongm' ..J>, ; o .r"":' commerCIal correspondence.
they have set themselves. Tbe "QUebec Llbre" North American continentI IS demonstrable, Th'lt their rea- have 21 pleasure finance, typing. publIc rela- quakes so people can be warn' 19. to predict
hties have changed and are already decided that thE will be concentrated in the Uni- aUty but enougn lO glve sluaents _ 2. narrow-necked
caU, which was glveu in an address to univer- future vulnerability of ~he Ma. ted Kingdom, and It will lose tIons. and hIstory ed They already know the
sity student in Qucbec. created a lot of contro- It Is disheartening to see de GauIre's changmg is apparent. a purpose, They tned to arrange ~)\, two maID regIOns m the world
~aYSien area and equally of'the 14,000 in manpower by 1971. ThIS year the admInIstratIOn 20, to warn
versy, as a result of wbich de Gaulle had to speech being misinterpreted. The IndiScrib- The whIte paper In no way. eaucatlOn so tllat students had 3, drop 22, to encourage where earthquakes occur,
proposes desertion. On the con. Middle Eastern areas is not com By this dual process of reduc- plenty of free tune and recrea- ,P';
of the school deCIded to accept
cut his official visit short by one day, cancel- able wave of emotion stirred up against Gene- trary, these dIfficult deCIsions mensurate with the expenditures tIon and abandonment It Is ex. tIOn but dId not waste tune, 100 new students mto the tenth Afghamstan hes m one of
ling the talks he was to have bad with Prj. ral de Gaulle Is an absurd attempt to down- have been taken only after full related to manpower totals of pected that it will be posssible 23, to compete these areas It IS a curved belt 21 region
Good books were studied at 4. to pour grade They ranked from first
me Mlilister Lestcr Pearson of Canada. grade tbe personality of a man who has so em· consultation with Bntain's fri- this kind and that It can be sa- to reauce defence expenditure these schools, The teachers tned to fifth m theIr secondary runmng from Morocco m wes-
Apparently the statement made by de Gaul- minentIy proved bls ability on tbe internatlo- ends JD Australia, New Zealand, feguarded by other measures helaw £2,llOO,lJoo,OOO a year frOID hard to get theIr students in- 24, prize schools tern north Africa across the Me- ~2. to occur
Ie has been misunderstood or misinterpreted. naI scene, MalaySIa, Smgapore and else_ ThIS decision IS not new, It now on and to reach a rock bot· 5, to spUI When st4dent graduate from diterranean Sea, through the
was, in fact, imphcit m the es- tom of £1,800,000,000 at . terested In the subjects they
A French government statement issued Tues' Though French-Canadian relations have where 1964 were takIng, They told theIr the twelfth class of the Pubhc Middle East and Central ASIa.
tablishment of Malaysian inde- prices by 19'r5 25, to act out 23. curved
day in Paris throws light on some of the con- been deeply affected by General de Gaulle's students that learnmg was a 6, to waste Admm IstratlOn H.gh School ,1I.d down '0 the Island of Java
The deCISIOns do propose a pendence, It was certainly under' some of them WIll enter the
troversial points in tbe President's speecb. The speech, It Is certain, political observers belleve, ratJonallsatlOn of responslbih- hned by the, deciSIon not to pro- pleasure, They made It fun by In IndoneSIa.
statement makes it clear that de Ganlle did that they will not be severred Canada cannot tIes on both sldes-<Jn the SIde ceed wlth the aircraft carrier If this is achieved, it will encouragmg the pupils to com' 26. equation unI'Jerslty The others WIll be The second major earthquake 24, belt
mean, In Healey's view, an 7. patience
not make a mistake in delivering the Speech.,". • hurt all Its Frencb"SJleaklng people by taking of the Commonwealth powers to programme In 1966 It has been essential pete With each other and by clerks In dIfferent mlnlstnes, legIOn begms In New Zealand
step towanls the achi.

glWhi~h Ba;;yhC~ught The Fish?

Moreover, it says that the term "free" as used such a drastic step. In addition, tbe clariflca- prOVIde adequa'tely for their own ineVltable 'since the ending of evement of that financial sta- 27. to beat The teaching system m thIS (neat AustralIa) and runs 25, across
by de Gaulle did not imply Independence, Thus, ,ion given by the government of France on defence and on the side of Bri· confrontatIon bility Which is ftmdllJJlental cchool IS very successful and north, through the PhllIppme
when de Gaulle said "Long Live Free Que- the subject should satisfy Pearson and most taIn her necessary obligatIOns bath to a sound national econo- the members of the staff are Islands and Japan, to Alaska,
bec" it did not necessarily mean he was cal· other critics of de Gaulle, wlthm the limit of her 'capabi- The abandonment of bases, my and to a sound pattern of 28. to divide effiCIent and then south along the enhre 26. through
lttles It is WIth these capablh- WIth all that It imphes In poh- def,enre, 1, economics PaCIfic coast of tbe Amencas
tIes that the white paper is must tIcal and in economIc terms for No milItary SYStem is viable 29. literature People have learned (00 late 27. entire
concerned the countries most directly con- if It is :.ttained, as the Defence
The reorganlsatIon of BrItain's cerned, does not necessarily pro- Review of 1966 declared, "at the 2, science that It IS unwIse to bUIld cltles w-
Yesterday's /slah earned letters It IS hoped. the
cdltonal said, gesture of UAR PreSIdent Gamal
defence commItments should duce an Imbalance In the aver- expense of economic health n
also be VIewed in the hght of all mlhtary pOSItion, Its repl.· (LONDON PRESS)
30, to experiment
,P'; oUr 3. accounting
above large cracks m the rock
below the SUI face Agadlr m
MOl occo and San FranCISco m
28, coast

from Pnme Minister Mohammad that With the aSSistance of Abdcl Nasser to p,atch up diJferen.. 31 primary scbool "--.-l>.. the US, are two cItIes whIch 29, unwise
Hashim Malwandwal and Informa- UNESCO steps WIll be taken to re- ces With Saudi ArabIa Relatlotfs .; 1-= I ...:;.>:. 4, economic geography have been almost totally des'
tion and Culture MInIster Abdul pair and take other steps In the between the two Arab coootr6 32, partly • ..s,\...::;j\ ..... I~ troyed by earthqUllkes 30, crack
Rao[ Benewa on the 39th annIver-
sary of the dady's establIshment
preservation of our anCient works of have been slramed over the Yem&ni
art, \jI",jch have a high place In the Issue.
, New Zealand's Effort To Cut Road Deaths 3&. puppet sbow
:. 5, commerelal mathematics
BUIlders today have' two
theoues on how to con~truct
31, to destroy

"Now that you havc started pub~ cultural history of the region as" ...h l..; ........1:) bUIldmgs whIch can best wIth,
hshmg the dally Islah 10 elghl a whole. It IS hoped, saId the edltorikJ. After months of controver~y ough the courts WIth a rising ..s.JS" ~ W (Con rd. on pag. 4) stand earthquakes One Idea .s
pages. t, as a person mterested In In another edltonal the dally em~ thai SaudI Arabia, takIng IUto con- New Zealand has mtroduced a By George K. Koea total he is not forgotten. that the structure should be 32 builder
the development of the press, cong- phaslsed the need for greater uDlty SideratIon the gravity of the mo~ pomts system for erring drivers When he reaches 60 points be
ratulate y,ou and your colleagues
and Wish you success In your task.
among Arab countries for the ell-
mInahon of the consequences of the
ment Of tnal for the entJre Arab
world, will be responsive The solu-
to halt the riswg road Injury
toll The arguments are stilled
I tor offences comm.tted before
that date would start gather-
IS warned by a personal letter
from the conlmissioner of tran-
Student Crossword Puzzle lIght and fiexlble The other
theory says' the bUlldmg must :13, theory
of servmg the people," saId Mal- latest Israeh aggressIOn agamst tIOn of the problems faCIng the Arab whIle the country waits to see ing points, be very strong and rIgId.
sPOrt, I\t "15 be merits a visit by Ttl.ls crossword was con.tributed Damagmg as they are, SCIen-
wandwaL's letter addressed to the nelghbourtog Arab countries The world now reqUIres more than any- what happens. It was, as ane newspaper com- a senior traffic officer aDd there-
~dltor In chief of the paper edltonal welcomed the concllialory thmg else unity and solidarity_ mented, rather like changmg by a Wak,.l, II W, Ghall H,gh 12, I saw a film named-- tIsts belIeve earthquakes are 34, to construct
after be is on his own. School ~
BeDewa's letter read In part True, the death rate still runs rules while the game was in The drrver has to keep his 14 I have----to Paghman necessary. ErOSiOn weQrs
"Mr. Alawi. ] appreciate your de- at a record level (550 last year) - progress. Such IS the backlog Tbeae boys are In a tangle. !;Jan you llgure out which one ACROSS: ' , many times, mountaIns down, and Jf there :15. to withstand
own score. The transport depart-
CISion to prmt the paper m etght and the year's total is hkely to cases waiting to be heard that ment also keeps its total and au the Jlih? J. Past tense of to mean 15. My father's job IS mterest- were not earthquakes to push
.;...oJ li. J ..P Yo
pages from now on At the same
hme J hope that Side by SIde Wllh
be hIgher than ever.
But smce
some offences still to be brought
April I, when the before the courts were commit-
the driver hopes the two will
tally. '
A ,King Instructs His Minister 2, I went to school and my
brother did------
tlng ----work IS Import" them back up the earth wouid
ant. become a place of stagnant seas :16. structure
points system was mtroduced, ted months ago. 3 Do you want this <In,ee---
Ihe phYSIcal expansion of the dally
the aCCIdent rate has slowed But the mmister of tTansport,
ManY SlJlY they have entnIgh Th. srory was rranslat<d by A, 10. mistake 17. A word meanIng to gIve and swamps,
there WIll occur a SimIlar Increase to att~nd to already in keeplnll MOlin ROIlJ.n, 11 B, HabiblQ H.gh that one? off The stars--light. 1. earthquake :17. flexible
In Its moral strength and etfecuve- 'down. J B, Gordan, said the system had a vehicle on the road without 4 A word meaning at the pre-
received WIde publicity when it School. from (! primary grade Per· 11. to resolve 20 The Elffel----IS m
ness ThiS IS poSSible only when a The Tunes 10 an edltonal the canal, at whIch nommal Egypt- The transport department IS was adding to tIile bookkeeping, The stan reader sent tIme. Pans, France 2. nature 38. rigid
paper hannonises Us publIcations headlined The Prmces Revolt said Ian tolls could be charged off agai- not drawing any conclusions at ber being considerCjl last Octo- transport department says it Once upon a time there was .:-I'; ~ 7 I want to-to the mOVIe, 1. to mean
WIth the people's wishes It should "Mrs. Gandhi's lefl-WIng senti- nst the massive SOVIet credIts (0 the thIS stage. Not tIll near the end has not the staff or time to no- 8 A person who has no ,
recognIse the people's problems, ments are bound to be affronted Unted Arab' RepublIc. the paper of the ~ar can it start looking
One stipendtary magistrate
tIfy interested parties and the
a good kIng, One day he heard
that one of hIS mInisters was
THE POOR MAN clothes on IS--- 3, disaster 39. erosion
pOlOt out theu needs and diagnose at the thought of Indla's Princess says. aj trends" Yet the bope remains cost wouId be too high, 9. I go to school in - - to
social problems, suggestmg appro- forming a self-help orgamsation The Kansas CUy Ttmes on Bntish has called the sYstem fundamen- No one is entirely happy about unjust to a poor farmer, The ThiS folk tale tuas translated btl ,,;"-';' o~\..... ~~
that the system will be effect- kIng deCIded to IDVlte the min- Ahmad Z,a Sultant H D Student at learn something 2 present (adjective)
pnate: Solutlons for them to dlght the Congress party's pro· withdrawal from Southeast ASia Ive. tally wropg in principle and In the chosen offences, F{}r exam- 4, loss 40. to wear down '
posal to abolIsh theIr provy pur· practice inept and ill-considered, ple. drIving under the influence Ister to eat with him, Hablbla. 11 Work you do to earn a
:iald "ll is eJifficult to aVOid the .;.,J'. ~ ,)1
"A newspaper, to gaIn strength ses.
Under the scheme pomts are He said that he believed in a of drink (40 POints) seems deci- One day a man and his wIfe salary. 3, clothes
the conclUSIOn 1hat, no matter After the minister came and 5. property 4L stagnant
and enhance Its populanty, must "If thIS were a straight ISSue. whal steps the Bnnsb mIght take, allocated to the record of mo- demerit System, but It should dedly more than four times as were eatmg theIr dmner There 13 My uncle VISIted us last ;"..,..J I
torists convicted in court-<ie- apply to offences not serious en- they all sat and talked for a was a knoc~ on the door, A beg- Jl..
wage a struggle: agamst 19norance pressed by a still honoured and ,he end effect of (WIthdrawal) Wlll SerIOus as dnvIng a car without while the kIng invited every-
week I WIll Vlsit---at JW .r.f'
respected National parry. there IS
fective tyres or no tail light (10 ough to earn dIsqualifIcation an effective horn (10) A penal- gar asked for a piece of bread Jashen, 6, to comprehend 42, swamp
and carry the torcb of knowledge be preceplIbly to dlsturh the bala- pomts), drivmg under the influ- On fIrst conVIctIon, The power to one mto the dinmg room, :I'here
10 the darkest and remotest parts no doubt that Indian pubhc OPi- nce of power If) Southeast ASia, to ty of 25 points for carele59 dri- But the man told hIm to gq 15 Possessive pronoun for
ence of drugs or drink, drIving Impose penalties . ought proper_ ving could hit hard a person were many kinds of exotic foods away and did not give hIIIl any 5, uncle
of the counlry. It should endeavour nIon would share the govern- Ihe detnment of the free peoples of whIle dlsquahfled, reckless or ly to lie WIth the courts and she
to promote further our nanonal ment's feeh,ng that enough Justtce the: regIOn, as well as to the: West making the most minor error of on the table, But there was no bread He went back to the 16 We--on benches In
dangerous drivwg (40 points),
unity and fight agalOst
dlscnmmation and social InJUSl)ces
oeedless 'had been done 10 these sections
I of"Infeudalfact rulers
as a wbole The offer of Ibe WIl-
son admlDlstratnon to consult With
Notching 100 points m a Year
nowhere else
Gordon pomted out that un-
brings automatic dIsqualification der the system no smgle offence
Judgment or guilty of Inatten-
bread After the meal the kmg
asked the miruster, "Did you
table and finIshed his meal.
After some years the man and
• :13S~ every d:ty
18 Do you want--go home?
\J. possessive A FOOLISH FAR.MER
It should lead the people toward a Although New Zealand cons.- enjoy the feast?"
progresslve life on the baSIS of s0-
CIal ,ushce
the Issue has become so
entangled With pohlles Ihal
gress oannot escape much of the
BntaIn's allIes subsequent to adop-
han of a sharply constrIcted defence
pOllcy wdJ hardly serve to reassure
for SIX months, If the total IS leads to the cancellation of a dri-
reached m more than 12 months ver's hcence This power is left ders its aCCident toll high, two
vIsItIng AusCralian road safety "Yes. I did," rephed the mm-
hiS WIfe became poor They
were unhappy They left each
AbbreViation for mister.

I The mam part of a machine

7. bench LOSES HIS Dt.")HKEY
Dut under two years you are dIS- to the directIOn of the courts, experts from New South Wales other and the woman marned
blame If tbe Pnncess now feel them to any large degree We Ame~ qualIfIed for three months Pro· lster "There were many kinds which makes It move
.. It IS my WIsh. therefore, that that the stronger cards are In ncans would appear to have parti- The erring driv~r gathering are Impressed by the record: 4.6 of food I have never seen But aglun 9. main TIllS S/OT11 was contnbuled bll a d,Jdn't obey my mother and fa-
VISIon IS made for a driver to pomts certamly has plenty of 5 You don't look well. Are j!udelH at Maryam School. ther so I became a donkey
whatever you and your colleagues their pIle. cularly legllimate grounds (or de~ New ZealandeI;S for evel')' 10,000 unfortunately there was no One day while she and her
clear h.s record, One deCISIon warning. He can, of course, lose vehicles on the road,are killed new husband were eatmg there you slck---just tIred? One day a foolIsh farmer When you bought me today I
wnte. you sbould conSider first and The SOVIet UnIOn IS beheved 10 plonng the aU-too-probable result that upset drivers was the rulmg hIS hcence for an offence with- bread. so I didn't .get enough to 8. abbreviation
be exertmg Its mfluence toward agaInst 8,5 in their own state: was a knock on the door, A fi Many years---I read bought a black donkey. He bed became a boy again,"
foremost the WIshes and aspirations on our own burdens that those conVICted after April out pomts, but If he scrapes thr· eat ..
of the peopl. and the wellheing of an early reoperung of the Suez (GEMINI) poor man asked for a pIece of that book It to the end of a rope and took
"I see," said the kmg "That 8. If you meet a king you 10, star the other end m hIS hand. The farmer was sad to lose
the nallon. ' Only thus would you Canal, the mternatlonal Herald The PhIladelphia l'fU/tIlrer On UN bread The wife ,went to get his little black donkey But
.s true Without bread, no one shou1d---- After a whIle the farmer be-
have employed your talents In the TrlbllTU! Qeportojd 'quotmg dIplom- SecrClary-General (J 1)aot said hIm some bread When she he couldn't ""'ep the boy "Go
has enough to eat That is why 10 A negatIve answer, came tired He sat down under
true service of the country." atic sources to Moscow "Than I has been SnIptng at Un- we must be kind to farmers." gave It to the poor man she 11, light home," he told the boy, "and
Yesterday's Ants lO an editorIal
stressed the Importance of preserv-
Ing our cullural heritage The
RUSSia was concerned both
dIslocation of Its own
trade and by Egyptian rcvcnue tos-
Ited Stales policy iD Vietnam for a
long time, but hiS lalest tirade JS
the foulest hiow yet (m hIS speech)
Yugoslav Doctors Nurse 'Siamese Twins' Then the mlmster saw h.s
mIstake. He resolved to be kmd
recogrused her former husband,
"You should have given some
11 Somethmg made of glass
to keep frui t m ...
a tree and fell asleep
Soon a man and hiS son came
al ways obey your mother and
manuscnpts and caillgrapblc arts
dIsplayed at the audltonum of
ses, II says
The SovIet merchant ships were
Thant allIed himself openly and em-
phallcally wllh communist forces in
I The 21-year-old I1iQka, wile ot the
farmer MillvoJe Jovanov1c. gave
and breathes separately But they ha, been a htUe k.inder to the "Sla~
to farmers from that time on bread to the beggar who came
to our door many years ago,"
alung and saw the farmer as-
leep "1 am gomg to take hiS
The next day the farmer went
bad, to the bazaar to buy an-
ha ve one diaphragm and theIr mese twins" of MaglllJ than to dunkey," the man saId to. hIS other donkey,
Kabul Umverslty, It said,' shows usmg the canal al an annual rate Vietnam U Thant has committed birth to two girls "SlaJUe6e tWlDS"- hearts and livers are hnked. Luni's 1. minister she saId, "Perhaps all thIS mIS-
those born earlier. U SO a success. son All of a sudden he saw hIS
that Afghanistan has a ncb herit- of 1,500 10 1,800 hefore last months an unpardonable breach of etique- at DOllJa BecinJa Village near Mag- are separated but have one and the ful outcome of the op~ratlon may .1'-) J fortune would not have occur-
age 10 art and culture. Middle East war Ihe Ht'rald 1 ri- tte the office of Secrctary-General laJ In YugoslaVia on Juiy 11. The red .. No.' $lud the son' "When the black donkey again He walked
same blood Circulation system. bc expected.
All theu: works constitute our na- bune said. IS an admmlSlraltve one. not a pol~ babies have theu che&ts and sto~ The babies live in an incubator, I, knock farmer pulls on the rope and up to It and saId, "How foolish
Surgical mtervention is possible 2, un;..t the. e IS nothing there he WIll
ltonal treasure. and as such arc Smce the war Soviet trade With Icywmakmg one if U 10ant does machs uniled and thcy weigh 4.5 allbouab ,not prematurely bom. A you at e I told you to obey your
only after the babies are 12 kg. in
pnceless. The preservauon of these South Asia has bad 10 be rerouted- not Wish to comply with restric~ .kg They have been named Milka lemperature at 37 degrees C. and weight. To achieve this, a couplc
wake up very qUIckly" mothe. and father. Now you
and other hlslonc works of an such either around the Cape of Good t10ns goverOlng the behaVIOr of In· and Mdlca the necelsa.n' degree at humldlty are 2, beggar "Not .f you hold on to the end are a donkey agam What a
of months of constant and careful 3, to invite of ,the rope aftel' I take the
as monuments and pillars tS, there~ Hope or across overland routes ternatlonal CIVil servants he should ThiS fare medical phenomenon cofiGtantly maintained in the mcuba- effort will be needed foolISh boy."
fore. our foremost naltonal duty Both roules are much cpsther than resign .. (as far as known, twins UDited In tor The babies are looked after by Expcrts say that ~ch an opcra~ donkey," answered h,s fathet But all the people stared at
thiS way have been born alive only
3. to go away
1I111111111111!!lIllllll1111UllIIlIlllllllIIlIlllIlllllllllllllllllllIl111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 a team pi specialists A pediatrician lion may last more than 10 hours. 4. dining room So the boy put the rope at- the farmer and thought he was
= three limes) has attracted gre~t at- a sur.,eon ~nd an anaesthetist ar~ ;fJ) ))'

I ·::~::'::~~ I
Two complete surgical teams helped ound hIS neck and hIS father crazy
ADVERTISING RATES tention. Only two days after their constantly JD attcndap,ce. by pediatrIcians and anaestbeUsts 4, to marry took thc donkey After a whIle
DiSplay: Column mch. AI 100 birth, the twins were taken to the will be needed. I, rope
Belgrade Institute for Health Pro- 5. exotic the farmer woke up a lIttle and
ClasSIfied: per 1m.. bold type AI, 20 ,ExariIining the possibillty ot "'I_ pulled on hIS rope to see If hIS
(mmimum seven linn per hUef'twfi) techon of the Youog, The car drive parallng lbe twins,' YUlWslav medi- It is necessary to ensure that there
o,WI";>'J J"...... .r.f' 5. husband
was more than '300 kIn" qut the cal experta recall that nolle ot the donkey was still thele. Since he 2, to wake up
SUBSCRIP'110N RA'lES are large quanllties nt blood and two 6 to enjoy felt a tug he thought hIS donkey
bnbles s~d It well: thue former cases ended succeSS: arllllcial hearts and lungs In stock 6 to recognise
Yearly .. '" ... " .. 1000 For otber numbers tirst dial aw'lchboard The twins were subjected to a was safe and fell asleep agam
Half Yeara AI, fully after Burgical Intetv<!nlion, tor the nperQtlon, The work of lbe
600 numher 23043, 24023. 20026 very thorough . medical/ exanunation Partial success \1fBS achieved in tq,e Aftet an hour he woke up 3. tug
Quarterly ." AI, 300 babies' hearts will have to be slop- 7. feast
to ftiJd out, 'Vhether sepllXatlon was United Stales In 1956 m saparating ped during the operatton, Only then 7. former and stl etched But when he
ClrculallOn aM Advertising: possible or not, Althoul'll both are twins united in thla way. One ot looked, he saw the boy at the 4, to stretch
WIll it be possible to ..para~ and
47 em, jail, one IS sliihlly less .deve- tbe babies lived only 8IX !lotira after rea!'l.lVate the \wo bearia. end of hIS rope. not h IS donkey
Yeari, ' 5 41 Ilxtensloo S9: lolled The breathing rhythm Is not 8. unfortunately 8, misfortune
tile o~lion and the other died oa The parenta ot l!ie twin. have uWhere is my donkey?" the
Half Yearly ', I 2S Ed/toriDI: Ilx. 24. ,. the same either: one of the girls 5. to obey
~ QuartIrty.. .11> ••••• 11::00 .,. .. All} - _I.'
111/11111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ 111111111 IIllllllllllllllllltllUHlIlII1ll1II1IIlUU1111l1ll11lUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIII ~
has 52 anI! the other 35 a minute,
Each moves lei'S and arms freelY
the opcratina table.
All analys.. pr'&ontly made are
almed at finding out whether nature
two other bealthy. children-girls nt
four and two years of .8iC.
9. kind (adjective) 9. to occur
farmer asked,
The boy thought qUIckly "I
am your donkey," he saId "I (Contd on pag" ,
";''; .:.<: \1"
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i' ". . e llalf' ,:.", ~d~Role'1~6~~lBritain's:Nmteaif:.ot~
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Food For Thorl'ghl '. In 'ihe'~tl~i'wNk'p'~PeV ,? ., '"

~'his '~"·P/ ' - " ~;';Cbb~.)oiher'~:~' Jiow.

" .j t ' l ' •• '." l •

I, , " ,:' ,
regime as Britaifi's\,secretal')',tor ' , "II,,·.D.vtd:DI~De ever, erudal·til:'thli ,stl.j*"(II! •
D ' H'~.~y
f ~.:.' . ' .. .,,"\Y.\,
....~lSSs:ct " .1
,\. J . ,01'~~ ,~s/ H~AI~' • I'" '7
.caM;;#.Sl" ;.JJChi'7' "'" 9 ,
109 polIcy, sald:,l'T)iere"has been Ithe steps she Is taJilIllJ towards pi8jtiwiticN' ~ch." ,ta:IUlil!IBii, •
no real at~e~p~: to nultch polltl· joinlnll the Common Market.'
Doul1ts ore more cruel than Iht!
cal ~lIIIilitments:,tb"mllitary
"means" that· has aroused' the
.re. ,
On the substimtlal contribution loudest criticism. IlnenY, he
solirces, stI11'lessU~~relate the" th'at: Britain - WIll Continue to proposes to replace ,bases 'by iJn-
,,~" Students. Are,
, . What Makes Earthquakes
resoul'Clls maeJeia ble' fOl:','de- . 'make to';NATO,.the white' paper provemertts in'~lA~e,p. , '. 5ch'ool Accepts And Where They' Strike
I "..
fence to the' eCODoinlc circwnst- spells olft, that this will "become vings Inherent In Pie e, ,it, A teacher about 300 years ago best, .:. _. 8. to treat
ances of the natlon.'" even more important as we is estimated. will PlaY an -iJn· ,commented that 'the miild 'of a ; ~pmetimes ,t-h~y 'Wro~, ,pl!!ys, ~~;; ~,Ia.. Last week many people died 7, to cause
100 'New Students
In'~e strOnilest~sense this an- for tile studenu ,101 act~out.: Ur
deWllop cllJ!(!r political -and ,eco- portan.t,'PBrt in . the I'8tionaUsa- s!lhool . boy is like a narrow-
of ?'" p~r,.c~~l~~t '- il). ail earthquake in Turkey.
THE KABUL TIMES alysls of 'the problem impliCit ill nOlDic ties','1fetw'eeu 'Britain 'and tion, ot.: future defence ,Ie:zpendi-
national defence represents ,Hea- he~ Europe'an neighbours.'r 'ture., ' "
neckea ~ottle, It 'takes in ~~
of ,Ie~,;in-Uttle drops, but"
they 'made ,games out 'Jearn-
mil .li\ng uages 'or ma.inem'atics • "
10: to appear
v:-L:...;., .jIJ,) Thi. ortlcle abo!!t the' • PUblic
AdministraUon School wa.a conni-
This week over 50 died in one
in Caracas, Venezuela. Since
8. 11000
~ey's credo, Tne supplementary And; " Hellley 'go~ on,with ~The savi14l Is Prl9fold in ,.thaL . any large quantIty 'you ~ .io ,oy Wrt,~Ing 'words or equatIons
buted bll M, Nawob Sailed Zo!!11 , 1900 oVer one million people
statement on defence policy' Is 'door emphasis,",.:,our milital')' mllbile forces can· witllln 1I111its pour In spills. over an(i: is wast- ,on playmg 'cards, 9, wave
Publish.d .v.ry day except Fridalls and Alghan pub· ~ -J.an B<U#ist. Moliere Wardak, a student at the school, have died in nature's worst kind
a determined attempt to achieve' streri8th outside Europe will be employed in, ,for eXlIIDpJe ed. Patlertce, Pati~nce. Patience, I ,Tnus stUdents learned be- 11. to adapt
I,c holidays by ,h. Kabul Tim.s P.blisJnng Agency ~ a solutioJ1 of these 'problems haove little value if It is achieved I other oceans than the, Indian, , ca~ they wanted to, not be- of disaster. The total loss of
1IIIIlllllllllllllilllllllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli11111ll1Ulllli1l11l1I1IIJllllltllii "111111111ll'11111111111l111l1111111'1111l111l11l1111111l1l~tt1111111Il1111111l1l1U1I1I111l1I1111III,Illltllll111l111l In Eurdpe at tiiis time tea-" The Public Administration property is, almost impossible 10. epidemic
within this belief, at the"expense ,of our economic' cher! ~ueved 1\ W\lS', important cause they were' afrQ1d of being
strength at home. Th~''stro~ly welcomed and beaten if they dId not learn, 12. ch3racter H,gh School is located in back to comprehend.
to treat' eacll pupil d,\lferently,
Did De Gaulle Say The Wrong Thing? Any debate on defence inevit- This ;truth is, or should be, neceSSary additions to 'the NavY '
.ably arouses emotion, Th~t It selfoevident"'I,The '"Jl:iilitap" bur· a<e an 'integral ~ of' this, 'The
A gooa teacae!; aaa to ne a
pS'y~"owg.st. 'iUtnougn 11.14 sm-
, Children began learnmg IdI1Ii-
cult subjects When they were 13,:alike
of the' Kabul Museum in Darnl-
aman, The school was establish-
ed in 1939, when it was called
' Earthquakes are very dan-
gerous because they often st- 11 damage
has been criticl~ from the cx- den of Britain's, F.ar East forces lIIDphibious capability iriherent U~Hl.::i luay ap'p~ar loU oe v~ry
very young, By the tIme they art fires,' cause floods or Wge
The outcry of some publicity organs and ling for French Canadian Independence. treme left and the extreme in 'their'· present disposi- in the CODUll&ndo carriers and W\lre seven they knew several the Secretarial, School The stu- Waves from ihe sea, and 'Cause 12, strain
It Is here that the heart of tbe matter lles. 'rlght suggests that Healey bas tions has' been' 'o~t of the new types of assault tIhlp Is D1UCU tney are leauy
14. principle dents who graduated from this
officials of some governments over tbe state- t:acil VtH Y aw.el'euJ, ana teacl,L- difficult languages. epIdemICS, All this can happen
ment made by President Charles de Gaulle of The French Canadians, as a French officlal I arrived at centre, ' , proportion 1'0', the real ,str- to be extended and -the ,,&band- school became' clerks in minIS-
Their education was not dlvl' m ,addition to the damage to
France on French Canadians shows narrow- said the other day, are sourrounded by more I Precisely 20 years ago, with ength of h~r forces olrerall, The onrilent of the aircratt cwner to lhg mw:n; oe auapl.ea to eacn lD- '
ded mto many subjects. 15. to ~tress
tries. '
bUlldmgs and homes,
13. force
mindedness and Is an attempt to 40wngrade de I
than 200 mUllon English-speaking peollie. the signing of the Indian Inde- conventional military base has be in some measure colnpe:d.Sat.. Q1 vHiuaJ. s cnaracter.
At the same time they learn-
Last year :Khadaldad Yaftah,
An earthquake happens wh- OJ'
Gaulle, who has proved himself to be the There Is every danger that they might lose pendence ~ct, Britain began the certain clear advllntages. They ed for by development in mlssi· Une teacn~r explaIned It tillS
ed Greek, they learned not only the princtpal of the school,
en bile stram from forces OI;l 14. surfacc
entity In course of time What long and ~Ifferent process of me- tend, however, to outweigh too les, in helicopters, In ~e'" new way, .,~uuel1tS are .U.Ke Salt, changed the name of it to the
champion of a completely new trend In interna-
tional policies, The wide criticism of de Gaul-
tbeir cultural
i '
t h. e peop_e of Quebec who are 01. French ori- wer to co-membershlp of a Com- tervailing disadvantages.,
tamorphosls from iniperial pO-' easily - in lay opinion the COun" command and C!JIItrol shlps'
. m improved coordination. With
ana sugar, nour ana cnalK, lney all
WOK ilIllie nut tney are ."auy
:the language. but also history;
geography and lit..atur. of " that
country, .,
16. to stifle
...r>\.....~ Pubhc Administration High
School. Now there arc 100 slu-
the surface of the earth is more
than the rock foundatIOn bel- 15, foundation
le's statement Is a refiectlon of tbe dIssatlsfac' gm want Is not exactly freedom, but some monwealth. 'the Implications of In Singapore and Malaysia the Air Fbrce. very amerent, :Some are good 17. Independence dents In three different classes, ow can bear. Then the rock
tlon some feel over his impartial approach to sort of local autonomy In which they would be the white paper follow that act Britain has maintained forces Cuts in, naval manpower will at maKIng speecnes, U.ner are Today teachers 'lire again ex- breaks at some point miles bei'
perimenting with many teaching 11, 10 A and 10 B, in the school.
world affairs, for standing against the Injusti- able to keep the cultural entity and survive In logical sequence. . in excess of 40,000 servicemen nat, it is' beliewd, affect :this gooa at wrItIng, !:lome, iute methods such as these used three 18. originality The SUbjects which are taught low the surface and sends ull 16. rock
ces that have been done to the Arabs and for the tbreat ,of cultural extinction. That through the 20 years Brl- over a considerable periad. sup- bUild-up., Heavy In all three ser- sc~entIllc researcn. Utaers are'
centuries ago In schools 10 Kabul are English, Dari. Pashto, eco- shock waves m all dIrectIOns Or--
opposing the continuation of bostlllUes In Viet· Let us not forget tbat France has long been tish garrisons In the Far East ported by approximately 40,000 vices, the cuts 'li>'1U be heaviest gOOd at learnIng languages, for Instance, learOlng Pashto partly nomics, science. office practices, at the rate of 400 miles per mi- 17. shock wave
nam. the champion of- freedom, What the French have been necessary. that they civilians. The demands of man- of all in the Army, which will AdaptanilIty was one major 19. purpose nute These 'jVaves cause the
lose 15;000 IiIen bv 1971 and at by lookmg at puppet shows IslamIC law, accounting, econo-
General de Gaulle, whUe on an oUiclal vi- President's statement meant was that his gov- have served a vital role in the power In bases have too often least as many agaIn by 111'15,
pnnCIple. but tnese teachers mIc geography, commerCIal ma- shakmg of the ground, 18. rate
sit to Canada, said that France workll to belp ernment would continue to support the cause protection and the developmellt been subject to Parkinsonian ac- also stressed the need for care- 20. to arrange SClen tIsts are workmg hard
cretion. 1. to comment thematics, algebra, bookkeeping
French Canadlaus realise the freedom alms of a representative of Frencb culture In the of newly independent countries, The Air Force will suffer fr- fui PJannmg, not so much as to to learn how to predIct earth-
The government and Healey ontline reductions, More aircrl\ft stIlle Indepenaence and ongm' ..J>, ; o .r"":' commerCIal correspondence.
they have set themselves. Tbe "QUebec Llbre" North American continentI IS demonstrable, Th'lt their rea- have 21 pleasure finance, typing. publIc rela- quakes so people can be warn' 19. to predict
hties have changed and are already decided that thE will be concentrated in the Uni- aUty but enougn lO glve sluaents _ 2. narrow-necked
caU, which was glveu in an address to univer- future vulnerability of ~he Ma. ted Kingdom, and It will lose tIons. and hIstory ed They already know the
sity student in Qucbec. created a lot of contro- It Is disheartening to see de GauIre's changmg is apparent. a purpose, They tned to arrange ~)\, two maID regIOns m the world
~aYSien area and equally of'the 14,000 in manpower by 1971. ThIS year the admInIstratIOn 20, to warn
versy, as a result of wbich de Gaulle had to speech being misinterpreted. The IndiScrib- The whIte paper In no way. eaucatlOn so tllat students had 3, drop 22, to encourage where earthquakes occur,
proposes desertion. On the con. Middle Eastern areas is not com By this dual process of reduc- plenty of free tune and recrea- ,P';
of the school deCIded to accept
cut his official visit short by one day, cancel- able wave of emotion stirred up against Gene- trary, these dIfficult deCIsions mensurate with the expenditures tIon and abandonment It Is ex. tIOn but dId not waste tune, 100 new students mto the tenth Afghamstan hes m one of
ling the talks he was to have bad with Prj. ral de Gaulle Is an absurd attempt to down- have been taken only after full related to manpower totals of pected that it will be posssible 23, to compete these areas It IS a curved belt 21 region
Good books were studied at 4. to pour grade They ranked from first
me Mlilister Lestcr Pearson of Canada. grade tbe personality of a man who has so em· consultation with Bntain's fri- this kind and that It can be sa- to reauce defence expenditure these schools, The teachers tned to fifth m theIr secondary runmng from Morocco m wes-
Apparently the statement made by de Gaul- minentIy proved bls ability on tbe internatlo- ends JD Australia, New Zealand, feguarded by other measures helaw £2,llOO,lJoo,OOO a year frOID hard to get theIr students in- 24, prize schools tern north Africa across the Me- ~2. to occur
Ie has been misunderstood or misinterpreted. naI scene, MalaySIa, Smgapore and else_ ThIS decision IS not new, It now on and to reach a rock bot· 5, to spUI When st4dent graduate from diterranean Sea, through the
was, in fact, imphcit m the es- tom of £1,800,000,000 at . terested In the subjects they
A French government statement issued Tues' Though French-Canadian relations have where 1964 were takIng, They told theIr the twelfth class of the Pubhc Middle East and Central ASIa.
tablishment of Malaysian inde- prices by 19'r5 25, to act out 23. curved
day in Paris throws light on some of the con- been deeply affected by General de Gaulle's students that learnmg was a 6, to waste Admm IstratlOn H.gh School ,1I.d down '0 the Island of Java
The deCISIOns do propose a pendence, It was certainly under' some of them WIll enter the
troversial points in tbe President's speecb. The speech, It Is certain, political observers belleve, ratJonallsatlOn of responslbih- hned by the, deciSIon not to pro- pleasure, They made It fun by In IndoneSIa.
statement makes it clear that de Ganlle did that they will not be severred Canada cannot tIes on both sldes-<Jn the SIde ceed wlth the aircraft carrier If this is achieved, it will encouragmg the pupils to com' 26. equation unI'Jerslty The others WIll be The second major earthquake 24, belt
mean, In Healey's view, an 7. patience
not make a mistake in delivering the Speech.,". • hurt all Its Frencb"SJleaklng people by taking of the Commonwealth powers to programme In 1966 It has been essential pete With each other and by clerks In dIfferent mlnlstnes, legIOn begms In New Zealand
step towanls the achi.

glWhi~h Ba;;yhC~ught The Fish?

Moreover, it says that the term "free" as used such a drastic step. In addition, tbe clariflca- prOVIde adequa'tely for their own ineVltable 'since the ending of evement of that financial sta- 27. to beat The teaching system m thIS (neat AustralIa) and runs 25, across
by de Gaulle did not imply Independence, Thus, ,ion given by the government of France on defence and on the side of Bri· confrontatIon bility Which is ftmdllJJlental cchool IS very successful and north, through the PhllIppme
when de Gaulle said "Long Live Free Que- the subject should satisfy Pearson and most taIn her necessary obligatIOns bath to a sound national econo- the members of the staff are Islands and Japan, to Alaska,
bec" it did not necessarily mean he was cal· other critics of de Gaulle, wlthm the limit of her 'capabi- The abandonment of bases, my and to a sound pattern of 28. to divide effiCIent and then south along the enhre 26. through
lttles It is WIth these capablh- WIth all that It imphes In poh- def,enre, 1, economics PaCIfic coast of tbe Amencas
tIes that the white paper is must tIcal and in economIc terms for No milItary SYStem is viable 29. literature People have learned (00 late 27. entire
concerned the countries most directly con- if It is :.ttained, as the Defence
The reorganlsatIon of BrItain's cerned, does not necessarily pro- Review of 1966 declared, "at the 2, science that It IS unwIse to bUIld cltles w-
Yesterday's /slah earned letters It IS hoped. the
cdltonal said, gesture of UAR PreSIdent Gamal
defence commItments should duce an Imbalance In the aver- expense of economic health n
also be VIewed in the hght of all mlhtary pOSItion, Its repl.· (LONDON PRESS)
30, to experiment
,P'; oUr 3. accounting
above large cracks m the rock
below the SUI face Agadlr m
MOl occo and San FranCISco m
28, coast

from Pnme Minister Mohammad that With the aSSistance of Abdcl Nasser to p,atch up diJferen.. 31 primary scbool "--.-l>.. the US, are two cItIes whIch 29, unwise
Hashim Malwandwal and Informa- UNESCO steps WIll be taken to re- ces With Saudi ArabIa Relatlotfs .; 1-= I ...:;.>:. 4, economic geography have been almost totally des'
tion and Culture MInIster Abdul pair and take other steps In the between the two Arab coootr6 32, partly • ..s,\...::;j\ ..... I~ troyed by earthqUllkes 30, crack
Rao[ Benewa on the 39th annIver-
sary of the dady's establIshment
preservation of our anCient works of have been slramed over the Yem&ni
art, \jI",jch have a high place In the Issue.
, New Zealand's Effort To Cut Road Deaths 3&. puppet sbow
:. 5, commerelal mathematics
BUIlders today have' two
theoues on how to con~truct
31, to destroy

"Now that you havc started pub~ cultural history of the region as" ...h l..; ........1:) bUIldmgs whIch can best wIth,
hshmg the dally Islah 10 elghl a whole. It IS hoped, saId the edltorikJ. After months of controver~y ough the courts WIth a rising ..s.JS" ~ W (Con rd. on pag. 4) stand earthquakes One Idea .s
pages. t, as a person mterested In In another edltonal the dally em~ thai SaudI Arabia, takIng IUto con- New Zealand has mtroduced a By George K. Koea total he is not forgotten. that the structure should be 32 builder
the development of the press, cong- phaslsed the need for greater uDlty SideratIon the gravity of the mo~ pomts system for erring drivers When he reaches 60 points be
ratulate y,ou and your colleagues
and Wish you success In your task.
among Arab countries for the ell-
mInahon of the consequences of the
ment Of tnal for the entJre Arab
world, will be responsive The solu-
to halt the riswg road Injury
toll The arguments are stilled
I tor offences comm.tted before
that date would start gather-
IS warned by a personal letter
from the conlmissioner of tran-
Student Crossword Puzzle lIght and fiexlble The other
theory says' the bUlldmg must :13, theory
of servmg the people," saId Mal- latest Israeh aggressIOn agamst tIOn of the problems faCIng the Arab whIle the country waits to see ing points, be very strong and rIgId.
sPOrt, I\t "15 be merits a visit by Ttl.ls crossword was con.tributed Damagmg as they are, SCIen-
wandwaL's letter addressed to the nelghbourtog Arab countries The world now reqUIres more than any- what happens. It was, as ane newspaper com- a senior traffic officer aDd there-
~dltor In chief of the paper edltonal welcomed the concllialory thmg else unity and solidarity_ mented, rather like changmg by a Wak,.l, II W, Ghall H,gh 12, I saw a film named-- tIsts belIeve earthquakes are 34, to construct
after be is on his own. School ~
BeDewa's letter read In part True, the death rate still runs rules while the game was in The drrver has to keep his 14 I have----to Paghman necessary. ErOSiOn weQrs
"Mr. Alawi. ] appreciate your de- at a record level (550 last year) - progress. Such IS the backlog Tbeae boys are In a tangle. !;Jan you llgure out which one ACROSS: ' , many times, mountaIns down, and Jf there :15. to withstand
own score. The transport depart-
CISion to prmt the paper m etght and the year's total is hkely to cases waiting to be heard that ment also keeps its total and au the Jlih? J. Past tense of to mean 15. My father's job IS mterest- were not earthquakes to push
.;...oJ li. J ..P Yo
pages from now on At the same
hme J hope that Side by SIde Wllh
be hIgher than ever.
But smce
some offences still to be brought
April I, when the before the courts were commit-
the driver hopes the two will
tally. '
A ,King Instructs His Minister 2, I went to school and my
brother did------
tlng ----work IS Import" them back up the earth wouid
ant. become a place of stagnant seas :16. structure
points system was mtroduced, ted months ago. 3 Do you want this <In,ee---
Ihe phYSIcal expansion of the dally
the aCCIdent rate has slowed But the mmister of tTansport,
ManY SlJlY they have entnIgh Th. srory was rranslat<d by A, 10. mistake 17. A word meanIng to gIve and swamps,
there WIll occur a SimIlar Increase to att~nd to already in keeplnll MOlin ROIlJ.n, 11 B, HabiblQ H.gh that one? off The stars--light. 1. earthquake :17. flexible
In Its moral strength and etfecuve- 'down. J B, Gordan, said the system had a vehicle on the road without 4 A word meaning at the pre-
received WIde publicity when it School. from (! primary grade Per· 11. to resolve 20 The Elffel----IS m
ness ThiS IS poSSible only when a The Tunes 10 an edltonal the canal, at whIch nommal Egypt- The transport department IS was adding to tIile bookkeeping, The stan reader sent tIme. Pans, France 2. nature 38. rigid
paper hannonises Us publIcations headlined The Prmces Revolt said Ian tolls could be charged off agai- not drawing any conclusions at ber being considerCjl last Octo- transport department says it Once upon a time there was .:-I'; ~ 7 I want to-to the mOVIe, 1. to mean
WIth the people's wishes It should "Mrs. Gandhi's lefl-WIng senti- nst the massive SOVIet credIts (0 the thIS stage. Not tIll near the end has not the staff or time to no- 8 A person who has no ,
recognIse the people's problems, ments are bound to be affronted Unted Arab' RepublIc. the paper of the ~ar can it start looking
One stipendtary magistrate
tIfy interested parties and the
a good kIng, One day he heard
that one of hIS mInisters was
THE POOR MAN clothes on IS--- 3, disaster 39. erosion
pOlOt out theu needs and diagnose at the thought of Indla's Princess says. aj trends" Yet the bope remains cost wouId be too high, 9. I go to school in - - to
social problems, suggestmg appro- forming a self-help orgamsation The Kansas CUy Ttmes on Bntish has called the sYstem fundamen- No one is entirely happy about unjust to a poor farmer, The ThiS folk tale tuas translated btl ,,;"-';' o~\..... ~~
that the system will be effect- kIng deCIded to IDVlte the min- Ahmad Z,a Sultant H D Student at learn something 2 present (adjective)
pnate: Solutlons for them to dlght the Congress party's pro· withdrawal from Southeast ASia Ive. tally wropg in principle and In the chosen offences, F{}r exam- 4, loss 40. to wear down '
posal to abolIsh theIr provy pur· practice inept and ill-considered, ple. drIving under the influence Ister to eat with him, Hablbla. 11 Work you do to earn a
:iald "ll is eJifficult to aVOid the .;.,J'. ~ ,)1
"A newspaper, to gaIn strength ses.
Under the scheme pomts are He said that he believed in a of drink (40 POints) seems deci- One day a man and his wIfe salary. 3, clothes
the conclUSIOn 1hat, no matter After the minister came and 5. property 4L stagnant
and enhance Its populanty, must "If thIS were a straight ISSue. whal steps the Bnnsb mIght take, allocated to the record of mo- demerit System, but It should dedly more than four times as were eatmg theIr dmner There 13 My uncle VISIted us last ;"..,..J I
torists convicted in court-<ie- apply to offences not serious en- they all sat and talked for a was a knoc~ on the door, A beg- Jl..
wage a struggle: agamst 19norance pressed by a still honoured and ,he end effect of (WIthdrawal) Wlll SerIOus as dnvIng a car without while the kIng invited every-
week I WIll Vlsit---at JW .r.f'
respected National parry. there IS
fective tyres or no tail light (10 ough to earn dIsqualifIcation an effective horn (10) A penal- gar asked for a piece of bread Jashen, 6, to comprehend 42, swamp
and carry the torcb of knowledge be preceplIbly to dlsturh the bala- pomts), drivmg under the influ- On fIrst conVIctIon, The power to one mto the dinmg room, :I'here
10 the darkest and remotest parts no doubt that Indian pubhc OPi- nce of power If) Southeast ASia, to ty of 25 points for carele59 dri- But the man told hIm to gq 15 Possessive pronoun for
ence of drugs or drink, drIving Impose penalties . ought proper_ ving could hit hard a person were many kinds of exotic foods away and did not give hIIIl any 5, uncle
of the counlry. It should endeavour nIon would share the govern- Ihe detnment of the free peoples of whIle dlsquahfled, reckless or ly to lie WIth the courts and she
to promote further our nanonal ment's feeh,ng that enough Justtce the: regIOn, as well as to the: West making the most minor error of on the table, But there was no bread He went back to the 16 We--on benches In
dangerous drivwg (40 points),
unity and fight agalOst
dlscnmmation and social InJUSl)ces
oeedless 'had been done 10 these sections
I of"Infeudalfact rulers
as a wbole The offer of Ibe WIl-
son admlDlstratnon to consult With
Notching 100 points m a Year
nowhere else
Gordon pomted out that un-
brings automatic dIsqualification der the system no smgle offence
Judgment or guilty of Inatten-
bread After the meal the kmg
asked the miruster, "Did you
table and finIshed his meal.
After some years the man and
• :13S~ every d:ty
18 Do you want--go home?
\J. possessive A FOOLISH FAR.MER
It should lead the people toward a Although New Zealand cons.- enjoy the feast?"
progresslve life on the baSIS of s0-
CIal ,ushce
the Issue has become so
entangled With pohlles Ihal
gress oannot escape much of the
BntaIn's allIes subsequent to adop-
han of a sharply constrIcted defence
pOllcy wdJ hardly serve to reassure
for SIX months, If the total IS leads to the cancellation of a dri-
reached m more than 12 months ver's hcence This power is left ders its aCCident toll high, two
vIsItIng AusCralian road safety "Yes. I did," rephed the mm-
hiS WIfe became poor They
were unhappy They left each
AbbreViation for mister.

I The mam part of a machine

7. bench LOSES HIS Dt.")HKEY
Dut under two years you are dIS- to the directIOn of the courts, experts from New South Wales other and the woman marned
blame If tbe Pnncess now feel them to any large degree We Ame~ qualIfIed for three months Pro· lster "There were many kinds which makes It move
.. It IS my WIsh. therefore, that that the stronger cards are In ncans would appear to have parti- The erring driv~r gathering are Impressed by the record: 4.6 of food I have never seen But aglun 9. main TIllS S/OT11 was contnbuled bll a d,Jdn't obey my mother and fa-
VISIon IS made for a driver to pomts certamly has plenty of 5 You don't look well. Are j!udelH at Maryam School. ther so I became a donkey
whatever you and your colleagues their pIle. cularly legllimate grounds (or de~ New ZealandeI;S for evel')' 10,000 unfortunately there was no One day while she and her
clear h.s record, One deCISIon warning. He can, of course, lose vehicles on the road,are killed new husband were eatmg there you slck---just tIred? One day a foolIsh farmer When you bought me today I
wnte. you sbould conSider first and The SOVIet UnIOn IS beheved 10 plonng the aU-too-probable result that upset drivers was the rulmg hIS hcence for an offence with- bread. so I didn't .get enough to 8. abbreviation
be exertmg Its mfluence toward agaInst 8,5 in their own state: was a knock on the door, A fi Many years---I read bought a black donkey. He bed became a boy again,"
foremost the WIshes and aspirations on our own burdens that those conVICted after April out pomts, but If he scrapes thr· eat ..
of the peopl. and the wellheing of an early reoperung of the Suez (GEMINI) poor man asked for a pIece of that book It to the end of a rope and took
"I see," said the kmg "That 8. If you meet a king you 10, star the other end m hIS hand. The farmer was sad to lose
the nallon. ' Only thus would you Canal, the mternatlonal Herald The PhIladelphia l'fU/tIlrer On UN bread The wife ,went to get his little black donkey But
.s true Without bread, no one shou1d---- After a whIle the farmer be-
have employed your talents In the TrlbllTU! Qeportojd 'quotmg dIplom- SecrClary-General (J 1)aot said hIm some bread When she he couldn't ""'ep the boy "Go
has enough to eat That is why 10 A negatIve answer, came tired He sat down under
true service of the country." atic sources to Moscow "Than I has been SnIptng at Un- we must be kind to farmers." gave It to the poor man she 11, light home," he told the boy, "and
Yesterday's Ants lO an editorIal
stressed the Importance of preserv-
Ing our cullural heritage The
RUSSia was concerned both
dIslocation of Its own
trade and by Egyptian rcvcnue tos-
Ited Stales policy iD Vietnam for a
long time, but hiS lalest tirade JS
the foulest hiow yet (m hIS speech)
Yugoslav Doctors Nurse 'Siamese Twins' Then the mlmster saw h.s
mIstake. He resolved to be kmd
recogrused her former husband,
"You should have given some
11 Somethmg made of glass
to keep frui t m ...
a tree and fell asleep
Soon a man and hiS son came
al ways obey your mother and
manuscnpts and caillgrapblc arts
dIsplayed at the audltonum of
ses, II says
The SovIet merchant ships were
Thant allIed himself openly and em-
phallcally wllh communist forces in
I The 21-year-old I1iQka, wile ot the
farmer MillvoJe Jovanov1c. gave
and breathes separately But they ha, been a htUe k.inder to the "Sla~
to farmers from that time on bread to the beggar who came
to our door many years ago,"
alung and saw the farmer as-
leep "1 am gomg to take hiS
The next day the farmer went
bad, to the bazaar to buy an-
ha ve one diaphragm and theIr mese twins" of MaglllJ than to dunkey," the man saId to. hIS other donkey,
Kabul Umverslty, It said,' shows usmg the canal al an annual rate Vietnam U Thant has committed birth to two girls "SlaJUe6e tWlDS"- hearts and livers are hnked. Luni's 1. minister she saId, "Perhaps all thIS mIS-
those born earlier. U SO a success. son All of a sudden he saw hIS
that Afghanistan has a ncb herit- of 1,500 10 1,800 hefore last months an unpardonable breach of etique- at DOllJa BecinJa Village near Mag- are separated but have one and the ful outcome of the op~ratlon may .1'-) J fortune would not have occur-
age 10 art and culture. Middle East war Ihe Ht'rald 1 ri- tte the office of Secrctary-General laJ In YugoslaVia on Juiy 11. The red .. No.' $lud the son' "When the black donkey again He walked
same blood Circulation system. bc expected.
All theu: works constitute our na- bune said. IS an admmlSlraltve one. not a pol~ babies have theu che&ts and sto~ The babies live in an incubator, I, knock farmer pulls on the rope and up to It and saId, "How foolish
Surgical mtervention is possible 2, un;..t the. e IS nothing there he WIll
ltonal treasure. and as such arc Smce the war Soviet trade With Icywmakmg one if U 10ant does machs uniled and thcy weigh 4.5 allbouab ,not prematurely bom. A you at e I told you to obey your
only after the babies are 12 kg. in
pnceless. The preservauon of these South Asia has bad 10 be rerouted- not Wish to comply with restric~ .kg They have been named Milka lemperature at 37 degrees C. and weight. To achieve this, a couplc
wake up very qUIckly" mothe. and father. Now you
and other hlslonc works of an such either around the Cape of Good t10ns goverOlng the behaVIOr of In· and Mdlca the necelsa.n' degree at humldlty are 2, beggar "Not .f you hold on to the end are a donkey agam What a
of months of constant and careful 3, to invite of ,the rope aftel' I take the
as monuments and pillars tS, there~ Hope or across overland routes ternatlonal CIVil servants he should ThiS fare medical phenomenon cofiGtantly maintained in the mcuba- effort will be needed foolISh boy."
fore. our foremost naltonal duty Both roules are much cpsther than resign .. (as far as known, twins UDited In tor The babies are looked after by Expcrts say that ~ch an opcra~ donkey," answered h,s fathet But all the people stared at
thiS way have been born alive only
3. to go away
1I111111111111!!lIllllll1111UllIIlIlllllllIIlIlllIlllllllllllllllllllIl111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 a team pi specialists A pediatrician lion may last more than 10 hours. 4. dining room So the boy put the rope at- the farmer and thought he was
= three limes) has attracted gre~t at- a sur.,eon ~nd an anaesthetist ar~ ;fJ) ))'

I ·::~::'::~~ I
Two complete surgical teams helped ound hIS neck and hIS father crazy
ADVERTISING RATES tention. Only two days after their constantly JD attcndap,ce. by pediatrIcians and anaestbeUsts 4, to marry took thc donkey After a whIle
DiSplay: Column mch. AI 100 birth, the twins were taken to the will be needed. I, rope
Belgrade Institute for Health Pro- 5. exotic the farmer woke up a lIttle and
ClasSIfied: per 1m.. bold type AI, 20 ,ExariIining the possibillty ot "'I_ pulled on hIS rope to see If hIS
(mmimum seven linn per hUef'twfi) techon of the Youog, The car drive parallng lbe twins,' YUlWslav medi- It is necessary to ensure that there
o,WI";>'J J"...... .r.f' 5. husband
was more than '300 kIn" qut the cal experta recall that nolle ot the donkey was still thele. Since he 2, to wake up
SUBSCRIP'110N RA'lES are large quanllties nt blood and two 6 to enjoy felt a tug he thought hIS donkey
bnbles s~d It well: thue former cases ended succeSS: arllllcial hearts and lungs In stock 6 to recognise
Yearly .. '" ... " .. 1000 For otber numbers tirst dial aw'lchboard The twins were subjected to a was safe and fell asleep agam
Half Yeara AI, fully after Burgical Intetv<!nlion, tor the nperQtlon, The work of lbe
600 numher 23043, 24023. 20026 very thorough . medical/ exanunation Partial success \1fBS achieved in tq,e Aftet an hour he woke up 3. tug
Quarterly ." AI, 300 babies' hearts will have to be slop- 7. feast
to ftiJd out, 'Vhether sepllXatlon was United Stales In 1956 m saparating ped during the operatton, Only then 7. former and stl etched But when he
ClrculallOn aM Advertising: possible or not, Althoul'll both are twins united in thla way. One ot looked, he saw the boy at the 4, to stretch
WIll it be possible to ..para~ and
47 em, jail, one IS sliihlly less .deve- tbe babies lived only 8IX !lotira after rea!'l.lVate the \wo bearia. end of hIS rope. not h IS donkey
Yeari, ' 5 41 Ilxtensloo S9: lolled The breathing rhythm Is not 8. unfortunately 8, misfortune
tile o~lion and the other died oa The parenta ot l!ie twin. have uWhere is my donkey?" the
Half Yearly ', I 2S Ed/toriDI: Ilx. 24. ,. the same either: one of the girls 5. to obey
~ QuartIrty.. .11> ••••• 11::00 .,. .. All} - _I.'
111/11111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ 111111111 IIllllllllllllllllltllUHlIlII1ll1II1IIlUU1111l1ll11lUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIII ~
has 52 anI! the other 35 a minute,
Each moves lei'S and arms freelY
the opcratina table.
All analys.. pr'&ontly made are
almed at finding out whether nature
two other bealthy. children-girls nt
four and two years of .8iC.
9. kind (adjective) 9. to occur
farmer asked,
The boy thought qUIckly "I
am your donkey," he saId "I (Contd on pag" ,
";''; .:.<: \1"
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MllLORDER service for

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& EvERi'oIiffi:irom'HONGKONG, Write ,for (tee :,. :.' : "~r . ,. I'l . ' , '"
' .. . . '.J
mation for latest movie '& still cameras, projecto,rs, port- . . C? _ : " ,
. " 1,., '" ,

' 'Ii. "'R

able taperecorders & TV sets, wa~ches j~welry" g~ .. J " ' .. w·· " " , , .'
If and temiis,sets, refrigel'atorg,&' AlrconditlOn,ers, eust-, '. ,
J ,'.
om tailoring & everything from HONG KONG TO ME-
:. " ' .. KABUL, SA'1'URD,AY, AUG~~~ 5, 1967 (ASAD 13, 1346S.H.) PRICE AF;3. """
'\-0 , " -j ,
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• ,
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, . r • , I _("
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t •• ·.'\ '."

100 INew Stu'dents'

. . . .'
LLOYD TRIESTINO ' ., ',. , ',~

tCo!Jlinitei.ltom page ,.3)

.7, commercial COtT~}iOndeDce
.,Ls:.. ,
. b.; (.,;
The aiJthorisati9n of i$4.600;000· Amerl~an·Ioan to Atghalll!!tan f~r
8. finance
The s~ips ASIA and VICTORIA are now sa· land' Improvement In
the ~elmand-ArghandabValley was jointly ,
announced Saturday by the goverl1nlents of Afghanistan and the
9..publlc relations u& . .
iling fr~m KARACHI TO BOMBAY.MOM- Ill.. history
~ 1& ~IJJ
The loan, which was agr!!ed to~ following consultation b,etweE!II
. \;. the U.S.' and Afghan go~ernmer1ts, is, intended to carry. out work
. I Ii. administration under the Helmand·Arghandab Valley Authority (HAVA). It ,will
': . I '0

'12. to accept·
. ,tt tI)t.)l
be used to prepare final' design. plans for the land betterment
programme and .to .equip the 'Helmand';,\rghandab Construction

D ISI.VENEZIA.TRIESTE • "4' Unit (HACU) to car~ out'the works specified in those plans.

i3. to rank . Loan funds will be used to reha- duction potential of the region .. The
bilitate existing HACU cquipmcnt. . U.S. governmet, through' AID and
departure KARACHI arrival TRIESTE KABUL.MAZAR·E·SHARIF 1 HR. purchnse new equipment-including U.S. Export-Import Bank assistance,
14. clerk . earth movers, pneumatic ea~th_ tam.
• Oct. 15, 1967 .., pers and trucks--and to finance t~e
has provided app~ximately $
70,500,000 in loans Bnd. grants to
ASIA Sept. 13, ,196"1 cost of technical services for engi- 81!sist the Afghan Government in

VICTORIA Oct, 29, 1967 Nov, 30, 1967 KABUL·HERAT 4:'.. s. 2! HRS. 15. ,efficient.
neering and construction.
In addition to this loan, the
carrying out development program-
mes in the valley.
.. ,
Agency for International Devel~p­ Irrigation works already complet_ Last night's reception at Chllstoon Palace
ASIA Nov, 20, 1967 Dec. 22, 1967 ment (AID) will continue to prOVide ed include two storage reservoirs
grant-financec" technical assistance and a main canal system capable of

VICTORIA .Ian, 07, 1968 Feb. 08, 1968 Foolish Former

in support of the development of the
resoutces of the lielmand-Argha-
delivering water to nearly 300,000
acres of land.
The new $4,600,000 U.S. loan Is HM RETURNS
ndab Valley.
Feb. 29, 1967 (Chnld. frol1l poge 3)

29. 1967 The loan provides further U.S. the third major loan to Afghanistan Partidipants in the International
ASIA Jan. 6. to become By A Starf Writer be catalogued forthwitb. It has
support for development of the pro- to be announced by the two .govern- KABUL, Aug. 5" (Bakhtar).- Manuscripts Seminar ~nd Exposition Following are highlights of tbe re- been emphasised during the semi-
ments .during the past two months. His Majesty the KIng returned ,re,olvcd 10 Thursday s sesSIon that
Please nolR that there will be no sailing via Suez Cana\ .on July 8, the United States and to Kabul Thursday morniitg after 1 Afghamstan should be . chosen as solutions adopted by the seminar: nar that numerous manoscripts hav·
7- to lose
Iranians Vote For Afghanistan announced the aulbori.
Taking, into account the wide dis- ing gone unnoticed up to the pre.
an officlal visit to Jaghorl, Ma. ,he place to set up a balson cenlre persion of Oriental manuscripts and sent face a definite possibility of
and from Karaehi to the Far East until further notice. .,,'
c.r>- , 'sation of a U.S. loan of $12,000,000 lestan, and Nawor In western f~r ,an International . S~clely of documents in public and private lib- getting lost altogether.
8. all of a sudden ,New Parliament to finance the construction of a
power facility at the Kajakai dam,
Gb82Di and a short rest at Dan BtblIographers and SpeclahslS on raries throughout the world.
Ajar Damian. manUSCrIpts and the rcglOnal lang~
and In order to save these works. in·
Information and hookinl(' lhroul('h: the fact that many thousands of ternational campaigns of microfilm.
9. to stare TEHERAN, Aug. 5. <Reuter).- and on July 19, a $4,300:000 loan
for the purchase of 40,000 tons of
Majesty began his trip u3ges discussed in the seminar. them have not as yet been recorded, ing should be launched within the
Iranians yesterday voted for to the western GbaznJ woleswa~ "In. o~der to ensure . tbe proper the seminar attaches a high priority
ASTCO LT~. TRAVEL OFFICE, KABUL 0\J""""' o..e a new lower house and half the
upper house of parliament,. Sl.ne
~ wheat and
'~signed., _
4,000 tons of oil was lis last Thursday
funcllonmg of Ihc society through to the production and publication
the services of a secretariat, a Jia- of informative catalogues.
region, possibly with aid from
of whose most· important lomt . The $4,600,000 U.S. loan announc. On Wednesday, HIS MaJe~ty left ison centre should be established.
Share-Nau. Tel. 21504 10. crazy ed Saturday will benefit Afghanis- the r.oyal camp 10 ara Ajar for C~msidering the pivotal position of
!J. In spite of the general lack of ade- Two types of catalogues were
tasks will be to amend the con' qu~te catalogues in 'this field, the
stitution to proyide for rule by tan by increasing the productivity KhenJan where ~e VISited the Ash- Afghanistan in this area, the semi- considered, the general ones and
seminar recognises the valuable
regent. .
of land already under cultivation p~shta coal mm~s and showed nar deems it to be the natural work already done by certain per-
those devoted to a special discipline,
through controlled water distribu- kmdness to the mmers,. choice for such a centre," the resc- sons or institutions. language. period of history, or J
WANTED Wanted Travel Companion
To West Germany by VW
Polling went •quietly, accord-
ing to reports reaching here tion, improved drainage and land Two workers, ..Sayed AmiD and lution stated in part. ~ specific theme.

~icro-Bus. Sleeping space . In from constituencies throughout

leveling and by bringing some addi- Moh~mp1~d Wab ~ho have been The Seminar notes ,with satisfac-
The purpose of such a centre will tion that a plan for a guide to the The majority of ·the seminar re·
the countl'}'_ Results are ex- lional new acreage under cultivation. working In the .mme for. the past .be to coordinate the various activi~ commended tbat priority be gwen to
vehicle. Approxlmate time of 3~ year~ were kIndly rece1ved by ties or national manuscripts and the sources of Asian history similar to the general catalogues, which are
"Four English Stenographers. and, Three ~ypists for inte- deParture, 2nd week In August.. pected to be announced, tod.~. ,
It will result in increased gross
farm output. partiCUlarly in wheat HiS Mal~str, one recently completed on La~ tbe basic tools for more specialised
Contact. P.O: BOx 181, Kabul. The new parliament will be language centre~ in the region. tin American history by the Inter-
resting job fr'om 9 through 16 August 196 •. asked to amend the constitution
where it will help Afghanistan meet Engineer Mohammad Sidiq H~sa- The seminar also resolved that
national Council of Archives, un-
Wages: Stenographers Af~ 825.00 per day to enable a regent to rule, should
its goal of self-sufficiency during the qzai, the director of the mine, des- the International Bibliographical der cob tract with UNESCO, will The seminar noted with inler~st
Thi~'d Five Year Plan:
Typists Afs 75~.OO per day • the Shah die before six-year-old ·cribed . the operations of the ,mine to
Work undertaken with support of His .Majes~y..
centre be properly housed and enter into its operational phase the UNESCO project for :10 iIlus-
Time after time it h.asbeen heordthat four engine crown Prince Reza attains matu- .' .\' equipped to further scholarly co~ early ne~t year.
Qualified persons please apply in writmg to: WANTED FOR CHARG,ES rity.
this loan wllI Ilrst be dlrectedto. HIS Majesty ,nstructed Dr. Mo- operation and tbat il' should build
trated volume presenting a synthe-
ward land betterment on the 31.000 The specialists of Central Asian sis of present knowledge on Temu.
A.H.M.Personnel Office. llnited Nations, P.O.Box 5, Kabul Mohammad Sadlq, son of' Ab- Empress Farah, the prince's 28- hammad Osman Anwatti., Minister' up its own archives. Manuscripts are ready to give all rid art, in a form accessible to the
dul JaI1I~JadJ Maiwand slIOp- year:old mother, is considered
acres of irrigable land in the Shama. of Education, to take measures. for AD extremely lively debate and
pressurisedDC6's are comfortable, fa.st and safe keeper who has COmmercial 110-
eDCe No. l.2464. dated 24-1-45
the'most likely chOice.
Shah Mohammad Reza ~ahle­
Ian area of the valley, -
rhis decision was reached follow_
the improvement of health condJ - ,exchange of views
lions for the wo,rkers. gates of eleven countries attending
cooperation that might be needed general public. Such an initiative
betwee~ dele~ from them towards !he implementa- seems quite timely Sfnce the avaH
ing the completion of a U,S. Bureau tion of this project, .. able decoumentary basis is tuJIy
GULNAR WASHING SOAP and fly over the weather.
from the Kabul eominerclal de.
partment. iJiiJst be p~t at the
Kabul Commercial . tourt to a:n:s.
vi, 47, appoints half the mem-
bers pf the· 6ll-st~ong senate,
which has a six-year term of of-
of Reclamation study of the Sbama-
lan which reported favourably on
His Majesty presented to the the seminar carried tbe final dis. Highest priority should be given
w~rkers with monetary gratuities, cussion on Thursday three hours to investigations ab.out hitherto un- be easily dated.
Hesaqzai on behalf of the wor- overtime. r'
adequate and the manuscripts may
the feasibility of land . betterment registered manuscripts which should (Con/d. on page 4)
Gulnar Soap produces enormous amounts of suds. wer, charges of plalntuts Sari fice.' there. kers thanked His Majesty for his Minister of Information and Cul-
'Cbanll and Khan Chand. If he The rest of the senate was kindness. ture Abdul Raouf Benawa, Deputy
Gulnar's fine suds delicately clean your clothes. Gulnar Ariana's fast DC6· service con now' toke' you between does not appear within a month being elected along with the 219 - - - - - - - - -....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ministcr for Information and Cul-
does wonders with cottons and nylons. Always u~ Gul~' the court will take action.
ill' Washing Soap for super-cleaning. ~ulnar Soap IS avaI-
members of the Majlis, or lower
house, which 'has a four-year
term. . Foreign Ministers Decide
ture Mohammad Najim Arya and
other officials of the .miri~stry attend· HOME NEWS IN BRIEF
KALAT, . Aug. '5, (BakhtarJ.-
lable at all general stores in the city. KABUL·HERAT and KABUL·MAZAR.E·SHARIF of the INDONESIAN ~ASSY Observers expect a sweepmg
cd the last session of the seminar,
Benawa assured the participants A delegalion of the officials of
which has been distributed am-
ong poor prisoners. '


Victory for the ruling Iran No-
vin (New Iran), Party, although To Recommend Arab Summit tbat his ministry and all cultural
and scientific institutes in the colin-
the Ministry of Agricufture and
Irrigation and the property set· KABUL, Aug. 5. (Bakhtar).-
following schedule and at no extra cost ina minimum A skJlfui •translator typist
capable of translation hom
the oppQsition ' Mardom (Peo-
ple's) Party is strongly enter-
try will' try as much as possible to
resolutions, of the
tlement department arrived here Kabul \vas rocked by a light
KHARTOUM, Aug. 5, (AP).- , impleJTIent the yesterday and discussed earthquake at 12:45 Friday. No
We offer to our customers new Pashto, Dart "to EngUsh and vice' nched in some constituencies. The Arab foreign ministers meeting here has decided to reo. seminar. . matters related to the ir· damage has been reported.
and antique carpets at low prices. The carpets of time. The other party contesting the commend the convening of an Arab summit conference, Sudan The minister thanked the particiN rigation of the Darwazagai
. election is the extreme natio- Prime Minister Mohamed Mahgoub reported Friday night. pants for having participated in well project. The project, covers KABUL, Aug. 5, (Bakhtar).-
are of different sizes, INTERNATIONAL CLUB nalist anti'communist Pan-Iran- the seminar and tor having chosen a 32,500 acre area.
Every Thursday nigbt, dll,)Iler He said the Sudan has been ap... ciently encouraging to enable dele- Abdullah Malikyar Afghan am'
Opposite Blue Mosque, Share Nau ist P~rty. pointed to draw up a final agenda gates to go ahead with their recom- Afghanistan as the centre for re· For the past two years the bassador to the United States ar-
dance and music by the Nomads.
Tel: 24835 from 9 p.m. to 1 :30 am. and draft a communique to be plac- mendation for: a summit. search and study on manuscripts. digging of wells, under the su- rived here Thursday on leave.
'ed before the foreign ministers Tpe UAR has offered to implement Benawa also thanked UNESCO pervision of the ministry, has.
Tashkent.lndian Saturday. the 1965 Jeddah agreement signed by and especially UNESCO's representa- been in progress and with the
The decision· came after five days President Nasser and King Felsnl tive Najrnuddin Damat, for having installation of pumps water will
Weather' Forecast Festival To Open of deliberations by the ministers of providing for the phased' withdrawal' played an active role in the delibe- be made available to the people
Departure Kabul, every MONDAY at 0730 Afghan clerk typist. Must
speak. and read EngUsb. Full
time. Apply Personnel Office,
TASHKENT. Aug. 5, (Tass).-
the 13 Arab states and follOWing an
olIer by the UAR to solve its long-
of UAR troops Who have been sup-
porting the Yemeni republican re-
The minister concluded that al-
of the area.
The delegation also discussed
Skies in the central regions Hudjuma Shukurova, " president ?f standing dispute with Saudi Arabia gime against Saudi backed royalist though the seminar was not the matters related to the distribu,
AmerIcan Embassy. the National Society of Friendshtp 'over the Yemen. rebels lioli of land among farmers.
of the country will be partly first of its kind, "we hope that it is
cloudY. Yesterday Gh82Di ~ 6 with Foreign Countries, said that Mahgoub reported a reply to the Del~gates emerged Fr~day night not the . last one either,"
rom of rain. The warmest regIon
of the country was Farah with
Arrival Mazar 0830 AT THE KABUL CINEMA
the lO-day festival or Indian cul-
ture, which wm open here 00'
UAR offer has been recelved trom
Saudi A.rabia but another sUll was
from Khartoum's elegant old repub-
Iican palace chatling amicably but
Earli~r. the debate centerd on the
(ext of the final resolution the draft
MAIMANA, Aug. 5. (Bakhtar).
-Money donated by HRH Prin' in the
a bigb of 44 C, 111 F. North Sal· August 12th, is an "important event awaited. refusing to speak to newsmen, of which, prepared by a special ce Ahmad Shah, presiden t of the
ang was the coldest region with "LEADER" in the cultural life of Uzbekistan." He woud not elaborate but ap- Only Mahgoub, appointed spokes- committee consisting of the dele- Afghan Red Crescent Society,
a low of 11 C, 52 F.
The temperature in Kabul at
Departure M,azar 0900 Arrival Herat 1030 STARRING: ,DlLlP KUMAR
In a Tass illterview she expressed
the conviction that the ,festival I<wlll
parently the SaUdi response was suffi- man of the conference,
made 8 'gales ~f Afghanistan, the Soviet
Union, India, Turkey, [ran, France
has been used to purchase 2000
meters of rna terial, most of
10 a.m. was 29 C, 84 F. FROM: 2!!/D AUGUST, 1967 contribute to the further strengthen- The conference is unlikely to come U.K. and UNESCO, was read oul
YesterdaY's temperatures: DAILY 2, 5 AND 8 P,M. ing of friendship between the two u~ with any other major recommen": by Mohammad Ebrahim Sharifi the
Departure H,erat 1100 Arr,ival Mazar 1230 Nasser, Faisal
33 C 14 C
91 F
42 C
57 F
27. C
Popuiar in Uzbekistan are works
by, Indian writers, composers, and Likely To Meet
dations np81"t from the convening
of the summit. No date tor the
(Conld. on page 41
reporter to the' seminar.
Discussion took pla'ce on each of
Ihis anicles of the draft resolution. US Cities Quiet;
107 F 80F cinematographers. The Uzbeks read
Herat 42 C 22 C
107 F 72 F
Departure. Mazar 1300 Arrival Kabul 1400 in their native language Rabindra-
nath Tagore, Pram Chandra, and Over Yemen Issue Curfew$ Eased
Jalalabad 37 C
98 F'
29 C
84 F'
An unprecedented cut In the
price ot Sbah Pasand vegetable.
Get ·your other Indian writers.
An avenue of tpe Uzbek capital
will be named after Lal BabatJur
CAIRO, August
Well-informed Cairo
5, (ranjug).-
quarters do
India To. Buy Close To $ 7.5 M NEW YORK. Aug. 5, (Reuter).-
Curfews were eased in .fwo racial
New Herat·Ghor
Baghlan 40 C
104 F
18 C
64 F
Shastri and a monument to him will
be unyeiled in one of the squares of
OOt bar the possibility of a meeting
betweeen President Nasser and King Worth Of United States Wheat troublespots ye~terday after the
United States passed its first night Road To Be aunt
Bost 43. C 27 C Sbah Pasan.d-the best veget- Faisal to put an end to the diffe- for several weeks without any ma-
I09F 80F 'able 011 available. copy of the ras.hkent.
rences between the' UAR and
WASHINGTON, August 5. (Reuter).-
The U.S. Agriculture Department gave India an omclal go-ahead
jor racial turmoil.

for fu~ther· information please Saudi Arabia over Yemen. But authorities looked uneasily
to purchase $7,421,000 worth of U.S· wheat remaining under a Food (Bakhtar).-A new road connec_
Shah Pasan.d-tasty, bealthy. SOVIET-TURKISH It is said here that this 'sort of towards the. weekend-the time when
ting Ghor province with Herat
and dependable. ACCORD RATIFIED meeting ~ might take place soon .if for Peace supply agreement signed last June. most ftare~ups have begun.
The authorisation which will en- ticipating with the. U.S. in an aid to will be constru~ted. The people
MOSCOW, Aug. 5, (Tass).- King Faisal accepts the new UAR In Milwaukee. where four peo,
Yon caD bny YOUl' Sbah Pa·
) Kabul Times The Presidium of the USSR Su- proposal to enforce the" 8greemC!tt
able India tQ purch~se about 123.000
tons' ot wheat ,stipulates that the
India consortium.
Phins 'are under way for a study
pic hav~ died and 700 bave been
of the pro"vince have volunteered
to construct the 250 kilometer
sand from any store In the toWa. preme Soviet, has ratified the conclud~d in Jedda two ycars '80. ar:res.tcd in rioting that broke Out
10l)g eight meter wide high-
··Con,tact Soviet·Turkish agreement on de- The UAR proposal contain, no.
livering' equipment, materials terms and provides for the ~ttiDg
and rendering services in the 'up of a peace committee to incJLi~e
wheat be shipped to India by the"
end ot
Ihis ye~r,
...The June agreement, which cons,
into the aid offered by the other
countries-Britain. C8I)ada, West
Germany. Austria, Belgi';lm t France
last Sunday, the curfew will slart :1t
midnight inslead of' 9 p.m.
Some 1,300 of 4,800 National
The road. which will 'be cons·

Annua,1 at constructio}\ of so·me. industrial other Arab cOt,mtries.
Ututed part of ~ three millIon tons
, food' aId, commitmel1t authorised by
The' Netherlands, Italy and Japan.
However. adminjstration omc~als
Gunrdsmen caUed in to cope with
tructed along Harirod River will
shorten the distance between the
enterprises. . The proposal, also provides for the rioting were withQrawn from two provinces .by 220 miles.
II.RIANA CINEMA a congressional resolution last Feb- have gone ·on record that the U.S.' the. city ·following Friday nigbt)
'At 2,5,7:30 apd 9:30 p.m. MODI!;RN TWO-STOR')' JlO-, A metallurgical plant, with an rephi,ement of the, UAR troops ruary, provided fundinll for India is satisfied ~e matching aid re- quiet. The decision was made ~t a

annual capaoiIY of one million now in Yemen with inter-Arab to buy a total of $110 million worth' quir~ment will be met. meeting in the province attend-
American colour film OSE WITH FULL AME!Il1'rIES, tons of steel, is ·the most signi' units. This j~ no new idea, but in In Providence, police chief H;o.
in Farsi GUNFIGHT AT THE ADJACENT' NEW AMERICAN 'ARlANA. • ..... D.,. , iiMUil'),:_... '.......,t ...... ~ .,. ~.
the Khyber. ficimt .project to be constructe!i the present circumstances, it appear$
of U.S. commodities. Jt also set
aside two mlllldn of credit to par
ward A. Ranklin said he. believed
ed by the Ghor Wole,si Jirgah
Deputy Mohammad Amin, el-
O. K. CORRAL EMBASS'Y, ANSARI WAT1': . ",. _ _ " As a res)tlt, a new aid' agreement radal violence' in h.is city was over
CONTACT:. DR. FAIZI SKAN- with the,assistance of the USSR. to be increasingly. practicable, for shipping the tood Uems to India. is expected .to be negotiated with ders from the provincial centre
PARK CDlEMA A, non-ferrous metallurgic~1 com' Saudi Arabia bolds that t1)C' with- for this year. and villages.
At 2 :,30. S. 8, and 10 p.m. DAR, JADI TEMPOR SHAHI, The 'food 'aid autporised by Cong- India in due course .to provide at The situation has been quiet
Ame[ican cinemascope coluor film NEAR MAIN POST OFFJ;CE plex and' an oll rEltlnery will drawal of UAR troops from Yemcn'. ress was conditional on U.S. aid be- least part 01 the 1.5 million tons The new road will specially
there ~ince Tu~sday night's sniping
. in Farsi BETWEEN 17. AND 19 HOURS , . . AI,-ll'. be among the other seven pro, as a condition for' the solution of
jects. 'the Yemen problem.
ing matched by a combined total
01 aid by nine other countries par.
remaining under "the U.S, February
commitment.. .
and firebombing that caused .20 inN
facilititate communication in
winter, an official of the Minist-
VERTIGO versa, juries and 72 arrests, ry of Public Works said.


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