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CuuRcH Musrc AssocrntroN oF AnaEntcn


To Whom It May Concern:

This certifies that Br. Cdstian Alfonso has been offered a scholarship to attend and participate in
our Sacred Music Colloquium, to be heldJune 25-30,2018 atloyola University in Chicago, IL. The
pu{pose of this cettification is to assist in the procurement of a visa for his travel to the United
States fromParaguay.

Information about the Colloquium is available at our website at: Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about
the Colloquium or about the organizaaon.

STith best regards,

lnet Gorbitz
General Manager
Church Music Association of America


P.O. Box 4344, RoswELL, NM 48202-4344 . G-[4E|ldu9i*c_asaERA-EaM
(575) 2Oa-O3OO oR (5O5) 263-6298 CELL

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