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Review of Literature | The Center of Dimensions


Thought Experiments by Kushal Gulecha

1. Mirror Universe: It is usually suspected by greatest scientific minds that genesis may be
the only possible origin theory. In brief, genesis refers to the production of something out
of nothing. Before the universe began, it must have been an absolute vacuum. Hence, any
action that would have led to the creation of the first fundamental particles would have
followed Newton’s Third Law of Motion– “Every action has an equal and opposite
reaction”. In such a case, it is definite that the first two particles that would have formed
would have had exactly inverse properties, i.e, opposite spin, opposite charge and so on.
Every further birth of subsequent particles would have been triggered from these two
particles; which means, every single action after this would have had equal and opposite

To put this into perspective, imagine the Big Bang’s aftermath. The formation of our
solar system is the result of explosion and coming together of mega celestial bodies. But
since n explosion also follows Newton’s Third Law of Motion, mega celestial objects
identical in nature, force and direction would have also flown away into the opposite
direction of the explosion. Since laws of physics and chemistry are universal, the same
exact reactions taking place on this side of the universe would be taking place on the
other side. This brings us to a conclusion that there exists a identical galaxy, star and
planets as our own on the other side of the universe but opposite in all characteristics.
This was about the celestial non-living bodies. Hence, we can also infer that since even
we are “made of star stuff”, which is in fact literally accurate, there exist inversely
identical life on those planets. This is mind boggling on multiple fronts because, there in
fact is a Kushal Gulecha (probably named inversely?) on the other side of the universe, at
this very moment, discussing the mirror universe.

However, it can be agreed upon that the universe is much more complex than the
combined intellect of the brightest humans put together innumerable times. This is where
the depth comes into picture but fundamentally, the theory stands every argument.


2. Size Doesn’t Matter: In spite of rapid scientific discoveries, there has been absolutely no
definite fact on how the universe actually originated. For now, let us assume we really
know how it started. Then,
a. Where was it born?
b. What exactly is the center of the universe when you really do not have a reference
c. Where does it end?
Review of Literature | The Center of Dimensions

d. And how do you call it an end when the empty space is infinitely unending?

Taking into consideration the infinite nature of the universe, it is only possible for every
kind of universe to exist since however it is that out universe was formed in this unending
space, other universes of every other characteristic would have also formed in the
unending fabric of time and space.

To explain the implications of this phenomenon, it can be inferred that there have been
every kind of universe that you can ever radically think of. There not only exists an
identical “You”, but infinite number of “You”. There also exist universe without “You”.
There exists a universe where “You” are the king or the queen of the country or probably
a slave. There exists a universe where “You” are a living your life as a member of the
tribes of “Bamazon”. But isn’t about “You” really since there exists a universe where
men wear feminine clothes and give birth while the women have opposite roles. Coming
out of this cluster, there may be universes where humans do not really exist at all.
Universe where it rains fire and animals survive on poisonous gases. All kinds of
possibilities that you can visually imagine really do exist in this unending infinite


3. A Degree Apart: Let us assume two strokes of lines angled just a degree away from
each other are drawn on a plain of paper. However, when the strokes of lines are
extended, they exponentially grow apart from each other before disappearing into
infinity. This analogy can be compared to the progress of any process i.e, if done with
just a minor difference at any point in time will eventually lead to infinite difference.

For example, are we really, as a human civilization, progressing in the right direction?
What if we just lost the track “by a degree” and got misdirected into a completely wrong
direction without even realizing? The realization part is difficult since the degree of
drifting away is drastically small for humans to even notice. This theory can be supported
by the fact that every country differs from every other on development index. Every
country that drifts away from the path of development changes its course to a slow-paced
one. Taking it to the next level, did we as humans drift away from other advanced
civilizations and change to a slow-paced course?

To put this into perspective, imagine a batch of human offspring is transported to an

isolated earth-like planet without any contact with the earth’s human civilization. After
thousands of years of them prevailing on that planet, do you really think they would have
progressed as civilization similar to their earth’s counterparts? Would they have social
rules similar to us? Would they have a system of education and schools? The possibility
of such an event is negligible since they would have chosen a different “degree” to move
Review of Literature | The Center of Dimensions

towards than us. It would be no surprise even if they completely evolve away from us as
a species.

This brings it down to really question our purpose in lives. Cosmic sense usually
overrides all the mundane rules of the man-made civilization.

---- END ----

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