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Battles of the American Revolutionary War (Rank 'Em)

Review the links for each battle. Make a list based on your opinion of
importance for colonial victory 1-6 in your notebooks. Write a few
sentences (minimum of two) supporting your ranking for each of the six
battles. Be able to discuss in class.

Lexington and Concord Bunker (Breeds) Hill

Trenton Saratoga

Valley Forge Yorktown

Battle Strategy/Story Lasting Impact
Lexington and Paul Revere informed the people that the The militia holds their own and protects
Concord Regulars (Redcoats) are coming although weapons and gunpowder at Concord. It
near Boston, 1775 arrested along the ride. The word was out is likely that the Sons of Liberty
and the war had begun. It is at Lexington (founding fathers) would have been
that the, “Shot heard around the world”, caught and hung. Possibly ending the
which was the 1st shot of the war takes conflict before it started.
place. The colonists retreat to Concord to
successfully protect the armory.
Bunker (Breeds) Hill
near Boston, 1775
Trenton, New
Jersey, 1776

New York, 1777
Valley Forge
Virginia, 1781

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