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B, C, D, E

Hepatitis is a disease caused by the inflammation of the liver. Some signs and symptoms appear in
a person suffering from Hepatitis is:

 Fever
 Nausea and vomiting
 Decreased appetite
 Tiredness
 Yellow, which can usually be seen on the skin or eyes
 Urinary brown like tea
 Often found enlarged liver
 and upper right abdominal pain during physical examination.
 Causes Hepatitis

Based on the cause, Hepatitis divided into 2 types, namely non-infectious and infectious hepatitis. In
the non-infectious hepatitis, an inflammation that occurs in the liver caused by the cause that is not
the source of infection, such as chemicals, drugs, and alcohol. Non-infectious hepatitis types,
including drug-induced hepatitis, it is not classified as a contagious disease, because the cause of
the inflammation is not due to infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or other

Instead, the Hepatitis type of infection, inflammation occurs in the liver caused by microorganisms
that attack the liver. Specific microorganisms that cause hepatitis are Hepatitis virus.

Hepatitis Type

There are some classes of viral hepatitis that is known to cause hepatitis, the hepatitis A virus,
Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D virus, and viral hepatitis E. Hepatitis Each type of
virus has modes of transmission are different.

1. Hepatitis A, caused by the Hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV virus is transmitted in a manner known in
the medical world as the fecal-oral (fecal: dirt, / feces, oral: mouth). It means that the spread and
transmission of this virus occurs through contaminated food or water by HAV virus contained in dirt /
feces patients with hepatitis A.


Most cases of hepatitis A occur in areas that have high levels of poverty, excessive population
(crowded), and poor sanitation and clean water systems.

 The hepatitis A virus can spread quickly through:

 Consuming food contaminated by feces of a person infected with hepatitis A due to poor
personal hygiene. For example, when we consume food prepared by people with hepatitis A who
have not washed their hands properly, especially after a bowel movement
 Consuming contaminated drinking water
 Consuming vegetables and fruits are washed using water that has been contaminated
 Eating seafood contaminated by sewage
 Having sex with an infected

Therefore, to prevent transmission of the virus HAV, things to do is to maintain the cleanliness of the
food we eat. Some good habits that can be done for this purpose of which is to get used to wash
hands with soap before eating, keeping food sanitation, and avoid eating food that has not been
known to hygiene processing (food sold alongside a road, etc).

In addition, the prevention of Hepatitis A can also be done with the vaccine Hepatitis A.
2. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis-B cause is a virus (HBV), a type of liver disease is dangerous and can be
fatal. In 90% of cases of HBV disappear naturally, but in 10% of cases the virus to survive and
develop chronic diseases, which then can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Many infants and children
who are exposed to hepatitis B do not really recovered, so get liver problems in adulthood. You need
to be careful with the HBV virus because it can be transmitted by healthy people (who did not
develop hepatitis B disease) but carry the virus.

Hepatitis B often do not cause symptoms. If there are symptoms, the typical complaints are pain and
itching is felt in the joints, nausea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain. Hepatitis B can be resisted
by the vaccine. Children usually get the vaccine as part of the child vaccination program.


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be transmitted through blood, semen, or other body fluids. The mode of
transmission include:

 Sexual contact, ie if someone had sexual intercourse with the hepatitis B patients without
using protective (condoms) that can lead to blood, saliva, semen, and vaginal fluids enter the body.
 Use of syringes, needles used whole together with people who have been infected with
hepatitis B virus may also increase the risk of transmission, namely through an intravenous (IV)
 Blood contact, such as when the blood transfusions are performed on people who are
infected with HBV virus to people who have not been infected.
 From a mother to her child, for example is a woman who is pregnant can pass the virus to
the fetus in her womb.

Penularam vaccine can prevent hepatitis B, but there is no treatment to cure this disease. If a person
has been infected, she should immediately take certain precautions can help prevent the spread of
hepatitis B virus to others.

The use of razors and toothbrushes together also needs to be avoided. Because when using a razor
or brush your teeth, not uncommon trauma/injury resulting small access opening for the virus to
enter the bloodstream.

3. Hepatitis C, caused by Hepatitis-C Virus (HCV). Transmission of hepatitis C transmission to

resemble Hepatitis B.


Transmission of the virus that causes hepatitis C is almost the same as the type of hepatitis B is
through blood contact that has been contaminated with the virus. Here's how hepatitis C virus

 Sharing needles or other equipment simultaneously like a plate, spoon, food, beverage is the
most common way to spread the virus of hepatitis C.
 Through blood transfusions
 Transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, namely
 Through sexual intercourse without the use of safety devices such as condoms to patients.

4. Hepatitis D
Causes Hepatitis D is the HDV (hepatitis D virus) or viral Delta. This virus can only multiply in the
body when the body is infected by viral hepatitis B. Although it is the type most rare, but Hepatitis
Hepatitis D is the most dangerous types of other types of hepatitis.

Very difficult to distinguish patients with hepatitis B and hepatitis D, because the symptoms
experienced by patients is almost the same, among others are:

 Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eye color)

 Onset of pain in the joints
 Stomach ache
 Gag
 Loss of appetite
 The color of urine becomes dark
 Feel fatigue

Transmission of the virus that causes hepatitis D is also similar to the transmission of hepatitis B
virus Hepatitis D virus can be transmitted or spread through contact with contaminated blood or
other body fluids. According to Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, approximately 5% of patients with
hepatitis B also have hepatitis D.

5. Hepatitis E is similar to hepatitis A. Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) transmitted through human feces to
the mouth and spreads through contaminated food or drink. The highest rate of infection of hepatitis
E occurred in the area of bad bersanitasi that supports transmission of the virus.

Patients with hepatitis E may have no symptoms or signs of any kind after the virus has entered the
body for a period of 2 to 9 weeks old. But he may soon experience some symptoms after an
incubation period, such as:

 The incidence of mild flu

 The onset of extreme fatigue that usually lasts for some time after the virus cleared
 Discoloration of urine becomes dark or brown
 Stomach ache
 Jaundice (eye color and skin)
 Fever
 Loss of appetite
 The onset of itching
 Nausea and vomiting
 The onset of pain or pain in the joints and muscles
 Tingling, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs.

Similarly, a brief explanation of the types and causes of hepatitis. We wish to provide knowledge to
you about the symptoms and causes of Hepatitis disease, how it is transmitted, and how to prevent
such transmission.

Let us get used to living a clean and healthy in order to avoid various infectious diseases, including

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