Tiếng Anh 6 - tập 1

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Table of Contents

Lesson 1 Present Simple................................................................................................................................ 2

Lesson 2 Fun and games .............................................................................................................................. 11
Lesson 3 Past Tenses ................................................................................................................................... 17
Lesson 4 Learning and doing ..................................................................................................................... 24
Lesson 5 Future tenses ................................................................................................................................ 30
Lesson 6 Coming and going ........................................................................................................................ 37
Lesson 7 Comparisons.................................................................................................................................. 43
Lesson 8 Working and earning .................................................................................................................. 52
Lesson 9 Gerunds and infinitives ............................................................................................................. 59
Lesson 10 Both, Either, Neither, Or, So .................................................................................................... 70
Lesson 11 Laughing and crying ................................................................................................................... 77
Lesson 12 Passive voice ................................................................................................................................. 84
Lesson 13 Friends and relations .................................................................................................................. 95
Lesson 14 Relative Clause ........................................................................................................................... 101
Lesson 15 Inventions & discoveries........................................................................................................... 110
Lesson 16 Modals 1:....................................................................................................................................... 117
Lesson 17 Sending and receiving............................................................................................................... 127
Lesson 18 Modals 2:....................................................................................................................................... 134
Lesson 19 People and daily life .................................................................................................................. 142
Lesson 20 Conditionals 1: ............................................................................................................................ 147
Lesson 21 Conditionals 2: ............................................................................................................................ 156
Lesson 22 Wish/ Unreal past ..................................................................................................................... 165
Lesson 23 Nature and universe .................................................................................................................. 176
Lesson 24 Reported Speech ........................................................................................................................ 183
Lesson 25 Creating and Building............................................................................................................... 196
Lesson 26 Causative....................................................................................................................................... 202
Lesson 27 Problems and solutions ............................................................................................................ 211
Practice Test 1 ........................................................................................................................... 217
Practice Test 2 ........................................................................................................................... 222
Practice Test 3 ........................................................................................................................... 226
Practice Test 4 ........................................................................................................................... 233
Practice Test 5 ........................................................................................................................... 237
Practice Test 6 ........................................................................................................................... 243

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1 Present Simple

1. Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. You
may have to use some negative forms.

1. Gordon? I think he ..........................................(write) a letter at the moment.

2. Yes, the match is on TV now, but we ..........................................(lose).
3. Right now, Margaret ..........................................(have) a shower. Do you want to ring later?
4. Sally ..........................................(stay) with her aunt for a few days.
5. I ..........................................(lie)! It’s true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.
6. Josh ..........................................(always / use) my bike! It’s so annoying.
7. We ..........................................(have) lunch, but I can come around and help you later.
8. ..........................................(you / play) music up there? It’s really noisy!

2. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1. Are top musicians studying for many years? ..........................................
2. What’s going on? I hope you don’t touch my things! ..........................................
3. It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. ..........................................
4. Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? ..........................................
5. I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper.
6. Our washing machine is starting when you press this button. ..........................................
7. How’s the match going? Does our team win? ..........................................
8. Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. ..........................................

3. Circle the correct word or phrase

1. I work / am working at the local library for the summer.
2. We don’t go / aren’t going to the theatre very often.
3. Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.
4. Does Gary ever talk / Is Gary ever talking about his expedition to the Amazon jungle?
5. In squash, you hit / are hitting a ball against a wall.
6. I read / am reading a newspaper at least once a week.
7. Do you practise / Are you practising the piano for two hours every day?
8. Nadine and Claire do / are doing quite well at school at the moment.
9. A good friend knows / is knowing when you’re upset about something.
10. How do you spell / are you spelling your name?

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4. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

belong do have help hold move use watch

1. In Monopoly, you ........................ around the board, buying houses and hotels.
2. ........................ you ........................ this programme or can I turn the TV off?
3. Regular exercise ........................ you to stay healthy.
4. I ........................ my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.
5. ........................ Simon always ........................ the washing -up after lunch?
6. ........................ you ........................ any sweaters in a larger size?
7. You ........................ the kite right. Let me show you.
8. Dad ........................ to the local astronomy club.

5. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly
‘One game I am loving is backgammon. You are throwing the dice and then you move
your pieces around the board. It is seeming quite easy, but in fact you are needing to be
quite careful. When your piece lands on one of the other person’s pieces, you are taking it
off the board and you send it back to the beginning. You are winning by getting all your
pieces to the end and off the board. Some people are preferring chess, but I am not
understanding that game. Right now, I wait to have a game with my brother. He does his
homework. I usually win, so I think he doesn’t want to play a game with me!’
1. ........................ 4. ........................ 7. ........................
2. ........................ 5. ........................ 8. ........................
3. ........................ 6. ........................ 9. ........................
10. ........................

6. Complete using the correct present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ........................ (see) this film already.
2. John and Julie ........................ (had) their car for about a year.
3. She ........................ (not / take) her driving test yet.
4. Sue ........................ (be) a tour guide since she left university.
5. ........................ (you / ride) into town on your new bike yet?
6. This new computer ........................ (make) my life a lot easier.
7. We ........................ (not / decide) what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
8. ........................ (Paul / ever / meet) a famous person?

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7. Choose the correct answer

1. ........................ never played this game before.

A. I’ve B. I
2. Adam ........................ his room last night.
A. has tidied B. tidied
3. ........................ here since 2005?
A. Have you lived B. Did you live
4. Carol and I ........................ to the cinema three nights ago.
A. have been B. went
5. It’s the first time ........................ our flat, isn’t it?
A. you’ve visited B. you visited
6. They ........................ the baby a name yet.
A. haven’t given B. didn’t give
7. ........................ to New York when you went to the States last summer?
A. Have you been B. Did you do
8. ........................ an e-mail before?
A. Have you ever sent B. Did you ever send

8. Complete using the correct present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Use short forms where possible.

Mandy : Hi Matt. How are you? What (1) ..................................... (you / do) recently?
Matt : Oh, hi Mandy! Well, (2) ..................................... (I / study) for my exam.
Mandy : That sounds boring! (3) ..................................... (you / work) hard?
Matt : Very! Basically, (4) ..................................... (I / just / sit) at my desk in my bedroom
for the past three weeks and (5) ..................................... (I / not / go) out at all. (6)
..................................... (I / work) with Michael, my best friend, some of the time,
though, so at least I’ve had some company. How about you?
Mandy : Well, my mum and (7) ..................................... (I / paint) my bedroom for the last few
days. That has been fun! And (8) ..................................... (we / also / plan) our
summer holiday.
Matt : Great! Where are you going?
Mandy : Well, we haven’t decided yet. (9) ..................................... (We / look) at different
places to see which we like best.
Matt : I’m sure you’ll have a great time, wherever you go. Oh, by the way, (10)...................
........................... (I / think) of having a party when I finish my exams. Would you
like to come?
Mandy : Sure! That would be great!

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9. Circle the correct word or phrase
1. I think I’ve heard / been hearing that song before.
2. They haven’t arrived / been arriving yet, but they should be here soon.
3. You’ve written / been writing that e-mail for over an hour. How long is it going to take
4. Have you talked / been talking on the phone since eight o’clock?
5. Jo has already invited / been inviting Shirley to dinner.
6. I’ve read / been reading an interview with Brad Pitt, but I haven’t finished it yet.
7. Have the boys played / been playing computer games since this morning?

10. Complete using the words in the box

already ever for just never since yet

1. I haven’t listened to their new CD ................................. . Is it any good?

2. We’ve been waiting for you ................................. over an hour. Where have you been?
3. Have you ................................. been to the UK before?
4. I’m afraid we’ve ................................. made plans for this weekend, so we won’t be free.
5. Pedro has been having English lessons ................................. he was five years old.
6. It’s strange that you mention the film Crash. I’ve ................................. been reading about it in
the paper.
7. I’ve ................................. heard of a ‘sudoku’. What is it?

11. Complete using the present simple or present continuous.

1. She .......................................... (have) a bath every evening.
2. My husband .......................................... (always/taste) the food while I’m cooking! It’s very
3. Luke .......................................... (see) the doctor now.
4. He .......................................... (have) a party next weekend.
5. This coffee .......................................... (not/taste) right.
6. We .......................................... (see) John and Susie next month.
7. What .......................................... (you/think) about the war?
8. She .......................................... (have) a headache.
9. It .......................................... (be) cold today.
10. They .......................................... (not/have) a car.
11. I .......................................... (not/see) anything, I can't work the telescope?
12. The waiter .......................................... (taste) the wine now.
13. She .......................................... (not/be) a doctor.

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14. .......................................... (you/want) a sandwich?
15. I .......................................... (have) fun today.
16. I .......................................... (think) too much about my ex-boyfriend.
17. They often .......................................... (see) a film on Fridays.
18. This cake .......................................... (taste) funny.
19. .......................................... (you/have) a good time at the moment?
20. The chef always .......................................... (taste) the food before he serves it.

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.
Hi Isabel, I’m in the beautiful city of Oxford. I (1) .....am studying.... (study) German and
Russian at the university here. I (2) ................................. (find) both languages interesting but
German (3) ............................... (be) more difficult. All the other students on the course (4)
............................ (feel) the same way, too. We (5) ............................... (meet) once a week to discuss
the lectures. This week, we (6) ................................. (go) to the theatre in London to see a play.
I (7) ................................. (stay) on the campus for the moment but a few of us (8) ............................
(look) for a house to share. The food in the halls (9) ................................. (not/be) very good, so
we usually (10) ................................. (have) lunch at a restaurant nearby.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Take care, Bill

13. Fill in: has / have been in / to, has / have gone to
1. A: ...Have you ever been to... France?
B: No, I haven’t but I’d like to go one day.
2. A: I’m afraid Sue and Pam can’t come with us. They want to visit their grandmother.
B: She ..................................................... hospital for a long time, hasn’t she?
3. A: How long ..................................................... Mexico?
B: For nearly three years.
4. A: Do you know where Mum is?
B: I think she ..................................................... the post office to get some stamps.

14. Choose the correct item

1. What are you cooking? It .......... very nice!
A. is smelling B. smells C. smelt
2. The stars ........ at night.
A. are shining B. shines C. shine
3. A. Do you play basketball at weekends?
B. Yes, I ........ do.
A. never B. often C. seldom

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4. ......... you go to the party yesterday?
A. Did B. Do C. Does
5. The next show ......... at 8:30 pm.
A. starting B. starts C. start
6. We left the concert hall three hours ..........
A. before B. last C. ago
7. Have you ever ......... to Egypt?
A. be B. been C. gone
8. George ......... a bath at the moment.
A. is having B. has C. have
9. I ........ of buying a new car.
A. think B. am thinking C. thinks
10. The Sun ......... in the east.
A. is rising B. rise C. rises
11. Tina is happy because she ........ her exams.
A. passes B. has passed C. have passed
12. This apple pie ......... delicious!
A. taste B. tastes C. is tasting
13. A: Do you listen to the radio? B: Yes, I ........ do.
A. never B. seldom C. sometimes
14. Tommy usually ......... his homework after lunch.
A. do B. does C. doing
15. How long ........ you lived here?
A. are B. were C. have
16. Did you ........ Madame Tussauds while in London?
A. visiting B. visits C. visit

15. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

1. never / he / his wife’s birthday / forgets
2. usually / she / wake up / early / doesn’t
3. always / he/ has / to travel abroad / wanted
4. rarely / he / at night / goes out
5. can’t / always / you / want / get / what / you
6. beat / James / never / at tennis / can/ I
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16. Complete using the present simple or present continuous.
1. ................................................. (you/come) tonight?
2. ................................................. (he/eat) rice every day?
3. I ................................................. (work) at the moment.
4. ................................................. (he/come) to London often?
5. He ................................................. (play) tennis now.
6. ................................................. (you/come) to the cinema later?
7. They ................................................. (not/come) to the party tomorrow.
8. He ................................................. (not/play) golf now.
9. ................................................. (you/play) tennis this Sunday?
10. They ................................................. (go) to a restaurant every Saturday.
11. She ................................................. (not/go) to the cinema very often.
12. You usually ................................................. (arrive) late.
13. He normally ................................................. (eat) dinner at home.
14. ................................................. (you/study) every night?
15. ................................................. (they/work) late usually?
16. You ................................................. (not/go) out later.
17. I ................................................. (not/work) tonight.
18. ................................................. (she/work) at the moment?
19. I ................................................. (not/drink) coffee very often.
20. Julie ................................................. (sleep) now.

17. Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. She can't come to the phone now because she ........... for tomorrow's test.
A. studies B. is studying C. has studied D. has been studying
2. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually ........... basketball on Fridays.
A. play B. are playing C. have played D. have been playing
3. I ........... my work already. I'm ready to go for a walk with you.
A. finish B. am finishing C. have finished D. have been finishing
4. I ........... breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?
A. cook B. am cooking C. have cooked D. have been cooking
5. I ........... this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?
A. don’t read B. am not reading C. haven’t read D. haven’t been reading
6. Maria is good at languages. She ........... French, Spanish and German.
A. speaks B. is speaking C. has spoken D. has been speaking

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7. So far, he ........... five stories for children.
A. writes B. is writing C. has written
8. We ........... for their answer for two months already.
A. wait B. are waiting C. have been waiting
9. She ........... since Monday.
A. is sick B. is being sick C. has been sick D. has been being sick
10. She ........... since noon. Should we wake her up?
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. has been sleeping

18. Stative verb or action verb? Choose the most appropriate answer
1. He often helps other people. I ........... he is a good man.
A. think B. am thinking C. have been thinking D. had been thinking
2. I ........ about this project since last spring.
A. think B. am thinking C. have been thinking D. thought
3. Can you help me, please? I ......... for Mr. Smith’s office.
A. look B. am looking C. have looked D. looked
4. Is that Alan over there? He ......... old and tired. Is he sick?
A. looks B. has looked C. has been looking D. looked
5. She ......... the soup in the kitchen when the telephone rang.
A. has tasted B. has been tasting C. was tasting
6. This soup .......... good. I really like it.
A. is tasting B. has been tasting C. tastes
7. Could you call a little later? We ......... dinner now.
A. are having B. have had C. had
8. She ......... him for quite a long time. They are good friends.
A. knows B. has known C. has been knowing D. had known
9. Your bag ........ a ton. There are too many books in it.
A. weighs B. is weighing C. has been weighing D. weighed
10. I ......... a little boy in the room. He is sleeping on the sofa.
A. see B. am seeing C. saw D. had seen

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19. Choose the most appropriate answer
1. How often does Peter go to the swimming pool?
- He ........... to the swimming pool everyday. He likes swimming.
A. goes B. is going C. has gone D. has been going
2. When is the best time to call you?
- I usually ......... till nine in the evening. Call me around ten, if you can.
A. work B. am working C. have worked D. have been working
3. Let’s ask Anna to make apple pie for dessert. She ......... great apple pies.
A. makes B. is making C. has made D. has been making
4. Please be quiet. My children .......... now.
A. sleeping B. are sleeping C. have slept D. have been sleeping
5. The sun ......... in the east.
A. rises B. is rising C. has risen D. has been rising
6. Listen! Someone ......... the piano. Do you hear it? - Yes.
A. plays B. is playing C. has played D. has been playing
7. What is Linda doing? - She ....... dinner.
A. cooks B. is cooking C. has cooked D. has been cooking
8. She can’t go to the movies. She ......... her homework yet.
A. doesn’t do B. isn’t doing C. hasn’t done D. hasn’t been doing
9. Tanya ......... France several times.
A. visits B. is visiting C. has visited D. has been visiting
10. We ......... this report for four hours. I’m tired. Let’s have a break.
A. write B. are writing C. have written D. have been writing

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Fun and games
1. Sort out by noun, verb, adjective the following words
beat concert organize
board game defeat pleasure
captain entertaining referee
challenge folk music rhythm
champion group risk
cheat gym score
classical music have fun support
club interest team
coach member train
competition opponent video game

Noun/ Noun Phrase Verb Adjective


2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. carry .....on....: continue
2. eat ...............: eat at a restaurant
3. give ...............: stop doing sth you do regularly
4. join ...............: participate, take ..........
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5. send ...............: make a player leave a game
6. take ...............: start ( a hobby, sport)
7. turn ...............: lower the volume of
8. turn ...............: increase the volume of
9. ............... a long time
10. ............... fun
11. ............... the middle of
12. ............... time for
13. ............... CD
14. ............... stage
15. bored ...............
16. crazy ...............
17. good ...............
18. interested ............... = keen ...............
19. popular ...............
20. listen ...............
21. take part ...............
22. a book ............... somebody about
23. a fan ...............
24. a game ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the verb

1. act  N, Adj, N (person) ..........action............ .................................
2. athlete  Adj, N ................................. .................................
3. Child N (plural), N ................................. .................................
4. collect  N, N (person) ................................. .................................
5. entertain  N ................................. .................................
6. hero  Adj, N (person) ................................. .................................
7. music  Adj, N (person) ................................. .................................
8. play  N (person), Adj ................................. .................................
9. sail  N , N (person) ................................. .................................
10. sing  N, N (person) ................................. .................................

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4. Complete using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box
beat challenge have fun interest organise score train


Do you dream of (1) ......................................... the winning goal in a football match, or (2)
......................................... a top tennis player? Sport (3) ..................................... most young people,
and it’s a great way to stay healthy and (4) ..................................... at the same time. That’s why
the local council has decided to help young people who want to (5) ..................................... their
own sports club. We know it’s a big (6) ............................................. , and that’s why we’ll give you
the money you need to get started. We’ll help you find a place to (7) .........................................
and give you money to find good players in your area. Contact the Town Hall for details.

5. Circle the correct word

1. I really like playing board/video games like Monopoly and Cluedo.
2. Roy was the best player, so he wasn’t surprised when he became captain/ club of the
3. Lost of people get defeat/ pleasure from just watching sport from their armchairs.
4. I thought the music at the concert/ rhythm we went to last night was great.
5. Everyone in my family supports the same competition/ team.
6. I find classical/ entertaining music really boring, and I prefer pop.

6. Choose the correct answer

1. You should take .................... a sport and then you would get more exercise.
A. off B. up C. down
2. I’m trying to work! Could you please turn your music .................... ?
A. down B. in C. out
3. Just ask and I’m sure the other children will let you join .................... .
A. out B. up C. in
4. The referee sent David .................... for arguing with him.
A. off B. down C. up
5. This is my favorite song! Turn it .................... !
A. off B. out C. up
6. A mobile phone rang, but the musician just carried .................... playing.
A. on B. up C. in
7. We can’t afford to eat .................... very often.
A. off B. up C. out
8. I’ve decided to become a vegetarian and give .................... meat.
A. up B. off C. out

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7. Write one word in each gap
1. We were waiting outside the stadium .................... a long time before they finally let us in.
2. I’ve got that concert ............................ DVD - it’s fantastic!
3. I ran all the way home and I was just ........................... time for my favorite programme.
4. Everyone clapped when the singer came ........................... stage.
5. At the cinema, Mum sat on the right, Dad sat on the left and I sat ....................... the middle.
6. Ed doesn’t want to become a professional footballer. He just does it ........................... fun.

8. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary
1. What’s the name of that ......................................... you were singing earlier? SING
2. I started to learn the piano, but I don’t think I’ve got much ......................................... talent,
to be honest. MUSIC
3. My dad used to be really fit and was on his college ....................................... team. ATHLETE
4. When you were young, did you ever play in the street with other local
................................... ? CHILD
5. Alan is studying to be an ......................................... , but I don’t think he’s enjoying it. ACT
6. They have a wonderful .................................. of old toys at the museum in town. COLLECT
7. My granddad loves to ......................................... and we often go out on his boat. SAIL
8. You have to practice a lot if you want to work as a ......................................... . MUSIC

9. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line

Why are kittens such (1) ................................ animals? They love chasing a PLAY
ball or a piece of wool, and they always play in a very (2) .................................. ATHLETE
way. But why? All of a kitten’s (3) .................................... when playing are, in ACT
fact, important for the future. It might look like (4) ........................................ , ENTERTAIN
but the kitten is practising its hunting skills. That (5) ......................................... HERO
jump onto a toy teachers the kitten a lot. Think about your own (6) CHILD
......................................... and you’ll see that you learnt a lot through play.

10. Write one word in each gap

Diana: Hello, is that Jenny? I’m bored (1) ................................ watching TV and I felt (2)
................................ a chat. What are you doing?
Jenny: Hi, Diana. Well, I’m reading a book (3) ................................ a Russian writer. It’s (4)
............................... how to become a great actor.
Diana: Really? Oh I’m really interested (5) ................................ acting. Tell me about it.
Jenny: He says it takes a long time to get good (6) ................................. acting. To become
popular (7) ................................. the public, you need to really understand people.
Diana: That sounds just like me! Tell me more. What else does he say?
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11. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word

1. I’m completely crazy with skateboarding! I love it! ....................

2. In my free time I listen on music on CD or on the radio. ....................

3. Elsa isn’t very keen for this group, but they’re one of my favourites. ....................

4. Next week we’ve got a game to a team from Hungary. ....................

5. Is that Kylie? Oh, I’m a really big fan from hers. ....................

6. I was really scared when I took part to the singing competition last year. ....................

12. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line

These days, most of us have a CD (1) ....................................... . Before the CD, COLLECT
(2) ....................................... made LPs, or ‘long-playing’ records. Although many SING
(3) ....................................... have never seen an LP, they were once very CHILD
popular. To play these records, you needed a record (4) .................................... PLAY
with a needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some (5)
....................................... say the sound of LPs was better than CDs - and many MUSIC
(6) ....................................... agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of COLLECT
(7) ....................................... , but many people buy and sell them. Some of them ENTERTAIN
remember the LP from their (8) ....................................... and listening to CHILD
records reminds them of the past.

13. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word

carry eat give join send take turn

1. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to ................................. in with me!
2. It’s so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to .............................. the music down?
3. There was a fight during the match and the referee .................................. two players off.
4. We .................................. out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.
5. I love this song! .................................. it up!
6. I used to play the trumpet, but I ............................ up last year because I didn’t have time.
7. We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we .................................. on.
8. A good way of getting more exercise is to .................................. up a sport, like basketball.

15 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

14. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy

Jack ..................................................................................... football and never misses a match.
2. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. was
My uncle ..................................................................................... until he was thirty.
3. Do you want to watch TV? feel
Do you ..................................................................................... TV?
4. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part
John .................................................................................... in a swimming competition last week.
5. June and I had a game of tennis. against
I had ..................................................................................... June.
6. I played chess almost every day when I was young. used
I .................................................................................. chess almost every day when I was young.
7. Volleyball doesn’t really interest me. in
I’m not ..................................................................................... volleyball.
8. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun
I ..................................................................................... at your birthday party.
9. Young children like Disneyland. popular
Disneyland ..................................................................................... young children.
10. Karen doesn’t like watching sport on TV. keen
Karen ..................................................................................... watching sport on TV.

15. Match the two halves of the sentences

1. I waited outside the tennis club for ....... A. fun, and I don’t want to do it as a job

2. When you rang, I was in ....... B. stage, with all the audience clapping

3. We finally got to the stadium just in ....... C. time to see the match start.

4. I just play football for ....... D. a long time, but George didn’t appear

5. I loved that film and when it comes out ....... E. on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.

6. It’s great to appear on ....... F. the middle of cleaning my football


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3 Past Tenses

1. Complete using the correct past simple form of the verbs in the box. You may have to
use some negative forms.

come give go have know make send take

1. I got to the post office just before it closed and ................................... the letter.
2. We invited Stephanie to the party, but she ................................... .
3. Jack lost his job because he ................................... too many mistakes.
4. Everyone ................................... that it was Bill’s fault, but nobody said anything.
5. Karen ................................... the keys from the kitchen table and ran out the door.
6. I was bored, so Mum ................................... me some money to go shopping.
7. Do you remember the time we ................................... to India on holiday?
8. It started raining, but luckily I ................................... an umbrella in my bag.

2. Complete using the correct past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Ted ................................... (play) his guitar at half past seven.
2. At midnight, I ................................... (sleep), but Jane ................................... (listen) to music.
3. Luke ................................ (stand) outside the bank when suddenly two robbers ran past him.
4. I know Doug ................................... (work) late at the office because I saw him when I
................................... (leave).
5. ................................... you ................................... (have) a shower when the earthquake happened?
6. Penny ................................... (run) to catch the bus when she slipped and fell.
7. When you saw Eugene ................................... he ................................... (go) home?
8. At midnight? Erm ... We ................................... (watch) a DVD, I think.

3. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. When we were in Canada, we went / were going skiing almost every day.
2. About four years ago, I decided / was deciding to become a chef.
3. Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at the door.
4. Holly and I ran from the house to the taxi because it rained / was raining heavily.
5. Two men argued / were arguing outside, so I went to see what was happening.
6. Daniel called / was calling you at one o’clock yesterday, but you were here with me.
7. We ate / were eating breakfast when a letter came through the letter box.

17 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

8. As I walked past the window, I saw that Paula made / was making a cake.
9. I dreamt / was dreaming about my favorite band when the alarm clock went off.
10. While I practiced / was practicing the trumpet late last night, a neighbor came to

4. Complete using the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in box.
answer be continue get go have open
practice put ring say shine sing wake

One morning, Amber (1) .................................. up early. The sun (2) .................................. and the
birds (3) .................................. . Amber (4) .................................. very excited because it was the day
of the big tennis match. Amber (5) .................................. downstairs and into the kitchen, where
her father (6) .................................. breakfast. ‘Morning, Amber. Today’s the day!’ he (7)
............................. . Amber smiled nervously. ‘Don’t worry!’ he (8) ............................ . ‘You’ll be fine.’
Amber (9) .................................. some toast into the toaster and (10) .................................. the
fridge. Just as she (11) .................................. the butter out, the phone (12) .................................. .
Her father (13) .................................. it. After a few minutes, he put the phone down.
‘Bad news, I’m afraid. The other player (14) .................................. yesterday when she had an
accident. The match is off.’
Amber ate her toast slowly. She was surprised she didn’t feel disappointed.

5. Complete using the correct form of used to. You may have to use some negative

1. When I was younger, I .................................. eat pizza almost every day!

2. .................................. there .................................. be a supermarket on the corner?
3. Bradley is a teacher, but he .................................. want to be a train driver.
4. I .................................. like eating cabbage, but now I love it!
5. .................................. Rick .................................. have blond hair when he was a little boy?
6. I know Lily .................................. cook much, but now I think she makes dinner every day.

6. Complete using the correct past perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. By the time I arrived, everyone .................................. (leave)!
2. Steve .................................. (already/see) the film, so he didn’t come with us to the cinema.
3. Tina .................................. (not/finish) doing the housework by seven o’clock, so she called
Andrea to tell her she would be late.
4. .................................. (you/just/speak) to Billy when I rang?
5. The car broke down just after .................................. (we/set off).
6. I didn’t eat anything at the party because .................................. (I/already/eat) at home.
7. .................................. (you/hear) about the accident before you saw it on TV?
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7. Choose the sentence (A or B) which means the same as the first sentence.
1. We’d had dinner when Wendy arrived.
A. Wendy arrived and then we had dinner.
B. We had dinner and then Wendy arrived.
2. I read the book after I’d seen the film.
A. I saw the film and then I read the book.
B. I read the book and then I saw the film.
3. By the time Dad came home, I’d gone to bed.
A. I went to bed before Dad came home.
B. I went to bed after Dad came home.
4. She didn’t go to bed until her mum had come home.
A. She went to bed and then her mum came home.
B. Her mum came home and then she went to bed.
5. Mr. Banks hadn’t arrived at the office by the time I got there.
A. I arrived before Mr. Banks.
B. Mr. Banks arrived before me.
6. They’d bought the plane tickets before they heard about the cheaper flight.
A. They bought the plane tickets and later they heard about the cheaper flight.
B. They heard about the cheaper flight and then they bought the plane tickets.
7. The girls had tidied the house when the visitors arrived.
A. The visitors arrived and later the girls tidied the house.
B. The girls tidied the house and then the visitors arrived.

8. Write sentences using the prompts. One of the verbs must be in the past perfect

1. we / just / hear / the news / when / you / ring

2. I / already / think of / that / before / you / suggest / it
3. when / I / turn on / the TV / the programme / already / start
4. she / be / hungry / because / she / not / eat / anything / all day
5. by the time / I leave / school / I / decide / to become / a musician

19 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

9. Choose the correct answer.
1. I’d only ............ the washing-up for a few minutes when Clare came home, so she offered
to finish it.
A. done B. been doing
2. Had you already ............ James his birthday present when we gave him ours?
A. given B. been giving
3. Gail hadn’t ............ me that she would help me, so I wasn’t angry when she didn’t.
A. told B. been telling
4. Mum had ............ her cup of tea for several minutes before she realised it had salt in it!
A. drunk B. been drinking
5. We’d ............ ready all day when they called to say the party had been cancelled.
A. got B. been getting
6. It was a fantastic experience because I’d never ............ in a plane before.
A. flown B. been flying

10. If a line is correct, put a tick (√). If there is an extra word in a line, write the word.
Dear Diary,
1. ......................... This morning my exam results finally had came. I’d been expecting
2. ......................... them for the last week. I knew I’d been done quite well, but I was still
3. ......................... nervous as I had opened the envelope. Before I’d had a chance to look
4. ......................... at them, my sister ran up and pulled them out of my hand! She had
5. ......................... read them out one by one. ‘English A, maths A, biology A, French A ...’
6. ......................... This was the news I’d been waiting for. I’d got As in every subject -
7. ......................... even geography, which I hadn’t been making sure about! When Mum
8. ......................... and Dad heard the news, they immediately started been shouting
9. ......................... with joy. By the time I’d had breakfast, Mum had already called
10. ....................... Grandma and Grandpa and had yet told the neighbours!

11. Choose the correct verbs so that each tense appears once. Simple past, Past
Progressive, Past perfect simple, Past perfect progressive

1. We (went/were going/had gone/had been gone) to the cinema last week.

2. A bird pooed on the window that I (cleaned/was cleaning/had cleaned/had been
cleaning) only a minute before.
3. Yesterday at nine he (sat/was sitting/had sat/had been sitting) in front of his computer.
4. When their mum got home, the boys (watched/were watching/had watched/had been
watching) TV for two hours.

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12. Choose the correct answer
1. It’s the first time ............ all the answers right in a test!
A. I’ve got B. I’d got C. I’ve been getting D. I’d been getting
2. The exam ............ when Jimmy finally found the right room.
A. has already started B. already started
C. has already started D. already starts
3. ............ that crossword for over an hour and you still haven’t finished it.
A. You’ve done B. You’d done
C. You’ve been done D. You’d been done
4. When they let us go in, we ............ outside the exam room for over half an hour.
A. have stood B. had been standing
C. have been standing D. are standing
5. Clare hasn’t finished her homework ............ .
A. already B. yet C. just D. ever
6. Have you ............ been on a school trip?
A. yet B. for C. before D. ever
7. Lizzie has been having dance classes ............ she was four years old.
A. for B. from C. since D. when
8. Had you been learning French ............ several years before you took your first exam?
A. for B. from C. since D. when

13. Complete the sentences with the correct past form.

1. By the time we ............................. (get) to the theatre, the play ............................. (already/start).
2. Last night I .......................... (dream) about going to the Moon.
3. When Ginny .......................... (see) me yesterday, I .......................... (cross) the street.
4. My dad ........................ (paint) the living room for two hours before my brother .........................
(come) to help him.
5. Nora ........................... (lie) in a hammock while Phil .......................... (weed) the garden.
6. Before the Smiths .......................... (buy) their new house, they ............................. (look) for a
suitable one for a year.
7. Laura .............................. (send) us a postcard from her holiday in Italy.
8. As Claira ............................ (dust) the furniture, she ............................ (break) her mum’s vase.
9. My sister ............................ (never/be) to the circus before last week.
10. Pam and I .......................... (study) for the history exam when the lights ........................ (go) off.
11. The alarm clock ............................ (not/ring) yesterday morning and I .......................... (be) late
for work.
12. Mr.Roberts ............................. (work) in the company for six years before it ............................
(go) bankrupt.

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13. You ........................ (not/sleep) when I ........................ (return) last night.
14. When ........................ (they/visit) you last time?
15. Yesterday at this time, Karen ........................ (write) a letter of application to the manager
of L’Oréal.
16. I ........................ (not/play) attention to the teacher and my friends ........................ (not/pay)
attention, either.
17. When we ........................ (go) out for a walk last Sunday morning, the sun ........................
(shine) and it ........................ (be) quite warm.
18. We ................................ (never/see) the Pyramids before our trip to Egypt in 2005.
19. ....................................................... (Simon and Alice/get) married last summer?
20. They ............................ (wait) for more than an hour before Lady Gaga ........................ (appear)
on the stage.
21. Michael and Robert ..................... (rollerblade) in the backyard when Sally ...............(phone).
22. I ........................ (meet) Harry at Brenda’s birthday party last month.
23. Where ....................................................... (you/spend) your last winter holidays?
24. My cousin and I ....................... (sit) at a park bench when we ...................... (hear) a thunder.
25. By six o’clock Ted ........................ (pack) all his staff in his backpack.
26. I ........................ (sunbathe) for two hours before it ........................ (start) to rain.

14. Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense you need to

1. A plumber ................................ (come) to our house yesterday.

2. He ................................ (want) to repair our washing machine that ................................ (break) a
few days before.
3. Before he ................................ (ring) at my door, he .............................. (look) for a parking space
for about ten minutes.
4. While the plumber ............................. (repair) the washing machine, I ............................. (watch)
the news.
5. Suddenly, I ................................ (realise) that they ................................ (show) our street on TV.
6. The reporter ................................ (say) that a car ................................ (crash) into a stop sign just
before reaching the crossroads.
7. While I ................................ (listen) carefully to what ................................ (happen), someone
................................ (knock) at my door.
8. I ............................. (open) the door and ............................. (see) a police officer standing there.
9. He ................................ (ask) for the plumber.
10. As it ............................. (turn) out, it ............................. (be) out plumber’s car that ............................
(roll) down the street.
11. In his haste, the plumber ................................ (forget) to put the handbrake on.

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15. Past or Past perfect (Simple and Progressive) - Complete the following sentences
with the correct form of the verb.

1. When I ................................ (walk) through Bologna I ................................ (think) about the

wonderful times I ................................ (spend) there as a student.
2. They ................................ (already leave) the village before the sun ................................ (rise).
3. As soon as she ................................ (finish) cleaning the floors she ................................ (start)
4. After I ................................ (post) the letter I ................................ (realise) I ........................... (write)
the wrong address.
5. We ................................ (drive) for two hours when we saw the hotel.
6. It was the first time that he ................................ (invite) me for lunch.
7. John ................................ (ask) me if I ................................ (be) away on holiday.
8. When I ............................... (get) home last night my family ........................... (already go) to bed.
9. We ................................ (be) worried about John because we ................................ (call) several
times but he never answered.
10. When I ................................ (arrive) home I ................................ (see) that someone
................................ (break) into my house.
11. She ................................ (meet) James on the street yesterday and he ................................ (tell)
her that he ................................ (be) ill for the past two weeks.
12. I ................................ (look) out of the window last night because I ................................ (hear)
some noises.
13. I ................................ (invite) ................................ Susan to the party but she couldn’t come
because she ................................ (already make) other plans.
14. They ................................ (watch) TV when the earthquake occured.
15. When room service arrived, we ................................ (already wait) for nearly half an hour.
16. He ................................ (study) English for three years when he started a new course.

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Learning and doing
1. Sort out by adj, adv, v, noun the following words
achieve guess report
brain hesitate revise
clever instruction search
concentrate make progress skill
consider make sure smart
course mark subject
degree mental take an exam
experience pass talented
expert qualification term
fail remind wonder

Noun Verb/ Verb phrase Adjective Adverb


2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. cross ...out...: draw a line through sth written
2. look ...............: try to find information in a book, etc
3. point ...............: tell sb important information
4. read ...............: say sth out loud which you are reading

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5. rip ...............: tear into pieces
6. rub ...............: remove with a rubber
7. turn ...............: turn sth so the other side is towards you
8. write ...............: write information on a piece of paper
9. ............... heart
10. ............... instance
11. ............... conclusion
12. ............... fact
13. ............... favour (of)
14. .............. general
15. capable ...............
16. talented ...............
17. cheat .............../ ...............
18. confuse sth ...............
19. continue ...............
20. cope ...............
21. help (sb) ...............
22. know ...............
23. learn ...............
24. succeed ...............
25. an opinion v/ ...............
26. a question ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. begin  N, N (person) ...... beginning ...... .................................
2. brave  N .................................
3. correct  N, Adj (opposite) ................................. .................................
4. divide  N .................................
5. educate  N .................................
6. instruct  N, N (person) ................................. .................................
7. memory  V, Adj ................................. .................................
8. refer  N .................................
9. silent  N , Adv ................................. .................................
10. simple  V, N ................................. .................................

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4. Complete using the correct form of the words and phrases in the boxes.
achieve fail pass

1. We had our English exam this morning. I hope I’ve .................................!

2. Pete couldn’t answer any questions, so he thinks he has ................................. .
3. Our teacher said that we’ve all ................................. a lot this year.
degree experience instruction

4. I’ve left you a list of .............................. on the kitchen table. Make sure you follow them!
5. Meeting Brad Pitt was an amazing .................................!
6. My sister left Warwick University after she got her ................................. .
course qualification skill

7. Being able to use a computer is a very useful ................................. .

8. I’m thinking of going on a computer ................................. .
9. You can apply for this job if you’ve got a ................................. in website design.
make progress make sure take an exam

10. You’ve all ................................. a lot of ................................. this year. Well done!
11. I always get nervous before I ................................. .
12. ............................... that I’d answered all the questions and then I handed in my test paper.

5. Circle the correct word

1. I search/ wonder how difficult the maths test tomorrow will be.
2. It’s nearly the end of term/ mark, so it will be the holidays soon!
3. Could you revise/ remind me to take this book back to the library?
4. Carl is a computer brain/ expert. Why don’t you ask him to fix your computer?
5. Rosalind is a really smart/ talented musician, but she doesn’t practise enough.
6. Rebecca is really clever/ mental. She always knows the answer!
7. I wasn’t sure of the answer so I guessed/ hesitated and I was right!
8. Have you ever concentrated/ considered becoming a professional singer?
9. After every experiment in chemistry, we have to write a subject/ report on what

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6. Write one word in each gap to complete the dairy
24th June
We have our English exam today. It was a disaster! We all sat there nervously, waiting for
Mrs. Jennings to say we could start. Finally, she told us to turn our exam papers (1)
................................. . Then she read (2) ................................. the instructions to make sure we all
understood. We had to write three essays in two hours! We weren’t allowed to look (3)
................................. any words in the dictionary, and we had to write in pen. That meant we
couldn’t rub anything (4) ................................. if we made a mistake. We had to cross it (5)
................................. neatly or just rip (6) ................................. the whole piece of paper and start
again. So, I read through the three questions very carefully and thought about what I was
going to write. I’d just written my name (7) ................................. at the top of the first piece of
paper, and was about to start writing the first essay, when Mrs. Jennings pointed (8)
................................. that there were only five minutes left. Oh dear!

7. Each of words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word
1. We learnt that poem by conclusion but I’ve forgotten it now. .................................
2. Are you in general of teenagers leaving school at the age of sixteen? .................................
3. I thought the exam would be difficult but, in instance, it was really easy. .............................
4. Many people, for heart my brother, prefer to do something active rather than do
homework. .................................
5. In fact, the teachers at this school are really nice, but some are nicer than others!
6. It’s a good idea to start the final paragraph of your composition with the phrase ’In
favour’. .................................

8. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals

1. Do you think you get a good ................................. at your school? EDUCATE
2. I’m not an expert. I’m only a .................................! BEGIN
3. The police are going to give Tracy an award for ................................. . BRAVE
4. I’m writing in ................................. to your advertisement for a guitar teacher. REFER
5. I want ................................. at all times during the exam. SILENT
6. I’m afraid that answer is ................................. so you haven’t won today’s top prize.
7. What a shame! CORRECT
8. You don’t understand .................................? Look! Twelve divided by four is three. It’s easy!
9. This is really difficult to understand. Why don’t we ................................. it a little? SIMPLE
10. Actors have to ................................. a lot of words when they are in a play. MEMORY

27 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

9. Write one word in each gap
1. You didn’t cheat ................................. the exam, did you?
2. We’re learning ................................. dinosaurs at the moment at school.
3. What’s your opinion ................................. children going to school at a very young age?
4. I think you’ve confused astronomy ................................. astrology - they’re not the same!
5. I hope Mr Aziz doesn’t ask me a question ................................. the book because I haven’t
read it!
6. I can’t cope ................................. all this homework I’ve got to do!

10. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. Sasha is a really good tango dancer. talented

Sasha is really .................................................................................. tango dancing.
2. Our teacher wasn’t feeling well but she didn’t stop the lesson. continued
Our teacher wasn’t feeling well but she ..................................................................... the lesson.
3. I’ve got no experience at designing clothes. know
I .................................................................................. designing clothes at all!
4. Dan couldn’t do his homework on his own so I’ve been helping him. helping
I’ve been .............................................................................. his homework because he couldn’t do it
on his own.
5. No one can learn all that in one day! capable
No one .................................................................................. all that in one day!
6. I really hope you find a solution to the problem. succeed
I really hope you ............................................................................... a solution to the problem.

11. Complete using the words in the box

exam fact favour heart instance mark progress skill

1. My German teacher says I’ve made a lot of ................................. this term!

2. What time are you taking the French ................................. tomorrow?
3. I’m not in ................................. of giving students lots of homework each night.
4. Being able to drive a car is a very useful ................................. .
5. Have we got to learn all these irregular verbs by ................................. ?
6. Some languages, like Russian for ............................ , don’t have words for ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’.
7. I got a very good ................................. in my geography test.
8. Many people hate learning phrasal verbs, but in ............................ they’re not that difficult.

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12. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold. The first letter
of the first word is given to help you.

1. Simon r................................. ................................. the wrong answer and wrote the right one.
(removed with a rubber)
2. Why did you r............................. ............................. that piece of paper? (tear into pieces)
3. If you make a mistake, just c............................... it ............................... . (draw a line through)
4. You should I................................. ................................. words you don’t know in a dictionary.
(find information about)
5. Carol, will you r....................... ........................ your poem to the class, please? (say out loud)
6. Our teacher p............................ ........................... that we only had five minutes left. (said)
7. Have you all w............................ .......................... that the homework is? (made a note of)

13. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals

1. What’s the name of Dave’s driving .................................? INSTRUCT
2. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are examples of ................................. books. REFER
3. I’ve only been learning Arabic for a few months, so I’m still a ................................. . BEGIN
4. In Maths, you have to learn to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and ..........................
5. Three of your answers were ................................. , so you got 17 out of 20. CORRECT
6. Are you really going to take part in the singing competition? I admire your .........................
7. I think every child should get a good ................................. . EDUCATE
8. There’s a ................................. to Albert Einstein in the town square. MEMORY
9. I want complete ................................. , so no talking at all! SILENT
10. This maths problem is too difficult for you, so I’ll ................................. it a little. SIMPLE

14. Write one word in each gap

You’re doing a history test. Your friend, who’s sitting next to you, really wants to succeed
(1) ...................................... the test. There’s a question (2) ...................................... the First World
War, which you’ve been learning (3) ...................................... recently. You know a lot (4)
...................................... it, but your friend isn’t really capable (5) ...................................... answering
the question properly. Your friend whispers ‘Help me!’ to you. What should you do? Should
you help your friend (6) ...................................... the question, or just continue (7)
...................................... your own test?
Every students has to cope (8) ...................................... this difficult situation at some point.
What’s your opinion (9) ...................................... cheating? Should you help your friend cheat
(10) ...................................... the test or not?

29 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

Future tenses
1. Complete using will or shall and the verbs in the box. You may have to use some
negative forms

be come find have lend live take visit

1. This year, more than a million tourists ......................................... our local area.
2. I’m sure we ......................................... your bag soon. Where did you last see it?
3. ......................................... you ......................................... me some money until Saturday?
4. Everything on the menu looks delicious! Erm ... I ...................................... Chicken Kiev, please.
5. I ......................................... you to the bus station, if you like.
6. One day, people ......................................... on Mars in special buildings.
7. No, there ..................................... any problems with delivering your new furniture next week.
8. ........................................ we ....................................... at six to help you get things ready for dinner?

2. Complete using the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. You may
have to use some negative forms.
1. When I grow up, I ......................................... (play) guitar in a rock group!
2. Rick and Mark ......................................... (start) going to the gym twice a week.
3. ......................................... Lauren ......................................... (tell) her mum about what happened?
4. I ......................................... (look) on the Internet for information about snowboarding.
5. No, Nadine ......................................... (invite) everyone from class - just her close friends.
6. ......................................... Harry ......................................... (be) ready on time or not?
7. Careful! You ......................................... (break) something with that ball! Go outside!
8. I ......................................... (lie down) for half an hour. Call me at six o’clock.

3. Circle the correct word or phrase

1. Oscar says he is doing/will do the washing-up after dinner.
2. I’m a bit scared because I am seeing/will see the dentist this afternoon.
3. What are you going to do/ will you do this evening?
4. Shall we tell/Will you tell Rupert I’m sorry about yesterday?
5. My dad will grow/is going to grow a beard, but my mum doesn’t like the idea.
6. I have to revise tonight because we are having/will have an exam tomorrow.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 30

7. I am remembering/will remember this day for the rest of my life!
8. Do you go/Are you going to Australia next Christmas?
9. I’m sure you are passing/will pass your driving test. Don’t worry.
10. If you want me to, I will complain/am going to complain to the manager about it.

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. ‘Have you made plans for the summer?’
‘Yes. ....................... to Spain.’
A. We’ll go B. We’re going C. We go
2. ‘We’re moving house tomorrow.’
‘Really? ....................... you with the furniture.’
A. I help B. I’m helping C. I’ll help
3. ‘Do you need this paintbrush?’
‘Ah, yes. ....................... it to me, please?’
A. Do you pass B. Will you pass C. Are you passing
4. ‘What do you want to be when you grow up, Stevie?’
‘........................ a scientist. That’s what I want to do, anyway.’
A. I be B. I’m going to be C. I’m being
5. ‘John is a better player than Martin, isn’t he?’
‘Oh, yes. ...................... the match tomorrow, I expect.’
A. He’ll win B. He wins C. He’s winning
6. ‘The weather has been terrible, hasn’t it?’
‘Yes, I think ........................ again later.’
A. it’s going to rain B. it’s raining C. it rains

5. Choose the correct answer.

1. I ............ around the world one day.
A. travel B. am going to travel C. am travelling D. travelled
2. Do you think Curtis ................. the car race tomorrow?
A. will win B. wins C. is winning D. won
3. What’s the weather like ............ Russia at the moment?
A. on B. at C. in D. to
4. I can’t come to your party because I ............ my cousin that week.
A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. am visiting
5. I think there’s a picture of the hotel ............ the first page.
A. on B. at C. in D. to
31 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only
6. We usually go away somewhere on holiday ............ New Year.
A. on B. at C. in D. to
7. Watch out, or you ............ off the boat!
A. fall B. are going to fall C. are falling D. fell
8. It’s my birthday ............ Friday, so we’re spending the weekend in London.
A. on B. at C. in D. to

6. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (√). If it is incorrect, rewrite it

correctly on the line, including all possibilities.

1. The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years. ........................

2. Look out! You will hit the car in front! .......................
3. I’m going to do the washing-up tonight, if you like. .......................
4. Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old? .......................
5. Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage? .......................
6. I know! I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday! .......................
7. Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minutes? Thanks a lot! .....................
8. We’ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night. ....................
9. We’ve going to fly to Jamaica in the summer. .......................
10. Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight? .......................
11. Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight? .......................
12. Will you go to Jason’s party next Saturday? .......................

7. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.
1. We aren’t / We’re not going to miss the train, are we?
2. I think I’m going to do / I’m doing really badly in the English test tomorrow.
3. Josh is going to sing / is singing a song in the school talent contest next week.
4. I’m going to buy / buying a big yacht if I can when I’m older.
5. Sports Day is going to be / being held on the last day of term.
6. Does / Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours?
7. Are they going to broadcast / Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?
8. Do they broadcast/Are they broadcasting the music awards live tomorrow night?
9. According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves / is leaving at 10.15.
10. Does the restaurant open / Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?

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8. Write a word or short phrase in each gap
At the end of this month, I’ll (1) ..................................working on my physics project for about
six weeks, but I’ve still got a lot to do before I hand it in. I’ll (2) .................................. spending
the whole day in the physics lab next Saturday doing experiments, and in fact, I (3)
.................................. playing football the weekend after either because I’ve got to go back to the
lab then, too. I guess I’ll (4) .................................. doing lots of similar projects when I’m at
university, so it’s good practice. Thinking about it, when I leave university in about four
years, I will (5) .................................. studying physics for over thirteen years, so I should be
quite good at it by then!

9. Make these sentences negative

1. The New Year will start on 31 December.
The New Year .................................. on 31 December.
2. I will be sleeping in the afternoon.
I .................................. in the afternoon.
3. We will be driving to Nice when the sun rises.
We .................................. to Nice when the sun rises.
4. My best friend will be in Sydney tonight.
My best friend .................................. in Sydney tonight.

10. Complete the sentences and use the correct English tenses
1. You didn’t write to Sharon! - Oh, no! I forgot. I .................................. (write) to her today.
2. Can I help you? - Yes, please. .................................. (show) me that blouse?
3. Good Lord! The engine has stopped. The plane .................................. (fall) down!
4. Why don’t you have dinner with us? I .................................. (cook) anyway.
5. This time next week we .................................. (sail) round the Aegean Sea.
6. If you take three cassettes, you .................................. (get) one cassette free.
7. .................................. (finish) your work before they arrive?
8. By the end of this century everyone .................................. (speak) English.

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11. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets and use future simple or

1. I can buy it for you. I .................................. (shop) in the afternoon anyway.

2. Is Bill at school? - No, he isn’t. I suppose he .................................. (come).
3. I hope Simon .................................. (be) there.
4. Did you remember to invite Mrs. Oates? - Oh, no! I forgot. But I ...................... (call) her now.
5. I’ll have a holiday next week. I .................................. (not get up) at 6 o’clock as usual.
6. You are so late! Everybody .................................. (work) when you arrive at the office.
7. Be careful of the cars .................................. (knock) you down.
8. We .................................. (move) our house this time tomorrow.
9. He .................................. (play) tennis at 7.30. He usually starts at 7 o’clock. Could you come
before that?
10. Your suitcase is so big. I .................................. (take) it for you.

12. Match the following sentences

A. 1. I can take you to the airport, a. I’ll be going that way.
2. If you think it is shorter, b. I’ll go that way.
B. 1. Shall I say hello to her? a. I’ll write to her.
2. She should know about it. b. I’ll be writing to her.
C. 1. Will you go to sleep a. when I return?
2. Will you be sleeping b. when you return?
D. 1. He won’t be here tomorrow. a. He’ll be signing the new contract.
2. He has no objections. b. He’ll sign the new contract.
E. 1. You can rely on him. a. He will be delivering the letters.
2. You can’t wait for him. b. He will deliver the letters.
F. 1. I’ll be in the forest. a. I’ll cut the tree.
2. I must go to the forest. b. I’ll be jogging.
G. 1. Is he late? a. I’ll drive him to school.
2. I’ll talk to him. b. I’ll be driving him to school.
H. 1. They’ll be doing some research a. during their stay in London.
2. They’ll do some research b. if they find a spondor.

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13. Make questions with the expressions in brackets. Use future simple or continuous.
1. I am not sure if I can offer this room. .................................................................? (our guest/like/it)
2. Can I borrow your laptop tonight? ....................................................................? (you/use/it/at
about 9 o’clock)
3. We arrive in Aberdeen at 1 o’clock. ....................................................? (we/have/time/for lunch)
4. The show starts at 8. Please, .........................................................? (you/drive me/there)
5. Your journey will be so long. How ......................................................... while you are on the
train? (you/spend/your time)
6. I’ve just missed the train. How .........................................................? (I/get/to school)
7. I’d like to see your project. If I come at 4.30, ....................................................? (you/work/on it)
8. If your teacher asks you, .........................................................? (you/translate/the text)
9. What ......................................................... while I am cleaning the windows? (you/do)
10. ......................................................... if the coach is booked? (you/take/a taxi)

14. Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. Take an umbrella. It .................................. (rain)
2. Attention, please! The next race .................................. (start) at 9.30.
3. I .................................. (go) to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket.
4. Why are you leaving? Are you finished? - No, I am not. But I .............................. (have) a rest.
5. He can give it to her. He .................................. (go to see) her in the afternoon.
6. The flight number BA 308 .................................. (leave) at 11.15.
7. Betty wants to go to driving lessons. And then she .................................. (buy) a car.
8. I can’t eat anything today. I ................................... (have) an appointment at the hospital
9. Fasten your seatbelts, please. The plane .................................. (land) in five minutes.

15. Use complete sentences to answer these questions.

1. Are they going to sell their house?
2. Are you flying to Barcelona soon?
3. Does the bank open tomorrow?
4. Excuse me. Are you going to park your car here?

35 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

5. Is Kate coming on Friday?
6. Do we spend any time in the museum tomorrow morning?

16. Replace the underlined forms with the future simple or continuous tense.
1. Don’t call me at 10 o’clock. My mobile phone will be switched off. I am going to
fly to Spain.
2. I suppose we’re going to stay at a hotel next summer.
3. Come to see me in the afternoon. I work in the garden.
4. Do you think it is snowing at the weekend?
5. Is the coat O.K? - Yes, I am taking it.
6. This is on Sunday we are going to ski in France.
7. I don’t know if I will stay here. Perhaps I move to a big city one day.
8. Every student is using a computer in the future.

17. Change these statements into questions.

1. My students will be taking part in the show.
............................................................................................................................................................. ?
2. She’ll make the dinner for you.
............................................................................................................................................................. ?
3. We won’t buy any presents for him.
............................................................................................................................................................. ?
4. I’ll be decorating my office next week.
............................................................................................................................................................. ?

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Coming and going
1. Sort out by adj, adv, v, noun the following words
abroad cruise pack
accommodation delay passport
book destination platform
break ferry public transport
cancel flight reach
catch foreign resort
coach harbour souvenir
convenient journey traffic
crash luggage trip
crowded nearby vehicle

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb


2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. get ...in(to)...: enter a car
2. get ...............: leave a bus/ train/ etc
3. get ...............: enter a bus/ train/ etc
4. get ...............: leave a car/ building/ room/ etc

37 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

5. go ...............: leave a place/ sb
6. go ...............: return (to)
7. set ...............: start a journey
8. take ...............: leave the ground
9. ............... air/ sea/ bus/ car/ etc
10. ............... board
11. ............... foot
12. ............... holiday
13. ............... schedule
14. ............... the coast
15. close ...............
16. famous ...............
17. far ...............
18. late ...............
19. suitable ...............
20. arrive .............../ ...............
21. ask (sb) ...............
22. ask ...............
23. look ...............
24. prepare ...............
25. provide sb ...............
26. wait ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. attract  Adj, N .....attractive....../ ............................
2. back  Adv .............................
3. choose  V (past, past participle), N ............................/............................/
4. comfort  Adj, Adj (opposite) ............................/............................
5. depart  N .............................
6. direct  N .............................
7. drive  V (past, past participle), N (person) ............................/............................
8. fly  V (past, past participle), N ............................./............................
9. travel  N (person) .............................
10. visitor  N (person) .............................

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4. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.
1. The airline say my ................................... is too heavy and I have to pay extra. (E G U L G A G)
2. This model of Big Ben will be a lovely ..................................... of our holiday. (E U N S V O R I)
3. Do you know which ..................................... our train is on? (M L F R A P O T)
4. We’ve had a terrible ............................... and now I’m just happy to be home. (Y U N O R J E)
5. Let’s walk around the ..................................... and have a look at all the fishing boats.
(B U R O H A R)
6. You have to choose your ..................................... and the ticket machine gives you your
ticket. (I N E T I D S O T A N)
7. This ..................................... is suitable for city driving and for rough country roads.
(H E I C E V L)
8. The ..................................... to Australia takes 24 hours! (H I G L T F)
9. Look out! We’re going to ..................................... if you’re not careful! (H A C S R)
10. The cost of the holiday includes .......................................... at a five-star hotel. (C O N D I O M
A C A O M T)
11. ‘Have you ever travelled ..................................... ’ ‘Yes, I went to Italy last year.’ (D A R A O B)
12. Tina and Julie are going away on a weekend ..................................... to Berlin. (K E R A B)

5. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

book cancel catch delay pack reach

1. They’ve ..................................... all today’s trains. How are we going to get home?
2. That’s the first thing you want to do when we ..................................... New York?
3. It’s cold in Moscow, so ..................................... some warm clothes.
4. You ..................................... the hotel room and I’ll go and buy the train tickets.
5. Our plane has been ..................................... by four hours.
6. If we’re quick, then maybe we can still ..................................... the bus.

6. Match to make sentences.

1. As the plane took ......... A. away and come back again later.
2. The door is open, so you can get ......... B. back there the following year.
3. We were in a hurry and when we got ......... C. off, I held my mum’s hand tightly.
4. The man selling the tickets told us to go ......... D. off the bus and couldn’t walk properly.
5. I was raining when we set ......... E. off on our walk, but it soon stopped.
6. We loved the hotel so we went ......... F. in the car, if you like.
7. Ray fell as he was getting ......... G. out on the right because it was safer.
8. The taxi driver asked us to get ......... H. on the bus, I realised I didn’t have a
39 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only
7. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs from exercise 3.
1. Before Darren ..................................... on his journey, he packed some boots and plenty of
warm clothes.
2. Why don’t you ..................................... and think about what I’ve said to you?
3. We should ..................................... the train at the next station and then find the taxi.
4. The helicopter ..................................... and suddenly we were in the air!
5. There was a fire alarm and we all had to ..................................... of the hotel.
6. Without saying anything, the man ..................................... his car and drove up the road.
7. We ran to the train and ..................................... just before it started to move.
8. My parents ..................................... to the little Spanish town where they first met.

8. Complete using the words in the box. Add any other words you need.
board bus coast foot holiday schedule

1. When you go ..................................... it always takes a few day to completely relax.

2. I hope our plane arrives ..................................... . I’m bored just sitting here, waiting.
3. If you come ..................................... don’t forget to get off at the stop outside the bank.
4. Living ..................................... is great. I love walking on the beach every morning.
5. The cowboys got off their horses and went the rest of the way ..................................... .
6. Now we’re ..................................... the ship let’s have a look around.

9. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.

Up until the 1960s, not many British people had (1) ................................... FLY
abroad for their holidays. Although the idea was (2) ................................... , flying ATTRACT
was still too expensive for most people. The only (3) ................................... CHOOSE
people had was to go to British resorts. Instead of flying, families (4)
................................... to the British coast. Places like Blackpool and Brighton had DRIVE
millions of (5) ................................... every year. During the 60s and 70s, prices VISIT
dropped and (6) ................................... began to visit places like Spain. At first, TRAVEL
hotels were (7) ................................... but they slowly got better. These days, the COMFORT
(8) ................................... lounges at airports are full and people travel (9) DEPART
................................... and forwards across the world for work and on holiday. BACK
Every summer, tourists go in all (10) ................................. in search of the perfect DIRECT
beach and the perfect resort.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 40

10. Write one word in each gap.
1. Sydney is famous ............................ its harbour. You should also look ............................ the
Opera House and the bridge while you’re there.
2. We arrived ............................ the hotel and they provided us ............................ a map of the area.
3. When you're preparing ................................. a holiday, pack clothes that are suitable
............................... the place where you’re going.
4. I prefer to be far ................................... other people when I’m on holiday. I don’t like being
close ................................... crowds of tourists.
5. While we were waiting ............................ our train, I asked someone ............................ the delay.
6. Will was late ............................. his appointment so he asked me .............................. some money
for a taxi.

11. If a line is correct, put a tick (√ ). If there is an extra word in a line, write the word.
1. ........................... Of course, London is famous for that its attractions like Big Ben and
2. ........................... the Tower of London. Millions of tourists look at these buildings
3. ........................... every year - but not far distance form these places, there are other
4. ........................... interesting sights. Next time you set off to visit London, why not
5. ........................... plan to go to some of the places close in to the centre of the city that
6. ........................... tourists rarely go to? Get into of a taxi and ask the driver to take
7. ........................... you to Billingsgate fish market, for example. When you arrive there
8. ........................... at the market, you’ll be amazed at the sights and sounds of real
9. ........................... London. You can ask to the fish sellers about their work - and you
10. ........................... don’t have to wait on for hours to get a ticket!

12. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. Did they give you a map of the area? provide

Did they ................................................................ a map of the area?
2. My intention is to travel to Malta by ferry. going
I ..................................................................... travel to Malta by ferry.
3. I like staying by the sea when I’m on holiday. coast
I like staying ................................................................................ when I’m on holiday.
4. Be careful when you leave the bus. off
Be careful when you .............................................................. the bus.

41 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

5. The beach is close to the hotel, so we can walk there. foot
We can .......................................................... from the hotel to the beach because it’s close.
6. Why don’t you drive to Brighton this weekend? car
Why don’t you go to Brighton ............................................................................... this weekend?
7. We’re going to return to Bali again this summer. back
We’re going to......................................................................... Bali again this summer.
8. I like to watch the planes leaving the ground when I’m at the airport. off
I like to watch the planes ................................................................... when I’m at the airport.

13. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1. We thought of driving to Berlin, but in the end we ..................................... . FLY
2. Could you ask the ................................... to slow down a bit, please? DRIVE
3. Experienced .................................. will enjoy our hotel’s comfortable double rooms. TRAVEL
4. Paris is really ................................... in the spring. Shall we go? ATTRACT
5. Let’s fly in business class - it’s much more ..................................... than the cheap seats!
6. Please check the ..................................... time on your ticket carefully. DEPART
7. We looked at all the hotels and in the end we ..................................... the Majestic. CHOOSE
8. I think we went in the wrong ..................................... at the last turning and now we’re lost.

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. I got ..................................... the car, turned the key and realised I didn’t have any petrol!
A. into B. off C. onto D. on
2. I hope our plane leaves on ................................. .
A. timetable B. plan C. schedule D. hour
3. My mum ..................................... the bus to work every morning, but Dad drives.
A. catches B. does C. runs D. goes
4. We had a long way to go so we ................................... off very early.
A. made B. set C. put D. had
5. I prepared ................................. my trip very carefully, and I still forgot my toothbrush!
A. with B. on C. about D. for
6. Public ................................. in this city is quite good, and it’s not expensive.
A. travel B. journey C. vehicle D. transport
7. Mum ................................... away on business quite often.
A. sets B. takes C. does D. goes
8. It’s easier to travel abroad when you can speak ............................... language like English.
A. a strange B. a foreign C. an unknown D. an outside

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7 So, such, enough, too

1. Complete using the comparative form of the words in brackets.

1. Wait! Your bicycle is ................................ (fast) than mine!
2. Phew! It’s much ................................ (hot) than it was yesterday, isn’t it?
3. I think you look ................................ (pretty) when you wear your hair up.
4. The price of batteries has gone up. They’re a lot ....................................... (expensive) than last
5. Angus hasn’t been practicing the piano and he’s got a lot ................................ (bad).
6. His new film is much ..................................... (entertaining) than his last one. I loved that one!
7. Tell us another joke - but a ................................ (short) one this time! That one took forever!
8. I didn’t win the lottery. Maybe I’ll be ................................ (lucky) next time.
9. The Russian athlete threw the discuss ................................ (far) than all the others and won
10. I think these biscuits are even ................................ (nice) than the last ones you made.

2. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

bad big far funny hard kind scary tasty

1. This really is the .............................. song I’ve ever heard! It’s terrible!
2. Ivy is the .............................. woman I know. She’ll do anything for anybody.
3. Listen! I promise you, this is the ................................. joke ever! Well, a man goes into a
4. Mmm! This is the .............................. soup you’ve made so far.
5. What’s the .............................. thing about English grammar for you?
6. Ben appeared and he was carrying the .............................. present I’d ever seen. It was huge!
7. We had a competition to see who could swim the .............................. .
8. Sandra told us the .............................. ghost story she could, and it was really frightening!

43 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

3. Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets.
I think this is the (1) .................................. (bad) job I’ve ever had. My last job was much (2)
.................................. (good) than this one. I had a lot (3) .................................. (little) work there and
my boss was really nice. My boss here is the (4) .................................. (strict) in the whole firm,
and the working day is (5) .................................. (long) than in my last job, too. The (6)
.................................. (good) thing about it is that the office is (7) .................................. (close) to my
house than the old one. At least now I get home (8) .................................. (early) than I used to.

4. Complete using the comparative forms of the words in brackets.

1. Your brother is much .................................... (tall) than mine.
2. This island used to be much .................................... (green) before the forest fires.
3. Slow down! You’re .................................... (fit) than me and I can’t keep up!
4. Veronica seems .................................... (happy) since she moved schools.
5. It’s actually .................................... (trendy) to wear your hair up this year.
6. As the time for the performance got nearer, I got .................................... (nervous).
7. Old people are often .................................... (wise) than young people.
8. Why don’t you try and find a .................................... (cheap) computer game and save some
9. Matt seems to have got even .................................... (lazy) than he used to be and almost
never studies.
10. If the problem gets any .................................... (serious), we may need to inform the manager
about it.
11. If you work .................................... (quickly), you’ll finish sooner and then you can go home
12. Ben says he’s feeling much .................................... (well) after his illness.
13. I have even .................................... (little) free time this year than I did last year.
14. The news was much .................................... (bad) than anyone had feared.
15. You’ll need to be able to run .................................... (far) than this if you’re going to do.

5. Complete using the superlative forms of the words in brackets.

1. I think Mohammed Ali was the .................................... (great) boxer that ever lived.
2. It was the .................................... (boring) film I had ever seen.
3. Our teacher told us that the student with the .................................... (high) mark would get a
4. Ginger is one of the .................................... (lucky) cats alive - he’s been hit by a car three
times and has never been hurt!
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 44
5. Out of all the students in my music school, I practise .................................... (often).
6. The Pacific is the .................................... (deep) ocean in the world.
7. That’s the .................................... (ugly) fish I’ve ever seen!
8. I was ill before the exam and I did .................................... (badly) out of the whole class.
9. The .................................... (far) I’ve run in one day is about ten kilometres.
10. Don’t you think this would be the .................................... (lovely) spot for a picnic?
11. But that’s the .................................... (crazy) idea I’ve ever heard!
12. I asked the assistant to show me the .................................... (modern) phone they had.
13. I told the manager that it was the .................................... (bad) hotel I had ever stayed in.
14. Who do you think is the .................................... (little) talented actor to win an Osc.

6. Circle the correct word.


Crime Does Play, the later / latest comedy from director Sam Martin, has to be one of the
little / least interesting films I have ever seen. The acting is terrible and the story is much
worse / worst than Martin’s other flop, Escape. Crime Does Play was apparently more / most
expensive than any other film this year, but it’s hard to see where the money went. The plot
concerns a gang of burglars who decide to steal the more / most valuable painting in the
world. Fine, except these criminals are far less / least amusing than they should be. There
isn’t a single real laugh in the whole movie. When I saw it, even younger / youngest
members of the audience thought it was stupidly childish. Dean Richards, playing Scarnose,
does a slightly better/ best job than the others, but there isn’t much in it.
When will Hollywood realize that as ticket prices get higher / highest, more people are
finding that the well / best form of entertainment is to spend an evening at home with
a DVD?

7. The words in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word.
1. We lost the match because we played badly than the other team did. ....................
2. It rains a lot in England, so the countryside is a lot green than in Greece. ....................
3. You gave Sarah a really small piece of cake - and you’ve given me even little! ....................
4. I must have lost weight. These jeans seem large than they were before. ....................
5. I got to the party early than everyone else, so I had to wait. ....................
6. I hear her new CD is good than her last one. What do you think? ....................
7. Our cat seems to be getting fat every day - maybe she should go on a diet. ....................
8. I’m disappointed. I think you could have done a lot well on this test. ....................

45 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

8. Rewrite the sentences using the correct comparative form of the words in the box.
bad beautiful confident fat happy near (to) short young

1. Joshua is much taller than Alex.

Alex is ...................................................................................................................................................
2. Theresa is more confident than Amy.
Amy is a lot ........................................................................................................................................
3. Your house is further from the school than mine.
My house is ........................................................................................................................................
4. Jude is less happy than Andy about the decision.
Andy is .................................................................................................................................................
5. Bill is thinner than Simon.
Simon is ...............................................................................................................................................
6. Terry is older than Sarah-Jane.
Sarah-Jane is ......................................................................................................................................
7. Patricia is better than her sister on the clarinet.
Patricia ‘s sister is ............................................................................................................................
8. The houses here are uglier than in my grandparents’ village.
The houses in my grandparents’ village ................................................................................

9. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. I have never read a better book than this one. ever

This is the ............................................................................................ read.

2. Nobody has ever been this far into the jungle. the
This is ............................................................................................ has ever been into the jungle.
3. I have never worked so hard in my whole life. ever

It was the ............................................................................................ in my whole life.

4. Liam is the tallest boy in the class. than
Every other boy in the class ............................................................................................ Liam.

5. This is the nicest beach along this part of the coast. than
This ........................................................................................... the others along this part of the coast.
6. I read that Mount Everest is the highest mountain. no

I read that ............................................................................................ Mount Everest.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 46

7. Has anyone ever been this far north before? the
Is .............................................................................. has ever been?
8. The painting Ed did is the ugliest one you can imagine. than
You can’t imagine ............................................................................................ the one Ed did.

9. This stamp is rarer than any other in my collection. more

The other stamps in my collection .......................................................................................... this one.
10. Nobody in the class runs as fast as Pedro. runner

Perdro ............................................................................................ in the class.


1. Complete using so or such.

1. The pan was .............................. hot that I nearly dropped it!
2. Mr. Jones was .............................. a kind man that I was sad when he moved to another town.
3. We have .............................. many pets that sometimes it’s really noisy!
4. Alicia is .............................. good at basketball that I think she could be a professional.
5. There was .............................. a lot of smoke that I couldn’t see.
6. Tyrone ran .............................. fast that no one had a chance in the race.
7. Cherie is .............................. popular that everyone wants to be friends with her.
8. Would you like to have .............................. long hair that you can sit on it?

2. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. This soup is very salty/too salty to eat.
2. If you run too fast/fast enough, you might win the race.
3. Don’t drive too fast/fast enough or you might have an accident.
4. Have we got too much/enough time or do we need more?
5. Do you think you’re too strong/strong enough to lift this heavy chair.
6. There are too many/enough questions here! I can’t do all of them in five minutes.
7. Are you enough warm/warm enough? Shall I put the heating on?
8. This tea is too/enough hot to drink. I’ll wait for it to cool down.

47 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

3. Complete using a word from box A and a word or phrase from box B. You have to use
the words in box A more than once.

A enough • so • such • too

B a long time • a lot of fun • beautiful • early • hard • hot • many things • sweets

1. We were having ................................................. at the party that I didn’t want to come home.
2. I put ................................................. in the plastic bag and it broke.
3. We didn’t have ................................................. for everyone to have one.
4. Nancy is ................................................. that I think I’m falling in love with her.
5. It’s raining ................................................. to go out. Let’s stay in and watch TV.
6. When the milk is ................................................., pour it into the cup and stir with a spoon.
7. We waited for ................................................. that I thought the bus was never going to come!
8. Stacy got to the theater ................................................. that there was no one there.

4. Write so, such, too or enough in each gap.

My first - and last! - day at work

I’ll never forget my first day at work. It was (1) .................................. a disaster that I lost my
job! The boss explained what I had to do, but she did it (2) .................................. quickly that I
didn’t understand. I wasn’t brave (3) .................................. to ask her to repeat it, so I pretended
I knew what to do. It wasn’t difficult at first - just putting numbers into a computer. Soon,
though, I was (4) .................................. busy that I started making more and more mistakes. I
made (5) .................................. a lot of mistakes that the other workers noticed. They tried to
help me, but it was (6) .................................. late. In the end, I just had (7) ..................................
much to do that I gave up. I sat there and stared at my computer for two hours! The boss
came back and she was (8) .................................. shocked that she fired me immediately! My
first day was also my last!

5. Match to make sentences.

1. Last year, winter started so ........ A. many storms that we had floods.
2. Last winter, there were so ........ B. cold that the water in the pipes froze.
3. Last year, we had such ........ C. a cold winter that I had to sleep with a hat on!
4. Last winter, there was so ........ D. suddenly that many people were taken by surprise.
5. Last winter, there was such a ........ E. much snow that I skied nearly every day.
lot of
6. Last winter was so ........ F. snow that many wild animals died.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 48

6. If the phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (√). If it is wrong, write the correct phrase.
1. Paris Hilton is such famous that she gets recognized wherever she goes.
2. There were so many customers in the shop that I couldn’t move!
3. The man spoke such quickly that I couldn’t understand a word he said.
4. I had so good marks that my dad bought me a new computer!
5. Victoria is so old that she can remember seeing a car for the first time.
6. There was so a long queue that we decided to go home.
7. I’ve got so a lot of friends that I don’t have time to see them all.
8. Big Brother was such successful that they’re making another series.

7. Tick (√) the correct sentences. If a sentence is incorrect, write another word to
replace the word in bold.

1. I wanted to get some new trainers but they were too expensive. .....................
2. Japanese is a too difficult language for Westerners to learn. .....................
3. Daniel’s too good at art and he’s starting art school next year. .....................
4. Don’t invite too many people to the party or we won’t have enough room. .....................
5. If you try to write your essay too quickly, you’ll make mistakes. .....................
6. My new computer is too fast and can run all the latest programs. .....................
7. Joanne was fined for driving too fast. .....................
8. Carol couldn’t climb over the wall because it was too high. .....................
9. Cornwall is too beautiful and we go there every year on holiday. .....................
10. My grandparents are too old to work now and have tired. .....................

49 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

8. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. I have a lot of money and I don’t know what to do with it. such
I have ................................................................................... that I don’t know what to do with it.
2. Adrian fell asleep during the film because he was very tired. so
Adrian ................................................................................... he fell asleep during the film.
3. Today was so hot that I didn’t want to do anything. such
Today was ................................................................................... that I didn’t want to do anything.
4. I didn’t have time to open all my Christmas presents because I got so many! such
I got ................................................................................... Christmas presents that I didn’t have time
to open them all!
5. They closed the funfair because it was very dangerous. that
The funfair ................................................................................... they closed it.
6. The food was so spicy that I couldn’t eat it. such
We had ................................................................................... that I couldn’t eat it.

9. Rewrite each sentence using so...that

1. John can see over the wall because he is tall.
2. I’m sure my sister will go to university because she is clever.
3. I can’t stop playing this computer game because it’s good.
4. Tim can’t come out because he has a lot of work to do.
5. It’s hot, which means I can’t sleep.
6. Tina arrived late, which meant she missed the train.
7. We don’t have any money for luxuries because we have a lot of bills to pay.
8. It takes a day to get to Australia because it’s very far away.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 50

10. Choose the correct answer.
1. This job is much ........... than the last one!
A. hard B. hardest C. harder D. more hard
2. Charlotte earns ........... much money that she can’t spend it all!
A. such B. enough C. too D. so
3. We have to work much longer each day ........... in my old job.
A. from B. that C. with D. than
4. I called as soon as I saw the job advert, but it was ........... late.
A. enough B. such C. too D. so
5. What’s the ........... job you’ve ever had?
A. most good B. best C. better D. good
6. The office is ........... a long way that I have to catch two buses.
A. too B. such C. enough D. so
7. Ray works as an artist and doesn’t earn ........... to pay his bills each month.
A. too B. enough C. so D. such
8. Our company is moving into a ........... building next week.
A. larger B. largest C. more large D. most large
9. I had ........... a bad time in prison that I never want to go there again.
A. too B. so C. such D. quite
10. One problem is that we don’t have ........... officers on the streets.
A. so a lot of B. too many C. enough D. such many
11. I can’t get a car yet because I’m not ........... to drive.
A. enough old B. quite old C. so old D. old enough
12. Some crimes see to be ........... in this country than in others.
A. much less common B. the least common
C. too little common D. little common enough
13. Police blamed the robberies ........... a local gang.
A. with B. on C. for D. to
14. My grandma says there was ........... a lot of crime when she was young that nobody
trusted anybody else.
A. too B. so C. such D. quite
15. It became ........... as I walked home and I began to get slightly nervous.
A. enough dark B. such dark C. quite dark D. so dark enough

51 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

Working and earning
1. Sort out by adj, v, noun the following words
ambition earn poverty
application fame pressure
bank account goal previous
boss impress profession
career income retire
colleague industry salary
company interview staff
contract leader strike
department manager tax
deserve pension wealthy

Noun/ Noun phrase Verb Adjective

2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. call .....off.....: cancel
2. give ...............: return sth you have taken/ borrowed
3. go ...............: happen
4. put ...............: delay to a later time

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 52

5. set ...............: start (a business, organisation, etc)
6. stay ...............: go to bed late
7. take ...............: remove
8. take ...............: take control of (a business, etc)
9. ............... the moment
10. ............... charge (of)
11. ............... business
12. ............... strike
13. ............... time
14. .............../ ............... duty
15. careful ...............
16. difficult ...............
17. fed ............... ...............
18. read ...............
19. responsible ...............
20. apply ...............
21. depend ...............
22. inform sb ...............
23. refer ...............
24. work ...............
25. work ...............
26. a kind ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. assist  N, N (person) ........................../..............................
2. beg  N ..........................
3. boss  Adj ..........................
4. employ  N, N (opposite), N (person) .........................../ .............................
Adj, Adj (opposite) ........................../ ..............................
5. depart  N ..........................
6. direct  N ..........................
7. drive  V (past, past participle), N ........................../............................/............................
8. fly  V (past, past participle), N ........................../............................
9. travel  N (person) ..........................
10. visitor  N (person) ..........................

53 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

4. Choose the correct answer.
1. Bob joined the ......................... about six year ago.
A. ambition B. fame C. pension D. company
2. We lost £10 million last year because of the worker’s ......................... over money.
A. strike B. department C. colleague D. tax
3. I’m sure it’s good to be well known, but ......................... isn’t everything.
A. boss B. interview C. fame D. poverty
4. Don’t sign the ......................... until you’ve read every word of it!
A. industry B. contract C. staff D. profession
5. My grandfather stopped working two years ago and now he gets a ......................... .
A. pressure B. leader C. pension D. department
6. Charles worked in the same job for almost the whole of his ......................... .
A. colleague B. manager C. industry D. career
7. You should be able to save a little money with a/ an ......................... of €30,000 per year.
A. application B. income C. leader D. goal
8. Can I introduce you to Isaac, a ......................... of mine from work?
A. profession B. department C. colleague D. salary

5. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1. I had a lot more responsibility in my .......................................... job. IORVUEPS
2. Why not open one of our new Supersaver bank .......................................... ? C S N O A U C T
3. It’s always been my .......................................... to work in advertising. BTMOIIAN
4. Frank left university and got a job in the computer .......................................... . D Y T U R S I N
5. The family lived in .......................................... after Mr. Bucket lost his job. T O Y E P R
6. His parents left him a lot of money and now Neil is extremely .......................................... .
7. You usually need a degree and some training to join the teaching .......................................... .
8. All members of .......................................... here get three weeks holiday a year. A T F S F

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 54

6. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box.
deserve earn impress interview retire tax

1. Isabelle really ........................................ her manager and soon she was given a better job.
2. My dad said that he wants to ............................................ when he’s sixty.
3. We ........................................ everyone who applies for a job before making our decision.
4. The government ........................................ everyone who works and then spends the money
on roads, hospitals and things like that.
5. Wendy works hard for the company and I think she ........................... a more challenging job.
6. I read recently that women still ........................................... less than men for the same job and
I don’t think it’s fair.

7. Write one word in each gap.

1. A Japanese company has ........................................... over the place where I work and I might
lose my job.
2. The boss came into the office when we were laughing and wanted to know what was
........................................ on.
3. Do you think we could ..................................... the meeting off until next Thursday?
4. The computer in my office broke down so they ....................................... it away to fix it.
5. Many of the staff were ill with flu that week, so the director decide to ......................................
off the meeting.
6. I’m tired because I had to ......................................... up last night to finish some work.
7. My car belonged to the company, so when I lost my job I had to .................................. it back.
8. Janice is thinking of .............................................. up her own restaurant.

8. Match to make sentences.

1. I’m afraid we’re not looking for new ......... A. business a lot of the time so he’s
workers at never at home for long.
2. They said on the news that bus drivers ......... B. strike, so you might need to take a
are on taxi to work.
3. In his new job, Paul is away travelling on ......... C. duty for about eight hours every
4. I was quite nervous the first time I was in ......... D. charge of the whole department.
5. Anne works as a security guard and she’s ......... E. the moment, but you could try
on again next month.
6. My boss said that if I wasn’t on ......... F. time for work more often I would
lose my job.

55 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

9. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.
1. The manager told me that I was too boss and that I should discuss things with my
colleague rather than telling them what to do all the time.
2. Being a fire-fighter is a very stressful occupy.
3. It takes a lot of hard work to be succeed in this business.
4. I wouldn’t like to become so fame that I couldn’t go out in public!
5. Kate is 60 next week and she’s leaving, so remember to wish her ‘Happy Retire’.
6. It took Ralph a long time to find a new job - he was employ for nearly two years.

1. ........................................... 2. ........................................... 3. ...........................................

4. ........................................... 5. ........................................... 6. ...........................................

10. Circle the correct word.

1. I don’t know why but I’ve always wanted to work as / of a farmer.
2. They want a computer programmer at the office down the road and Fiona has applied
about / for the job.
3. I’ll look after the office while you’re away - you can depend on / with me.
4. My mum is a neurologist, which is a kind from / of doctor.
5. I think it’s time for a change. I’m fed up on/ with working here.
6. Tessa is responsible for / with answering the phone and taking messages.

11. Write one word in each gap.

1. I wanted to become a vet, but the course was too difficult .............................. me.
2. Roberto got up late and only had ten minutes to get ready ................................. work.
3. When they informed me .................................... the hours I had to work, I couldn’t believe it.
4. Please be careful ........................................ my laptop. I need it for work.
5. Is it a good idea in the interview to refer ...................................... your previous job?
6. I like working ................................. a large company because there are lots of opportunities.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 56

12. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.

My grandfather’s career
My granddad had a long career. He started work as an (1) ................................. ASSIST
and worked his way to the top. He was very (2) .................................... and he SUCCESS
(3) .................................... the company from disaster many times. When he was SAFE
in charge he was never (4) ...................................... . He understood people and BOSS
all the (5) ...................................... admired him. He was an engineer, which is EMPLOY
quite a difficult (6) .................................. , and for 40 years he worked on many OCCUPY
projects. Finally, he reached 65, which was the (7) ............................. age of (8) OFFICE
............................. in his company. He was very well known to other engineers RETIRE
- you might even say he was (9) ............................... ! He was always very busy FAME
when he was working, but now he’s (10) ........................................... , he’s got a RETIRE
lot more time to spend with his grandchildren!

13. Match to make sentences.

1. Mr Robinson is responsible ............ A. on how long you’re been working here.
2. We need to inform everyone ............ B. about the new time of the meeting.
3. Trisha seems to be fed up ............ C. to last year as ‘a disaster’.
4. Your salary depends ............ D. of teacher, I suppose.
5. I would love to work ............ E. for a job to make a good impression.
6. During the meeting, the manager ............ F. for interviewing people applying for
referred jobs.
7. I’m a swimming instructor, which ............ G. as a racing driver, or maybe a car
is a kind mechanic.
8. It’s important when you apply ............ H. with her job and is thinking of finding a
new one.

14. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. It’s so hot today that I can’t work! too

It’s .................................................................... me to work today!
2. I can’t go to bed late because I’ve got to work in the morning. up
I can’t ................................................................ late because I’ve got to work in the morning.

57 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

3. You’re too young to join the army. old
You’re .......................................................................... to join the army.
4. Why did the boss cancel the meeting? off
Why did the boss ....................................................................... the meeting?
5. Let’s start our own business! set
Let’s ................................................................. our own business!
6. I have so much work at the moment that I have to work on Sundays. such
I have ......................................................... work at the moment that I have to work on Sundays.
7. The manager wanted to know what was happening in the other office. on
The manager wanted to know what was .......................................................... in the other office.
8. I didn’t call early enough to speak to the manager. too
I ........................................................................... to speak to the manager.

15. Choose the correct answer.

1. Anita works really hard and ............................... to be paid more.
A. worth B. values C. deserves D. requires
2. It takes me about half an hour to get ready .............................. work each morning.
A. for B. on C. about D. with
3. I’m going to stay at university and try to .............................. off getting a job for a few years!
A. stay B. put C. move D. set
4. May I introduce you to my ................................... ?
A. worker B. staff C. relation D. colleague
5. My main ..................................... is to become a lawyer.
A. purpose B. emotion C. ambition D. want
6. During the job ...................................... they asked me lots of really difficult questions.
A. chat B. talk C. conversation D. interview
7. World Industries is planning to .................................. over our business.
A. get B. take C. move D. set
8. Our teachers are .................................... strike, so we don’t have to go to school today!
A. for B. in C. out D. on

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 58

9 Gerunds and infinitives

1. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. My dad finally gave up smoking / to smoke at the age of forty - nine.
2. I really enjoyed listening / to listen to those MP3s you sent me. Thanks.
3. Can you afford buying / to buy so many presents ?
4. You should practice juggling / to juggle every day or you’ll never learn.
5. How did you learn speaking/ to speak Japanese so well?
6. I thought we discussed going / to go to India and now you want to to China!
7. We finally managed finding/ to find my passport and then left to go to China!
8. I look forward to seeing / see you when I come next week!
9. It was very kind of Jack to offer to baby - sit / baby - sitting this weekend.
10. No! I refuse waiting / to wait a moment longer!

2. If the verb in bold in each sentence is correct, put a tick (). If it is wrong, write the
correct form of the verb ( - ing, full or bare infinitive )

1. I hope to start driving as soon as I’m seventeen. .....................................

2. Stop pretending being asleep. I saw you open your eyes! .....................................
3. My mum suggested to go bowling, but I didn’t think that was a .....................................
good idea.
4. Quentin will do anything to avoid to walk to school. He’s so lazy! .....................................
5. I’d really like visiting New York one day. .....................................
6. Do you like watching TV or do you prefer play computer games? .....................................
7. The weather seems being better. What about a picnic this weekend? .....................................
8. I expect to be home at nine o’clock, so have dinner without me. .....................................
9. Our head teacher makes us all to wear jackets - even in summer! .....................................
10. Don’t let the dog sitting on the sofa! .....................................

59 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

3. Choose the correct answer.
1. He tried to deny ................ the money, but no one believed him.
a. take b. to take c. taking
2. I hope ................ a pilot when I grow up.
a. become b. to become c. becoming
3. Mr. Foster has decided ................ so we’re going to have a party.
a. retire b. to retire c. retiring
4. Do you remember ................ to Germany when you were two years old?
a. go b. to go c. going
5. You can make the god ................ to you by shouting ‘come’.
a. come b. to come c. coming
6. There’s no answer at the office. Let’s try ................ Roger’s mobile.
a. call b. to call c. calling

4. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. They finally succeeded in escaping from the room. managed.

They finally ................................................................................................ from the room.
2. I bought a new notebook on the way to school. stopped.
On the way to school, I ................................................................................................ a new notebook.
3. We’re staying in Milan for a night before flying home. planning
We .......................................................................................... in Milan for a night before flying home.
4. I don’t want to cook tonight - let’s have a takeaway. feel
I don’t ................................................................................................ tonight. - let’s have a takeaway.
5. I’m going to get annoyed if you stop making that noise! continue.
If you .............................................................................................. that noise, I’m going to get annoyed!
6. Could you ask Francis to come into my office, please? mind
Do you ...................................................................................... Francis to come into my office, please?

5. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. Add any other words you

ask be bring tidy turn win

1. Oh, no! I forgot ................................................ my homework!

2. I remember ............................................... on holiday.
3. I tried ............................................... my room, but I couldn’t find it!
4. Did you remember ............................................... the tap off?
5. I’ll never forget ............................................... the lottery.
6. Try ............................................... her to take it off!
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 60
6. Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. I really don’t feel like going / to go out tonight. Do you?
2. Everyone expected his business failing / to fail within the first few months.
3. What would you like doing / to do this evening?

4. We discussed turning / to turn the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect.
5. She wasn’t able speaking / to speak very clearly after her accident.
6. Do you mind moving / to move you car, please? You’re blocking the road.

7. They’re going to postpone making / to make a decision until next month.

8. Are you planning of getting / to get a new DVD player?
9. Are you thinking of getting / to get a PlayStation?
10. I’m very pleased telling / to tell you that you’ve passed!

11. Sarah’s offered putting / to put us up for the weekend.

12. I’m really looking forward to going / to go on the cruise.

7. Complete using the correct form ( -ing form or full infinitive ) of the verb in brackets.
You may need to use the passive voice.

1. I’ll never forgive June for ................................... (lie) to me like that.

2. Daniel’s not very good at ................................... (make) friends.
3. I can’t resist ................................... (buy) things when they’re in the sales.
4. We’ve got to encourage students ................................... (study), not blame them for not
5. I don’t know how you managed ................................... (persuade) the bank manager to lend
you so much money!
6. Does Jessica dislike ................................ (walk) so much that she’s not going to come with us?
7. Do you deny ................................... (steal) the money? Yes or no?
8. The kids were pretending ................................... (be) asleep but they didn’t fool me for a
9. I refuse ................................... (accept) that there’s no alternative.
10. No one understands how Jill can afford ................................... (go) on so many holidays each
11. He only just escaped ................................... (send) to prison. Next time, the judge won’t be so
12. He expected ................................... (give) a brand new computer for Christmas, but all he got
was a second - hand watch!

61 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

8. Complete using the correct form ( -ing form, bare infinitive or full infinitive ) of the
verbs in the box. Use each verb only once.

achieve be behave come do hope improve learn listen

make play sit down take tell try use work

Report : William Watson.

William Watson sometimes seems to be afraid of (1) ................................... hard. He can’t help
(2) ................................. to avoid (3) ................................. anything that involves (4) .................................
his brain, particularly on Friday afternoons. He seems to detest (5) ................................... life
seriously, and pretends he isn’t capable of (6) ................................... anything of worth. This is
unfortunate as, with a little more effort, William could succeed in (7) .................................. great
However, at present he frequently just wants (8) ................................... the fool. He enjoys (9)
................................... jokes. Presumably, he imagines this (10) ................................... the best way to
make friends, but in fact he often just ends up preventing the other students from (11)
................................... he has promised on several occasions (12) ................................... his behavior
in class, but then he just keeps on (13) ................................... in exactly the same way. Recently, I
have had to beg him (14) ................................ and be quiet in the classroom, but it’s difficult to
know how to make him (15) .............................. to his senses. He just doesn’t seem interested in
(16) ............................... to my opinion. I’m tempted to give up even (17) ............................... that he
might improve. Having said that though, Mr. Watson is an extremely good Maths teacher!
Julie Cross - 5A

9. For each pair of sentences, put a tick ( ) if both sentences mean the same thing. Put
a cross () if they have different meanings.

1. .................... A. I can’t bear being tickled!

B. I can’t bear to be tickled!
2. .................... A. My boss went on saying that he was very proud of all of us.
B. My boss went on to say that he was very proud of all of us.
3. .................... A. Have you stopped having lunch yet?
B. Have you stopped to have lunch yet?
4. .................... A. Have you started having lunch yet?
B. Have you started to have lunch yet?
5. .................... A. They continued climbing the mountain.
B. They continued to climb the mountain.
6. .................... A. We all saw the reporter interviewing the witness.
B. We all saw the reporter interview the witness.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 62

7. .................... A. I love playing practical jokes on my younger brother.
B. I love to play practical jokes on my younger brother.
8. .................... A. Why don’t you try holding you breath for a minute or two?
B. Why don’t you try to hold you breath for a minute or two?
9. .................... A. I hate being cheated by taxi drivers.
B. I have to be cheated by taxi drivers.

10. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. I should have taken my medicine this morning but I didn’t remember. forgot
I ...................................................................... my medicine this morning.
2. I’ll always remember the time when I went up Mont Blanc. never
I’ll ...................................................................... Mont Blanc.
3. I must hang up the washing later. remember
I ...................................................................... up the washing later.
4. Darren thinks that wearing a suit to work is appropriate. likes
Darren ...................................................................... a suit to work.
5. Jackie wishes she hadn’t said that to Allie. regrets
Jackie ...................................................................... that to Allice.
6. I’m sorry but your credit card has been cancelled by the bank. regret
I ...................................................................... your credit card has been cancelled by the bank.
7. Crashing the car wasn’t my intention, you know! mean
I ...................................................................... the car, you know!
8. If I take that job, I’ll have to do a lot more travelling. mean
Taking that job ...................................................................... to do a lot more travelling.
9. Jim’s mum made him tidy his room before he could go and play in the park. made
Jim ...................................................................... his room before he could go and play in the park.
10. I don’t suppose you watched that film last night on BBC2, did you? happen
You ...................................................................... that film last night on BBC2, did you?
11. People think that learning Latin is a waste of time. considered
Learning Latin ...................................................................... a waste of time.

11. Choose the correct answer.

1. I didn’t expect our history teacher ................... us so much homework.
A. giving B. give C. to give D. to giving
2. Do you remember ................... to school for the very first time?
A. go B. to go C. of going D. going

63 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

3. I started doing my homework when I got home from school but I stopped ................... my
favorite show.
A watch B. to watch C. watching D. from watching
4. Please don’t forget ........................... your essays during Friday’s lesson.
A. handing in B. to hand in C. hand in D. to handing in
5. Our teacher make the whole class ........... after the lesson because we had been so noisy.
A. staying B. to stay C. for staying D. stay
6. “What was Derek’s reaction to the accusation?”
“Well, he denied ................... any where near the house at the same time”
A. being B. to be C. be D. of being

12. Decide whether you need a gerund or infinitive.

1. My neighbor is talking about ............................. (build) a new desk on the back of his house.
2. My brother offered ............................. (drive) me to school this morning.
3. Would you mind ............................. (close) the window? It’s kind of cold now.
4. I like ............................. (go) to professional teaching conferences.
5. Have you discussed ............................. (change) your major with your parents ?
6. Diego loves studying ............................. (read). You can see him with a book all the time.
7. I am thinking about ............................. (look) for a new job that doesn’t require such a long
8. I didn’t mean ............................. (imply) that you needed to lose weight. Sorry.
9. Please stop ............................. (throw) garbage on the floor. There is a garbage can in the
10. We stopped .......................... (throw) some garbage in the trash can at the side of the road.

13. Fill in all the gaps.

1. Tom is afraid ................................. (go) to the dentist’s.
2. Franziska and Lydia are crazy ................................. (play) in our drama group.
3. You must apologize ............................ your teacher ............................ (forget ) your homework.
4. Are you frightened ................................. (get) a bad mark?
5. Sandra is bad ................................. (cook).
6. Are you interested ................................. (doing) computer exercises?
7. They have no chance ................................. (win) the match.
8. Don’t worry ................................. (sit)for the next exam.
9. Don’t worry ................................. (sit) for the next exam.
10. How can you be proud ................................. (be) a boy / girl?

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11. What was the reason ................................. (lie)?
12. There’s nothing wrong ................................. (tell) the truth.
13. You should always decide ................................. (tell) lies.
14. This competition consists ................................. (run) and ................................. (shoot).
15. I am excited ................................. (meet) you soon.
16. I am really looking ................................. (see) you.
17. I’m dreaming ................................. (go) to Disney World with you.
18. There’s no hope ................................. (get) a ticket for the Rolling Stones concert.
19. Peter is famous ................................. (tell) jokes.
20. David was sorry ................................. (pull) Melissa’s hair.
21. In spite ................................. (try) hard you always make a lot of mistakes.
22. You should learn more instead ................................. (watch) TV all the time.
23. Then you might succeed ................................. (get) a good job.
24. What are the advantages ................................. (take) part in an exchange program?

14. Choose the correct answer for each gap below.

1. Nate deserved to win / winning the prize for writing / to write that amazing short story
about traveling / to travel through Peru. I don’t understand him not receiving/ him not to
receive the award.
2. I can’t believe you want to go / going to fish / fishing, and you forgot bringing/ to bring a
fishing pole. How did you expect catching / to catch any fish? Were you just going to sit
in the river trying / to try catching / to catch fish with your bare hands? You would have
had a hard time to do / doing that!
3. Vince is determined saving / to save enough money traveling / to travel to South Africa
next year. if he avoids wasting / to waste his money and manages to save / saving what
he needs to make / making the trip, he plans on to leave / leaving in June.
4. When Sam mentioned to want / wanting / going / to go swimming / to swim, Nina
warned him not to go / him not going into the river. She explained that the national park
did not allow visitors swimming / visitors to swim for several reasons.
The number one reason for not to permit / not permitting visitors swimming / to swim
was the large number of crocodiles in the park.
5. The Oscar-winning actor avoids to talk / taking to his fans and refuses to give / giving his
autograph. Moreover, he has difficulty to give / giving interviews and appears having/ to
have problems to interact / interacting with other people. Doesn’t he seem way too shy
to be/ being an actor?

65 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

15. Complete with infinitive, bare infinitive or gerund.

1. The pilot meant ................................. (land) when he saw the lights, but he didn’t usually
................................. (fly) and we saw him ................................. (fall) little later.
2. African people are used to ................................. (walk) barefoot , so they get very rough skin.
3. Tigers are some of the hardest animals ................................. (see). In the jungle you have
................................. (use) elephants to see them.
4. He will never ............................................ (understand) you in Greek. Why don’t you try
................................. (speak) to him in Spanish?
5. We were thinking of ................................. (move) to another flat. Our neighbors don’t let us
................................. (sleep) to him in Spanish?
6. They advised me ........................................ (buy) a fast computer, so I asked my brother
..................................... (bring) me some leaflets.
7. Have you ever seen anybody ................................. (throw) a boomerang.
8. I remember ................................. (put) the papers somewhere on the table.
9. I have an important thing ................................. ( tell) you before giving you this ring.
10. I’m really looking forward to ................................. (taste) one of those cakes of yours.
11. She remembers ................................. (go) out of school and ................................. (have) tea with
friends. She really used ................................. (live) a very simple life as a child.
12. Why don’t you stop ................................. (treat) me like a child?

16. Fill in the gerund in the first gap and the to-infinitive in the second.
If a form is not allowed, mark the gap with "#".

Let´s continue (play) playing / to play tennis.
I enjoy (swim) swimming / #.
We would like (go) # / to go to the cinema.
1. I´d love (play) ..................................... / ..................................... the piano.
2. He admitted (steal) ..................................... / .....................................
3. Have you finished (clean) ..................................... / ..................................... your room?
4. We don´t mind (wait) ..................................... / ..................................... in front of the door.
5. Mike hates (spend) ..................................... / ..................................... a lot of money.
6. I can´t imagine (be) ..................................... / ..................................... on holiday.
7. My father gave up (smoke) ..................................... / ..................................... .
8. Avoid (talk) ..................................... / ..................................... to your neighbor during an exam.
9. I didn´t intend (hurt) ..................................... / ..................................... you.
10. When she got the message, she started (cry) ..................................... / ..................................... .
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 66
11. Do you miss (take) .................................... / ..................................... the dog for a walk?
12. When will you finish (ask) .................................. / .................................. stupid questions?
13. Yesterday I practiced (score) ................................ / .............................. baskets for two hours.
14. Don´t risk (brake) ..................................... / ..................................... in the mud.
15. I´d like (see) .................................... / ..................................... you again.
16. Would you prefer (have) .................................... / ..................................... a new car?
17. You shouldn´t mention (have seen) ..................................... / ..................................... him.

17. Fill in all the gaps. Gerund or infinitive after "forget", "remember" and "stop".
1. You left the lights on all night. Don´t forget ................................. (switch) them off when you
go to bed.
2. I´ll never forget ................................. (cross) the Channel for the first time.
3. I´ll always remember ................................. (fly) for the first time.
4. Don´t forget ................................. (take) your raincoat. It hasn´t stopped raining all day.
5. Oh dear, I didn´t remember ................................. buy) the tickets.
6. Don´t forget ................................. (buy) some milk when you go to the supermarket.
7. You mustn´t forget ................................. (go) to the doctor´s today.
8. I remember ................................. (shut) the door when I left.
9. Did you remember ................................. (shut) the door when you left?
10. I can´t listen to you any more. Please stop ................................. (talk).
11. After driving in his car for about half an hour Mr. Duncan was lost. So he stopped
................................. (ask) someone for help.
12. As so many people die of cancer I strongly advise you to stop ................................. (smoke).
13. I remember ................................. (hear) a loud bang.
14. I will never forget ................................. (take) the final exams at school.

18. Fill in all the gaps. Gerund or infinitive after "mean", "regret" and "try"
1. I regret ................................... that you were a fool.
2. And here are the results of the match. I regret ................................... that our team has lost.
3. Have you ever tried ............................. (drive) in Athens? I have, and it´s got very pleasant.
4. Even if it seems difficult, you should try ................................... (answer) all the questions.
5. You´ve got a bad mark. This means .................................... (work) harder next time.
6. Someone in the firm had made a mistake, and the manager regretted ...................................
(cause) the customer inconvenience.
7. Diane always tries ....................................(be) punctual, but she never succeeds.
8. I´m sorry. I meant .................................... (tell) you, but I forgot.

67 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

9. The strike meant .................................... (stay) at the airport for another day.
10. I can´t find anywhere to live. Have you tried ..................... (put) an ad in the local paper?
11. The kids will be sleeping. So please try ......................... (be) quiet when you come home.
12. The coach driver was very tired. He tried .................................... (keep) his eyes open.
13. I regret not .................................... (tell) him to stop.
14. Please forgive me. I didn´t mean .................................... (hurt) you.

19. Decide whether you need a gerund or infinitive. Sometimes either one is okay. Fill
in all the gaps.

1. Mr. Brown's class needs .................................... (do) some extra homework tonight.
2. My brother enjoys .................................... (cook) meals for everyone.
3. Matilda started .................................... (talk) about her problems with her boyfriend.
4. We finished .................................... (do) our homework at midnight.
5. Are you planning on ...................................(return) home this year to see your parents?
6. The wind began .................................... (blow) really hard at 5 pm.
7. I hate .................................... (eat) really spicy food.
8. My sister decided .................................... (study) in Australia next year.
9. My brother quit .................................... (jog) after he hurt his knee.
10. Miyo doesn't intend .................................... (get) married.

20. Imagine you work in a tourist information. Tell your colleague what the tourists
asked you. Transform the direct speech into infinitive constructions.

1. Two women asked, "How do we get to the castle?"

Two women asked how to get to the castle.
2. A man asked, "Where can I catch the bus?"
One man did not know ..........................................................................................................................
3. An old lady asked, "Why should I go to the zoo by bus?"
An old lady did not understand .........................................................................................................
4. Some teenagers asked, "Shall we buy a map?"
Some teenagers wanted to know ......................................................................................................
5. Two teenage girls asked, "Where can we go shopping?"
Two teenage girls asked ........................................................................................................................
6. A family asked, "Which film could we watch?"
A family wanted to go to the cinema but they did not know .................................................
7. A couple asked, "Where can we buy tickets for the opera?"
A couple wanted to know ......................................................................................................................

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8. A young woman asked, "When can I go on a sight-seeing tour?"
A young woman asked ...........................................................................................................................
9. A businessman asked, "What bar can I go to?"
A businessman did not know ...............................................................................................................
10. A drunk asked, "How do I get home?"
A drunk could not remember ...............................................................................................................

21. Complete the sentences using infinitive constructions.

1. She didn't tell me (do / what)
2. We asked a man (get / to the station / how)
3. We didn't know (go / this way or that way / whether)
4. She found out (queue / for the tickets / where)
5. I learnt (juggle / with three balls / how)

22. Fill in the gerund as the subject of the sentence. Complete the sentences using
infinitive constructions.

1. My father taught me (dance / how)

2. We haven't decided yet (put / the bed / where)
3. She was explaining (use / the gadget / how)
4. I forgot to ask (pick him up / where)
5. I wondered (address / him / whether) or not.

69 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

Lesson 10 Both, Either, Neither,
Or, So
1. If the phrase in bold in each sentence is correct, put a tick (). If it is wrong, write
the correct phrase.

1. I was surprised that both and Marry and Oliver were late for the meeting. .......................
2. My mum said she was both of proud and nervous when I appeared in the
school play. .......................
3. Why don’t both of you wait here while I go and see if Stuart is in? .......................
4. Both of books have got pages missing. .......................
5. Can I throw and both these magazines away, Derek? .......................
6. When I won the race, I was and exhausted and happy. .......................
7. Edward and Nigel both of them wanted to go on holiday, but they couldn’t .......................
afford it.
8. Did both you and Sylvia grow up the south of France? .......................

2. Circle the correct word.

1. Neither Alex or / nor Gareth knew that I’d seen them take the money.
2. I thought it was strange when both Ian and / or Anne let at the same time.
3. We could order either a chicken salad and / or a green salad.
4. Eve was neither embarrassed and / nor angry when Victoria told her to shut up.
5. Passengers can both watch recent movies and / or listen to great albums on many of our
6. I have neither the money or / nor the time to go on holiday right now.

3. Join the two sentences using neither .... nor.

1. Jim wasn’t surprised by what I said. He wasn’t shocked by what I said.
Jim ................................................................................................................................................................
2. Carol doesn’t have a car. She also doesn’t have a motorbike.
Carol ............................................................................................................................................................
3. Al doesn’t play tennis. He doesn’t watch it on TV.
Al ..................................................................................................................................................................
4. The manager wasn’t very helpful. The receptionist wasn’t very helpful.
Neither .......................................................................................................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 70

5. Pauline couldn’t read until she was seven. She also couldn’t write until she was seven.
Pauline ........................................................................................................................................................
6. I haven’t been to Poland before. Boris hasn’t been to Poland before.
Neither .........................................................................................................................................................

4. Write one word in each gap.

June : ... and so we went to see that new Tim Banks comedy last week.
Polly : Oh, so (1) ...................................... What did you think? We weren’t very impressed.
June : (2) ..................................... were we. It wasn’t very funny.
Polly : I didn’t want to go, but Kevin likes that cinema. So (3) ..................................... I, actually.
We’ve been there hundreds of times.
June : The one in town ? Oh, so (4) ..................................... we. The ice cream there is great, and
(5)..................................... is the popcorn! I could eat it all night.
Polly : Yes! so (6) ..................................... I ! I don’t like their drinks, though.
June : O, no (7) ..................................... do I. Anyway, we’re thinking of going to see what’s on
this evening.
Polly : (8) ..................................... are Jack and I. Let’s meet up. I don’t finish work until seven.
June : (9)..................................... do I . I’ll see what’s on and give you a ring. I’m looking forward
to it already.
Polly : So ( 10 ) ..................................... I . Okay, speak to you later.

5. Find out why some parents think that their teenage sons or daughters have a lot in
common with cats. (Don’t take it too seriously, though)

1. .................................... cats .................................... teenagers turn their heads when you call them.
2. You would hardly ever see a cat walking outside o the house with its master.
.................................... would you see a teenager in public with his or her parents very often.
3. A cat doesn’t share your taste in music. A teenager doesn’t ...................................... .
4. .................................... cats .................................... teenagers can lie on the sofa for hours on end
without moving.
5. Cats expect you to prepare the food for them .................................... do teenagers.
6. If you tell a joke, ................................... your cat ................................ your teen will laugh about it.
7. If you make a sudden move in their direction, ...................................... cats ....................................
teenagers get frightened.
8. Cats do not improve your furniture. Teenagers don’t ....................................... .
9. Cats roam outside and often come home very late at night. ................................ do teenagers.
10. Conclusion : no matter if you .................................. have a cat ................................. a teenager at
home - it’s all the same.

71 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

6. Complete the following sentences using both, either or neither.
1. ..................... were tired, so they decided to get some rest.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither
2. I don’t like ..................... of them.
A. both B. either C. neither
4. ..................... Maya nor Ann passed the test.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither
5. ....................the manager nor his subordinates could give a satisfactory explanation.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither
6. You can have ...................tea or coffee.
A. both B. either C. neither
7. I don’t think much of.............................of them. They both lack the required skillset.
A. both B. either C. neither
8. I know you don’t like me. I don’t like you ...................
A. both B. either C. neither
9. Jane didn’t come ................... did Selena.
A. both B. either C. neither
10. I invited ................... of them , but ..................... turned up.
A. both B. either C. neither

7. Fill in either/or and neither/nor.

1. In this game, you ........................ win ........................ lose. It depends on you.
2. ........................ Sue ........................ Sara will help you with your homework. They are both busy
at the moment.
3. This is my offer. You ........................ take it ........................ leave it.
4. When I go to the restaurant, I eat ........................ fish ........................ roast chicken. These are
my favorite meals.
5. His father believed ................. his son ................... his friend. He thought that both were lying.
6. I need ........................ your help ........................ your compassion. I can perfectly handle my
problems all alone.
7. ........................ Charly ........................ Bill will write the report. Just ask one of them .
8. ........................ you return the money you had stolen ................. I will call the police.
9. My mum can ........................ read ........................ write. She is illiterate.
10. You can use ........................ this computer ........................ the other one. Someone must fix
them first.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 72

8. Choose the correct answer for each sentence.
1. Her interests in the newspaper business came from her parents, .................... of whom
were journalists.
A. Either B. Neither C. Both
2. I failed my driving test because I didn’t keep ................... hands on the steering wheel.
A. either B. both C. neither
3. There has been a building - up o military troops on ................... sides of the Korean border
in recent weeks.
A. either B. both C. neither
4. ...................one of us is particularly interested in gardening.
A. Either B. Both C. Neither
5. They do really good food at that restaurant and it’s not very expensive ................... .
A. neither B. either C. both
6. You can get to Montreal by train or bus. ................... way it’ll take an hour.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither
7. She sharpened the stick carefully at ................... ends.
A. either B. neither C. both
8. I was sitting in the restaurant at the table with smokers on ................... side of me.
A. neither B. both C. either
9. You can buy a new car this year or you can go on holiday, but you can’t do
A. either B. both C. neither
10. ................... Mike and Jim have red hair and blue eyes.
A. Neither B. Both C. Either
11. ................... my parents are chemists.
A. Either B. Both C. Neither
12. Traffic was moving very slowly in ......... directions for about an hour after the accident.
A. either B. both C. neither
13. I really think it’s important to listen to ................... sides of the argument.
A. either B. neither C. both
14. A : I’ve never been to the states. B : “ I haven’t ...................”.
A. both B. neither C. either
15. ................... candidate would be ideal for the administrative job.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither
16. We’ve got two VCRs, but ................... works properly.
A. both B. neither C. either
73 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only
17. I had been looking forward to a delicious meal with excellent service, but I was
disappointed in ................... cases.
A. either B. neither C. both
18. Improved child - care facilities would benefit .................. sexes, women and men.
A. either B. both C. neither
19. I don’t eat seafood and my husband doesn’t ................... .
A. both B. neither C. either
20. He has written two spy novels, ................ of which have been made into television series.
A. either B. neither C. both
21. I asked two people to help me start my car, but ................... o them knew what to do.
A. both B. neither C. either

9. Choose the proper response.

1. He doesn’t like .................. one of those bands.
A. either B. neither C. nor
2. I have that song, and my sister hates it .................. .
A. neither B. too C. either
3. Neither my brother .................. my mother knows about this.
A. nor B. neither C. or
4. He didn’t come to the party, and his brother didn’t come ..................
A. neither B. nor C. either
5. .................. ( one ) of the girls knows how to dance. ( = Both girls are bad dancers )
A. Either B. Neither C. Nor
6. He .................. has a cat or a dog. I can’t remember.
A. neither B. too C. either
7. Neither my brother .................. ready to go.
A. nor his friends are B. nor his friend is C. or his friends is
8. He was not angry, .................. did he insult me. ( = he didn’t insult me either )
A. nor B. neither C. either
9. I’m thinking of travelling to either Argentina .................. Brazil.
A. either B. or C. nor
10. I’m bot a big fan of that writer, and .................. is my father.
A. too B. either C. neither

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10. Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. I went to the library yesterday.................. .
A. I didn’t either B. Neither did I C. So did I D. So was I
2. I didn’t like that book. .................. .
A. I didn’t either B. Neither did I C. So did I D. So I did
3. I’m extremely tired .................. .
A. I’m either B. Neither am I C. Nor am I D. So am I
4. You haven’t finished your work - .................. you.
A. Neither did B. Neither had C. Neither have D. Neither haven’t
5. I’ve seen this movie before. - .................. I
A. So do B. So did C. So had D. So have
6. Sophia won’t come to the party. - .................. Helena
A. Either won’t B. Neither will C. So will D. So won’t
7. They weren’t happy about it. - ................. we.
A. Neither were B. Neither weren’t C. So were D. So weren’t
8. Melissa is disappointed, and .................. Mark.
A. neither does B. neither is C. so does D. so is
9. Anton doesn’t want to go there, and .................. Maria.
A. doesn’t either B. neither does C. so does D. so doesn’t
10. Ann never borrows money, and Tom .................. .
A. doesn’t either B. does too C. neither does D. so does.

11. Fill in all the gaps.

1. Our products need to be competitive in term of ..................................... quality and price.
2. On two occasions Brenda was accused of stealing money form the company, but in
..................................... case was there any evidence.
3. It will be very difficult to find an agreement that will satisfy ..................................... parties.
4. Richard wasn’t at the meeting and ..................................... was his assistant.
5. A : “ I don’t feel like going out this evening.” B : “ me ..................................... “
6. Would you like milk or sugar or ..................................... ?
7. .................................... men and women have written to complain that the advertisement was
8. When I saw my elderly mother, I felt ..................................... happy and sad at the same time.
9. The problem with ..................................... of these business proposals is that they are very

75 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

10. Are ..................................... of us invited to the party , or just you?
11. A: “ Which one of these pictures would you choose?”
B: “ ............................................ They’re both terrible”.
12. Sunday’s game will be the last match of the season for ..................................... teams.
13. “Would you like to buy the metal or the wooden box?” “ ..................................... will do”.
14. ..................................... groups from our community have complained of religious
15. A: “ Do you prefer to eat lamb or beef”? B: “ I don’t like ..................................... .
16. We’ve got a difficult decision to make, because .................................. option is very pleasant.
17. In ..................................... cases, a coded warming was received from bombers before the
18. If Mary doesn’t agree to the plan, ..................................... will Fred.

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11 Laughing and crying

1. Sort out by adj, v, noun the following words

amusing embarrassing react
annoy emotion regret
attitude enthusiastic ridiculous
bad-tempered feeling romantic
behave glad rude
bully hurt sense of humour
calm miserable shy
celebrate naughty stress
character noisy tell a joke
depressed polite upset

Noun/ Noun phrase Verb Adjective

2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. call .....down.....: become/ make calmer
2. cheer ...............: become/ make happier
3. come ...............: be quicker
4. go ...............: continue happening or doing sth

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5. hang ...............: wait
6. run ............... ...............: escape by running
7. shut ...............: stop talking, stop making a noise
8. speak ...............: talk more loudly so sb can hear you
9. ............... first
10. ............... least
11. ............... times
12. ............... secret
13. ............... spite ...............
14. ............... tears
15. ashamed ...............
16. embarrassed ...............
17. frightened ...............
18. happy .............../ ...............
19. nervous ...............
20. scared ...............
21. sorry .............../ ...............
22. surprised .............../ ...............
23. tired ...............
24. congratulate sb ...............
25. laugh ...............
26. a joke ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. bore  Adj (x2) ................................./ .................................

2. comedy  N (person .................................
3. emotion  Adj .................................
4. energy  Adj .................................
5. excite  N, Adj (x2) ................................./ ................................./
6. feel  V (past), N ................................./ .................................
7. happy  Adj (opposite), N ................................./ .................................
8. hate  N ................................./ .................................
9. noise  Adj, Adv ................................./ .................................
10. sympathy  V, Adj ................................./ .................................

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4. Match to make dialogues.
1. ‘Alice seems a bit depressed.’ .......... A. ‘Oh, yes. Nothing ever upsets her.’
2. ‘ Mary is very polite.’ .......... B. ‘I know. She always makes me laugh.’
3. ‘Diane seems like a calm person.’ .......... C. ‘Well, maybe I should apologise, then.’
4. ‘Gemma seems a bit bad-tempered .......... D. ‘Maybe she’s had some bad news.’
5. ‘Megan is amusing.’ .......... E. ‘I think it’s because she’s won some
6. ‘Janice looks glad about something.’ .......... F. ‘Yes. She’s definitely angry about
7. ‘Nina was hurt by what you said.’ .......... G. ‘Yes, she always says ‘thank you’.’

5. Circle the correct word.

1. My grandfather had a very strong bully / character and everyone respected him.
2. Have you noticed that Caroline has started to behave / regret a bit strangely recently?
3. Dad has been under a lot of feeling / stress at work, so try not to annoy him.
4. Whenever I try to react / tell a joke, I can never remember it!
5. My attitude / emotion towards life is that you should enjoy yourself and not worry too
much about the future.
6. After three weeks of rain and wintry weather, we were all starting to feel a bit
miserable / upset.

6. Complete using a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold.
1. You’ll have to .................................... . I can’t hear what you’re saying. talk more loudly
2. Let’s try to .................................... Jimmy .................................... by having a surprise party! make
3. Could you please tell the children to .................................... ? I’m trying to sleep! stop making
a noise
4. If you’re upset, try taking long, deep breaths to .................................... . become calmer
5. Roger first .................................... from home when he was only thirteen years old. escaped
by running
6. After drying her eyes, Molly .................................... telling us why she was so unhappy.
7. And then the man said ... oh, .................................... a second! I’ve forgotten the ending to
the joke! wait
8. .................................... and get ready or we’re going to be late. be quicker

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7. Complete using the phrases in the box.
at first at least at times in secret in spite of in tears

1. We moved to a new town and I like it here a lot, but .............................. I miss my old friends.
2. Kate found Peter .............................. and asked him what was wrong.
3. I didn’t like Ted .............................. , but after a while I realised that he was a really nice
4. Rob and Christine’s parents didn’t approve of their relationship, so they had to meet
.............................. .
5. I’ve told that joke .............................. ten times and everyone always laughs at it!
6. Alfie seemed quite happy, .............................. failing the exam.

8. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.

Charlie Chaplin
During the first World War, at a time when there was lots of (1) HATE

..................................... in the world, one man did more than anyone else to
spread (2) ..................................... . That man was the (3) Charlie Chaplin. HAPPY

Audiences around the world watched his films and each new one COMEDY

caused a lot of (4) ................................... . Chaplin created the character of EXCITE

the little tramp and people (5) ...................................... with this poor man. SYMPATHY

Up until then, film comedies had been (6) ..................................... and very NOISE

fast. Although they were fun and (7) ..................................... , the audiences ENERGY

became (8) ..................................... with seeing the same situations. Chaplin BORE

produced a different kind of comedy. I t was slower and more (9)

..................................... . His films both made people laugh and touched their EMOTION
(10) ..................................... . Even today, his films are enjoyed by many FEEL

people of all ages.

9. Write one word in each gap.

Hans: Hello?
Sam: Hans? It’s Sam.
Hans: Oh, hi, Sam! How are you?
Sam: I was thinking about the exam next week. I’m a bit nervous (1) .....................................
it, to be honest.

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Hans: So am I. But you? I’m surprised (2) ..................................... that. I thought you studied a
Sam: I do. But my parents put so much pressure on me that I’m scared (3)
..................................... failing.
Hans: I don’t think you should be frightened (4) ..................................... failure. Just you wait.
In a month’s time, I’ll be congratulating you (5) ..................................... passing with
flying colours!
Sam: I guess you’re right. I’m sure I’ll look back and laugh (6) ..................................... myself.
Anyway, what have you been doing today?
Hans: Me? Oh, you know, a bit of revision ...

10. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.
1. Look at Jenny! She’s either happy from her exam results, or she’s .....................................
won the lottery!
2. Jodie and Marshall are splitting up because they’re tired from .....................................
arguing so much.
3. There’s no need to be embarrassed in crying. Everyone does it. .....................................
4. Kathy was ashamed with herself for stealing the money. .....................................
5. Debbie is sorry on what we said to you, and so am I. .....................................
6. Have you heard the joke for the man with a frog on his head? .....................................

11. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.

How are you?

People don’t always show their true (1) ....................................... . Somebody FEEL

with a big smile on their face might actually be (2) ......................................... . HAPPY

One of the reasons for this is that or (3) ....................................... life is very EMOTION

personal. Not everyone is (4) ....................................... to our problems, so we SYMPATHY

have to protect ourselves. Some people, particularly teenagers, appear (5) BORE

........................................ by everything, even things that they actually find (6) EXCITE

...................................... . This may be because they think it’s not very cool to be EXCITE

(7) ........................................ about things, or to be too (8) ........................................... ENERGY

and enthusiastic.

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12. Write one word in each gap.
1. Come .................................. , or we’re going to be late!
2. Just hang .................................. one second while I find my mobile phone.
3. Peter is so noisy! I wish he would just shut ........................................... !
4. It annoyed me that Jason just went ....................................... talking when he could see I was
5. Try to calm ..................................... and tell us exactly what has happened.
6. You’ll have to speak ........................................ because I can’t hear what you’re saying.
7. Did you know that Sarah ran ........................................ from home when she was fourteen?
8. I was feeling sad, but seeing my cousins really cheered me ........................................ .

13. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. I’m depressed because I don’t have enough money to buy a new pair of jeans. afford
I’m depressed because I ....................................................................... a new pair of jeans.
2. Pam looked like she was happy , but I knew she was sad. pretended
Pam .......................................................... happy, but I knew she was sad.
3. Toby made me feel bad about what I’d done. made
I ................................................................ bad by Toby about what I’d done.
4. I made up my mind to apologies to Mary. decided
I .................................................................. to Mary.
5. We finally succeeded in cheering Michael up. managed
We finally ......................................................... Michael up.
6. I don’t argue with friends if I can avoid it. avoid
I ............................................................................... with friends if I can.
7. I don’t care what other people think any more. stopped
I’ve ................................................................ what other people think.
8. Claudia dislikes arguments and so do I. both
Claudia ................................................................. dislike arguments.
9. Martha isn’t very kind and neither is Vicky. nor
Neither Martha ................................................................... very kind.

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14. Choose the correct answer.
1. I was quite nervous ................................ starting at a new school, but it was okay.
A. on B. about C. with D. in
2. The newspaper congratulated the writer ................................... producing a very funny show.
A. with B. for C. on D. of
3. Oscar and Pauline met ..................................... secret to discuss the surprise party.
A. in B. with C. at D. on
4. Are you scared ...................................... snakes?
A. with B. on C. for D. of
5. Isaac .................................... us a really funny joke, but I can’t remember it!
A. said B. told C. spoke D. mentioned
6. You should be ashamed .................................. yourself!
A. with B. on C. of D. in
7. It’s important to have a sense of ....................................... or it’s easy to get depressed.
A. laughter B. amusement C. comedy D. humour
8. Marina was ...................................... tears after the lesson, so I asked her what was wrong.
A. to B. on C. at D. in

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12 Passive voice

1. The word and phrases in bold are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.
1. Every year, several prizes are giving to the best students. .......................................
2. When the pizza was delivering, it was cold. .......................................
3. You will be telling when you can come in. .......................................
4. That song doesn’t played on the radio very often, is it ? .......................................
5. Your money was stealing out of your bag ? .......................................
6. We haven’t allowed to use a dictionary in the exam yesterday. .......................................
7. That film won’t have shown in our local cinema for a long time. .......................................
8. I will be picked up from the station on Saturday ? .......................................

2. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1. When people ................................. (arrest), they ................................. (take) to the police station.
2. Milk ..................................... (usually / keep) in the fridge.
3. ..................................... (we / tell) what’s in next week’s test ?
4. How did people communicate over long distances before the phone .....................................
5. ..................................... (you / allow) to come to the party next Saturday ?
6. You ..................................... (give) your exam results next Monday.
7. ............................................... (Aidan’s bike / find) yesterday ?

3. Answer the questions using your own ideas.

1. When are cars usually fixed ?
They ................................................................................................................................................................
2. Where will the next Olympic Games be held ?
They ................................................................................................................................................................
3. Who are Oscars usually awarded to ?
They ................................................................................................................................................................
4. What are you not allowed to do at school ?
I .........................................................................................................................................................................
5. What were you given for your birthday last year ?
I .........................................................................................................................................................................

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6. What will you be given for your next birthday ?
I’ll probably .................................................................................................................................................

4. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between and five words.

1. Will they send the letters first class ? sent

Will ............................................................................................... first class ?
2. I’m not sure if they eat pizza in China. is
I’m not sure ....................................................................................... in China.
3. Someone told me that they don’t make cars in the UK anymore. made
Someone told me that ..............................................................in the UK anymore.
4. Do they usually feed the animals three times a day ? fed
Are .............................................................................................. three times a day.
5. Mr. Jones is ill, so he won’t give us a geography test today! be
Mr. Jones is ill, so .....................................................................a geography test today
6. Did they take her to hospital in an ambulance ? she
Was ...........................................................................to hospital in an ambulance ?

5. Write one word in each gap.

There are lots of beautiful, large house in Britain, Many of them 1) ..................................... built
hundreds of years ago. In the past, they 2) ..................................... owned by very rich families.
Today, many of them 3) ..................................... owned by an organization called The National
Trust, which 4) .................................... created to look after them. The houses 5) .................................
kept in perfect condition, and visitors 6) ..................................... allowed to look around them.
It’s interesting to learn how different life was in an old house. Milk was 7) ...................................
kept in the fridge, because they didn’t have fridges! Washing machine 8) .....................................
only invented very recently, so washing 9) ........................................ done by hand. In some case,
the house 10) .............................................. still lived in today. When this happens, visitors 11)
..................................... only shown part of the house. The private rooms 12) .....................................
kept closed to the public. These houses often have beautiful gardens, too. The gardens 13)
..................................... looked after by professional gardeners. You usually have to pay to look
round National Trust houses. Members of the National Trust 14) ..................................... given a
discount. This year, million of people 15) ..................................... be given the chance to see what
life in an old country house was like.

85 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

6. Look at the picture again and circle the correct word.
1. The balloons had all been blowing / blown up before the carnival started.
2. The bananas haven’t / aren’t all been eaten yet.
3. The lorry isn’t been / being driven by the gorilla.
4. A young boy was/ has just taken a balloon from the astronaut.
5. A prize is going to have / be given to the person in the best fancy dress.
6. A prize might not be awarding / awarded to the clown.
7. Has / Is the lorry been decorated well ?
8. Can songs be sung by / with people in the crowd, too ?

7. Complete using by or with

1. That book was written ..................................... my uncle !
2. Are the best photo usually taken ..................................... digital cameras ?
3. That song has been sung ..................................... lots of famous singers.
4. Is your hair cut ..................................... a professional hairdresser ?
5. Should the paper be cut ..................................... a professional hairdresser ?
6. All the candles had been lit ..................................... the same match.
7. The film isn’t going to be directed ..................................... Steven Spielberg after all.

8. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Write no more than four words.

1. I think John has taken my jacket.

I think my jacket .......................................................................John.
2. You should cook the chicken for at least an hour.
The chicken ...................................................................... for at least an hour.
3. They’re showing that film at the cinema in town.
That film ......................................................................at the cinema in town.
4. They hadn’t invented digital cameras when we took that photo.
Digital cameras ......................................................................when that photo was taken.
5. When I got there, Carly was doing the ironing, so I didn’t have to do it !
When I got there, the ironing ...........................................Carly, so I didn’t have to do it!
6. They were using hot soapy water to wash all the cars.
All the cars ...................................................................... hot soapy water.

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9. Choose the correct form
1. Look! Your car ................... lifted off the ground.
A. is just being B. has just being
2. .................................... .
A. Tim has been given a new chance. B. A new chance has been given to Tim.
3. They ................... accept it.
A. were made. B. were made to
4. This hole was dug up ................... a spade.
A. by B. with
5. This boat ................... by storm.
A. was damaged B. was being completely damaged
6. .................................... .
A. His place will be offered to Mr. Chang. B. Mr. Chang will be offered his place.
7. If we weren’t careful, the bike ................... .
A. would destroy. B. would be destroyed.
8. When I stopped , my car ................... from behind.
A. was hit B. had been hit
9. He didn’t take part in the conference because he ................... informed.
A. was not B. had not been

10. Rewrite the sentences in the more natural form of passive voice.
Example: A parcel was delivered to me. => I was delivered a parcel.
1. A postcard has been sent to Jill.
2. A new chance will be given to me.
3. Bad news was told her.
4. Millions of books are bought for students each year.
5. His place will be offered to Alan.
6. This information must be sent to Ann.
7. Such a present had been given to my mum.
8. The garden was sold to the Simpsons.

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9. A letter has been shown to his parents.
10. Higher wages will be promised to workers.
11. This book is lent to readers very often.

11. Use by or with to complete the sentences.

1. The room was tidied up ............................... my brother.
2. A lot of goods have been stolen .............................. customers.
3. The tree will be cut down .............................. a saw.
4. This dictionary is often used ............................. our students.
5. He was hit in the eye ..............................a snowball.
6. The mixture must be stirred .............................. a fork.

12. Choose the correct verb to form correct passive sentences

1. We ................... London many times. We're going again next month.
A. have been visited B. have visited C. were visiting
2. CNN ................... by people all over the world.
A. is watched B . watches C .watched
3. They................... to arrive on time.
A. have been expecting B. were expected C. were being expected
4. The boys tried ................... how to use the new computer.
A. to learn B. to be learned C. to be learning
5. By the time we arrived, they ................... their meal.
A. had finished B. had been finished C. were finished
6. The suspect was questioned ................... the police for several hours.
A. from B. by C. with
7. He should have ................... his son to the doctor right away.
A. been taken B. taken C. took
8. My sister wants ................... with her two closest friends.
A. to photograph B. photograph C. to be photographed
9. They ................... to start university in the autumn.
A. are supposing B. are supposed C. are being supposed
10. Regular exercise ................... good for you
A. is believed to be B. believes to be C. is believing to be
11. I might ................... to tell him the news. I was very busy.
A. have forgotten B. been forgotten C. forgot
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 88
12. This subject ................... hundreds of times.
A. has been written about B. has written about
13. He ................... for the school football team.
A. has never picked B. never picked C. has never been picked
14. Our flight ................... already ................... when we arrived at the airport.
A. has been announced B. had announced C. had been announced
15. The baby ................... after by his grandmother that afternoon.
A. was looking B. was being looked C. looked
16. Our new computer ................... by the end of the month.
A. is paid for B. will pay C. will be paid for
17. His parents ................... very rich.
A. are said that they are B. are saying to be C. are said to be
18. The people must have ................... to leave the building. It's empty.
A. told B. been telling C. been told
19. The results of the competition could have ................... earlier.
A. been announced B. announced C. announcing
20. He ................... an expert on Roman coins.
A. considers to be B. is considered being C. is considered to be

13. Choose the correct answer.

1. The Ferris Wheel is a large amusement park ride that ................... of a giant, vertical, metal
wheel that slowly turns around.
A. is made B. made C. making
2. The wheel ................... with hanging compartments for people, who ride around in a circle,
going far above the ground.
A. equipped B. is equipped C. was equipped
3. The first Ferris Wheel ................... at the Chicago World Fair in 1893.
A. opened B. was opened C. both A & B
4. The Ferris Wheel ................... 50 cents per ride.
A. was cost B. cost C. has cost
5. The Ferris Wheel ................... at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904.
A. is later used B. did later used C. was later used
6. It had 36 wooden cars that could each seat 40 people, and hold another 20 standing.
A. active voice B. passive voice
7. Ferris Wheels are ................... to children.
A. fascinated B. fascinating
8. Ferris wheels are ................ for many people, but others tend to get sick at the sight of one!
A. exciting B. excited

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14. Complete the following sentences so that the second one has a similar meaning to
the first.

1. They produce coffee in Colombia.

Coffee ............................................................................................. in Colombia.
2. Someone will import these spare parts from Japan.
These spare parts ............................................................................................. from Japan.
3. They built the library next to the museum.
The library ............................................................................................. next to the museum
4. Someone has repaired the roof.
The roof ............................................................................................ repaired.
5. A burglar broke into my country house a few weeks ago.
My country house ............................................................................................. a few weeks ago.
6. They must redecorate the sitting-room
The sitting-room .............................................................................................
7. Someone should cut the grass as soon as possible.
The grass ............................................................................... as soon as possible.
8. They will put off the concert due to the bad weather conditions.
The concert ........................................................................... due to the bad weather conditions.
9. They had put up the tent before the storm began.
The tent .............................................................................. before the storm began.
10. Someone called the fire brigade as soon as the fire alarm went off.
The fire brigade .............................................................................. as soon as the fire alarm went off.

15. The first sentence is in the ACTIVE VOICE. Choose the most correct way of saying
the same thing in the PASSIVE VOICE:

1. They passed me up for that position. ---> I ................... for that position.
A. was passed up B. was being passed up C. am passed up
2. By tomorrow, I will have bought the car. ---> By tomorrow, the car ................... by me.
A. was being bought B. will have been bought C. was bought
3. John bought the Picasso painting. ---> The Picasso painting ................... by John.
A. was bought B. will have been bought C. is bought
4. Most students misunderstand this story. ---> This story ................... by most students.
A. was misunderstood B. has been misunderstood C. is misunderstood
5. My brother carried the groceries into the room. ---> The groceries ................... by my
brother into the room.
A. were being carried B. have been carried C. were carried

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6. Juan is preparing the enchiladas. ---> The enchiladas ................... by Juan.
A. are being prepared B. were being prepared C. are prepared
7. His brother was telling him to calm down. ---> He ................... to calm down by his brother.
A. is being told B. was being told C. is told
8. A dog bit me. ---> I ................... by a dog.
A. was being bitten B. was bitten C. have been bitten
9. The movers have delivered the furniture. ---> The furniture ................... by the movers.
A. will have been delivered B. would be delivered C. has been delivered
10. This city will surprise you. ---> You ................... by this city.
A. are surprised B. will be surprised C. will have been surprised

16. Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Green tea ................... in China, India, and other countries.
A. is produced B. was produced C. had been produced D. will be produced
2. The play Romeo and Juliet ................... by Shakespeare.
A. is written B. has been written C. was written D. had been written
3. Paper ................... from wood pulp.
A. is made B. has been made C. was made D. had been made
4. Call the ambulance! Three people ................... in a car accident.
A. are injured B. are being injured C. have been injured D. had been injured
5. This church ................... in the 15th century.
A. is built B. has been built C. was built D. had been built
6. The compass ................... since the 12th century.
A. is used B. has been used C. was used D. had been used
7. I had to wait in the hotel lobby while my hotel room ................... .
A. has been cleaned B. was cleaned
C. was being cleaned D. had been cleaned
8. This problem ................ by our specialists at the moment. We hope to find a solution soon.
A. is discussed B. is being discussed
C. has been discussed D. will have been discussed
9. By the time I came back, the work on the report ................... .
A. has been finished B. had been finished C. will be finished
10. The other two reports ................... one of these days.
A. are typed B. have been typed C. were typed D. will be typed

91 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only

17. Make the passive. There are two possible answers.
1. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill
Jill .........................................................................................................................................................
2. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill.
A bar of chocolate...........................................................................................................................
3. I lent a pencil to Graham
4. I lent a pencil to Graham
A pencil ...............................................................................................................................................
5. Fiona told the truth to Julian
Julian ....................................................................................................................................................
6. Fiona told the truth to Julian
The truth..............................................................................................................................................
7. They offered the job to Simon
Simon ......................................................................................................................................................
8. They offered the job to Simon
The job ...................................................................................................................................................
9. The boss showed the new computer to Anna
Anna ........................................................................................................................................................
10. The boss showed the new computer to Anna
The new computer............................................................................................................................
11. Julie taught the grammar to the students
The students .......................................................................................................................................
12. Julie taught the grammar to the students
The grammar .......................................................................................................................................
13. I sent the email to John
John ..........................................................................................................................................................
14. I sent the email to John
The email ...............................................................................................................................................
15. Lucy threw the ball to the child
The child ...............................................................................................................................................
16. Lucy threw the ball to the child
The ball ..................................................................................................................................................
17. Sophia sold the car to a doctor
A doctor ..................................................................................................................................................

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18. Sophia sold the car to a doctor
The car ....................................................................................................................................................
19. I asked the question to David
David .......................................................................................................................................................
20. I asked the question to David
The question ........................................................................................................................................

18. Change the active sentences into passive sentences.

1. Did your teachers teach you how to use the passive in your last school?
.............................................................. how to use the passive in your last school?
2. Right now someone is cooking school lunch in the cafeteria.
Right now school lunch .............................................................. in the cafeteria
3. The grass in the park is very long. Someone should have cut it by now.
The grass in the park is very long. It .............................................................. by now.
4. Sorry, you'll have to find another computer. Someone is using this one.
Sorry, you'll have to find another computer. This one ............................................................ .
5. Will they pay you for your work?
.............................................................. for your work?
6. Did anyone see him climbing the fence?
.............................................................. climbing the fence?
7. When I got home from school yesterday, they were taking away the trash.
When I got home from school yesterday, the trash .............................................................. away.
8. No-one has found my calculator.
My calculator .............................................................. .
9. Drunken driving causes many accidents.
Many accidents .............................................................. by drunken driving.
10. People use cow's skin to make shoes.
Cow's skin .............................................................. to make shoes.
11. I didn't enjoy the meal. The cook had cooked the vegetables too long.
I didn't enjoy the meal. The vegetables .............................................................. too long.
12. When will they finish the new school?
When will the new school .............................................................. .
13. I want you to leave me in peace.
I want .............................................................. in peace.

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14. They are going to knock down the old buildings to make way for a new football
The old buildings .............................................................. to make way for a new football stadium.
15. Has anyone shown him how to use the library catalogue?
.............................................................. how to use the library catalogue?
16. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Portuguese .............................................................. in Brazil.
17. I will not allow you to use your dictionary in the test.
You .............................................................. to use your dictionary in the test.
18. I hate people shouting at me.
I hate .............................................................. at.
19. I had hoped that they would fix my locker while I was away, but they didn't!
I hoped that my locker .............................................................. while I was away, but it wasn't!
20. Someone cleaned the cafeteria after school yesterday.
The cafeteria .............................................................. after school yesterday.
21. They built the bridge behind the school in 2003.
The bridge behind the school .............................................................. in 2003.
22. ‘Inaudible' means 'you cannot hear it'.
An inaudible sound is a sound that .............................................................. .
23. Someone will give you the key.
You .............................................................. the key.
24. Her mother bore him in 1987.
He .............................................................. in 1987.
25. I couldn't walk. They had to carry me to the ambulance.
I couldn't walk. I .............................................................. to the ambulance.
26. You must do this work by Friday.
This work .............................................................. by Friday.
27. They have cancelled the school dance.
The school dance .............................................................. .
28. Someone cleans the toilets every day.
The toilets .............................................................. every day.
29. The wind blew our big oak tree down last night.
Our big oak tree .............................................................. down in the wind last night.
30. My mp3 player is missing from my locker. I think someone has stolen it.
My mp3 player is missing from my locker. I think it .............................................................. .

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13 Friends and relations

1. Sort out by adj, v, noun the following words

apologise generous ordinary
boyfriend girlfriend patient
close grateful private
confident guest recognise
cool independent relation
couple introduce rent
decorate loving respect
defend loyal single
divorced mood stranger
flat neighbourhood trust

Noun Verb Adjective

2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. bring ...............: take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult
2. fall ............... ...............: have an argument with sb and stop being friends
3. get ............... ...............: have a good relationship (with)
4. go ............... ...............: be the boyfriend/ girlfriend of
5. grow ...............: become older (for children)

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6. let ...............: disappoint
7. look ...............: take care of
8. slit ...............: end a relationship
9. ............... yourself
10. ............... common ...............
11. ............... contact ...............
12. ............... love ...............
13. ............... purpose
14. ............... your own
15. fond ...............
16. jealous ...............
17. kind ...............
18. married ...............
19. proud ...............
20. admire sb ...............
21. apologise (............... sb) ...............
22. argue (............... sb) ...............
23. care ...............
24. chat (............... sb) ...............
25. an argument (............... sb) ...............
26. a relationship ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. able  N, V, Adj (opposite) ................................./ ................................./
2. admire  N .................................
3. care  Adj, Adj (opposite) .................................
4. confident  confidence .................................
5. forgive  V (past, past participle), N ................................./ ................................./
6. honest  V (opposite), N ................................./ .................................
7. introduce  V .................................
8. lie  N (person) .................................
9. person  N, Adj ................................./ .................................
10. relate  N (person), N, N ................................./ .................................

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4. Complete using the words in the box.
close confident cool divorced generous grateful independent
loving loyal ordinary patient private single

1. Thanks for looking after my dog for the weekend. I’m really ........................................ .
2. Judy is one of the most ........................................ people I know. She’s always giving me
3. I don’t want a girlfriend. I like being ........................................ .
4. It will take a while for Simon to forgive you. You’ll just have to be ........................................ .
5. Adam’s parents are ........................................ , so he only sees his dad at the weekend.
6. Cats are more ........................................ than dogs. They live their own lives and don’t need
human company.
7. I’m very ........................................ to my best friend. I’d never talk about her behind her back.
8. Sandy’s such a ........................................ dog. He’s always so happy to see us when we come
9. I’m not a very ........................................ person. I get nervous when I have to speak in public.
10. My diary is ........................................ . No one is allowed to read it apart from me.
11. I tell my sister all my problems and secrets. We have a very ........................................
12. My uncle’s really ........................................ ! He’s in a rock band!
13. I’m just a/an ........................................ person with a normal life - but I’m quite happy!

5. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1. Don’t you think Ben and Angie make a lovely ................................................ ? L E O P U C
2. How many ................................................ are staying at the hotel at the moment? S E G U T S
3. All our ................................................ are coming to the wedding. S N O R E A L I T
4. A ................................................ is just a friend you haven’t met yet! G R A N T E R S
5. How long have you been going out with your ................................................ ? D R I N F E Y O B
6. Why are you in such a bad ................................................ ? O D O M
7. My grandparents live in a really quiet ................................................ .
8. My cousin has just moved into a ................................................ in the city centre. A T L F
9. I’m going to the cinema with my ................................................ tonight. R E D G I N F L I R

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6. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.
1. I was first respected to Jake at a party. ........................................
2. I shouldn’t have rented you. Now I know you can’t keep a secret! ........................................
3. Our house is being recognised so we’re staying with my grandparents at the moment.
4. Everyone apologised Mr Turner because he was strict but fair. ........................................
5. Have you introduced to Kelly for losing her CD? ........................................
6. Sarah said I was a liar but Carol trusted me and said I wasn’t. ........................................
7. We decorated a small house in the countryside for the summer. ........................................
8. No one defended Phil when he came to the party dressed as an old man.

7. Circle the correct word.

1. I thought I could trust you! You’re really let me off / down.
2. Do you get on / in well with your older sister?
3. As children grow off / up, they want more independence from their parents.
4. Dave has fallen off / out with Jason and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.
5. Ed was brought in / up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.
6. I used to go out / by with Tony but we spilt off / up about a year ago.
7. I hate looking after / over my baby brother!

8. Write one word in each gap.

Advice for parents of teenagers

You’ve always (1) ........................................ up your children to come to you when they’re
in trouble. You feel it’s your job to (2) ........................................ after them when they’re
having problems. But now, as your children are (3) ........................................ up, they often
don’t want to share their problems with you. That’s perfectly normal, so don’t worry! Of
course, you want to (4) ........................................ on well with your children, but that means
you have to give them some freedom.
Maybe they’ve (5) ........................................ out with their best friend and feel upset and
angry. Maybe they’ve just (6) ........................................ up with the boyfriend or girlfriend
they’ve been (7) ........................................ out with. Maybe they’ve been (8) ......................................
down by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go through all these problems. It they
want to talk to you about it, then that’s fine. But if they don’t, don’t force them. They’ll
come to you when they’re ready.

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9. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1. I’m asking for your ........................................ ! FORGIVE

2. Doug is such a ........................................ . I never believe a word he says! LIE
3. Be ........................................ ! I’ve just painted the walls and they’re wet. CARE
4. Lying to your dad like that was really ...................................... . HONEST
5. My brother is .................................. but that doesn’t stop him from doing lots of sport. ABLE
6. I haven’t got the ..................................... to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce
7. My best friend gives me lots of help with my ........................................ problems. PERSON
8. My ........................................ with Chris lasted for over three years. RELATION

10. Complete the words.

1. Liz has got a really lively person.............................. .
2. Roger is always losing things. He’s so care...................................... !
3. I really admire you for your honest.............................. .
4. I have a lot of admir................................... for Linda. She’s achieved such a lot.
5. Uncle Alan has an amazing mental ab................................... - he can guess the number
you’re thinking of.
6. In the introduc....................... to this book, it says that moving house is extremely stressful.
7. Most of my relat................................... live in Canada so I don’t see them very often.

11. Complete using the verbs in the box.

apologise defend introduce recognise rent respect trust

1. ‘Who’s that over there?’

‘That’s Graham Western, the actor. Let me ................................. you.’
2. ‘Hi, Harry!’ ‘Oh! Hi, Rita! I didn’t ............................... you with your new hair style!’
3. ‘ I’m really sorry!’ ‘There’s no need to ...................................... .’
4. ‘ I’m thinking of moving house soon.’
‘Do you want to buy or ....................................... a place?’
5. ‘ I wish I hadn’t told Rebecca some of my secrets.’
‘Don’t worry. You can ....................................... Rebecca. She won’t tell anyone.’
6. ‘ Mr Parker is going to run a marathon for charity.’
‘ Yes, I really ...................................... Mr Parker. He does such a lot of charity work.’
7. ‘ I’m sure Billy didn’t say that!’
‘Why do you always ................................... Billy? He’s not perfect, you know!’

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12. Write one word in each gap.
1. Could you look ............................... our rabbit while we’re on holiday?
2. Tim was Sandy’s boyfriend, but they split ............................. last month.
3. Kim and Katy have fallen .................................. with each other, so Kim isn’t going to invite
Katy to her party.
4. Phil was brought ................................. by his uncle and aunt.
5. Is Gareth really going ....................................... with Liz?

13. Choose the correct answer.

Parents and friends
We can choose our friends, but we can’t choose our (1) ........................ . That doesn’t
mean, though, that members of our family can’t also be our friends. Many children have
such a good relationship (2) ........................ their parents that they see them as friends. Of
course, when you’re a teenager, you’ll have (3) ........................ with your parents. There will
be times when you don’t (4) ........................ on very well with them. That’s only natural.
There will be times when you want to be (5) ........................ and solve your problems (6)
........................ yourself. You’ll also (7) ........................ your parents down sometimes. After all,
nobody’s perfect and we all make mistakes. But your parents understand that. And as
you grow (8) ........................ and become an adult, you’ll probably realise you have lots of
things in (9) ........................ with your mum and dad and become even (10) ........................ to

1. A. couples B. guests C. strangers D. relations

2. A. by B. for C. with D. from
3. A. moods B. arguments C. lies D. dishonesty
4. A. get B. take C. put D. set
5. A. divorced B. single C. grateful D. independent
6. A. on B. by C. for D. with
7. A. let B. make C. take D. fall
8. A. on B. over C. out D. up
9. A. private B. common C. contact D. love
10. A. fonder B. more proud C. closer D. more ordinary

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14 Relative Clause

1. Complete using the words in the box. You have to use some words more than once.
where which who whose

1. There’s a film on tonight ................................... I really want to see.

2. Do you know any restaurants ................................... they serve vegetarian dishes?
3. Can you remember ................................... told you about the new nightclub?
4. The film, ................................... stars Tom Hanks, is based on a book by Dan Brown.
5. I’ve never met anyone before................................... mother was famous!
6. Lorenzo, ................................... is from Spain originally, has lived here for about ten years.
7. Carla, ................................... parents are from Mexico, was born in the UK.
8. Here’s a photo of the hotel ................................... we stayed.

2. Circle the extra word in each sentence.

1. The boy who he sits next to me in class is called Vladimir.
2. This book, which I started reading it last week, is really funny.
3. Jean, whose her mother is a nurse, wants to be a doctor.
4. My mum and dad, who they got married fifteen years ago, met over thirty years ago.
5. The jeans which I was telling you about them are over there..

3. Rewrite as one sentence using a relative clause.

1. My grandfather was an airline pilot. He is sixty-five years old now.
My grandfather, who is sixty-five years old now, was an airline pilot.
2. Friendly people is a comedy. It’s my favourite programme.
3. My friend Michael often comes to play with me. He hasn’t got any brothers and sisters.
4. My sister loves wearing hats. Her hair is brown.
5. New York is an enormous city. It’s where I was born.

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6. This CD is scratched. I only bought it yesterday.
7. My brother George has got some great shirts! He hates me borrowing his clothes.
8. Our neighbours have never invited us to dinner. Their house is directly opposite ours.

4. Write one word in each gap.

Did you know that there are people (1) ……………....…. are paid to predict the future?
They’re called ‘actuaries’. I’d never heard of actuaries until my friend Greg, (2)
……………....…. mother is an actuary, told me about them. It’s a job (3) ……………....…. sounds
quite interesting.

Actuaries usually work for companies, like insurance companies, (4) ……………....…. deal
with the chances of things happening in the future. Actuaries have to decide how probable
it is that something will happen. For example, it’s more probable that buildings will be
flooded in places (5) ……………....…. it rains a lot. Greg’s mum, (6) ……………....…. has been an
actuary for about five years, is involved with car insurance. She works in an office (7)
……………....…. they decide how much car insurance people should pay. It’s more probable
that a car (8) ……………....…. is new is safer and more reliable than a very old car, so people
(9) ……………....…. cars are new pay less insurance. If there are drivers (10) ……………....…. she
thinks will probably have more accidents, she makes them pay more insurance.

5. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. The scouts in my school were sure to visit the flooded town, the condition .............. was
not known.
a. where b. of which c. whose d. that e. in which
2. My sister Ann had always wanted to go to a place .............. she could speak her native
a. which b. whom c. whose d. where e. for which
3. Human food may be very harmful for some animals, .............. is why they won't let us feed
the animals at the zoo.
a. that b. why c. when d. whom e. which
4. I am from a suburb in Chicago, .............. many successful companies such as Boeing and
McDonald's are headquartered.
a. whose b. in which c. why d. why e. for which
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 102
5. The 19th century artist, .............. name I could not remember, was one of the best I had
ever seen.
a. which b. whose c. that d. who e. whom
6. Marine excavation is a race not only against time and the sea but also the looters ..............
want history's treasures for themselves.
a. which b. whom c. when d. where e. who
7. He came for the weekend wearing only so me shorts and a T-shirt, .............. was a stupid
thing to do in such a cold weather.
a. what b. that c. where d. which e. whom
8. Virginia, .............. is said to be quite beautiful, is the home of many senators and
representatives now.
a. that b. where c. in which d. which e. who
9. The large limousine .............. was loaded with students up to the limit was stopped by the
a. when b. for which c. which d. in which e. what
10. Crossing Death Valley, .............. temperatures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was a
near insurmountable task for the early pioneers.
a. that b. where c. when d. whom e. which

6. Choose the most suitable ending from the list and make it into a relative clause.
he invented the telephone it makes typewriter
she run away from home it gives you the meanings of words
they are never on time it won the race
they stole my car it can support life
they used to hang on that wall it was found last week

1. Gerry works for a company ................that (or which) makes typewriters.....................................

2. The book is about a girl .................................................................................................................................
3. What was the name of the horse ............................................................................................................. ?
4. The police have caught the men .................................................................................................................
5. Alexander Bell was the man .........................................................................................................................
6. Where are the pictures ................................................................................................................................ ?
7. The police are still trying to identify the body .....................................................................................
8. A dictionary is a book ......................................................................................................................................
9. I don’t like people .............................................................................................................................................
10. It seems that Earth is the only planet .....................................................................................................
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7. Complete these sentences, where necessary, with that, who or what. If it is possible
to write that or leave it out, write (that) - in bracket.

Examples: Did you hear ....what... I said? Everything ...that... he said was true.

1. She gives her children everything ............................. they want.

2. Tell me ............................. you want and I’ll try to help you.
3. Why do you blame me for everything ............................. goes wrong?
4. I won’t be able to do very much but I’ll do the best ............................. I can.
5. I can’t lend you any money. All ............................. I’ve got is a pound.
6. Nora is the only person ............................. understands me.
7. Why do you always disagree with everything ............................. I say?
8. I don’t agree with C you’re just said
9. This is an awful film. It’s the worst ............................. I’ve ever seen.

8. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. An old man, who / which was carrying a suitcase, knocked at the door.
2. The winner which / whose bike was an unusual design, won a medal.
3. The girl who / which spoke to me turned out to be in my class.
4. The museum, which / whose was in a beautiful building, was closed.
5. A policewoman that / which we asked told us how to get there.
6. The boy whose / whom house I was staying at was an old friend.
7. The last person which / whose pen I borrowed didn’t get it back.

9. Complete each sentence with who, whose, and that.

1. The friend ...whose... house I stayed in is coming to stay with us.
2. The guidebook ............................. we bought explained everything.
3. The couple ............................. house I bought both worked in my office.
4. I’d like you to tell me ............................. you were talking to.
5. The girl ............................. ruler I had borrowed wanted it back.
6. I can’t remember ............................. I lent my bike to.
7. Do you know ............................. Cantherine works for?

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10. Add a relative pronoun to each sentence.
1. Friday was the last time I saw Jim.
.......... Friday was the last time that I saw Jim ..............................................................
2. The island we visited was extremely beautiful.
3. The girl I met was a friend of Philip’s.
4. The meal we ate wasn’t very tasty.
5. Gina was the first person I asked.
6. The book I read didn’t explain the problem.
7. The teacher we usually have was away ill.
8. The friends I met last night send you their love.

11. Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, and include the word in bold.
Begin as shown, and make any necessary changes.

1. We want to visit a museum. It opens at 12:00. (that)

The ...................... museum that we want to visit opens at 12:00........................
2. A boy’s bike was taken. He visited the police station. (whose)
3. A friend met me at the airport. He carried my suitcase. (who)
4. Tim cooked a meal. It was delicious. (that)
5. A friend is staying with me. She comes from Paris. (who)
6. I found a man’s wallet. He gave me a reward. (whose)
7. I go to a shop in the centre. It is cheaper. (that)
8. I went to a girl’s party. She phoned me. (whose)
9. I know someone. This person likes you. (who)

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12. Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. You
must use a relative pronoun.

1. I bought a house. It was advertised in the local paper.

2. Mary works in our office. Her husband is a plastic surgeon.
3. Venice is a wonderful place. We spent our last holiday there.
4. He showed us how to create a computer-based game. It was very interesting.
5. I've just finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is an amazing
6. That's the boy. I told you about him last night.
7. They've sold the house. I wanted to buy it.
8. Helen has just arrived. She had a car accident.
9. They've sold the grocery. I used to go shopping there.
10. My sister has won a DVD player. Her children love watching films.

13. Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Then write S for subject and O for object.
Finally state if the relatives can be omitted or not in the box provided.

1. Did you see the man ...who... stole her bag? S not omitted
2. The eggs ....................... you’ve bought are bad.
3. Please give me the keys ....................... are on the table.
4. Is that the man ....................... we saw in the park yesterday?
5. What’s the name of the lady ....................... babysits for you?
6. Tom is playing with the dog ....................... lives next door.
7. Have you eaten all the cakes ....................... I made yesterday?
8. How old is the man ....................... owns this shop?

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9. Have you met the man ....................... Jakie is going to marry?
10. Let’s all look at the picture ....................... is on page 7.
11. Has Peter returned the money ....................... he borrowed from you?
12. What color is the dress ....................... you’re going to wear tonight?
13. The police have arrested the man ....................... murdered his wife.
14. The parcel ....................... is on the table is your birthday present.
15. We will ask the man ................ delivers our milk to leave an extra bottle.
16. Is she the person ....................... gave you this record?
17. We spent our holiday in a small town ....................... is near the sea.
18. The man ....................... married Kate is a millionaire.
19. Where are the shoes ....................... I bought this morning?
20. I still write to that lady ....................... I met twenty years ago.

14. Fill in: who, why, where, when, which, or whose.

Dear Mum and Dad,
Hi! Well here’s my news. The day 1) .......when...... I arrived I felt very lonely. I am very happy
now though, because the college 2) ............................... I am studying has a computer course.
On Wednesday the boy 3) ................................. room I share had a party. It was grateful!
Thursday was good. The man 4) ............................... teaches us Biology forgot to come so we
had some free time! Friday wasn’t so great. I missed a lecture. The reason 5) ...............................
I missed it was that I was ill in bed. The photograph 6) ............................... I’m sending you was
taken on the day 7) ............................... I arrived, while I was waiting for the bus. I’ll have to
catch up on my work, so I must go now!
Write soon.
Love, Tom

15. Join the sentences using who, when, where, which or whose
1. She’s the girl. She works in the library.

... She’s the girl who works in the library ...

2. Corfu is an island. It has many beautiful beaches.
3. Here’s the alarm clock. I bought it yesterday.
4. I’ve spoken to John. His house was burgled last Monday.
107 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
5. That’s the lady. Her jewellery was stolen.
6. That is the radio. I won it in the competition.
7. John is the man, His house was destroyed by the fire.
8. There is the hospital. I was born there.
9. That was the summer. I met my wife then.
10. That is Fiona Webb. She is a famous dancer.
11. Holland is the country. The Second World War ended then.
12. 1945 was the year. The Second World War ended then.
13. That’s the hotel. I stayed there last summer.
14. August is the month. Most people go on holiday then

16. Fill in the appropriate relative, say whether the relative clauses are essential or not
to the meaning of the main sentence, then add commas where necessary.

1. Paul, ...who... is a famous actor, went to school with my brother. .... not essential ....
2. The pen .................... I left on that table has disappeared. .....................................
3. The woman .................... repairs our car is very friendly. .....................................
4. David .................... grew up in Canada speaks fluent French. .....................................
5. The man .................... car was stolen has gone to the police station. .....................................
6. Rye .................... my grandmother lives is near the sea. .....................................
7. Roger .................... car has broken down is late for work. .....................................
8. The Acropolis .................... attracts many tourists is in Athens. .....................................

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17. Fill in the relative pronoun. Put commas where necessary. Write D for defining, ND
for non-defining and if the relative can be omitted or not.

1. Mr. Brown, ...who... teaches us French, comes from London. ND not omitted
2. The girl .................... I met on the bus looks just like my sister.
3. Peter Smith .................... had an accident is in hospital.
4. The apples .................... grow on these trees are delicious.
5. This apple pie .................... I made yesterday tastes great.
6. The film .................... I saw on TV last night was very sad.
7. My friend Alex .................... is a doctor works very long hours.
8. John .................... father is a lawyer has moved to Paris.
9. The sports centre .................... we play tennis is expensive.
10. The vase .................... Mother gave me got broken.
11. The summer .................... I went to Spain I got really sunburnt.
12. The car .................... tyres are flat is mine.
13. The cafe .................... I first met my husband has closed down now.
14. Simon .................... mother is a vegetarian doesn’t eat meat.
15. the baker’s .................... is by my house sells wonderful pies.

12. Spot the mistakes and correct them.

The town 1) which I was born has changed greatly over the last fifty years. now there is a
modern shopping centre in the place 2) that my school used to be and all the children 3)
whose went there have grown up and moved away. The local cinema, 4) that was built
several years ago, used to be a dance hall 5) which big bands played. The park, 6) where
was my favorite place as a child, is now a car park. Some things are still the same though.
Mrs. Jones, 7) whom is now seventy years old, still lives in the High Street and Mr. Jones still
owns the baker’s shop, 8) that his two sons now work instead of him. The hospital 9) where
I was born in is still standing, although it is now much bigger than it was at the time 10)
which I was born. On the day 11) which my family and I left our home town we were all
very sad.

1) ...... where ...... 4) ............................ 7) ............................ 10) ............................

2) ............................ 5) ............................ 8) ............................ 11) ............................
3) ............................ 6) ............................ 9) ............................

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15 Inventions & discoveries

1. Sort out by adj, v, noun the following words

artificial experiment operate
automatic gadget plastic
complicated hardware program
decrease invent research
digital involve run
discover laboratory screen
effect lack software
equipment laptop sudden
estimate maximum technology
exact minimum unique

Noun Verb Adjective

2. Fill the missing words into the blank

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1. break ...............: stop working (for a machine, etc)
2. come ...............: find sth by chance
3. find ...............: discover information, etc
4. make ...............: invent an explanation, excuse, etc
5. pull ...............: break by pulling
6. throw ...............: put sth in a rubbish bin
7. turn ...............: stop a machine working
8. turn ...............: start a machine working
9. ............... last
10. ............... chance
11. ............... my opinion
12. ............... the end
13. ............... the future
14. ............... ............... order
15. different .............../ ...............
16. full ...............
17. begin sth ...............
18. connect sth .............../ ...............
19. disconnect sth ...............
20. fill sth ...............
21. result ...............
22. a difference ...............
23. an idea ...............
24. a number ...............
25. a reason ...............
26. a type ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. boil  N (person), N ................................./ .................................
2. chemist  Adj, N ................................./ .................................
3. conclude  N .................................
4. examine  N, N (person) ................................./ .................................
5. fascinate  N, Adj ................................./ .................................
6. history  Adj, N (person) ................................./ .................................
7. identical  Adv .................................

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8. long  N .................................
9. measure  N .................................
10. science  N (person) .................................

4. Complete using the words in the box.

artificial automatic complicated digital exact
maximum minimum plastic sudden unique

1. It’s not a / an .................................................. watch. It’s got hands.

2. If you play this stereo on ........................................................ volume, you’ll go deaf!
3. It’s not a / an .......................................................experiment. In fact, it’s really simple.
4. Are leather chairs more comfortable than ....................................................... ones?
5. There aren’t any window s in the lab, so all the light is ....................................................... .
6. Was is a / an ............................................. decision, or had you thought about it for a long time?
7. The lights are .................................................... - they come on when you enter the room, and go
off when you leave.
8. Each person’s fingerprints are ....................................................... . No two people have the same
9. The ....................................................... number of patients necessary to test the new drug is 50.
Any less than that and the scientists won’t know if it works properly or not.
10. I can’t remember the ....................................................... year it was discovered, but it was
around 1976.

5. Circle the correct word.

1. Do you know who invented / discovered the planet Mars ?
2. The number of people dying of malaria has run / decreased enormously over the last 100
3. You need at least three people to operate / estimate this machine safely.
4. Modern technology / equipment makes all out lives easier.
5. We’ve done a lot of research / experiment into why people are scared of spiders.
6. I’m using a computer research / program that translates from English into Greek.
7. This drug seems to have no effect / lack on humans at all.
8. The experiment just involves / operates answering a few questions.
9. Could you program / estimate how many times a week you eat cheese?
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10. Do you think anyone will ever invent / discover a time machine ?
11. Professor Reinhart decreases / runs the computer lab with her three assistants.
12. There’s a lack / an effect of phones in this office. We need some more!

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. I ............ across this book about the moon in the library. It’s really interesting!
A. went B. found C. came D. looked
2. Jenny pulled ............ the handle so we can’t open the cupboard now.
A. off B. away C. in D. over
3. I’d like to find ............ more about being a computer programmer.
A. across B. up C. off D. out
4. Our car has broken ............ again.
A. off B. down C. out D. in
5. Dean was late for physics so he ............ up a story about being attacked by a cat!
A. took B. wrote C. created D. made
6. ............ the TV off. This show is boring.
A. Put B. Set C. Turn D. Make
7. I’m going to throw these old shoes ............ I never wear them anymore.
A. off B. away C. down D. back
8. I turned ............ the tap but no water came out.
A. over B. up C. round D. in

7. Complete using the words in box.

chance end future last opinion order

1. These toilets have been out of ........................................ for a week now. When are they going
to fix them ?
2. In my ......................................, humans will never live on other planets.
3. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by ....................................... He didn’t expected to
find it at all.
4. I wonder what new technology will be invented in the ....................................... .
5. Helen couldn’t get the experiment to work for ages, but in the .......................................... it was
6. It’s so nice to have my own computer at ....................................... .

8. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.
113 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
Mr. Thomas was a teacher at our school. He’s trained as a (1) ......................................
(HISTORY) and usually taught history. He definitely wasn’t a (2) .....................................
(SCIENCE), but for some strange reason he taught us (3) ..................................... (CHEMIST) for a
term. His lessons were always (4) .................................... (FASCINATE), but that was mainly
because his experiments, Mr Thomas would use cold water by mistake. Once , he was
measuring the (6) ..................................... (LONG) of some pieces of sodium. I can’t remember
exactly why he needed this (7) ..................................... (MEASURE), but I think he wanted all the
pieces to react (8) ...................................... (IDENTICAL). As he picked up the ruler, his arm
knocked over a jug of water and the sodium caught fire. He almost burnt the lab down and
they had to call the fire brigade. I think after that Mr Thomas came to the (9)
..................................... (CONCLUDE) that he should stick to history! I learnt a lot from him,
though. Whenever there was a question in a science (10) ..................................... (EXAMINE)
about what happens when sodium reacts with water, I always got the answer right!

9. Match to make sentences.

1. What’s the difference ................. A. in us having to call the fire brigade.
2. This box is full ................. B. to that piece of equipment over there.
3. This resulted ................. C. about how to do this experiment.
4. Connect this cable ................. D. between H2O and H2SO4
5. I’ve had an idea ................. E. with water?
6. Could you fill this bottle ................. F. of old camping equipment.

10. Write one word in each gap.

1. This program is very different ............................. the one you’re using at the moment.
2. Let’s begin the lesson ............................. a short test on the names of the different parts of an
3. Disconnect your PC ............................ the power supply before you take the case off.
4. There are a number ............................. different ways of doing this experiment.
5. How many types ............................. building can you think of?
6. What were your reasons .............................. choosing to do biology at university ?

11. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and give words.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 114

1. I found the photo by chance when I was tidying my room. across
I ............................................................. the photo when I was tidying my room.
2. Fridges and freezers are not the same thing. difference.
There ............................................................. fridges and freezers.
3. Scientists should never invent their results. made
Results should never ............................................................. scientists.
4. Don’t put those plastic bags in the bin - use them again! away
Don’t ............................................................. - use them again.
5. Our car stopped working on the motorway, so we had to call a mechanic. down
We had to call a mechanic when our car ............................................................. on the motorway.
6. A new medicine was developed because of the work Dr Wang did. resulted
Dr Wang’s ............................................................. a new medicine being developed.
7. There are quite a few things that I’d like to invent! number
There are ............................................................. things that I’d like to invent!
8. Make sure you fill the bottle with water before you start the experiment. full
Make sure the bottle ........................................................... water before you start the experiment.

12. Write one word in each gap.

1. Turn all the lights ......................................... when you leave the room. We don’t want to waste
2. ......................................... my opinion, modern technology has improved all our lives.
3. Could you disconnect your laptop ......................................... the Internet when you’ve finished
checking your e - mail.
4. We thought the experiment would work, but ......................................... the end it didn’t.
5. ...................................... last, someone has someone has built a battery - powered skateboard!
6. How many different types ......................................... building can you think of?
7. That programme is about to start, so I’ll turn ......................................... the TV.
8. Ice floats in water. Can you think of a reason ......................................... that ?

13. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1. The ......................................... (LONG) of the train is exactly 100 metres.
2. I think astronomy is absolutely ......................................... (FASCINATE)!
3. Lee and Greg are twins, but they don’t dress ......................................... (IDENTICAL).
4. I’ve come to the ......................................... (CONCLUDE) that no one should have a car.
5. Why do all ......................................... (SCIENCE) have untidy hair ?
115 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
6. Pour the ......................................... (BOIL) water over the tea bag and leave for a few minutes.
7. Make sure your ......................................... (MEASURE) are accurate.
8. My brother is studying ......................................... (CHEMIST) at university.

14. Choose the correct answer


Modern technology is changing and improving all the time. Every month, scientists (1)
.................. new gadgets and (2) ................... to help us with out daily lives, and (3) ...................
ways to make existing technology faster and better. Our homes are full of hard ware (such
as DVDplayers and computers) and (4) ................... (such as computer games and MP3s).
(5) ................... suggests, however, that it’s young people who are best able to deal with
this change. Whereas teenagers have no problem (6) ................... a DVD player , their mums
and dads and grandparents often find using new technology (7) ................... and difficult. But
if you’re a teenager who criticises your parents for their (8) ................... of technological
awareness , don’t be too hard on them! Some time (9) ................... the future, when you’ve got
children of your own, your ability to deal with new technology will probably (10) ...................
and your children will feel more comfortable with new technology than you do. You won’t
want them to criticise you, will you?
1. A. estimate B. invent C. involve D. experiment
2. A. experiments B. effects C. laboratories D. equipment
3. A. involve B. discover C. decrease D. connect
4. A screens B. gadgets C. software D. laptops
5. A. Research B. Experiment C. Program D. Technology
6. A. involving B. operating C. discovering D. inventing
7. A. automatic B. unique C. sudden D. complicated
8. A. research B. experiment C. effect D. lack
9. A. to B. in C. on D. at
10. A. decrease B. involve C. lack D. estimate

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Modals 1:
16 Ability, Permission, Advice,
Obligation, Probability, Possibility

1. Underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct words,
1. My older brother can to ride a motorbike, but I can’t. …………………………………
2. He’ll has his dinner early today because he’s going out. …………………………………
3. Do you can come to my party? …………………………………
4. You should to see a doctor about your foot. …………………………………
5. I couldn’t bought any bread because the baker’s was closed. …………………………………
6. You needn’t to do the washing-up. I’ve already done it. …………………………………
7. The school ought listen to pupils’ opinions. …………………………………
8. People shouldn’t to drop their rubbish in the street. …………………………………

2. Write what they say using the word given.

1. Tony wants to borrow his friend’ pencil. could
‘Could I borrow your pencil?’
2. Alex wants to allow her friend to use her dictionary. can
3. Julie wants permission from her teacher to leave the classroom. may
4. Lou wants to wear his brother’s new trainers. can
5. Terry wants to ask her boss for permission to take the day off work. could
6. Diane wants to use her dad’s car this weekend. can
7. A teacher wants to give her students five extra minutes to finish the test. may

117 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

3. Rewrite the sentences using should or ought to and the words in brackets. You may
have to use some negative forms.

1. ‘I need to earn more money.’ (a, get, job, new, you)

‘You should/ ought to get a new job.’
2. ‘Brenda is angry about what I said.’ (are, say, sorry, you, you)
3. ‘Tom doesn’t understand his homework.’ (about, ask, it, he, his, teacher)
4. ‘I’d like to learn to play the piano.’(having, lessons, start, you)
5. ‘Tina is often tired at work.’ (at, late, night, she, TV, watch)
6. ‘I don’t seem to have much energy at the moment.’ (exercise, get, some, you)

4. Circle the correct word or phrase

1. I’ve been having swimming lessons and now I can/ could swim really well.
2. Please could/ should I use your mobile phone? Mine doesn’t have any power.
3. Sam could/ ought to get a job instead of complaining about having no money.
4. Okay, yes- you can/ should leave five minutes early today.
5. Do you think I must/ should tell Michael the truth about what happened?
6. I can’t/ couldn’t read until I was five years old.
7. I’m sorry, but you can’t/ couldn’t leave your car there.
8. If you want to pass the exam, you can/ ought to do some revision.
9. I know John lived in Tokyo, but I don’t think he can/ may speak Japanese.
10. Tracy can/ could sing really well now that she’s had a few lessons.

5. Match to make sentences

1. There’s a lot of washing-up; I think we ….... A. wait for their flight in the VIP area.


2. It’s getting quite late and we ought ….... B. borrow some if you need it.

3. I don’t have much money, but you can ….... C. to think about getting a taxi.

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4. It’s amazing that Andrew could ….... D. offer to do it.

5. Passengers travelling in first class may ….... E. walk when he was just six months

6. Choose the sentence (A, B or C) which means the same as the first sentence.
1. We have to pay the electricity bill before Friday.
A. We can pay it if we want to.
B. We must pay it.
C. We’ve already paid it.
2. You don’t need to buy me a birthday present.
A. You must buy me a birthday present.
B. It’s not necessary to buy me a birthday present.
C. You mustn’t buy me a birthday present.
3. I have to do some work on my project this evening.
A. I haven’t got time to do the work.
B. I’ve already done the work.
C. I need to do the work.
4. Lenny didn’t have to see the head teacher after all.
A. It wasn’t necessary for Lenny to see the head teacher.
B. Lenny went to see the head teacher.
C. Lenny is waiting to see the head teacher.
5. Students mustn’t run in school buildings.
A. They can run if they want to.
B. Students don’t like running.
C. Running isn’t allowed.
6. All passengers must fasten their seatbelts.
A. They have to fasten their seatbelts now.
B. They don’t have to fasten their seatbelts.
C. They can fasten their seatbelts.
7. Mr Reed had to go to the police station to answer some questions.
A. Mr Reed was able to go to the police static.
B. Mr Reed forgot to go to the police station.
C. Mr Reed was obliged to go to the police station.
8. It’s kind of you to offer to help, but you really don’t need to.
A. I don’t want you to help me.
B. Your help isn’t necessary.
C. You won’t be able to help me.

7. Circle the correct word or phrase

1. ‘Smoking isn’t allowed in the airport.’

119 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

You mustn’t/ don’t have to smoke in the airport.
2. ‘It’s not necessary to come to the train station to meet me.’
You have to/ don’t have to meet her at the train station.
3. ‘We were forced to wait for over two hours in the rain!’
They had to/ didn’t need to wait for over two hours in the rain.
4. ‘The instructions tell you to write in pencil.’
You must/ needn’t write in pencil.
5. ‘You can contact us by either phone or e-mail.’
You mustn’t/ don’t have to phone them.
6. ‘In my country, you can carry your passport with you if you want, but it’s not necessary.’
In her country, you don’t need to/ mustn’t carry your passport with you.
7. ‘My grandfather was made to start work when he was just fourteen years old.’
He had to/ must start work when he was just fourteen years old.
8. ‘It’s not necessary to book a hotel; you can stay in our spare room.’
You mustn’t/ don’t have to stay in a hotel.

8. Complete using the correct form of have to. You may have to use some negative
1. Jade can’t come out tonight. She ……………………….. look after her little brother.
2. I didn’t have enough money, so I ……………………….. borrow some from Yuri.
3. It’s raining really hard, but luckily we ……………………….. go out this evening.
4. To start the laptop you ……………………….. press the power button.
5. Robbie worked last weekend, but I ……………………….. .
6. ……………………….. you ……………………….. go to piano lessons when you were younger?

9. Match the sentences with the explanations. You have o use some of the explanations
more than once.

A. I’m almost certain.

B. It’s probable
C. Maybe/ Perhaps
1. ‘Someone is at the door. It must be Mrs Johnson from next door.’ ……………
2. ‘Lena might not know where the cinema is.’ ……………
3. ‘Dad should know what the capital of New Zealand is.’ ……………
4. ‘Greg can’t be in the final! He’s a terrible player!’ ……………
5. ‘The dog is wet. It must be raining outside.’ ……………
6. ‘We may go to the Canary Islands for Easter.’ ……………
7. ‘Ken must like that film. He’s seen it six times!’ ……………

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8. ‘Barry ought to be able to cook Chinese food. He lived there for two years. ……………

10. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. You’re expecting David to ring. The phone rings. must
2. Anna is a better runner than Rula. You think Anna will probably win the race tomorrow.
3. A letter arrives. It’s possible that it’s from your cousin, Janice. could
4. There’s a knock at the door. Your mum says it might be Colin, but you know Colin is on
holiday. can’t
5. You see someone wearing a costume. You think there’s a strong probability that she’s
going to a fancy-dress party. must
6. Your sister is looking for her hairbrush. You think it’s possible that it’s in the living
room. might
7. You’re waiting for Harriet to arrive. You think she’ll probably be there in half an hour.
8. You’re talking about why James seems to be sad. You think it’s possible he’s in trouble at
school. could

11. Choose the correct answer.

1. I couldn’t ……..…. the programme so I turned the TV up.
A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear
2. My brother……..…. write when he was just three years old.
A. can B. could C. might D. should
3. ……..…. I use your computer to check my e-mail?
A. Will B. Ought C. May D. Would
4. My teacher thinks I ……..…. to pay more attention in class.
A. might B. may C. ought D. would
5. All compositions ……..…. be handed in to me by Friday at the latest.
A. must B. need C. haven D. ought
6. That ……..…. be my mobile - mine is silver and that one is black.
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. can’t

121 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

7. I sent the letter yesterday, so it ……..…. get there tomorrow.
A. can B. need C. should D. ought
8. Did you ……..…. to pay to send the package back?
A. must B. should C. ought D. have

12. Rewrite the sentences and use the verbs can, may or must.

1. Don't park your car on bends. It is illegal. - You ……………………. park your car on bends.
2. Perhaps she will agree with it. Who knows? - She ……………………. agree with it.
3. I want you to tidy the classroom. - You ……………………. tidy the class room.
4. I need your help. It's too much work for me. - You ……………………. help me.
5. Look at that balloon. It's over there. - ……………………. you see the balloon?
6. Don't worry about dinner. I'll make it. - You ……………………. worry about dinner.
7. It is not necessary to be there. - We ……………………. be there.
8. Why don't you stay with us? No problem! - You ……………………. stay with us.

13. Use the verbs can, may, must in positive or negative forms.

1. Excuse me! ………………………….. you speak French?

2. Alan isn't coming tonight. He ………………………….. come tomorrow, I hope.
3. There's a lot of work to do in the house. You ………………………….. help me!
4. You ………………………….. call him anymore. I have already called him.
5. She is over there. ………………………….. you see her?
6. ………………………….. I borrow your pen, please?
7. Teachers ………………………….. beat children. It's forbidden.
8. I can hear some voices. Someone ………………………….. be in the house.
9. We ………………………….. eat sweets! We are on a diet.
10. You ………………………….. buy it on Sunday if you want. The shops are open.
11. You ………………………….. drive me to the station. I can walk.
12. We want to be the best. We ………………………….. practise!

14. Complete the following sentences with the correct modals. Use should, shouldn't,
can, can't or couldn't. Sometimes negative forms are used.

1. It was very dark last night. I …………………………………… see the man on the road.
2. He's not very strong. He …………………………………… try to lift the box.
3. She's singing in the shower. I …………………………………… hear her.
4. We must be home by ten o'clock. Perhaps we …………………………………… go now.
5. Cigarettes are unhealthy. People …………………………………… smoke them.
6. Your face is dirty. You …………………………………… wash it.

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7. That book doesn't belong to him. He …………………………………… take it.
8. Emily's on a diet. She …………………………………… eat that cake.
9. When I was young I …………………………………… cook at all.
10. The speed limit is 50 km/hr in the city. You …………………………………… slow down.

15. Choose the correct answer.

1. She looks pretty sick. I think she ……..…. go to a doctor. A. can B. should
2. You've been driving all day. You ……..…. be exhausted! A. must B. should
3. You ……..…. smoke so much. It's bad for your health. A. can't B. shouldn't
4. Hey I'm lost. ……..…. you help me? A. Should B. Can
5. You have such a beautiful voice. You ……..…. sing for us! A. Should B. can
6. I know he speaks five languages, but ……..…. he speak Arabic? A. should B. can
7. That looks very expensive. It ……..…. have cost a fortune! A. must B. should
8. I ……..…. believe that you failed your test! A. can't B. shouldn't
9. I'm on my way. I ……..…. be there in about 10 minutes. A. can B. should
10. I ……..…. afford that. A. shouldn't B. can't
16. Choose the correct modal verb: must, need, have to, should. Then, write it in the
correct form: affirmative, negative or interrogative.
1. Children ..................................... eat a balanced diet. Otherwise they can be ill.
2. ..................................... to clean all this before I go? Oh, yes, of course you need to
3. You ..................................... cross over the road, or motorbikes may run over you.
4. ..................................... to do all your homework before TV, when you were a kid?
5. My grandmother always give some kind advice, like I ..................................... smoke less and
eat more.
6. You ................................... drive without your belt, it will save your life.(strong prohibition)
7. Summer camps are ok, but there are a series of things you ..................................... do like
cleaning and some sort of community work. (external obligation)
8. ..................................... bring my own skis, or you can lend me some ?
9. That ..................................... be Peter, nobody drives like that in the world. (deduction)
10. When you are at my parents', you ..................................... eat everything if you don't want
to. They will understand.

17. Complete each sentence using a modal verb.

1. It’s not necessary that you do your homework now.
You ……..…. do your homework now.
A. don't need B. don't have to C. mustn't

123 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. He’ll go to the beach this weekend if the weather is good.
He ……..…. go to the beach this weekend if the weather is good.
A. must B. can C. might
3. I would have been able to finish the report if I had had more time.
I ……..…. the report if I had had more time.
A. may have finished B. could have finished C. could finish
4. I’m sure they haven’t called yet.
They ……..…. have called yet.
A. may not B. mustn't C. can’t
5. Perhaps it will be sunny this afternoon.
It ……..…. be sunny this afternoon.
A. might B. must C. may
6. In some Spanish schools it’s compulsory to wear a uniform.
In some Spanish schools you ……..…. wear a uniform.
A. can B. must C. have
7. I’d prefer not to go with her friends.
I ……..…. not go with her friends.
A. 'd better B. 'd like C. 'd rather
8. When I was seven of age I didn’t know how to ride a bike.
When I was seven of age I ……..…. ride a bike.
A. couldn’t B. can't C. needn't
9. It’s not necessary for you to come early.
You ……..…. come early.
A. mustn't B. don't have C. needn’t
10. Jim is a very good player.
Jim ……..…. play very well.
A. can B. may C. must

18. Choose the correct answer.

1. This .... be dangerous if you don't have the right equipment. A. should B. can
2. You ……..…. yell at your parents. It's not nice. A. shouldn't B. can't
3. I ……..…. have seen that movie eight times. A. can B. must
4. I can't allow you to hang around here. I ……..…. have you A. shouldn't B. can't
hanging around here.
5. P1: Isn't that Charlie's umbrella? A. must B. should
P2: Yes, he ……..…. have left it here yesterday.
6. ……..…. I borrow your pen for a minute? A. Should B. Can
7. P1: ……..…. you speak Japanese? P2: No, I can't. A. Can B. Must

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8. It's late. I ……..…. get going. A. should B. can
9. I saw that pen this morning. It ……..…. be around here A. can B. must
10. I ……..…. understand what he's saying. A. shouldn't B. can't

19. Choose the correct modal for the following sentences.

1. Tenants should/ must pay their rent.
2. Pedestrians should/ must look both ways before they cross the street.
3. Drivers should/ must stop for pedestrians at marked crossings.
4. Telephone callers should/ must give their names.
5. Homeowners should/ must report thefts to the police.
6. All workers should/ must pay unemployment insurance.
7. In order to vote you should/ must come in person.
8. People who are sick should/ must stay home from work.
9. Construction workers should/ must wear hard hats.
10. Waiters should/ must be pleasant to customers.

20. Fill in all the gaps.

1. They (can/might) …………………… be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2. You (may/might) …………………… leave now if you wish.
3. (Could/May) …………………… you open the window a bit, please?
4. He (can/could) …………………… be French, judging by his accent.
5. (May/Can) …………………… you play the piano?
6. Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ………………… speak during this exam.
7. They (can't/may not) …………………… still be out!
8. You (couldn't/might not) …………………… smoke on the bus.
9. With luck, tomorrow (can/could) …………………… be a sunny day.
10. You (can/might) …………………… be right but I'm going back to check anyway.

21. Choose the most suitable modal verb. Sometimes more than one answer is correct.
1. I think you ……..…. wear that dress. It doesn't suit you.
A. don't have to B. must C. shouldn't
2. We ……..…. take our food to school. We went to the canteen.

125 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

A. had to B. didn't have to C. didn't need to
3. All children ……..…. fasten their seatbelts when travelling by car.
A. have to B. should C. must
4. You ……..…. drink that. It's poison.
A. must B. should C. mustn't

5. ……..…. I stay and help you or you can do it alone?

A. Should B. Must C. Need
6. You ……..…. be very rich to go skiing nowadays.
A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to
7. I can't go out now. I ……..…. do my homework, my mummy tells me.
A. should B. have to C. must
8. We ……..…. do so many things around the house, that we couldn't call you.
A. did have B. had to C. must
9. You ……..…. use your flash inside the Museum, it’s forbidden.
A. need to B. must C. mustn't
10. We have to be cautious. We ……..…. try and cross the river now.
A. have to B. should C. shouldn’t

22. Choose the correct modal for the following sentences.

1. It is impossible, you mustn’t/ may/ can’t run that distance !
2. You must/ may/ can try to overtake him if you want to win the race.
3. It can/ must not/ may be cloudy tomorrow if the wind stops blowing.
4. Look at the camera he has got ! He can/ must not/ may be a professional reporter.
5. Can/ Mustn’t/ Must I help you ?
6. Must/ May/ Can you do it yourself ? I suppose so as you are strong enough.
7. He may/ must/ can’t arrive late tonight, we'll wait for him.
8. Yes, you can/ may not/ must not smoke, but only one cigarette a day.
9. May/ Can’t/ Must I ask you a question ?
10. I must/can’t/ may sit in the front, I am shortsighted.

23. Complete the sentences with: might, must, shouldn't, can, mustn't, can't.
1. Don't climb the wall without a rope because you ……….............… fall.
2. You ……….............… do your homework because if you don't, your teacher will be angry!
3. You ……….............… read in obscurity because your eyes will be tired!
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4. You ……….............… play at the videogame two hours a day.
5. You ……….............… steal! It's forbidden!!!
6. He is a near-sighted boy, he ……….............… read with his glasses!
7. You ……….............… go to the cinema because it's closed.

17 Sending and receiving

1. Sort out by adj, adv, v, noun the following words

accent informal publish
announcement Internet report
broadcast interrupt request
channel link ring
clear media signal
click mobile phone swear
contact online type
file pause viewer
formal persuade website
image pronounce whisper

Noun/ Noun phrase Verb Adjective Adverb

127 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. Fill the missing words into the blank
1. call ...............: ring again on the phone
2. come ...............: be published
3. cut ...............: disconnect (phone, electricity, etc)
4. fill ...............: add information in the spaces on a form, etc
5. hang ...............: put the receiver down to end a phone call
6. log ...............: disconnect from the Internet/ a website
7. log ...............: connect to the Internet/ a website
8. print ...............: make a paper copy of sth on a computer
9. ............... email/ phone/ letter
10. ............... the Internet
11. ............... the news
12. ............... the phone
13. ............... the radio
14. ............... TV
15. comment ...............
16. communicate ...............
17. glace ...............
18. receive sth ...............
19. reply ...............
20. send sth ............... sb
21. talk (............... sb) about
22. tell sb ...............
23. translate (...............sth) ...............
24. write (............... sb) about
25. information ...............
26. a letter (............... sb) ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. certain  Adv, N ................................./ ..................................

2. communicate  N .................................

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3. connect  N, V (opposite) ................................./ .................................
4. deliver  N .................................
5. express  N, Adj ................................./ .................................
6. inform  Adj, N ................................./ .................................
7. predict  N, Adj, Adj (opposite) ................................./ .................................
8. secret  Adv, N ................................./ .................................
9. speak  N (person), N ................................./ .................................
10. translate  N, N (person) ................................./ .................................

4. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1. You can tell Martin is from Denmark by his .............................................. . N C E C T A
2. Did the .............................................. say that our plane was delayed or cancelled?
3. We’ve got relatives in Canada, but we don’t have much .............................................. with them.
4. You need to save what you’ve written as a .............................................. and then send it to me
by e - mail. E I L F
5. The first .............................................. that was sent by radio from New York to London was a
picture of the American president. A I E G M
6. The .............................................. started in the 1980s and now it connects millions of
computers around the world. T N R T N E I E
7. You need to .............................................. the computers together and then you can send things
directly from one to the other. N I K L
8. You shouldn’t believe everything you read or hear in the .......................................... . D E A I M
9. According to the .............................................. on the TV news, the Prime Minister is coming to
our town soon. T O E P R R
10. You can’t listen to the radio when you’re on the underground because the ............................
isn’t strong enough . A N G S I L
11. If you are a regular .............................................. of our programme, then you’ll know that we
often interview ordinary people. I E V R E W
12. I got the information from a ........................................... Hang on and I’ll give you the address.

5. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

broadcast click interrupt pause publish ring swear type

1. You have to .................................... on the picture by pressing the left button on your mouse.

129 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. Writing and sending e - mails is a lot faster if you learn how to ............................. properly.
3. I couldn’t believe it when Greg ................................... in front of the head teacher!
4. The man on the telephone ................................... for a moment and then said, “ Tell no one !”
5. This programme was first ..........................in1967 and hasn’t been shown on TV since then.
6. Please don’t ................................... me. Let me finish what I wanted to say.
7. Our school might ................................... a weekly magazine to keep parents and students
informed about what’s happening.
8. You should ................................... Michael and let him know about the plan for this evening.

6. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. What John said on the phone wasn’t very clear / online so I asked him to repeat it.
2. Sandy waited until the teacher was looking the other way. ‘ Meet me after school,’ he
whispered / requested quietly in my ear.
3. How do you persuade / pronounce your name?
4. You should use formal / informal language when you’re writing to someone you don’t
know personally.
5. Why do you keep on switching channels / mobile phones? I’m trying to watch this film!

7. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
call back come out cut off fill in hang up log off print out

1. I’ve got an e - mail from Mick! Wait a second and I’ll ......................... it ......................... so you
don’t have to read it on the screen.
2. I was talking to Matt on the phone when the train went into a tunnel and we were
......................... .
3. You just have to ......................... this form and we’ll send the money for you.
4. My favourite magazine, Teen Scene, ......................... every Friday.
5. Len was talking on the phone, but when I entered the room he ......................... .
6. I can’t ......................... because I can’t remember my password.
7. I’m afraid Mr Brown isn’t here. Could you ......................... in an hour?
8. Tom surfed the Internet for hours and ......................... at three in the morning!

8. Write one word in each gap.

These days, there’s no excuse for not knowing what’s happening in the world. (1)
.................................... TV and on (2) .................................... radio, news programmes keep us up to

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date with all the important events. We read about problems on the other side of the world
(3) .................................... the Internet as soon as they happen, and we see live pictures (4)
.................................... the news 24 hours a day. Even personal news travels fast today. Whether
we keep in touch (5) .................................... phone or e-mail, we’re never more than a few
seconds away from friends and family. The days when the only means of communication
was (6) .................................... letter are gone forever. So, the next time you’re (7)
.................................... the phone, just remember how things have changed.

9. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1. My ................................... is that one day all phone calls will be free. PREDICT
2. Politicians often have a ................................... with them when they go to other countries.
3. I would hate to give a ................................... in front of hundreds of people! SPEAK
4. Who knows what means of ......................................... will be invented in the future?
5. There’s something wrong with my ................................... to the Internet, so I can’t send and
receive e - mails. CONNECT
6. The mobile phone has ................................... made life a lot easier. CERTAIN

10. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.


I was walking down the street when I woman appeared in front of me. ‘ Please! You must
help me!’ She cried. I could tell form her (1) .................................... (EXPRESS) that she was
frightened. She (2) .................................... (SPEAK) English with a Russian accent. She put a piece
of paper into my hand. ‘This contains important (3) .................................... (INFORM). I can’t say
any more, but there will be a (4) ................................... (DELIVER) tonight.’ She started to leave.‘
Contact the person in the message. But do it (5) ..................................... (SECRET)! No one must
know!’ I looked at the message but didn’t understand. When I looked, she was gone. That
was how my adventures began...

11. Write one word in each gap.

1. I didn’t read the newspaper properly. I just glanced .......................... it, really.
2. I’ve got an email in Spanish. Could you translate it .......................... English for me?

131 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

3. My grandma says people don’t talk .......................... each other like they used to.
4. You should receive a letter .......................... our company in the next few days.
5. Press this button to reply .......................... the e - mail.
6. I got a letter from Alex .......................... her new job. It sounds interesting.

12. Complete each sentence using the word given. Write between two and five words.
1. Did Olivia say anything about your website? comment
Did Olivia ................................................................ your website ?
2. Carl described his new mobile phone to me. told
Carl ................................................................ his new mobile phone.
3. This website describes the history of communication. information
This website has ................................................................ the history of communication.
4. Remind me to send Nigel a letter about our plans. write
Remind me to ................................................................ our plans.
5. Some chimpanzees use sign language to talk to people. communicate
Some chimpanzees ................................................................ people through sign language.
6. Could you tell Gail about the party by e - mail ? send
Could you ................................................................ Gail about the party ?

13. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.


Finding an accurate (1) ................................... (TRANSLATE) from one language to another is not
always easy and the job of an interpreter can be (2) ................................... (PREDICT) Many (3)
................................... (EXPRESS) in one language don’t work in another language and trying to
give a good idea of what a (4) ................................... (SPEAK) wants to say can be difficult. The
most important thing is that no (5) ................................... (INFORM) should be lost. The
interpreter has to have complete (6) ................................... (CERTAIN) that they understand the
message and their (7) ................................ (SPEAK) language has to be very good. Interpreters
can provide a real (8) ............................... (CONNECT) for people who speak different languages.
They are (9) .................................... (CERTAIN) an important part of international (10)
................................... (COMMUNICATE).

14. Write one word in each gap.

1. When does Stephen King’s new book come ...................................... ?
2. We didn’t pay the bill, so they cut our phone ...................................... .

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3. Could you ask Mr Jones to call me ...................................... later today?
4. The woman on the phone started shouting at me, so I hung ...................................... .
5. I’d like to print this e-mail ...................................... Is that possible?
6. I logged ...................................... my favourite website and started reading the latest news.
7. You have to fill ...................................... a form to enter competition.
8. I finished reading the web page, logged ...................................... and then went to watch TV.

15. Choose the correct answer.

1. Did you write to Irina ................. her visit this summer ?
A. for B. of C. on D. about
2. You have to ................. on the word ‘Next’ to see the next web page.
A. press B. click C. push D. hit
3. I read about the accident ................. the Internet.
A. on B. in C. to D. at
4. Please don’t ................. me when I’m speaking.
A. break B. prevent C. pause D. interrupt
5. When you have written your letter, save the ................. in ‘ My Document’.
A. paper B. note book C. file D. line
6. I finally managed to ................. Simon to lend his laptop
A. persuade B. make C. say D. allow
7. Even when he’s very angry, my dad never ................. or uses bad language.
A. swears B. tells C. whispers D. broadcasts
8. I didn’t read the message carefully. I just glanced ................. it.
A. with B. to C. on D. at

133 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Modals 2:
18 The modal Perfect

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Erica must ................. gone out. I can't see her.

A. could B. has C. have D. had
2. He looks tired. He might have ................. awake all night.
A. been B. be C. being D. is
3. I think James must have ................. all the milk. There's none left.
A. drink B. drank C. drinking D. drunk
4. Look at Lilly's suntan. She must have ................. somewhere hot on vacation.
A. go B. going C. gone D. goes
5. She's late. She may have ................. the wrong road.
A. taken B. took C. has D. taked

2. Complete each question or sentence with should have or could have, and a main
* should have = past advice, capability, or responsibility
* could have = past possibility

1. I ......................................... (help) you last weekend if you had asked. (possibility)

2. He ......................................... (talk) to the doctor about his stomach pains. (advice)
3. ......................................... they ......................................... (do) all that work already? (possibility)
4. Maria ......................................... (eat) that whole pizza by herself--she was so hungry!
5. My students ......................................... (finish) their assignment by now. (capability)
6. ..................................... n't that company ......................................... (pay) their employees on time?

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7. Why ......................................... n't you ......................................... (meet) me earlier? Now we don't
have any time. (possibility)
8. The disaster ......................................... never ......................................... (happen) . It was
preventable. (possibility)
9. President Bush ......................................... (tell) the American people they needed to make
more personal sacrifices once the Iraq War began. (responsibility)
10. You ......................................... (be) able to complete the test within 60 minutes. (capability)

3. Complete each sentence or question with would have or should have and a main
* would have = past tense of will
* should have = past advice, capability, or responsibility

1. If I had known you were coming, I ..................................................... (make) extra cookies.

2. We ........................................................ (fix) the leak in the roof before the storm made it worse.
3. You ............................ n't .......................................... (go) into that strange house if it was empty.
4. It ................................................ (take) longer to get dinner made without your help.
5. Before going to the beach, they ...................................... (check) the weather because it rained.
6. The doctor told her she ........................................................ (be) on a diet the last few years.
7. The party ........................................................ (be) more fun if you were there.
8. My friend ........................................................ (make) a lot of money if he had sold his stock in
the company earlier.
9. I ..................................................... (do) anything just to spend a few more hours with you.
10. They really ............................ n't ................................ gotten .................................... (marry) so fast.

4. Write the correct perfect modal for the following sentences. Sometimes negative
forms are used.
1. Your house looks great. You ……………………………………… spent a lot of time painting it.
2. Michael went running in the rain. He ……………………………………… gotten sick.
3. It was so dark that I fell down the stairs. I ……………………………………… fixed the light.
4. Patty ……………………………………… gone by bus. Why did she walk?
5. I called his apartment and nobody answered. He ……………………………………… gone out.
6. You ……………………………………… shovelled the front walk. It looks so clean.
7. He ……………………………………… stolen the car. He was with me all the time.
8. My bicycle is broken. I never ………………………………………… ridden it down the stairs.
9. Jim looks happy. I think he ………………………………………… gotten a new job.
10. The chocolate cake is all gone! Someone ………………………………………… eaten it.

135 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

5. Write the correct perfect modal and verb form for the following sentences.
Sometimes negative forms are used.

1. Gloria has won every game she's played today. She ……………………………… (practice) a lot.
2. I don't have anything to wear today. I ……………………………… (do) the laundry.
3. Jack lost his wallet on the way to work. He ……………………………… (lose) it on the bus.
4. You did very well on the exam. You ……………………………… (study) a lot.
5. The Smiths ……………………………… (build) their house anywhere. Why did he choose here?
6. It's hot in here today. I ……………………………… (wear) a heavy sweater today.
7. You ……………………………… (feed) your dog. He has been hungry all day.
8. Lucy shouldn't have stood on the broken chair. She ……………………………… (fall).
9. I ……………………………… (buy) more milk. I am almost out.
10. I didn't do very well on the test. I ……………………………… (spend) more time studying.

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. If I had gone to the sales, I'm sure I .............. have bought something.
A. might B. should C. would
2. Claire was very upset you didn't go to her birthday party. You .............. have gone.
A. might B. should C. would
3. The lights are out. They .............. have gone to sleep.
A. might B. should C. would
4. We .............. have invited Dave to the party if we had known he was in town.
A. might B. should C. would
5. You .............. have come to the pub on Saturday. We had a great time.
A. might B. should C. would
6. She .............. have changed her mind. I'm not sure.
A. might B. should C. would
7. You .............. have spent so much money on CDs. You'll have problems getting to the end of
the month.
A. might B. should C. shouldn't
8. She told me she .............. have emailed you if you had given her your address.
A. might B. should C. would
9. He's really shy. You .............. have told him you liked him.
A. might B. should C. would
10. She .............. have said yes to a date. You never know.
A. might B. should C. would
11. You .............. have mentioned her weight. She was very upset.

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A. might not B. shouldn't C. wouldn't

7. Choose one of the following to complete the sentences: Must have - Might have -
Should have - Can't have.
1. John ……………………………. gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown.
2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It ……………………………. closed early.
3. I ……………………………. revised more for my exams. I think I'll fail!
4. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She ……………………………. passed her driving test
this morning.
5. I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You ……………………………. told me!
6. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He ……………………………. caught the wrong train.
7. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He ……………………………. caught the correct train.
8. Don't lie to me that you were ill yesterday. You ……………………………. been ill - Don said
you were at the ice hockey match last night.
9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before they left so
they ……………………………. gone to France or Germany.
10. His number was busy all night - he ……………………………. been on the phone continuously
for hours.
11. It ……………………………. been Mickey I saw at the party. He didn't recognise me at all.

8. Make the correct past modal form (use could have / would have / should have + past
1. I ……………………………. (buy) bread but I didn’t know we needed it. (past possibility).
2. We ……………………………. (invite) so many people to our party! I’m worried that we won’t
have enough room for everyone. (past negative advice / regret).
3. I ……………………………. (start) saving money years ago! (past advice / regret).
4. We ……………………………. (join) you at the restaurant, but we couldn’t get a babysitter.
(past willingness).
5. The weather ……………………………. (be) any worse! (past negative possibility).
6. I ……………………………. (arrive) on time, even if I’d left earlier. There were dreadful traffic
jams all the way. (past negative possibility).
7. They ……………………………. (win) the football match, but John hurt his ankle. (past
8. Amanda ……………………………. (finish) the work, but she felt ill and had to go home. (past
9. Lucy ……………………………. (leave) earlier. She missed her flight. (past advice / regret).

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10. We ……………………………. (finish) the game, even if we’d wanted to. It was raining very
hard and we had to stop. (past negative possibility).
11. I …………………………. (eat) so much chocolate! I feel sick! (past negative advice / regret).
12. Luke ……………………………. (pass) the exam if he’d studied a bit more. (past possibility).
13. John ……………………………. (call) Amy, but he didn’t have her number. (past willingness).
14. You ……………………………. (be) rude to him. He’s going to be really angry now. (past
negative advice / regret).
15. She ……………………………. (come) to the restaurant if she’d left work earlier. (past
16. You ……………………………. (take) this job. I can see you’re not enjoying it. (past negative
advice / regret).
17. The race was really difficult. She …………………………. (win) because she’s not fit enough.
(past negative possibility).
18. Our neighbours ……………………………. (cut) down the tree in their garden. It was a really
beautiful tree. (past negative advice / regret).
19. The children ……………………………. (do) their homework last night. Then they wouldn’t
be panicking on the way to school. (past advice / regret).
20. I’m really cold! I ……………………………. (bring) my coat. (past advice / regret).
21. I ……………………………. (come) to see you! I didn’t know you were ill. (past willingness).
22. Andrew ……………………………. (go) to Cambridge University, but he decided to travel
instead. (past possibility).
23. They ……………………………. (be) kinder to me. They were absolutely lovely. (past negative
24. You ……………………………. (buy) some milk at the shops. We don’t have any milk. (past
advice / regret).
25. They ……………………………. (come) to have breakfast with us, but they went to bed too
late the night before. (past willingness).

9. Complete the sentences using the correct perfect modal form according to the
1. Your house looks great. You ___ spent a lot of time painting it.
A. must have B. could have C. should have
2. Michael went running in the rain. He ___ gotten sick.
A. must have B. could have C. shouldn’t have
3. It was so dark that I fell down the stairs. I ___ fixed the light.
A. must have B. could have C. should have
4. Patty ___ gone by bus. Why did she walk?

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A. must have B. could have C. should have
5. I called his apartment and nobody answered. He ___ gone out.
A. must have B. could have C. should have
6. Which of these choices best describes you?
A. I need to go to school and get my degree
B. Make a lot of money working from home
C. I would love to find a new game to play.
D. I'd like to earn extra money by taking surveys online
7. You ___ shovelled the front walk. It looks so clean.
A. must have B. could have C. should have
8. He ___ stolen the car. He was with me all the time.
A. mustn’t have B. couldn’t have C. shouldn’t have
9. My bicycle is broken now. I ___ ridden it down the stairs.
A. mustn’t have B. couldn’t have C. shouldn’t have
10. Jim looks very happy. I think he ___ gotten a new job.
A. must have B. could have C. should have
11. The chocolate cake is all gone! Someone ___ eaten it.
A. must have B. could have C. should have

10. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We could ……………………......... (take) the bus, but in the end we decided to walk.
2. Although I could ……………........………. (buy) the DVD, I actually got the video.
3. Alan could …………………..... (go) to the concert with Sindy, but he stayed at home instead.
4. They could ……………………. (catch) an earlier plane, but they decided to get the later one.
5. Could you …………………….......... (stay) longer or did you have to leave then?

11. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
1. I expect Adrian did a lot of revision. must
Adrian …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. I don’t believe that Jim stole the money. can’t
Jim……………………………………………………………………………………………………. the money.
3. It’s possible that I have made a mistake. could
I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. a mistake.
4. There’s a chance that someone saw us. may
Someone ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. us.
5. It’s possible that Tim hasn’t arrived yet. might
Tim ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. yet.

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6. I’m sure that Irene wasn’t at the party because she was ill. have
Irene ………………………………………………………………………. at the party because she was ill.

12. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

1. We were expecting Dave to call, but he hasn’t.

Dave should ..… have called …………………………………………….......................................……. .
2. They said they were going to deliver the computer at lunchtime, but they didn’t.
They should……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
3. I was expecting the film to come out at the cinema last week.
The film ought ……………………………………….…………………………………………………………. .
4. The shop wasn’t supposed to close so early.
The shop shouldn’t ………………………………………………………………………………………….…. .
5. Was the programme supposed to start at eight o’ clock?
Should ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?

13. Write one word in each gap.

My cousin Tina
My cousin Tina is a professional dancer. Her mum - my aunt - says that Tina (1)
……………….…….. dance really well even before she was able to walk!
When Tina was ten, she could (2) ……………….…….. gone to a special school for dancers in
New York, but she decided not to because she didn’t want to leave her friends. Even today,
Tina’s mum think that Tina (3) ……………….…….. have gone to the school. I’m sure it (4)
……………….…….. have been a very difficult decision for Tina to make, but she says that she
doesn’t regret not going. She carried on dancing in her spare time, often getting up at five
o’ clock in the morning for a dance lesson before school. That can’t have (5)
……………….…….. much fun!
Today, she’s really successful. She’s been in lots of shows and she’s even appeared on TV
a few times. In fact, she (6) …………….…….. have got the main part in a new show in London.
She’s not sure yet. They (7) ……………….….. to have contacted her yesterday about it, but
they didn’t. Hopefully, she’ll hear in the next few days. Whether she gets the part or not,
I’m really proud of my cousin!

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. Ronny ………. have gone to Switzerland, but I’m not totally sure.
A. must B. could C. can’t D. should
2. You ………. have lied to me! Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

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A. mustn’t B. might not C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t
3. Helen ………. to have seen a doctor weeks ago. Why didn’t she?
A. ought B. should C. must D. can’t
4. They ………. have seen the play last night as they went to a football match instead.
A. could B. must C. might D. can’t
5. Carl ………. have been here by now. Maybe he got stuck in traffic.
A. might B. must C. should D. can’t
6. You ………. have been really excited when you heard you’d won the competition!
A. must B. should C. might D. could

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19 People and daily life

1. Sort out by adj, adv, v, noun the following words

admit habit routine
arrest identity card schedule
charity illegal situation
commit politics social
community population society
court prison steal
criminal protest tradition
culture resident typical
familiar responsible vote
government rob youth club

Noun/ Noun phrase Verb Adjective

2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. break ...............: enter illegally
2. catch ............... ...............: reach the same point/ level as
3. get ............... ...............: escape punishment for
4. get ...............: leave your bed
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5. move ...............: start living in a new house, etc
6. put ...............: return sth to where it belongs
7. wake ...............: stop being asleep
8. wash ...............: wash plates, cups, cutlery, etc
9. ............... the law
10. ............... the age ...............
11. ............... public
12. ............... response ...............
13. ............... touch ...............
14. ............... your teens/ twenties/ etc
15. angry (............... sb) ...............
16. guilty ...............
17. accuse sb ...............
18. blame sb ...............
19. blame sth ...............
20. criticise sb ...............
21. forget ...............
22. forgive sb ...............
23. invite sb ...............
24. punish sb ...............
25. share sth ...............
26. smile ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. agree  N, V (opposite) ................................./ .................................
2. belief  V, Adj, Adj (opposite) ................................./ .................................
3. courage  Adj .................................
4. elect  N .................................
5. equal  N, Adj (opposite) ................................./ .................................
6. life  V, Adj ................................./ .................................
7. nation  N, Adj ................................./ .................................
8. peace  Adj, Adv ................................./ .................................
9. prison  N (person) .................................
10. shoot  N .................................

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4. Circle the correct word.
1. Is it illegal / familiar to drive without wearing a seatbelt ?
2. Rob is very typical / responsible. You can trust him completely.
3. The area where I live has a lot of illegal/ social problem.
4. Her face looked responsible / familiar but I wasn’t sure who she was.
5. It was just another typical / social day at the office.

5. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

admit arrest commit protest rob steal vote

1. You’ve never ....................................... a crime, have you?

2. Most people who ...................................... banks get caught eventually.
3. I think we should ...................................... about the council’s plans to close the playground.
4. John finally ...................................... that he had broken the window after all.
5. If you didn’t have enough money for food, would you ........................... from a supermarket?
6. A man has been ...................................... in connection with the bank robbery last Tuesday.
7. Are you going to ...................................... in the local elections next week?

6. Match to make sentences

1. Someone has broken ............ A. up with the rest of the class quite quickly.
2. I missed a few lessons but I’m ............ B. those plates up, aren’t you?
3. You’ll never get ............ C. up when the alarm clock rang this morning.
4. I didn’t want to get ............ D. up, I realised I was late for school.
5. Our new neighbours moved ............ E. into my car and stolen the CD player.
6. Do you want me to help you put ............ F. all these clothes away?
7. When I woke ............ G. away with this!
8. You are going to wash ............ in next door today.

7. Write one word in each gap

Dear sir,
I am writing (1) ................................ response (2) ................................ the letter from Mrs A
Taylor, which was published in the last issue of The Village Times.
Mrs Taylor spoke quite rudely about the young people who hang around in the park
after school and at weekends. She seems to suggest that a group of teenagers meeting and
having fun (3) ................................ public is (4) ................................ the law. Well, it isn’t! She should

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try to remember what she was like (5) ................................ the age (6) ................................ fifteen. I
know several people (7) ................................ their teens who like to spend time in the park.
They are polite, honest and helpful, and I am proud of to have them in the village.
Perhaps I could put Mrs Taylor (8) ................................ touch (9) ................................ them. They
might teach her not to be so rude unpleasant in the future.
Yours, Wendy Partridge

8. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1. Running after that thief was very ......................................... of you! COURAGE
2. You looked so ......................................... when you fell asleep on the sofa. PEACE.
3. All four of my grandparents are still ......................................... . LIVE
4. Did you vote in the last ......................................... ? ELECT
5. It can be very difficult for ......................................... when they leave prison and go back into
the community. PRISON
6. At the end of the film, you hear a single .......................................... and then Al Pacino falls to
the ground. SHOOT
7. It’s .......................................... ! I’ve lost my glasses again! BELIEVE
8. I think we’re all in .......................... that something must be done about the problem. AGREE
9. Should I write ‘ British’ or ‘ English’ as my ........................................ ? NATION
10. We’ll only have real ................................. when women earn as much money as men. EQUAL

9. Circle the correct word.

1. Don’t blame the theft on / for Tim. He didn’t steal anything!
2. I’ll share these sandwiches to / with you, if you like.
3. They accused Tonya of / for telling lies, but she was telling the truth.
4. Are you still angry with / about me?
5. I’d completely forgotten for / about the party. I’m not ready!
6. Trudy is such a lovely baby. She always smiles at / you when you sing to her.

10. Write one word in each gap

1. You can’t blame me ...................................... the bad weather!
2. You shouldn’t criticise people ...................................... the way that they look.
3. I’m thinking of inviting Eliot ...................................... the barbecue.
4. You’re not angry ...................................... what I said, are you?
5. The head teacher is going to punish us ...................................... being late for class.
6. Ronald Jennings, you have been found guilty ...................................... murder.

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7. I’ll never forgive you ...................................... what you’ve done!

11. Match to make sentences.

1. Someone broke ........... A. up at half past seven
2. I’ll just put ........... B. into our neighbor’s house yesterday.
3. Mum always wakes me ........... C. in whenever you like.
4. If you wash these plates ........... D. up soon, you’ll be late for school
5. The flat is empty, so you can move ........... E. these things away and then I’ll be ready.
6. If you don’t get ........... F. up, I’ll start cooking dinner

12. Complete using the words in the box.

age card club law public response teens touch

1. I’ve got a passport, but I haven’t got an identity ................................... .

2. That kind of behaviour is okay in private, but not in ..................................... !
3. I learnt to ride a bike at the ....................................... of three,
4. It’s against the ...................................... to drive a car without a driving licence.
5. Could you put me in ............................ with someone who knows about starting a website?
6. Shall we go to the youth ...................................... tonight ?
7. When i was in my ...................................... , I wanted to break all the rules!
8. I am writing in ...................................... to your letter of 15th November.

13. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

It’s my (1) ....................................... (believe) that we all have some very important questions
to ask in this (2) ....................................... (elect) . What kind of a country do we want to live
in? How can we achieve (3) ....................................... (equal) for everyone? How can we all
live (4) ...................................... (peace) with each other? I think that everyone here who was
(5) .................................... (live) 20 or 30 years ago will be in complete (6) ....................................
(agree) that life is better now than it was then. But there are still many local and (7)
....................................... (natiom) problems to solve. Who’s going to solve them? My political
party, or the other parties? I want you, the voter, to be (8) ....................................... (courage)
difference. Me!

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Conditionals 1:
20 Type 0, 1, 2, 3


1. The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word
or phrase.

1. If we will go shopping tomorrow, I’ll probably buy a new top. ..............................

2. If Mum is tired tonight, I cook dinner. ..............................
3. John will tell us if there will be any news. ..............................
4. If I won’t get a good mark in the geography test, I’ll be very annoyed! ..............................
5. You are tired in the morning if you don’t go to bed soon. ..............................
6. If you see Karen, do you ask her to call me? ..............................
7. Does Frank come with us if we go to the beach at the weekend? ..............................
8. If you need help, will tell me! ..............................

2. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ................................... (do) well in the exam, my parents will buy me an MP3 player.
2. If my sister borrows my clothes again, I ................................... (scream)!
3. We’ll leave at six o’clock if the weather ................................... (be) bad.
4. They ................................... (not/mind) if we’re a bit late this afternoon.
5. Sarah will be very annoyed if Dave ................................... (not/call) her this evening.
6. Will you still go to the concert if the tickets ................................... (cost) 60 euros?
7. If Rania doesn’t come to the party, ................................... (Greg/be) upset?
8. I’ll be surprised if Doug and Dana ................................... (not/get) a new car soon.

3. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. If I win / won a million euros, I’d buy my mum and dad a new house.
2. If Steven paid more attention in class, he will / would learn more.
3. They’ll / They’d go on a cruise if they had enough money.
4. You’d feel a lot healthier if you don’t / didn’t eat so much fast food.
5. If I have / had a bike, it wouldn’t take me so long to get to school.
6. If you met Tom Hanks, what will / would you ask him?
7. Will / Would Bobby be upset if I didn’t invite him?
8. If I am / were you, I’d get a haircut!

147 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

4. Complete each second sentence so that has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Write no more than three words.

1. Sylvia doesn’t have enough money, so she can’t buy a new computer.
If Sylvia ...................................................................... enough money, she’d buy a new computer.
2. The twins don’t see their friends often because they’re very busy.
If the twins weren’t so busy, they .............................................................. their friends more often.
3. I don’t live in a city, so there’s not much to do in the evening.
If I ................................................................... in a city, there would be lots to do in the evening.
4. Grandma won’t get a dof because she lives in a small flat.
If Grandma ...................................................................... in a small flat, she’d get a dog.
5. You use your mobile a lot, so you have large phone bills.
If you didn’t use your mobile so much, you .......................................................... large phone bills.
6. I think you should tell your parents the truth.
If I ...................................................................... you, I’d tell your parents the truth.

5. Choose the correct answer.

Dear Marsha, Dear Yuri,

I’m not sure what to Millions of people are vegetarians and they’re perfectly healthy.
do. I’m thinking of You have to be careful, though. If you (2) ............ up eating meat
becoming a completely, and only (3) ............ chocolate and crisps, that would
vegetarian, but some obviously be very bad for you! If people don’t eat properly they
of my friends say it’s a (4) ............ ill. It’s that simple. If you eat lots of fruit and salad and
bad idea. They say that beans, you (5) ............ get all the things you need to stay healthy.
if I (1) ............ eating But - you’re only 14 years old. If you (6) ............ at home with
meat, my body won’t your parents - and you probably do - you’ll have to ask them
get all the things it what they think too. If your mum cooks for you, it (7) ............ be
needs to stay healthy. difficult for her to make you special meals. If I were you (8)
Are my friends right? ............ think about this carefully and maybe wait until you’re a
Thanks, bit older before making such a big decision.
Yuri, age 14 Marsha

1 A. stop B. stopped 5 A. will B. would

2 A. give B. gave 6 A. live B. will live
3 A. will eat B. ate 7 A. will B. would
4 A. get B. would get 8 A. will B. would

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6. Make if - clauses with similar meaning.
1. Go to Corfu. You will like it.
If you .................................................................................................................................................................
2. Don’t hurry. You will not make mistakes.
Unless you ......................................................................................................................................................
3. Will you see her? Say hello to her.
If you .................................................................................................................................................................
4. Be careful. You will not fall down.
Provided that you .......................................................................................................................................
5. You mustn’t panic. You will manage it.
If you .................................................................................................................................................................
6. She can’t give up. She will success.
In case she ......................................................................................................................................................

7. Complete the sentences with if, when or unless.

1. What time will you come? - I’ll come ............................ I finish my project.
2. I will not be able to do it ............................ you help me.
3. ............................ it gets dark we are going to observe the stars.
4. I’d like to sit down here ............................ you don’t mind.
5. ............................ you turn off the stereo I’ll go mad.
6. ............................ the weather is nice at the weekend we’ll go to the seaside.
7. I’ll tell you ............................ I come back from work.
8. How much will it cost ............................ we pay in advance?
9. He can’t go to the States ............................ he asks for a visa.

8. Complete the sentences with if, when or unless.

1. I’ll call her ............................ I finish dinner.
2. Will you mind ............................ we come together?
3. Don’t criticize him ............................ you have a good reason.
4. It’ll be too late ............................ the school starts.
5. I wouldn’t go there ............................ they didn’t invite me.
6. She’ll be pleased ............................ you go with her.
7. We won’t buy it ............................ we try it.
8. I’ll get up ............................ the sun rises.

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9. Answer the questions with conditional statements of type 2

1. What cities or places of interest would you visit if you went to America?
2. What would you do (or not to do) if you could live your life over again?
3. What would you say or do if someone called you a fool?
4. If the visitor came to your town, what places would you advise him to see?
5. What famous person would you like to meet if you had the chance?
6. Which country would you choose if you decided to live abroad?
7. What changes would you make in your house, assuming you had lots of money?
8. What would you do if you saw a house on fire?
9. What would you do if you had something stolen?
10. Which books or gramophone records would you take with you if you went to live on
desert island?

10. Write sentences based on the given facts.

1. Since she doesn’t love him, she won’t marry him.

2. Our teacher explains things clearly, so we understand his lessons.
3. As I haven’t a watch, I can’t tell you the time.
4. Britain doesn’t export enough, so she has a constant balance of payments problem.
5. Since I know the meaning of the word, I don’t have to look it up.

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6. This exercise is easy, so everyone will get the correct answers.
7. I know the answer so I can tell you.
8. We haven’t any matches so we can’t light the fire.

11. Complete the sentences following one of the patterns for conditionals of type 2.
1. What ................................................................. if you were in my shoes?
2. If ................................................................. , I wouldn’t think of changing my job.
3. If my father were to say such a thing to me, ..............................................................
4. How would you react if ....................................................................................................... ?
5. If only you would read more carefully, ........................................................................
6. If you were to say in England just few months longer, ..........................................
7. Do you think I would be telling you this if ................................................................... ?
8. I wouldn’t buy the picture even if ....................................................................................
9. T might only add to our difficulties if .............................................................................
10. Even if he knew the truth, what ....................................................................................... ?
11. If only he would admit he was wrong, ..........................................................................
12. I’d much rather you ................................................................................................................


12. Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. If you ........................................ (tell) me you were going to the beach, I’d have come with you.
2. If Dan had missed the plane, he ........................................ (be) very annoyed.
3. I’d have got a present if I ........................................ (know) it was your birthday.
4. We ...................................................... (not/get) lost if we’d taken a map with us.
5. If the car ....................................................... (not/break down), I wouldn’t have finished in time.
6. If you ...................................................... (not/help) me, I wouldn’t have finished in time.
7. If Baz ............................................ (not/show) you what to do, what ....................................... (you/do).

151 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

13. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between two and five words

1. It wasn’t cold, so we didn’t light a fire.

If it ................................................................. cold, we’d have lit a fire.
2. John didn’t come, so we didn’t do any painting.
If John ................................................................. , we’d have done some painting
3. Claire didn’t buy any clothes because she didn’t see anything she liked.
Claire ................................................................. some clothes if she’d seen something she liked.
4. The audience laughed because the joke was very funny.
If the joke ........................................................... very funny, the audience wouldn’t have laughed.
5. We decided to leave because it was really noisy.
We ................................................................. to leave if it hadn’t been really noisy.

14. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs
in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

break fall over look pick up reply see stood

1. If Kevin hadn’t just got a text message, he ....................................................... at his mobile phone.
2. If he hadn’t looked at his mobile, he ............................................................ the banana skin.
3. If someone ...................................................... the banana skin earlier, it wouldn’t have been there.
4. If Kevin had seen the Banana skin, he ....................................................................... on it.
5. If he hadn’t stood on it, he .................................................................. .
6. If he hadn’t fallen over, he .................................................................. his mobile.
7. If he hadn’t broken his mobile, he .................................................................. to the text messenger.

15. Read the story and complete the sentences.

Vida loved to keep fit. Whenever she could, she went to the gym after work. But one
evening, Vida got home late. “It’s too late to go to the gym now”, she said to herself. “I just
watch TV instead.”

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She made herself a nice, fresh, healthy salad and sat down in front of the TV. Suddenly, she
saw something on TV that caught her attention. It was an advert for an exercise bike called
the Fitmaster 5000.
“That looks fantastic!” thought Vida. “I think I’ll buy that!” She phoned the number and
ordered the machine. It came the next day. It was much bigger than it looked on TV, and the
only place Vida could put it was at the top of the stairs.
She loved the Fitmaster 5000 so much, though, that from that day on, she only exercised
at home. She didn’t go to gym any more. She spent hours every evening on her exercise bike,
and every evening she went faster and faster. One evening, she was going so fast that the
exercise bike began to move forwards. Before she knew what had happened, she - and the
bike - fell down the stairs. All sixteen of them. Right to the bottom. Ouch!
The Fitmaster 5000 was broken, and so was Vida’s leg.
“I think that’s enough exercise for a while”, thought Vida, as she lay in her hospital bed.
“And that’s enough watching adverts on TV too.”

1. If Vida had got home earlier, ............................................................................................................... .

2. If she’d gone to the gym that evening, ............................................................................................. .
3. If she hadn’t watched TV, ...................................................................................................................... .
4. She wouldn’t have bought the Fitmaster 5000 ............................................................................ .
5. She wouldn’t have put in at the top of the stairs ........................................................................ .
6. She’d have continued going to the gym .......................................................................................... .
7. If she hadn’t gone so fast, ...................................................................................................................... .
8. If she hadn’t fallen down the stairs, ................................................................................................... .

16. Write sentences based on the given facts.

1. He didn’t give me his number, so I couldn’t telephone him.

2. As the sun was in the right direction, the photographs came out very well.
3. The shop didn’t pack the goods properly, so they got damaged.
4. He didn’t remember what had been said because he wasn’t paying attention.
5. He wasn’t able to answer all the questions, so de didn’t pass the examination.

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17. Write sentences like above, basing your conditional clause on the given fact, and
adding a suitable main clause, e.g.

1. He passed his examination.

2. We didn’t get there on time.
3. She didn’t read the book.
4. We understood what he was saying.
5. The rocket didn’t go into orbit.

18. Complete the sentences following the one of patterns for conditionals of type 3

1. I would have enjoyed the party much more if ..............................................................................

2. It ................................................................. if the sea hadn’t been so rough.
3. Would you have been able to come next Tuesday if...................................................................?
4. If you had taken my advice, ....................................................................................................................
5. If I realized that you were really serious in what I said, ............................................................
6. If it hadn’t been for the fact that his father has influence, .........................................................
7. If he were to have told me the truth in the first place ..................................................................
8. Would you have lent him the money if ..............................................................................................?
9. What difference would it have made, even if...................................................................................?
10. If the fire brigade had arrived but a quarter of an hour earlier .................................................
11. I’m sure she wouldn’t have married him if.................................................................
12. If................................................................., we would have left without them.

19. Read each of the person’s mistakes below and criticize him/her using a third
conditional sentence.

0. Don lost his job because he was late for work three time.
If you hadn’t been late for work so often, you wouldn’t have lost your job.
1. Bobby had to go to the dentist to get three fillings because he ate so much candy.
2. Andrea didn’t buy travel insurance for her trip. She got sick and had to cancel. She didn’t
get back her $3000 dollars.

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3. John hurt his back because he moved all the furniture himself.
4. Michelle didn’t pay attention in class, so she didn’t know about the test.
5. Robert woke the baby up when he came home because he made a lot of noise.
6. Susan didn’t get the job because she didn’t prepare for the interview.
7. Alice got lost because shen didn’t take the map.
8. The milk turned sour because Pat forgot to put it back in the fridge.
9. Nancy’s mother-in-law was angry because Nancy didn’t invite her for the dinner.

20. Read the wishes below and write a third conditional sentence related to each one.
0. I wish I had known about the accident.
If I had known aout her accident, I would have sent her some flowers.
1. I wish I had learned to speak several languages when I was young.
2. She wishes she had never met him.
3. They wish they had visited Paris when they were in Europe.
4. He wishes he had applied for that government job.
5. I wish I hadn’t seen that horror movie.
6. I wish I hadn’t drunk so much coffee last night.
7. I wish I had taken my camera on our camping trip.
8. I wish it had been warmer yesterday.
9. I wish I had read the instructions more carefully.
10. I wish I hadn’t yelled at the children.

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Conditionals 2:
21 Review, Inversion,
Other Expressions

1. Use if - clauses to respond to the situations.

1. I don’t know his address. I can’t contact him.
But if I ............................ his address, I ............................ him.
2. He was ill. He couldn’t go skiing.
But if he ............................ ill, he ............................ skiing.
3. He didn’t buy any tomatoes. I couldn’t make a salad.
But if he ............................ some tomatoes, I ............................ a salad.
4. We haven’t got enough room in our house. You can’t stay with us.
But if we ............................ enough room, you ............................ with us.
5. You were not lucky. You didn’t win.
But if you ............................ lucky, you ............................ .
6. I am eighteen. I can vote.
But if ............................ eighteen, I ............................ .

2. Make questions.
1. ........................................................... if you were rich?
I wouldn’t be happy.
2. What ........................................................... if you hadn’t found her telephone number?
I would have called her mother.
3. Where ........................................................... if you hadn’t spent your holiday in Spain last year?
We would have gone to Italy.
4. How ......................................................... them the prices in case we don’t meet at the trade-fair?
I’ll send them the prices by fax.
5. What ........................................................... if you were me?
I wouldn’t answer his letter if I were you.
6. Who ........................................................... if the party had been at your place?
I would have invited my close friends.

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3. Complete the sentences and use the words in brackets.
1. I won’t go to the dance if you ................................. me. (not join)
2. If the hotel in Paris had been full, where ................................. we .................................? (stay)
3. If I got the job, I ................................. grateful to you. (be)
4. If he had let me know, I ................................. him at the airport. (collect)
5. Unless the ................................. the test she will get her driving license next week. (fail)
6. How would you explain the meaning of this word if you ................................. it? (not know)
7. We wouldn’t have been angry if you ................................. the dinner. (refuse)
8. If I ................................. you, I’d take it. (be)
9. If Ken ................................. the car, who will do it? (not mend)

4. Choose the correct form.

1. Tell her if you see / will see her.
2. I would have gone by air if I had / had had more money.
3. If I were younger did / would you marry me?
4. I could have a drink provided I would not / did not drive.
5. If I had lost my job what would I have done / would I do now?
6. I would have eaten the meat if it had not been / was not tough.
7. If she changed / changes her hairstyle she would be pretty.
8. Unless she puts on / will not put on a coat she’ll catch a cold.
9. If he had asked you what would you say / have said.
10. Even if I sleep well I always / would have a headache.
11. What will you do in case Bob will refuse / refuses?
12. If we would hire a boat we could / did not hire a boat we could not see the island.

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

1. ......................... we .......................... (have) enough time if we wanted to see the castle?

2. In case you .................................. (buy) a car, will you teach me to drive?
3. If I .................................. (not be) in a hurry, I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
4. She won’t finish it on time if she .................................. (not start) right now.
5. She .................................. (get angry) if you had told her.
6. On condition that they ................................ (support) our product, they would get a discount.
7. Even if I .................................. (ask) him, he won’t come.
8. Had I driven slowly, I .................................. (not crash).
9. It will be a disaster unless they .................................. (help) us.
10. If you .................................. (have) something to eat, you wouldn’t have felt sick.
11. I wouldn’t risk it if I .................................. (be) you.
12. She would get fat if she ................................. (not stop) eating.

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13. The chicken wasn’t good. It ............................ (taste) better if you had put some spices on it.

6. Choose the correct form.

1. You wouldn’t like it if I told you the truth / if I had told you the truth.
2. What would you have done if he did not pay / if he had not paid.
3. Unless you are quiet, I will not tell you the joke / I will tell you the joke.
4. The room could have looked better in case you cleaned the windows / in case you had
cleaned the windows.
5. If the weather was better, we would ride on bikes / we would have ridden on bikes.
6. Provided you are late, what would you do / what will you do?
7. I could have repaired it myself if I had the time / if I had had the time.
8. If you didn’t go to work tomorrow, would you go to shops / will you go to shops?
9. I wouldn’t have refused if they contacted me / if they had contacted me.

7. Correct the mistakes or copy the correct form if there is no mistake. (mixed)
1. He would not have been arrested if he informed the police after the robbery.
He ............................................ if he ............................................ the police after the robbery.
2. If I had been sent to hospital now, how long would I stay there?
If I ............................................ to hospital now, how long ............................................ there?
3. What will happen if I will push this button?
What ............................................ if I ............................................ this button?
4. If you had not overslept, you would not missed the train yesterday.
If you ............................................ , you ............................................ the train yesterday.
5. Unless she is not careful, she will fall off the bike.
Unless she ............................................ careful, she ............................................ the bike.
6. What a pity! Had I arrived on time, I would not miss it.
What a pity! ............................................ on time, I ............................................ it.
7. I would give you the information if I had had it. Shall I fetch it?
I ............................................ you the information if I ............................................ it. Shall I fetch it?
8. I can’t tell you now if she comes. Will you wait for her?
I can’t tell you now if she ............................................ . ............................................ for her?
9. Even if I will lend you some money, it will not be enough.
Even if ............................................ you some money, it ............................................ enough.
10. I could have offered you my help in case I knew all about it. But I didn’t.
I ......................................... you my help in case I ......................................... all about it. But I didn’t.
11. If you did not shout at her so many times, she would not leave you now.

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If you ................................................ at her so many times, she ................................................ you now.

8. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs provided
1. If it rains next Saturday, I ........................................ (stay) home.
2. I ...................................... (go) to the movie with you last week if I ....................................... (not/be)
sick. Why don’t we go tonight?
3. If I were you, I ........................................ (tell) her the truth.
4. That was a very bad accident. If he ........................................ (be) more careful, it wouldn’t
have happened.
5. That new restaurant is terrible! If I ........................................ (be) you, I ........................................
(cancel) your reservation. You should go somewhere else.
6. It’s raining now, but if it ............................. (be) sunny, I ................................. (go) for a long walk.
7. It rained all day yesterday, but if it ........................................ (be) sunny, I ...........................................
(go) for a long walk. Instead, I stayed inside and read all day.
8. I didn’t know you were coming home last night. If you .............................................. (tell) me,
I ........................................ (pick) you up at the airport. Did you take a taxi home?
9. I have to go to the store now. If you ................................................. (tell) me what you need,
I ........................................ (get) your groceries too. Then you won’t have to go out.
10. I didn’t finish the report yesterday. If I ........................................ (stay) at the office late last
night, I probably ........................................ (finish) it. I’ll have to do it today.
11. You are such a good worker. If I were you, I ........................................ (ask) the boss for a rise.
12. I don’t know Frank’s telephone number, but if I ........................................ (know) it, I would
call him right now.
13. I wasn’t at school yesterday, so I didn’t know about the homework. If I ....................................
(be) there, I ..................................... (know) about it and I ..................................... (do) it last night.
14. If it ........................................ (rain) tomorrow, we ........................................ (cancel) the game.

9. Rewrite the following sentences using the first, second and third conditional
1. Don’t go out in the rain because you’ll get wet.
If you....................................................................................................................................
2. I can’t meet my girlfriend because I have to study.
If I didn’t ............................................................................................................................
3. I won’t enjoy the film if you aren’t with me.
Unless you .........................................................................................................................
4. I won’t go to the party because I’m not feeling well.
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I would ................................................................................................................................
5. They don’t talk to you because you never smile.
They would .......................................................................................................................
6. We got lost last night because we forgot the GPS.
We wouldn’t .....................................................................................................................
7. You ate the whole cake. That’s why you felt sick.
If you hadn’t ......................................................................................................................
8. I didn’t go to see Helen because I didn’t know she was in hospital.
If I had ..................................................................................................................................
9. There are too many cars. As a result, our planet is polluted.
If there .................................................................................................................................

10. Rewrite the following sentences using IF

1. The exam was too difficult. I didn’t pass it.
2. My car broke down. That’s why I arrived late.
3. I didn’t become ill because I didn’t eat the fish.
4. The phone didn’t work properly. That’s why I couldn’t speak to you.
5. The thief ran too fast. The police didn’t catch him.
6. The government won’t win the elections unless they create employment.
7. I’ll buy a new computer provided that I get a rise in salary.
8. She wanted to buy that picture, but she didn’t have enough money.
9. Whenever I make a promise, I keep it.
10. We haven’t got any matched, so we can’t light a fire.

11. Rewrite the following sentences using IF.

1. I didn’t go to Helen’s party because she didn’t invite me.

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2. We’ll go to the beach unless it rains.
3. Ann can’t buy a new car because she hasn’t got enough money.
4. You can get access to the Intranet only by having a password.
5. She feels lonely since she hasn’t got any friends.
6. Carlos Sainz didn’t win the Monte Carlo Rally because his car broke down.
7. Should you require more information, ask at the desk.
8. Jim missed the plane because he arrived late at the airport.
9. I don’t have a modem, so I can’t e-mail you.
10. I didn’t send them a postcard because I didn’t know their new address.

12. Rewrite the following sentences using IF.

1. She isn’t passing her exams because she isn’t studying hard enough.
2. I’d like to buy a bigger flat, but I haven’t got enough money.
3. I didn’t get to the meeting on time because my car broke down.
4. I never travel by plane because I get earache.
5. I won’t go to the party if you don’t go with me.
6. I wasn’t told about his situation. That’s why dismissed him.
7. The restaurant was full so we couldn’t get a table.
8. You can attend the meeting as long as you are a club member.
9. I’m too busy to go to the pub.
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10. Ice melts down when you heat it.

13. Rewrite the following sentences using IF.

1. I didn’t renew my subscription because I lost interest in the magazine’s articles.

2. He was too slow to win the race.
3. I won’t go to Rio unless I find a cheap flight.
4. I never sunbathe because I get sunburn easily.
5. She will understand you provided that you don’t speak too fast.
6. He won’t come for a drink because he’s got work to do.
7. She’s too young to get a driving license.
8. They lost the match because of the heavy rain.
9. Whenever Peter and I meet, we talk about the good old times.
10. Should you see Paul, tell him about the meeting.

14. Rewrite the sentences making an inversion in the conditional clauses.

1. If you should need to consult me again, you can contact me at this number.
2. The hospital can switch to an emergency generator if the nee should arise.
3. If you should be late once again, you’ll lose your job.
4. If it were not for the fact that his father is on the board of directors, he never have got
the job.
5. If such a merger were ever to be proposed, it would undoubtedly be referred to the
monopolies commission.

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6. If it were not for the expense involved, i would go there by car.
7. If it hadn’t been for your laziness, you could have finished the work by now.
8. If he had taken a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.
9. If the driver of the train hadn’t reacted so quickly, the accident would have been much

15. Complete the sentences following any correct sequence of tenses.

1. If only ................................................................. you wouldn’t now be such a difficult position.
2. If ................................................................., tell him I’m out .
3. I can’t understand why ................................................................., unless he thinks we are all fools.
4. If you are succeed in your career, ................................................................. .
5. So long as ................................................................., swimming in this river is fairly safe.
6. If you were to explain the situation to him, I’m sure ................................................................. .
7. Is there any point in your coming with us if ................................................................. ?
8. How ................................................................., if you didn’t know my address?
9. Should Mr. Smith ring up while I’m at lunch ................................................................. .
10. I can’t possibly advise you properly unless ................................................................. .

16. Complete the sentences following any correct sequence of tenses.

1. If ................................................................,. I shall blame you for it.
2. If you knew the answer, why.................................................................?
3. My neighbour said I could borrow his lawn-mover provided that..............................................
4. If anything has occurred to make you change your mind, ..............................................................
5. When ................................................................. supposing we left immediately?
6. Had it been anyone but you that spoke to me in such way, ............................................................
7. How I wish.................................................................
8. Make a note of the telephone number in case you.................................................................
9. If ................................................................., you have only to say so.
10. If you really have been studying English for so long, it’s about time you..................................

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17. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one
printed before it.

1. It’s my opinion that you should take more exercise.

If I .....................................................................................................................................
2. Without his wife’s constant support he would never have achieved his ambition.
If he...................................................................................................................................
3. But for his presence of mind there might have been a serious accident.
If it ....................................................................................................................................
4. Considering all the problems, it’s a miracle we succeeded.
If one..................................................................................................................................
5. Without proper lessons, you could pick up a lot of bad habits.
If you.................................................................................................................................
6. It would be a waste of everyone’s time to discuss the question any further.
If ..................................................................... we ............................................................
7. Given favourable weather all the yachts should have reached the half-way stage by the
Provided that................................................................................................................
8. You won’t get a loan without being able to offer some security.
You ............................................................... unless......................................................
9. Follow the instructions carefully and you won’t have any problems.
As long as........................................................................................................................
10. For us to have given up at that stage would have been an admission of total defeat.
If we..................................................................................................................................

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Lesson 22 Wish/ Unreal past

A. Wish/ If only

1. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I wish I .............................................. (have) a million euros! I’d buy lots of great things.
2. I wish we .............................................. (live) in a bigger house. This one is too small.
3. Becca wishes she ............................................. (be) old enough to drive a car.
4. Do you wish you ............................................. (feel) more confident about the exam tomorrow?
5. I wish my computer .............................................. (not/ be) broken. I can’t check e-mail.
6. I wish I .............................................. (not/ like) chocolate so much! I eat three bars a day!
7. Grant wishes he .............................................. (not/ make) so many mistakes all the time.
8. Look what they’re wearing! I bet they wish they .......................................... (not/ look) so silly!

2. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some
negative forms.

feel give have live spend wear

1. I wish I ...................................... in the countryside. The ...................................... is so noisy!

2. Tracy has got curly hair but she often wishes she ...................................... straight hair.
3. I wish our teachers ...................................... us less homework everyday, but there’s nothing I
can do about it.
4. I wish I ...................................... so scared, but I do!
5. Do you wish you ...................................... contact lenses or are you happy with glasses?
6. Jake’s mum wishes he ...................................... so much money on clothes whenever he goes

3. The words in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.
1. I wish I can speak German, but I never learnt it at school. .....................................
2. I wish you will put your toys away! It’s not difficult! .....................................
3. Do you sometimes wish you can fly? .....................................
4. I wish you won’t lie to me all the time! .....................................
5. I wish the neighbours won’t make so much noise. .....................................
6. If only she will ask me to go to the disco with her! .....................................

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7. If only you can come with us! .....................................
4. Choose the correct answer.
1. I wish I .................... an MP3 player.
A. have B. had C. would have
2. We all wish Tim .................... with the housework.
A. helps B. will help C. would help
3. I wish I .................... to buy a lottery ticket last night.
A. remember B. remembered C. had remembered
4. I wish you .................... live so far away.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. won’t
5. I wish they .................... keep changing the time of this programme.
A. couldn’t B. wouldn’t C. don’t
6. Do you wish you .................... to help Michael in the shop last weekend?
A. hadn’t offered B. didn’t offered C. haven’t offered

5. Circle the correct word or phrase.

26th April 3500
I wish today (1) has/ had never happened! If only I (2) could/ would start the day again,
I’d do everything differently. Why did I forget to set the alarm last night? I really wish I
(3) haven’t/ hadn’t done that! I also wish I (4) live/ lived nearer the Earth. It takes such a
long time to get there from Mars - especially when the traffic is bad. (5) If only/ Only if I (6)
have/ had a faster spaceship. Anyway, the point is, I was late for my job interview. The first
question they asked was why I wanted to be an Environmental Officer on the moon. Do you
know what I said? Because I really wanted to look at the aliens in the Super Alien Zoo. Oh, I
wish I (7) didn’t say/ hadn’t said that. Why am I so stupid? I (8) wish/ hope now that I’d
never applied for the job in the first place. I’m sure I won’t get the job. I just (9) wish/ hope
tomorrow is better than today was.

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. Alice didn’t get a good grade. She wishes she worked / had worked harder.
2. Tom likes football very much. He wishes he became / had become a professional football
3. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he hadn’t run /didn’t run so
4. She’s keen on computers. She wishes she studied/had studied computer science next
school year.
5. I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer. If only I knew / had known how to use

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6. I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I didn’t stayed / hadn’t stayed at
work late.

7. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Some
sentences require a negation and use the contractions in the negative form.

1. Bruce wishes he .................................... (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.
2. I wish I ...................................... (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.
3. I wish you ...................................... (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.
4. I wish you ...................................... (do) that. It annoys me.
5. I wish the holidays ...................................... (come) so we could go off to the seaside.
6. Of course Tom wishes he ............................ (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay here.
7. I wish we ......................................... (go) to the match on Saturday but we’re visiting my uncle.
8. I wish you ...................................... (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows.
9. If only I ...................................... (lose) all my money. Now I’m broke.
10. Peter is always late. If only he ....................................... (turn up) on time for a change!

8. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb in the brackets.
1. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
I wish I ......................................... (study) harder.
2. My friends invited me to a party, but I didn’t go.
I wish I ............................................. (go) to the party with them.
3. My car is old but I can’t afford a new one.
If only I ......................................... (can) afford a new car.
4. My sister phoned me but I wasn’t at home.
I wish I ......................................... (be) in.
5. My dog needs to go for a walk, but I haven’t got time right now.
If only I .................................................. (have) more free time.
6. If I want to be promoted, I need to speak a foreign language.
I wish I .................................................. (can) speak French.
7. If I were younger, I would be able to play tennis.
If only I .......................................... (be) younger.
8. If I had more children, I wouldn’t be so lonely.
If only I ........................................... (have) more children.
9. If I wanted to go to the cinema, I would need some money.
If only I ............................................ (have) some money.
10. If he had gone out earlier, he wouldn’t have missed the flight.
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He wishes he ............................................... (go) out earlier.

9. Complete these sentences.

1. I wish you ..................................... (not talk) badly about me last night.
2. If only it ..................................... (stop) raining, we could go out for a walk.
3. How much I wish Valencia ..................................... (win) the match yesterday, but they didn’t
play very well.
4. I wish you ..................................... (not get up) in my classes. It distracts everybody.
5. I wish I ..................................... (richer), so I could travel everywhere in my private jet.
6. If only we ..................................... (not have) the floods last year, the crop would have been
7. We all wish you ..................................... (join) us tomorrow at our wedding party.

10. Rewrite the sentences.

1. What a pity we didn’t meet them last night!
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
2. You shouldn't have done it.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
3. I'd really like you to pay more attention.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
4. I'm sorry I didn't phone you.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
5. You didn't speak to me at the party, I regret it.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
6. Why didn't I check the petrol before leaving?
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
7. It would be so nice to have a house in the mountains.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
8. You shouldn't have spoken so rudely to your father, you know.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
9. According to Ben, he should have called the lawyer.
I wish ......................................................................................................................................................
10. What a shame she didn't leave her address!
I wish .....................................................................................................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 168

11. Rewrite the sentences.
1. Your talking irritates me.
If only / I wish ............................................................................................................... (be quiet)
2. I wasn’t able to explain that rule.
If only / I wish ......................................................................................................................................
3. I took your advice. Now I regret it.
If only / I wish ......................................................................................................................................
4. She wasn’t able to come.
If only / I wish ......................................................................................................................................
5. I haven’t got much money!
If only / I wish ...................................................................................................................... (more)
6. Unfortunately, I’m not going on holiday with you!
If only / I wish ......................................................................................................................................
7. You aren’t here! What a shame!
If only / I wish ......................................................................................................................................
8. The car is going too slow.
If only / I wish ...................................................................................................................... (faster)
9. I can’t give you an answer.
If only / I wish ......................................................................................................................................
10. They are arguing!
If only / I wish ........................................................................................................................... (stop)

12. Complete the sentences.

1. If only .............................................. (park) there, I wouldn’t have got a fine.
2. If only .............................................. (have) more time for my hobbies.
3. I wish it .............................................. (rain) more often in Valencia.
4. I wish the council .............................................. (not/ demolish) that beautiful old house. It was
part of the town’s heritage.
5. If only I ....................................... (got) the money to go to John’s wedding in the United States.
6. I wish you .............................................. (not/ speak) to your mother like that.
7. I wish I .............................................. (not/ tell) her she’d put on weight. She hates me now.

169 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

8. I wish you .............................................. (not/ drink) so much. You’re a complete idiot when
you’re drunk.
9. I wish it .............................................. (not/ rain) so much. The garden’s turned to mud.
10. If only I .............................................. (spend) more time for my hobbies.

13. Rewrite the sentences using the given words.

1. I want to be at the beach now. (were)
2. What a pity! I didn’t bring my photos. (wish)
3. I’d like to be rich and famous. (were)
4. I didn’t know it was your birthday. (only)
5. I’d like to be a model, but I’m too short. (only)
6. I spent all my money on clothes yesterday. (only)
7. I didn’t know the answers and failed the exam. (only)
8. I’m very impatient. (wish)
9. I can’t take my dog with me on holidays. (only)
10. It was a horrible day and I had to stay home. (wish)

14. Underline ‘wishes’ sentence that referring to the past.

1. I wish he was a pilot.
2. We wish they had brought sandwiches.
3. He wishes she phoned in the evening.
4. Tim wishes he had copied the lecture.
5. Liz wishes she had done her homework.
6. Nick wishes he was in the club.
7. They wish they were at the concert.
8. Tom wishes he bought a new CD.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 170

9. We wish we hadn’t lost our money.
10. I wish I went to the football match.
11. They wish Liz explained the situation.
12. Sam wishes he had completed the report.
15. Write full sentences using wish or if only.
1. We haven’t got a car.
2. I must do all the housework.
3. She isn’t old enough to travel alone.
4. We didn’t have enough time to watch the match.
5. I ate a lot of sweets yesterday.
6. She arrived too late in the morning.
7. My room-mate won’t turn his radio down.
8. She’d like her husband stop drinking.
9. Her children quarrel a lot.
10. His father won’t let him travel.
11. He’d like her to change her behavior.
12. It hasn’t snowed for a long time.
13. My parents want me to change my hairstyle.
14. He couldn’t find a solution.
15. I can’t understand the lesson.
171 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
B. Would rather/ Would prefer/ Would like

1. Circle the correct answer.

1. He’d like to go to Canada whereas his wife would prefer to/ would prefer/ would rather to
go to Mexico.
2. Her husband would rather/ would prefer/ would rather to rent a house.
3. Mrs. Martin prefer/ would prefer/ would rather to stay in hotel.
4. My sister would like to have fun on Bondi Beach but I would prefer to/ prefer/ rather to
to go on a cruise.
5. My wife would like to rent a house in New York but I would rather to/ prefer/ rather
camp in the desert.
6. My wife would like to visit a museum, but I would rather/ prefer/ rather to to go to
Ayers Rock.
7. I would rather/ prefer/ rather to become a scuba diver.
8. I would prefer to/ rather/ prefer not to become a computer programmer.
9. I would prefer/ rather/ rather to buy this cake because I prefer the taste.
10. I would rather to/ prefer/ rather not rent a house in the Outback.

2. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs.

1. They would prefer ............................................. (meet) on Monday than Tuesday.
2. He would prefer ............................................ (take) a Yoga class.
3. Would you rather ............................................... (go) to an Italian or a Japanese restaurant?
4. Dennis would prefer ................................................. (spend) his money at the mall.
5. I would prefer ............................................ (drive) the jeep.
6. Would you prefer ............................................... (bring) a salad or dessert to the dinner party?
7. I’d rather .......................................... (stay) at a different hotel.
8. We would rather .......................................... (sing) a slower song.
9. Would he prefer ....................................... (dance) to a different song?
10. She’d rather ........................................ (hear) another song.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Mom prefers to go to the cinema ....................... stay at home tonight.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 172

A. by B. to C. rather than D. from
2. She would prefer ....................... rather than lose her money.
A. dying B. to die C. die D. dies
3. I prefer tennis ....................... volleyball.
A. than B. rather than C. to D. then
4. I would prefer to go by bus rather than ....................... .
A. walked B. to walk C. walk D. walking
5. I would prefer cinema ....................... theater.
A. from B. to C. rather than D. by
6. I’d prefer ....................... fruit juice.
A. having B. have C. to have D. had
7. Sally would prefer to drive there ....................... go by plane.
A. to B. then C. rather than D. rather then
8. I prefer watching TV ....................... playing computer games.
A. by B. rather than C. from D. to
9. She prefers hot chocolate ....................... coffee.
A. than B. to C. rather than D. from
10. Would you prefer ....................... a comedy rather than a horror movie?
A. to watching B. to watch C. watched D. watching
11. I’d prefer to drink water ....................... drink cola.
A. to B. rather than C. then D. by
12. I would prefer ....................... tea rather than drink coffee.
A. drunk B. to drink C. drinking D. drink
13. We would prefer to spend time with my children rather than ....................... at weekends.
A. to work B. worked C. working D. work

4. Circle the correct answer.

1. I prefer photographing/ photograph/ to photograph people rather than places.
2. Some people would prefer be/ to be/ being happy rather than rich.
3. Tom prefers learning/ to learn/ learn English to French.
4. She would prefer listen/ listening/ to listen Mozart to Bach.
5. I prefer to play tennis rather than/ then/ to do my homework.
6. Tom and Michael would prefer to eating/ to eating/ ate out tonight.
7. I prefer going to the cinema from/ to/ rather than sitting at home.
8. The man prefers going back rather than/ to/ from waiting at the corridor.
173 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
9. His sister prefers sleeping/ sleep/ to sleep to going to the gym.
10. They would prefer studying English to/ than/ by playing football.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1. She’d rather go by sea ....................................... by air.
A. than B. rather C. to D. from
2. Which would you rather ...................................... ?
A. to drink B. have drunk C. drink D. drinking
3. I prefer to photograph people ...................................... places.
A. to B. from C. rather than D. then
4. I’d rather ......................................... the work now.
A. not doing B. to have done C. not do D. not to do
5. I’d rather ......................................... alone.
A. him not to go B. he didn’t go C. him not going D. he had gone
6. I’d rather ......................................... her.
A. waiting B. waited C. wait D. to wait
7. Some people would rather .......................................... happy than rich.
A. being B. been C. be D. to be
8. She ..................................... to drive a small car than a big one.
A. prefers B. than C. would rather D. prefer
9. I prefer ........................................ to the party to staying home.
A. went B. going C. to go D. go
10. She prefers ....................................... in the small room.
A. to sleep B. to sleeping C. sleep D. slept
11. We’d prefer ........................................ Italy than Russia.
A. to have visited B. have visited C. to visit D. visiting
12. We prefer................................ .
A. Sam from John B. Sam to John C. Sam than John D. Sam but John
13. Sam ...................................... not mention the problem.
A. would rather B. would prefer C. rather than D. prefer

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. Would you prefer .................. out tomorrow?
A. we didn’t go out B. not to have gone C. us not to go D. we hadn’t gone

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 174

2. I’d rather have stayed home than .................. to that boring party.
A. gone B. we went C. went D. go
3. I .................. read a novel than a magazine.
A. prefer B. would prefer C. would rather D. rather than

4. Would you rather .................. tomorrow?

A. we didn’t go out B. us to have gone C. us not to go D. we hadn’t gone out
5. She’d rather .................. a business woman than a housewife.
A. to have become B. she becomes C. to become D. become
6. He’d ........................ to have rested for some time rather than have played that boring game.
A. sooner B. rather C. prefer D. just as soon
7. My father prefers watching football .................. playing it.
A. to B. into C. from D. than
8. I prefer .................. coffee to drinking tea.
A. drink B. drinking C. have drunk D. to drink
9. I would prefer .................. this problem herself.
A. her solve B. she solves C. she to solve D. her to solve

7. Circle the correct answer.

1. I prefer coffee to/ than/ from tea.
2. I don’t fancy the theatre again. I’d rather to go/ going/ go to the cinema.
3. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer walk/ walking/ to walk in the
4. I’d rather speak to him in person to discussing/ than discuss/ to discuss things over the
5. I prefer trains than/ to/ from cars.
6. I’m not a big fan of cars, I prefer travel/ travelling/ to travel by train.
7. If I had a choice I think I’d rather live in Paris to London/ live in Paris than London/ to live
in Paris than London.
8. They’d rather have lunch inside but I’d prefer eating/ to eat/ eat outside in the garden.

175 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

23 Nature and universe

1. Sort out by adj, adv, v, noun the following words

amazing lightning recycle
climate litter reptile
countryside local rescue
environment locate satellite
extinct mammal shower
forecast mild solar system
freezing name species
global origin thunder
heatwave planet wild
insect preserve wildlife

Noun/ Noun phrase Verb Adjective

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 176

2. Fill the missing words into the blank
1. blow ...............: explode
2. build ...............: increase
3. clear ...............: tidy
4. go ...............: stop burning
5. keep ...............: prevent from entering
6. put ...............: stop holding
7. put ...............: make something stop burning
8. put ...............: put something on a wall (eg, a picture)
9. ............... most
10. ............... the top/ bottom ...............
11. ............... the beginning
12. ............... the distance
13. ............... total
14. ............... top (...............)
15. afraid ...............
16. aware ...............
17. enthusiastic ...............
18. serious ...............
19. short ...............
20. escape ...............
21. prevent sb ...............
22. save sth ...............
23. think ...............
24. worry ...............
25. damage ...............
26. an increase ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. centre  Adj .................................
2. circle  Adj .................................
3. danger  Adj .................................
4. deep  Adv, N ................................. / .................................
5. destroy  N, Adj ................................. / .................................
6. fog  Adj .................................

177 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

7. garden  N (person), N ................................. / .................................
8. invade  N, N (person) ................................. / .................................
9. nature  Adj, Adv ................................. / .................................
10. pollute  N, Adj ................................. / .................................

4. Complete using the words in the boxes.

climate forecast heat wave lighting shower thunder

1. Have you heard what the weather ...................................... is for tomorrow ?

2. Britain is experiencing a ...................................... at the moment. It’s unusually hot and it
hasn’t rained for several weeks.
3. It’s not going to rain much, but there might be the occasional ...................................... .
4. During the thunderstorm, the ...................................... was so loud I hid under the bed!
5. ................................ hit a tree in the garden during the thunderstorm and a branch came off.
6. I wish I lived in a country with a warmer ...................................... .

insect mammal reptile species wildlife

7. I don’t see a lot of ...................................... because I live in a big city.

8. It’s very unusual to see this ...................................... of bird round here at this time of year.
9. If it’s got six legs, it’s probably a / an ...................................... .
10. Humans and monkeys are different types of ...................................... .
11. Snakes and lizards are different kinds of ...................................... .

5. Write one word in each gap. The first letter is given to help you.
1. If we all r ...................................... our paper, fewer trees would be cut down.
2. The castle is perfectly p .................................... , so it’s just like it was four hundred years ago.
3. If only we could go to the c ...................................... to get some fresh air.
4. Many plants and animals are in danger of becoming e ...................................... . If they do,
we’ll never see them again.
5. Zoos give us the opportunity to see w ...................................... animals up close.
6. The weather is quite m ...................................... here, even in the winter. It rarely snows.
7. The l ....................................... weather forecast is usually much more accurate than the
national one.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 178

8. I wish you wouldn’t drop your l ...................................... on the ground. Put it in the bin!
9. Scientists have n ...................................... the new planet ‘ Sedna’.
10. Looking down at the Earth from space must be an a...................................... experience.
11. It’s f ...................................... in here! Let’s put the heating on.
12. The wildlife park is l ...................................... 15 km outside the town.
13. If you get lost in the desert, there will be no one around to r ...................................... you!
14. Climate change is a g ...................................... problem. Every country in the world is

6. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.
1. The sun is at the center of the solar origin. .....................................

2. The Earth is the satellite that we live on. ......................................

3. The moon goes round the Earth so it’s a/an planet. ......................................

4. They system on the moon is very different to the one on Earth . For example, there are
no plants on the moon ......................................

5. Scientists aren’t sure of the environment of the moon, but they think that maybe it was
once part of the Earth. ......................................

7. Match to make sentences.

1. They’re going to blow ....... A. up a sign to tell people not to drop any litter.
2. Let’s clear ....... B. down and then I’ll help you with the tent.
3. I’m going to put ....... C. up the old bridge with dynamite.
4. There was a sign saying “ Keep ....... D. up a lot round here over recent years.
5. How long did it take to put ....... E. Out’ on the gate.
6. I’ll just put this box ....... F. up this rubbish and put it in the bin.
7. The traffic has built ....... G. out unless we put some more wood on.
8. The fire will go ....... H. out the forest fire?

8. Complete using the word given. Write between two and four words.
1. A beautiful golden eagle was sitting ...................................... the tree. top
2. A could just see the top of the mountain ...................................... . distance
3. It will take an hour ...................................... to pick up this rubbish. most
4. ...................................... , there are over eighty different types of animal in the zoo. total

179 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

5. ...................................... , I didn’t think I’d enjoy camping in the snow, but it was actually great
fun! beginning.
6. There are lots of strange fish ...................................... the sea. bottom

9. One of the words in each sentence is in the wrong form. Write the correct word.
1. This path looks a bit danger to me. ...................................
2. This submarine only goes to deep of 500 metres. ...................................
3. Scientists worry about the destroying of the Amazonian rainforests. ...................................
4. Garden must be a very interesting hobby. ...................................
5. Air pollute is a serious problem, especially in cities. ...................................
6. What’s it like living in centre London ? ...................................
7. We should let animals live in their nature environment rather than ...................................
keep them in zoos.
8. It’s so fog that I can’t see where I’m going. ...................................
9. What would you do if there was an invade of the Earth by aliens? ...................................
10. The island is almost completely circle. ...................................

10. Write one word in each gap.

The environmental organisation that cares

Are you worried (1) ...................................... our planet?

We at EarthWatch care about the damage that’s begin done (2) ...................................... our
environment. We’re aware (3) ...................................... the problems that this damage will cause
in the future, and we believe that we’re extremely short (4) ...................................... time. If we
don’t act soon, it will be too late!
There’s been an increase (5) ..................................... all kinds of pollution in the past hundred
years. This pollution is destroying the ozone layer, and creating global warming. We’ve got
to prevent people (6) ....................................... polluting the planet further. It’s not going to be
easy to save the Earth (7) ...................................... destruction, but we have to try.
If you’re afraid (8) .................................... what might happen if we don’t all change our ways,
if you’re serious (9) ...................................... helping to save the world, if you’re enthusiastic
(10) ............................... fighting for the only planet we’ve got, then we want to hear from you!
Think (11) ................................... it! You can’t escape (12) ................................... the facts. The
Earth is in danger and it’s going to take every single one of us to help save it. Join us today!

11. Complete using the words in the box.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 180

extinct freezing global local mild wild

1. Britain generally has very ...................................... winters. It never gets very cold.
2. It’s ...................................... ! Do you think it might snow tonight?
3. Save the polar bears before they become ...................................... !
4. A ...................................... problem is a problem that affects the whole word.
5. What kind of ...................................... animals live in the mountains round here?
6. There are several large forests in the ...................................... area.

12. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1. They closed the airport because it was so ...................................... (FOG).
2. High winds can be very ...................................... (DESTROY).
3. Lots of ...................................... (NATURE) things are poisonous to humans.
4. Air ...................................... (POLLUTE) isn’t really a serious problem where we live.
5. Isn’t ...................................... (GARDEN) a bit of a boring hobby ?
6. The submarine went down to a ...................................... (DEEP) of 200 metres.
7. The island isn’t square - it’s almost completely ...................................... (CIRCLE).
8. Is it ...................................... (DANGER) to swim in that lake?

13. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. Not more than a thousand people live in the village. most

A thousand people ...................................................... live in the village.
2. In the film, the car explodes and we don’t know if Murray is alive or not. up
In the film, the car ................................................... and we don’t know if Murray is alive or not.
3. There are lots of strange fish on the sea bed. bottom
There are lots of strange fish ...................................................... the sea
4. The fire stopped burning in the middle of the night. out
The fire ...................................................... in the middle of the night.
5. Could you help me hang this ‘ DO NOT LITTER’ sign ? up
Could you help me ...................................................... this ‘ DO NOT LITTER’ sign?
6. We need to increase people’s awareness about the environment. build
We need to ...................................................... people’s awareness about the environment.
7. One small sign isn’t going to stop people from entering the wood! keep
181 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
One small sign isn’t going to ...................................................... of the wood!
8. Please extinguish that cigarette right now! out
Please...................................................... that cigarette right now.
9. Are you okay carrying that box or do you want to stop carrying it for a while? down
Are you okay carrying that box or do you want to ...................................................... for a while?
10. Let’s tidy these clothes before Mum gets home. clear
Let’s ...................................................... before Mum gets home.

14. If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick () . If it is wrong, write the
correct word or phrase.

1. Could you show to me your book about the moon? ...................................

2. Do you sometimes wish you have a bigger boat? ...................................
3. I wish people didn’t cause so much damage to the environment. ...................................
4. Harry wishes that he has studied astrophysics instead of Latin ...................................
when he was at university.
5. I wish you wouldn’t throw rubbish out of the car window! ...................................
6. Laura sometimes wishes she can breath underwater for hours. ...................................
7. I bought a new telescope for my dad. ...................................
8. I wish it snows during the night! ...................................

15. If a line is correct, put a tick (), if there is an extra word in a line, write the word.


Every day, thousands and thousands of trees are cut down in the Amazonian
1. ........................... rainforest. This does enormous damage to the local environment, and also
2. ........................... possibly affects the world’s climate. But how can we save up the rainforest
3. ........................... from destruction? First of all, we have to make the local people aware that of
4. ........................... the damage to they’re doing. Secondly, there need to be more police in the
5. ........................... area preventing people frim cutting down trees. A lot of the people who cut
6. ........................... them down do it illegally. If they were more afraid for of getting caught, they
7. ........................... might stop. It’s a very serious about problem, and there’s no easy solution,
8. ........................... but we’re short of time. It won’t be long before the rainforests disappear

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 182

24 Reported Speech


1. Choose the correct answer.

1. “ I’m a big fan of U2” , Derek said.
Derek said he .................................... a big fan of U2.
a. was b. has been c. had been
2. “ We’re watching TV,” said the twins.
The twins said they .................................... TV.
a. watched b. were watching c. had watched
3. “ You’ve been annoying me all day!” my mum said.
My mum said I .................................... her all day.
a. annoyed b. was annoying c. had been annoying.
4. “ The dog ate my homework!” said Ivan.
a. was eating b. had eaten c. has eaten.
5. “ At one o’clock, I was having lunch”, said Molly.
Molly said she .................................... lunch at one o’clock.
a. had been having b. has had c. is having
6. “ You’ll get wet without an umbrella”, Dad said.
Dad said I .................................... wet without an umbrella.
a. will be getting b. got c. would get
7. “ He can juggle five balls!” said Angie.
a. juggled b. would juggle c. could juggle
8. “ You must give me your essay”, Mrs Vine said
Mrs Vine said we .................................... give her our essays.
a. were having to b. had to c. would have to

183 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. Complete using the words and phrases in the boxes.

his their them there

before that night the day before the next day

1. “ I’m seeing Simon tomorrow,” Mary said.

Mary said she was seeing Simom .................................... .
2. “We moved into the area two years ago”, Bella said.
Bella said they had moved into the area two years .................................... .
3. “ Our teacher is giving us a test”! said Michelle
Michelle said their teacher was giving .................................... a test.
4. “ My dad gave me fifty pounds!” said Neil.
Neil said .................................... dad had given him fifty pounds.
5. “ I scored a great goal yesterday.” Marina said.
Marina said she had scored a great goal .................................... .
6. “ We saw our cousin at the fair,” said Ben.
Ben said they had seen .................................... cousin at the fair.
7. “ I left my wallet here,” Frank said.
Frank said he had left his wallet .................................... .
8. “ I’ll sleep well tonight!” said Arnie.
Arnie said he would sleep well. .................................... .

3. Underline the mistake in each second sentence and write the correct words.
1. “ There’s a mouse in the kitchen!” said Marth.
Martha said there had been a mouse in the kitchen. ..................................
2. “ We’ve won every match this year”. Amy said.
Amy said they won every match that year. ..................................
3. “ I broke my leg two weeks ago,” said Spencer.
Spencer said he had broken his leg two weeks ago. ..................................
4. “ We’d heard the song before”, Rory said.
Rory said he had heard the song before. ..................................
5. “ I’ve been working since four o’clock,” said Dad.
Dad said he was working since four o’clock. ..................................
6. “ We’re spending tomorrow by the swimming pool”. Belinda said.
Belinda said they have spent the next day by the swimming pool. ..................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 184

4. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. “ I’m going to bake a cake”, said Mum. she

Mum said ....................................................................................................... to bake a cake.
2. “ Richard has passed his driving test,” Andy said. passed
Andy said ...................................................................................................... his driving test.
3. “ We’re staying in tonight to watch TV,” Jim said . that
Jim said they ...................................................................................................... to watch TV.
4. “I’m thinking of going on a diet”, said George. he
George said ...................................................................................................... of going on a diet.
5. “ My sister lived in Russia for a year, “ Carol said. live
Carol said ...................................................................................................... in Russia for a year.
6. “ I went snowboarding last year,” Jill said. year
Jill said she ...................................................................................................... before.
7. “ I’ll call you tomorrow,” Karl said to me. next
Karl said he ...................................................................................................... day.
8. “ We’re flying home next week”, said Arthur. the
Arthur said they ...................................................................................................... week.

5. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the verb given.

1. “ I’m sorry I told everyone your secret,” my sister said. apologized .
2. “ I didn’t give the money to John,” said Ali. denied
3. “ I’ll love you forever!” Francis said to Elizabeth. promised.
4. “ No, I won’t open the door!” said Mandy. refused
5. “ Why don’t we give Jenny a call?” Albert said. suggested.

185 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives.
1. Mary said, “ I want to go out with my friends”
Mary said (that) she wanted to go out with her friends.
2. Tom said, “ I have lost my keys,”
Tom said (that) ......................... had lost ......................... keys.
3. Bob and Marie said, “ We are taking our dog for a walk.”
Bob and Marie said (that) ......................... were taking ......................... dog for a walk.
4. Andrew said, “ My sisters is coming to visit me next week”.
Andrew said (that) .......................... sister was going to visit ......................... the following week.
5. Mr Jones said, “ I need to buy a present for my wife”.
Mr Jones said (that) ......................... needed to buy a present for ......................... wife.
6. Father said, “ I want you to wash my car for me”
Father said (that) ....................... wanted ........................ to wash ........................ car for ..................... .

7. Turn from direct into reported speech.

1. “ I can’t find my bag”, she said.
She said that she couldn’t find her bag.

2. “ They are working in the garden,” he said.

3. “ We got married six months ago,” she said to us.
4. “ I’ll go shopping tomorrow,” he said.
5. “ I bought a new car last week”, he said.
6. “ We aren’t doing anything next week,” they said.
7. “ I can’t go out tonight,” she said to me.
8. “ I forgot to pay the bill,” he said.
9. “ We’ve brought you a present” she said to me.
10. “ I’ll phone you tomorrow,” she said to Peter.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 186

8. In which of the following sentences do the tenses no change? Why?
Then turn the following statements from direct into reported speech.

1. “ I’ll paint the house next week,” he says.

Tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple.
He says that he will paint the house.

2. I’ve put the washing in the washing - machine”, Rose said.

3. “ A giraffe is bigger than a mouse,” he said.
4. “ We haven’t seen Tom for two weeks,” she said.
5. “ I haven’t phoned my uncle since last month”, she says,
6. “ Birds can fly”, the student said.
7. “ He’s studying for an exam now”, she said.
8. “ Leaves fall from the trees in autumn”, he said.
9. “ We visited the circus last weekend,” they said.
10. “ She dropped the vase on the floor”, Tony said.
11. “ He took the money to the bank this morning,” she said.
12. “ The Earth moves round the sun” the teacher said.
187 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

9. Circle he correct answer.

1. “ Has your brother gone out?” Mum asked me.
Mum asked me if my brother has gone / had gone out
2. “ Do you know the answer?” Miss Smith asked Ruby.
Miss Smith asked Ruby if she knew / had known the answer.
3. “ Is this your car?” the police officer said to the man.
The police officer asked the man if it is / was his car.
4. “ Have you been to see the exhibition?” I asked Benjamin.
I asked Benjamin if he went / had been to see the exhibition.
5. “Does your laptop need a new battery?” Jerry asked me.
Jerry asked me if my laptop needed / will need a new battery.
6. “Are you having a barbecue”? I asked the Browns.
I asked the Browns if they were having / had been having a barbecue.

10. Write one word in each gap.

1. “ Will you be at the party?” Richard asked me.
Richard asked me if I .................................................... be at the party.
2. “ May I ask you a few questions?” the woman asked Ted.
The woman asked Ted if she .................................................... ask him a few question.
3. “ Can we go to the zoo tomorrow?” Jane asked her father.
Jane asked her father if they .................................................... go to the zoo the following day.
4. “ Shall I study Maths or English?” Sally asked her best friend.
Sally asked her best friend whether she ................................................. study Maths or English?
5. “ Can you write with your left hand?” Val asked me.
Val asked me whether I .................................................... write with my left hand.
6. “ Shall we play tennis or volleyball?” Debbie asked her sister.
Debbie asked her sister if they .................................................... play tennis or volleyball.
7. “ May I leave the table?” Samantha asked her parents.
Samantha asked her parents if she .................................................... leave the table.
8. “ Will our bus leave on time?” Mum asked the driver.
Mum asked the driver whether our bus .................................................... leave on time.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 188

11. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. “ When did your brother join the army?” Rudy asked me.
Rudy asked me ........................................................................................................ the army.
2. “ How was your trip to Turkey?” asked Katherine.
I asked Katherine how ........................................................................................................ been.
3. “ How will we find your keys in the dark?” Ashley asked Susie.
Ashley asked Susie ........................................................................................................ keys in the dark.
4. “ Why was Rob on TV?” Denise asked me.
Denise asked me ........................................................................................................ on TV.
5. “ Who saw you at the park?” the police officer asked me.
The police officer asked me ................................................................................................. at the park.
6. “ Who did you see at the park?” the police officer asked me.
The police officer asked me .................................................................................................. at the park.

12. Choose the correct answer.

1. “ Could you pass me the salt, please” I asked the man next to me.
I asked the man next to me ........................... me the salt.
A. pass B. if he passes C. to pass
2. “ Would you mind waiting a moment?” the shop assistant asked the woman.
The shop assistant asked the woman ........................... for a moment.
A. to wait B. waiting C. she wait
3. “ Please don’t leave your dirty football boots in the hall”. Mum said to Doug.
Mum told Doug ........................... his dirty football boots in the hall.
A. that he doesn’t leave B. not to leave C. don’t leave
4. “ Could you tell us where you were at six o’clock?” the police officer asked Barry.
The police officer asked Barry ........................... he had been at six o’clock.
A. telling them where B. where he tells them C. to tell them where
5. “ Could I have your e-mail address?” I asked Mariella.
I asked Mariella ........................... e - mail address.
A. to give me her B. to give me your C. give me her
6. “ Can I have a new Xbox for my birthday?” I asked my mum.
I asked my mum ........................... a new Xbox.
A. that she get me B. get me C. to get me.

189 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

13. If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick ( ). If it is wrong, write correct
word or phrase.

1. I asked Toni why had she taken my CD without asking me ..................................

2. Roger told Isabelle don’t make any plans for the weekend. ..................................
3. Madison asked me how much my new jeans had cost. ..................................
4. Alexander asked his dad giving him some money for his school trip ..................................
5. I told Jeremy you don’t move while I took his photograph ..................................
6. Annie told her dog to sit, but it didn’t ..................................

14. Turn the questions from direct into reported speech.

1. “ How old are you?” he asked me.
He asked me how old I was.
2. “ When will you call me?” she asked George.
3. She asked, “ Can you play the piano?”
4. He asked, “ Who’s there?”
5. “ Do you like fish?” she asked Jonathan.
6. “ What have you done today?” Mother asked
7. Jim asked, “ Did you go to work yesterday?”
8. “ How did you get here”? he asked
9. “ Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere?” she asked.
10. He asked, “ Will you take me to work tomorrow?”
11. She asked, “ Where have you been?”
12. She asked, “ Will they visit us in the summer?”

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 190

15. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the list in the correct form.

order tell ask beg suggest

1. “Let’s call Brian”. Susan said to me.

Susan ...... suggested ...... calling Brian.
2. “Don’t make any noise”. Mother said to us.
Mother ..................................... us not to make any noise.
3. “Please stay a little longer”. Kate said to her sister.
Kate ..................................... her sister to stay a little longer.
4. “Fire!” the General said to the soldiers.
The General ..................................... the soldiers to fire.
5. “Please, please forgive me” she said to him.
She ..................................... him to forgive her.

16. Turn from direct into reported speech.

1. Mary said to me, “ Come with me , please”
Mary asked me to go with her.
2. The shop assistant said to the child, “ Don’t touch anything”
3. The secretary said to me, “ Wait here, please”
4. She said, “ Shall we go swimming?”
5. The park keeper said to them, “ Don’t talk on the grass”
6. He said to them,” Don’t stay out late tonight.”
7. Annie said to Barry, “ Please, please help me”

17. Choose an introductory verb and turn the following from direct into reported

advised asked ordered warned promised

begged offered refused suggested

1. “ I think you should eat more vegetable”, my mother said to me

My mother advised me to eat more vegetables.
2. “ Please get me a glass of water.” he said to Jill.

191 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

3. “ No, I won’t help you.” she said to Jim.
4. “ I’ll buy you something nice for your birthday.” her mother said to her.
5. “ Don’t play near the road because it’s dangerous.” he said to us.
6. “ Would you like to to do the shopping?” she said.
7. “ Please, please don’t leave me alone in the dark” She said to her parents.
8. “ How about going to the cinema tonight?” he said.
9. “ Go to bed!...... Now” his father said to him.
10. “ Shall we watch a video?” they said.


18. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. “ I want to learn how to paint”. Janet said. said

Janet .............................................................................................................. to learn how to paint.
2. “ We’re building a house outside town,” said Mrs. Turner . they
Mrs. Turner ........................................................................................................ a house outside town.
3. “ We’re working on our website tomorrow”, Keith said. day
Keith said they were working on their website ..............................................................................
4. “ Will you draw me a picture?” Jenny asked. draw
Jenny asked .............................................................................................................. a picture.
5. “ We have to paint a picture for art class, “ John said. they
John ......................................................................................................... to paint a picture for art class.
6. “ Can I see your drawing ?” I asked Amy . if
I asked Amy .............................................................................................................. see her drawing.
7. “ You’ll enjoy the show,” Belinda said to me. I
Belinda said .............................................................................................................. the show.
8. “ Please don’t take my photograph, “ Hans said. take
Hans asked me .............................................................................................................. photograph.
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19. Choose the correct answer.
1. I asked her when .............................. finish making her model.
A. will she B. she will C. would she D. she would.
2. Don said he had an art lesson .............................. night.
A. that B. the C. this D. those
3. My mom told .............................. my paint.
A. that I move B. me to move C. to move to me D. to move me
4. Tom apologize .............................. ink on my picture.
A. for getting B. that he got C. to get D. for he gets
5. Molly denied .............................. my camera.
A. to lose B. for losing C. losing D. on losing
6. Gary promised .............................. me paint the outside of the house.
A. helping B. to help C. that he helps D. for helping
7. My brother refused .............................. me use his digital camera.
A. to let B. that he let C. letting D. for letting
8. I suggest .............................. a new architect who will understand what you want.
A. to find B. you to find C. for finding D. finding

20. Turn the following sentences from reported into direct speech.
1. Trevor asked me if I had posted the letter.
“ Did you post the letter? Trevor asked me.

2. Sarah told me she was looking for a new job.

3. Brian wanted to know what time the train to Leeds left.
4. She said that she didn’t like jogging.
5. He said, she would be back the following day.
6. He asked how much my new car had cost.
7. I asked Marie if she could do the shopping for me.
8. Jill asked Roy to close the window.
193 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
21. Turn from direct into reported speech or vice versa.
1. “ I’ve finished the housework”, she said.
She said (that) she had finished the housework.
2. “ Why did you do that? he asked her.
3. Susie told her mother that Titanic was the best film she had ever seen.
4. He told them to put the rubbish in the bin.
5. “ Please answer the telephone,” he said to her.
6. Alex said that they were going to Hawaii for their honeymoon.
7. “ Are you going out on Saturday night?” Ben asked me.
8. Adam said that he had never ridden a horse before.
9. “ We’ll go to the circus tomorrow,” said Mother
10. Mr. Carter told them to pick up the paper from the floor.
11. Julia begged her parents to let her go to the party.
12. Greg said, “ Let’s have a party on my birthday”.

22. Correct the mistakes.

1. He asked me where was the post office.
2. She suggested to visit the zoo.
3. Mother said. “ You must always say the truth.”
4. The doctor told me to not exercise a lot.

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5. My parents offered giving me a lift to the railway station.
6. Our teacher said to us that the test was quite easy.
7. She asked how could she contact me.
8. He said that Kate had left the last month.
9. The old man told good night and went to bed.
10. Jenny said me, “ I hate Maths”

195 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

25 Creating and Building

1. Sort out by noun, verb, adjective the following words

ancient maintain sleeve
checked match smooth
cotton material stretch
create notice striped
design pattern style
fix pile suit
fold practical suitable
gallery rough tear
improvement shape tight
loose silk tool

Noun/ Noun phrase Verb Adjective

2. Fill the missing words into the blank

1. cut ...............: completely remove by cutting
2. do ...............: button/ zip up a piece of clothing
3. fill ...............: make sth completely full
4. have ...............: wear (a piece of clothing)
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5. leave ...............: not include
6. put ...............: start wearing (a piece of clothing)
7. take ...............: remove (a piece of clothing)
8. try ...............: put on (a piece of clothing) to see how it looks and if it fits
9. ............... the back (...............)
10. ............... the end (...............)
11. ............... fashion/ style
12. ............... front (...............)
13. ............... the corner (...............)
14. ............... ............... fashion/ style
15. amazed .............../ ...............
16. disappointed ...............
17. familiar ...............
18. involved ...............
19. similar ...............
20. change sth (............... sth) into
21. describe sth ...............
22. explain sth ...............
23. remind sb ...............
24. remove sth ...............
25. an influence ...............
26. a picture ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. art  N (person), Adj ................................./ .................................
2. break  Adj, Adj (opposite) .................................
3. compose  N, N (peroson) ................................./ .................................
4. exhibit  N .................................
5. free  N .................................
6. hand  Adj, V ................................./ .................................
7. imagine  N, Adj ................................./ .................................
8. intelligent  N .................................
9. perfect  N, Adj (opposite) ................................./ .................................
10. prepare  N .................................

197 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

4. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentences. Write the correct word.
1. These jeans are too ancient. Do you have a smaller size ? .............................
2. I don’t like your smooth dress. It makes you look like a zebra! .............................
3. It’s good to have rough skills, like being able to make your own clothes. .............................
4. Ouch ! These shoes are far too checked. Have you got any in a bigger size? .............................
5. Wear that suitable shirt, the one with the red and white squares. .............................
6. The woman asked the assistant if they had any jackets loose for a one- .............................
year-old girl.
7. This woollen jumper is really striped. I don’t like wearing it because it .............................
makes me itch!
8. The practical Egyptians almost always wore white clothes. .............................
9. Feel this material. It’s so soft and tight. I bet it’s really expensive. ...............................

5. Circle the correct word.

1. They’ve got some fantastic paintings in the local art gallery / style.
2. Amy asked me if I had seen her silk / shape blouse.
3. We pay someone to maintain / notice the block of flats we live in.
4. The latest fashion in short piles / sleeves with lots of bright colours.
5. The assistant said the T-shirt were made out of cotton / suit.
6. I asked my mum what tools / improvements I needed to fix the car.
7. Oscar bought some material / pattern to make a costume for the fancy-fress party.

6. Write one word in each gap.

Do you think carefully about what you (1) ................................. on each morning when you
get dressed? What do the clothes that you (2) ................................. on say about you? If you
want to make the right impression, try these easy tips.
When you buy clothes, always (3) ................................. them on. Ask a friend’s opinion if
you’re not sure. And check that what you buy is the right size! If it’s a jacket, for example,
make sure that you can (4) ................................. it up properly. And make sure it’s easy to put
on and (5) ................................. off.
Clear out your wardrobe. Take everything out and only put back those things you
actually like. (6) ................................. out all the things you never wear. It will create space for
new clothes and you’ll be able to (7) ................................. it up with things that suit you.
Finally, try making your old clothes more fashionable. You could (8) ................................. the
sleeves off and old shirt or change the colour. Have fun, and always dress to impress !
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 198
7. In each sentence there is a word missing. Put an arrow () to show where the
missing word should go and write the word.

1. My parents said they wanted to build a plant area at the back our house.
2. Those silver boots are really fashion at the moment!
3. Jan said it would look nice if we put some candles the corner of the room.
4. We need to design a new sign to go in front the shop to attract customer.
5. What’s going to happen at end of your story?
6. Things become fashionable and then go out style very quickly.

8. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
1. She must have a lot of .................................... to think of ideas like that. IMAGINE
2. I love the way they’ve designed this cup without a ................................... . HAND
3. Kevin said he loved classical music and his favorite .................................... COMPOSE
was Mozart.
4. When you look at his notebooks, you can see that Leonardo Da Vinci INTELLIGENT
was really .................................... .
5. Todd is really .................................... . He loves painting, playing music and ART
writing poetry.
6. Would it be safer if all houses had windows made out of BREAK
.................................... glass?
7. It took a lot of ............................. to get the show right, but it was worth it. PREPARE
8. Mum asked if I wanted to go to the Dali ...................................... and I said EXHIBIT
9. You might create something that’s wonderful, but remember that it’s PERFECT
impossible to achieve ................................... .
10. Our art teacher gives us a lot of ............................ to paint what we want. FREE

9. Circle the correct word.

1. Tina is only two, so I was amazed by / with the picture she drew.
2. Picasso has been a huge influence in / on me as a painter.
3. Writing poetry is similar to / with writing a song in some ways.
4. Look at this wonderful still life - it’s a picture from / of fruit in a bowl.
5. I like Stephen King’s books, but I was a bit disappointed from / with his last one
6. There’s a lot involved in / on writing a symphony. It takes a lot of hard work.
7. Derek asked if I was familiar on / with an artist called Titian and I said yes.

199 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

10. Complete using a form of the verbs from the box. Add any other words you need.
change describe explain remind remove

1. We need to ................................... the old wallpaper ................................... the walls before we put
the new one up.
2. Could you ................................... how you make concrete ................................... me?
3. I would ................................... this style of painting ................................... quite modern.
4. This piece of music always ................................... me ................................. long summer evenings.
5. My drawing of a house went a bit wrong so I ........................... it ........................... a camel!

11. Write one word in each gap.

Dear Gemma,
Hi! How are you? I finally persuaded my mum to take me shopping yesterday. It was great!
I tried (1) ........................... lots of clothes and I was amazed (2) ............................ the choice in all
the shops. It reminded me (3) ................................ the time we went shopping when you came
to stay. We had a lot of fun, didn’t we?
Anyway, I found one of those jackets that are (4) ................................ fashion at the moment -
but I couldn’t do it (5) ................................ ! I need a bigger size, but they didn’t have any. Oh,
well. Maybe I’ll have another look (6) ................................ the end of this week. I bought some
shoes, though - they’re similar (7) ................................ the ones you’ve got, the pink ones. I
have them (8) ................................ at the moment and they look great!
Oh, and you know that old blouse I had? Well, I’ve change it (9) ................................ a T-shirt! I
cut the sleeves (10) ................................ and now it’ll be perfect for the summer.
I have to go now. Write soon and tell me all your news.
Lots of love,

12. Match to make sentences.

1. She described the picture she was ......... A. in designing buildings.

2. My sister’s an architect, so she’s ......... B. to Martin, but he didn’t
involved understand.
3. I like Picaso’s paintings, but I’m not ......... C. from the exhibition because it
familiar was damaged.
4. I tried to explain how to use oil paints ......... D. from a winter scene into a spring

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 200

5. They had to remove one of the paintings ......... E. of a horse and it was brilliant.
6. Vincent Van Gogh has had an influence ......... F. on many other painters.
7. Darren drew a picture ......... G. as modern, but it looked quite
old-fashioned to me.
8. Adding flowers to my picture changed it ......... H. with his sculptures.

13. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. “I want to learn how to paint,” Janet said. said

Janet .................................................................................. to learn how to paint.
2. “We’re building a house outside town,” said Mrs Turner. they
Mrs Turner .................................................................................. a house outside town.
3. “We’re working on our website tomorrow,” Keith said. day
Kaithe said they were working on their website .............................................................................. .
4. “Will you draw me a picture?” Jenny asked. draw
Jenny asked .................................................................................. a picture.

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. Just put the statue ...................... the corner of the room for now.
A. on B. in C. at D. over
2. Do these shoes .......................... m new skirt?
A. suit B. go C. match D. look
3. Don’t get that colour - green went out ........................... fashion last year!
A. from B. of C. with D. on
4. This shirt is too ..................... around the neck. I can’t breathe!
A. tight B. smooth C. rough D. practical
5. The gallery was too big to see it all in one day, so we ................... out the modern paintings.
A. put B. left C. went D. made
6. Why don’t you ...................... your clothes in half before you put them in the drawer?
A. fix B. stretch C. create D. fold
7. My new shirt has a ............................ like a Chinese dragon on the back.
A. tear B. pile C. design D. cotton
8. I filled the bucket ............................. with water.
A. out B. on C. in D. up

201 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

26 Causative

1. Complete each second sentence using the correct form of have so that is has a similar
meaning to the first sentence.

1. Let’s arrange for someone to knock that wall down.

Let’s .................................................................................that wall knocked down.
2. We paid someone to deliver the furniture.
We ............................................................................... the furniture delivered.

3. I’m going to pay someone to paint this wall.

I’m ............................................................................... this wall painted.
4. Has anyone printed the invitations for you yet ?

..............................................................you..........................................the invitations printed yet ?

5. You should arrange for someone to fix your mobile.
You should ...............................................................................your mobile fixed.

6. When did you dye your hair ?

When .................................................you .............................................your hair dyed ?
7. A vet is looking at Lucy at the moment.
They ............................................................................... Lucy looked at by a vet at the moment.

8. I haven’t taken my suit to the dry - cleaner’s yet.

I .............................................................................. suit dry - cleaned yet .

2. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box

clean cut deliver paint repair sign

1. I have my teeth .......................................................... by a dentist every six months.

2. My mum has just had her hair .......................................... by a hairdresser in the town centre.

3. The car broke down, so we had it .......................................................... by a mechanic.

4. Let’s get a pizza .......................................................... before the film starts.
5. Did you get your book .......................................................... by the author?

6. Garry is going to have his face .......................................................... blue for the party !
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 202
4. If the phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (v). if it is wrong, write the correct phrase.
1. Mandy is having cut her hair at the moment. ........................................
2. I might have the house redecorated next summer ........................................
3. Our dog loves having his back scratching ........................................
4. The receptionists had the suitcases brought up to the room ........................................
5. We’re not going to have costumes make for the play. ........................................
6. How often do you have checked your teeth ? ........................................
7. You don’t like having your photo taken, do you ? .........................................

5. Circle the correct word or phrase.

Mr. Lazylion had a problem. The animals were refusing to help him. Mr. Lazylion had
had things (1) doing/done for him (2) by/with the other animals for so long that he
didn’t know what to do. He (3) hadn’t had/hadn’t his meals prepared for him for two
days now, and he was starting to get hungry. So, he had some Chinese food (4)
delivering/delivered - all the way from China. That filled him up, but it’s not easy to (5)
get/be food delivered in the jungle. He couldn’t do that every day. What was he going to
do? He left very sad. He really wanted to have (6) brushed his hair/his hair brushed by
Ellie and his feet (7) tickling/tickled by Marty, but they just said “ No”. There was only
one solution, and Mr. Lazylion didn’t like it at all. He would have to start doing things for

6. Why did you do these things? Answer using “ have something done”. Use one of these

clean cut repair service

1. Why did you take your car to the garage? To have it serviced
2. Why did you take your jacket to the cleaner’s ? To ...................................................................
3. Why did you take your jacket to the cleaner’s? ............................................................................
4. Why did you go to the hairdresser ?...................................................................................................

7. Write sentences in the way shown.

1. Jill didn’t repair the roof her self. She had it repaired.

2. I didn’t cut my hair my self. I .................................................................................................................

3. They didn’t paint the house themselves. They ...............................................................................
4. Sue didn’t make the curtains herself. ..................................................................................................
203 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
8. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. use the structure “ have
something done” .

1. We are having the house painted (the house / paint) at the moment.
2. I lost my key. I’ll have to ............................................................................... (another key /make).
3. When was the last time you ............................................................................... (your hair / cut) ?
4. You look different. ............................................................................... (you / your hair / cut) ?
5. ................................................................................. (you / a newspaper / deliver) to your house or do
you go to the shop to buy one?
6. A: What are those workmen doing in your garden?
B: Oh, we ............................................................................... (a swimming pool/ build).
7. A: Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday?
B: I’m afraid I ............................................................................... (not / the film / develop) yet.
8. This coat is dirty. I must ............................................................................... (it / clean).
9. If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you .........................................................................................
(your ears / pierce) ?

9. Now you have to use “ have something done” with its second meaning.
1. George’s nose was broken in a fight.
What happened to George ? He had his nose broken in a fight.
2. Sarah’s bag was stolen on a train.
What happened to Sarah? ...............................................................................
3. Fred’s hat was blown off in the wind.
What happened to Fred? ...............................................................................
4. Diane’s passport was taken away from her by the police.
What happened to Diane ? ...............................................................................

10. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences

1. I got my hair ............ yesterday. a. to do b. done c. do

2. The teacher made us ............ our essays. a. rewrite b. rewritten
3. I had my sister ............ my room. a. clean b. to clean
4. Where can I get my jacket ............ ? a. dry clean b. dry cleaned
5. You should have your walls ............ . a. paint b. painted
6. I got my father ............ me an iPod. a. buy b. to buy
7. You should have your tooth ............ . a. extracted b. to extract
8. I got my brother ............ my bike. a. washed b. to wash

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 204

9. My friend had his wallet ........... in Central Park. a. to steal b. stolen c. steal
10. Nobody can make me ............ you. a. believe b. believed
11. You should have your car ............ soon. a. serviced b. to service
12. You should get your laundry ............ tomorrow. a. to do b. done
13. I had my article ............ . a. revised b. to revise
14. My teacher made me ............. extra homework. a. to do b. done c. do
15. Let me ............ ! a. to go b. go

11. Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

1. Sally made me .......... my shoes before I went into her house. She said she wanted to
keep the carpet clean.
a. take off b. to take off
2. I see that you have no time to clean the house on your own so you had better get
somebody .......... it for you.
a. done b. to do
3. What you should do before an emergency occurs is to get your fire alarm .......... that will
also make you feel safer.
a. to fix b. fixed
4. She had to have her phone number .......... because she was receiving obscene calls from
a stranger.
a. change b. changed
5. Her dress was too long, so she had it .......... .
a. shorten b. shortened
6. You'd better have a plumber .......... the leak in the bathroom.
a. repair b. repaired
7. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones .......... .
a. repair b. repaired
8. I got everyone in the family .......... Mary's birthday card before I sent it to her.
a. sign b. to sign
9. I didn't have any time so I had my sister .......... my paper last night.
a. type b. to type
10. The teacher got the students .......... the first quatrain of the poem to make it easy to
a. write b. to write
11. Regular repetition makes one .......... new words easily.

205 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

a. learn b. to learn

12. Complete the sentences and make clear that the people don't / didn't do it
themselves. (The first sentence is given as an example.)

1. Yesterday, (I / cut / my hair) → Yesterday, I had my hair cut.

2. Every Friday, (Joe / wash / his car)
3. Tomorrow, (she / repair / her shower)
4. Each Saturday, (we / deliver / a pizza)
......................................................................................................................................................... to our home.
5. Last year, (Bob / clean / his house)
.............................................................................................................................................. by a charwoman.
6. As Phil had a broken arm, (he / type / his texts)
............................................................................................................................................ by his secretary.
7. (I / pick up / the goods)
....................................................................................................................... tomorrow in the afternoon.
8. (we / redecorate / our walls)
.............................................................................................................................................last summer.
9. Whenever Clara is staying at this hotel, (she / carry / her bags)
..................................................................................................................................................... into her room.
10. (we / organise / our last party)
................................................................................................................................................ by professionals.

13. Fill in the blanks to complete each ACTIVE CAUSATIVE FORM sentence.
Example: Jim sent the letter. → I had Jim send the letter.
1. Tina washed the dishes.
I had Tina ............................................................................................................. the dishes.
2. Robert told us what happened.
I had Robert ......................................................................................................... us what happened.
3. Paula sat next to George.
I had Paula ........................................................................................................... next to George.
4. My mother prepared the appetizers.
I had my mom ....................................................................................................... the appetizers.
5. My brother brought the chairs from the living room.
I had my brother .............................................................................. the chairs from the living room.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 206

6. Steve bought some more soft drinks.
I had Steve ........................................................................................... some more soft drinks.
7. Kathy closed the window.
I had Kathy ................................................................................................ the window.
8. My sister gave everyone a piece of cake.
I had my sister .............................................................................................. everyone a piece of cake.
9. Peter asked Steve about his new house.
I had Peter ........................................................................................... Steve about his new house.
10. Frank drove everyone home.
I had Frank ............................................................................................ everyone home.

14. Fill the gaps with have and the verb in brackets in their correct forms.
1. We ......................... the roof ......................... last year. It cost us a packet. (repair)
2. Anne ......................... her hair ......................... every Friday afternoon. (do)
3. I ......................... the brakes ......................... three times a year. (check)
4. The government ............................... the whole town ................................. yesterday. (evacuate)
5. I ......................... my hard drive ......................... for a bigger one last week.(change)
6. When did you last ......................... the air conditioning ......................... ? (service)
7. You don't think Liv Tyler's beautiful?! You should ....................... your eyes ..................... (test)
8. After the plague of fleas, the boss ......................... the office ......................... (disinfect)
9. Your cat's coughing. You need to ......................... him ......................... for parasites. (treat)
10. Daphne ......................... her legs ......................... once a fortnight. (do)
11. I normally ......................... my suit dry ......................... before a wedding. (clean)
12. The headmaster ......................... all the lockers ......................... for the missing footballs
yesterday. (search)
13. Have you ......................... your house ......................... ? (double-glaze)
14. Have you ......................... that poster I bought you ......................... yet? (frame)
15. The house is in chaos. We're ......................... a new kitchen ......................... in. (put)

15. Rewrite these sentences using have or get.

1. The mechanic changed the oil in my car.
2. The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style.
3. A decorator has repainted our house.

207 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

4. A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next week .
5. My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s.
6. The town hall has just been rebuilt for the council.

16. Match a word from 1-8 with something that is done by that person or in that place.
Then make sentences using all the information and the verb in brackets.
You may have to change the words or add new ones. An example is given.

1. hairdresser´s • vaccinate dogs (have)

2. optician´s • do annual accounts (have)
3. dentist´s • service cars (get)
4. doctor´s • test eyes (have)
5. vet´s • design new houses (have)
6. garage • cut hair (get)
7. architect • take out teeth (have)
8. accountant • take blood pressure (get )
1. Tomorrow I´m going to the hairdresser´s to get my hair cut.
2. Yesterday …....................................................................................................................
3. This afternoon …..........................................................................................................
4. Last week …....................................................................................................................
5. Next Saturday …............................................................................................................
6. The day before yesterday ........................................................................................
7. Last year …......................................................................................................................
8. Next week ....................................................................................................................…

17. Change these examples into the structure ‘have + object + past participle’ or ‘get +
object + past participle’.

For example: I cleaned my kitchen (have) → I had my kitchen cleaned.

1. I washed my car. (have) ...............................................................................................
2. I cut my hair. (get) ...............................................................................................
3. I typed the documents. (have) ...............................................................................................
4. I fixed my washing machine. (get) ...............................................................................................
5. I cut my grass. (have) ...............................................................................................
6. I painted my bedroom. (get) ...............................................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 208

7. I repaired my fridge. (have) ...............................................................................................
8. I tidied my garden. (get) ...............................................................................................
9. I edited the article. (have) ...............................................................................................
10. I cleaned the carpets. (get) ...............................................................................................
11. I printed the photo. (have) ...............................................................................................
12. I checked my teeth. (get) ...............................................................................................
13. I cleaned the windows. (have) ...............................................................................................
14. I made the necklace. (get) ...............................................................................................
15. I delivered the furniture. (have) ...............................................................................................
16. I repaired the roof. (get) ...............................................................................................
17. I wrote the report. (have) ...............................................................................................
18. I dyed my hair. (get) ...............................................................................................
19. I sent the money. (have) ...............................................................................................
20. I built the shed. (get) ...............................................................................................

18. Replace the phrase underlined with the structure have something done.
1. I didn’t recognize Sheila. The hairdresser’s dyed her hair.
2. I’ve been getting a lot of annoying phone calls, so the telephone company is going to
change my number.
3. Gabrielle broke her leg six weeks ago but she’s much better now. In fact the doctors
will be taking the plaster off tomorrow.
4. Since Ron made a lot of money, he’s not content with this little cottage, so an architect’s
designed him a fine new house.
5. This room gets too hot when the sun shines so I’m getting someone to fit blinds on the
6. I heard that Mrs. Green didn’t trust her husband so she hired a detective to follow him.
7. We don’t really know what Shakespeare looked like. I wish he had asked someone to
paint his portrait before he died.
8. My sister had always been self-conscious about her nose so she decided to go to a clinic

209 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

for an operation which will straighten it.

19. Read the situations and make sentences using a causative structure.
1. There was a bank robbery at the bank this morning.
The robbers / make / the staff /lie / floor.
2. It was the first time she asked her mother to comb her hair
She / never / have / hair / comb / before.
3. Sam’s parents always tell him to clean his boots.
He / always / make / clean /shoes.
4. I couldn’t repair my car by myself and I needed it last week.
I / have to / get /mechanic / repair / it.
5. The cruel teachers don’t allow the students to drink or take drugs.
The cruel teachers / not let / the students / drink or take drugs.
6. The old man is going to receive a letter that looks like a letter-bomb and he doesn’t
want to open it.
The old husband / get / the letter-bomb / open.
20. Choose the correct answer.
1. She ......... that he wouldn't tell anyone.
a. made him promise b. made him promised c. promised to make
2. Does your tooth still hurt? Yes, I have to get a dentist ......... soon.
a. look at it b. to look at it c. to get it looked at
3. I ......... a couple of days ago.
a. had my bike to be fixed b. had my bike fixed c. had my bike fixed
4. I will not ......... with this!
a. allow you get away b. let you get away c. to let you get away
5. Don't ......... these things about you!
a. let him say b. let him to say c. let him said
6. The movie ......... sad.
a. made to feel b. made him feel c. made him to feel
7. I ......... from my other address.
a. get my mail forward b. get my mail to forward c. get my mail forwarded
8. Have your assistant ......... these letters immediately!
a. to send b. send c. to be sent
9. He ......... yesterday.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 210

a. had his hair cut b. had his hair to be cut c. had hair to be cut
10. The professor ......... early.

27 Problems and solutions

a. to let the students leave b. let the student leave c. let the student to leave

1. Sort out by noun, verb, adjective the following words

accident encourage purpose
assume get rid of refuse
cause gossip result
claim ideal rumour
complain insult sensible
convince investigate serious
criticise negative spare
deny positive theory
discussion praise thought
doubt pretend warn

Noun Verb/ Verb phrase Adjective

211 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. Fill the missing words into the blank
1. hang ...............: put clothes in a wardrobe, etc
2. pick ...............: lift something from the floor, a table, etc
3. put ...............: return something to where it was
4. run ............... (...............): not have any left
5. share ...............: give a part of sth to a group of people
6. sort ...............: solve a problem
7. watch ...............: be careful
8. work ...............: find the solution to a problem, etc
9. ............... accident/ mistake
10. ............... a mess
11. ............... danger (...............)
12. ............... my view
13. ............... trouble
14. ............... pressure
15. sure .............../ ...............
16. advise ...............
17. agree (............... sb) ...............
18. approve ...............
19. believe ...............
20. deal ...............
21. happen ...............
22. hide sth ............... sb
23. insist ...............
24. rely ...............
25. an advantage ...............
26. a solution ...............

3. Supply the correct form of the word

1. advice  V, N (person) ................................./ .................................
2. confuse  Adj, N ................................./ .................................
3. except  N .................................
4. help  Adj, Adj (opposite), N ................................/ .................................
5. luck  Adj, Adv ................................/ .................................
6. prefer  N, Adj ................................./ .................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 212

7. recommend  N .................................
8. refuse  N .................................
9. solve  N .................................
10. suggest  N .................................

4. Match the statements with the verbs in the box.

complain criticise deny encourage gossip insult praise refuse warn

1. ‘I didn’t take your jacket!’ …………………………………………

2. ‘Well done! You did that really well.’ …………………………………………
3. ‘No, I’m not going to help you clean your room.’ …………………………………………
4. ‘Be careful or you’ll cut yourself.’ …………………………………………
5. ‘Mum, that’s not fair!’ …………………………………………
6. ‘I thought his singing was awful!’ …………………………………………
7. ‘Did you hear what Becca told Lizzy about Robert?’ …………………………………………
8. ‘Go on! You can do it! I know you can!’ …………………………………………
9. ‘You stupid lazy idiot!’ …………………………………………

5. Circle the correct word.

1. Don’t pretend / claim to be asleep. I know you’re awake really!
2. I’ve been trying to doubt / convince Kathy that Jacob isn’t a liar, but she doesn’t believe
3. Police are investigating the cause/ purpose of the accident.
4. I’ve just had a thought / theory. Why don’t we have the party at your place?
5. There’s a discussion / rumour going round the school that Mrs Tibbs is leaving at the end
of term. I wonder if it’s true.
6. I’m going to get/ become rid of these shoes. They’re really old.
7. The result / accident of the experiment wasn’t what I’d expected at all.
8. The detective assumed / investigated that the burglar had got in through an open

6. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1. I think we should all go in the same car and save petrol. That’s the most ………………………
idea. B L E S S I N E

213 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. Angie has got a ……………………… problem with her motorbike. It’s going to take at least a
week to fix. R E S S I U O
3. I think this is the ……………………… place to camp - it’s dry and flat and has a stream to get
water form. L A D E I
4. Don’t be so ……………………… ! I’m sure everything will be fine. G E N T A V I E
5. I had the ……………………… tyre on the car pumped up at the garage. R A S P E
6. Your teachers all said lots of ……………………… things about you. Well done! S E P T I O I V

7. Write one word in each gap.

1. If Mum and Dad find out, you’ll be ………………………………… big trouble!
2. I bought the wrong CD ………………………………… mistake.
3. ………………………………… my view, nobody has really seen a ghost.
4. Sue is ………………………………… quite a lot of pressure at work at the moment.
5. You’re ………………………………… danger of making a terrible mistake!
6. Your room is ………………………………… a terrible mess. Go and tidy it at once!

8. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gaps.

Do you get (1) …………………………….. (CONFUSE) about what to buy when you go clothes
shopping? Do you feel (2) …………………………….. (HELP) when you have to choose between two
pairs of jeans? Are you fed up with rude and (3) …………………………….. (HELP) sales assistants?
Has the (4) …………………………….. (REFUSE) of your credit card caused you embarrassment?
Everyone, without (5) …………………………….. (EXCEPT), finds shopping stressful at times.

But you don’t need to worry anymore! (6) …………………………….. (LUCK), now there’s a (7)
…………………………….. (SOLVE). You can have your own personal shopper. Personal shoppers
work in several different ways. If you want someone to come shopping with you, they’ll do
that. They’ll (8) …………………………….. (ADVICE) you about the best bargains and make (9)
…………………………….. (SUGGEST) and (10) …………………………….. (RECOMMEND) about what to
buy. However, many people who have personal shoppers find it (11) ……………………………..
(PREFER) not to go to the shops at all. They let their personal shopper do all the shopping for
them. They trust their personal shopper to know their (12) …………………………….. (PREFER)
and to make the right decisions.

9. Match to make sentences.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 214

1. Jim doesn’t believe …………………… A. about that at all.
2. I completely agree …………………… B. on Craig.
3. I’m not sure …………………… C. in ghosts.
4. Dominic doesn’t approve …………………… D. to Tara.
5. I’ve got no idea what happened …………………… E. of people smoking.
6. You can always rely …………………… F. with you.

10. Write one word in each gap.

1. What’s the best way to deal ……… a disobedient child?
A. for B. with C. about
2. I’d definitely advise ……… getting a snake for a pet.
A. against B. from C. without
3. I don’t know what the solution ……… this problem it.
A. about B. for C. to
4. Our teacher insists ……… us waiting in silence outside the class before the lesson.
A. for B. on C. about
5. The advantage ……… having brothers and sisters is that you get more birthday presents!
A. of B. from C. for
6. You can’t hide the truth ……… me!
A. across B. against C. from

11. Circle the correct word.

complain convince criticise deny doubt praise refuse warn

1. It took a long time to ……………………… Lee that poetry isn’t boring.

2. My dad has just ……………………… to increase my pocket money again. It’s not fair!
3. Stop ……………………… about how much work you have and just get on with it!
4. I ……………………… it’ll be warm enough to go to the beach tomorrow.
5. We all ……………………… you not to trust Jerry, but you didn’t listen!
6. Paul Fletcher, do you ……………………… stealing €1,000 from Leicester Stores on 24th
7. You should always ……………………… a puppy when it does something good.
8. I wish Alex wouldn’t ……………………… me all the time. It makes me feel useless.

215 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

12. Write one word in each gap.
1. ……………………… my view, every problem has a solution.
2. Your room is ……………………… terrible mess! Tidy it up!
3. My mum is ……………………… a lot of pressure at work at the moment.
4. Oh no! Are you ……………………… trouble with the police again?
5. We weren’t ……………………… any real danger, I promise!
6. I got on the wrong train ……………………… mistake!

13. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. Let’s throw these old clothes away. rid

Let’s ……………………………… these old clothes.
2. I don’t think people should drive fast through the town centre. approve
I don’t ……………………………… fast through the town centre.
3. Do you think that ghosts exist? believe
Do you ……………………………… ghosts?
4. You should solve that problem as quickly as you can. sort
You should ……………………………… as quickly as you can.
5. I’m afraid we haven’t got any sandwiches left. run
I’m afraid ……………………………… sandwiches.
6. How should teachers handle badly-behaved students? deal
How should teachers ……………………………… badly-behaved students?
7. If you’re not careful, you’ll fall! watch
If you ………………………………, you ‘ll fall!
8. I wouldn’t buy that computer if I were you. advise
I would ……………………………… that computer.
9. I can’t understand why Jake would have said that. work
I can’t ……………………………… why Jake would have said that.
10. You can always trust Souli. rely
You can always ……………………………… Souli.

14. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.
Do you know what job or career you want to do when you leave school?

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 216

Maybe you know exactly what you want to do. If so, you’re (1) LUCK
…………………..........…... ! For most teenagers, thinking about future jobs can
lead to (2) …………………..........…... . That’s what careers (3) CONFUSE
…………………..........…... are for. They’re people who ask you questions about ADVICE
your 4) …………………..........…... and help you with your choices. They can PREFER
make (5) …………………..........…... about jobs which might suit you, and can SUGGEST
also make (6) …………………..........…... about where to find more information. RECOMMEND
They’re not there to tell you what what to do, they’re just there to be (7)
…………………..........…... . Choosing the right career can be a problem, but you HELP
don’t need to search for the (8) …………………..........…... on your own! SOLVE

Practice Test 1
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. When you get to your ........................ , you have to show your ticket to leave the station.
A. destination B. harbor C. souvenir D. passport
2. Brazil ........................ coffee all over the world.
A. invests B. demands C. exports D. affords
3. How do you ........................ “csar”?
A. interrupt B. swear C. guess D. pronounce
4. Dogs make very ........................ pets. They’ll always stay by your side.
A. mental B. private C. loyal D. digital
5. Let’s go for a swim as soon as we ........................ the hotel!
A. arrive B. get C. reach D. meet
6. You have to ........................ or you won’t understand the explanation.
A. concentrate B. contact C. consider D. involve
7. There’s a train coming. Don’t stand at the edge of the ........................ .
A. property B. link C. platform D. resort
8. I ........................ a lot of money on my credit cards and I don’t know if I can pay it back.
A. own B. obtain C. cost D. owe

2. Write one word in each gap.

Sometimes, scientists know what they (1) ....................................... looking for and they
find it. At other times, things (2) ....................................... discovered by accident. Two

217 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

famous examples of this are gravity and penicillin.
Isaac Newton, (3) ....................................... first used maths to describe gravity, was
sitting (4) ................................... his garden when he saw (5) ..................................... apple fall -
some say it fell on his head! This made him think about why, and he realizes he (6)
....................................... explain it using maths.
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, (7) ....................................... was the first
antibiotic. It completely changed medicine. He was working (8) ....................................... his
laboratory when he saw that something (9) ....................................... started growing on one
of his experiments. He analysed it and realized that it (10) ....................................... be very
useful in fighting disease. Sometimes luck can be a big help!

3. Complete each sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. My computer doesn’t work, so I can’t e-mail you. wrong

There’s ...................................................................... my computer, so I can’t e-mail you.
2. When we started our journey towards the mountains, the sun was shining. off
When we ...................................................................... towards the mountains, the sun was shining.
3. Did you mention the plans for this weekend to Matt? talk
Did you ...................................................................... the plans for this weekend?
4. I think we should build a new theatre in town. favour
I’m ...................................................................... building a new theatre in town.
5. You lost Jill’s camera and I think you should say sorry. apologise
I think you should ...................................................................... losing her camera.
6. Have you ever participated in a swimming race? part
Have you ever ...................................................................... in a swimming race?
7. Remove any mistakes you make using a rubber. rub
If you make any mistakes, ...................................................................... with a rubber.
8. Please play your electric guitar more quietly! down
Please ...................................................................... your electric guitar!
9. How long has Alice been Tony’s girlfriend? out
How long has Alice been ...................................................................... Tony?
10. When was the last time you heard from Nigel? contact
When was the last time you were ...................................................................... Nigel?

4. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 218

None of us find writing easy. When you can’t see the person who you’re
talking to, (1) ......................................... is much more difficult. You have to be COMMUNICATE
(2) ...................................... to communicate your message clearly, but how do CARE
you do that? The first thing you must think about is who you’re writing
to. Then you can make a (3) ............................................ about how formal it DECIDE
should be. A letter to a friend is more like (4) ..................................... English, SPEAK
so your (5) ..................................... should be in your writing, while a letter to PERSON
a hotel manager is formal. You also need to think about what kind of
thing you’re writing. The language in a story, for example, should be
(6)....................................... , but the language in a report on an article should
be much more (7) ........................................ . When you’re writing a formal EXPRESS
essay giving your opinion, make sure the (8) ..................................... gives a INFORM
general idea of the subject. Later, in the (9) ..................................... , you INTRODUCE
should summarise your opinion. Each time you write, you have to make CONCLUDE
(10) ..................................... about what you’re going to do. If you do that
right, then there’s nothing to stop you becoming a good writer! CHOOSE

5. Write one word in each gap.

1. Why don’t you borrow a pencil ............................................ someone else?

2. I don’t think I can cope ............................................ studying and having a job at the same time.
3. I finally succeeded ............................................ jumping over the box on my skateboard.
4. My uncle asked me to help him translate a menu ............................................ English.
5. Ed glanced ............................................ the message on his mobile phone and then carried on
6. Did you know that our head teacher is married ............................................ an actress? I had no
7. This area is famous ........................................... its cheese and its bread.
8. I don’t know very much ............................................ cooking, but I can make an omelette!
9. I’ve always been interested .......................................... insects and spiders. I don’t now why!
10. Jessie seemed to be getting a bit bored ............................................ the game, so I suggested
watching TV.

6. Match to make sentences.

1. I think I’m going to take ......... A. off, I held my dad’s hand tightly.

219 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. As our plane took ......... B. after my younger sister when she was small.
3. Mr and Mrs. Davies have split ......... C. out where the concert is going to happen.
4. I hope we manage to find ......... D. off the TV and find something else to do.
5. I often had to look ......... E. up me and my brother because my parents
6. You should turn ......... F. up a musical instrument, maybe the violin.
7. I’ve fallen ......... G. out with Kelly because she hurt my feelings.
8. My grandmother brought ......... H. up after more than twenty years together.

7. One word in each sentence is in the wrong form. Write the correct form.
1. It’s true! Don’t call me a lie. ....................................
2. I need a new chair for my bedroom - this one is so comfort! ....................................
3. After not speaking to her for a week, I finally forgive Gemma for ....................................
not inviting me.
4. It’s important to get a good educate if you want a good job. ....................................
5. The book is € 2 for deliver. ....................................
6. Losing your keys while playing football was really care! ....................................
7. I would love to be a music, but I don’t play any instruments. ....................................
8. Mum can speak four languages and she works as a translate. ....................................
9. I spent my child on a farm, so I know a lot about animals. ....................................
10. Do we have to memory all these words? ....................................

8. Complete using the words in the box.

change common foot fun heart instance purpose schedule

1. Did you break the window on .................................... or was it an accident?

2. The weather was really bad, but our boat still left on .................................... .
3. Our car broke down, so we had to go the rest of the way on .................................... .
4. I loved the poem so much that I learnt it by .................................... .
5. I knew I had a lot in .................................... with Yiota the first time I met her.
6. We use lasers in all kinds of things these days - DVD players, for .................................... .
7. I sing for .................................... . - I don’t want to do it as a job.
8. I hadn’t planned to meet Wendy in London. It happened completely by ................................. .

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 220

9. Write one word in each gap.
1. Did you break the window on .................................... or was it an accident?
2. The weather was really bad, but our boat still left on .................................... .
3. Our car broke down, so we had to go the rest of the way on .................................... .
4. I loved the poem so much that I learnt it by .................................... .
5. I knew I had a lot in .................................... with Yiota the first time I met her.
6. We use lasers in all kinds of things these days - DVD players, for .................................... .
7. I sing for .................................... . - I don’t want to do it as a job.
8. I hadn’t planned to meet Wendy in London. It happened completely by ................................. .

10. Choose the correct answer.

1. “What ........................ when you saw the man?” The police officer asked.
A. have you done B. were you doing C. are you doing D. do you do
2. Thomas Edison, .................... was American, invented many things, including the light bulb.
A. which B. who C. that D. what
3. I hope we’re staying ........................ a good hotel this time!
A. at B. to C. with D. on
4. I know London quite well because I ........................ there.
A. used live B. used to C. was used to live D. used to live
5. My bike ........................ ! Call the police!
A. was being stolen B. has been stolen C. stole D. was stealing
6. I’m tired because I ........................ since eight this morning.
A. have been working B. work C. am working D. had worked
7. Do you think I could have ........................ water, please?
A. a few B. much C. few D. a little
8. Is that Paul? He must ........................ from Australia.
A. return B. had returned C. have returned D. returning

221 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Practice Test 2
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I’m not old enough to ...................... in this election.
A. commit B. protect C. vote D. admit
2. Is it really your ...................... to be a professional footballer?
A. application B. profession C. ambition D. contract
3. What we eat ...................... how much energy we have during the day.
A. balances B. contains C. benefits D. affects
4. These jeans are too ...................... . I think I need a bigger pair.
A. tight B. loose C. rough D. smooth
5. Britain’s ...................... is fairy mild - it’s never very hot or very cold.
A. forecast B. climate C. environment D. heatwave
6. I fell over in front of every one at lunch. It was so ...................... !
A. embarrassing B. naughty C. romantic D. depressed
7. I asked Jim to help me with the project, but he ...................... .
A. doubted B. denied C. refused D. warned
8. Jeanne, ...................... us that joke about the guy who knocks on the door.
A. say B. speak C. make D. tell

2. Write one word in each gap.


Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 222

Although I hate (1) ................................... in prison, I know it’s my own fault. If I hadn’t
committed several burglaries, I wouldn’t (2) ................................... been sent here to prison. I
really (3) ................................... I hadn’t done the things I did. But you can’t change the past, (4)
................................... you? So I’m here.
My cell is tiny - it’s not much bigger (5) ............................ a cupboard! It’s (6) ................................
small that I can touch the door and the window at the same time! I share it with one other
prisoner, called Dave. Both (7) ................................... never commit another crime, That’s for
sure! It’ll be (8) ................................... a great feeling to be free again!

3. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1. Henry was three when he first performed in public. age

Henry first performed in public .................................................................. three.
2. Why don’t you start a youth club? set
You should .................................................................. a youth club.
3. How long did it take you to recover from your illness? over
How long did it take you to .................................................................. your illness?
4. Are you helping to organise the celebrations? involved
Are you .................................................................. the celebrations?
5. We don’t have enough time. short
We .................................................................. time.
6. She carried on playing despite her injury. spite
She carried on playing .................................................................. her injury.
7. They haven’t got any bread at the supermarket. run
They .................................................................. bread at the supermarket.
8. It’s illegal to take a gun onto a plane in most countries. against
Taking a gun onto a plane .................................................................. in most countries.
9. We had to cancel the meeting because Paul was ill. called
The meeting had to .................................................................. because Paul was ill.
10. Spiders don’t frighten me! afraid
I .................................................................. spiders!

4. Use the word given capitals at the end of each line to form a form a word that fits in
the gap in the same line.
Were you (1) ........................................... enough to be invited to the opening of LUCK
223 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
the Winchester Art Gallery last Thursday evening? I was, and therefore
had the pleasure of seeing the new (2) ........................................... of Daniella EXHIBIT
Warner’s paintings. Daniella Warner is not (3) ........................................... - yet - FAME
but she’s clearly an (4) ........................................... who has a very bright future. ART
All Daniella Warner’s paintings - without (5) ........................................... - are EXCEPT
(6) ................................................. . She very often paints areas of outstanding IMAGINE
(7) ........................................... beauty, such as lakes and forests, but she makes NATURE
them (8) ........................................... , lively places. Her paintings often focus on EXCITE
the subjects of (9) ........................................... and peace. It’s certainly not easy FREE
to be a (10) ........................................... artist these days, but if anyone deserves SUCCESS
it, Daniella Warner does. Daniella Warner’s paintings will be on show at
the Winchester Art Gallery until Saturday 25th March.

5. Write one word in each gap.

1. You shouldn’t criticise people ........................................... the way they look.
2. I’m really fed up ........................................... studying all the time!
3. My brother is allergic ........................................... milk.
4. Would you describe her ........................................... a shy person?
5. Nothing is going to prevent me ........................................... coming to the concert!
7. Congratulations ........................................... passing your driving test
8. I don’t approve ........................................... young children wearing earrings.
9. Have you ever been accused ........................................... doing something you didn’t do?
10. This song reminds me ........................................... our holiday last summer.

6. Match to make sentences.

1. What’s going ................. A. up this morning?
2. What time did you get ................. B. off your jacket?
3. When are you going to give me ................. C. out or is it still burning?
4. Has this milk gone ................. D. on here?
5. Why don’t you take ................. E. into the building?
6. Has the fire gone ................. F. back my book?
7. How did the burglars break ................. G. up until the film finishes?
8. Mum, can I stay ................. H. off or is it okay?

7. One word in each sentence is in the wrong form. Write the correct form.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 224

1. I think we’re all in agree about this. .............................
2. Carl is so boss - he’s always telling us what to do. .............................
3. My dad is my favorite compose. .............................
4. Mozart is my favourite compose. .............................
5. Motorbikes cause a lot of noise pollute. .............................
6. Thank you for being so sympathy. .............................
7. He’s one of the funniest comedies I’ve ever seen. .............................
8. Could I make a suggest? .............................
9. That shop assist wasn’t very helpful, was he? .............................
10. That’s a very sense idea. .............................

8. Complete using the words in the box.

diet distance fashion least mistake strike tears touch

1. Do you think I need to go on a ............................. ?

2. John was in ............................. earlier. Do you know why he was crying?
3. Wearing clothes that are in ............................. isn’t very important to me.
4. We could just see Doug a long way ahead in the ............................. .
5. I failed the history test , but at ............................. I passed the geography test.
6. I did the wrong exercise by ............................. .
7. Are you still in ............................. with your friends from your old school?
8. The bus drivers are on ............................. today, so there are no buses.

9. Write one word in each gap.

1. I wonder who’s going to move ............................. next door.
2. We’ll have to put the match ............................. until next Saturday.
3. I’m going to cut ............................. on the amount of coffee I drink.
4. We filled the car ............................. with petrol before leaving.
5. Excuse me, can I try these shoes ............................. , please?
6. I’m going to put that poster ............................. on my bedroom wall.
7. Hang ............................. ! I’m not quite ready yet.
8. Watch ............................. ! There’s a car coming!

10. Choose the correct answer.

225 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

1. I’m going to have a part in the play, ..................... I ?
A. am not B. don’t C. haven’t D. aren’t
2. Sophie ..................... have been ill today because she didn’t come to school.
A. can’t B. should C. must D. would
3. I’m ..................... to go on holiday on my own! I’m nineteen!
A. so old B. such an old C. too old D. old enough
4. My MP3 player is better ..................... yours!
A. from B. to C. than D. that
5. If you ..................... helped me, I would never have finished on time.
A. hadn’t B. haven’t C. don’t D. wouldn’t
6. Carol asked me if you ..................... the film.
A. already see B. had already seen C. already saw D. has already seen
7. I wish you .....................be quite for five minutes!
A. must B. would C. can D. should
8. We were made ..................... up all the mess we’d made.
A. clear B. to clear C. clearing D. cleared

Practice Test 3
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Her parents were very .............. because she was out so late that night.
A. responsible B. sorry C. worried D. overcome
2. After a lot of difficulty, he .............. to open the door.
A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained D. realised
3. I have been looking for this book for months, and .............. I have found it.
A. at last B. in time C. at the end D. at present
4. My employer’s .............. of my work does not matter to me at all.
A. meaning B. belief C. opinion D. expression
5. The purpose of the examination was to .............. the students’ knowledge of the subject.
A. try B. inspect C. prove D. test
6. I’ll have to .............. to you, otherwise he will hear.
A. shout B. say C. whistle D. whisper
7. As soon as the fire bell rang everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building,
.............. gathered in the car park.
A. while B. then C. before D. to
8. There’s .............. to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless.
A. a fear B. no fear C. no need D. any reason

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 226

9. After closing the envelope, the secretary .............. the stamps on firmly.
A. licked B. sucked C. stuck D. struck
10. The teacher .............. them the answer to the question.
A. explained B. told C. said D. discussed
11. The station clock is not as .............. as it should be; it is isually between one and two
minutes fast.
A. strict B. certain C. true D. accurate
12. We flew to the island, then .............. a car for three days and visited most places of
A. lent B. bought C. hired D. charged
13. One .............. of their new house is that it has no garden.
A. pity B. dislike C. complaint D. disadvantage
14. When he spoke over the telephone, his voice was so .............. that I could hardly hear him.
A. faint B. dim C. dull D. unnoticeable
15. They tell me he is .............. a lot of money in his new job.
A. having B. earning C. gaining D. profiting
16. She heated the chocolate until it .............. , then poured it over the cake.
A. formed B. melted C. changed D. flooded
17. He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will .............. someone crossing the
A. crash down B. knock down C. turn over D. run across
18. Hello. Is that 21035? Please put me .............. to the manager.
A. across B. up C. over D. through
19. Although he was completely .............. as a furniture - maker, he produced the most
beautiful chairs.
A. untrained B. unable C. incapable D. uneducated
20. I have never .............. any experience of living in the country.
A. had B. wished C. done D. made
21. Because it rained very heavily all day they had to .............. the garden party until the
following Saturday.
A. pre-arrange B. postpone C. re-arrange D. preserve
22. The child was tol to .............. for being rude to his uncle.
A. excuse B. apologise C. forgive D. confess
23. She walked to the .............. of the swimming pool and jumped in.
A. start B. side C. extent D. border

227 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

24. When we visit the zoo on Sunday afternoon it was very crowded but on a weekday it’s
practically .............. .
A. full B. clear C. empty D. uncrowned
25. You may not have to stay the night but take a toothbrush just in .............. .
A. case B. time C. order D. preparation

2. Choose the correct answer.

There was one thing that I found rather strange on my first day as housekeeper at
Monk’s House. The floors in the were very thin. The bathroom was directly above the
kitchen, and when Mrs. Woolf was having her bath before breakfast, I could hear her
talking to herself. On and on she went, talk, talk, talk, asking questions and giving herself
the answer. I thought there must be two or three people up there with her. When Mr. Woolf
saw that I looked surprised, he told me that Mrs. Woolf always said the sentences out loud
that she had written during the night. She needed to know if they sounded right and the
bath was a good place for trying them out.
I was not allowed to make coffee at Monk’s House - Mr and Mrs Woolf were very
particular about coffee and always made it themselves - so Mr. Woolf came into the kitchen
at eight o’clock every morning to make it. When we carried the breakfast trays to Mrs.
Woolf’s room I noticed that she had always been working during the night. There were
pencils and paper beside her bed do that when she woke up she could work, and
sometimes it seemed as though she had had very little sleep.
Mrs. Woolf’s bedroom was outside the house in the garden; I used to think how
inconvenient it must be to have to go out in the rain to go to bed. Her bedroom had been
added on to the back of the house; the door faced the garden and a window at the side
opened out on to a field. Because the writing-room was small, he had had a larger one built
for her at the end of the garden against the church wall.
I can always remember her coming to the house each day from the writing-room; when I
rang the bell for lunch at one o’clock she used to walk down through the garden smoking
one of her favorite cigarettes in a long holder. She was tall and thin and very graceful. She
had large, deep-set eyes and a wide curving mouth - I think perhaps it was this that made
her face seem particularly beautiful. She wore long skirts - usually blue or brown - in the
fashion of the day, and silk jackets of the same color.
Her cigarettes were made from a special tobacco called My Mixture. Mr. Woolf bought it
for her in London, and, in the evenings, they used to sit by the fire and make these
cigarettes themselves.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 228

Mrs. Woolf wore clothes that suited her well. I pressed them for her and did any sewing
that was necessary - she was not able to sew, although sometimes she liked to try. There
was one thing in the kitchen that Mrs. Woolf was very good at doing; she could make
beautiful bread.

1. What was particularly unusual about Monk’s House?

A. The bathroom was next door to the kitchen.
B. Mrs. Woolf’s bedroom door opened on to the garden.
C. The kitchen window looked out over fields.
D. The breakfast room was upstairs.
2. What did the writer observe about Mrs. Woolf’s writing habits?
A. She did a great deal of writing at night.
B. She worked in the garden whenever she could.
C. She preferred in the garden whenever she could.
D. She sometimes wrote in the bath.

3. Mrs. Woolf wore clothes which were

A. in matching colors. B. designed for country life.
C. suitable for country life. D. rather dull and unattractive.
4. Mr. Woolf’s attitude towards his wife seemed to be that
A. he found her strange ways difficult to accept.
B. he led a very separate life.
C. he did what he could for her.
D. he watched over her all the time.
5. As far as housework was concerned, Mrs. Woolf
A. was too busy to do any. B. disliked doing any.
C. was very bad at it. D. liked one or two particular tasks.

3. Choose the correct answer.

The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the growth of the oil industry
under control. A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern and of the long
coastline; production limits have been laid down (though these have already been raised);
and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign
workers. But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people
believe that the Government will be able to hold things back for long. As one Norwegian
politician said last week: “We will soon be changed beyond all recognition.”
229 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
Ever since he war, the Government has been carrying out a programme of development
in the area north of the Artic Circle. During the past few years this programme has had a
great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large
hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people
south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.
The effects of the development of the oil industry would not be limited to the north,
however. With nearly 100-percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in
which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose most of their workers to the
oil industry. Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes
cheaper to buy goods from abroad.
The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life. Farmers and
fishermen do not make up the majority of the population but they are an important part of
it because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as
essentially Norwegian. And it is the famers and the fishermen who are most critical of the
oil industry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea.

1. The Norwegian Government would prefer the oil industry to

A. slow down its rate of development. B. provide more jobs for Norwegian.
C. look for oil on the southern coast. D. develop more quickly than at present.
2. What has the Norwegian Government’s policy been for the area north of the Arctic
Circle since the was?
A. To prevent a growth in population. B. To improve facilities in the area.
C. To develop a large tourist industry. D. To discourage industrial development.
3. What might be the effect of the oil industry on northern Norway?
A. The development of industry
B. A growth in population.
C. The failure of the development programme.
D. The development of the new towns.
4. In Norway, one effect of the development of the oil industry might be
A. a large reduction in unemployment.
B. an increase in unemployment in the north.
C. a reduction in the number of existing industries.
D. the development of a number of service industries.
5. Why are Norwegian farmers and fishermen important?
A. The economy depends on agriculture and fishing.
B. They form the majority of the population.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 230

C. They are thought of as the real Norwegians.
D. They are responsible for preventing pollution.

4. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each

My wife and I have always enjoyed travelling ..................................... (1) sea, and last year
we decided to go ................................ (2) a Mediterranean cruise. ................................. (3) our
holiday was rather expensive we thought that the high standard of accommodation, the
first-class food the many interesting places we saw were well .................................. (4) the
price we paid.
We found that most of ..................................... (5) other passengers were friendly and
interesting, but there was one man, a Mr. James, who irritated and annoyed us, and not
..................................... (6) us but all the others who shared our table at dinner. Whatever
subject we talked about, it seemed that he was an expect ..................................... (7) it. He
..................................... (8), apparently, read more books, visited more countries and studied
more languages, than anyone ..................................... (9). After a few days, we ate our meals in
................................ (10), because nobody wanted to begin a conversation that ...............................
(11) soon be taken ..................................... (12) by this man.
Then my wife had an idea. Fortunately, the ship had a library, and she suggested that
we ..................................... (13) think of an unusual subject, look it ..................................... (14) in an
encyclopedia and then talk about it at dinner. If it were unusual ................................... (15) Mr.
James could not ..................................... (16) know anything about it. ..................................... (17)
subject we chose was “English Agriculture in the Eleventh Century”. At dinner that night
we discussed this subject with ..................................... (18) enthusiasm. Mr. James was silent.
We relised we had at last ................................ (19) to find something he knew .................................
(20) about.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it.

Example: I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

Answer: It’s years .....since I enjoyed myself so much......

1. The trains couldn’t run because of the snow.

The snow ...........................................................................................................................................................
2. I didn’t arrive in time too see her.
I wasn’t early ....................................................................................................................................................

231 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

3. I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday.
I apologise ..........................................................................................................................................................
4. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.
If ..............................................................................................................................................................................
5. Janet is the best tennis-player in the club.
No one ..................................................................................................................................................................
6. I haven’t seen that man here before.
It’s ..........................................................................................................................................................................
7. The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it.
The furniture was too ...................................................................................................................................
8. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
The bank manager .........................................................................................................................................
9. He learned to drive when he was eighteen.
He has ..................................................................................................................................................................
10. She had never been so unhappy before.
She was unhappier .........................................................................................................................................

6. Complete the following sentences with one appropriate word for a form of travel.
Example: the train ...journey... from London to Glasgow lasts five hours.

1. Mrs. Thomas likes to spend her holidays on a ship and last year she went on a two-
week luxury .................................. round the Mediterranean.
2. We were glad to get off the aeroplane after our fifteen-hour .................................. from
Tokyo to London.
3. The largest passenger ship ever built, the Titanic, sank on its first .................................. in
4. A .................................. agent helps people arrange their holidays.
5. Mr. Woods will go on a business .................................. to Amsterdam next week.

7. Complete each second sentence using the word given.

Example: I / wonder / why you / not / reply / last letter.
Answer: I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter.

Dear Mr. Brown,

1. I be happy / get / letter / offer job / your company.
2. You / not tell / when / want me / start work / for you.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 232

3. My present employer / expect me / stay him / end month.
4. We think / about buy / house / the office.
5. My wife / be anxious / find / good school / children / attend.
6. She worry / not be able / continue / study / same subjects.
7. Let home / problems / not take / long solve.
8. I look forward / start work / you.

Practice Test 4
1. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. use only one word in each

Henry bought some presents and came out of the shop. .................................... (1) the sun
had clouded .................................... (2), he did not feel .................................... (3) hurrying. There was
.................................... (4) the time he needed to do .................................... (5) he wanted. He
.................................... (6) regretted that it was not quite warm .................................... (7) to sit down
.................................... (8) one of those little tables .................................... (9) the pavement and take
a cup of coffee. .................................... (10) would have reminded him .................................... (11) his
first trip abroad .................................... (12) the delight he had taken in such everyday
differences .................................... (13) the drinking of coffee .................................... (14) the open
air. he wanted to experience all .................................... (15) simple pleasures again. As he
walked .................................... (16) the quiet London street and turned .................................... (17)
the avenue in .................................... (18) he lived, he felt .................................... (19) glad to be alive
that he almost shouted .................................... (20) with joy.

233 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it.

Example: I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

Answer: It’s years ...since I enjoyed myself so much....

1. It was so late that nothing could be done.

It was too ...........................................................................................................................
2. I asked the hotel porter to wake me at 8 o’clock the following morning.
“Please .................................................................................................................................”
3. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.
The date ..............................................................................................................................
4. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
We are going .....................................................................................................................
5. The bus takes longer than the train.
The train .............................................................................................................................
6. John has not had his hair cut for over six months.
It is ........................................................................................................................................
7. Maria says she’d like to have been put in a higher class.
Maria wishes .....................................................................................................................
8. Would you like me to finish the work tonight?
I’ll ............................................................................................................................................
9. You may get hungry on the train, so take some sandwiches.
In ............................................................................................................................................
10. My husband didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station.
If my husband ....................................................................................................................

3. Fill each blank with a word that combines with the one given, making a new word
that fits the sentence.
Example: He had to look at his time.....timetable... every day to see where his classes were held.
1. His hand............................. is so bad that I cannot read his letter.
2. Make sure that you carry the jar up............................. or you’ll spill it all!
3. The lift was out of order so I had to find the nearest stair............................. .
4. When they went to London they spent all their time sight............................. .
5. His wages are good but gets no extra for over............................. .
6. It is encouraging to see a beautiful rain............................. in the sky after a storm.
7. The rescue boats arrived quickly at the scene of the ship............................. .

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8. Old-fashioned English houses often had a fire............................. in every room, even the

4. Tom had too much to drink last night and got into a fight in a local bar. This morning
he tries to leave the house before his father can speak to him.
Fill in the parts of the dialogue, shown as 1. to 5., which are blank.

Father: Just a minute Tom. It’s no use trying to avoid me. I know what happened last
1. Tom: Who .......................................................................................................... ?
Father: I didn’t need to be told. I was in the bar at the time.
2. Tom: What ......................................................................................................... ?
Father: I went there to buy a bottle of wine for dinner.
3. Tom: Why .......................................................................................................... ?
Father: When I saw how you were behaving, I was so angry that I walked out.
4. Tom: So what ..................................................................................................... ?
Father: Well, I’d suggest you go and apologise to the manager and offer to pay for ther
damage before he tells the police about you.
5. Tom: How .......................................................................................................... ?
Father: There were lots of people in the bar who know you. One of them is sure to tell
the manager your name and address.

5. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each
When I was sixteen I .................................. (1) school and went to work in a butcher’s shop.
The manager was a young man, only a .................................. (2) years older .................................. (3)
me, and he was very ambitious. Also, he was a .................................. (4) bit dishonest. When
customers asked .................................. (5) best steak he would sell them poor-quality beef. He
used to do this to young housewives, who if the meat .................................. (6) tough, blamed
.................................. (7) for not cooking it properly. Sometimes, he did not give the
.................................. (8) change and the customer did not notice.
One day, .................................. (9) before Christmas, we decided to close early because we
................................ (10) sold all our meat, except for one small turkey. As I was ................................
(11) to lock the door, a woman rushed in and said that she really had .................................. (12)
have a ten-pound turkey. The manager tried to sell her the .................................. (13) one we
had left. “It’s too small”, she said. The manager said he .................................. (14) get another

235 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

one and went to the back of the shop with the turkey. I knew we did not have
.................................. (15) more, so I followed him to see .................................. (16) he was going to
do. He pulled and stretched the turkey to .................................. (17) it look bigger and then went
back .................................. (18) said, “Here .................................. (19) are, madam. Here is a big one.”
“Yes”, she said, “but not .................................. (20) bigger. I’ll take both of them”.

6. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it.
Example: I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
Answer: It’s years ...since I enjoyed myself so much...
1. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night.
I wish ..................................................................................................................................
2. She asked John how he liked her new dress.
“How ........................................................................................................................,...........
3. A train leaved at eight o’clock every morning.
There is ...............................................................................................................................
4. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
It .............................................................................................................................................
5. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
Do you mind ......................................................................................................................
6. The child will die if nobody sends for a doctor.
Unless .........................................................................................................................,.........
7. He would prefer you to pay him immediately.
He’d rather .........................................................................................................................
8. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not ..........................................................................................................
9. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
She .........................................................................................................................................
10. You must see the manager tomorrow morning.
You’ve ...................................................................................................................................

7. Complete each second sentence using the word given.

Example: I / wonder / why you / not / reply / last letter.
Answer... I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter...

Dear Kumiko,
1. I be / very pleased / receive / parcel / send.

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2. What / good idea / send / selection / different kinds of food / your country.
3. I enjoy / eat / very much / so / my family.
4. It be / not possible / buy / things / England except perhaps / London.
5. You say / your letter / you like / to send / parcel / English food.
6. I / just post one / you.
7. It / not arrive / same time / this letter / send / by sea-mail.
8. In / parcel / be / information / prepare / eat / food.

Practice Test 5
1. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each

In a village on the east coast of Scotland, people were waiting anxiously for news. Two of
their fishing - boats ............................. (1) been caught in the storm ............................. (2) had
blown up during the night. In the cottages round the harbour people stood .............................
(3) their doors, ............................. (4) worried to talk.
The rest of the finishing fleet had ............................. (5) the harbour before dark, and the
men from these ships waited and watched ............................. (6) the wives and families of
............................. (7) missing men. Some had ............................. (8) thick blankets and some flasks
of hot drinks, knowing that the men ............................. (9) be cold and tired. ............................. (10)
dawn began to break over .......................... (11) the east, a small point of light was ........................
(12) in the darkness of the water and a ........................... (13) minutes later, ............................. (14)
237 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
was a shout. ............................. (15) long, the two boats ............................. (16) turning in, past the
lighthouse, to the ............................. (17) of the harbour. The men ............................. (18) helped
out of their boats, and ............................. (19) they were stiff ............................. (20) cold and
tiredness, they were all safe.

2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it.

Example: I haven’t enjoyed my self so much.

1. “I don’t think John will come”, said Bill.
Bill doubted ................................................................................................................
2. The postman was bitten by our dog.
Our dog .........................................................................................................................
3. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
The fog prevent .........................................................................................................
4. Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car.
In spite ..........................................................................................................................
5. The cake was so hard that I could not eat it.
It was ..............................................................................................................................
6. We didn’t go, because it rained.
If it hadn’t ......................................................................................................................
7. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
My mother .....................................................................................................................
8. I don’t suppose you have change for a pound, do you?
Do you happen .............................................................................................................
9. He failed to win the race.
He didn’t ..........................................................................................................................
10. Marry rang hours and hours ago.
It’s hours ..........................................................................................................................

3. Use the word given capitals at the end of each line to form a form a word that fits in
the gap in the same line.

He said “Good morning” in a most ... friendly ... way. FRIEND
My teacher ... encouraged ... me to take this examination. COURAGE
1. This coffee is too .................................. to drink. HEAT
2. I really don’t think he has the .................................. to do this job. ABLE
3. The professor explained his ideas with great .................................. . CLEAR
4. Do you know what the .................................. of the river is? DEEP

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5. He is a very .................................. carpenter. SKILL
6. He .................................. to hit me if I didn’t hand over my money. THREAT
7. He drives so .............................. that he is sure to have an accident. CARE
8. I am .................................. he will succeed in his chosen career. CONFIDENCE

4. Giovanni lives in Italy and plans to visit England. Make all the changes and additions
necessary to produce, from the following eight sets of words and phrases, eight
sentences which together make the letter Giovanni wishes to send to the college
where he hopes to study English.

Example: I / wonder / why you / not / reply / last letter.

Answer: ... I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter...
Dear Mr. Johnson,
1. A friend / mine / recently / return / England / advise me / write / you.
2. I / hope / come / England / next year / spend / some months / Cambridge.
3. Perhaps / recommend / suitable English family / me stay.
4. While / I / there / take / part-time course / improve / my English.
5. Be / part-time course / your college?
6. If / be / I / be grateful / you send / application form.
7. Please / tell / much / fees / course / be .
8. I / like / know / date / course / begin.
Yours sincerely,
Giovanni Bianchi.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1. This morning the postman was ................. down the street by my dog.
A. hunted B. chased C. run D. sped
2. The child hurt himself badly when he fell ................. the bedroom window.
A. out from B. out of C. down D. over
3. He ................. being given a receipt for the bill he had paid.
A. asked to B. demanded C. insisted on D. required
239 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
4. I knew him ................. I was a child.
A. until B. when C. as D. during
5. I have absolutely no doubt ................. the innocence of the accused.
A. about B. over C. on D. with
6. Mr and Mrs Hudson are always ................. with each other about money.
A. annoying B. arguing C. discussing D. shouting
7. When he left school, John decided to ................. a priest instead of studying languages.
A. change to B. become C. train for D. study for
8. I walked away to calmly as I could ................. they thought I was the thief.
A. or else B. to avoid C. owing to D. in case
9. I am late because my alarm clock never ................. this morning.
A. came on B. rang out C. went off D. turned on
10. He ................. me to buy my air ticket immediately or it would be too late.
A. convinced B. insisted C. advised D. suggested
11. Don’t worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily ................. you up
for the night.
A. take B. put C. set D. keep.
12. Take this road and you will ................. at the hotel in five minutes.
A. arrive B. come C. find D. reach
13. I would like to offer a small ................. to anyone who finds my missing dog.
A. receipt B. repayment C. expense D. reward
14. The young girl carefully .................left and right before crossing the road.
A. watched B. glanced C. stared D. looked
15. .................people go to football matches now than twenty years ago.
A. Less B. Lesser C. Fewer D. Few
16. He got out of bed and took a few ................. but couldn’t go any father.
A. stages B. starts C. steps D. actions
17. You really can’t ................. a thing that woman says!
A. believe B. rely C. count D. imagine
18. His performance was .................; the audience was delighted.
A. unmarked B. faultless C. worthless D. imperfect
19. but why did the police suspect you? It just does not make ................. to me.
A. reason B. right C. sense D. truth
20. Could you please tell me if you have any electric typewriters.................?
A. in store B. in order C. in supply D. in stock
21. Two other ................ in his argument for his country’s independence are worth a mention.
A. notices B. points C. effects D. reports
22. he’s such a naughty child; it’s amazing what his mother lets him .................away with.

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A. go B. make C. do D. get
23. The factory paid ................. nearly a million pounds to their employees who were injures
in the explosion.
A. off B. out C. back D. in
24. Having ................. the table, Mrs. Roberts called the family for supper.
A. laid B. spread C. ordered D. completed
25. The little girl wouldn’t go into the sea ................. her father went too.
A. except B. but C. also D. unless

6. Choose the correct answer.

The sun was going down beyond great banks of cloud which were full of orange-pink
light. It would usually be time for Joe to be going in, but he didn’t want to go back if Aunt
Daisy and uncle Ted were still there, because his mother would only send him straight to
bed out of the way. So he turned away from home and walked down the lane past the
football field, kicking a stone before him at the risk of scratching the toes of his best brown
shoes. A couple of dogs, one large, black and smooth haired, the other smaller with a long
black and white coat, played on the edge of the field, running round and round, jumping at
each other and sometimes rolling over and over together, totally content in each other’s
Joe watched them for a moment or two and walked on. Twenty minutes later he was on
the riverside and half-way round the circle he had set our to walk from the town and back
again. On his way he had passed several couples and one or two family groups returning
from their Sunday evening walk; but now there was no one about except one man resting
on the grass between the path and the river bank. When Joe realised that it was his father,
his surprise was so great that he stopped. Then his father, who had been learning on his
arm arid looking into the river, looked round, but did not seem surprised to see him.
“Hello Joe”, he said dully. He went back to starting at the river. The fact that he was
wearing his best clothes somehow added to the strangeness of his sitting there alone like
this, and as Joe looked at him was conscious for the first time of a sense of his father as not
his father, but as someone without connection with himself: as a man, with thoughts and
feelings outside their existence as father and son. He saw, for the first time, his father as a
person carrying about with him a world of his own, and he had an indefinite sense of this
world of his father’s extending back to a time and a life before he himself was born. He was
only a part of his father’s world, while his father belonged in the centre of his, Joe’s world.
And things were far from well in his father’s world, he knew. He moved a few steps nearer,
and his father did not look at him. They’re all at home, wondering where you are”, said Joe.

1. Joe didn’t go straight home because he

241 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

A. didn’t want to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted.
B. wanted to find his father first.
C. wanted to watch the two dogs playing.
D. didn’t want to go to bed immediately.
2. Instead of going home Joe went
A. on to the football field. B. through some fields.
C. along the bank of the river. D. half-way to the town.
3. When Joe had completed half his intended walk he
A. saw a man sitting by himself. B. passed a couple of people.
C. went back to the town. D. met some family groups.
4. When Joe’s father saw Joe, he
A. sat down on the grass. B. didn’t seem very interested in him.
C. looked round at the river. D. went back to the river.
5. That evening Joe realised that
A. he hardly knew his father at all.
B. he had not seen his father wearing those clothes before.
C. he had never really loved his father.
D. his father had a life of his own.
6. That evening, Joe though that his father was
A. dull. B. peculiar. C. a stranger. D. worried.

7. Choose the correct answer.

I can not stress too much the importance of watching your opponent, of knowing exactly
where he is on the tennis court and what he is doing. It is usually possible to work out the
pattern of his game very early in a match. Test him at the front of the court. try hitting one
or two balls up high to see what his shots are like. The more quickly you discover his
weaknesses, the easier the match should become.
Now and again it may be a good idea to give your opponent an opportunity of making a
mistake. If, early in the match, it seems that he is a very accurate player, but not a forceful
one, then you should tempt him to play a winning shot. Give him the opening, for there are
some players who simply can not hit winners. They will try to play an attacking game but
they can not quite finish it off. The way to break up their steady game may be by putting
them into the front of the court.
It is obviously wiser to try to decide at the beginning of the match whether your
opponent is weaker on his left-hand or on his left-hand or on his right-hand side, and then
play a little more than fifty percent of your shots down that side. Play a normal attacking
game, or the game you think you will win but concentrate on the weaker side. A number of
players experience more trouble others in the back corners of the court always be ready to

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recognise this weakness. Perhaps an opponent has a favorite backhand shot, but lacks
certainty with his forehand short. Tempt him to play the forehand shot.
There are advantages in learning as much as possible about another player even before
you play him. When you know, in a competition, who your next opponent will be, try to
watch him play beforehand. It is only under match conditions that his weaknesses are
likely to show - you are bound to pick up some information, even if it’s a basic thing such as
slowness in reaching the front of the court. The Australian team members always pool their
knowledge of the team’s opponents so that rarely does a member walk on to a court
without knowing what to expect.

1. What are tennis players advised to do early in a match?

A. Plan their own game carefully. B. Find out an opponent’s weaker points.
C. test out a few new shots. D. Concentrate on playing accurately.
2. What should a player do against an opponent who has difficult in playing shots on one
A. Play on to his backhand at the front of the court.
B. Play his usual game.
C. Play more shots than usual to his opponent’s weaker side.
D. Play to the back corners of the court.
3. This passage tells a tennis player playing a match how to
A. get an opponent to make mistakes.
B. avoid making mistakes himself.
C. play a steady game.
D. play accurately rather than forcefully.
4. Before playing a match in a competition what is a player advised to do?
A. Talk to members of his own team.
B. Talk to his opponent beforehand.
C. Play a practice game against the opponent.
D. Observe his opponent playing a match.

Practice Test 6
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I was just ................ to go out when you telephoned.
A. around B. about C. thinking D. planned
2. You will become ill ................ you stop working so hard.
A. until B. when C. unless D. if
3. When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was ................ on.
A. happening B. being C. getting D. going
4. I don’t think that red dress ................ her.
243 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
A. suits B. matches C. cheers D. agrees
5. The three friends all ................ for the same job.
A. requested B. applied C. intended D. referred
6. She remembered the correct address only ................ she had posted the letter.
A. since B. afterwards C. following D. after
7. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep ................ .
A. rising B. growing C. gaining D. raising
8. The dentist told him to open his mouth ................ .
A. broad B. much C. greatly D. wide
9. Could you lend me some money? I’m very ................ of cash at the moment.
A. down B. scarce C. low D. short
10. His parents never allowed him ................ .
A. a smoking B. smoking C. to smoke D. some smoked
11. The other driver failed to signal his ................ to turn right so I had to brake suddenly.
A. purpose B. idea C. intention D. design
12. The managers agreed to ................ the question of payment.
A. balance B. control C. discuss D. increase
13. I don’t think he’ll ever ................ the shock of his wife’s death.
A. get through B. get over C. get by D. get off
14. We have no ................ in our files of your recent letter to the tax office.
A. account B. memory C. list D. record
15. You will spend at least one year working abroad ................ you can find out how things
operate overseas.
A. because B. so as to C. so that D. as long as
16. On the ................ to the town there is a beautiful wood.
A. direction B. stress C. way D. entrance
17. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the ................ of her children.
A. care B. sake C. reason D. concern
18. When she was crossing the room the night - nurse happened to notice the old lady
................ to get out of bed.
A. has tried B. to try C. trying D. tried
19. Do you ................ my turning the television on now?
A. mind B. disapprove C. want D. object
20. Paris lies ................ the river Seine.
A. over B. next C. on D. at
21. I’m afraid a rise in salary is ................ just now.
A. out of sight B. out of control C. out of date D. out of the question
22. The patient ................ to listen to his doctor’s advice.

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A. refused B. hindered C. lacked D. resigned
23. ................ I ask him for the money he owes me, he says he will bring it in a few days, but I
don’t think he has got it at all.
A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Wherever
24. If ................ it would stop raining for a morning, we could cut the grass.
A. ever B. just C. even D. only
25. British Leyland is aiming to push ................ its share of UK car sales to 25% over the next
two years.
A. up B. out C. on D. through

2. Choose the correct answer.

The prison camp was entirely silent. Robert waited a moment, then, hearing nothing,
opened the door and went into the hut where he slept. The hut was divided into three
connecting bedrooms; there was no corridor. The centre room had been given to Robert,
and the room nearest to the main building was normally occupied by two guards. Robert
did not know who occupied the third. He had once tried to open the connecting door
between it and his own room, but it was locked. He had only discovered it was a bedroom
by looking quickly through a narrow gap in the curtains early one morning as he went for a
walk before the two guards, who followed him everywhere at fifty yards’ distance, had
rounded the corner of the hut. The room contained a single bed, and a small writing - desk
with papers on it. he supposed that someone kept an eye on him from that bedroom, But
Robert was too experienced to allow himself to be bothered by being watched.
For the last five years before he had been imprisoned, it had been a fact of life - if you
didn’t notice it, so much the worse: it only meant they were taking greater care, or you
were not as good as you used to be, Usually, because he was good at this kind of thing,
because he was observant and had an accurate memory - because, in short, he was good at
his job - he knew the tricks, the weaknesses, the occasional mistakes that could give them
away. It meant nothing to Robert that he was watched, but as he walked through the
doorway to the hut and stood in the guards’ bedroom, he had the distinct feeling that
something was wrong. The lights in the hut were controlled from some central point. They
were put on and off by an unseen hand. In the mornings he was often woken by the sudden
brightness of the single overhead light in his room. At night he would be hurried to bed by
sudden darkness, It was only nine o’clock as he entered the hut, and the lights were already
out. Usually they stayed on till eleven, but now they were out and the curtains had been
drawn. He had left the door open, so that in the half-light he could just see the two empty
beds in the guards’ bedroom. As he stood there looking into the room, surprised to find it
empty, the door behind him closed perhaps by itself, but Robert made no attempt to open
it. He couldn’t see a thing. No sound was made as the door closed, no footstep was heard.
245 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
To Robert it was as if a record had stopped. He sensed danger. Then he smelt cigar smoke.
It must have been hanging in the air, but he had not noticed it till then. Like a blind man, his
senses of touch and smell were sharpened by the darkness.

1. The building in which Robert slept

A. was occupied by three people. B. was connected to the main building.
C. had only three rooms. D. had a guard room in the centre.
2. Robert discovered that the end room was a bedroom when
A. he looked through the keyhole. B. someone drew the curtains back.
C. he glanced in as he went by. D. he went through the connecting door.
3. Before he had been imprisoned why had Robert usually found out who was watching
A. He never made mistakes.
B. He knew what to watch out for.
C. The watchers had been inexperienced.
D. He had always bee careful about where he went.
4. Robert did not worry about being watched because
A. it had happened to him before.
B. it showed that people cared about him.
C. he had noticed that it was happening.
D. the watchers never came too close.
5. The lights in the hut
A. were controlled by the prisoners.
B. were usually switched off at nine o’clock.
C. came on automatically when some one came in.
D. were turned on and off unexpectedly.
6. As Robert entered the hut he realised that
A. someone was smoking a cigar. B. the record - player had stopped.
C. everything was too quiet. D. the door to his room was locked.

3. Choose the correct answer.

Surprisingly, no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals,
still less the content or quality of that education. Proper records are just not kept.
We know that more than 850.000 children go through hospital each year, and that every
child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital. We
also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1.000 children in hospital.
Little wonder the latest survey concludes that the extent and type of hospital teaching
available differ a great deal across the country. It found that half the hospitals in England
which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter have only a part-time teacher. The
Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 246
special children’s hospitals in major cities do best; general hospitals in the country and
holiday areas are words off.
From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some
contact with a hospital teacher - and that contact may be as little as two hours a day. Most
children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at all. They had not been
prepared for it by parents or their own school. If there was a teacher they would only play
Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and
maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the
teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents
referred to them as “the library lady” or just “the helped”.
Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school work.
Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school. Once
back at school, children rarely get extra teaching, and are told to catch up as best they can.
Many short-stay child-patients catch up quickly. but schools do very little to ease the
anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed.

1. The writer of this article points out that

A. every child in hospital receives some teaching.
B. not enough is known about hospital teaching.
C. hospital teaching is of poor quality.
D. many children pass through hospital each year.
2. This latest survey found that hospital teaching is provided
A. for the whole of the school day. B. in every children’s hospital in the country.
C. for a small proportion of children. D. by full-time teachers.
3. It seems that the children interviewed in hospital
A. liked having maths lessons regularly.
B. wanted to play games most of the time.
C. did not expect to receive any teaching.
D. did not want any contact with their schools.
4. Some children in hospital are able to keep up with their school work because
A. the nurses try to teach them.
B. their friends help them to do so.
C. teachers from the school come to the hospital.
D. their parents bring them books from the library.

4. Choose the correct answer.

247 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

When I was sixteen I ............................... (1) school and went to work in a butcher’s shop.
The manager was a young man, only a ............................. (2) years older ............................... (3) me,
and he was very ambitious. Also, he was a ............................... (4) dishonest. When the
customers asked ............................... (5) best steak he would sell them poor quality beef. He
used to this to young housewives, who if the meat ............................... (6) tough, blamed
............................... (7) for not cooking it properly. Sometimes he did not give the
............................... (8) change and the customers did not notice.
One day, ............................... (9) before Christmas, we decided to close early because we
............................... (10) Sold all our meat, except for one small turkey. As I was ...............................
(11) to lock the door, a woman rushed in and said that she really had ............................... (12)
have a ten-pound turkey. The manager tried to sell her the ............................... (13) one we had
left. “It’s too small,” she said. The manager said he ............................... (14) get another one and
went to the back of the shop with the turkey. I knew he did not have ............................... (15)
more, so I followed him to see ............................... (16) he was going to do. He pulled and
stretched the turkey to ............................... (17) it look bigger and then went back
............................... (18) said,” Here ............................... (19) are, madam. Here is a bigger one.”
“Yes,” she said, “but not ............................... (20) bigger. I’ll take both of them.”

5. Choose the correct answer.

Example: I haven’t enjoyed myself do much for years.
Answer: It’s years .......... since I enjoyed myself so much ............
1. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night.
I wish ..................................................................................................................................................
2. She asked John how he liked her new dress.
“How ...................................................................................................................................................
3. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning.
There is ..............................................................................................................................................
4. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
It ............................................................................................................................................................
5. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
Do you mind .....................................................................................................................................
6. The child will die if nobody send for a doctor.
Unless ...................................................................................................................................................
7. He would prefer you to pay him immediately.
He’d rather ..........................................................................................................................................
8. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not ...........................................................................................................................

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9. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
She ...........................................................................................................................................................
10. You must see the manager tomorrow morning.
You’ve .....................................................................................................................................................

6. Write out the following passage in dialogue form, making all necessary changes.
When Anne saw Tom she was amazed and asked him what he had done to his hair. He
told her that he was play his guitar with a new group. Anne could not understand what that
had to do with having purple hair, but Tom said he had been told by the group that if he
wanted to perform with them he had to get his hair dyed. Anne apologized, but she still
advised him not to do just what other people told him to. He should decide for himself how
he wanted to look. Tom agreed with her about that but did not want to risk not playing
with the group. She would, therefore, have to put up with his purple hair if she wanted to
go out with him.
Anne: ........... Good havens, Tom! What have you done to your hair? ..........
Tom: ............ I’m going to play my guitar with a new group. ............
Anne: ......................................................................................................................................................................

7. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following eight
sets of words and phrases, eight sentences which together make a complete letter.
Note carefully from the exam what kind of alterations need to be made, Write each
sentence in the space provided.

Example: I / wonder / why you / not / reply / last letter.

Answer: ............. I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter. ..............
Dear Kumiko,
1. I be / very pleased / receive / parcel / send.
249 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use
2. What / good idea / send / selection / different kinds of food / your country.
3. I enjoy / eat / very much / so / my family.
4. It be / not possible / buy / things / England except perhaps / London.
5. You say / your letter / you like / to send / parcel / English food.
6. I / just post one / you.
7. It / not arrive / same time / this letter / send / by sea-mail.
8. In / parcel / be / information / prepare / eat / food.

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