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Revision for the TEST

I. Complete each of the sentences below with a reflexive pronoun

1. My brother likes to practice his English by talking to ______________.

2. James wasn’t careful and he cut _________________ with a knife.

3. My sister and I looked at _________________ in the mirror.

4. The repair shop was closed, so I fixed the car ________________.

5. Did you enjoy ________________ at the party last night?

6. Cats can get clean by licking __________________.

7. (A) Did the cleaners cleaned the house? (B) No, I did it ________________!

8. Mr. Smith burned ______________ while he was cooking.

9. He dried ______________ after he took a shower and went downstairs.

10. Can you teach ___________ to play the piano?

11. My little sister dressed ____________________. She didn’t need any help.

12. Why is your dog scratching _________________? Does it have fleas?

13. John and Thomas, did you ask ________________ the question?

14. Mrs. Brown, please help ________________ to the cookies and drinks.

15. I introduced _________________ to my new classmates.

II. Complete the text, using a, an or the.

Jack’s got (1) …..…... new bike. He bought (2) …..…... bike in town yesterday.

But he had (3) …....…. accident on his way home. There was (4) …....…. truck in front of him.

(5) …....…. truck stopped suddenly and Jack crashed into it. (6) …....…. truck driver asked Jack

if he was all right. ‘I’m fine,’ said Jack, ‘but I’ll have to buy (7) …....…. new bike!’

Jack took (8) …....…. bike back to (9) …....…. shop. (10) …..…... man in (11) …....…. shop examined it.

‘Don’t worry,’ he said. ‘You don’t need (12) …....…. new bike. (13) …....…. front wheel’s damaged, but that’s

III. Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or "x" (zero article) .

1. I bought ______ pair of shoes. 2. I saw ______ movie last night. 3. They are staying at _____ hotel.

4. Look at ____ woman over there! She is a famous actress. 5. I do not like ____ basketball.

6. That is ____ girl I told you about. 7. ____ night is quiet. Let's take a walk!

8. ____ price of gas keeps rising. 9. John traveled to ____ Mexico. 10 Juan is ___ Spanish.

11. I read _____ amazing story yesterday. 12. My brother doesn't eat ____ chicken.
13. ____ love is such ____ beautiful thing. 14.I live in ____ apartment. ____ apartment is new.

15. I would like ____ piece of cake. 16. I was in _____ Japanese restaurant. ____ restaurant served good
food. 16. Sara can play ____ guitar.

IV. Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using ‘used to + infinitive’:

1. I / live in a flat when I was a child. _________________________________________

2. We / go to the beach every summer? _____________________________________________

3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it. ________________________________________________

4. He / not / smoke. __________________________________________

5. I / play tennis when I was at school. ______________________________________________

6. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all. ________________________________________

7. He / play golf every weekend? __________________________________________

8. They both / have short hair. _____________________________________________

9. Julie / study Portuguese. ______________________________________________

10. I / not / hate school. _________________________________________

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