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Title of the Project: The Invisible Man

Subject: English
Name of the Faculty: Phani Pooja
Name of the candidate: Shaik Shameena Begum
Roll No: 2015117, 1st Semester
Grammarly Report

Grammarly RGerpaomrt gmenaerralyted on Thu, 29 Oct 2015 14:41 Page 1 of 14


68 of 100


Contextual Spelling 14
Misspelled Words 8
Confused Words 5
Commonly Confused Words 1
Grammar 25
Wrong or Missing Prepositions 11
Determiner Use (a/an/the/this, etc.) 8
Faulty Subject-Verb Agreement 4
Pronoun Use 1
Incorrect Verb Forms 1
Punctuation 25
Comma Misuse within Clauses 12
Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences 11
Misuse of Semicolons, Quotation Marks, etc. 2
Sentence Structure 1
Misplaced Words or Phrases 1
Style 53
Improper Formatting 29
Wordy Sentences 10

1) Acknowledgement………………………………………………2
2) Introduction……………………………………………………..4
3) Research Question………………………………………………5
4) Review of Literature…………………………………………….6
5) About the author………………………………………………..7
6) Characters
a) Character of Griffin………………………………………….8
b) Character of Kemp…………………………………………..9
c) Character of Mrs. Hall………………………………………10
7) Suggestion……………………………………………………....11
8) Conclusion……………………………………………………....12

I would sincerely like to put forward my heartfelt appreciation to our respected English
madam, Phani Pooja for giving me a golden opportunity to take up the project regarding
“The Invisible Man”. I have tried my best to collect information about the project in various
possible ways to depict clear picture about the given project topic.

Title: The Invisible Man

Author: H.G.Wells

About The Author:

The Invisible Man is authorized by H.G.Wells. He was born on
September 21, 1866, Bromley, United Kingdom. He was a historian and novelist. He was also
one of the most prominent writers of science fiction. He was a prolific English writer in genres,
including the novel, history, politics, and social commentary, and text books and rules for war
games. His published book was his first novel, The Time Machine (1895), which was
immediately successful; he began a series of science fiction novels that revealed him as a writer
of marked originality and an immense fecundity of ideas.

Book Review:
The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells is a science fiction classic written in 1897.
The novella was first serialized in Pearson’s weekly the same year it was published. Griffin is a
scientist who devotes himself to the field of optics. While working in his research Griffin
discovers that he can change the body’s refractive index to absorb to all light and reflect none,
which makes him Invisible. The scientist uses himself as his first experimentation subject but
fails to reverse the process. After his friend betrays him, Griffin decided to murder him & begins
his own personal “reign of terror”. And it narrates the entire story humorously.

The researcher is interested in this novel because it is related to science
fictions. It indirectly shows that the science must to use but not misuse. This show the miseries
which causes by the misuse of science. And we have developed science in order to increase
technology, by this comforts of man is increased. Man is using science for the purpose of war
and destruction. Everyone should learn a lesson by this story. Even I also learnt so many things

The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells is a science fiction classic written in 1897. The
novella was first serialized in Pearson’s weekly the same year it was published. This novel starts
with the arrival of a stranger in the town of Iping, wrapped with bandages. He never takes off his
glasses, bandages, or coat, and brings all sorts of chemicals in little bottles with him. . Griffin is a
scientist who devotes himself to the field of optics. While working in his research Griffin
discovers that he can change the body’s refractive index to absorb to all light and reflect none,
which makes him Invisible. The scientist uses himself as his first experimentation subject but
fails to reverse the process. After his friend betrays him, Griffin decided to murder him & begins
his own personal “reign of terror”. And it narrates the entire story humorously.
In this novel, the author creates a psychological terror; a young scientist must live in the personal
hell created by his own experiments. Using himself as the subject, the scientist discovers the
keys to invisibility yet, he is unable to reverse the results. Wells had created a gripping
masterpiece on the destructive effects of the invisibility has on the scientist and the insane and
murderous chaos left in the malicious wake. The Invisible Man starts with the arrival of a
stranger to the town of Iping. It is all about a lonely researcher, griffin, whose discovery of
invisibility alienates from the people.

This novel is all about a scientist named Griffin, who himself forgets in the
research work of optics and invents to change his body’s refractive index in order to become
invisible. He is very interested in laws of reflection and refraction. Griffin lacks humanity in the
process of being an invisible man, he robs his own father, his father dies then also he doesn’t feel
guilty for this incident. He wants to be boss over the world. He also wants luxuries without doing
any kind of work. On the whole Wells treats the villagers conically and makes us laugh at their
superstitions. H.G.Wells like a master pointer creates the characters of Mr and Mrs Halls, Sandy
Wadgers, Mr Shuckleforth, Teddy Henfrey, Mr.Huxter, Jaffer, Fearenside, Old Fletcher and
Research Question

The researcher wants to show that the stranger or invisible man, Griffin is danger to the
society. He is a good researcher but he misuses the science and creates havoc in the minds of the
people. He has no thankful nature when his friend Dr.Kemp helps him giving shelter and food to
him. After knowing that Kemp has betrayed him he goes far enough to kill him.
Review of Literature

The Invisible Man is the ultimate story of an insane anti-hero, before insane anti-heroes
became popular, Griffin himself becomes more and more pathetic as the story progress and from
the comical start Wells moves away to darker, subtle satire in small towns can be just as
dangerous as any psychopath.
About the author:

H.G.Wells (1866-1946), Herbert George Wells was a historian and novelist.

He was one of the most important writers of science fiction. Wells is famous for his novel
‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells was born in Bromley, England. His father ran unsuccessful
shop that specialized in porcelain and cricket supplies. His father was also a talented cricket
player and he was a professional cricket player. Wells was a precocious child and learned to
read at the age of five. He met with an accident at the age of seven and during his
recuperation; he read Wood’s Natural History, The Bible, and The Piligrims Progress.

H.G.Wells began his education at the Commercial Academy for Young

Gentlemen. In 1880 when H.G.Wells was fourteen, he relocated to Wookey, Somerset, to
help a relative run a school as a pupil-teacher. Wells and his relative were removed from the
school when it came to light that his relative’s teaching credentials were faked. He moved to
London in 1888 with five pounds. He made some money by writing about science in the
weekly news papers. Wells was hired as a teacher in 1889 by the Henley House School.
Wells taught the poet A.A.Mine, whose father ran the school. In 1890, he was awarded his
B.Sc. in Zoology. He received his degree with honors. Shortly after his marriage, he started
writing essays and sketches for journals, including the Pall Mall Gazette.

The Saturday Review and the Pall Mall Gazette put H.G.Wells to work as a
literary and theater critic. H.G.Wells continued his prodigious writing career. His novels are
mostly drawn from his experience to such a degree that it approached vulgarity. In 1995,
Well’s achieved success with a realistic fiction with the publication of Kipps. He moved
away to journalism back from considering as a creative writer. He returned London in 1933.
The fiction books of H.G.Wells include The Time Machine, The Wonderful Visit, The Island
of Doctor Moreau, The Wheels of Chance, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, When
the Sleeper Wakes, etc.

Wells had diabetes, and was a co-founder in 1934 of The Diabetic

Association. Wells took part in a radio interview with Orson Wells, who had performed a
famous radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds on radio station KTSA in San Antonio on
28 October 1940. H.G.Wells literary papers and correspondence collection was purchased by
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1954. The collection includes first
editions, revisions, and translations. The letters contain general family correspondence,
communications, from publishers, material regarding the Fabian Society, and letters from
politicians and public figures, mostly notably George Bernard Shaw and Joseph Conrad.
Character sketch of Griffin

Firstly the story starts with the arrival of Griffin. The people of Iping glance at
stranger Griffin surprisingly because of his dress code. He covered his body with several
bandages and his pink nose is visible. Griffin is a bizarre. He was initially a student of medicine.
He switched over to physics because he was fascinated by the laws of reflection and refraction.
He believes that he was at the edge of the great experiment and he feels uncomfortable working
under his professor. To ensure his credibility, he leaves the university. To maintain the cost of
experiments, Griffin robs his own father, which leads to his father’s death by committing suicide.
Griffin invents a formula which bends the light and decreases the refractive index of physical
objects, making them invisible. He applies this theory on his neighbors cat and then on himself.
He sets fire to his landlord’s building to cover his tracks. He wanders alone invisible and naked
through the streets of London, struggling to survive out in the cold weather.

Griffin’s selfishness though is exaggerated. He steals from whomever he wants

to, and he doesn’t feel any sympathy for the people he hurts. Griffin’s emotions and frustrations
may be common, but he takes all of those feelings and turns them upto the maximum.

To make himself visible again, Griffin steals some clothes from a dingy
backstreet theatre shop, including a trench-coat and hat. He wraps his head in bandages to cover
his invisibility, covering his eyes with large dark goggles. He takes a room in an inn named
Coach and Horses in the village of Iping, so that he can reverse the invisibility process. His
progress slows and he has insufficient money for pub owners. To pay the bill, griffin burgles the
home of reverend Bunting. The police capture him and of frustrated anger he reveals his
invisibility by throwing of his clothes and escaping.

He became insane by his inability to reverse the experiment. He seeks

assistance from a tramp named Thomas Marvel. He says to bring the money for him, but marvel
runs away with the money. Griffin pursues him to the town of Port Burdock, where he runs into
his old schoolmate Dr.Kemp. Still bitter and angry towards the rest of humanity, Griffin attempts
to convince Kemp to be his visible partner and help him to begin a “reign of terror”. Betraying of
Griffin by Kemp extends to the attempt of murder of Kemp. Griffin vows to kill him, but is
forced to flee. Griffin is surrounded by the people and beaten to death. The invisibility wears off
in death, and Griffins corpse becomes visible again.
Character sketch of Kemp

Dr.kemp is an ambitious scientist living in Port Burdock. He is a tall and

slender young man with flaxen hair and a moustache almost white. He is focused, industrious
and aim gripped fellow. He is doing everything to get a fellowship to the royal society. He is
reserved and for the villagers he is disciplined, idealistic and non-interfering. He is very
respectable and law abiding citizen.

Dr. Kemp knows griffin from their college days. He is also interested in
mysterious and strange aspects of science. Due to this, Griffin was sure that he would be
willing to help him. Being a law abiding citizen, Kemp alerts the authorities about Griffin’s
evil plans. He plans to hand him over to the police.

For Kemp, life is very precious. He runs away to save his life. We think
that he is a cheater, a traitor when he betrays the confidence of Griffin. But finally we praise
his courageous attempt to save humanity. His presence of mind and tactful brain gets our

Kemp is kind hearted. He asks the attacking people to get off the dying
Griffin. His heart weeps for his friend.
Character sketch of Mrs. Hall

Mrs. Hall is one of the most important characters of the novel. She is the
owner of the inn The Coach and Horses. She is a friendly woman. She enjoys socializing
with her guests. When Griffin arrives she makes him comfortable.

She is very commercialized minded woman. She tolerates Griffin for her
eccentric behavior because she knows that the customers are the minting machines. She was
angry with Griffin when he failed to pay her.

Mrs. Hall is also a strong woman. She nags her husband on every possible
occasion. She is very dominating. She also over looks her husband weaknesses. She is a
memorable character as she is a blend of housewife and a working woman.

Comparison of Dr.Kemp & Griffin

From the scientific novel by H.G Wells named "The Invisible Man" we can see
Griffin is a talented specialist who keeps exploring how to make things subtle. He was
thinking about in the majestic school of London with Dr. Kemp as his collegue. Dr. Kemp
was in considering optics and griffin was doing restorative researches. By then he changed
his studies from answers for optics after he envisioned a way to deal with make blood
adequately faultless to subtle. He was for the duration of the day testing in conclusion he
succeeded in making him imperceptible. He has a malignant course of action i.e., to spread
guideline of fear the country over. After he is intangible he did insidious things. He stole
money, killed various people et cetera anyway he was imperceptible he was not ready to give
back this system. By then he completely gave himself in doing insidious activities. He once
entered to Kemp's home. It was a journalist .He then reveals his character that he knew kemp
from the majestic school and he in like manner uncovers his course of action of spreading
guideline of fear. Dr Kemp was completely against this idea. He regardless of what may be
normal was an amazingly social individual, he works for humanity. He understood what is
right and what isn't correct. He prompts about the imperceptible man to colonel Ayde. He
helped ayde for resting the imperceptible man. He misled griffin. Griffin forewarned kemp to
butcher him on the accompanying meeting. To this, kemp offered himself as a catch
remembering the deciding objective to help ayde in napping him. So we reason that griffin is
the foe of the novel and afterward once more, Dr Kemp is the perfect foil for him. No one
either truly could be called as holy person yet to some degree kemp is the legend of the
Degradation of Morals in the Absence of Social Restriction –

The storyteller uses the Invisible Man to attempt distinctive things with the
significance to which a man can sink when there are no social controls to smother his
behavior. Exactly when Griffin first kills his father, he acquits it away by saying that the man
was an "insightful dolt." When he takes the solution himself, he drives forward through such
torment that he "appreciates" why the cat wailed such an awesome sum amid the time spent
getting the opportunity to be indistinct. Regardless he has no compassion for the cat, for his
father or for any of the overall public he abuses over the compass of endeavoring to survive
immaterialness. Regardless of what may be normal, he jumps from submitting barbarities
because they are critical to his survival to presenting them essentially in light of the way that
he acknowledges doing in that capacity.

This subject of contamination without social law has transformed into a topic that is
researched in other academic works. H. G. All around made his story with by no mental
elaboration or character headway. Diverse writers, then again, have taken the idea
significantly more remote; we are as needs be regarded with books, for instance, Lord of the
Flies, and Heart of Darkness, close by short stories by Poe and Melville.

Science without Humanity –

Although Wells does not have his characters elucidate this idea, the thought is
addressed in the character of Kemp furthermore in Griffin himself. Kemp needs to stop Griffin
more out of misgiving for himself than out of sensitivity toward the gathering, on the other hand
he is in any case intrigued by the accomplishment of this befuddled student. The issue with the
entire test is that Griffin looked for after impalpability without appreciation to paying little
respect to whether there would be any bona fide point of interest to society because of it.

I would like to suggest to read this book for all ages for not misusing science for their
own benefit. It is a science fiction novel which is interesting for all the ages.

And use science in a proper way which benefits the society. The Invisible Man is around
a researcher who has made himself imperceptible. Working separately at to begin with, the
understudies make a rundown of the same number of favorable circumstances and detriments to
being imperceptible as they can.

The researcher concludes that this novel contains science fiction. Griffin misuses
science for his own benefit. It is very interesting to all the age groups. His invisibility makes
others surprising. Kemp, Mrs. Hall and Col. Adye are the important roles in the novel. Griffin
would have been a great scientist if he uses science and experiment in a proper way. It is a
suspense story.

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