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IMO Standard MarineCommunicationPhrasesandUsethe IMO Standard Marine

CommunicationPhrases and useEnglishinwritten and oral form(Menggunakan
Kalimat Komunikasi MaritimStandar IMO danmenggunakan bahasaInggris dalam
bentuk tulisandanucapan)

1. Duringtheanchoringprocedure,whatwouldthe2ndOfficerunderstandby the
following request from thebridge, "How is the chain"?
A. The bridge would like to know the direction of the anchor cable from the
hawse pipe.
B. TheMasterisaskingtheChiefOfficerwhethertheshipneedstobe moved forward
and takethe weight offtheanchorcable.
C. The Master is requesting the Chief Officer to inform the bridge of
whetherhecan determinewhich waytheship is moving in the water.
D. TheMasterisaskingtheChiefOfficerwhetherthevesselisdragging anchor

2. How should the tug be securedtotheship,whenthebridgetellsthepoop that "It is the

tug's wire"??
A. Thetug will send awireto the ship for making fast.
B. TheAfterTeamwillsendawirefromthepooptothetugandthenmake it fast.
C. TheAfterteam will sendout thetowing spring to thetug to makefast.
D. Thetug will be readyto receive thetowing spring and makeit fast.

3. Inthediagramwhichlinewouldbethe"AFTSPRING",ifthevesselwas port side

alongside ajetty?

A. TheAft Spring is indicated byA, in the figure

B. TheAft Spring is indicated byB, in thefigure
C. TheAft Spring is indicated byC, in thefigure

D. TheAft Spring is indicated byD, in the figure

4. Inthediagram,thedepthofwaterunderthekeelisindicatedbytheletter "C". Which

bridge instrument would indicate this depth?

A. Echo Sounder
B. DraughtIndicator
C. ArpaRadar

5. In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the


A. TheBridgeis indicatedbyA, in thefigure

B. TheBridgeis indicated byB, in thefigure
C. TheBridgeis indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheBridgeis indicated byD, in thefigure
6. Inthediagram,whichletter isindicatingthe"bits" whichwouldprobablybe used
bythe"FORWARD SPRING"when mooring the ship?

A. Thebits forthe ForwardSpring is indicated byD,in thefigure

B. Thebits forthe ForwardSpring is indicated byB,inthe figure
C. Thebits forthe ForwardSpring is indicated byC,in thefigure
D. Thebits forthe ForwardSpring is indicated byA,in thefigure

7. In the diagram, which letteris indicating the position "MIDSHIPS"?

A. Midshipsis indicated byB, in thefigure

B. Midships is indicated byA, in the figure
C. Midships is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Midships is indicated byD, in the figure

8. Inthediagram,whichletterispointingattheareaknownasthe"BOW"of the ship?

A. TheBow is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. TheBow is indicated byA, in the figure
C. TheBow is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheBow is indicated byD, in the figure

9. Inthediagram,whichletterispointingtotheareaoftheshipknownasthe

A. TheStern areais indicated byC, in thefigure

B. TheStern areais indicated byB, in thefigure
C. TheStern areais indicated byA, in thefigure
D. TheStern areais indicated byD, in thefigure

10. Inthefigureisshownthedirectionofpossiblemooringlinesfromthestern
direction which would beused bya"STERNLINE"?

A. TheSternLineis indicated byA, in the figure

B. TheSternLineis indicated byB, in thefigure
C. TheSternLineis indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheSternLineis indicated byD, in the figure

11. In thefigure,which arrow indicates thedirection "ASTERN"?

A. Astern is indicated byD,in thefigure

B. Astern is indicated byB,in thefigure
C. Astern is indicated byC,in thefigure
D. Astern is indicated byA,in thefigure
12. In thefigure,which letter indicates the"BREADTH”of thevessel?

A. Breadth is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. Breadth is indicated byA, in thefigure
C. Breadth is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Breadth is indicated byD, in thefigure

13. In thefigure,which letter indicates what is knownas "mooring bits"?

A. Themooring bits areindicated byD, in the figure

B. Themooring bits areindicated byB, in thefigure
C. Themooring bits areindicated byC, inthe figure
D. Themooring bits areindicated byA, in the figure
14. In thefigure,which letter indicates which item is the "WINDLASS"?

A. TheWindlass is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. TheWindlass is indicated byA, in thefigure
C. TheWindlass is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheWindlass is indicated byD, in thefigure

15. Inwhich direction would the "FORWARD HEADLINE"normallyrun?

A. Theforward head linewould normallyleadforward from the bow

B. Theforwardheadlinewouldnormallyleadfromthebowbacktowards the stern
C. Theforwardheadlinewouldnormallyleadstraightacrosstothejetty and be as
shortas possible
D. Theforward head lineis normallythe line used bythe forward tug.

16. Onthediagram,whatistheareaattheforwardendofthevesselshownby the letter
"A"? It is normallyraised byonedeck abovethe main deck

A. Fo'c's'le orForecastle
B. Forward bridge
C. Poop
D. Crows nest

17. On the diagram, which arrowed line is indicating the "Breadth" of the

A. Thebreadth is indicatedbyletter B, in thefigure

B. Thebreadth is indicatedbyletter A, in the figure
C. Thebreadth is indicatedbyletterC, in thefigure
D. Thebreadth is indicatedbyletter D, in the figure
18. On the diagram, which letter indicates what is meant by the word
"DRAUGHT"of theship?

A. Draught is indicated byD, in the figure

B. Draught is indicated byB, in thefigure
C. Draught is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Draught is indicated byA, in the figure

19. On thediagram, which letter is indicating the "BOW"?

A. TheBow is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. TheBow is indicated byA, in the figure
C. TheBow is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheBow is indicated byD, in the figure
20. Readthetextinthediagramandanswerthefollowingquestion:When should
training in personal survival techniques begiven?

A. Beforebeingemployed
B. During thefirst week onboard
C. Afterjoining theship
D. Afteroneperiod at sea
21. Readthetextin thediagramandanswerthisquestion:What shouldbegiven to

A. Approved training insurvival techniques

B. Passport and visa
C. Recommendations
D. Survival and protective clothing

22. Readthetextinthepicturebeforeansweringthequestion.Whatisthe
fundamentalrequirementrelatingtotheolderships,whicharestillin service?

A. Theolderships must bein good condition.

B. Asaresult ofthenew building activities,oldershipsarenolonger required.
C. Theoldership must be cheaper torun than the new builds.
D. Theolderships should bescrapped to makewayfor thenew builds.
23. Whatarethedutiesofthebridgelookoutduringthenight,whenthevessel is in the
middleof theocean?
A. Thelookoutmustkeepalookoutall-roundtheshipandreportanything sighted,
orheard, to theOfficer ofthe Watch
B. Thelookoutmustkeepalookoutaheadofthevesselandreportanything sighted
to theOfficer oftheWatch
C. Thelookoutshouldremainonthebridgewingtobeathandtodeliver messages
as required bytheOfficer oftheWatch
D. Thelookoutmuststandbyreadytotakethewheelwhenrequiredbythe Officer
ofthe Watch

24. What could the wheelman be asked todo,to help in the preparations to
leavethe berth and go tosea?
A. Test thesteering byputting thewheel hard over both ways
B. Help theforward team let go theropes
C. Help the after team let gothe ropes
D. Standbyin themess room until called to thebridge.

25. Whatdoyouunderstandbytheterm"LetGo"whenappliedtomooringand

A. Let Go means to cast offthe mooring ropes and wires

B. Let Go means to let seafarers go ashore
C. Let Go means toleavetheship
D. Let Go means to slackenamooring rope

26. What is a"cargo plan",when applied to a ship?

A. The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what quantities
B. Theplantoshowthestaffrequirementsateachhatchwhiletheshipis loading
C. Theplan showing thecargo spaces and their capacity
D. A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for
loading cargo

27. What is a"Fairlead"?

A. AFairleadisaspecialdevicethroughwhichispassedropesorwiresto stop them
moving sideward’s andreduces frictionand chafing
B. A Fairlead is thesounding lead used to sampletheseabed
C. A Fairlead is thedeviceused to closethe cargo holds
D. A Fairlead is thesafest direction to steam down a fairway

28. What is amooring line?
A. A mooring line is a thick ropeused to moor theship
B. A mooring line is alinethat is passed through ablock
C. A mooring line is asmall diameterline attached toalargediameterrope
D. A mooring line is alineattached to the anchor

29. What is aship's "Gangway"?

A. A Gangwayisaportablemeans of access betweenthe ship and the shore
B. AGangwayisanintervaloftimebetweenachangeofworking gangs,on board
C. A Gangwayisavertical ladder used bythepilot to board theship
D. A Gangwayis themeansof access into the cargoholds

30. Whatismeantbytheterm"Singleup"whenavesselispreparingtoleave the jettyto

which it wasmoored?
A. Singleup is the term used to describethe processof letting go most of the
moorings lines and just leaving sufficient lines tostaysafelyalongside.
B. Singleupisthetermusedwhenthereisonlyonesingleropeleftout between the
ship and thejetty, when leaving theberth
C. Singleupisthetermusedwhenonlyonesingletugisusedtoassistthe ship in
leaving theberth.
D. Singleupisthetermusedwhenashipleavesthejettywithoutany assistancefrom
tugs andit is entirelyon its own steam.
31. Whatisnameofthemachineshown,usedtoheaveontheropesduring mooring and

A. Winch
B. Capstan
C. Windlass
D. Crane

32. What is the daytimesignal to beshown when thevessel is at anchor?
A. A black ball forwardwhereit can best beseen
B. Two black balls wheretheycan best be seen
C. Thenational flag flying from the foremast
D. A black ball from mainmast amidships

33. What is the meaning of theterm "MakeFast", when mooring theship?

A. MakeFast means secure the ropes to thebits
B. MakeFast means to act veryquickly
C. MakeFast means to avoid eating all meals duringthe daylight hours.
D. MakeFast means to coilup arope

34. Whatisthenameoftheportablewalkwayoraccessbetweenshipand shore?

A. Gangway
B. Accommodation ladder
C. Bridgeway
D. Bulwark
35. Whatisthenormalnamegiventothefueloilusedfortheship'smain engines?
A. Bunkers
B. Fuel oil
C. Cargo
D. Lubricating oil

36. Whatisthenormalnameofthespecialwire/ropeonboardtheshipusedto makeatug

A. Towing spring
B. Tugs rope
C. Tugs wire
D. Mooring wire

37. What is the normal name ofthe waterproof suit shown in the picture?

A. Survival suit
B. Wet suit
C. Lifesuit
D. Fluorescent orangesuit

38. What is the output shownonthe "Rate of Turn"displayfitted on the bridge?

A. TheRateofTurnindicatordisplaystheratetheshipisswingingin degrees per
B. TheRateofTurndisplayshowstheturningspeedthevesselisswinging in
degrees per second
C. The Rate of Turn indicator shows the rudder angle applied by the
helmsman to turn theship.
D. TheRateofTurnindicatorshowsthechangingangleofthevesselfrom the

39. What is the role ofatug in aport?

A. A tug assists the ships tomoor and unmoor

B. A tug provides transportforthe port personnel
C. A tug is used to assist thefishing boats when theyenterthe port
D. A tug is the normal vessel used bythe pilot to board aship

40. What is understood bythe term "Boat Drill"?
A. "BoatDrill"meansthepracticaltraininginthevariousaspectsofgetting all the
people onboard safelyoffthe ship, in the event of abandoning ship
B. "BoatDrill"meansanexerciseinthesafemethodsofhandlingalifeboat in
C. "BoatDrill"isanexerciseinthepracticalandsafemethodstosecurea boat
alongsidethe ship.
D. "BoatDrill"isanexercisetolaunchthelifeboatsandmovetheboats clear of

41. What is understood bythe term, "TheLeeSide"?

A. Lee Side is theside that faces away from the wind
B. LeeSide is theStarboardside ofthe vessel
C. LeeSide is thePort side ofthe vessel
D. LeeSide is theside that faces the wind

42. What is understood bythe word"Bollard", whenmooring aship?

A. A Bollard is a thick steelpost to which mooring lines aresecured
B. A Bollard is a veryheavyrope
C. A Bollard is a loop in arope
D. A Bollard is a ropemadeup ofseveral strands

43. What letter indicates thedirection "AHEAD", in thefigure?

A. Ahead is indicated byA,in thefigure

B. Ahead is indicated byB,in thefigure
C. Ahead is indicated byC,inthe figure
D. Ahead is indicated byD,in thefigure

44. Whenactingashelmsman,whatshouldbethemethodofrespondingtoan order?
A. When receiving an order,the order should be repeated back to the person
who gaveit before carrying out the order.
B. Theresponsetoanordershouldbetoacknowledgethatorderandthen carryout
whatyou were told to do.
C. Whenactingashelmsmanandgivenahelmorderyoushouldalwayssay "Yes
D. Theorderneedstobeacteduponandthiswillindicateyouunderstood what was

45. Whenkeepingalookout,whatwouldbethecorrectunderstandingofthe question

"What is the aspect of theother ship"?
A. Thequestionisrequestingsomeindicationofthedirectiontheothership is
B. Thequestionisrequestingsomeideaofhowfarawaytheothershipis fromyour
own ship
C. Thequestion wants to know what typeof ship hasbeen sighted
D. The question is requesting where on the horizon the other ship was

46. When should the lookoutreport another vessel?

A. As soon as it is sighted orheard.
B. When the navigation lights can be clearlyseen
C. When the other vessel isapproaching theship
D. When the other vessel isforward ofthe beam of own ship

47. Whereis the"FORECASTLE", in thefigure?

A. TheForecastleis indicated byB,in thefigure

B. TheForecastleis indicated byA, in the figure
C. TheForecastleis indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheForecastleis indicated byD, in the figure

48. Whereon aship is thedeck known as the"Boat Deck"?

A. TheBoat Deck is thedeck from which persons embark into thelifeboats
B. TheBoat Deck is thedeck of alifeboat
C. TheBoatDeckisthedeckwhereaccesswouldbemadefromanyboats
D. TheBoat Deck is thename ofthe main deck of theship or boat.

49. Which is the"CAPSTAN", in thefigure?

A. TheCapstan is indicatedbyA, in thefigure

B. TheCapstan is indicatedbyB, in thefigure
C. TheCapstan is indicatedbyC, in thefigure
D. TheCapstan is indicatedbyD, in thefigure

50. Which is the"MOORING BUOY", in thefigure?

A. TheMooring Buoyisindicated byB, in thefigure

B. TheMooring Buoyis indicated byA, in the figure
C. TheMooring Buoyis indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheMooring Buoyis indicated byD, in the figure

51. Which is the"PANAMALEAD", in thefigure?

A. ThePanamaLead is indicated byC, in thefigure

B. ThePanamaLead is indicated byB, in thefigure
C. ThePanamaLead is indicated byA, in the figure
D. ThePanamaLead is indicated byD, in the figure

52. Which is the"QUAY", in the figure?

A. TheQuayis indicated byA, in the figure

B. TheQuayis indicated byB, in thefigure
C. TheQuayis indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheQuayis indicated byD, in the figure

53. Which is the"STARBOARD BOW", in thefigure?

A. TheStarboard bow is indicated byA, in the figure

B. TheStarboard bow isindicated byB, in thefigure
C. TheStarboard bow is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. TheStarboard bow is indicated byD, in the figure
54. Whichofthemooringlinesshowninthefigureisknownasthe"AFT

A. TheAft BreastLineis B, in thefigure

B. TheAft BreastLineis A, in the figure
C. TheAft BreastLineis C, in thefigure
D. TheAft BreastLineis D, in the figure

55. Whycould dirtyand oilyareas of thedeck bedangerous?

A. Theymaycausepeople to slip overand hurt themselves
B. Theydonot lookgood to the customers
C. Theyshow theship is not efficient
D. Theyare areas which should be cleaned up.

56. Withreferencetothetextintheframe:whatisstatedasathreattolivesat sea and the

A. Bad management and poorlymaintained older ships.

B. All ships aged between twentyand thirtyyears old.
C. All old or new ships which arebadlymanaged ships.
D. Thereis no immediate threat to the crew or environment
57. Would thereever betheneed fortwo lookouts onthe Bridgewatch?
A. Yes, possiblywhen thereis densefog and heavytraffic.
B. Never necessary
C. No, onelookout is sufficient even in fog
D. Everynight thereshouldbetwo lookouts, oneon each bridgewing.
58. In the figure, which letter gives the correct understanding of the term

A. Length Overall is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. Length Overall is indicated byA, in the figure
C. Length Overall is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Length Overall is indicated byD, in the figure

59. TheIMOStandardMarineCommunicationPhrasesarerecommendedtobe used

when the ship's Officer is verballytalking to whom?
A. Incircumstances described in all of the answers provided
B. When talking between ship and shorepersonnel
C. When giving orders on board with otherseafarers
D. When talking on theVHFbetween ships

60. TheSecondOfficer,whenonwatchonthebridge,isoftenreferredtoasthe OOW.
What does OOW actuallystand for?
A. Officer ofthe Watch
B. On official watch
C. On official watchkeeping
D. Operator of thewatch
61. What is "AIRDRAUGHT", in thefigure?

A. Air draught is indicated byC, in thefigure

B. Air draught is indicated byB, in thefigure
C. Air draught is indicated byA, in thefigure
D. Air draught is indicated byD, in thefigure

62. What is "FREEBOARD", in thefigure?

A. Freeboard is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. Freeboard is indicated byA, in the figure
C. Freeboard is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Freeboard is indicated byD, in the figure

63. What is "LENGHTOVERALL", in the figure?

A. Length overall is indicated byB, in thefigure

B. Lengthoverall is indicated byA, in thefigure
C. Length overall is indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Length overall is indicated byD, in thefigure

64. Whatisthecorrectunderstandingoftheterm"BlockCoefficient"asapplied to a
A. Thecomparisonoftheunderwatershapeoftheship,toarectangular block ofthe
B. Thecoefficient ofaBlock and Tackle
C. Theratioofthewaterplaneshapeoftheshiptoarectangleofthesame extreme
D. Therestriction ofavalvein a pipeto theflowof fluid through that pipe

65. Whichapprovedpublicationshouldbeusedbyaseafarertohelpovercome
anymisunderstanding in communications?
A. The(IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet
B. Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary
C. TheOxford ConciseDictionary
D. The(ICS) BridgeProcedures Guide

66. Which is the"CENTRE LINE", in thefigure?

A. TheForeandaft Centrelineis indicated byA, in the figure

B. Theforeand aft Centrelineis indicated byB, in thefigure
C. Theforeand aft Centrelineis indicated byC, in thefigure
D. Theforeand aft Centrelineis indicated byD, in the figure
67. Howwouldyoualert others onboard ifyou saw a person falling overboard?
A. If Isaw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, "Man
B. IfIsawaperson fallingoverboardIwould shout once,"Man overboard"
C. IfIsawaperson fallingoverboardIwould run tothe Bridge
D. IfIsawaperson fallingoverboardIwould inform theBosun

68. Is it always possibleto usethe word"ship"instead of theword"boat"?

A. Normallyasmallvesseliscalleda"boat"ratherthana"ship",otherwise it is not
B. Either can beused anytime
C. A largevessel is alwayscalled a"ship" and nevera"boat"
D. A boat can onlybeused for vessels under 50 metresin length.
69. Whatare thelistscalled thatgivethepositionandtaskduringalifeboatdrill forall
persons on board theship?

A. TheMusterList
B. TheCrewList
C. TheDrillList
D. TheDutyList

70. Whatdoyoucallthewiderungonapilotladderthatpreventstheladder from
A. Thewiderungonapilotladderthatpreventsitfromtwistingiscalleda 'Spreader'
B. Thewiderungonapilotladderthatpreventsitfromtwistingiscalleda 'Long
C. Thewiderungonapilotladderthatpreventsitfromtwistingiscalleda 'Wide
D. Thewiderungonapilotladderthatpreventsitfromtwistingiscalledan 'Ani-
twist rung'

71. Whatdoyouunderstandbytheorder:"Movethepilotladdertotheother side"?

A. Movethepilotladdertotheotherside,means:toshiftthepilotladderto the
oppositeside ofthe ship.
B. Movethe pilot ladder to theotherside means: to rig anotherpilot ladder
C. Movethepilotladdertotheothersidemeans:tomovethepilotladder
furtheralong nearer to thebow.
D. Movethepilotladdertotheothersidemeans:tochangethepositionof the pilot
ladder from themain deck to theforedeck.

72. What doyou understand bythe term: "Let go thetug"?

A. Let go thetug means: to cast offthe lines that securethe tug to theship
B. Let go thetug means: to tell thetug masterto steerawayfrom the ship.
C. Let go thetug means: to cut thelines securing thetug to the ship
D. Let go thetug means: to tell thetug masterto let go his anchor

73. What doyou understand by: Bitterend?
A. Bitterendmeans:theendlinkofananchorcablethatissecuredwithin the chain
B. Bitterend means: to the verylast moment
C. Bitterend means: a foul taste at the end of ameal
D. Bitterend means: thetoggled end ofalifeboat painter

74. What doyou understand by:Let gothe port anchor?

A. Let go theport anchor means: open the port windlass brake
B. Let go theport anchor means: put theport windlass brakein gear
C. Letgotheportanchormeans:puttheportwindlassbrakeingearand lower
D. Let go theport anchor means: slacken theport anchor cable

75. Whatdoyouunderstandby:Rigtheaccommodationladderincombination with

thepilot ladder?
A. Rigtheaccommodationladderincombinationwiththepilotladder
means:lowertheaccommodationladderandrigthepilotladderright next to it
B. Rigtheaccommodationladderincombinationwiththepilotladder means:
lower thegangway
C. Rigtheaccommodationladderincombinationwiththepilotladder
D. Rigtheaccommodationladderincombinationwiththepilotladder means:
lower thegangwayandrig thepilot ladderfrom thegangway

76. What doyou understand by: Securethe tug?

A. Securethe tug means: to makefast thetug

B. Securethe tug means:to let go thetug
C. Securethe tug means: to pass a line to the tug
D. Securethe tug means: to pick up thetug line

77. What does theword "pirates"mean?

A. Pirates arepersons who attempt to board and take over aship at sea
B. Pirates areofficial peoplewho boardtheship while in port
C. Pirates arespecial cargo lashings on container ships
D. Pirates are anotherwordforhelmsmen

78. What is "DRAUGHT", in the figure?

A. Draught is D, in thefigure
B. Draught is B, in thefigure
C. Draught is C, in thefigure
D. Draught is A, inthe figure

79. What is the meaning of "makefast"

A. To secure arope
B. To act quickly
C. To avoid all meals
D. To coil arope

80. Whatisthe normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the

A. Lifeboat drill
B. Lifeboat practice
C. Lifeboat launching
D. Lifeboat exercise

81. What is the objectiveof themerchant navy?

A. To safelytransport goods bysea
B. To transport and delivergoods as quicklyas possible
C. To earn moneyforthe shipowner
D. To provide employmentforpersons whowish to become seafarers
82. What is the room often called wherethe creweattheirmeals?

A. Thecrew mess
B. Thecrew restaurant
C. Thecrew restaurant
D. Thecrew café

83. What is understood bythe term "takethe helm"?

A. Take over the steering of the ship.
B. Takeover heaving ofarope.
C. Takeamessagetoanother officer.
D. Changethe placewherethelookout is standing.

84. Whereis "AFT", in thefigure?

A. Aft is A, in thefigure
B. Aft is B, in thefigure
C. Aft is C, in thefigure
D. Aft is D, in thefigure

85. Where is the"BRIDGE",in thefigure?

A. TheBridgeis A, in the figure

B. TheBridgeis B, in thefigure
C. TheBridgeis C, in thefigure
D. TheBridgeis D, in the figure

86. Whereis the"FORECASTLE", in thefigure?

A. TheForecastleis B, in thefigure
B. TheForecastleis A, in the figure
C. TheForecastleis C, inthefigure
D. TheForecastleis D, in the figure

87. Whereis the"PORT QUARTER", in thefigure?

A. ThePort quarter is D, inthe figure

B. ThePort quarter is B, in thefigure
C. ThePort quarter is A, inthe figure
D. ThePort quarter is C, in thefigure

88. Which is the "STARBOARD QUARTER", in thefigure?

A. The Starboard quarter isC, in thefigure

B. TheStarboard quarter isB, in thefigure
C. TheStarboard quarter isA, in the figure
D. TheStarboard quarter isD, in the figure

89. Which ofthesestatements is NOT correct?

A. Kerosene is good for cleaning the skin.
B. Contact with oil on the skin can causedermatitis.
C. Oil and gasolineon the skin can causeskin cancer.
D. Oil can block skin poresand causerashes


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