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personality analyzed by the first letter of the name.

A is the numerical equivalent of 1 and symbolizes confidence. When

it's the first vowel in a name, the person tends to be bold. On
the negative side, A can be critical of efforts of others.

B is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents our emotions. A

person with a B first letter is friendly and a homebody. On the
negative side, B can be self absorbed if not a bit greedy.

C is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents energy. C people

are talented and get along well with others. Negatively, C people
can be ruthless and cruel.

D is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents balance. It is

very powerful and is the letter associated with business. When it
is the first consonant in a name the person is very tired. On the
negative side a D person can be stubborn.

E is the second vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical

equivalent of 5. It is a is warm hearted, loving and compassionate.
The E can be unreliable and a bit flaky.

F is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents love. It is

warm-hearted, compassionate, and easy going. When it is the first
consonant in a name it carries the vibration of a nurturer.
Negatively, F people can be prone to self-pity.

G is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents mysticism and

religious experiences. This letter is imaginative, creative, and
helpful. When it is the first consonant in a name, the bearer will
tend to be a loner. G's don't listen well to others.

H is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents creativity and

power. This letter has a great deal of business talent. Negatively,
it can be self absorbed and greedy.

I is the third vowel of the alphabet and is the numerical

equivalent of 9. It represents law and as a general rule is
sensitive, compassionate and humane. On the negative side people
with this first letter can be ill-tempered.

J is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents our aspirations.

This letter is truthful, benevolent and intelligent. When it is the
first consonant in a name the bearer will possess an unyielding
desire to not give up and will therefore find success - eventually.
Negatively, J can be lazy and lack direction.

K is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents a person that

goes to extremes. K people are strong willed and influential.
Negatively, K can be dissatisfied with life and take their
discontent out on others.
L is the numerical equivalent of 3 and represents action. It is
charitable and well adjusted but can be somewhat accident prone.

M is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents spirituality.

This letter has a great deal of self confidence and is therefore
likely to achieve success. The drawback is that people with this
letter can be workaholics.

N is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents imagination. It

is intuitive and communicative, but negatively can be predisposed
to jealousy.

O is equates to the number 6. This letter represents patience,

compentence and is particularly studious. The drawback of being an
O is being a bit of a drama queen.

P is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents power. When it is

the first consonant in a name the bearer is likely to think of
spiritual matters. Negatively, P people can be selfish and flaky.

Q is the numerical equivalent of 8 and represents originality. It

symbolizes genius and the unknowable. Negatively, Q can be too self

R is the numerical equivalent of 9 and is tolerant and humane but

has a tendency to become short tempered. When it is the first
consonant in a name the bearer will often act as a diplomat.

S is the numerical equivalent of 1 and represents beginnings. S

people are very sexy. Negatively, S can act impulsively without
concern for others.

T is the numerical equivalent of 2 and represents growth. It is a

restless letter which seeks answers to spiritual questions.
Negatively, T is overly emotional, indecisive and is often easily
influenced by the opinions of others.

U is the final true vowel in the alphabet and is the numerical

equivalent of 3. The U person is very lucky in all ways.
Negatively, U can be selfish, greedy and indecisive.

V is the numerical equivalent of 4 and represents construction. It

is an industrious letter which is tireless and efficient. However
V people can also be ruthless.

W is the numerical equivalent of 5 and represents self-expression.

These first letter people are artistic. Negatively, W can be greedy
and take too many risks.
X is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents sexuality. This
letter is very sexy. Unfaithfulness is an unpleasant character
trait as well.

Y is the penultimate letter in our alphabet and is the numerical

equivalent of 7. This number loves freedom and dislikes restraint
of any kind. However Y can be indecisive and lazy.

Z is the final letter in our alphabet and is the numerical

equivalent of 8. It represents hope and peace. Negatively, Z first
letter people often act without thinking and without regard for

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