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History of World Civilizations 1500



Question One

The end of the cold war can be correlated with the collapse of the Soviet Union in late

1989 in the Eastern Europe region. The cold war was primarily between America together with

the Soviet Union. However, the termination of the cold war was marked by the change of the

Soviet Union which meant that America was then non-operational implying that America was

not the winner of the cold war even though they aided in the eventual end of the war by

Gorbachev. The close of the cold war did not generally comprise the ascension to power but

instead the decrease of power. Conversely, the end of the cold is marked by several historians

worldwide to have been won by the USA a perspective which saw the rise of America to become

a world superpower till the present day. Hence, the end of the cold war can be regarded to have

been a victory for America in diverse perspectives of her policy and system of government for

instance regarding the American economy.

The billions of dollars spent and millions of lives altered particularly in America during

the cold war were not all in vain given the benefits that followed the countries that participated in

the cold war after the end of the war. America, for instance, recorded extraordinary economic

growth and ascension to power after the recounting of the cold war towards the period of the

Second World War. Generally, the cold war brought upon nations the reward of prosperity, and

during the period of the postwar, the countries like the United States managed to consolidate its

top position in the global economy as the wealthiest nation in the world. The cold war had a very

substantial influence on various aspects of American society. The concept of cultural resentment

amid the United States and the Soviet Union had equally positive as well as a negative control,

but most importantly the massive impact of the cold war was a significant factor for the second

half of the 20th century.


Question Two

Simon Bolivar played a significant role in the motivation of the citizens of Latin America

to develop the courage to ascend and demand their rightful justice and liberty by his words “I

fear peace more than war.” Bolivar said that he had no fear for peace he was used to war and did

not have a clear approach for peaceful situations. Whatever Bolivar meant by his statement is

that in the times of war everyone is committed towards the struggle for a common goal.

Moreover, there is unity in the battle; however, in the times of peace, there is no sense of unity

because everyone is committed to their undertakings and that makes it almost impossible to

figure out what is going on. Bolivar feared peace more than war because he mostly dealt with

war and chaos most of his time hence it was difficult for him to adjust to with situations of order

because that seemed unknown to him.

State building is more complicated than fight for independence in the context that state

building implies the processes of strengthening institutions and infrastructure of a failing state,

especially by foreign powers. The method of state building is therefore complicated in the sense

that it includes the processes of accentuating the factors that have led to the weakness of the state

and decline of national authority as the significant influence of the foreign powers on the policy

outlines render the state a subject to control. Some of the challenges that new American states

faced as they set about creating a stable state include the difficulties of establishing a

comprehensive economy, preserving national liberation and building a permanent political


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